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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1892)
THE AMERICAN. THC AMERICAN. t d kt t I 1' .- t V .i t j ft tit ! 1tl 1 the AKrucAK riiEiisiHsa ra, illinium an. t Mil 1 111 1 t .11 U i IMptt tl,.11t im mum I i ihkii IMIHUII I elii i.t,, , at ( l 1 1 . M " " H 1 t.r .. nl , '.il ni I ll 1 4. 1 S II ("ill l-ltl. Ii I Mr. I ?! fi -ll.l-, ft,' r-etv fa') i'tlt Ki n it t Kn. tinm t niilft In 1t Ammi i ,,.i.l ( ml m tn..L C. tMOMfON, Stunts W t hMM, tin-im Vinniti t)M All A, IUIIMY. MU P. Imi fTN Afci Hit fc is t'luurm or Alt l'TH) H I'tll'l M "I M tllllUK tir Nil, ( MAUI IK MiWIHt, intitule eiplrt d hn your 'n WHAT I an anarchist r" of the smdety of .leu. A member Titfc last until iiKiii lntii'it for tlx' legislature In I, It Andrew of seventh mtii I, Hi' would make n strong Candidate, MoYM don't forgot F.rnest Htulit when you ln-lii figuring out who you will have (or slate senator, Vou always know where to llml him. "TliKY nay" I'Yiink Johnson, llm fol low Who WasllCCtlKed of Soliciting lll'lllC from John Nelson, hn Ihtii uioiidcd hy tho Isiurdof henilh. Wi ll Mil! CAPTAIN MUX, la It a met llml Hi.' state In, through you, holding soeurl Hon taken from the defunct hank Hi Kt in in y In ili'ii of slate fund "funned out" to it? A FltlKNI) Informed tut Tuesday Mint Mr. K. W Hartos, of tin) First ward, was not a Koinan. W humbly ajiolo (tlo, Friend llurto; nnd any time you Hi'Hjip townoomo nnd mom un und wo w ill send out for tho cigars, Tilts louder In tho lloinoslcad strike were all Koiuhii Catholic; tiliio-tetith of those rhgngod In the Fourth of July (lulch, Idaho, iniiMMuere, cliilm Ui I in , alien; whllo tlm leadtim In tho UiifTalii Ntrlku am KouiuiiImIn, In It not tlimi to rimtriot liiiiulnitlim. , TUB fltrtt t for iotreHii Iiiim jiruotl cully finrrownd down to Judjro Hoihid mid W. H, HhiM'iiiiiker (in tlm dniuo cial.lo nldii of thu houmi, and ), II, Mnrtxir nnd JikIbb Heott on tho nt Mi)illean dlilo, An helween thu tloiuo , crn wo prufor Hhooinakori but ho r CHti't Ifont an A. 1'. A. ri'iiubllimn In ihiw dlHtrl.ii. Auitftiu ban miKKcuted Mr, C. (), I)leek im n eiimlliliitu for thn lyUlit turo, W can hiMirllly nohoimJ that nomination, H In a HwodlHlcAnmrl (an. Tbero urn no Kwiidlnh-Hoinitn tiny aro all truo-liluu Amnrli'imN, If thn HwndcN want ri'ii'i'Hnntallon on thu county tli'ket thlNfall, and they tlewrvo It, niiinihii wo mako H (!, O, lyilieck, A (iiir.AT many (Hinplit who Hv In tho northern part of tho diy have U'en Hieuklitif to un alxMit II, It, Ihildwln im a Htiltublo piTKini (o Mnd to tho leglMlu turn. Mi'. Haldwln In tho inerehant who doN bimliiKMN at I .'Kill North 21 HI. llo In hltfhly eilurnted, a ttt'iiilfimtti of considerable ability and could Ixt triiNteil to do what would be rltfhtand what would bo for tll bent IlilereNtN (if Uoil(f Ian county and Omaha, vo need niicIi men In tho IcKhtluturti a Mr, Uuldwln, Bomb tlnm ao wu Ink-routed our aelf In tho eao of Frank Urban, a flnv mini who bad been laid off for limub- ordlnntlon, and tlepbouid AiUlioit Chief Halter for Information, That oflidul grew funny, and pretended In eon Id not hear what wo mild, or under Ninnd who or what our mime whn, rinding explanation on that Klnt lim (Miniilblo wo Informed him It made no difforeneo who we wero, all wti wanted to know wan why Urban wiin laid off, Ife finally adinlttfd It wiw for ''InmiiV ordination." When w lenrned that wan tho prek'iided eituno, wo finked Mm If It would not htiatfood thlnif ti lie viwtlKato tho viimi )hi fore jfolriK before tho Imitrd, t hat If all Urn atorle afloat about thu cajilaln werw no, h whn tho fellow who nhotild Ih NUHpended, Hulter atiNWi-red that hn hud liHiked It up and wbn aatlNfled, nnd added, iMianifully, "I rmver tnakn a chartfo but what I make ItNtlck.'' Hlriwt our telephone fntoi- lew with Halter Jh t, tho captain, ha boon reduced to thn rank for Out very renNon that tho board of liro and ytolloo (KitninlxNlonura beard of th atorloa, Inventlifiitud them, "tiecarno BatlNfled and mada th charifoN ullck' Itimari Intidleraneo in IniIIi tho flro and polliMi depaitmetitN In on the In crciiNe, Chief Heftvcy nhould look ulUr bin Iloman M'tti; he nhould put tho , JiImIi out In tho Nuburba once In it while and allow an American to have a beat down town where ho can mak") an m ri nl, iiieji a vear at leimt. Tin.! It (- not doac to any great extent at premmt, W, can be verified liy a glaneo at thu ln-ata covered by tho two element, and by a glanotj at tho men ehoie'ii a nai-y. iiuiH and captain. .JI. ( l.,I iKMIll l.t f' T 1.1 '-!. !lt Ki., n . ' I ' U-U.t It,. t nU" Kt) ti. -.( f Ikmha, I .,n, '; li,,nll,il ,f 1t lllllV, t!,.? n,i , )tmli mt tin li jfil.d.!., ' , I, t i . I ) ,,( jti, ! k'l'i . ! I" ft 1 ) 1 Hi ),1 t! ii !! ! t t -i ' imuMi t Ml. I Irtil, t " till) tnit(H) l l)t,l' tlixii ,m. In. m lvn unit ( Niloi tnt ftim I'i'l) til' In m Mxluii ! 'H(Mlim Mii'l (mm tlm lake to the tiiitnih if Hi-(iH "futhrr of watetN," and i'ii'H troiu t Mii'a rnn tl m. n ,,f iii.i iiimilM.'n I. Th lr pii' imi tn thl i Hy hn nit Wiiu , In titatty bii at a dHT Ui ht nf Ihoelrt l llh il''llii'hfclml,sl thai i )' i) Miin ltolvcii up t the teaeliliiy of hl nolle onbr, will it. er the ivi't'l ei ei'lilhleiieii of I'l-iithel' Mrt,,ii nr nf llie t'llli'liN ui the iiui. inuulty In w hit It he llvi . Ithiix bioinht to mind the fact that L (Imw liifaUlble fmu.ii. whohnvoRit In Ht. I'etei'n (jelinlr have Hluilheini). tUml tin Ir orih r, an I that only a few dnj'N to the blH-phetuiiim preleiith'r, tho primmer of thn Vatican, declared, r.r rnfiiifrit, that tin' action of the I'Veo MitNoimof Italy were nubverxl vo of fi Htflon; Jet with all thene en wu from tho holyV father ofwhat Nlaudlnjf atfahmt It the order him tfcown to maj? nlflccnt proport loin, 1 1 votarle arc found In every I'llnui wherevi't tho foot of man ha trod. Kvon with all thcHc fumoN It ban Iihti'iihi'iI It power, popiilnrlly and c1""' l In until l'o hliiiNelf 111 iim t wonder If a "curwi I not a lili'MHltiir, ami a I 1 -mm I i i ur a out-mi," whon ent forth from the fated "harlot who all upon the bank of tho Tllmr." It Iiiim demoiiNtratcd that rljfht will alway Hiicceeil; that whlln the nrclr enemy of MitNonry, of human prorew of liberty and law wuk burning Itruuo, nnd IIiimn; while It wiih iiiurdorln tin Jew; while It wa revelling In all tho horror of Ht, llartliolomow'a eve; while It wa perNecullnuf the WaldciiNoH; tor tiirliiir the Hohemlaii and trying to ernh tho KngllMh rnd tho noble Hnotta, Maaonry wiih biwy repalrlnif thn ruin Home had wrought, giving hack to tho world the art, rcMtorlug to It learning and reviving eleuen until today In Mpl tu of I tome-man In ahlo to moo "pro grcNN1 writ ten upon overy country not domlualcd by Homo, Omaha lnw donn her wholo duty In entertaining tho Knight Templar and tlm HhrlnerN, In tho maiinor In which they were entertained; and Tangier Temple, and particularly Col, II. IS. Akin, T. K. HinllK.roiigh, 1 K. Winning, I,, M. Illicin, Dr. Ilnlly, Tlmo, C, LIvlngNton, M, O, Muul,Jame H, Franco and (Julav Andoraon, did llHi'lf und tlii'iiiHi'lvi'H proHil by tho thoroiighucN of all their arrangt niontN, To allow bow completely every wlnli of every peraon wiw anticipated wo have only tti rpiolo the word of J, A. Wol cott, of Chicago, Un Nuld: "Jf I alighted from a cab, jumped olT a street car, Nteppod Into a botei or bimlne hoiiNo, a, meinber of Tangier Templo wa there with ticket for anything andoverythliig you might wlh, I net"' wa Nothortighly miprUed In my Ilf I wa when I wiw bow well Oitvit undefNtood t ho art of cntorluloiit"' vlNltir. Denver did will, but I th Omaha excelled In r, I nIhiII never get thl week, Yen can any h. M demon and Mr. (JUrkn aro thu 7 kind of people." BKKH TUK EVIL. Attiirney-Oeneral (leorge j of Idaho, one day limt week tervlew, when peaklng ofj alrlko In that Ntate, and of of July (lulch miiBHiiere, nidif "Tho trouble I over nor and all of the mine have, I third of all the men thevi oiue are nearly full of uif . ino, llieni Will IKI men iimtii, ii i Miontrivft lino owner would allow iiriluif , to work again, I would nil . gov ernor to order away tho J .. fViinor row, Why there aro .itlm of thoo men who are new 4ifa i aimwer to conU'inpt of court who'ut impleading that they am not Auierlcafi clti.en, but are ubject of mine foreign jioten tal. "Thn tmttnm of the whole trouble lie with our Immigration law, that allow ourahorem to heeouin thoilum Ing ground for thn Idle, vlclou and criminal cIiihc of oilier nation, I hopo to live long enough to vote un American ticket, onn that will ee that Immigrant have the tieeenary moral, mental anil oclal (iialilcit!lon U make them trood clil.en. and not allow our land to li tilled with hereditary an- nrchi!, niich a we have had to cope with In Idaho." If wo had a few men like George II, Holirt In emigre and In tho United Hlater Ncnab, the Ntream of pauper, criminal and vlclou Immigration which I now flooding thl country would (Kin lie checked, And uch men mirnt 1) t)liK!ted, The oalvutlon of thl country demanil that the low reHtrlct Ing Immigration li fearlely and effec tively enforced. Wo are all lntert'tod In acelng thl evil remedied. Yon aro IntercNtcd In thl, lw you a laborer or a icaidtalltit. One da miffer a much a tho other, Ha on your giuird. TUB republican party In Nebraska ha made one blunder thl year, Jf It take Jlev, Tate off the ticket und fall to put Tom Major on In hi place It will mak a m cond one, Tho republl- .1 I v IM. i ... i..a H.. t- (....., .v te'i n .- -. i I t i Mi "I I (. I, . -m . 4 1 , l to! il in ..'I.- t r,- I,,!-. l!;l J ').( Hi !: t I.. I I I ) l 111 !. I- I'm itn I ! ,f ' ' t . H i- li .( I On) 11 I ! k t'l l 1,1 11.. I M.n nll n em i Tit I'mi.iI Mit . nij i mptij dtitUltjf .,!,i I! . . .l.. ..t I!.. ii. Ui,!y ltTl t i i .-iiiim itiln wiend. liUil to the i iiliiT ml i!a I i.m .. i-Ik. have .( t!i il t ). fH i II. a,l Mil mum' inn on nl III! HI. Ml Ml , AMI I 1 1 1 II Ml I M TVINMIM I n. I. i (In. n. il, . of I'u i.e. No J, A I) II or I nut l'niM In W lt. H nl l tltltiii.iinn Hull. II.. Kit 1. 1 Hllll Villi, fll.'l l 1ltIHV HtMMl, AlillfT Wh. Ti. ttin m ii That tliiM f the At O. II., con !n!n about twenty niildlerii. It wa ad divMod by ll. li Adam, T. .I. Malimiey ... . , . . ! , ,, . . , . . aim .until luiHit. iim' cieiimilico un arraiigemetit wa cihiimw,.i1 uf Mitntu, ('orrlgan, Cahlll, Illckey and Kgan, wiuie inn rec.'iiiion coinuiiiieo wan maihi up of Morun, (Wrgan, tUtblll, Met'orimiek ami Ityan. I It not t Inn for Uncle Ham to lm awakened? Wk. have taken tho agency for Itev. .1. (i. White,' biMik. The whole act only conIh .IMI. "Homo," or "Aurlcu- Inr (!onfeHlon i:xpimed," I worth nioiv than that amount. "Deed of Dark ne" will aoon Iki out of the hand of tin) binder. OUH venerable friend Wortharti, of I'awnee, did not get nlxty-thrce vote out of the DiiuirliiH county ileleiratlini fomtalo treiiHiirer, Whyy Wondkh If Joe Hartley, If ho I elec ted taU) treaMiircr, will allow Captj Mill to turnover Hecurltle In lieu of ciimIi that abould lm on band. AT tho meeting of the republican Ntiiki central committee, In Lincoln, next Monday, every member nhouhl lm prcHciit. ROMANISTH INDUCE A Young Man to Insult a Lady to a to Mob Hildubrnnd, UoilTAr., Neb,, Aug, m, lMt)2. Mit. Kni'l'dtc Tbero I a young man down hero who will not noon forget Holiday, AugtiMt 11, JH2, Ml naino I Chiimlmr, and lui clalirm to ba li pugll lt from Norfolk Tho reiiMon Uiat day will remain giwj jbi hi mind laa vlg orou cow-hid iw wa ndmliiaterod him on that day n a lady who ha been boarding for, a abort time with thq family of I'oNtmaNtr Illhlebrand, It U rejKirU'd, twt yWing Chambem bad circulated ,t'Ho nvry that ho Wa a ... M il... I ... I 4 1 I.. .1 . .!. ' wuiiiniiw me nun wonu, inai (on ine 7th In 7Vit. to t 4,(1 iKwUillKio, tiiyl'n4tki)d fi bi Vf' pin ti inn,, and a the hiO mif sg'v'ol llll .i'look jUlrM' for V U f hether ,r ak you aijn Jm ,;t-Jng glrlWMfop! 11.0 ,iiiJortood the buy v vak"d ,i fen bad aald, attil ,piiatd ...'(.... M'i... ....... jrt.,.l, lf 1 l indignant mnva jiuiiig hid neif piv f(i Hiu i Mr, Hlldf)raud 'cafiio fiV ,'(yrbadu Iflnt 'enUirlng' tlni Hi until hi) learned how1 to uct ie) loiiowing, or lat, Hundny youn 'haSilnim, accompanliKl ;l'( friend, il!f d at the poudllee and igaln nked 'y CllamberN, mall," AIIIIdol,i'and ,pp(id Into the ofllco to wait on him, one of the ladle Informed the artlwt that her tradueer wa "out there," A moment lutor ho hounded Into the ofllco, adzed a whip ho biel concealed behind a barrel, and begun to lay heavy blow upon Chamber. He tried toe cajM), but alio followed him to the door. At that point he managed to wret the whip from her, then, after a abort druggie he pulled tho d'wir open and ran down the Mt reet like a cared deer, That evening a mob of about twenty pemoiM formed and marched up to tlm iotolllce to run tho artlt out of town, Hh became frightened and wanted to leave but thu potmator told her to Jut keep hIIII and remain In the limine and he would attend to thoe fellow. Tiny Informed him that If he did not come out they would come In and take her. At thl point Illldehrand took part in tho dialogue. He informed them that the flrt man who attempted that did ho at hi peril. He then Informed them hat tiny mimt not b un up ngalriHt hi building, that they could hIiuiiI in tho Mtreet n long a they wIhIiciI, but they mut keep clear of hi property. After considerable talk the mob finally dlnpcred. Monday night tho mob re-formed at the (.fllco of the Omaha Nnrnery com pany, and bad among It member Jock Dugan, a H, A M. engineer named Hhort, Adolph I'etemon and alKiut a down oilier HomanlKt, It wa re organized for the purjHipao of tarring and feathering thu lady who had, thu day More, whlpjmd Chamber for In Nultlng her, J in it i- li Nil t. i n iktn ,1 l-t Mi Hi ,'. ! t t f i it..- '... ,.f . t; mat. l. (."..I II tit, i t I,. i P..' Iln."i.l .'f . I" -., i..n .4 .i l t i l , Nn.t )!.( Hi. y j . '. .liit. I, I im im ,. 1 1,, i ,,,.,ttl j I,.- U Mil I. "it '.! I, t ill' '-1 ',,t, l j. M t I i.-' It,. J 111) l,t, H tlr,l tin... 4 il M. i,. Mi. ) n.i.ltt . M,. t? ifnt'.t Hil li,. naWtut it, f, ,t i. Wiiiii. h, N'ld i)-t IniN lt rt If Hl ..( Un III ri ) t t in bl t a''. I ititfht th. y mil t t th iti ni t hi ,i i .1, r. It, ii Wiilli I ME. A IV A v m;ani; AIION Il l..ti.t..l to Cut a Swmli in Lotl I'oltl.l I let Fll. The Im'tiiiv Riid th IkniU mi!, I liy thn H-v. .1. (i. White, the aiitH 'at hoi le leeliitvr, hile In I'latlKlliiiulli thl wee have 121 veil relU'Wed 1 nl mutiii totlie A. I'. A. nlWrtlilallon bel and If their ngirivmlvcllen I colli limed them i iiii telling where It will end. In wotne town where White and other lecturer of hi kind have worked, the remit! ha lieeti dUiiitleoti to inlimaie frleudnhip of lung ulanding lu lwii n Calholle and I'liilenlant cltien. It i an IndlHpulable fact that the American I'roteelive iiumK'lalioii, which I a ace ret society, pledged to oppone Cath olic having any HinitionH of trust and profit, ban made remarkable effort recently to InerenHo It nn-in tx't-nh ! i. The niomlior are aald to be pledged not to reveal wlio are memliiM of the organization In order to protect them from buMine Iommo 11 the rcmitt of mi u-li memberHhlp. Notwithstanding thl protection, 11 number of 1'latt inouth men who desired to join were Hllll fearful of detection did they attach themselve to the lodge here, and have Imco(ih) member of tho Omaha lodge, This I the claim of member here. The miiccch of the A. 1'. A. In defeat ing a number of Catholic gentlemen In the spring eleetlon at Omaha show that the member of tho society aro In politic with a vengeance. The hand of the local organization wa plainly seen lu the stiff light that was mudo against the continuation of Chief Grace recently, although It did not prove to lie successful In that Instance, Mr, White, who lectured here Hun- day and Monday, has been engaged In hi present work for more than thirty- seven year and 1 pronounced by his organization to be the ablest and most successful agitator In the Held. Ho Hindu serloiiH charge whllo here, and he excited such an Interest In hi work that the sale of hi Ixtotg hu been something wonderful, Hollovlng that tho other sido should also have a hearing In thl matter, tho Jlrruld sought an Interview with a well posted man, and he say that tho Catholic are fully awake and thor oughly understand tho tactic of tho organization and are prepared to mic cessfully counteract any "work" that may bo d ono by It, He says: "Those charge of Immorality by thl traveling agitator agalut tho Catholic church aro too llly to be seriously considered by sensible people, All men and women know that If there I ono thing more than another that the Catholic religion demand of those who -are cominunl cant, that It I the chastity of woman, From one end of this country to the other l'rotestatit parent aro patron of the Catholic schools fn pcefereneo to the public find boarding scbnfcs. for no otjier Important reuson than thftk they fo'il that their girl are safer from iptatlon there. The trouble with Vishnu White I that ho 1 llko all other crank, Finding an imitated case hero and there where a priest ha done something wrong he lay tho blame upon the church instead of tho Imjl vhlunl. That argument hu boon made against Christianity since it establish tnent, and It ha never Injured tho church. Nothing can Injure It. The church ha no fight to make agalimt anyone, for hi belief, but It will al way protect It member, so far a It lie within It powers, from such under banded assault a them) men con template, and we have no fear of these fanatic gaining any permanent hold upon the mind of the reasoning people of thl great and free country." Illustrating what extent thl agita tion I capable of effecting", the rela tion nciwecn citizen, are the press dispatches from Moritromi, Mo., where the excitement I intense, it says: "A Ihht between Dr. Win, Hnrrand Kdltor Ht'yson of the Montrose Vrmocmt, which tik place In the Montrtfo post ofllco Tuesday, grew out of a war Isi tween the American I'roteelive Asso ciation of (hut place und the Catholics, Dr, Harr joined the I'roteelive Associa tion, but did not approve of tho action of the Jmdy and staid away from their meeting. The war ha extended Into the business of tho town. There are two drug store there one run by a Protestant, the other by a Catholic. Homeonii went to each drug store and counted Dr, Harr' proscription on file buck to given date, and found moro of hi prescription at tho Catholic drug store than at the l'rotestunt. Dr. Harr wa called to appear before the I'ro tectlvo Aoclatlon arid told that he must s.. nd hi prescription to tho l'rotestunt drug store hereafter. Ho told them to go to the hot regions; that ho would aend hi prescription where hi patron wanted to trade. Editor Hrymin mudo simie comment In his 1 (-'- i 'v. ... t ) li,. , ' St. .., h, ) t in. I It. - l t . t , .t. . ,). t .i ls,V Hi ! !. I t - i )... f .( ) e l.ti , . tl.,1 iii,.- M,. n TI" .' . .! ', ,! It.Mr ) ,w,t ll.,. t,i,. nnd ); n-l i jr .1 1 1 ;.s ... 1,. -. 11 ... ,. ( ii. j Nli.l l I, vl II I I in. ) t 1.. ,! )! ! Idiit H It iv.ll f,.f t,ll, t ll ltin Hit (tt.,M it'i. i ' f ) li. iili.i. ) !,.. U i f l M. n. il in lien t lli.i, H i l.l, Hi Mumi, t.t.j N. (.. trial. t .n r,.. lk'i.nn nr 1 nI t . r hi ' l'ini.ii r kIi, 1 f, ling tin I hi t -t,g. in, ri..i, mtd thi ll' at litM'le In tiitiee ttttuble U t.ite th. tttir ineli.liii ri if!tH.m!fc Zf.i-.iM. We limn tint hh i) the ilUpHt. It f. rit d tn In the lki,, but it the A. I'. AV of Mitnttiwe, M.,, Uliili'MiMtk tit dl-cipline r, Hair for (HitinMliIng be an lint renmtii.ltie for, tin , V did Wltnig, If hud a pit ctitlliiii tn lie lilted we would take It w Im-iv te peae-,! t-veii if the phytdeliill did tiHiienl It taken to Klnsler or to Hiiyden Hitt.' patent iiieillclne eounier. Dr, Harr' patient who had their prescription tilled at tlie Human drug store were prolmbly Humanist or Human sympathizers, ami they would have a js'i fect l ight to pal ronlze one of their ilk. You wilt nl way llml that the Humans never mnd a dollar with 11 1'rotentaiit If they can get what they want or need of a I toman 1st. In Hits town they will pass the S 1'. Morse dry gissls company, Thomp son A llolden's, the Huston Store, N H. Falconer's, HenniNon Hro. and tlm Hull Department Store In order to spend their money with Iluyden Hro. What if tlie A, I'. K'u. were as t'lanhdi? How long do you suppose a Itomnri Catholic would carry on business In this cltv Not three months unless some Jesuit repository was tapped. Hut, while Home places the boycott on every man who dares say she Is corrupt, that her Hubjeot owe first allegiance to the pope, and that us a class they are both Ignorant and vicious, she raises her polluted hand In moek horror that a l'rotestunt should give her dupes u doso of her own medicine, by refusing to deal Willi them when Protestant are engaged In the same line of bus! tie, or mechanical pursuits. Individ ually wo have no apology or excuse to olTer for not spending our money with Human Catholics. This wo shall never do, until they have moral courage suf llclent to say, "When tho law of the HtlLfll Hllll llilluit lit flu. ,.l,i,,.,.l, ,,,,,,111, , ...... .'.'.' V.IK..V11 VlU 11 11. I., those of tho state are supremo." Tills wo shall do until they meet reputable lecturers upon the rostrum of this country and ireiifi that I toman Cutholtc priest do not ftsk married female in tho confessional whether they have "reficied tho marriage debt; when, how ( fton, where and why?" Thl wo shall do until they moot reputable lecturer and dmprtm tho chargo that 1 toman priest ask unmarried females, who are about to be Joined In wedlock, "whether they havo had Illicit relations" with J L. ..I. ' I.. . , a , . .... . uiotr inuinoeu nusnaiids. Tin wo shall do until the diabolical confes slonal Is taken from the churches. Until that fostering, recking and damnable Institution, which first im plants in the mind of innocent girl and boy thought of thing to which they were strangers before entering It, 1 torn out of every Homan church, and iiiihi muruoror, wno contes to some alien priest, are handed over to tlie proper authorities, lo eradicate these evil the A, P, A, wa instituted. That I It mission; that Is our mission, and If you havo got the scale knocked from your eve, wo want your co-operation your assist ance. Wo wun t you to join a patriotic order we do riot euro whether It i the A. P. A tho Jr. O, U. A, M.. or the O. 8, of A,, they all have tho same object but wo want you to Join an order, You can write to us and seeio-e full Information regarding any or all of them, and if you want to organize a branch of cither wo will bo only too glad to assist you. Wo propose to bo one whom the Romans will havo just cause for hating unless they, too, gut their eye open and see that wo are working more for their good than our own. Wo have, with thl little paper, already mieeoodod In bringing out of the church of Homo some good men and women, and we hope to convince many moro that what we say Is so, And now, just a few word about those charge that priest question female penitent upon matter that should be known alone to such females and to their God, .That such one. lions are asked can Is) seen by reference to Mumsith Clas Book, tract on matrimony, page iH2, (and Munooth I where prfoNt are manufactured for this country.) A to the charge that priesis question icmaicM contemplating mnrrliigi) upon subject that should bo known only to such females, we refer our readers to the sixth volume of Peter Den' moral theology, puge 212 to 214, And as to tlie charge that priests hear the confeNslons of thieves and murder- s, and yet bund them not over to the proper authorities, wo refer you to cauieurai last evening, TOo first sos l'eter Dens' moral theology, voliimn fl, wu called to order by tho pros!- puge 227 and 228, By reference to these cltiftlons, which wo have In three languages-Latin, German and Knglish you can learn how corrupt, bow venal and tiow extremely nusuating Is tho Human Cutholle confessional. It will show you'how powerful 1 the hold that Homo ha upon tho mind and ,,l i i, y- mi i" . i 11 I 1,1. t ) " nt i-t- ,' , ,- it . t.-.y lu.l f. . J " It WtU )! -It, U I . kin., IttHM t j-lt til,- 1 !. -. ti tit t I Hi i:. " 11 , I, 1. I . . ill iy t. .( ll,U tsiMitit y Tltl I" ( r..'l.ti.! u ne.'y li d t.t t 1 1. I KM ft. ititon hi'j, ;ni. tl -i tt tviltn, sii 1 1 1st ... It ft. It lm 'uf if" ttti s.l ft. a a i ' i t. ) Mi. w u ) Ie dtip (Mi ttU lt ttt. y tv l ! Iltlit litie i,i) NliJ Mid ) IJ 11 H''!n, ey lni!t , Uti Im'f itiiiiil wilt ) nit. I, i -Un l ',.r nun I, ut thin litfttr insiem t-t fc'atiliiic Hiuue e mi' l.' it. ln.-d lo li. .1 ti White, and it ii-rlnlnlv in nllii( In timvlmv KflT Int. -Illg. nt tune thai It t time to leave that ehuivh fnit-it r, ... Origin of Patriotic American Ord?rt. lit I'hihldt tphU during the 'r 144 ivtI riot occurred which necnilngly rnt' front the pr-'unnei' nf tun nt an j liHiilghii'il forclgin'm, Dning !d year the lenderi of thnlijal Ameri can party oiled a political iiii'ctliig. It ui ir Ii., tititgh and hi'ctcri of foreign parentage took Inirliaretit menu to break up this meeting. Dur ing thl. prolonged riot, incited by politician who were so baiei a to sell their country's rights for foreign vote, several American were allot and mur dered. Among the number was tho young patriot Slimier, who, while taking and raising an American flag which K'imnn Ciilliolic had "trailed In the dust," wu shot. These riots gave birth to the leading and oldest A nerieiin protect! vo orders, both male and female. They are now forty years old, have military organizations and eoiiiniaiidries, and number over 100,- 000 member in Pennsylvania alono. The relatives of the young patriot Shilller have greaUy increased In Phil adelphia, hi brother can suddenly turn out million, and ere long a grand nioiiiiiiient will liio over the putriotio Shllller'g grave. Iloiitzdala Observer. THEY HAD NO UNION JACK. Irish and American Flags Only Display ed by Hibernians in Canada. Hamilton, Out., Aug, 10. Tho Ancient Order of Hlbernluns of Ham ilton and Toronto, with representatives from HulTulo, Rochester, N. Y., and other place, hold a big demonstration and parade yesterday. The most no table feature of tho procession and ono that caused much comment on tho street wa the fact that no Hrltlsh or .Canadian ftugs woro displayed, tho pro cession being headed by tho Irlwh flag, with several more of the sumo klndiwd about a dozen American flag Ncat-torea" tti rough tho procession, It was ex plained that tho omission of tho British or Canadian flag wu purely accidental, but It at least creuted a very unfavor- ablo impression and might havo pro- clplt t d a riot, Near the corner of John and King street a bystander asked one of tho marshals: "Whore I your union Jack?" and tho reply was: "To hell with It!" Rome the Enemy of Education. The following statistic from tho re port of the minister of public educa tion In Belgium aro more that Intercst- ingthey are decidedly Instructive In 1 KM 1 them tvet.' rAnnA In Tt,.tl.,. 102 kindergarten, 1,217 private school, and l.'i trade schools; 110,1 public H",I0,,,M w,!l' abolished; 1,108 teachers w ' ' ulM!"argeo, wiuioui any reason given; l.fiOO teacher were put on half pay, and .",.100 toucher were put on tho "retiring" list. In December. 188-1, there were left button public school. Huch was tho record of tho Catholic, the state church party. Then matters came to a change. The liberal party eumo Into power, tho untl-olorleul organized, and tho result Is that now there aro 1,017 public schools, 870 pa rochial schools, and ,')8 free normal schools. In 18M tho cost to tho state of each pupil was M francs; now It I but III franc, A Progressive High-Five Party, Mr, and Mrs, T. Anderson enter- talnod at their residence 21th and Michigan avc, last Wednesday even ing, a party of progressive high-five players, The evening, until ubout 11:30 wus spent in playing, rafter which a most delicious lunch wa served. Fveryono bud a grand goe, ' time, There were present tlie follow!, j: Mr, and Mr, O. If, Htubon, Mr. and Mrs. II. I, Plumb, Mr, and Mrs. K. H. Dieker, Mr, and Mrs, H. B. Whilohouso, Mlsse Bushy, Gibson, Murphy, Bushey and Hlater, and Mr. Hussel and Htookham, also Messrs. John Htubon ir Gibson Kelley, jJoty, Gardner und Itobb. Catholic Young Men In Hessior ALiiANY, N. Y,, Aug. 17,-Tho meet ing of the Catholic Young Men's Na tional association of tho United States annual convention here yester- Hiy. J lie delegates attended tho dent, Itev. J. F, Loughlln, of Peoria. - 1 bo several committees wero,itppointod among them being ono to cabjo tho none asking for hi blessing. Ktr, James McGrady, of Chicago, rend hn Interest ing paper on the Catholic press. Presi- uuiiu j-juiiKiiiiii iiwmuri-u iue prfhluont 8 T ...... .1.. 11 iii ... annual address. . . 1 ' tlll.a h