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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1892)
THE AMERICAN i ' ' 1 11 TV f .,!. t vf . . l . I. , l h'K --t.oaiv I t a it . a) ,a -l -! nl I. ita f l !, .-: Hulli.H ,,..,. .1.. .. 1 t -. 1. . i. h ! . 1 , ..t. I ji a It !.. Id I tlt It., all 1, I Iv4 1,1 t I ' i t""l t. It a . I. iili I i I lliit llaalil I r t no Im k..'H H,t ll". (Ml la l.l,g I.- j-.l.i .ta fc tl ii-l.,.., ,.f 4,,i,h' 1 H U U. tiMi. 1 1 it,, j, , a M la- t , I-..I I.i lM ftiaastujv, l .m.., ,a. l-tii I ft,, ft. t nal-itt. inn t t.t l .1. .1 t tl i-vi 1. .,. t 1 it... l.i la !.. it. . ( kai ((, t. ( a' I. .,.) ttl.a"tlai-li. a. 1 tu V;.t If t an it iht I !' ,aw -I , U. , t (In' ma Hint mt I 1 lint lite IVntiA t aiit l t j IS,. ti.i I'lm. I-1 in.--i ilium, ami Dial n lam,..! la- ju.lii A n tnnn, I'l lhal ia tie la fr ulailf tin t a li i t (ill li.n.s.tti la a Ii 'I Jll'U nu l,t II. 1 hat all Una ...lllur Iti tl.- t at'.'in HI..I tli . tt vj llit tt.,t..att ,n im nt. it( Itu Itttti'. lit 1 I.hI nil of tlii itt.liittn uf lln ,i.iut tv Unit. .iMUl.iU lit lai ula .i I I, We nutlil ttt l li In aHaa In inn' hunt the ai luia i . .iiniiuiiili alt u, It. I'tlealu mv I sit In ia ami limit, n. nun f ,illi'en, II. The ell ll In I. ill tin-. I ft, nit In ii ii. 1 .ill In' avli -aliiiiii'iil ui h in Hi la la il.linil (llMN-tiJf trout 1 1ml, . wlili'll IIii' ptuillfT i'iiii. Ill i tililiivlli'll mllll lila pli'lntin, Iiiiilii i'i Hi 1 It Milium tut the lmli i ht'lalliill Wnrlil, III tiinltcln nillllilnl, I'tHn'cttillUt lln' anhiillnii of mmla, mill I In' riiilit tivtrnmriit of tin1 church i ami If iieecnaiiry Jtnliio nml IIkm (if llll I In' I Iti n il ii I yianlatif nil rlirlalliilia. lil. A lirivili', liolillnit nr tini'lilnit fiilie iliK'lrllm riilii't'iiiliiu (In1 aiirriiini iila, la i . i'iiiiiiiuiiiIi'iiIimI mill ili-Kliiiliil. nml hnmlcd over lit lliii nccttliir rmiK. IT, f ul u r ;n 1 1 ! iiiiivlllltix in rur in ilrfi'liil III" I'liuivli iii;hIiii-I In ii-llra hit rs coiniiiiiiili'iili'il, hihI tln mi' lulu mull r mi Inl ') hi . M. Tim K'imIx f lii'l'i'tlcn Ul'd In 1m fun llwuli'il nml iiiilli'i tut lie I'liuri'li. It). AilviN'iili'n nr luiliirli'a, fiivoiiiiu In-tc-tlra, ur thi'lr (li'fi'liili'la, nr plrililhu fir tllt'tii In law mill, nr wrltlntt ilncuint'iitH fur ilii'in, arii liifiiiniHi ami aimiii'iiili'il fnini olllri'. SO. Tin Niriilur pnwi'ta, wIh iIiit iH-riiiii-nrnt or li'inHiiiii y, urn bminil In Nivi iir Unit llii'V will I'Xli'iinliiaii'. iti'i'iirdliiM to llirlr H)WIT, till lll'I'I'lll'NI'lllllll'IIIIII'lI liy llll'l'lllll'l'lli mill it ti'tiiKiiii lull) nut iiiiikIiik hi 1 ii mi of liiTi'llra. la i' X -com m ;m li nt I'll. 21. TIidhii nIkiiimI 'wllli tlui crowi for thu tx I cr n 1 1 nit I lull of lii'i'i'tlrx, I'l'jiilrn In llin ptlvlli'Kii ttriinti'd to tlio iiruHiitloiH for tlio Li'lp of dm Imly luiiil. ii, Tliry it in aliwilvml from nil oliliiditloim who ii lo lu iiiiywlMi boiitiil to lii'rctli'a. 2.1, Whouvcr dluN I" tuiltlii iimilnot tlin un tx'lli'Vliin, incilia the kliiK'lom of ln-ii v--ti . 24, Wu iJo not I'Hli'tnii llioai! liiiiuli'lilra, to wliom It may Imvo 1iuih!iim1 in llirlr zi-ul fur their tnollirr cliuri'li nituliiHt tlin cx-cowi-iniiiilriiilcd, to kill hi linn of Ilii'in, 7ft. Tlntl Citlliolli! I'lliM'i'H urn IhiiiihI, bolli by I'lvH tind cunim law. not to nri-lvo or toliiraM lii ri'l.lrH, itml miirh morn urn tint to pnrmlt Miclr rllt'd. or otlicr cxnri'laii of tlmlr rcllifloiii or rtillii'r, tlirlr fulan wrt. Inil. nit! tiKWt wiliiiiinly ImiiiihI cvcrj wlirrn. lo ri'pi l ami I'Mii-I llii-in. 2l. Tlui followlntt li'iiipiuiil piiiiInIiiiiciiIN km lo tin I'linri'wl on Imrittli as Jul. Infumy. ami llii'i'mihi'Tiiciit, illMiiullfliwi ona for nil civil iii'U, 2nd- liili'Hfiilillliy, tm well urtlvn (in puislvtt itlntt la, tlii'jr i.'iiri ih'IiIht inaliii .will nor Inlii'tlt what la li ft lo tlii'in liy Vtli'ra), llnl - hots ot piiU'MiuI jiowi r ovit t lillilri!;i, 4hJma of dowry, und oilier prlvlJt'if'w griuiti'd to woimni. ftlhronflacii tlon of ttll iiikiiI, Dili Tliut vitanuN nml aluvca uk otliniN urn rcii from nil, i-n-n dwoni oliMKitiloiia rlim to tln lr loril or tin otlmr. 7l)i- CuplUil corporal puiilaliiin iit, capi'i'lally (limlli, uinl jut jh-i un I linprlwin luriit, 27, 'Mil! canon law foi lilila nil t ili'iulloii 2M, 'I'lml. Iiii'lrnpollliiini i,.lin;ia urn to I'-foiiiiiiiiiilriilii liliu who zinnia lilicrty of L'OIIM'llllll'lt, 2'J, Nooullilato tin In'iit l.witnU lii-ri'tli! prlnci'a, IoiiU or In th. 1)0. lli'i'Ktlni art! to hit (Ii'prlvnil of nil rlvll llllll pUM'NIUi I'litlllt. ill. Tlin popn i'iiii uliaolvii from all oaf lia, 1:1. I'.vi'y hlnliop la onlliiary Jiil;;n In a cauaii of lii'i'i-ay, Tim rmiaon la ln'cannn llin lilxliopNi'iin i H-olllido, ainl oiiKlit1o!li'uii' lii'l'iillca, nml Inlllrt upon tlmm tlm dun pun Inlimi'iitAi and lo tlila am hound on pulu of (i'jmllloii. llraldi'Mi arn llin llUlallora Ca pnrlally (lipuifd liy llin upoatolln mil Kvi-ry hlaliop In Ida dlori'an In ihoiiKlit to ), and III I" It y la, a tialural Imiulallor, i J I tr ully lorii liiiiilallor), no na lo liavu Dm aamn pownr Willi tlioan alrnaily lunnllonnd In a ciuiaf' of lii'inay, In nvnry pionilaaory oatli, hIiIioiikIi Hliaoliilt'ly lulinn, Ilii'in am cnrlaln condl tlona liu'llly iiiidnraiood, amoiittit wlilrli mi'i lt-lf I can I 2nd -To aavn Hut right ml iniiliorliy of a aupnrlori Did -Wlii ti tlin oaili NiippoM'a llin liouor of llm apoalilln wn to In Illicit, , Tlml llm (.'ouni'll of Trent, film luat and Kmiit auilioi lty of l(omi'). dncrnna and noin linilida tlml llin aitri'i d I'liliona and all Ki'li ITal uoiliwlla, alao tlin oilier lipoatolli! enact Iiieii1 Iwitieil III favor of nirlealualleal peraoim uf I'cclealaMlli'iil lllierly, and HKaltiat Hm vlolutom, all of willed liy I Id" preaent llnei'i'ii ll rennwa, mid niilnt tin emuily oli- Kfi oy all, CARDINAL'S OATH, .eardlnul of Urn Holy Jloman 'Ii cliiireli, do iromln and awear that, from tlila t lnin to llin end of my life, I will lm fall drill and oliedlent unlo hi. I'eter, tlin holy upon told! Iloniiin ehuri'li, and our moat lioly lord, tlin Mipo of Iloiue, and Ida mleceaaora, eailon leally and lawrully elei'ied! tdnl, I will lv no udvlcn, eonnetit, or aallancn iiKalnat t lm pontlili'iil majeaiy and jieraoui that 1 will never knowlinfly and advUully, lo their In Jury or (lloKraee, mnkn puhlii! t Imi I'ounella enii'iinleil in mil hy tlMiiiMelvn, or hy nma Neiii raorntM.rH! alao that J wlllglvn theni any aaNlhlaui'ii lu retaliilnK. defending and reeoverluK Hm Itomitii pnpaeyiiml Hie ri'iiilla of I'l'ler. wild all my mlxlit and emleavor, no far na Hid rlndlN and prlvlleite of my order will allow It, and will defend Idem m'lilnat all their donor and alitle, und I will dln-et and di fi'iid, with dun fnnn and donor, thn leuutea and nuncloa of llin apimtolli! arc, In I lm I . i r 1 1 1 f'l' ', I'liiiri'liea, nioiiaaterli a and older linn ll.'i-H ( mi in h till to my keepluK; mid I will eoldlally Py-opeiatn wild llieiu and Iriiil I linn wild donor In llielr eomlnv;, alildini; ami returnltiir, ami tdat I will I'i nImI, unlo liliNid nil iierhoim wliuliioever who ahull lit tempt iinyllilnK UKaliint tjiem. Tliut will, hy every way ami hy every memm Ntrivn t lireaei vn, iiuKiuent nml ndvuneo thn rlKdlN liotiorn, prlvlleiiim, the uirlliorlly of tlin Holy man dlnliop, our lord llin popn find bin be fiirn mentioned nueceahorni and Hint, at whatever lime tinyllilliK ddiill I"' ileeldi'd to tin lr prejiidli'i', willed la out of my power to hinder. Ila Moon aa I ahull know tliut liny an pa or iniiUHiii'i a liavn been taken In thu mutter, 1 wlli imi in) It known to thn a.'iine, our lord or hU auei'eaaora, or munu older jier anii by leu lm ai.i ih It may bn luoiiijlit to their Hliowledxiit Tlml 1 will keep and carry out an J I'ltuM' ul In'ln In keep hihI carry out tin) rojcit of the holy father, tin' ilfcrei-a. ' ' ' 1 1 ' . ., . . I , l-fc,. -t ' .-. a , i .,,t,i, i f , t l.. t, .-, I '. I ..- i t f. .(( I '-' ' I tin ,HI.:.i , . ,.m.i i tl,i -tl. I ,.,fU ,., ( , s .N.I it., .t .., , l ,i . h I I mi- J: I ' I ' ". ' 1 I . 1,1 ..) I'l'"' l"-''l' - I t i ,.t.-.lM ' H- ,r 1,1 I I I It; ' l 1,1 lt. ft . , . I 1. 1 I'M II . I. -.. .,! . I I i.v I i. ), . ,.f . i . n -I I I . an) , millall l I' I :'t 'Mt Il1 l ll I l... I ' I .a j . .I. i. ti, ..ll. (t,, (, MimaQrn OAtM, 1. - t , (. 1I i, .I ,ti, -i -, fti l,t n.i m a,i ai (a ll.tii ami i. itl.i I In "I l'i ( I ll..' . i i.i ai., hi- llult ll Ulil.itt.l. ai-'l n. S, i..;jf a i f, aii l I.i ,!a m-,t.,i , sW,ii, a!i jr i i.i, iine-. tut) m lit,. ( a,t , inliw hi iii.i tl.t t it, Out Hial Itu f iKi , t Mr nf tm inla I, ul Mi il It,, if in ".in ,.i: In ilil, nr In an iwt i, , 1 1, i, . dlif lullllli l.ltl II i I.I (In In. llin), r HM H Ii hm. lm.a ii I Itic i-i. ip, 1 1 ttiih hl. Ii Itu ltll lull nt l.-i. y IIhihmIii. IIii If inl aw nki iai,r Ii Id r I a "l m i tii.ia liililjr laii'nl In niij'. In Hull (n ii,j, r. I III lirlp IIii iii Ii- ii fi-ml ami kn it!n I,, .1,11,1, winejr Hlnl tin !.. illli-at.f M. S I, r Hu'iiliot nil l.H'ii. 1 lie liilnle nf lln nt.i-l..ii' a,.,.. Citlhlt Nlnl iitlnlliif. I M III Imlmi llvut i,,,l lnll 111 Ilia lliVi-n.ll !t I'll' tlj-lila, i,ii,ira, pi-lvlli'tit a uinl iiiillii.m j ,it IM. llnl) lininiiii I llllM'll llf Mill' il. III- 'llH, nllll III tlflllV anlil am ri-aaiit. I dill I'liili Minr In I'li -in , ilt fi-ml, liii'ii NK' mill mil iiiien, I will tmt l III Hny I'llllllai I, lli'llnll nf Irt'lll)', III Willi i alinllli pluttiil m!iiiiiHt inn. aiiiil inn! hihI Itiilnmt i ) nr. Ii . mivlhliiK tu tin' , mi nr pi,.. Jllilii'O nf tlit'lf pi'lmma, flulita, liuliur, Mule or Hiwi r, nml. If I ahull know any mh Ii tiling tit lie tii'iili'd in- n.illiili-il liy imy v tint -WH'ver, I will hinder It tu my iiiniiiHt, nml na anon aa I i'iiii, I will Minify It In our aald liild. The ordlmilii'i anil mmiiliitea nf the pnpr, 1 lil uIihi i ti' wild all my mltlii and ililiae to lie nliael veil hy olhera." "llerelli'M, ai'lilsiniitlea mid ri lii la lo our aald lord or lila mi'i'i hanra, I will to my lit moat prraei'lite and nppoM'," "llerelleim, ai'hlNlinit leoa el relM'llea eldeiu Domino nimlro velmieeeaaoi lliiia preilletla pro piiNNii iiereiiiur et oppiiKnuho,'' "I w ill I'niiie to a eoiiiu'll w lien 1 am called, I Will Vlalt the threaliold of thu apoMllia every thren yeiira and xlvn mi lu'i'imnt of our lord of all my panlornl ollleu and of the lliln if m iH'lonuliiK to my dloeeMi to tlin iIIn clpllne of my rli'ivy anil people. I will In like manner liiiinhly reeelvu ami illlluently I'xi'i'iiin Hm apoHlollc commamla. If 1 tun detained liy a lawful Impediment, I will per forin tlin aforeaald liy A lui'mlier of my ehiipter or a pileat. of my dloeean, fully In alrueleil In nil Ihliinn aliovn menlloiieil Tim ionhi'hkIoiih lieliiimliiK to my tnlile, I wkJI nelllierHell nor oilier wlwi iilleiiuin wliliout I'oliaiillluK the Komitn n ri 1 1 IT. Hi) help tuu (inil und llieae liuly Koapela of Hod," J iHKnilturel, Hi nt to t III) KoiiiIkIi ,MiiiiHKer, PBIIST'S OATH. "1, , now In thn prcaenrt) of Almlvtlily (lod, llin bd aaed Vlt'Klii Wary, the bleaaed Mlcdael I lie Archangel, thn bleaamd HI,, luiiil tlin Ilapllat, tlin Holy ApimlleN Hi, I'l'ler uinl HI. I'mil and (he Hnliila am tlui HiK'ieil lloNtof lieu ven, and to you, my lord, 1 do declare from my liearl, wlldout menial rnaervatlon tdat tlin popn la Clirlht'N vfcur duiii'i'iil and Ik tlin I run and onl,y lieiul of Hm ii n I vr r hji 1 ediircli llirouitlioui . tdn narld, ami that, by virtue of llin keyN or blndliiK and IinihIiiK itlven lo Ida liollneaa by Jeaua t'lirlnt lm dan power to dcpoaii hnrntleai klmta, prliieea, aliiM'a, commottwealtlm and uovnrti meiiti, ull beluK Illegal wlldout lila aitr'i-d coiillrmatlou, and tdat tin y may anfely be dealroyed, Tdereforu, to llin iilmoat of my power, 1 will defend tlila doctrlnu and IiIn iiollll'.eaa' I'bilil nml cuatoma nalnat all uiuiierof llin rroiealant auldoiliy wlial Hocvcr, I'Hpeelally nifainal llin now pretended iniili'iiliy and cliuieli lu Ivnulaud and ull adderentii, In tn'iurd that they bn tiaiirpal and In iel lenl, oppualiK tdn altered niollier, III" I'liiin ll of liiiliin. "I do denounce nml illaown any ullelancn ua 'l'i" to liny I'roti'Mlunl kliiit, prliien or alale or obi'illeiien lo any of their Inferior odleeia, I (fu furl her declare thn iloeirlmiof thu ('dutch of l;ii;:luinl, of thn l alvliilala, lliiiiii-iiiiia and oilier rroleatunt, to be diimnnbln nml ihoai! lo bn damm'd who will not foi'Mike the an me, "1 do further declare dial I will help, aaalat and ndvlae all or any of lila bollliuW iwiil In any pliK'n wherever I ahall be, and lo do my nt moat In extirpate thn J'lofcaf mil doc trltui and to deairoy all Hn lr pretended power, renal oroUuTwbic. 1 do furllier prom lae and dei lain Dml, iiotwlibMandlnK I muy lm permit led by dlapetmallon to iiamimu any derel lcul religion (I'roleatunldenomlualloiia) for thu propattalloli of tdn mother cdurch'ii IntereNt, to keepaecret and prlvalu all der aenta' counaela aa tdey etitritat me, and not to dlvulife, directly or Imlliectly, by word, wrltltiK or clrcuinaliincea wdalaoever, but to imcculn all which ahull bn proponed, (jlven lu cdal Kn or discovered unto tun by you, my moat reverend lord and blwhom "All of whh li I, ,(loiwearby llm bleaaed Trinity ami bleaaed hucrnmetit willed I am about to receive, to perform on my liiiit to keep Inviolably, and do call on all thu Heavenly and (ilorloim lloat of Heaven to wltncaa my real liili ullmia to keep tlila my oitlli, "In leatlmony whereof,! taketdla moat holy and bleaaed Haerumi'tit of llin l.iichai'lat, und Wllncad till) aiimit furllier wild my conae (raU'd liaml, lu llm preaenen of my holy blahop and all Ide prleata who aaalat tilui III my ordination lo llm prleNlliood," WANT Kilt HAMC Hit TIIA liR--Two fc-ood ewln liiiti'lilni H. TdU ollleu, ll-l-lf ' AHOUKKH-l'roleMiini Inboreracati ancitni J work by lipplylnK at. tlila olllce, POHITION an dell v'ty clerk or book-keeper wanted, Addreaa, W, II, Morrla, lni' HI.. Mary'a avenue, earn aleam laumlry, TO THAI K - Hfi aerea ttood rami land to trade for Kond newaiiiier ami Job ollleu. bund iaaltualed ueiiruood lown and la iiulu numbered, Addrnaa, "K, (', II,," tlila olllcn, w i)l(l or any kind, Addrca thia n-,'l olllcn, w ANTKIi -Hltiiiiiion a clerk, Addreaa "Mm" tlila olllcn, WA NTKH -A reliable younit man wiinta a poallloti aa wiilehmnti or puller. Excel lent referelici'a. Addreaa, "l (I. M.," tlila olllce. WANTKD - A tioaltlon by it itood rcliiihlii mini ua delivery clerk or collector, (food lleferclicc Itlveil. All old realdeiit. Addreaa,), (', AnKincan Ollleu, ,VV7-tf WANTKI' - Every bualneaa mini who wunta n iiood Job of tirliitlnif to cull at, Till'; AMKHli'AN .loll IiKI'AKTMI'.NT und itet prleea, ,M l ,ooK, Manuier, ft-W-l K. T, AM.KN.M, ). KVK AM) KA K Kl.'HOKON ; HauiKu Hl'k, cor Harney A I A, Omaha. Ai (n 11 if li t M ('CI aliou, e. i , f K . .. . a - 1 1 I,. la at I V I.. , I,, I. ' ' i ail. l. - ,. t. I Ii I I I,- .i l il i I II I f il t. a I i ' - t , - , 1 1 i( I ,i in imili I it- I-a (I1 t- . , f I l,ai !a I --l.a Ii 11. I. a I ! ... - , II.. i ii.) i Him i lit 11,, ! ,, ..... ..I t, . ,.i a. I. .. 1 1 la l.t ,,i! .'.I. t-, a t.-. t At f, ,-.i t at K.l t'l ''!'l' 1 ail !t It, In t--a., I.m.i! Hi l,tt.ll. In I I. . it i I'ii.p ae.t ititilllii, II tl.a't I, a 1 1 i a . In h a t- I ill i, I, i'l It tit mi. t, t. I. ... i t ,. t . i .'at . I I. ..ll.. I it a! a...) a ...-,a in nt It lie tl III Mi l-,.t.,. I i.f (ia t'titlnt IHI'II II 1 1n a"lal i.a "I I.' i i.i"i ai',it lial la rti. il i ul. .1 linn Hti i a it ulll in h, hi. h ahail la- f il fat.l ni a In u Iwm . lliiii I I I 1 lit- t.,ia!i..n ahiail U tin IiiOi-I I I-!1 anil entilllilll' f-tl Ulll i-ala lll.t, -a tllmail 1 1 il tj ti.llllial ililtal'lll Ml 'tta a tf la . mi ii i a it, The Itlsbeal aliiiitml of llnli till illn aa l HalillltV III )'!, ll the I'.tl t.l at lull l.all ai 3,. it, ,.n ,il,i.... liv. If tt-all i-l.-ia-ti 1 1 'In I I'l n 1 1 ai of lite .al. upi afllal alia k llllll t Kill a'llmi I 1 he nlli. i'ta of the t'iiltllliii hall la' tttti-i-ttttt'i I..I Wlnl -luill Mittllnltr I'tiil (iii'Iii-iiI aian-tiii ami litatiilil ftniiil Atiitililt tin1 alia k hi. Iili la, hi" ' 1 Iti' mmuitl mii-ltiiK of at.a kletlilt eta fnl the i lta-tliin nf iliiit tola ahull ! al tint tittt.'ii nf the en! (atrnllim nil the Ileal Tiii'iltiV III Jitiiiiitiy nf em Ii year nl leu n i lia k n lit. tna'liil Ineelliiaa of Hie al.a k liitblela InnV Im' eulli'il al niiy lline by llin pii'alili iii, nml ahull la' eulli'il nl Ihe liiim l nf any lm ahiiit'ltiibli'rai ain li not hi' nf all lm et lima of atia khnblt'i-a ahull la Ktti'ii na tuny lie put Vlileil by the I'V IllKa hen. il The niiliinil iiiti-lliiu tif the illtiM'tnm for the elect Ion of iillli'cra -hull lie nl I he iitlle, of the cm tail nlliui on the III tl Tlleaility lit .liiniiin y nt i-ii.-li year ut I mi n'cha k p. in. Hef. 4. I'lilll I he tlrat n mi Mil I eli't'llnll of illrit'lnra, mid until llndr ailcceaatna are c Ice led uinl iiiiilllli'tl, .Inliii '. Thiiiniatni, W ulter t'. hellcy anil Mm Inn I,, inik ahull coiiallliite the linliril of illrcetoea. HfC. ti. The illreetoi'a ahull loive power In adopt by-lnwa for the itiiveiuiiieiit of the cot pointloii mid aliull hold revulnr lunl apt'clitl meet lima ua muy In' ptiivltleil by the by-bia, They ahull meet for Hie purpoac of electliiu olllcela In nerve until the Ural ri'KU lur miniiul meelliiK, mill until their aue ceaaora are elecled mid oualltled, to liilopt hy-lawa, nml the tt'iiiiNiietloii of other hunt lieaa, on I, nv', at ten o'cliH'k a, in. AIITtl'I.H VIII, , Theaii lit'tlclen In ll y be liliiemli'd lit liny meellmr of thn atiH'kdoldern by ll vote of a iniilorlty of the alock. Wltncaa our lunula tlila 2,'ilh day of July, l. Iv it M A V, TlltiMfnoN, W. o. Kkm.rv, .IllllN O. 'I'llllMI'MIIN, M, l .IHIK, III lireaelii'ti of II. Hlellu HiiKhea, Htatk, of Nkiiimhka, Douixlaa Coiiin v. lie It renieinbered tliut on thn 2,11 It day of July, Mir, liefnri! me. a iiolury iiibllc In ami for auld county ami atate, peraotially came John (.'. Thoinpaon, Waller I . lielley, Marlon li. .noli and hiiiimi V. Tiouiiaon, to inn per noually known lo be thu blent Icul peraoiia Whoae mimen lire nubacrlbed to thn fiirenulin artlcleaof Incorpoiulloii, ami acknowlediteil Miime to be llielr voliintury act and deed for tlm piirpoae therein n? t forth, In teallinotiy wdnreof I liavu liereutitii net my tin ii 1 1 iind mon I tdn ilny uml year lunl. above written, II, Hrr.l.t.A lltroiiKn. Notary I'ublli!, Notice of Incorporation. Alt'l'll'I.K I, We, Hm uuduralunnd, do dnruby, In liurail iince uf law, form a corporation to be Known an Klopp it llatilelt Co. aiiriri K it, Tdn iirlnclple pliiee or trannactliitf Hit) bun Innaa of thin corporation aliull bn 111 OmilliU, HoiiKlan county, Nuliraakit. AMTII'hK lit. Tdn Keneral nut urn of I lm bualneaa In prliilliiK, bludlim, iltdoKiupliltiK and mullein perlalnltiK thereto. Atcrtci.K IV, The capllnl ntouk ahull be tlilrly tboiiatind dollurn, divided Into nliumn of on" hundred dollurn each, which ahull be fully mild at commencement or bualneaa, and aliull be lion We, AII'I'lt'l.K V, The time or commencement or (Ida corpor ation In AukunI fllh, tmri, and ahull lermlnule AimiiHl llih, IUI7, unleaaaooner illaaolved by Itn own acta or by operation of law, Alf'l'H'1,1', VI, The dltfhnat iimoiint of ludnbtedneaa ahull not enceed I wo-t hlnl'. of the puld up cnpllnl alork, Atcril'I.K VII, The bualiiean ahull bn conducted by Idree dlreclorn, elecled uiiiiiiully on Hie aecoud Tliuraduy of Auuuat, each year, c. If, Ki,ii'i, V W, lUtt'rhK'rr, A.T. huiee, H-llhtt liicnrporulorn. SMrlfFi Sale. t'nder and by virtue of an eecului on Iriuiacrlpt laaiied hy I'runk K. Mooren, ( lerk of Hm dlalrlctcoiirl of Houirliia county, Ne braaku, iiiou a ludmenl. of I he county court In und for audi county, on thu lilh day of June, Intti, Oi trmiacrlpl of which Jiidxment wiiaou thu Pith day nf.lulv, IH'-i, duly III"'! mid docketed lu the dlatrlet court, within mid for mild county, i In favor or It, 11. Henry, eneculor, nml iiifiilnat Ha rah llernalelti, (Im pleaded wllh A,, VI, liernaiein. Ileal real mime unknown,) I have levied upon the following deacrlbed real eat n In na Hie iroH't ly of the aald Nn in h llerualeln, lowll l "Tlin north twetily-lwo CK'.i feet of the aoulh forty-four lid feet of Hut eaal tblrly llve lliii feet of lot one Hi, block one hundred ami twenty-one (l:!li, In the city ofOmiiha, I 'on 1 ii h county, Nebrnakn," and I will on Hie (till day or Heilemher. Inn!, lit 10 o'i'lock A, M. or mild day at Hie KAHT front door of Hie ( oiinly Court llouan lu thu city of Omnha. HoiiKlaa county, Nelunaka, aell nald ri'iil eat u li' ul public It net Ion lo the h In heal bidder for cuah, to anllafy auld enei-nl Inn, the amount due Idereou belnit al hundred llilrly-neven mid Itl-lno dollurn W'dMi dnmiiiie, live nml wi-IKi dollurn (tfi W) eoai Wild Inlereat III ten (Kli pi t cent, on hothof auld anioiinln from Jiiuu (it It, IKfi. Iiiki-Hii-i wild onu and h.VIHi dollara if l.n'ii the coala of Increiiae ntil Mceriilntf coaln, Omnha, Nebruaku, Auiriiat.4. Ii!. OI',Oll(il', A, IH..N , KTT. HherlfT of HoiiKluaCoinity, Nebrnaka, (JoiiiInIi A lloberlaoti, attorneya, n-ft-.l Notice, Jamen llnrry, (lefeiidunl, will Hike notice Hint on the :!lth ilny of Muy, Intel, Avla C, Merry, plalnllif herein, filed her pel It Ion In the illalrlct court of llouirlna coiinly, ,Ne binaka, uurflnat auld lefeiidunl ; the ohjecl Mtul prayer or which into procure a divorce from thil audi defendant on the Kiniimla of linbllual druukeiiuean enlreme cruelly, fail ure lo aiippott and lldilllery, Pliilnl llf liaka forlheciiaiody of lln-lr finir minor elilldn'ti and for alimony. Vim lire rci Hired lo nnawer mild petition on or befiire Hie llllll day of Heplember, iH'i, limed AilKliat 0th, M'.', H-12-4 AVIH c, IlKKUV, I'lnlnlllT, My Hiiundem A Macfarliiiid, her attorneya. Notice, ( llllll Willi", (ll fcliflllfil, will llikl uollee llllll on the lilh duy of May, ln'., ,.' rilit) S. Wlllla. plulfitlir herein, llleil 1,1a petition III thn dlatrlet court of I'ounliia county Ne bruakii, iikiiIiihI auld (lefeiidunl the olijeel iind prayer of which la to procure it divorce fnim llm an Id defendant mi the irroutida of lldilllery, ami on the innumln of tleaerilon for morn Hum the hint punt, I no yi-iira. Vnu lire ri-iiilri il to anawer auld ietltlon Oil nr before the IUI h duv of Heplemher, Kri, Imieil Annual mil, n-l;!-4 JOHN N, WIM.IH, I'liilntllf. My Huumleia A Miirfarbind, lila iitloineva, (ilCO.W.LANOASTIOllACO. otNKiut, aoknth WHEELER 8c WILSON BEWINQ MACHINES. Estey and Camp & Co. Pianos and Organs. SOLI) ON MONTHLY l'A YMKNTS. Needle, Oil, Huppllea for all klmln of Hew IliK Maehlnen, Our own Mechanic la llrat clana. Will repair any Hewln Maclilnn r.Lao mtt, ' 614 South 8ijUnth Bt., ' ! , 1 IMu f t-itl I ti i.i a .. 1- lai llllll lltia I I ... I ! i ft. . ii n i ,, t u , i II It,, t .... n .1 I l -t . .,,!, Cut,. Si t, I I , 1 , I i I - t . . V t i.i II iiii.i. H , . I t. i. "i. i I Ii i,h ,,-' I ti i I .i I i i. !ii a,.,, i '9 a. i, , ii, .i . l- .l 'I, , ,11.1. . M, lll lll 1,1. V I I . in- .'I'll I at 'nt I l I a 1. 1 , i i .1 MAX MIIYKH CO, In llaeli- ill b ia In I llnl I lax PlnnossOrofliis Wfi iltt III. htjl .t nail la .1 at h- tt-.l kl.a ll Iii ta- fi-iii.t In Hi.' nt i anil a. tl al alaittifn. I Mi-, ta pili.a In t n-tt m i a pa) in. ti I a SIciDwa? & Sons g Vcsc & Son:, Win. Knatc Co. Stcrlini. Bclir Ere, In nibllltnli In Mi l li iM nl ai-it-int 1'iln-r umlirn nlwni In tm fntiml In our Inm For $2B0. e well n tiaiil. ri'llablti, t. ma, Ik IMnim In Iilnlli in al i-ati'. I lila Hum luia nial .'. Imi line t'lin Ii. nml amianli, ai'tl alimlii t im I tl y nf ti.iin nml fur aiittiliir In many Iili ll lllii anlil nt lilwl) I'lli'i h) i.llii'lil.-illi'la ll l fully nt t mil ml by lint imtntititi liircra nml by nutai'lifa fur llin yenla. nn ii'HHl a hamuli! cumin! lm ilitpllcnteil elan here, STORY and CLARK and STERLING ORGANS. -- nl bed rm'k prlcei und on enay termn Second Hand Organs, $10 up. " Pianos, $25 up, llialriimetita rented mid rent allowed If pur elilin'il. ( lu'lip nli'iicllled triiah, an often lm piiaed upon liuyern wn tin mil hutidlu or m eomend. A ihiiI al uiiibtrd inake Heeoiid 1 1 und Inatriimetit In belter than iiiuchof llm cheap t riiili aohl. Viiur patronatfenollclted and lilndly app a I'hlled. Call and nun ua, or wrltn for fiitalnKiiim priced, Max Meyer Bro. Co., 16th & Farnam St, Omaha, Neb JESSE WHITE, Mri-. Piano Dept. RETTER A HAAREN. SIOUX CITY EXCHANGE. WlNKH, IilCjUOKH AND (JlOAIlH. Ileer and d Hall, Hot I.uiu'li every day from V a. m, to I p. in. 1413 DouRlfii St., : OMAHA. For FINE LIVERY Lip-lit MilKKlen, Huddle Ilium, CnrrlajreN, Conpea, y.U'., net! ED. BAUMLEY, rrBoarding a Specialty. 17th nd St. Mary'i km, Tnlnpliom 440. Omaha Express and Delivery Co. 1'r.l,KI'llONK 747, Moving and Light Express Worh Trunk delivered lo till parln of llm city Olllce, IK4 North tilth HI,, at I'riiK Hlore on H, W, cor, llllll ft CIiIciiko nln, I'KICKH KKAHONAMII1,. J. I. 'I T HIM'. V, Manauer, M. O. MAUL, Hiicceaaor to Hrenel fi Maul, Undertaker and Ernbalmer 1417 Farniiin Hi reel , Tiei.M'iioNr, zili. OMAHA, NED. AllfdnernsFrcservfed 211 GOUTH 11TH STREET TrXfa'loNK 2'14. THE BOSTON STORE, Cor. 16th and Dou&lat. JEWELRY DEPARTMENT, IMiimondn, Wiilchen and Hllverwnre, dpi lenl Oiaiila a lendlnu a'cluly, Kor llral-clana Watch repairing and KnurttvltiK IfUIKMiH 01 VK CM A CAM CAPITAL, S400,000.00. TIIK- COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. A, I', llopklnn, prcnldenti Win, (I, Maul, vlcu-prenldenti Alfred Millard, caadlcr, Mth Ittld Flil'flltlf. OMAHA, NKM C'ALKH WINTKU, BRICK MASON, lliillder mid Oetieiul UeinilriuK. Kuilmutna furulahed, 122 N. 10th t, . . . OMAHA, NEB ll. L. BURKET, FUNERAL DIRECTOR and EMBALMER. 2301 CUMINQ BTRBETi Toli'pliotin 1177. OMAHA, NEB. M. E. NIELSEN, Shaving and Hair Dressing Parlors, soil Soctii 7rif SriiKKT. Where our ('HIK.MlH can pna'itre iiiaid treats meet and fine win kiiianalilp at I lie n-ifiilnr pilcen, 4-Minll South Omaha Advertisements S. M. PRESS 45.7 N Street, South Omaha, Neb. MMy Boots, Shoes, Hals, Caps, ' Vallaea, and (ieittn' r'lirnlahlnm , v lu llm city, i.'ull and e me GILT rtuiiilii HI IlljJ ("I II It'iM liliti 1,'lltlt til.ial tlltil I til i t I J uinl Mi. ii ilii nn llmti any ! ., i. . . . 1 1 i . , .. ., 1 1... . t .... i .... 'l -i I tl III I'l I'l; tnv t imi .1, a,' 11 11" I. 'till. 1111 lit 11 1 1ll' . I a ll j.hi'l i ill Itll our filmo nli I ni;i r i m -tuiiii'i , Don't Miss This Sale! LOOK, HKAD AND 1MCMEMHKU THE riMCEH AND TIIK PLACE! lOO Jinir lltty'it I.HH Sln , Mi H di l .IlHo, P0 .ni Minnm' llirl ( iM-. , fiV, Wmilil lm i liiMip nt II '.. It) juiir Hatlt (hfitnl, f mm TiSc lo l.'Jo u jmlr, Thoso nru Odds and Ends of tho Boason Trado, and if yoi can Iind a lit in thorn you can suvo lVom 25 to C)0 per cont. f.iM) jniir Mi-ii'm Work HIum h nl ,uso cit ti . No pit ir in llm lol woilh IpnmIIihii f 1 ,2.r to ,7fi n mir. Wi liilVO lllniut .'Ultl (.air nf I,iiiHi'h' Polinlu, coin imili or opi'i'it IiihI, lluil Imvo noi fimu $,7iri lo I'i.HO it pair. Our priio for tlti huIo in $..'IH, Oho Thiily. U our popular cut price, mid niiy ouu Imvinjj; liotiht nniU of ii nl llih piito iiIwiivh wiiiiU llm hccoihI pair. Wo always havo a full and comnloto lino of Omaha Mado Shoos on hand at our Popular . Low Prices. Don't forgot tho place. The Bell DepartnVt Shoe Co. Noi tlioant Corner Dodgn ami Fifteenth Htn. Our Motto: "We Will Not be Undersold." THE B. H. OSTERHOUDT SPRING No. 8 No. of Hlxeiif nf Wdlliof Capa-, Waiiun. Anln, llmly, llody, Inch, c,(iv.,r"" 1! l'i 7f,"'"' ni'.i (ir, If l'i 1 ft. V In, 40 ti (K( i N ft, 0 In, 40 IV'l m ti 'i H ft, A In, 40 In 44 ilHUI I4U Ahtivn (irlcen arn net, Where drake la nut wanted. (Induct 1X1.00 im Nun, 3 and il and $7,00 mi Nun, 4 and 1, WE' i "ir"f,i'i''"f''jrw1 J- 'laWllHla1tltll)ll.'ll INI.111!.!, .TOTlll1!! I .rtpillllll.l.l II'IIIIII'P WltPIIIIWI,?"- IT BACK. We'll titko iMM-k liny wick of Hour fK.ntf ht tit our hUivh whltilt (hum riolylvo ntillnfiictldti Inovery inirtliiiiliir. TliU (rimritnloo plan, tntfotlmr with tho fitnt that wo null Hour for Umn money than any other (Imilcr darn, him built up for u tlin hlirjfi'Ht liunlne In thin line In 0nitha, Wn mako an)(!laliy (if Oiimha itnulfl Hour (which In tho I'mial of any (in earth, tin whero iiiaiiiifactured) and carry all thn dlMVreiit hrandn, Khnir French im an, can , IS r Tahiti liprleoln, can ,.,., Ifi C 'j'lildn plneapplen, cau ,...,.. (i (! Oil nardltien, can A c Miiatard naidlnen, can , ,, ,. 'i'. Hiilmon, can,, ,",...,,.., , 10 c Condenaed milk, can ,,, ,, ,. I' e ntrlnir lieann, can ,. .., nc l.linii lieana, can .... .,,....,,, n c Miiecotaah, can . ,. , .,. ... c Wa lieann, ciin,, .,..,,,.,, nc nimiililiin, can ., ,. vt I'eaa. can , 6 it ,'lfi Intra II, II, wm ii tl 00 (ilenwood Uimalocn, ciin. .. .. ,., II e Tho Peoplm Peerle W. R. The McCooue N. W, Corner ish and Dodge Sts, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. For(.Mi I)ruflH uim! Montty Ordcrn, I(tiinn on Itoal KHtule, 1'uiik ojii'ii from ) u, u, lo .'5,.'J() , in. HnlunlayH open until 8 i.n. Ili'ponltN Juno Int, H!K), , , ,f','i!l,,Vi0, t.'i. )i'ji(intn .limn Inl, n;i 'I I H, li.ll It I. C. O. AHLQUI9T. Hardware, Tinware, Cutleru NAIL.3. ETC. ETO. Guttering. Spouting and Roofing a Specialty. 1302 Saundon Street nrHirlh Qlth Vtrwt l7 7 LJar J V J o wv nil i inri I 11 tv .V.T.'. .w,.', .ut.. . K .lm .'j '.ii ViJUA Wm WW-' Ey-m-"1' ED .- 0 Will s II I 'l .(H Will, lljll tili Mum IS. lull IV Inl Itnltlo. ulliit mui in tl,i- iilv, If nw ..... . ... i.i. ,.i ii . i ii., u WAGON MANUFACTURING COMPANY Walton. f Kor Hfylit, Quality and Vvcm, w will not la) outdofid, ALL WORK WAIUIANTKI). 1001-1003 Cau St., OMAHA, NEB. T(ileili(ini! WA. frtiiti HHc a nark ti(t. ll-lh anclr an 1 1, , 4n M n fl 10 ft 10 (J w e pi a l,yn, ciin Ileal, valeuelii raalnn, finiind ..,, , Ileal muaciitel raalua, pound , i,viiioritl'd ieachea, pound , ., ., , Evaporated curranln, poitnil Kvoiioinleil aprlcola, pound I i- in ii n colTi'ii, iiaclniirn , .Iniuoni coffen, pound , , ,.. ttur "I'llvate kcowiIi" Java, hnat on eai'th, pound .,.. .., , ,., XI A Hcour aonp,, . ., , , h 0 A tile irrenan , 4 C Compreaaed yeaal, ,, Jo Purvtsyori. BENNETT CO., IftOK to irI4 (hvrrou Avk. Savings Bank, c I Deponltn Jiinn Nt, Hid 'VS,MM - T - , , - J 4f J II u a P s?ir w . I i .4