The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 12, 1892, Image 1

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4 flM fMrM
' lt'it U 4f M 4M ' He hflS ! A ArA AM itt A Sit JlttTrtf 4 ,( ( tiw Mr .llet ANNM4f fr t. ,,tr iff ic f l l r
UM AHA, M'.IIUASKA, FHUA Y Al't.m t. v.
-e . -T, '
Nt vn SI
Vol I'M II.
n ii-
w ij ii as- m m i .mm
tspetvit b Msw Wh l "Onto
Hit J,"
A irr'miiii'hl wi lUntf tt the
,..,'.-. ,t,.l,.,u nmt signing Mm-
)f A i iiii, sy:
Mil. JtinM. H maybe lntntlutf
to j our r 'Hilt-m, mih! li the
titiid Arm) of I In It public, to know
that on Hi- I'M It day of Mar. at Mltuh n,
Neb., the ever dear Atnl mctnorAhlc day
to A mot leans, tho thiv of memorial
AerHiVA over our iIcaiI,
well those who died In lmllloand those
who havo lni passed out tin- silent
river t Join their old regiments on ih
other shore, was ivlchratod in III
(.aihoiic church, nntl the sermon was
preached hy n Catholic priest, Hv
rather J. I, I,otighran, hi, ii, t
render, as I read Unit very .lmuit)t
sermon extolling the bravo turn am
noble women who participated In that
conflict Hiid hoard hltn nay that I'rotes
to n t h fought, lili't urn died side by sld
with tnt hoi Ii In t ho mighty struggl
for liberty and freedom, I cannot help
thinking what a lover of liberty!
1 1 tuiil in the cm m mo of hln remarks
that "K.uropo is today a veritable
camping ami parade ground for h
soldiery. In every town ami city you
can hoar tin; clank of stool, tho tramp
of tho war homo, and see thosoldlo
with a bright uniform and flying ban
! "r nihil I tig through tho streets. What
is It? So many paid hirelings to keep
along suffering people in slavery uml
po.erty. A few year ago, while travel!
lug through Europe, t Haw thin. Sol
diors every whom, tho din of mimic
war in tho air, 'tho maun of troops
marshalling of battalllonH, marching
and countermarching, tho calm, vans
and boats full of soldiers. Wan tho
country in a state of solgo or preparing
for war? No, It wan at pnaoo at the
point of tho bayonet, And I turned to
my native land and said: 'God blow
you, United State) you will never
cotno to such a pan, your every citizen
is a soldier born, but ho guards your
peace and liberty.' "
... . II .41 l ,
xx ow, wniio tins priest says very
beautiful things about your old soldiers
and tho sentiment of liberty, and tho
bravery of American youth and its
readiness to defend tho honor of our
glorious flag, do not be deceived as to
tho real sentiment of tho priests, pro
latos and bishops In this country. They
aro taught to deceive people by smooth
words until such time as they think
they aro strong enough to use the sol
dlers they are training in every county,
city, village and hamlet In tho United
States, where they have a following
sufficient to muster camp and while
some priest may tickle the ears of the
people on Decoration day by beautiful
sentiment. lion 't forget that they are
only deceiving you, as the following
taken from their papal platform will
she iv.
Ihey say; "W view with alarm
and apprehension the rapid growth of
numerous American orders or societies
In this land, It Is to us evidence that
our measures for quieting and deceiv
ing the American jsioplo were not
suJloierit, that we have been too bold
did not exercise that wisdom that many
centuries of deception should have
given us,"
Now, why is it, Americans, that tho
Catholic priests all over this country
snoiiid mrow ojen their churches to
and preach beautiful sermons over the
cleal soldlers.of this country? If this
Is not doue to dooolvo It is only a late
thing, and it has been thirty years
dlnoo the war of the rebellion. Now,
is It not for the purpose, as the papal
platform says, to deceive tho people of
tho United Htates, then don't be do.
Now, hear tho papal platform speak
again: "Wo also call on the clergy
everywhere to organize the laity, male
and female, old and young Into secret
societies and sodalities, and that the
men and boys may have competent In
structions to give them military train
ing that they may bo prepared to aid
our faith In an emergency,"
Now they say that In pursuance, of
this order or platform, the clergy and
bishops In tho United Htates have now
In training jrH), Hibernian
rifles alone, besides the Catholic
Knights of America and many others.
Those It'IhIi Hibernians urenot Ameri
can citizens only In name because when
they march they carry the Irish Hag
and this same priest or reverend father
at MItiden, stands on the same papal
platform and by these same holy laws
that the balance of them do, and is no
doubt helping to Increase the ranks of
the soldiers that some day If needed
that Is, In case they fall hy the silent
ballot, which they know how to handle
under tho direction of the bishops and
priests, then the soldiery which this
.same rwverend father so dreads in
Kuropo will bo called into ac
tion. The very thing ho condemns
in Kuropo ho Is fostering and
tl't,(ntl)t In AIMlr. Oh, ); wttM
dcv! nf W, ttltAt dil t4 ht'folsifU,
slml MelftH if i-i'i. t Ij , life imI
Umh lit ilii t.1,1 I, i-i. ( h,. i.
UHlon inVi-i.l tti j i ti unit'
llitl, le)sl A iik'I ('i). Ii siiil U
)mirrf Hie ipi. l,ni, fiy iieuiii lh
CAltinlien, 'h Ully tu lllii, pin
IsU Mint pi ll of lie" Cfttfeilitt Hutu h
turn their iltuivhes Inlo veritable
fhr tfAninn ml line It aHIi the
el HI And xll the I'ttlbletlt of Aider-
lean liU'fly, fiti whtsiU, ftii' ptv sn.l h.iiIi, mi Memnrlnl Siiielny?
Why should lhew priests ptvaeh I heir
newt ilisnient fterutiiiis to the remnant
of !hoo who survived lliHlHwful cur
urge iitnl thirty long year of s aee
Why this wonderful change of setltt
men I? Have they forgot ten, have you
lorgiitteti. iii.i soli) Ier, n i I have you
forgotten, American i-HUcim, that lit
our iliuki'ht hours of trial, when t It
gloom of war had set lied like a death
pall over our dear country, and win
you, old soldier, was making some ol
those bloody charges In the seven days
fight lu the wilderness, and w hen .'lil,(NHI
of your brave comrades lay in Washing
I4iu wounded and dying, and as many
more already dead on the dreadei
battlefield, that at that dark hour
and In that awful moment of suspense.
when human liberty, free speech am
free thought and religious lilicrty was
hanging hy the merest thread, th
pos) of Home, t he head of llie Cat hoi I
church, the Infallible ruler of th
priests, bishops and prelates In every
country on earth, the being whom they
receive their authority from, both In
temporal as well as sirltual things,
the man on the Tiber who they say
must have his temporal power restorei
to him, and that it Is tho duty of every
good Catholic to labor and plot to
bring this end about, that man of all
tho crowned beads of Kiirotic, of all the
princes and potentates of earth reeog.
nlzed tho southern confederacy, and
wrote Jefferson Davis a letter, and In
that letter calls Jeff his dearly beloved
son, and tells him his cause is Just and
that h would do all in his power to
stop the unholy war. In that letter to
Jeff Davis th pope says that Abraham
Lincoln was a heretic and an apostate
who, acoordlng; U tho canon law of
Ilomo, anyone had a right to murder,
Not only this, but ho sends letters to
his bishops In this country, ordering
them to weaken the union armies by
drawing their people away and out of
them, and as to how well they suc
ceeded tho records will show.
l suppose you, old soldiers of tho
rebellion, have riot forgotten tho riots
in Now York city when tho draft was
ordered and that was after this letter
was written by tho Mipe to Davis and
his bishops. You certainly aro awaro
that tho principal part of that mob
were Catholic Irishmen,
Tho darky that these Catholics love
so well today and are doing so much to
educate, were shot down by thaf mob
on sight. Why all this chungo of sen
Hut what else happened that the
American poopl should never forgot?
While, as the venerable father says,
"they should teach their children pa
triotism," and we answer that Abraham
Lincoln, tho saviour of his country, tho
man above all others wo loved, the man
of honest principles who was devoted
to hlscountry, loved her starry banner,
loved tho poor and downcast, a man In
whom there was no guilt, these same
Catholic priests and bishops murdered
through thi agency of John Wilkes
I tooth, a Catholic.
Have tho principles of this govern
ment changed since that awful night,
when hy that awful deed this country
was thrown Into a deep u oom
auslng every loyal citizen to mourn?
Hut, edi how changed now! The
priests are delivering orations of tribute
and respect to our murdered president
and his "hirelings," as I 'ope I'lusIX
says In his letter to Jeff Davis. May 1st
they can deceive the American people,
but wo sincerely hope not.
Have you read tho trial of Mrs,
Hurratt and others for the killlnir of
Abraham Lincoln? Don't you know
thatllootii was a Catholic, Mrs. Hurrat t
ttnd Miss Hurratt were Catholics?
Don't you know that the plot to kill
and murder Abraham Lincoln was
made and consumated at her house,
and that ts-sldes itnoth and others
some ten priests of Washington were In
the hahft of visiting that house? Don't
you know that the horse that Wilkes
Hoof h redo out, of the alley that night
was procured from a CaUiollc? Don't,
you know that the Dr. Mud who set
Month's leg, which was broken when he
umped from the stage after shooting
the president, was a Catholic? Don't
you know that, the man In whose burn
e was captured and killed was a Catho
lic? John Hurratt, son of Mrs. Hurratt,
who was tried on account of this eon-
piracy, by the aid of Cat holics went to
anada and was hidden In a convent
by tho priests and helped to the
t. Aieer tVrmUii by I'sllti r t'l.Aih
H'lH tiel, tliAt I Atlii I' .Ai. lT
ln-pt Itlm r bs k ah.1 J tro'tt Mon-
ttvAl ttt i,l,ii lee, Attd ttsm there to
I i .... u I ... k. . .......I I,j It,.,
I VM(H K llf!1 f ( nx mi'i'il'il . '
t'tled States ,, t.-, then In the poe
I "it aid,
llul ttliat a i hange ha wept ter
these jteople. The ivterviid father
jviys a tribute of vect to tlx mothers,
HHr Ami slsli'l of tho old soldier,
New , ii'.d soldiers, how ttiatty of y,i,
si-ciinllittf to the cAititii Ihw of linine,
are li'gltlumtely ttmirliil? And on that
jtidnt they he yen ehfged, No lean
nnd woman who are lint married by the
rites ni.d ceremonies of the Calholle
church are eonsiletid mint and wife.
Your children am! intee Hie llltlll
mate, and If Home emtio Into swer,
could not Inherit one dollar's worth of
proerly front their parents,
Hut he says: "why dwell longer on
this subject? The war Is over, slavery
Is alHillsheil and we are In the enjoy
ment of sweet peace, We lire H strong
and united nation." If slavery is
alMillshed ami this nation Is united, we
do not owe It to the Influence of the
Hpo of Home nor his priests, and the
man that is deceived into thinking so
Is not wise.
Hut now wo must quote from tho
reverend father's sermon, lie says
"we must above all things be liberal.
It matters not to what section we Itc
hing north, east, south or west or
with what party we alllllate, or to what
creed, 1'rotcMtant or Catholic, we must
work as one family, work as one great
brotherhood for tho common good of
the country. Wo must crush out
bigotry and that narrow, selfish way
of thinking wherever wo may find
them, lilgotry and lllsirty, peace
loving thought, cannot llonrlsh to
gether, The bigot Is like a small, four
anfmul, his presence makes tlm air op
pressive, Our forefathers left us a
code of laws embodied in tho constitu
tion, wo should live up to them If wo
would perpetuato our greatness, Hut
first of all wo must understand them,
To this end we must educate, educate
tho Intellect and the heart, not one
but both, of the child that it may know
to comprehend all that Is good ant
eschew that Is evil. They hav loft u
ft written charter as a legacy and a
guldo to our course, but every day con
vlnces us that a written charter may
beeorno powerless, Ignorance may mis
interpret It, ambition may assail and
faction destroy Its vital parts, and as
piring knavery may at last sing Its re
quiem on tho tomb of departed lllsirty.
Wo must in our everyday life give
proof of our lovo and knowledge of tho
constitution which grants freedom of
conscience to all men and protects all
religious belief. As citizens we must
not question a man's creed. All we
need to know Is that ho Is a good law
abiding, liberty loving American citi
zen, We must ever protest against
tho spirit that would make religion a
mark of political or social fitness,"
Now, fellow Americans, wo heartily
endorse every word this holy father
says In tho alsvo quotation. Hut does
tho pope, and tho bishops and the
priests do so? and wo answer no, they
do not. If they did their canon law
would bo of no effect, because it and
our glorious constitution aro dlametrl
cally opposed to each other. Our con
stltutlon decrees lllsirty of speech, free
dom of thought In religion, while the
uanon law of the I toman Catholic
ihiirch Is just the opposite.
They say, section 11, "that all laws
ontrary to tho canons ami decrees of
tho I toman prelates are of no force,"
Section l,'l, "we ought not even to
speak to one whom the pope has ex
communicated." now is Mils for re
ligious bigotry? How does this tally
with our constitution?
Section 15 says "the civil law (that
means our constitution) Is derived from
man, but the ecclesiastical law (that
means the canon law) Is derived from
Cod by which the pontiff can, In con
nection with his priests, make consti
tutions for the whole Christian world,"
How des's this coincide with our con
stitution. This law abiding and loyal
priest Is bound by this canon law as
firmly as a loyal American Is to tho
constitution of the United States.
Section 18 says, "the goods of here
tics are to be confiscated and applied
to tho church." Where, old soldier,
docs religious bigotry come In? You
ask me when will all this come to pass
and we answer you In their own lan
guage "l!MK,"
This gentlemanly priest says we must
duoatethe heart as well as the head.
and right here ho gives himself away.
V on don t want to forget that our free
pernio scniHiis are the terror of all Hu
man Catholics and that the priests and
bishops say they aro godless schools
and nurseries of vice and not fit for a
I toman Catholic to send their children
). Who made them gtslless schools
hen tho blblo was taken from them.
who had tho principal hand In it, who
' it thai Mhl AH" n hi e It A (
ei. (..,( (tlm !) it, .t (.i..i ii,.. . .i
j tt tm en as nis I. M to Iihm lte
j jouth the bible ttu pt the pt who
ll . I . ..M lA ,...u .. . . . . i I
- j -w- II m in. ffHl III inoi (V (O I ft 1IIH,!v
(lie bitltll tMlgllt til g( V AMWlf It
" i!in;i Atxl pt t,.ta (lf Antel IcA
after they hsve AitHHeplUhed
tiuir ntyeei tiny iii sn,l av mir
whisds are irmtteM U caiih you ,vi
tm r!lglitis It Altitiig In thi nt. Hew
deynil like these IHstIv lnvlhg ginlle
tin tt7 leitver they are at mug
i nouuh, as In miitin plnees In Mttim so'
Is slid WUeeimlu, Ihey hme refused to
py tax to the public sehtHiU forth
reason thai t le y hud to keep tip paiisdi
lal schools, Ihey say down with the
hulwBi k of our HU rlles, our five put
lie schools,
The gentleman talk alsiut a law
Abiding, lllstly loving American elll
en, I ask you, can he lm one win
ewes his llrst allegiance to the pnMi at
Hume? And Unit every priest nnd
bishop In the United Hlales dism, and
we (iiote from the holy laws of Roman
Ism to prove It. Heel Ion I holy laws
says, "the holy father (that is the hih
Is the supremo ruler of the world In
spiritual ns well as temporal mutters
especially where we have the vote or
power." Section 2 reads, "It Is the
duty of all Catholics to plot and labor
for the absolute supremacy of tho Hiie,"
Mow, according to this law, this w
verend holy father who has boon tick
ling your ears with his Is-autlful sent,!
rneiits, owes his first allegiance to the
pope of Home Instead of to thooouMtltu
Hon of the United Slates, and It Is his
duty to plot and labor for the absolute
supremacy of tho pope Instead of our
constitution, "No man can serve two
Now allow mo to again quote from
the reverend father's remarks: "Hut
what Is passing strange to us is that
under the light of this nineteenth cen
tury, in tills ugo of our national great
ness and guided hy that hallowed con
stltutlon, wo llnd bodies of men under
various mimes of sects, association and
clubs banded 'together for tho express
purpose of ostracising tholr fellow
citizens because they follow a certain
religious belief. These men aro not
A.A . . I- ill. ... . .
run mint hipii inn oi urn jc'-opie, not tn
Intelligent hand and heart of tho peo
ple, they aro un-American, they tram
plo under foot tho liberties guaranteed
by tho constitution, they prostitute
their citizen rights to vile purposes,
they are dangerous, they aro tho polltl
cal, i tho sisdal and moral dynamite
amongst us," Now It Is passing strange,
in the face of such an eloquent sermon,
such a patriotic sermon, such a loyal
sermon to our constitution from this
reverend father, that It should be
necessary to have these stsdetles to
protect American lilstrties. Hut we
have Intrenched In this county a re
llglous iKstopus, presided over by tho
Mpe of Home and these loyal priest,
which has In every nation on earth,
when? they havo had tho isiweir assort
ed their authority by religious bigotry
and domination, by flro and sword, by
war and bloodshed, by tho faggot and
tho stake, hy tho inquisition and the
guillotine. Yes, you do not forget the
unholy wars they havo waged, you do
not forget the countries they havo laid
waste and the houses they have deso
lated, the people they have Imprisoned
without authority oi law or trial, and
aro doing tho same thing In our land
1 , .1 M . 1 . ....
ui ismsieu ireeoem today, j hey are
arrogant In tho United States today as
they havo been for tho lost 100 years,
They claim all tho offices in the gift of
tho American people, nnd have lusid-
winked the peoples by beautiful sentl
mentallsrn until they have succeeded
beyond their own most sanguine expec
tations. Theyhave, by their papal plat
form prostituted their rights of citizen
ship, which says "It Is our desire that
In the future you refuse to act as demo
crats or republicans, only so fur as Is
necessary to secure election to an office
or to aid In the election of one who,
when elected, will serve only our holy
church." How do you like that doc
trine. Americans? How disis this com
pare with the reverend father's sermon?
Hut this Is not all, See, 5, holy
laws of Homanlsm says, "we are In
favor of filling all ofllees with men
selected hy the bishop of the dhstese, .
upon whose political judgment all
Catholics must relv. for the blshon
must bo oljcyod, right or wrong " And
this Is the law: The faithful can con
fide In the bishop, though he may In
one county or city compel you to sup
port the candidate of one party and In
the next county or city support those
of tho other party, but you must not
hesitate, he "knows what he Is doing,
for In cither case we get our price for
your vote and the holy church is the
winner." Now, lu the name of God and
liberty, where dis-s this holy father's
devotion to the constitution come In?
Where d,s's the liberty of conscience
come in? Yes, the holy church gets
tho price and is the winner. How do
leu DkB It, l.i si., Arte) s-oi.l t
Jmt Im I bntioH il l llclNf Al
iIivm Jim Mit Memorial U Abe ka
Hull f,.l!i,ii thrtmjh tie lhi't
butty, AiiiiI, hfii-eheS Attd nle Attd et
A pi fnf thetH,
IS..) lti tt tit e, ft of these holy
Ihm a. And il wilt feel J tinnier (ban
ever: "In order l fled I'tltploytiteet
fir the itiany tbottsattiU of th faithful
who Atv r-oniiiti! to swell the ranks et
our t'Aibolle Army, which will, In tlm
smeM this land, we must mi'urn eon
litil of the HiIva, railways, ntattttfsi
lories, mines, bel and sailing vecl
and alsivo All, the press. In fact Very
enterprise requiring IaImu In order lo
furnish our .ewcumers employment
This w ill render it necessary lo remove
or crowd out the American liereU
who are now employed, You need tint
hesl tale, It Is your duly lo do so. You
must not stop at anything toueeomplU
this end, There are many ways tod
this, bet if you cannot devise a way
consult your father confessor, but U
careful to do icthlng that w ill creah
Yes, that's it, IVeiich nice deceiving
sermons to tho (iratnl Army of the He
public 'and deceive tins jsiopie or you
cannot carry out your nefarious
Now, I ask any lover of liberty and
freedom what this priest tries to say of
these American societies he says ar
un-American? If these societies that
are sworn to uphold the constitution of
tho United Htates, to uphold our fro
schools, to uphold our glorious Mar
and stripes, If they aro un-American
what would you say of such laws ns we
have Just quoted? They need not t ry
to deny that they ars on their stuttito
hooks as they are carrying them out on
every railroad and In every shop In tho
United States whom they have tho
power; yes, In every city.
Now, Americans, ir you love your
country, which has boon purchased by
tho best blood of tho nation, take thil
beast with his seven heads and ten
horns and cast him to tho bottomless
pit where ho belongs.
Rand Thil Extrmpsof th Jesuits
nd not Trembla7
If any class of people are banded to
gether by more Infamous ties, for tho
accomplishment of more damnable
work, than the society of Jesus, the
leading society of tho Roman church
wo should like to make their acquaint
ance, J'robably they, Us, would havo
a religious attachment to use as a cloak
to cover their deeds of Infamy, their
iorroptlon and their licentiousness,
Probably they, too, would have a Mmiiln
NeirHa for tholr guide, hut It could con
tain nothing more dastardly than the
"extreme oath of the Jesuit," which wo
copy below,
I he author or translator of tho
book from which wo copy the following,
under tho heading "Ceremony of In
duction and Extreme Oath of the
lesult," has much to say which wo will
publish next week. Ills translation of
of tho oath is:
I, ,,, , new III thii hreseiii'tiof
Almliclily OimI, Urn hlessed VlfKln Mury, Hie
lilessed Mlrliiud tlm ai'i'tiiinici'l, tlm blessed
Ht, John Urn lliiiMst, tint holy stsmtles HI
fitter ami HI,, Paul and tlm milnln and sacred
IiokI of hen veil, ami to you my uliimlly fiillier,
Die superior lO'iieriil of Hi sis'lely of .fesus,
rounded by Hulnt IkniiIiis, Loyola In the
pontifical Ion ef Paul Hie Third, and con
tinned to t lm present, do, tiy tlm womb of I he
vIikIn. f lm imilrln of Uml, and the rod of
,feus Christ,, declare Mini swear Hint Ms
holiness, tlm pope, Is I'lirlst's vlrc-xcrciit,
Slid Is Dm t rim snd only bend of tlm cm ho,
lie or unlversiil ehureli tliroiiichuut, tlm
Willi; and Unit by vlrtun of the keys of
hlndlriK and IikmIiiv given le his liiillness
by my Savior, Jesus ClirM,, lm letlh power to
depose bereueiil klnics, princes, states, com
liiiifiweaillis, mid S'lveriimeiils, nil Isdntf
llli'Kitl without, bis sie'ri'il ronllrmiilloii, und
Ihey rimy be sitfely destroyed, Tbereforii, to
Hie ulnAist of my power, I will defend this
diN'ffine uml bis bolliiess' rlulit snd I'uslom
iikhIiihI. nil usurper of llm hereileiil or
lro!eniuit, fuilborlly wliulsis'ver, especially
the l.uiberHii ehureli of (Jerinioiy, llolhoid.
He miiiirk, Sweden ninl Vurwny, und tlm now
pri'teiiiled authorities uml rliiovhes of Knx
bind and Meothind, mid brunches of the
milimnow ml uhllftlicil In Irehiml, himI on the
ontliient of Anmrli'ii mill fixes here, und nil
adherents In rctrurd Hint tiny he usurped
mid berllcul, opiHisbiK the me rcd molber
lun ch ef Konni,
I do now renounce mill disown sny ule-
boiee as dim to liny lierellclil hlliK. prince or
In I c, mi nu ll I'rotesliiiit. or l.lbernls, or
obedience lo uny of their laws, iiiulstratcs
or ulllcem.
I do urllier ili'chirii that tne dis'trhm of
(lie churches of Knifliiiid and Scot land, of
tlieCulvlnlsts, lliiKiii'iiiils uml others of llm
iimiiii of I'roleHtuut or Liberals, to be iliini
nuble, uml they I ben, -elves lo bn dimmed
who will not forniko the same.
I do furl her decla in Unit I will help, assist
und advise nil or any of bis dullness' nnls,
In any place wherever 1 shall be. In Swll.
crliiud, Cieruiiuiy. Holland, HemiiHrk,
Sweden, Norway, Kniiluiul, Ireland, or Amer.
Icu, or In sny other kliiKdoiii or territory. I
ball count to, nnd do my utmost to eMlr
pulii the heretical I'roleslant or LIlM'rul
doctrines, and to destroy all their pre Icmlcil
powers, reifal or Otherwise.
I do further iri,niUc ami declare that, not
Althstaiutlnir I am dispensed with to Assume
sny rellKlon heretical for tlm propazin Ion
ef the mother church's Interest, to keep
S-M I lt H lr lt ,. t' t .(, ft
ft tin- .i nt ll r t. Ami
I., In ,!ii il,t.. iliif. tl in n,,i. it , ,f
h4 ahiibs i , II. ,,..lh,n hlit
tnl liium die ktl 'hsl ltl Ik .(
tlVI-A In llll. Ill ttt.ltt I ITtl 1,1,1,1 h... I f
,m . t hitl fsitii-i of net i.f ifci mi rt-4
r,rti(. i,l
I ito tut 1 1., i ! tin Uttht will
lm, M,i ,,,ii,,n 1 tii ,.f tr ,. ef ti,f
menial h iimi,i ihiilM m, m n as A
nttov i i sitsu i iwtlni ae esilstt'il, lull
lt ln,l -Hsili, l l) es ti i,, it civ
enmiHsiiil Ibsl I i)r rieetm tritiit rn iin
I, , is In II,,' ii, Hols ,,t llie '' ami i.f J, in
I lotfcl ,
Tlinl t will k.i sny ,ml of the wittht
liMtii'tsas ii r I innv ls M til. In llm fmn it
leftiiiK of (tie leu III. I In- Inn III n nlnl,,f llm
ill-wit of Afil.-it. or tie' pinnies ef In, lis. In
llm eelili t of i Ii llonlluii of r nrnsi, or
lliewllil linieit nt Hie bstlmriMis khisvc of
Anietbs, lili,,,il tinouiiirltig ur repinlns,
suit III Ih iiI,ii,U, vi- In nil tliti,u Alnttso
et er. I'liiiiiiiteilrsteil tu tne,
I ill! f, II II, I'ltlM, ti' prumlsii nnd ilii liui' I list
I will, Alien ii,n,HiiiiHy presents, iniike nnd
wnsn reliiitless war, stsntly or ownly.
ninilie.1 nil heretics, frntestnlits anil I.MicrsU
us I ton directed In il,i, to emit pule them
frmii Hie fiieeof llm wlinle enrth. Hud Unit I
will spare neither uife. e nr eoinllllnii, snd
Hint I will hniiK, liiirn, waste, boll, liny,
l in mils and bury nihil these liifaiiiniis
herellcsi rip up Hie slouinchs ninl Woiiibs of
their woiiien nnd crush llmlr Infinils' hearts
nitulusl the walls In iinler lo Htiulhllatn llmlr
execrable race. That when the same, ciinmil,
be dune openly, 1 will secret ly use lint poU
oiinuseup, the si ranuiibil Iiik eoril, tlm steel
nt Hie poliiaril, or llm lenileii bullet, ri'ttitrd
es of llm honor, rank, ilhtnliy or nulliorlly
of Hie person or persons, whatever may be
tlielri'iiniililiin In life, either public or priv
ate, ns I ul liny limn may he directed so to
do by any nio'tit. of llm pope or superior
of Hm brolhethoiid of llm holy fallmr, of 1(4,
sis'lely of Jesus.
In i'o 11 II 11 1 1 11 1 1 n of which I hereby dedlenlo
my life, my soul 11 ml Nllanporeul powers, and
Willi Hils diiKicer which 1 now receive, I will
subscribe my inline, written In my blnnil.jiii
testimony thereof; ninl should I provn fulfil
or weaken In my delnrmluiitlou, may r!ny
brethren snd fellow soldiers of tlm 111 1 1 1 1 1 oi if
the pope cut off my liioiilsnnd my feel, 11 ml my
threat from ear to ear, my belly opciieil'ruul
sulphur burned therein, wit h all Hm punish
ment that can lm In Hided upon inn on iMfth
und my soul be tortured by diWitns lit an
eternal hell forever. if
All of which 1, ,,,, do swiuiV by
the blessed trinity, and blessed sitcruifS'tit,
which I am now to receive, to perform! anil
oil my part lo keep Inviolably 1 und tin cull
all llm heavenly ami Kloi'loim host ef lieavnn
to witness these my real ltiterion to keep
Mils, my oath.
lu lesl Imoiiy linrenf, I lakn this moid, holy
and blessed sacrament, of His iiuchurlsl,,
iiiiii niMicnn tun siimii iiirmer, wun my niiinn .
H,.I,1H U.1.1. ,(... ........ ..M .1 ... .1 , A
w rii w'ii won ui" 1101111, in 4111s iinuscr, 11111n1.u1
'Itrmrvwn blid, l(teu,f In Hm fie nlr'
this linly convent
Ha Makes a Frank and Full Statement
Concerning His Citixenihlp,
Omaha, Aug, 10, To tho Kdltor of
tho Ike; I see by today's papers that a
question as to my eligibility to hold tho
ofllcc of lieutenant governor has arisen,
In view of this fact I mako tho following
On the 4th day of March 187f, at
IJufTalo, N. Y., I filed my first jiajsirs or
"declaration of intentions." About two
years later I went to Huffalo to file my
final papers but could not do so, as tho
time required by law had not qulto
expired. In tho fall of JHMJ 1 moved to
this state, and tho fact that I could vote
on my "first piiHtrs" led mo, as it has
thousands of others, to neglect taking
out final papers, When tho con lest as
to the citizenship of Uovernor lloyd
arose I recalled my own neglect
and as soon as It was convenient
I filed my paNirs and completed
my citizenship, This I did on tho
fllb day of February, JMIU, I was
under the Impression that tho terms of
citizenship were In tho form of a con
tract and that when the final papers
were filed citizenship dated bock to tho
filing of tho "Declaration of Intention,"
These are the plain facts in tho case,
and If they constitute Ineligibility then
It Is the duty of the sfabt central com
mittee to at once substitute another
name for mine for the office of lieuten
ant governor.
I love this land of my adoption, Dar
slurs rnd stripes are more to mo than
tongue or jsm can utter, and I would
rather know I have been a citizen of
this country for eighteen months than
to 1st lieutenant governor without such
I am a republican, I lielleve In re
publican principles, I am proud ef tho
glorious achievements the party has
wrought, and though my name bo taken
from the ticket, my ardor will not bo
laniiM'tied nor my zeal lessened In tho
omlng camimlini. Jnoflleoor out of
lllce, in storm or sunshine, I am always
repu oilcan. j, u, tatb.
In Lincoln. Neh., August 1, lWJ, tho
infant son or Mr. and Mrs, Mark
Dean. Interment in the Ashland
Mr. and Mrs, Dean have a number of
warm friends in Omaha who read TllK
MKKICAN who will bo immeasurably
pained to learn of the great loss they
have sustained, Tho editor can fully
sympathize with the Istreaved parents,
He has passed through tho same great
alllictlon, which makes him the more
ady to offer words of sympathy and
consolation. May you never meet with
another such bereavement.