THE! AMERICAN THE AMERICAN II II IMilhMMHI t. ,, . at I' ,.n. I ( Wi ItiOMftiON A MUIV, ri.ft ums . f huh rn ' Tl I M'lMNfc, I'll I lt I 1 ti l 1 III IH 1 I I t ioii i (ii. I r ( - i . 1 I" ? l " " " , ,, V, .1 II i I ' I htM fHI ! -t fn rttt.lflalll ll.l I I( m II t' tf ).,. ii I" U itmni - until In 1 lit Amino "M ' H '" MmuU rfOMN C. VHOWrtON, Ilil0 W I' knin, ttttm Vinn t f. . ... OMAHA. I IUIAV, .iri.Y 1M, !!2 If'Tim Amhii l iuM iHwrni ot i rMllIVII lllIM HH '( II H I lm t 11 NoK VHKSlPKST It Alt MHOS 1 tin chairman i if "in- national conunltliv, Mr. Carlr, a Human Colli oiler Then- 1 plenty of jjihkI music at Hanscnm Park every Knndiiy afternoon. TlIK tllcHIIOUieter Hi Ilk')0 In flu (lutein In no unusual iNi'urii'iii'ii In Omaha these day. llKH'ni.K'ANS, American. Friend; You should turn nut to the primaries Haturdoy afterniHin, IViN'T you make liny mistake on Mr. Ilui'tiM dim li In the First ward. I In In reported to us km ft Koninn. IT WILU soon li demonstrated whether tho A. I'. A', cannot elect h constable-vide Mr, (illwnii. llK.l'ollTS come from Kansas to tho effect that tho corn crojt In a very critical condition on account of the ex tremely dry weather, TlIK clMiiiiM'i-ntM of tho third congres sional district havu selected Htato Hon a tor Kloper of Pierce county a their candidate for congress, . Thih iu)nr In neither endorsing or filfhtlritf Judge Crounso for governor. If lio secure tho noiiilnittlnn wo nuiy luivij something to any, It 1H reported that Douglas county will have .candidate for every state office within tho gift of tho jsioplo who will Invalid tin; coming republican Ht a to convention In force, Tho editor of tho lire hu given you an opportunity to expre your prefer- .'lieu for governor bo Ymn until that Mr. CYounmi will unit him, nnd virtually that noonnelw) will. No MAN who In willing that cither Mr, IloHewater or Mr. Ilroitlch nhoulil rido Into jKiwcr ujMifi tho rulrm of tho A, I", A. Hhoulil bo nelected n a dclo- I'Hte. Htunil hy your princlplim, Thkhis metiin to lxi a nortof cordial fiH'Mnir cxlMilntf lMitwin rrcNldimt Ilarrldon and King Ifuinlrt. Tim h'.lUT Iiiin arruntfed to rn'ml a itiiIhit to partlelpafcj In tho ciit'i-nionleH In New York harbor In Octtbcr. TlIK I'lattumoiit'i H-oplo evidently , do not bellevo In Hiitiilay plenlcH, or In drunken pei.pln, or In 1 toman Jlohem Iiiiih, or MofiK'thln or ot her, an they ar rented almut fifteen ItoinanN, put them In jail, and, wo are Informed, fined them and coatu for dlNturbiiitf tho jwaeo, TlIK mumticrof rrptihllcancanilldatcM for governor In dully IncrcaNlnif arid if prcHcnt Indlealloim o for anything Douglan county rcpuhllcanii will have to look well to homo favorite or a western man will walk away with tho plum. II. C. FltK.'K th manager f the Carneghi company kalmut tho nervlext man In Iloiiu HU-ad. Khot throe time, and itnbbed equally an many, ho direct iim arroir or tno oom jmny in a manner which cannot full to attract tho atton- if Jfti i ) . Worto ha como to till office that Mr, Van Wyck Iiuh effected a tlo-up with tho Itomarm, Thin In a iiirprlmi ton! hut friend In tho indejierident party nhotild Ihi careful how they vote at tho Kearney convention. They iibould know whether Mr. Van Wyck favor tho I tomans o tho American. . y . "He is one of tn clty'moHt trut worthy employe," 1 what, Dr. Homer write to tho Ikf with regard to Frank Johnnon, and thl to In tho fitco of tho worn ttimetit that ho ha solicited bribe from John Nclaon, Our Idea of tho meaning of trutworthy U not ho broad, Hut wo arc a bigot and a know nothing, whilo Dr. Homer I nothing woro than a llornan truckler, Amkeicanh, It 1 an open aecret that Mr, Iloticwater, In tho preent fight ha albwed the imprelon to go abroiul that hi fight in tho primaries thl tlmo 1 not no muoh in favor of Mr. Crrmwe a it 1 agalnt tho A, 1'. A. Are you jfolng to allow men outwldo of your order to dicta to what you ahall do? Your action at tho poll on, Saturday Will ettc tho quoatlon. Ue your own judgment. Do what you think i right and what will conform to your prin-nini... IV t HIV III V I ,.h i.i.1,1 TllH Vi l. k'i I lmt i I .! iti 1 1. t.. It ! l I i 1 1 i I, n-Hii'.l'r m' i'I Ii I i-nnitiilntc ir ', ! r.f .ni i it,., I l 'i.n' Ml itii ttnl llil. i..( l.MSIHi H.. I ! . il Hi. tlii.'i lite i.iiiiii,'ii'ii or iiio i.f'i.s.-; iii Mil IV in" li )! illltin Isl I,, I, . . Mt l'H " l!ll'!', nnd a i.iii t"-1" , l'.-" )ii mv a i( ii, ni will U Hie itn.l ,Niw, It In Hie i e.t lull ivi mi ttitt lul iilub 1 newt tiM ' i"1 illO'luli'ixi In l N it ".i 'i H'i llm ) "i r Hntf join ( t fibn liitfnlili' I.) ( -Miilntiij? ''!' 1'iK'iinit Itial )nu imiI.I .. pt M.', I till Ml n ViH 111 Our fihiiil i ilk'hl In litoiii I li mi oitu of hi piiHiitlii! Mo It l lfclit In Hi" lipiHwItlnli thrtl " WiMllil H't at'ii pl a Ituiulfmlliiil lit I'liliyiiM If Hie HIe were liiii.'ii il ii. We would t'lil, From tin1 MiHiiy niiiee of nop- nrl, glvi ii n by fiieiiiU, wn a iv con Ibli iil we cuiiltl bine wenri il Ibe hum iliation for iMiin;n ciiiiiii lit Ibl din t rift, but lh')' mtil recognize, a we do, I bill a iiMiiiimitlnii In that (hkIHoii oh the ri piililli-nii Hcket would elTeet vn-' ly I'l.m.i iinr imiutli and couiii'l u to upHirl the imiiilni-e of that party, whether they wen good, bin I or Indif ferent. Thin e would not do. And, while we do mil uuili'i viilue the honor of being eongivuKiuun, nor of tlm good Intention of our friend who have, H't'oiially and by letter, tendered n Ihelr hearty Hiipport, wn miiHt decllno to longer remain In the altitude of a candidate In the hanil of hi friend. Another coiiHideratlou which ha materially aided u In arriving at thl coucIuhIoii I the duty wo owo to all patriot 'vho read TlIK Amkhii'AN, and to all tlumo who may hereafter become reader. Wo owe It to them that tho Human church, It hierarchy, with It fraud ami it ehemoa, bo faithfully and truthfully rcprewinUid. Wo owo to them tho oxwmuro of political trlck- Htor, demagogue and MhyMtor Thl wo could not do were wo to go before tho eoplo a tho nominee of a political party, or were wo to accept tho labor ion dtitloofa congremnn. In tho pat our flrt aim)iatuin to upbuild tho American order nnd our paper; In thu future wo whall lo nnltr.atod by tho Klllllll Ihoiight, Wo lH'lievo that wo liavo a wider field of iiNofulucH a cillUir of Thk Amk.iuoan than wo would have a con- grcMMinati i that wo can accoiupllHh more real good, bo of liet tur ervlco to tho American order, and moro fully atlnfy all our friend by remaining In charge of tho editorial department of TlIK Amkiucan, than wo could by bo coming a politician andlioldlng olllco, For thoo reaon, and thoo bImivo liited, we hIiiiII not bo a fund Ida to (In any etio of tho word ) for any olllco within tho gift of tho jMiopIo, In corieluHlori, wo lelro to cxpre our heartfelt thank to thoo loyal friend, who huvo o earnestly and heartily entered Into tho fight to mako ii eotigreiiian. They havo proved that they wero true friend by coming to ii and offering their upport. Many of them did not come to auk whether wo would accept tho nomination but went right out and commenced to work up a boom a oon a they heard our fiauto mentioned. All thl !ntcret I fully appreciated, but wo tnut decline to allow a further uo of our nunio, Friend wo thank you. TlIK DEMUCIIA TIC LEADER. In tho comment published on tho appointment of Win, F, Hurrlty of refiimvlvanltt, a chairman of tho Na tional Democratic committee, hi re cord a an urine rupulou Hillniari I tho prime charge agnlrmt him, The citizen of 1'ctiiiHylvaiila and eiecially of rhllodolphlu consider thl a the leat of tho fault of the new louder of tho national democracy. Mr, Wm, F, Harrlty 1 a member of tho llomun Catholic church-born a I toman Catholic and educated in a Hu man Cuthollc Hchool, and gnuluated from a Homan Catholic college! but thl would not Im ground for apoliti cal charge agalnt Mr. Harrlty wero It not known that bo ha wwm all occu- nIoii bi.en tiolltlcally a llornan Catholic, A Mr. C'loveland' potmutor In I'lilluilelphla during tho flrt few month of hi Incumbency ho d In- charged 1.17 I'roU'tant employe, and apNlntoil Itoman Cutholle tomicceed every one of them, and thl under the o-called "civil aervlco reform," When HIhop Mullln, of Harriwbnrg, called on Hurrlty at tho I'hlliubtlphla pimtolllee, Harrlty kneeled Iniforo him and kted tho bUhop' hand. Tho fiwt that wa proven before tin Invest igating committee that tho print ing olllco connected with tho Phila delphia piwtolllco wa run to print domiH'ratlc campaign llteraturo did not develop the further fuct that every man on that payroll wa a llornan Catholic, a tho committee had no authority to look Into thl feature. Novortbele, all thl I known to rhlludi lphluiiK, and Harrlty' appointment i liiked ujxMi a another bid for tho IlomUh vM, Wb owk tho rrototant of thl com munity an apology, Wo credited Frank Johnwm with U;lng a IVoUintant, sev eral week atfo, when wo mado public hi dUhnnorable manner of conducting the city's buhlnoH. That credit wa wrong. Johnwin i a Itoman Catholic. He is th fellow whom the priewt placed (nii l Ibe I n'ln ,ltl )! t I I 'l. i ".,( nt jf ,.ii,, t H ,.,, ,. ! ). , lll tt. ) t)l 11 in fwt!i m a t..i,,h.l rlt,..t!r if .li.t it.j, Ii n , .1 l t lii lh' I I. t llmi ' I. a I , r .f a H'-ei eii) ii.ii'i d yvntti'iiii h in ltti l llf in t unit. . a bn!k'. f Ibe ' J1 Ii ik'. ntilnle nf l,i 1 ,t, ,( HNU of A He I b " Thl U one of the lrin. l ami i.i. l -nti'olt nn.l ltt-ni.ielal off tii!iili III Kin 1'ntlml Mt.., aii. one abteh i mbi e aiiioiig H iu.-iiiI i runny men of wealth and proit'lin mi In the (Tlin of lhii,iin liy, aim hue Ihelr Imnie, Ihelr iimn try and It five liixtlliiibiim, ami Ibe dhlliii I. in tiliib'uf (be llulv llible, tin law are mainly bnwil ii.ii I he ,in t llul Inn of the full. mI Hlnte, anil II object aiv the u.lviiiieniie iil of I'ivI entniitlnm, the liuilnl, imiHi' of our tree ytem of public nelioo), and every thing wlilell lend toward the up building and enlightenment of the iiil.!. The following n the declara Hull of ll principle, which wo repro duce In order that our people may thoroughly uuderland It ubjecf and leaeblngn: We believe In tiod the Father Al mighty, Creator of Heaven and earth, III .lenll ( hrlHt, III Hon, our only Medlutiir, and Vellleil Will. In tlm Itllile, III ri We liellovo In the right of private judgment, and In the untramiiieleil freedom of opinion; that Intelligence promote the cHtabllnbiiienl and con duce, to the perpetuity of good govern ment! that public ncIiiniIm are cHMentlal to the mifety of the titto; that uch Hchool bould be free from oodeMliiMti cnl liilluetice and control; that pornon dlloyal to the government or to the public mcIiooIh, hIiuiiM Imi rlgorounly ex cluded from teiielilrig I herein, Woliollevo that prliiiury temporary allegiance I duo to tho government which proteet our live, lllKirtle and proierty; that eccleiiiHticitl authority Hhoulil not bo permltUiii to interfere with civil government, nor to meddle with tho relation of the citizen and tho tate; that coercion of tho citizen In tho exorcise of lit right and fran chise, under the guise of spiritual or religion authority, should lie punlslieil a a crime against the atute; that It I thu duty of tho citizen to defend thu constituted uiitboril.fs and institution of tho country agulnt corrupt and Inimical In I! i inline, us well a against armed assailant, to the end that our glorlou heritage of freedom may bo transmitted iiiiimpiilreil to posterity. Wo cherish tlio memories or iiodid men of every ago and country, who have contributed to estiibllsli civil and religion freedom for the people. Among those worthy ofjieclal honor we place WyollfTo, Knox, Luther, Mehiiictbon, Collgny, tho "i'llgrlm Father," William of Orange, president of tho Dutch republic, Washington and him compeers, and all other heroe In the sunn! cause. Huch name are, to us, an lN!ritUon U noblu endeavors, and to untiring vigilance In ponietuatlng tho Institution purchased by them with blood and treasure. Our brotherhood I a broad a hu manity, and extend to most countries of tho globe In omo form. Tho "I'll grlm Father" first planted our princi ple on thee shore, The constiUitlon of tho United Hlutc may bo regarded a an epitome of what wo hold and teach. Wo have no secret principles nor hlddiln aim. Tho member of tho order are known In all countrie a Orangemen, In honor of tho noble William of Orange, who did ao much for the cause of universal liberty, We, In tho United Ht.uto, where every one loyal to our government and lusllto tion 1 necessarily an Orangeman at M art though ho may not, wear the re galia, adopt the honored mime, because of It universality, J o propagate and defend these prin ciple, we are united by a solemn 'ovenant of friendship and fraternal fidelity, Wo constltuto a brotherboisl whoso bond of union I Justice, Truth and Highteousne, A a fraternity, wo aim to practice the precept of our profession, to relievo those who are In dlslresN, to help tho widow and the fatherless, and to encourugo virtue, In dustry, friigullty and patriotism. Tho following are tho qualification of membership: The cunillihit.o should have a sincere love and veneration for hi Almighty Maker, productive of those happy fruit, rlgliteousnes and obedience to did' command'; a firm and Kteailfast faith In the Havlour of the world; con vinced that .lesu Christ I tho only Mediator Isd.ween a sinful creature anil a holy and offended Creator, possessing a reliance upon the power and grace of the Holy Hplrlt; hi deposition should tin humane and compassionate; ho Nlioiild he an enemy to brutality, and every specie of unchr!t Ian conduct; he should be a lover of rational ami Im proving aiK'loty, faithfully regarding the rrotosturit religion, and sincerely desirous of propagating It precept, viz: Charity ami good will toward all men; being careful to preserve sobriety and good conduct among hi brethren, condemning intemperance a an abom ination, Is'lng zeuloii In the promotion of the honor, huppluos and prosperity of tho order; a lover and loyal defender if hi country, being careful to suppress all popish encroachment uml invasions, Ho should huvo a hatred of cursing or swearing, and of the profane use of God' holy name. lie should shun tho company of all men addicted to any or all of these habit, which are In opposi tion to the divine teaching of tho llible, and tho good government of thl Institution. I'rudoneo and loyalty should guide all lit actions, torn iieruneo, charity, and honestly direct hi con duct, and tho laudable object of tho Orange Institution should bo tho mo tive of all hi endeavor through life. There are porhap many old tlmo Orangemen in tho vicinity who will be pleased to learn of tho existence of tho order hero. The ttecretary 1 M. L. lk, of TlIK AMKKICAK I'lTHMHIIINO Company, to whom all communication can bo addressed, and who will aou that they have proper attention. DR. Fulton 1 making himself heard in Chlcag these day. ANUlHtnf HAUO lpl 'f .1 I'l'on ln.. r IttvnAnikU bf I't MittClr I t lite . .it. fif a i.t I of it... .i- ii i .'.i,. n.o iitk ii liHi ..I J.d), . 1, li. in On- t p.i Mn i lnii r n' Vt MUijj ltt la, in-1 "' , ltnl iliit t.j ( of i'i ti I, ti iii.iitdi, ,i i t,4iii j,i nii i Our n yi l.i i I Ho detl! s !i and ibaullrn;, ami I he fi al. . inn i iiniini. !n i s.lMil Ibe Biu hie honii mitr niina a neliiv, w itlt one tis pllmi, II, si IU pri'"iev of ,liu ( hilt In the Imlr naeraiiieiit mulf. l il Ii If by the det II' iM'ktiow. Inttiueiil of Ho s. ibiii of the IsiJ' and his fear. The eolitlliilnd f)ovaniil etnlled from the ib'OI hi imine, and nn In- iiiiliy If only one devil me'd lln liy, Ihe startling answer cane that ten devils snwssed the child: W lu ri')lin with renewed vigor, we continued the esoivlnmii. After a few hour real, and alsnitfi oVIiH'k In the evening, wo Ugn our holy work anew without any vUlhlo suivess; the next morning, July 14th, Father Hemlglu and the resident Father Augellcu and Joseph Isdng absent, ll Immune my painful duty to buttle with the difficult problem alone: With givut anxiety, but trusting tntiod the merciful, In the assistance of tho all hiiI ni virgin, tho angel and saint, authorized by t wo bishops t undertake thl earnest work, I felt that u happy insult would crown my work. After holy mass, wo igan by opening wldo the church door to the large assembly to witness what happened, Firt of all the benediction was said, and tho siune old phenomenon appeared, Hiilttlng. raging, raving and howling. Tho Hiili'iun oxorcismii now begun. Tho holy crucifix and a small box with holy relic were placed on tho boy' hood and breast respectively, Indescrlbablo wero the pain of tho boy whilo hi feature became eMorted, Wo conjured tho devil for an hour and repeatedly commanded the populuco to join In prayer, which they did with sob and tear; wo all wero near despair. At last a change took pluco and behold, the devil gave in and replied to ques tion. "Ijouvo tho boy!" 1 conjuruted him In tho name of God, and the answer came, hut not with tho old ilrmnes. Tho reply thl tlmo cumo meek, "I don't like to leave tho boy!" Untiring tho cxorclsmuM wa continued. The repeated demand to "Louvo tho boy" wu finally unswercd by tho devil with tho entenco! "I can not, Mr, Her,, a neighbor woman of tho boy' parent will not permit it, and u long a tho boy ha tho couro of thl woman, I cannot leave him!" My further que Hon, bow long he, tho devil, and tho other devil had jiossesslori of tho boy, wa answered by him, and bo acknow ledged hi presence In tho boy fornix trio ,th; but did not know when he would or could leave tho child' body, My despair became alarming, and only the promise to read mas in honor of the holy mother of Cod, all tho angel and saint and my constant prayer mibduod my excitement, Wo rested a while, uml atone o'clock In tho afternoon again commenced tho holy work. After repeated prayer and cxorclsmus, tho devil gave up urn promised in meek voice that ho would leave the child, I now conjured him in God' holy name not to go Into another person hero proaent nor Into the corner, Mr. J for,; hut to go to tho place Cod had assigned to him; and alas! upon enquiry "Havo you left tho boy?" I heard the joyful new, "I and my iwsooluto have left the boy and wo are now in hell!" Tear of Joy came at thl moment nU tho Ixiy'aeyc, and kissing tho holy cross arid tho box with the relics, bo mado the sign of tho holy cros and repeated tho name of .Josun, tho holy Maria and tho archangel Mlcluel, Wo said the ten commandment and tho Ave Maria amid loud obs, and finished tho exor- clsrnu, wound tho purple stole around the lioy' body, recom mended him to the holy mother' protection, prayed before tho high altar tho to doum, and with tho groat benediction sent tho Isiy homo for rest. The next day wo celebrated high mas, tho boy being nreent praying hi rosury. Not an ye wa teurlo glancing at tho wonder fully liberated child, (To be Continued,) Tho commentary will uppour in our next issue, Application for Aiioclata Membership. To the officer and member of tho Young Men' Institute No Council: I having carefully read your constitution and fully endorsing tho t mo, desire to liecomo an associate mernlsir of tho Young Men' Institute, No .Atluntio jurisdiction. I am a practical Catholic and will remain such during my membership in thl order; when requested by tho chaplain of the institute, I will furnish hi in at any and all time, a written certificate or such evidence a he may desire, to prove that I am a practical Catholic. I do not now, and pledge my self never to belong to any Hoclety con demned by tho Catholic church; and agree to forfeit all right, privilege, benefit and emolument of the Young Men Institute, if I join any etfch f t V dm 4 ....... I ,;.l,,., ! Man ml or mi...-!, , I n nut nw a lie n,lf of il.. Yumi..! M. n ; bam n..-r U,n n W ielr tf ae) n'iliil.-, h.r liaie t it ii.le.1 fi,.in any lnM!.it.S I m , je Mil hill kit hnlilti Un r., net lme I t si.j ti,..,. u , a t j. ".. i! i n aivounl of mural ib pi aih) , or ullii r eauw miftU b ill l.i iv;vl. I hereby ii. if j m nirant I bat all ani r a hm In given, aiv and true; that all Hm that tm ho! written h m.iiMdf, aiv wrliien ujsm my dietaltoii and request, and thai llu-y shall eoimtltute H si I nli' of Iruth on my part, I hereby cxpivsnly agri and contract. In cunslderaiion of my U-ing n-ivlved Into the Young Men' Insti tute, that I w III faithfully obey the con stitution and by-law thereof a they now are or may hereafter ! altered or amended. I will yield filial (not Itali cised In copy if application) olM'dienee to mother church; I will promise to advance and defend the Intcred of my brother iiicinbeiH, when Injustice I not done to myself or others; and I agree not to sulsirdinaki the order to any other oolety of which I am, or may be come a member. I further agree that If it Hhoulil appear that I have made falso Htatement In any question in thl application, that such false statements shall render null and void all my rights and privilege grunted by the Young Men's Institute. Furthermore, I expressly agroe and contract thut If, for any cause a pro vided In the constitution and by-law of tho Young Men' Institute, Atluntio Jurisdiction, I should bo suspended, that I shall not bo entitled to any right, privileges, benefits and emolument whatever during uch Hiispcnslon. In ciiho of expulsion I agree to re nounce- all the right and lienotit granted by wild Young Men's institute, Atlantic jurisdiction. Given under my hand, at thl day of !....18l... Recommended by and signed In our presence, Proposition Fee, $, , , , , . . ,1'ald Wc, tho committee appointed to in- voHtlgato tho moral character and social standing of tho ahoo-slgned applicant, beg leave to report that wo huvo read to him thl form of application, and that ho ba voluntarily answered all question. Wefindhlm ....of membership in thi Young Men' insti tute No,,,..., , . Council. I InvuHtlgutlrig Committee ! , , . ( Notk. -Thl application and report (filled out In Ink) must bo carefully filed by tho recording secretary and pre served for reference. - ..... . THE IRISH. Tho Roman Portion Weighed by the Argonant. The civilized element of Ireland' population have causo to be happy over the inougre majority attained by the Liberal, a it will lnuie the do feat of tho GlaiUtonlan homo-rule pro ject. There wore several ruasona why they hud to fear that tho movgtnenl would bo uccefiil. The people of England, Scotland, and Wale are tired to death of the "Irish Question," and If tho matter of separation lay solely between tho Irish Nationallt and tho empire, the chance are that Ireland would gladly be permitted "once more to reumo her place Pining tho nation of tho earth" that I to gay, to return to tho glorlou lnde. pendonco of the day of Hrlan B iru, when the main busines In life of tho petty lavage tribe that inhabited the island wa to break ono another' head and cut one another' thront. IJiil tho Ireland of to-day I not pop ulated by barbarian exclusively. Tho northern countle are Inhabited by a law-abiding, Industrious, prinperou, and intelligent people, To hand those people over to tho ninrclc of a Dublin parliament would bo a cruel a It would be for the government at Wash ington to surrender the lerritoryof Arizona to tho rule of tho Apache now herded on Han Curio Koservo- tion, II w inuo.'i the civilized people of Ulster dread home rule wa hown In 188(1, when the whole city of Hol-fa-t remained awnko to hour the remit of the division In Parliament on Mr. Gluditouo' hill. On the newt being llnilied from London that home rule had been defeated, tho city went wild with j y. The seme of a common peril having boon averted cuusod stranger to stop each other on the street and Hhnke hiimN. and for the women to forget all social line. A writer In Vho Nineteenth Century re- culls howbnnd of worklngmen went through tho dark uburban road, knockig at door of house to p the wild, knowing that even at that hour olthe night they would be aure ' of a wf come. i llocif illy the men of the North held nh K I am nt ..!t!.t et t. I '. a 1lt !;!! , jf l -in ill! 111.' . -i Nu ,u It " (Ue , . fily I, m1 )t, , ,, ., , r..Hinii. ii .. It aoer. r, ti liitl It,. m p ,i tkr j t h t i ;.!,), n ..?.t ,4 II Hmih. .t ii.U.n , w !; Htaptttit Uii r i,l. j ti,-ini l.i iii'iil. sii fttlrtvpl I , l, p.,.f. I boh.n ,., ihe Noiih .b!, in all l,V I luniil, hini i Im n to tnn In 'Mf tbl. T. I Kgti.l., ihi i Nilfh, iol IH i i r' li-;, Wil'ft kill- nrlti d, f,rtb pif-Miii, Nnttritn IrrUml I Ji.1 riHitr'ioM who HOIifMbtn in (., ,..lli!iifc j i nVi thil) lo I he tntili of tlm tb-r-tion imn iro im tn ior oi nut orinun irin populm fthi Suiih, wh'ch lmot dully from Iho l uttiiilejf i th nd el thp cfitiY ha given rnii lionbli proof I lint Ireland' mool pl cllig need I hot a pNtlinuiciii, but a p-dlm nmn'i club on lUMVHge head. The Inland f.r six week lis lieen in a utate t riot. The right of free pcech ha been denied by popular consent, Tho issue of the campaign have been ill. cned with brickbat and shillaluh, and Dot the least active in these Beetles of sanguinary turbulence have been the priests, Ireland' real ruler. A bare catalogue of the faction light would fill a pge of the Argonaut. A, glance over the Irish cable dispatcher for Juno and July reveal a state o'-' thing so closely resembling civil war thut the difference can bo understood only by the contanding tribe. Wo read, for example, that when Dr. Tan ner, Anti-I'arnellite member of Parlia ment from Cork, attempted to address a political meeting nt Tuam, "protect ed by one hundred policemen," tho Parnollitcs "seized upon the platform," and when Tanner and hi friend en deavored lo get possession of ity he was knocked down, not only once but half a dozen times. "Finally the plat form itself was pulled down and Tan ner caught beneath the wreck." A free fight ensued. The shopkeepers, fearing a general loot, put up their shutters and locked their doors. "Tho police wore at lust compelled to charge the mob with drawn sword." At Wuterford, after a Purnellito meeting, the crowd stormed the hend-qunrjers of David Hhcehy, Anti-Purnellitn oh ii -didoto. "The Shcehyltes fought des perately and the police chargwl tho tormer, but tho head-quartern were captured." Tho wounded on both sides were numerous. "Tho doctors culled to attend Shcehy, report tlmt he I dangcrouiily-.wai.uUiJ li tc, weak on account of hi huvlne u a ,l-l - I 1 . f II e-t i greui ueiu oi OI0OU. Cdlolliy John P. Nolan, a Parncllite can J f ,l(o jn the northern division of Gal- fly wn "Knocked down and badly ryeaton." The Iiouho of a prominent AffT-parnel-llto In Cork wa attacked b crowd of Purnelllte, "who smaslu t w n. dow and shuttered tho funiflture. The children in the hotiso wcrye Injured by stone." The anti-Purnclliites at Stran oatlier, county Donegaldemonstrated their fitness for self-goenirnonl by at tacking tho platforirti of tho libenil unloiilst. "Mr, IPoniildson, a justice of tho peace, who wa on the platform, was hit on tho hemi and had hi skull fractured, llcrdAuan, the conservative candidato for Knt Doiicgnl, and Mo Gjrinill, tho c;borvMivo candidate for North Illegal, were both pain fully wounded," Davltt wu toned, ' so wa I)ilIoii. As William O'llrlcn wa returning homo from a meeting at Cork, ho was taught by a heavy stono that landed on hi iyad that the grand cause of national Independence I not to be suppressed. Here are a brace of sample brick from tho fair templo of Irish freedom: lJufiMK July flrd. Tho town of Dunditlk wa a scene of grout disorder today. Timothy Healy addressed a meeting, and a number of serious light occurred, many person being badly Injured. Tho Purnelllte at tacked the meeting nnd wero repulsed after a fierce contest. Tho police kept the faction apart, but the fighting wa resumed Inter In tho evening. The rioting In Limerick last night continued until midnight. The Parnelllto meeting at Newry was attacked by McCarlhylte today and a fierce fight ensued, Tho Mc Carthy He wore repulsed. And whilo nil Ireland was heaving Htones, swinging clubs, hooting, curs ing, and rioting over It Internal poli tic", what were tho clergy doing? tho followers of the pnnco of peace, who, we aro so often told, do such a noble work In mitigating the ferocity of the factions. Father Iiehan,atruo speci men of his kind, answers. At a public meeting, ho cried out: 'Parnell was a curso to the country. God thrust him down to the grave, where hi bones are now rotting, livery man living a loose life, every drunkBrd, every man who likes to beat his wife, is a Parncllite." This language, the cable tells us, ' called forth angry remonstrance from many of his reverence's hearers, where upon tho good priest, aniazcd at the temerity of the Parnelllles)in daring to Continued on Elitlith Phkii. im ItfltM M a l IV