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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1892)
j - 7 THE A N.H RICAN, 3 I O S. .M A III H.tlvf y, i in ii t .! t1.jH, t I pHM M hni.i'ft htttrlatf. 1 . ''l ,. I l, , K ,. k bul lt 111... I ,(. i, t. t n .n! iti. i , ,,! II n tl, m i. IHi i n, Mv, iti, with II, e ihil war ie 1m I 1 . !'! ll the Mil). t)t. I. .( ! 1". It it ) , Atl.t tl,i H U i l n it if j. K4i (I r '(I'liin A, and H I li tun,!).. tt.Mnl.,1 hi in ml i i l) ltli ni il I. i -H if lr I Mini inUK and Hie lei it.u nl.ip li astt -g m a rapid tsti . m llM I. i'hj iu i his. I. n mv Initiig lightly mil Iu MhihIaiiIh stt -t tilt it ,nnilmv In nil niui-l our hn Ml Intnl. Tll.'tllllir liBK lllf lUnl.j.vU till' In- nit Bin n of Aim i lean principles, ml ii vi ti mv for American Institu tion: ii mlihallon of fraternal nff.v Hen among Ann I li mi fii i Itiett; the op position to fotvlgn Intel feiviuv with Slate" Interests In tin Vliited States of America, ami loany form of orgtuilmil disregard of American laws mill Cus toms', till! (Ht'M'rV III loll llf tilt' COhstltll 1 loll Of tll. United Stales, BMll tllO llll- vanecinciit of our five public eduad system. Its lininedlato Is'iiellls lire homo iM-iu'voh'tHV, tho euro of Its sick, Hit' burial of Its dead, 1 In protection of and iissistiinco to all connected with it who may be In need. Next to Hi lovo for tho Creator, wo believe that I'liti'loUsm In the hlghoet and noblest uffeetion of tho liuiniin soul. Wo bcllevo that the institutions of no country Hro eufo without patriotic citi zens, and that none will ho jealously guard and jirotect them as Uioho who aro born and reared under their in fluence. We belluvo that wo have the bent form of government for the musses on the faeo of the earth. For the wel fare, prosperity and lllicrty of all American citizens and tholr descend antB, wo desire to protect our form of government and preserve it Intact from the lnlluonco and control of any foreign power. Iiy disseminating scn tlmcnls of loyalty and patrlotiHm; by (.'HtttbliHhlngtt fraternal feeling of devo tion to country amongHt all Americana, wo hope to mako it impossible for any one to live under the. protection of tlio "Stars and Stripes" who does not honor and revere It, and who would not bo willing to give up his life in defence of the principles of freedom und Justice, which It represents. We desire to sus tain the purity of the ballot, and to have It intelligently and legitimately iiui1 Wo lir.llnvo Oiiif, our system of free public schools Is tho biilvvark of- .. ... ... .. ..!....!... a4 rw " " I IT III v- r 1r-r'"r,fii'" - " I "! .,... , : I T- ...1 . eiiiansoiutoiy iin) irum an iwiw rt a i anil HfifiTMrinn iiiiiui!ijiin. biiu i-j ii . ...i.,i.. iu.mi lni- r .T . T' oniccrs ciccicu uy iu i "i-"-" " - " i ..i i,il (ihIiimItiiiI I ",r '.' "1'"""" education. WK cohmally (Jh ALL Ol-1 TIIOB10 VOUV.Kmr.Siii wnu WMf. of TO THIS (OTNTHVwnu njr, iiui.. W.H1HK OK ltKCOMINd. LOYAL AMKHI- CAN C1T1ZKNH, find WliO VV.iijx lIHAVOW AjY AND ALL ALI.1ANCK vn VHUV.UM rOTKNTAJl'KH ANI 00V- ..i.,ra ri ,t,o honor and rovcro Is jr,l, llff.r.ii ... ...... our national flag. Wo aro opposed to tho occupuncyof tiny part of our land V . . . ........ ..'. ..-L.,.. ... py lorcign rj(( niuii.ip in i who do not wish to bicomo citizens, and wo believe that all of tho resources and privileges of the country should bo reserved for tho exclusive use of citi zens, either tiatlvc-lsirn or naturalized. Wo arc In favor of crushing out that which Is already here, and of taking mensuri s which will prohibit from on trance Into our ports, ii the future, of that foreign element which comes hero to advocate communism, and nihilism, and which does not Identify itself with our country, and does not respect our flair.' We invito all native-born citl- tis ubo belli vo In their country und Its institutions, and who desire to per netuato free government, and who wish to encourage a brotherly feeling among Americans to the end that wo may ex- alt our country, to Join with us In this our work of fellowship and love Anv white male person shall bo eligible to membership in tills Order wbo Is of good moral character, SlXioon veurs of age, born on the noil or within tho jurisdiction of tho United States; a believer In tho existence of a Supremo ... .. n .. ....I I' of I icing IIS 1,110 VlTUior ,i .. ....i ,.,..,.,l t(. t he union of uio ii ii i v. i " I ' 'I - ,.,,..f(, . Cliurcn i.iki sum') l" "' 1'tiee of anv iiower.direetly or indirectly in the affairs of this government. We have no quarrel with any men on ae count of nationality or religion, but we wish to accord equal Justice to all timw.Kt. American citizens. Wo ask that Arm i leans be ullowed fair play on their own native soil, and we si i k, by educating public sentiment, to advance the idea of "Americans for America, I rather than to insist upon "America for Americans." In addition to the regular bencllclal (.ystf m of the subordinate camps, there 1, under the management of the national camp, a si pin etc additional Life Insurance feature, known as the ..t. ..(.,.., It. in f.l Kuril ." of the 1. O. S. of A. Membership in it Is optional with anv memlsTof the Order under fifty years of age, after medical exam ination. Onlv such members of the Order us aro enrolled in this Special DeiicUt! Fund will be entitled to any of its 1 1 ii k . . "I I us. n.l t !.')' I r . mi t,.i . 'V T'i.c ihi J,lin I'H'imlii' '( .n. ' i imi"' i ih I , lil H'i tt,u! n,..u.nt j lln )('' i. nl s'i I In iv , Bil !,. i11B tl"i, V' !' nH,Kls Hu-ti . . 1.1 !.,,. ill H mllll' -!!!! nf tM" ; I tv,',. I l'l... olilj t.l nil. f lmllii (. it. n'ti ..n!, nu, Tin- hlili-m liiiinU I' In mi' ) ! b '" " 'I ft.' lt. tiU RU lit! ';!, f.'l 1-. I 111'. Hi. ft iM ll. ... . ll... . . ..I IB .,, . It .1 ' I j li tl I . t ....I.. I............... l.-ul...-,. I III l 111'' "ll'l l""'ll"" l'l i i .i i.. ii... i .. u ..f ii... i l.i. n) " Itflll linill mili'll Fiin-i'pp. i...'j iiIiiiiiM w l. et a iii' illeiil eanliiiT, ami aUi api'iiliit oi of I'? iM-HiS-r? nil i c oror ap iu. run parueuoir- ....... Vm National heeivUuy, on ii'nuem. I'HI HKHH K K. NTH.H, Nnliniial Hicivtaiy, Holm of America lliiildlng. f24 North Sixth SI., Philadelphia, Pa. .. - . ROME'S ATTITUDE. Continued from PirsV page. While Hum I ijili-nl litti. fleet ami fanl. Ml ii punts filial mum' fur lnntle lilanl, rutin's ii i Bti miHWt'r fi'om Hip pnnl. All Hull I In-iir, I ciiiiiinl li'll, Stillli'ii II lnot tit-rsi Hint we dwell. In IhiikIh of pi'iii'n, mid Hll Ih well. Home f nuiini'iil. of your order (fraud, So Nlielent Mini ho wlwly iliuilii'il, I do iimxtelearly uildefHliitid, I ilili'k It liliMHiitn fl'nlii Hie tree (f olden reciinlN Unit nIiiiII lie Willi us a bond of unity, To this great, niutnrnliiim tllnc, 'Mid MC'1'iien of (fniiiiliiur iiioh! hiiIiIIiiic, I nlliM Hie wmtC of (lentil and ('l ime, A vol liinl knlKht wiin DeMiility, Who, on a (lurk Inl rlKiiInu (lay, Was iiiurdi'reil Iiy his fis's, t hey say. Hurtled at tho stake by those whn Houifht, (Who, Willi Infernal wi!iiions hroiiKhl) To crush Hie Koldun ifennsof lliourlit. Who were these foes? What was their creed? Wliiil (leinoli coutdii'd behind tho deed? Did these rebellions spirits lend? Full fifteen thousand men were slain, Ami In I lie crimson pool were lain, (h, why this slaiiKhter sons of t'aln? KiilithU of to-day shall be of the fold Whosllll preserve those symbols of old What myslery (lotbese deeds unfold? I'lve hundred ami sevet ty years have sped, Since those bravo kiilidit of freedom bled, Willi DeMolay at Iho front and head. What force was bid behind Hio scene, Jty what nefarious inaehliw, , , j Hurst forth Hint flood of hat and sp I -n? ' Hy whoso cotiiiA(i or (idlctcam 1 v Thop '(Lfifwratli anjL . 1 TifjfOlio Clernent wlmfnoir (lutli 14 hi the flery pit of hell. N ; llnhoM, In this lost soul a foe, m,a.esees the b.ood and woe, Vlvm v(,nuh bulls) of long ego. i yu. wsrderV: of the mystic, rite - Um wpnU( M(1 ,K)Ty Kulrmt IhellKht. , . , , , t,l(((Jay, 'n,,, H,tIll'( craft, that once (lid slay The prince or orariHe ami ocmoiay trt rit, Mif. upori hertluone? iler hands are crimson, her zone "eckert with colors not her own xho demon lurks within his lair The foe behind his piedxes fair, Old soldiers of the land, beware, Ob, brolhers, keep your armor bright. Our Lincoln fell beneaHi the bllht, Of Uomlsh hate and papal spite, With problem, solved ami battles past, The niournliut Hoddes. stands iiKiiast, And bears her vlsaiei to the blast, In fifteen hundred ami seventy-two, This day of AiikusI, we review, The bloody HI.. Ilarl holcmew, That time when brave CollKiiy fell, When Calhcrliie, patron saint of hell Hbultled her Uomlsh cards so well, uut iovn out speed, the shafts of hnK n, twine, lis laurel, with the itreat, Immortal name we, or.secrau,. Oh, (iarhVId mid Lincoln, to the Hue Of martyrdom y bear Hie slim, Of all that's deathless ami divine, As master builders, ye were known, And lis we lay this corner slone, A friiKinent, of our craft Is shown, With sword In band ami burnished shield, To no IntrlKilliiK power w yield, ourrlKhis In temple, slate or Held j,,,,,,.,, n,,, fold, that, urow Above our nailon semi ami now, We throw our gauntlet to the foe. We benr our colors to Hm llht, And with ''!,,f line M. ii. -ii... " - (liirlemnle rises blnek by blis'k, Will. Krn.ille borne from Plymouth reek, It braves the fiery lliriiluiiisc shock. And sliiudlnif by the Koldcn uale This sword and shield we consecrate, To liberty of school and stale, The pop" orders all priests to cele brate October 21, because Columbus re .rui,,,,, lt now province for the Roman H(!(, ttt tt time when the reformation was wrestling old ones from tho pontiir, it is a sitfrilllcant fact that a iiull-ligb ai I .. I 4 l.,i I ', .1, it., VilIU was one or ino leuuo-e . un;v.,...ii... Diilos last week. At u similar liiht in Mexico the matador slippo i.iut ii u Im wan hlsiut to stab the bull and was fatally gored. An assistant who endeavored to rescue him was also Impaled on the horns or trie ungercu .... t ....... i lii hM.,wt. When the signul was given to kill the dangerous animal tho audience would not isirmlt It. They wanted more sport. Thn blood thirsty crowd wanted more of their brothers butchered to mako a Roman holiday. iVor( (iml HVxf. I'. O. S. of A. meets In the American Hall next Wednesday owning. l 1 i' pnn aiiii :iiiii liiiuiiiAH - - I . j i ft mi 1 1. ft HI lit IN IU lu lUlilxHT, I., Anil. II TV !VK in niie tlnic ininiiii.m rwtl-tl n? MiJ.r at II nviis I'jf niHiruwn r.n. Msvor Mill weliimiml lli uVl.liti. ; lb l-tii'rir ofu.x rt Il4 ; (intiniOHl a fi.ll.iwm I'lisiiiniin, U , . . .... , ,t 1 j MW'n, ll ,hih iimi( im n'm j, ;dr n.arl, of I.iiiii M.ltng'W Urv, H. li. Ivealb, of liH"alur. j Mr. Ual.m was lnlnilui,.l fl l livirM a Imifl addifM, OomnHti ww.llii .pHnte-t ami luM.cnlUl f lectors iiatiii'il a followm , (toll F. loelur uatiiK'l a follows) , Omitf hiiillh, Vanllnren coimlfi IrTh . Hi.liuian, Miiacatinat C T. -Vuch, llhiek llawki W. I Rafcm. Milchi'lli V. a Slmlei, O-undyi J. H. Unrigs, Wasllo; II. M. Ioston, Sloryi JI. V. Dale, Adsuisi W. I Clv laml, Hhelhyj U. T. Danforth, Olhouti W. I). iVifcH, o rjrien. Tha wveutlon then, at 'i o'clock, tKk it rocM ontii 1:110. s When the convention te-asfnBilo!. nominations for secretary of stitior lnordor. J. JMcCnloughofMaoniClty, L. S. Kcnnington of New tot, ll. M. i.rowndi or uicKinson cou y,i wore put in nomination. On the fat ballot Cologne received the noiulnjlonl with gton, 67 voteaj Drownell, 265i; Kanl The committee on perinaifjt ci'-i ution reported the following or o liera f 1 of I . ' of the convention: Hon. T. . W1 O'Hrien county, chairman: Ahx 0 jg l av j of Dos Moines county, readin iccr V At this juncture the coltltt on resolutions presented thf " which was unanimously ( heartily endorses th plat( ( , ciples enunciated at the itiorjrj Tentidn hold in Chicago, f l i ' nation of Orover Cleveh Stevenson for president ai dent, recommend t b of ii rover Clevolau.I wf.f i y honest and coiiHei'itit,i'','' 'i his nomination f i tbt r the rejireseiitativei ttfttf tnocracy gives sped! l Jii forms suggested hi t lb ' and his public ti platform favors Vv V 1 of the tarifl ' Wl'V nance and pertt rm, It --S-. doctrine of local si if d lodpres earnest and . ' 'b'tm rhi(tiles conli m i n "i a'a t'ir i! V.. -ft ,... - ' r iti uiUi JR.lou dm mVn os.k.r-Ti ' M p01'" llictg "i""' M,r' wncn manliest ..Hiivo.. .n ever mcreaainii no m her and scon of lock-outi and . ------ -- . ... .. ,, rrues, are cnargeu ui uio i-ouy w in. jj Xieimmican pariy, juskuob oi smiaK.r by direct vote of the people li de- manded. Other planks endorse Governor uoiea Bdrrnnisiratioii, ihmimv tun ition of the party in favor of license and local option in Iowa and endorse the movement for 1 sitter roads in Iowa. After the reading of the platform, E. M. Sharon of Davenport presented the name or v. vanujae oi ihwioii county for auditor and the nomination was made unanimous, For state treasurer. W. 8. White or Corydon and Charles Keugnitis of Wka der were the only asnirants. Ksugnitz received 64V votes; White, 45, The candidates for attorney general were: A. li. i-aoo, i-iarion, wriK'n county; E. Willnrd, Atlantic, Cass ounty, and Listen Mcjwnian.usKaioosa, Jiefore the call of count ies was com pleted it was seen that Willsrd bad more than a majority and the nomina tion was made unanimous. For" railroad commissioner, neuator Kent of Fort Madison was named in Nathanial Freich of the same manner Davenport and W. W. Wilmer of Dm Moines were elected eiecior-ai-jrge by acclamation, hrk ITohlbltlrinUU. Hahtimjh, Neb., Aug. 11 At 7:15 a. in the Young Men's Prohibition league held a business meeting, electing of ficers as follows: F. O. Odol, chairman; R F, Feliman, vice chairman; I. 3. Frederick!, secretary and iJert iteynonu treasurer, After breakfast the conven tion proper reassembled ana aner i.rayer the platform was read by the comniitioe appointed ior inv iiiiijsmn. '1 he following ticket was nommaiou. Governor E. C. JJentlev. Mentenant Oovernor James Stevons. Treasurer J. Denston, Audltor-J. C. Tliomaa. Secretary of State Isaac Uoostroui. Attorney General M. I. Drown. State Superintendent Mrs, B. O. Eigelow, Commissioner of I'nblic Lands C. E. Bmitli. In Si-mlini four Mlnnt.. Davenpoiit, la,, Aug 19. The Dem ocratic convention of the Seventh ju dicial district broke the record for brevity. It was in session Just four minutes, 1'. 11, Wolfe of Clinton county and A. J. House of Jackson county, the present judges, were renominated by acclamation. The candidates had been tireviously recommended by a non-par-tisan convention of the bar of the dis trict. , For Cofiri. CRtfTf, Neb , Ang. 19,-The Republi can congressional convention of the Fourth district nominated E. J. Hairier of Aurora for congress. Ocean City, Md Aug. 19 -George M. RasAiim was nominated for congress by the Republicans of the First district. TUB ITTIIIAJ. SHIWA DM i Thlrtr-Ava Hunrtr.l - , when he mentions Buffalo negotiations Knifhi.' cmp at Ksn.M Clif. are aliruptly liroken off by the appli KanhasCit, Aug. 19 Major Oen- cjint for work. . ...1 - ur vail here to UK !,f.r.sMt ,. i, ,,., ,H l ,u, .Vll. II H ,S IH,,P ,,, W,J , ... i . . . i ""'''" n i-r m mii. I P M" . !". " i U U m ! V im. i t 11 1 1 il n Iiv.mi ti i lnt lifi,,, (lwp. .t!ii i, 1, 1 the v,.rk ,f ., , ,,,,,.! ,l,ft i,t si..., h,.:h. . hett ii mm .a r.ium 1 I lmi.titsuiMi!, Im l ttUt lslimi..ii nf ttl lMhi , i:v,7,i..uul v.w L:7;;h' lha ell V In futrnvrni I, an I tits rl Ii li, Iha Imttili of Hiii ofll.vhi of lb atie,,,. 'a'Iiimi,, ii... . . iXt :1: alstets. Nnwfr a llinn,,,!! ,.a. Will W laid, .'" HAtum i. rMr utiy omk Z ,.f mniMMU I.1.1.11.L -t 'iti .Al k """ niauan MC4 ar. UtsJSr Hi H,uii,w.t .111.1. Nitw Vtmit, Antf. ju-TIi cai' Mjfcn bal 4 comtnlltof tun Deniocralio ha' commUliw met at noon and admit Olutlons favoring the of uranch liembpmrters for lha norlhwimt at Chicago. Cainpain Coiiimltleinaii ? . ; ,)i( kl"'n 1- In charge, as- Blstfll llV (Vtliliillhimiiun 11 'I' I 1.. t ' 1 I HI'W mm a. ytaii. All the imunWa who iiaruijipaieu m the proceeding Wedues. day were Dreamt with thn .,.., ,11,,.. ..r Senator Unrninn of Maryland, who Is ill iieitrainio auacK. Jto was con - auiimi, However, about the proceedings of the committee and concurred in the conclusion reached. Under the authority conferred by the aflCOUd resolution. (?lintriiiun ll.rr,i. I l. ... .. - ' una assigned mo states of Illinois, Wis consin, Michigan,. Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota snd South Dakota, care of the sub-coinmittHo In f'bi,n.,m through . which the campaign work of ' ll.n.A .1.. ..... ...:,1 , , . . j luuBo inia win oe conducted, oilier ; """""" io u 'biiiihiiu una liter dav. Thn fllil . . ' v.....-. .irtiiu 'iiti turn, At. It ntulmv .,,,1 ,lil i i " "wu'i, "ill IT- "JM'NHIl IldXt; Tts couimftte al..jurned after -on or uuslneis of an exec- subject to the call of the tp ( 1 ra I'p in n ki.. -W, ft, C, Aug. ID.-Thrt V.o campaign committee at broke np in a riot. The i commenced when Governor 1 canounced one of the opposite ' M a blackguard. Mr. Yoii A. tnan in rpiestion, who is a uou 0 secretary of stata on th U wvatlve ,,k(,ti (vmande(V to know Jlman refer-vj to lllm , t, b, MU., n ll. an m7 uittlK- iitvru. -flrowd, which train- yredseveil thoti.,4l(() jume(i n,1(1 twe Oowntana. x KV,m,ral fight lollowed. jMafcr were -mised, J-t rf X seriously. !nina. (U vat ve alement uei" 'i com in ftired i.a tiifetiii t in ' .rir V Bfate Ox III i ed permanent t natiith of Ctn( tary, The tic) j,, gocretar' .,. t,V, ii j T i --- HUrk of (jleveland and Jf .yne fif WHhiniftori countv: clerk Jfcrem conrt, w, H. lioiles of Hamilton tlnnty: memr 0f the board of pnblio works, jHnu,n Hotiser of Hiirntnii count; presi dontlal electors, John Sell? of Seneca ciunty and A. J. Carpi'nter of Defiance county. Tii llmoeraf.s. Houston, Tex., Aug. Ift.-The Clark wing of the Democracy nominated Oeorgo Clark for Governor and 0, M. Kogers for lieutenant governor, Ikith accepted in ringing speeches, Clark's effort fairly setting the convention wild, The pbiform adopted squarely endorses the jsdicy heretofore announced In favor of an fdective railroad commission that will l just to tho roads and the Isolde. The Chicago nominees arid platform were endorsed. To Mdcosd llloiint, Inmav SI'Iiimw. Oa Ang, 19, The Democratic convention of the Hiith district nominated Thomas F, Cabariiss to succeed James H. Dlonnt, chairman os the fi relgn relations committee of , the pn a mt house or representatives, j who declined a renomiwli"ii. Mr, ' lslotmt i ipecls to be appointed minister to Engli. id in the event of Cleveland's election tiik 111 rr A I.O STHIKK. ihw. .iirnii The Bwiiriimsn fropos. Arbitration be readiness to accompany the rirst and ii,.rm..i..u.fu. Second regiments when they left. It. a iu ti! ,t.u Wr.l Watkii.s, an ex Confederate artillery BurrAiA Aug. 1.-The state board wmk ,H(J(m1 ,b W)m,nad, then of arbitration met and prepared a circu- thn ,Ban h was made to tiie hardware lar which was sent to the executive of- company, where guru were supplied, fleers of the roads on which the trouble The mn were ni1il iiuirsoi iuBr (ii .i4iltri chesters and a box of llfty cartridges exists. It is stated that the iwltchmen Mch Foowml by ft crow,l 0f athou had exiirnssed a willingness to arbitrate Mn(1 t,e miiltla and citizens poe and reipiested to be Informed whether marched to the depot and to the train, the railroads would consent 10 an an- Justmentof tliediftlcuiiy hf snen ar bitration. Vice President Webb re turned a rcplv which Is ladieved to em bodv the sentiment of the official of the other roads. It was to the effect that the Central had nothing to arbitrate There were no incidenta worthy 0' note in the raiiroan yaros in luie cosinj 1 hours or the afternoon, in uie i,ase Bhore yard a crowd of strikers gathered arid BMineu iwo ynrij iikiii", uinasuiH . the class in the calis and driving the en gineer and fireman from their posts. A mesienger was dispatched to General Doyle for a force of militia, and pending their arrival work was suspended. A few others skirmishes here and there served to relieve the monotony but were not of a eeioiis nature. Ho the day wore itself out and night fell upon a sit uation that was little, if any, improved from morning. Hut few freight trains were moved, Hiring Nwltchnmn Is Blow Work. , PiTTKiii Ho. Aug 19, An office was opened in the Ferguson building, on Third avenue, by F. V. Uenson, for the ! pnrpose of hiring switchmen to take the 1 place of Hiillulo strikers. Mr. Benson is ... .....uin. with Aa9yrtr n rVAal Illlk 1 irviuiM win x ' -.... 111 ..!.,. ...,f .1 Ittntt I '.. t h . t,Ht ' ' ll I . In. ; ............. V , Kitntr, IVnii , f Ki if An) t. (t i f vf n ,f I" M lh iMil. u al Ul t'tk. ulrtiim Imn l i,fth,i n,ii,fi at Ut, i p.ii wlili li hi r.lulit flhMli baiila at tVmii AiiIlimh ..... i-..rW.i i,. ; n"' "'il Almnl 9 o't I n k , ' liners In Jh tiumlmr of l.tum, n,,,),, l"n "'ii!"'l sWuitlt ni Ih fort and mh,wi. a ! lsult wa.isilv lplllim.l, Thalhlr.l I MLbtriii.t r.nlt,,l in ..!. 1....1 pin and U UsIIiiik gnus gut In Wiirk,tfil I i .1 . . 1 . .. ' hat eilent I iml kiiiiwn It. - A ... ' ,. . J rwverai in inn ansaiiaula Weh Woiinilml and some of I hem probably klllwl, but no one knows how many, ,. iMwwn Urn first and sin'otid asuaulu llll ll,..u. I.I....M ,...,...1 .... ..... t.,,,. Miiiinin TTii ii i'hjii lirmi, They sunt up a ling of true to Captain A tutor, m to ask for rehmse. I In was eipeetingaiieh a mAasag.i and met the men on equal grounds, lis wai seised by ssveral of them and rushed down the hill and wasflnally taken to one of the hotels hi the village, where ha is Kiiard d by Hubert Lindsay, a deputy United Stataa marshal, and a number of friends. They are holding him as a hostage and will not agfeeHo give him tip until the troopa and iionvicts are withdrawn from the valley. Iu the meantime, Hurt Lindsay, a dsperate character, and brother of ho deputy marshal, is trying to orgfttsteLl mob to lynch Anderson, The hotel ll surrounded by some three hnndred well-armed men. Another lory is to the effect that Captain An derson was drunk and came outside of the fortification In a drunken manner and tho boys picked him np without trouble, lie has so far ramie no state ment. Ills force of 130 men are still bidding the fort. The men have lie.m on short rations for three days. Every avenue of supply ban been cut ott. FlKlilliifc- All Aft?t?!i?rHr;A Z Knoxviu.k, Aug, 19. A private h isge from Clinton to the agWKJif tha- United I'ress, suysj "Aeeurler has jnt arrived here from Coal Creek. He sad flKhting had been going on all after noon, Hour soldiers were killed slid the Galling gur Is out of order. The Knoxville volunteers and soldier who left here ( stwclal train will never reach Coal Creek, as the Ixack is loaded Wltn uvnairilte. ' a special traiArrlve'i'rom uiiatta o'ldiJVA.'rf'. i"g llrlgBdfer eueral (V.rnPwrl font regTment ationa U TTJ sf.rom ...,i t ',! voInriteeFclMzriiis of Jlie tsalu was switched around the fcitr and s now on its way to (Joal Creek. Wlille the train was In the yards Ed ward Woods, a nephew of Governor Hnehaiian. met wth a tnri,..,. it fatal accident. He is a member of the Stone River fftiurfta an1 .IupIu1 1.. hie musket frotn a rack in the car. It Tra accidentally discharged, the load taking effect near his heart. He was I.I...1 m tm, mM 1.. . . rrJ ' w"'" e compiv ana ure r--'7cons(douB wfieh he left here.- He will air-s. . . 4. - Aridijji Ahn .been tat ebb from the Hotel where, he aa 'kuarfcid-f arm apirtteii awaw n upposijiJ M has been lynched -t. wirws All.nvWn, KNOXVlf,l,K, Terin.JAug, JO. At mid. night the wires w.-w all down betwewi Clinton and (Joal Creek and no direct coinmnnlcation was possible. The Knoxville Volunteers under command of Major J). A. Carpenter have started on a march across the mountains on f(Kjt to (Joal Creak. Word of their ar rival has not been received and there Is the greatest anxiety as to their weirare. ISrigadier General Carries and his 700 men will march from Clinton to Coal Creek. The miners have told the telegraph operators at Offals, a station near Coal Creek, that Anderson was not lynched but is gnanlea on trie front juazza or the hotel. The miners are gaUMHwd alxrat htm using Insulting language andy demanding a surrender of Camp Ander- I eon. Although ho is at their mercy, lie refuses to surrender. If he Is harmed blood will flow, It is retried that re inforcements from Oliver and Jellico are en route to help the miner iiplll with Wlnel.tirs, CliATTASOoHA.Teuii,, Aug, !. About one hundred and Boventy flve of the men summoned by the sheriffwere In goin on eiiuiusii..n. "j Ih (lovnrnor I'roatratsd. NAfivii,i,K, Aug. 19 Governor llu- thanan I itill ipiite sick, and Adjutant Qfnersi Norman decided affairs, issuing n ( h .ff f0 , mm T . , t any cost. An(1(1,m ht OM (;r,.Bfci was t0 M0j(1 t(ie frt until assistance JXed. Forty more aruiml men left here. Ouj't B.roril lladaeml. Dm Moi.vks, la., Aug. 1.-Tn the l-I.OOO pacing race between Manger, Ouy and Koy Wilkts, Guy reduced his record from 2:ll to 1!:10J, making a new track record. Tr.ln llobbars Cnf... NiwOrmans, Aug. 19.-Ben Dun can ana Henry Carnegie, two lieuten ants of Bunch and Hopgood, the noted southern bandits, have lieen captured and jailed at Fraukinton, La. Carnegie confessed that lie was implicated in the Illinois Central railway robliery in the month of April. Tim present where alsjtit of Bunch ahd Hopgood are not known. LA Hi iHKHS- I'rolestHiit hilirtn-rs can secure work Iiy ttiuilytnir at Ihl. otllee. h so CHRIST. H .. t,ll ;,' I v tin vi. ii ltnMiy. , tWn ,Lv i Ki. ii ii i..' 4f mt i ll.- .It I -.. (' ' I .!. Ii,. , ,,( ttt I'-.l I4i ,-,...1 . rt. I'lfl-I. . Ll ! 'IU' rf' iA 1 Mill,,.. . l. ....I. I ill !( N III. Itlt I I" I .11.,.,., . . ,.! ,..! il,.i, ai u,.- K ,.., 1,.f ,' 11M...I' n..iM h"l- 'a .,. , ,i , f I,., l"HU ill.l I . Silul l, IS( l,o,i Sll. l.1,,1 II... ).!,.,, ,1 1 ,ht ,t.,. , ,,,,, ,,., Ill lll . t,,lliw. I, M I ,. ,i in, ,1., i mil ,1 , t. it la ,t, , , t,,B (), III I ii. U Ik 'fl, . M.lillll.Hi ll. Il, lli.inln, In l.inl i 1'iil.lH I ' ,, J,,. I.iii.s, il. i.i,. in- m i. (l ,,,n, ...,.. w. l,il.. iiii.i...., K., i,, , t lllm. I, .im.Ii.. lil Bin null u, ,a) il' lii, II Ii liil. (i l llu iv,., n rti f , ll . In. n i i i nl m r ttiuiiiHi fi.,1,1 Mf 4,i, inn ii .si.. Mi,. I 1 wi'i.i t ,i n,v,, ,i,,rtf ." nl ii.l lib Im. n il. ,, llili A of li l insii lev, i., !!,,.. Willi ,,' mint iii-l w. im. In. j ,i , i,ju.i H uli'ii-il . llie il Ion l.i e.iiin f s.-ij h,,im. I.I.I, iillllll ,1.1 II. .1.1 ll ll I,.,.,, A II, 'l III I. 'II. III! B.H. ill Hull SIM I l, '1 (,.t,,jiK hIii-o.ii ,iiiii IV. (l. iiiln. Itii,t.n., n. i,ii,. lilt nml Miiilln ( Inik, Una. i I, nm nl In in p, i-. il. tiiiiliiiilH (lli.iiliit. N,..liikii. A !( il- l IS lanf tif;i ilti.K A. Ill MNf.TT. Shft lff iif IhiitKliMi I 'lilinj, .Vi lli !,, 4. I.. hnli jF. Hlliiliiey. ft u , SlienfPs Sale, lly vlnim of nii iiiiIit of .iilii Ihih inn ,,f Hiii dUliiit emol of HiiiikIus cont.(, Nn. liliiskii. nml In ni.i illiiTti-il, I will, i ij llii. !,lii In V .if Si-ii..inl..r, A ll. IsiiJ, at iii.'i(., , of said ilny, i.l llin LAST ilj.i of the eimiily coinl. Iiiiiiw, In thn cll.yi liHinlm,. Ihiiniliis cjiiinly. Nehraiiloi, suit at M i , an. -I Ion llm iii.H'i iy .li-M-rlbi'd In -hIiI oii,ir (if slllli IIS follows, M II .' The iioilh tweiity-eJUBit CJSi fvil df (ri twi Cii, In block ill illi, J'alNlfk'ftiuf '(billion to I he city of Omaha. In lloiittlieo.tity, stain ' of Ni-brsska, .aid pinpfity la nn ..l.f o, .n. Isfy the liochi-sli'r l.uali Miiif lli.lui Cnin pimy Hie sum of iilneli'i'll lfiiii fi d. sluly lhiii(liilliosi,tin:Uiei Willi luli-hsi li..r'i.i nl llin rule of 1 1; Ii I iSi pci'cenl isr nimum from Mi. v lllli. Iv.r'umll m, 1,1 n, ! t i.i,., ui ;i ilulliir. costs, v I h Interest tlii'icoii from the nih day of Mir. A. II., ISW, loelliiir with neertiliiM costs a. imrdlna to a Jinluiiieiit ri'iiileri'd Iiy Hie illsfii'i court, of siilil liiiiitdiiMcoiiuly, at, lis May lenu. A, II., Is'H, In aci'tliilii iiclliiii thi'iiioi! lln-in pi'inl luv. whcri-lii the KiM'tii'stur Lien nml Hank I Hi; I inn i:i tiy wiin pliilulllf, nul lli-nry K, l 11 1 mi y . Jiiiiii's II. Parrel I", Tim Hointlas ( oiinly Hunk ami olliiss Her- il-fi'i.tlut.t,H. Omaha, Nebraska, AjwtM si i. sti:, HUM. A. sKNNKTT. Slicrlffof lliiiil.i. counly, Nidiraska, Jamil. II. Mucimicj Mlhirm y. , B-IU-fl POSITION Hsili1viuy chu k nr liiMik-kcepnr wanted. Ailre., W. II. Morris, S07 HI, Mary', avenue. fnresleam Inundry, : 1 " : : ; GATE CITY t STEAM LAUNDRY; TPXRI'llONK IKK, 207 North I7h 8., - OMAHA, NEB , " Work called for and d.llvered, "- i- . . - ' . . . i W. H. LANYON. M. D. Physician aifct Surgeon v lv years e.jiil.lniial urm-Oiiii hi khn, Twnlvn i late'Ki-o(i Ui Si,. J',w.,li' tiVtVl 'al) iinien n, w.cor. Bimeeiun ami DMiUiii, inMir. i.;.sf hi ii n, n ui n ami 7 id m. ,v,.,i,.-,,.-.n, 4111 vuurK-r, rurrjllt. - . uiv,,i,i,v 1 -r 1 1 mi. J AlihlNGH, Graduate dentist. l?oom 407 Puxton SShmh, OMAHA. ATI wiirU'Kuaritiiled (list, class aii(l yrtccs rnHMmHow. I i'i"imirni nK&. . u.;.9 "tiiharo ViroV I -illlUiJ UWJJUIU 11101(1" - DRESSMAKER l43 Bouth 8lx(nth 8l., OMAHA, -I- '!" NEB- Slf.K IlHKHHMAKfVO A Sl'WIA r.TY. J. E. NELSON & CO., 1918 8. Twentieth St. Fancy and Staple Groceries Good dell'.d to any part of tht Oily. Dsana. J. W, Oonnell. I A. L. DEANE & CO. Consist Agsnte for Hall's Safes i And Locks, Bank and Vault Work. lllGFarnamSt., Omaha. M. E. NIELSEH. Pacific Barber Shop. N.wly Fllt.d up. Tlia Bt ArtltU- .... . - .....1 . Ii mid l'HVen- worth lo ., I-..I or, r-evi in ,, ym. ....... HlnivlriK I'"1, Iliilr t'O Sitt-loiim l, SlilidipiSI Olr. si s Call. 8iartieaJ5MBti ( i KO. W. LA NX' AST Hit A CO. (IKSr.llAI. AOBSTS WHEELER mi" . . . ..,.,.111,. & WILbUiN HEWINQ MACHINES. Estey and Camp & Co. Pianos and Organs. SOLD ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. N....ill... (Ml, eiim.lle. for all kinds or Inn Miu lilm-s. Our nun ;"";" , ...7. "ss. Will repair any ! Mm hlne. e