The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 12, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    T r-i U AMERICAN,
t ) ' m f mn,
it t itlivvt th . Bit n 4 M It
! ft If J ' I lt ll'.
S IK .f . t k I 1 ti 4.1 id 11 M
i hm It I Si W tl
Al H i ..-.
C !( lh ll I tllM
Vkm l t t-fUH .-i
ft )..(.
t its f ! It.- r ft w ll.w -
w l 1 1 Of
H m t,,,l
htm tl t tits w,.t II ii '
Ill Intif'l'
uniaoiiN i.i7.ziii
. n ot ' 1 1 i'''
TrWeM mm'i on at
be yrv'.'.y daughti'r, a l-U.k i
tirljf h!r4 mtul-h fa. l girl of
evntsn who worst! In una of the
lilif Hnint!tn tm lot ica wikl Inia
I (in li iitiKii w iiiinif her ill n n. i1
I iti't In Imr Ititttd and humming a
marry latin
W dear mother ii I " in 14
the firl and the k iit Din wrinkl!
Iaia of Hid linril Wiirkw.t wonun
' I in (find jrrtti'vd iiiiim " until Mr.
Itn u aik'Ih nihil ;flnIy dnwit Into
fr rtmitf lili'f jirnlty ftip "Mi",
Mmivi U la I Im frunt ntom. Iln lum
lu'Dit wMlUuit '"" ;o nlxmt two
umr. mill i,l Ma ilnklntf hnr voloo.
lis lirtil n Uiiiir l!k with your fulbur.
In whliit hn i lhutli. lovii.l , vmi
mtd wnntn.l to innKit yu hi wlfn.
1 m Kiiro it Mliiiiiit took my tirontli
wny wljn youi' dtlir tiltl nn nbout
lu for li ft ii doiI IniNlnoi mul
own lulu of i npi'i ty IiumI.Iok ll
lolil your f u ' .( tluii it mum im you
wcru liU Vif Im'il mill y tlio niort
ilKKA on tin ihmiho nriil ma ! i u com
furtfttilo fur tha bnU'iooof our livo.
Lord kiMiw. It will mionl Htrnriu'n
noiiijU In r.Ht for I vu mit nolliinjr
till work l h'b t wu ii clili of a lrl.
urn) I'vo grvwn ohl lixfura my lirnu,
trylntt to inuk.i (iimI iimii'L Now put
on your nullum i)r ami go in to
him. I In I In ilit front room, "
Mim. Kain (ihhbihI iiiililnnly unci
tnpii'il liitrk with a klnrilod i;ry, for.
liipt"fiiiiji to rlfti' e nt lior tltnihtr
tun, ulif nw mn:h a iiutrvaiou
eiiftnt'it In It. a pi nKilmi Hint kIio rew
".vow Attm" hflunt;iiiinil 'tlon't
lrl nirt mi I uny you won't do It for
!' got ft riitfln liiuiliirh nml a
IIH ir i'iumi.iit will lriv ttiti
er y, I urn sum it not tnnwh Hint
your pti aitd 1 nk you la do You
ouhl to Im lilln(f to rnik'i iohhi
unrlftm for our ftkot"
"I urn!" iiriiwurwl vtn. nil th
fiiirdJ lini (ft hnr wn poff-ned; "1 m
wllllfig lo work fnrly and Into for you
but whn jo i k rii j to mn'ry mm
wbora 1 but It in too muofi,"
f bore thnrw " lt,'tn Mr. Kitna.
Ictiowe l yon' 4 only liy ono of
your tantrum m oon m 1 told you of
your goo.1 fortunt, but your futhor
would u to a Hloofi an I loav rno to
t09 It all," and inklntf into a elia'ir
lie threw bor apron over her bead
nd tiogan fobbing and crying and
rooking Jmrilf back and forth In a
manner uir trotting bylir)a
tW fatbor ha gun to lha tatooo
ftfraln, a'lor prom 11 ng mm to ramaln
;." ald IA;9, and 1W ay
A' IwnaiiM bo' la troubt'
ypoo$Mb tbft roothor wiping hr
) "V you'd only marry Mr, Mr
wr and lift u out of our powty,
your pa would Ih a dl frnt man."
I doubt ii" mutuirad lA., and
Itmn, upoHklng loud aldi ' Wall, I
won't marry Mr, Mnri-ar that Mltla
H Marry him1 I'll go out and bmg
flrl"' and, au .inn bor abawt and hat
quickly donnnd tbro bnfora hnr moth
r vutd InUrfara ruhd out of tha
door, and bad raaiibad tha and of tha
allay bofora tbat taly oould gat to Iba
"That girt will W lha dawth of ma "
Mr Kana moaned ra aniarfng tha
kifhaa and then rolling down tha
(( har faded rallm dro tha
aiwiotiiad bar hair and walkad Into
tha front room, wbore Mr, Inane
llarear. a fat pudgy man of fl ty. with
imooth and rir rad fa a and a bald
bnwl tat fa'-anlly (taring at tha big
pattra lo tba f i-a ip ingrain carpi-'.
)(alhr haltingly ba apologxad for
fcar daogbur'a abn-a, aaytng tlmt
tba I attar would not bn boma until
lata, having to do oorw.rk at tha
milL and Ujmg Mnrror lafk prom
Uing to call on tba morrow
Jlxia mainwblla prorwttilad toward
tba saloon wbicti her faihar fra.
(,iuanUid, hba waa oblld to cro
Iba railroad to reah tba plan.! and
aba itoppod at tba l.ttla ivnal Ut on,
wbara ba knaw t.'ba Ho M iri'-.i'l tba
taiagraph operator, wn a work.
('hariia wa lha particular (nnd of
'ed Howail a brakoman on tba rnll
road who bad btmn 1,1 ;,lo lovr tmrn
ihtf wara cl Idran Utb'.r and
rbom ha had prom d to m rry
wbao ba ihould bava avot onougb to
( bor a liomo.
'lr;i " aha ald, tapping on
tba window to 'lraH hi Ht'ni!on,
"will fl ty-thraa lie down to nlbt?''
At tba couiid of bar volea ( burl a
ratiad bl h.d from hi work ard
aii:bing alubt of tba girl proity
faoa. rpranir to hi foot.
.,ral hco't Lhi U H you
WM hi e,a'iiltttloii, and tbnil. with'
out oi' aQlng to ba harh or rrunl ba
told lar la aK-lw-d. di oin'wd aen
tarn about a ttn ib a a onlant that
Lad taken placa on tlm rl.road at
tba otber end of tba uirLion,
A$ ha proseedrd nba In fancy aw
tba tcrrlbsa iccna but ba uitemd no
aound. and contuwd atann ; Into bi
faca with dry, wlda open a .
1'oor Ned cuiigii!, between two
car and t dactor ay ona of b a
lag will bava to coma off. lie
.ratty badly roaabod and may die.
All tha woundod wara taken to tba
l'reabyterlan hospital and "
He atopped auddanly ana t unblng
from bi littla den, ran out on tba
plat'tirn ar.d cnugbt Lizzie Ir tia
trn' Jul tu fh ' M ed fninlin
. I.
i , .t
j . I
,., I
1'isi. h i'lff
4 l.l lot
I UK I !!
.. I, fee
Hoi f i l
iHl 'Hl, I . (I I
W Hil iM! '"
,t lb ai-
I , I,. I n atld It
lit to n vp b(l Ittrtrttr I !!'
Mllf till K. t I ll
i.ii if iii
of b ! if
t t itui to iha
11 lnn ill.
! an I Iwt.tijf .!! I i in I "
I'll' ifctl
I ,it ,i. ! I-!l tv Out W II
lttit il I'ntnrt '" Ih nor did
limj -' In 'Mint btr tlmt t.r latbtif, Im
Ihg oii.n m Im 1 1 lit i.l.i-r
lioliwl ami tn .,. -.! by hi lf bal
wr.tK.n a li tio to ii ti .iiMi Makn.
Itinik, Ih'oi lulii!1 I. i that .l'l
liort'y to rj iniif.''! to Mr. I Rie
Ilia blur t'!.'. i't"'ii br ial
tiitui whibt 1m riotvalfftt'ithA
but ulia Invnti'itiH" !' I tiin hltn
ainl a mild imn r But Hut tiMiipting
Uol cni lo that Im '"it to lir lwijiil,
(im. itti Him lo'M tmr niotbor
tur In tbo lo Mr part of tha boiii
and bur lailnr Itml goioi in timuil to
tlia naUioii I ' on bur bat and
nloek ami '"! fiom Uto boui.
.lu t Imfioa niiii ri'iiflini) Hi" rnllrond
tha door of bwrU'j' Itanvock's llllle
dnii opatirol, ntiil a until ri i ii m out on
A ho aitruiii'iii)il, JU'ln ruhod
f or w n t'd.
"Nad, Nod" tho rrlad, and whan
Hi" iripplo ioiikiil up and caught
tight of httr fiin' hn bnitod ami hit
own grow very whltu
J bug pardon lU Ml Kane,"
ba fttld, bowing Ml y,
Mil Kamt'' iiipfiftted I,l'.',lo,
drawing liiu'k. Vint tiad to call mo
I l.z!! VV hut a tin! nut iwf Uh
Nod I'vo bn"ii to'ry uk and all
through tli" d 'iiriiiin 1 taw you lying
cm lo'il and iniiMt'lml and crying for
mo lo coino to j oil,'
u, i wa protiy biiilly oruiliiid, " fiild
II 1 1 wtl I. and ho ifl'tnrnd runfiilty at
hi cruti'lio 'it nd 1 giKiitf 1 inn t
havu calii'd for yoiii but that wa Ixi.
fore I Inanit'd Unit o i wore going to
marry lani! M"ri.'or,"
arry Ia:iu Morcnr!" refieatod
LI'i, "Why, I but. him!"
What' pried Nd. and lii fao
brluhidiiod, h ', 1 hoitrd that you
were going to be married to morrow,
and i I'uu'ilii t i.i.ii tba temptation to
come up ami look on your dour face
oiwe mo a Imfora liming you forever, "
"Jt'tall a moii-iMii li!" cried m
le hotly, "i wouldn't marry bUa if
ha wa worth ln timet a much aa
be I." ;
I thought It rnut be true,'' (aid
Nd, "whtfii yon didn't aniwor mj
letter " (
I never received them."
And you tlon't mm to that
you ttlil love fo.'h a poor, crippled
wretch a 1 am?"
I'd love yo i If you'd lott tniih
your leg.'" cried, and ha could
hardly re fra n from kting bim right
then and there.
One of .Ned'a fellow tufferer by th
railroad tmabup wa a high official
of tha road, and learning that tha
crippled b axeman wa of mora than
average Intelligence, had tenured him
a potmen in the gonerat ollce of the
company whore he wnt bound to rite.
Maule needed but little urging to
convent lo a marriage tbat night and
It being too lata lo procure a llcente,
Ihfy tought that Mecca of runaway
lover, ( amdon, and wara made one
When Nunc Mercer read the mar
r!ga notion the next morning ha waa
tha maddcxt in Kanlngton and
cioed up h grocery ttora for tba
belanea of tha day I'blladofphla
ilme '
1 1 iir'a m i iiinir.
'l ha water tupply of the city of
Covington, Ky m ilerivod from the
Ohio river, whence It 1 pumped to
the rcunrvolra. i rom there It pae
by gravity through oiua eight mile
of pipe to the city A li ora la but a
tfnifle plie line it I eptelally nece
ary that the ttr ttt watchfulnet
bo id bonerc.d for the proven
t.on or prompt ttojip i ge of leak
In order to lniriae the eficieney of
thl tupcrvl on a gnat ytom baa
been, loiit ttmg of a tela
grph win Klrunu on pole and ig
nal boxoa which will be lonateo in
farrnhotuea e'b having number.
A card of Intru4'tuin will be p'aeol
trntidn ciicli box, w tb, for inatanca,
tba following code of gnaU Ona
riot- a Ian llida two r oif. a mall
j leak, three r fg a tarue leak, mora
' than thre ring a arlou break ra-
rju ring" a l int on. In tha
I event of a er on m tbap the rnn at
tba pumping Uii'M will i'ntn'iily
hut off the tiuipiy aid men ba di
patched for repairing
l';i!-.'' i f f lc.
Mr, topKay (falling on hh
koei)! "Ml VYiWon, ! cannot
longer rpit the pal0!iate inpulte
to appeni to you on tha momontout
aub,ect that U fraught for me wit i
' tb lue of life and di'th. And yet
I am ova awi-d at my preumptlon
w ee 1 teKe Into con d.irailo.i tha
cliial glamour o otr pnronal
t baim the .'HVlina lu-r of your
liit"llertiiiil at aiemout lha ao,uilt,
the adorable Mi WIIon:
Kcue me Mr, I tpinjy, but
tbere ara time whe i !o,umce I
rat cr out of place. If you wlh to
pop the uetloa pop it and lie done
Willi It.' fun.
lie ft 'la
In (bill a Ur making cider and
wine from tbolr apple they extract
fro i the re u o a white and finely
flavored plrlt and by another proce
thy pro ra a nwect treacle or, a
they term It hooey,
In . M -
VUltor How do you like JanoAu.
ten iylc?
One o the I but Hundred aid Fifty
How can I i ell? I don't know wbo
be dr!-"" " I hiratro Newi
Itii . l i
, bl i I c
: ! 1 ! "
: I . 1(1 i
' Vr Ml ! :.. ,t r
: t it- ii
b' r
vvh At itoo HMMUT I,
MtlMt M. ll l, I ... I MW l4t
tt Im I It Itt I I.
IVpnUr efM' t.n t ty l.U:t I
latit l pbian't and ep'ih.'tt arwo'tnta.
It !.( d H Uo !' li a h... tle
f rut . of p h l a .,i!.l H i
ioipi I t. i te lite ! tha
I I.I 1. 1 !, a ll. It. ! I ,rhl
mi'g " " foe iiait(( -ip t iitcr and
i.t.i.Jh r I ai- t il of it,
tr pii.ia li at em io,!y .l.t i.tii ul iba it but f.'t.i f a a !t. i I t inv ttint
'i.itlili.iit II, tbi .i of a-
at-i'i iL srio;. .i plirliniiirl.t
tbiit are pi...i .i j. t it r io.
lha .pi ar li. a of a t itntd.Hrl U
h-i bni hn, b'i a by She lnlniiaiit
of a Mi'iiihlilii limn tin in (.. i u.,n
Ilia grttxtt t i ih that ita!ld tlm
not l!t..rii t'oriKT t.f i tnii) n
.t.H'Ifti h.l tlmt h r . iii wn liii.wtt by
the tttitd M.'alttitt I tin mooniniii .n
and thmt liiirtt. ilwiiiitig tlm mil ru
region, hitch clitudi.tir! nit only
In the Imagination. h ritl cUnul.
burt nitty ho a t'oilai of a w il.r
Miitt Hint lot b.'oii carri".) over lha
land, bill In iiml cno tho toriit I
applied lo an mlraor ll inry and
miuitunl tall of rain in which n It
were tint inry lirtiiitiiittfit i-iin to
have l'tii( utibiifl
'1 Imre are ttiutiy record of aiirh
clotidliiiriiU in lhi country The tro
m"iidou fnilt of iitiii that nil in it few
iiilnui" tlia furmnrly dry Imd of a
Ircnm with a torrent of four or five
fuel iluc-p liiivo long biin fumilior fea
turcf of tlm mitloorologlr'nl rporta
from the Went In l(il at I ort
Hully K !., the wnt. r in ii canon !?0D
font wide, which tv n nearly dry. roe
tlirne foot ii om a auililitu riiliifull in
tho bill. At lleavor Crook In routb
1'nkolii, a lmll ir ait.Jdon rio in lhe
tame year drowned eleven people
while the town of ,le ron, M. ,,
wa bndly wri cked by a Hood nearly
eight feet dit"p, roiilt,nig from a Ire
ttiendotia fall of ruin
The grout flood of July 'J.''JI',, In
ms, fit rituburg. by which lit live
were lot, 1 believed to have boen
due to the Hidden condeiiamb.a and
precipitation o,' nn iinintiti.ra of
ii.ointuro. At ft) degree when e.iliru
Miturntion fa the condition of a'Tiilr
tlm rainfall would bo le thun two
inchca but the eloudbiirtt pre ip.
poaoa ft groat Iih uhIi of moiature lndoii
mnioa wh cl under the contraction
duo lo cold, descend, a lha phrnae
goea, In great nbecl In wbleb'h
com a If all Individuality of tha
drop i lot
'lhe clomlhtiral a dltlngulliod
from tha lu nvy rain it a more matter
of time. It doe It damage with a
the apnea of n few minute or within
an hour, Oreat downpour ar, bow
aver, every whit a diatroo a lb
clotidburtt In lx-ii vl. 4 Inebo of
rain foil at Alexandria, l,a , within
twenty four hour; while at Lambert.
Vlilo, S. In 11 Y.t, U locbe fell in
one day, ami during the grout flood
of 10. very heavy rainfall of faiid
'J lnchea wore reported. Thoa enor
moiia volume of wat r, if given a
chance to tpread out on lowland
may bo carried off without much
damage, but In tha narrow mouo'alu
alley of Central and VVetern I'enn
tylvanla eloudhurU heavy rainfall
and any continued period of flori
cannot but reult diairoiily,
Mum TUff Mailt. rh.ielr at Mum l
M t'U'ltU',
It I not of ton that a traveler ha
the chance of eelng a mora a mining
fight titan one that i told about in
the hclentiflfl American. A party had
been picnicking In the wood and
had laid their dinner on a ledge ol
r e-k a part of the way down a tteep
deti-ent. When the party ditpomed
conidorabto fire wa left, a tome of
the log ued wer. very thick, Later
aome of the gentlemen relurne) for a
m ing article.
On arriving at the pot they wara
ttartied to find tha ledge where the
flr wa left with a new tet of occu
pitnl. A number of baboon had
tented lhomilve near the fire, and
tome were angnged in puthlng tha
and of thetm tllor atick into It while
the otber devoured the piece of
bread, rice and varied crap left from
the dinner,
Luckily tha mlttlng article had
boon drofipped on Hie tipper ledge,
and tha apuctetor did not linger long
In tuch dangerou vicinity to tb
uninvited guetta, Some farm hand,
who went thnre late in the eve ilng,
found the baboon atlll chattering
round the burning timber.
l,iiiilo j tn llitibw,
A bn in of aunlfgbt i made to pa-
through a prUm to a to produce th
tolar ectrum, or rainbow. A dik.
having ll or opening In It, I mad
to revolve and tie colored light of the
rainbow I made to break through It
and fall on the Ik, wool or other
iiiiiiecliil in a gliw vel. A the col.
ored 'Ight fall up"" It found will be
given by the iliffere it part of lh
tficctrum, and Ihoce will be fiieniw In
othrr pari If the vetj contain
red worated and the gieen tight
fiah upon it bind found w.ll ba
given. Only feeble wound will 'm
hard when the blue part of tha rain
bow fall upon the voel,
tlrU.fW lo Ih VTi
A orrapoiidont of tha American
Imitel te hn found while axam nlng
tha CMtiloue of a 'large Laaiorn
Co lege ".the mime of wii'ch I not
g.van) that 0 per ctnt of the ttu
dent there ara Jew, and that lat
year the JewUb atudent ecured by
comp ititlvn Utt ii per cent of tbr
honor that wore awarded,
, l.e Ml.r 4 llllllllMC.
Thl globe ha bail fid, 027. 842, 2.17. .
TiU.Tt t h.unan Inbabilantt alnco tha
beginning o time To even bury thif
van l Dumber th whole landed aurfaca
of the (1olo ei im h of it would
bae to im dug over I 0 t me
many iini's ri atkioa.
VVKMt II AMI lilt It t .
II 1 Hr .t. I I'Ml .
1 1 "k ! I l Ht I iltr
t. t It t ! I i-l
"I l..(.i..
1 1 frit) M,.t.t I. . t. .it la tlia wild
A I '''t W itl e'lf I m l.i Mrl nf
th Hl l' lieii." ft J V. if i t, II Jtl
iftto !.e W l.l of A l b a lha i)i(1!tu.y
I l.i f t bae ai'iiti at.d lha a-but
ihlug tliittif a woit Mr, . fsii l th tt
l ha return.. I t-ae and foiled tn
e ttiati foitf littic lie I full of t 'lie at-ntl liitiitieg ijiu-er aob
itiiti and be told a hiMn'mr to a Now
oi k lie. mder ir III btintint
l of a tli:iii it t noil llin.ii the to1'
iliiiiir .erniio hi iniri.oit t not
filtiply'iifln.i t I lutrirllirt
no ttt tpeak fur b bung hi prey
buck ftliva for u to look at Tint
we tut toitiit kiiowidt;e of the jungle
without 1 itiiiipian t'iir a yard or
two long thrtift throtigh imr vital
1 Mow do I cntch m inkny? OH
, U iny. a. .il liiiitti comical, loo
1 when It I linen uti.erilood, The
: ritt.'hlng of a tnon icy I a emi.l lllu
tr ot lull of the folly of Ktrotig drink
the moi kery nf the appetite for rum,"
i "I'rittiken monkey?'
! 'Thiil I it, my b.y." tab! the
I Afrlt'tin hiinter, tuilt ng. "Wo are
' on a tour for monkey, let ti fityj lha
I flrl thing in to Hud their hitunlf.
! That i miy enough for tho brat aro
chill lorlng lu the trco-topt dny and
I night, 'Then, the locality dncldd
tiion, olT we gi early ttomo mornltig,
noon tho monkey are ittirj each of
my twenty native tervnul cnrrlet a
urn 1 1 pnil fl 1 1 nil with cheap hip rum
nwci'ieiuiii wiku migiir .line. '1 lie
pitil of rum are tuiri 'd at the bnnot
of tho varlou mmikey tree, lo iving
only the outer rim of tho veaol ex
poted. hoon there It a nolmj In tho
tree-top, tolling u that tlm monkeyt
have fiiulTod afar their tipple. C'ltu
tiounly the benat come out of their
pincea and oon ara drinking rum
like old toper,
"'The imual rmuU doatl drunk
follow In, uny five minute, Then we
creep from our hiding pinee and ci,e
the (trey that ho come to u by tho
'.ooi of rum. It never fail. In my
"line 1 liuvo caught muny hundrud
monkey in llti fashion
"'To catch a boa-coittttrictor. " cou
ll ii ued the man from the dark con
tinent ' I a dilllcult and dangerou
tK. I'.rie ly, It I accompliitbod by
a lubyrinthiun tangle; tay embrucing
tlxty fijunre foot of ground. 'Tho
labyrinth I mode by Joining together,
and on end, piece of matting. Tbi
web It eight feet high usually, and
placed o that the oppoing wall will
bo two feet apart All aorta of crl
croa and diverging combination are
miuJe with the matting It 1 tup.
ported bora and there with take
making, when it 1 tet a geometrical
pu .la that might well challenge the
ingenuity of man. Too trap I baited
with a live p g. which) placed in a
pen In the cottier of Hie labyrinth,
I'y and by aUwg come the lx
couflrlclor. it i eimy onouuh to get
in; bo teent (he prey; he I very hun
gry) the pig i devoured and hero
the boa come to grief, For hour he
ttrlve lo rela blmaolf from tha
tortuou pnagi; which rle about
him. but by and by he grow tired,
and tretche4 hiuHolf out for a nap.
'Then I our time. We open tho laby
rinth and catch bim,"
"It I a clover chom, Mr, Henley.
Hut how about the bigger game?''
"To antra tho lion," purtued Mr,
Ilealey, "the native have reouro
to a ntttwoik of green bamboo, 'lb I
I woven to'gothor till the whole
fabric cover seventy -fly a juare feet.
'J he corner are necured by pin. It
I I oi we In tba middle, A live goat la
ecured under the net 'The Hon
crawl u finer the net to devour th
goat lhe m m ruh out from their
place of concealment, tha lion ftarte
to turn, twitt and fight, but he ban t
room, lie threhe around and the
ughi, of hi struggle It appalling,
but he only enmefhe hlmef ntiil
more hopclely In lha treacherou
coll of the green and willowy bam
boo "Now come the hnrdet part tha
Hon limit let tenured ulia, Ona
mlfttcp, one cartle move on the
purl of the men, and every life I put
in opn dy, indeed, death at tha
lion' claw under theciruiiniaucea
aro not in reipi !iit 'Tha green net
ting I releaa-d from two of il cor
ner add the m ttilng a trolv wound
about the lion body in other word
the lion i flmply wrapped in tha
mehe of lha bamboo mailing. It la
utterly lmpo,blo to explain bow It 1
done, and believe me, fir," added lha
intrepid hunter, looking about bim
wlih the air of one whom the varied
danger of the plain and the Jungle
had itiHiJe not lnnibl of a worthy
foe, -it I a munition to try the flout.
et heart I he bmirxe eric of th
ern-tiared lion and the Imminent pos
sibility Hint ha will break bi trior w
are enough U make any man ijuail.
1 value my lifeaihea .ly a doe any.
one, yet i rey that a lion' rour will
make me tremble like a child
' integer and escape? Well, ye;
a few' 'an I Mr. j caley fntiled, "I
wa bitten by a boa-contrlclor only a
few month ago. The wound it ftill
tore. Here It la on my loft hand."
'The band rove led an ugly gattli, a
though made by a buz, taw,
had that snake In a pen." went
on the hunter, 'and 1 wa about to
m tve him iront one place to a not bor,
when tjnp the poiidei'oti jaw abut
upon me It wa t'tnply awful, 'iha
pain oh! 1 can not dnaeribe It
'On another ociadon. some years
ago I wu bit en by a ioopard. 'Tba
wound laid me up for week. Tba
leopard wa crouch ng in tho limb of
tree. 1 hol at a l d cat: (he noise
Itarlled the io.'purd h:eh at once
-r $ ikl'r fio i a1 m tt
, Ihm.o-1 tin.,tiitW( i. t. , i f nKant
ly ibf f. t t . Ix i in, 4 4
y' t 4 . il I ( a;4.n ti
In i hi . .i r. i m,
tie ,ls II. i it it. .: I H a I "
n a'.ty tt up ti i,n. !
Inns or jt i, , ; tt ., it 1, , Hi. t,.f
sa-v iy irtin.i b:-.i k ut i I t K v
tfhi" m i' h te IN'.t i" a I
and hn lor l.-H ) r.i t..t In lHa
. it Mte l l.. tttj!sl t. nf I
ley ir e and cAtue l.t tm ti ui lhe
Wl.tlll lt In' ,i. t III I )Mrt but t' e at .
I fbfll t arty with in my ta "
( Aioiititi a wuir,
lllll limn. H.ih th It. I tiHt II t ml HlMt
On ild. windy dny a pmty of live
ly voting fitiinw iiriOng ncm lb
prairie tw a pia.roi wolf lit thing a
meal from a tlead Itnim hut Jiurti
lillei.'d Itt h leu lo (ia ill il bo cietld
fateh the woil and teo In wa taken,
Mill dirocled the dr.ver logeta clue
a puil In tinder cover of a low r.ilge
tome .'bio yard fttun Hut wolf, With
the wagon innm.alod by the ritlga and
the wind in hit favor. Itutnt benn to
crawl llirough lhe knee high dead
gran, which wn nearly the color of
hi canvas coal and old fell hut Tha
hore lay with hi back toward Hums,
mi l at ii wa rro on the woli wa ut-
ing irom ino intine or itie cnr. a
going almost hi wh jle length Into
hole eaten In the hone abdonion.
He would go In and ttnitt. h a mouth
ful or two. then ijiilckly back out and
look around. It, wa evident that he '
considered "eternal vigilance tho
price of liberty."
I noli time tho wolf went in Hums
crnwlud rapidly toward it lying Hat
in tho grn whenever the wolf ennui
out in half an hour ho had got
within ii few feet of the wolf, and
watching for a favorable moment
rote to his feet jumped over the horse
and caught the wolf by the hind log.
To the ttpoctntoi' it did not look a
though ISurim had more than touched
tho wolf, when it wan rod awuy, and
went off with tuich a grand burit of
speed that one of tho boys duc'urod
ho could hear it whl,, long after it
wa out of tight Although liurns
held tne wolf but on in-dunl, ho was
severely bitten on both arms and on
one log, HI opponent claimed th
slake boeaiitto Hums did not hold tho
wolf, biit Hum t aid he did not ogroa
to hold it but to ciituli It, that ho did
not Intend to bold it long enough for
It to bite him, but found ho could nol
let go quick enough. The hot win
decided In Jiurn' favor. Forest and
Ill llimloil,
Mr. I ae'iclgh -I taw tho Chicago
woman whom you used to be sweot
on, standing on the corner of Wash
ington and Tremoiit streets Hit afler
terrioou. liaciielgh Hut my dear, Washing
ton and Tremont aro parallel streets,
100 yard apart at t ie least.
Mrs. liaollelgh Well, I can't bolp
that e:in 1? Truth.
A l llento .ie of Niiicll,
'The elephant' sense of smell is to
delicate that when in a wild state 11
can scent an enemy at a distance of
1, OK) yard and the nerve of its
trunk are so sensitive that the surli
est substnnee can be discovered and
picked up by hi proboscis,
"It was a funny Idea of Mcuinble to
paint a pile of wood for the exhibi
tion," Knappa "Yea, and it woe so
natural the hanging committee put it
In the fire,"
"Well, John and Laura will gradu
ate In June," "Have they learned any
thing?" "You bet, John can umpire
a gatuo without gettin licked, and
Laura' 'way ahead of her class in cro
Kxeited Individual "Is this where
they swear people?" Commissioner of
Oaths "Yc air: what can I do for
,"ou?" Kxeited Individual "1 wantto
ttke an oath never to put down an
other carpet!"
He (timidly) -"Now that we are en
gaged, J I presume I may-may-kiss
you as in ue b as 1 please, mayn't I?"
Mha (enciiirairlnlv)"Yes. Indeed.
Maka the nnstt of your time, dear,
j'her?' no telling how long an engage
ment will lent nowadays, yon know,"
Lent Is strictly olatitrved In England.
During the l weeks of fasting and
prayer the London Time printed only
10 marriage noti.-e, while In the four
days following Master the same news
paper contained I IS announcement of
A Frciii'limnn undertook soirm tluir
ago to write a book upon his travels
through the linel of Ooelhe, Thl i
the way be began: "(iermany Is a
country inhabited by a people called
Mul lor," Now It turns out, aeeording
to ollleial figures that the empire of
William If, ha f'.'i!,!m7 M nllcr within
its borders, that Is to say, one Muller
for every seventy-three Hermans.
Mis Mary Smith of Hirmingham, Ct.,
died rconily after having willed a pipe
organ that had been in use In her home
for many years loan Kpiscopal church,
When workmen took the organ apart
they discovered that gruvctouo bear
ing (he date 1775 had Ixten used to work
i the Is'llows. Inscriptions on the stone
I itidii ala that certain of Miss Ktnlth's
relative hmt atsca possessed all known
j virtues, i
j Adhesive postage a'amps were Intro- J
1 duced In Knglan I II fly-two yrars ago,
and in this country one year later. I
They wera the invention of Jaincs '
' Chalmers, a printer, of Dundee, H tot" I
i land. The advance utnde In the btisl-j
' nets of carrying letters is indiented i
from the fu't that so late as I'll it
cost eight rent to . arry a letter of
prescribed sl.c art I containing a single !
sneei oi paper a ( or lorty
, mile
womrn tr
Mw a ! t mm 4 Mi4
, I a M.
' lSlin'i r'. J t nets ftnd mn
lr h-t'ia L . ni. M tnattr t
ealf MW lit t-o'itUht rt ieptwiufi from
the lint ih ber fetiig toa
' itH Wfl i It cp.r in I1. fH,t. ttt).
'( ! tttw ii. i at ift-jjn m;, K,, m
'' with Iter ra mtaiig i.ta eKV
el I k VUT! I fill tit TljBii.'
of lhe k etk Hue, lifted? Ut.
ly itm row a.iri4 ty liiier
hntv Ibrwi wile wn, of .
1 ,,,,it biliitau l her, sn I ,n!tng in ha
afirtiion A ni Jaatng wtHlllve
i Mapiw lliil ibree itiarltirit ef
. ittita from lhe w imp braid tba
j hound buying lltttr
i reis.gni.'od Sciuii ,.tisv Mad in
ntoitient ba beard lUttioa't row tal
lowing a llittugtt ha wu in itr.
Jennings ran ail the way lo lha
fwamp and when be came in tight of
Hot cow be found her and Nnut giv
ing battle to a bear near the e igo of
the twamp. N-otit wr nipping tha
beer from behind, and when tho bear
turned to strike him he sprang ba- k,
and the cow pitched into tho bear and
gored bim till ho turned on her. I hen
the cow would limp out of hit way.
and Seoul would imtlnutlv hit,, tha
j boar's Hanks and ,or.a him lo wheel.
, 'lhe moiuont lie did to the i
the spunky
cow would salt Into him with a bellow
and plow furrow in his fur bounding
to a safe distance the Inntaitt the bear
turned on hor. Then Ntoui tin klod
him again, and between the two thoy
made tho bear t!uiiifo an I roar lor.
rlllimlly. Ho fallod to strike tha
hound or cow, but Scout seemed to
worry him the most and when he
inndo it vlclou lungij at the dog the
cow drove onn of her horns into the
boar's loft side. 'The bear roared and
ruvod to got nt the cow but Scout
kopt him at bay, and within twenty
minutes the nntrry cow gorod the boar
to duuth.
Scout Is the most famous dog In
this part of Sullivan county. He Is
not quite five yours old. Two years
ago a VVilliamsport sportsman ottered
Holton 100 for Scout. Holton is a
poor man, and although he hutod to
part with tho hound, he agreed to
take tho 101). The bargain was made
in the road, and the VVilliamsport
man told Holton that ho would tie
Scout to tho rear of his buggy till he
reached Laporto. Scout was stiind
ing near when tho man conn tod out
tho monoy. and when his now owner
went to his buggy arter a strap. Scout
gavo a yelp, ran down tho road as
fast as ho could go, leaped a fence,
looked over bi shoulder, anl dashed
into a piece of woods. Holton called
on bim, but he paid no attention, al
though ho had never disobeyed be
fore. . 'Tho Wltlfam-tport man stayed at
Holton' over night, and Holton hunt
ed for Scout all the aftorioon but he
didn't find him. So he relurned the
money, and the WlIliamHport, man
said ho would bo thore again in two
months and got the hound. It wa
throe day before Scout thowed up,
and ho looked lank and sorrowful.
In nine weeks the VVilliamsport man
came again. Scout saw him before
he got out of his buggy, and awny to
the woods he flew, looking buck every
few step a though he wu afraid the
man wa after him. Holton then do
ubled not to toll Scout at any prJoe.
Tho man offered bim $W), but ho re
fused it Scout stayed away three
dnyt again. Since thon ho hasn't
run awny,
Last year Holton had an old blind
shophnrd dog that had been a terrible
woodchuck killer up to the time he
got blind, He was strong and vigor
out, and Scout led him arouni the
Holds last summer and occasionally
caught a woodchuck for him. After
Scout had itatlono , the blind dog by
a stump he would watch for a wood
chuck to leave It hole. Whon he
caught tho woodchuck he would carry
it alive to the old dog by the nape of
its nock and hold It toward tho dog'i
nose, and tho blind dog would seize il
by the back and shake the llfo out of
it It did the old dog's heart good,
and Scout knew it
'I lie Sni'tll llrollier.
flitter!! be In right toon," tald tha
talkative t mull brother to his sisicr'
bet beau, "she's gone down to the
pontolllco to get a pnssol."
"Hut don't tho postman bring your
packagos?" inquired tho young man,
Nope. Not Ibis time, 'case sister,
aha got a postal what said the must
call herself, pastel too big to bo 'llv
"I'll bet you don't know what it Is?"
suld tho funny young man, interro
gatively, "I just bet 1 do. It's sister' new
shoes what com In from Now York."
Detroit I reo Tress,
In aearcla of Heller.
A heroic woman oamod Miss K,
Marsden recently made a dangerous
journey Into the province of Yakutsk,
in Siberia, In search of a plant which
the had heard would cure loproy.
She rode on a Yakutsk horse with a
wooden saddle for two months wilhoul
having an opportunity to Imtho oi
change her clothes. Slut found the
plant she wu h inting but It does nol
cure the dreiidul disease, although It
eases the tuiiTering She ha founded
B colony fo -the Yakutsk leper and
ix Sib'triun nun will help to nurs
,'1'i'iiH'l. of the lint
The. gray rat came to Kuropo from
Ind a by way of . J.uss a and Is now
popularly known a the Norway rat
from a m.iiliikon tmdition that II
came from Norway io ngland antf
from tho latter country to America.
Mr Manhattan; "You under-tanj
the lanmiugo of Dower, of course.
M Winona?" Mis W.nn.-i.i ,.t
Minnesota). "Oh. yes! l our 'iih.
bust q auty. made from lo. to i
ter wheat"-Hu k.