The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, July 22, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Jr, t hit t tlil ttvo. (Vn lit t.n't r-
JiV; ic
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Ml,-ttU ' !w, rr.v'ittg
bl.ialjr l; it 1mhKttfn ami suit
trlinf Ikh't nl tv rr.itt. M: Jt
Ili,iMioli ;t(t Iii!ihHi tottutvs
UioJ JimnunUtl ti twi im tnl fti.n
lm In their irt form, Jt li'l,ri
rvl-Hlt ilimiilo fms tl haturv; i j.',stt
WtA iv)'t'iy mil lt atrtvhnts nt.tlusl
t.f tvtuUng soils tuit tf their tsuiU-s
through nln nn.l t.'Hutv qui. kly Into
tho vlt'nml licli, r IIW
criminals tlmmgh tln aoiil.- of Uuijf
jnirfc'iitorj-, hut has i'Hh1 tht tho
ISomlsH w e mid It lii'nt has only boon
waiting to make suro Its grip ii)xtn
American frvctltin of cohsolotioo, wor
ship mul ptipulnr tnluontinn, In onlcr to
t-xorvlso. It isiwor, through tho mulls
criminating jnltuls ami eonsoii mvs of
American cltlcna of it ivltgltms
faith, to sap t ho foundation of our gov
ernment, and destroy even the name
anil form of the American rcpuhilc.
Many gtss!, charitable, brotulMnituliMl
Bin! truly Catholio citizens huvo hots'il
that a long, bloody religious epoch of
history, tho human IiUmmI upon whoso
pages Is hardly yet dried, would never
find a recurrence, or repetition. They
have tried to believe, and act their be
lief that tho foundat ion of this republic
were laid tin) broad and deep In individ
ual religious liberty, were hedged about
with too many constitutional prohibi
tions against the enactment of law
touching tho subjugation of tho con
science of tho Individual to any re
ligious creed, faith, or form of worship,
to permit even tho attempt of tho Ro
man, Greek, Protestant, or any re
ligious sect or form, to subjugate It.
Their charitable faith in the papal
system, as a system, has not Itwn well
founded. Tho papacy, with Its propa
ganda, Is unchanged. Intellectual evo
lution for centuries has not added to Its
wisdom. The steady evolution of hu
manity has not added a feather's weight
to Its humaniturlautsm. In the exalta
tion of man, of civil society, of human
rights, of education; In the disclosures
of the arts, tho progress of tho sciences,
and of moral and ethical culture, It has
borne, no part, but has resisted every
It Will liavfe no religion for tho In
dividual, or society, unless It dictates
It, controls and supervises It, and unless
administered by Its chosen and conse
crated servants, the executors of Its
will. It will have no education unless
it is sifted through pater-nosters and
ave marlus, not from tho popular and
modern text books of the schools and
colleges of tho land, but taught orally
from tho lips of priests who ought to
earn their living as the great body of
the Hoplo havo to, or nuns who ought
to be wives and mothers.
It will acknowledge no law, no philos
ophy, no science, no truth, no right, no
religion, no conscience, no society, and
no government, unless old, effete, bar
nacled, after tho pattern of a dominat
ing and persecuting papacy of from five
to three centuries, It Is tho Ishtmel of
this modern ago and dangerous to re
publican liberties because its nature and
animus remain unchanged. It has
never been content with enjoying Its
own rights, and It never will be while a
shred of power Is left to It. It has been,
Is, and will bo aggressive, seeking by
its own methods, the destruction of the
rights of others.
Tho essential spirit of tyranny Is In
its blood and runs through all its his
tory. It has been dethroned and Its Jes
uit agents exiled from nearly every
monarch lal government of uroie, as a
matter of safety to those governments.
It will never be permitted to gain foot
hold or power again. United Italy and
her poor, beggared jwople struck the
last blow at this power, demolished It,
and sent Its head with its see and prop
aganda into exile, from which It is not
IH'rmitted to return.
For more than a quarter of a century
it has conducted its Insidious attacks
against tho liberties of this country and
its free Institutions. It is the last place
upon the earth where tho feet of re
ligious tyranny of tho old Romish papal
pattern hopes to rest and hold a nation
and a people in subjection. Europe,
Asia, Africa, Australia, the Islands of
all seas and oceans will not permit this
tyranny to find place among them. It
can only hope to find a seat in this re
public by destroying its foundations.
Its supremacy means the death of In
dividual liberty and the utter destruc
tion of tho republic,
It was forced, if it would have a ray
of hope for the success of its plan, to
seek the destruction of our public schwd
system. Educated minds and free
hearts and consciences, whether among
youth or the mature, do not welcome,
accept, or permit of tyranny, a tyranny
which enslaves them. The free public
school, for the education of the future
citizen untainted by sectarian teach
ings or Italian papal assumptions is
de structive to all hierarchial claims.
i i ' .m t m it
! tw f si -,!! U Uv )mk--.
I -tt t.v i..i-o h m;
tK It Hi" l I liidi :f tl hi
n . m lit Ue" I sl'"'ti,,t 1 tb f r.'
jn.tiUe m h4 tt i tt h U tt.f Ij
sf thrt rn- fui,m
We ).!! ti liSi iiHoi-ni- in an
Htlier !.., vMil ,l,1
k til t)u li;er wllleh Im
tbi Ir litiertl l ?! it U ton !' tl
avn tanoUn r l!..ljr Itttt1el rf
hlrh tlt pi. j ! iH ami ever
will U' the afcti. rv lUthr Huy,
Ths Corrm Columbus Osy.
The recent aetien of cngiv chang
ing the date for th national public
schisd vle brat ion from October 12th
ti Kt Iter 2lt, i a step In tho direc
tion of scholarly atvuraey, and It i
remarkable that it should havo been so
long overhmkisl.
If there is to is' a national obw rv
anoe of the Four Hundredth anniver
sary of the discovery of Amjiiea It
should take jdain on the day which
marks the true century jtoint. It is
obviously stupid to await the recur
rence of a date which by reason of
arbitrary changes in tho method of
reckoning time has lost Its significance
and diM'S not indicate the true cycle of
Every American knows that Colum
bus discovered this hemisphere on
October 12, 1 lit:.', and at first thought
October 12, 112, would seem to mark
the Four Hundredth anniversary of
that event. Hut it will bo remembered
that tlmo was then calculated upon a
different basis than Is now in vogue.
.For many centuries tho Julian cal
endar was tho accepted authority for
all calculations, although its inaccuracy
was not unknown. In 1.182 a roforma
Hon took plueo. Tho Gregorian cal
endar was then Introduced in Europe,
and this calendar Is now used by all
civilized nations, with the exception of
Russia, which still adheres to tho
Julian method of computing time.
When this reformation occurred it was
found necessary to drop ten days from
tho calendar; and October 4, r82, lie
came Oc toiler 13, 15K2. These dropped
days were the accumulations of many
centuries of enormous reckoning. Tho
Julian calendur assumed that a year
contained fldfli days, and as this was 11
mlnuteB and 14 seconds too long, the
error amounted to 8 days every 4(K)
years, Tho Gregorian calendar cor
rected this defect by making every
eenturlnl year a common year unless
divisible by 4(M), whereas by tho Julian
calendar every year (centutial year In
cluded) divisible by four was a leap
yeur. Thus by the new stylo of com
putation tho years 1,101), 17U0 and 100
were not leap years.
As previously stated tho reformation
took place In 1.182, and ten days was
suppressed. Hut as tho discovery of
America was previous to tho year
l.ltKI, which by the Gregorian calendar
was common, there are but nlno days
to omit. Consequently on Oc toiler 21,
18D2, the sun will occupy tho same rela
tive position to the earth as on tho 12th
of Octolmr, 14H2, 'when for tho first
tlmo Columbus beheld these shores.
For these reasons, together with tho
fact that every precedent Is in favor of
adopting tho "now stylo" of reckoning,
we favor tho change.
Tho Gregorian calendur was not In
troduced Into Great Hrltaln until 1711,
ignorance and prejudice defeating the
change up to that time. Consequently
It has been necessary to correct the
dates of our American anniversaries
which commemorate events previous
to 17.11. Washington was kirn Febru
ary 11th, but by tho "new stylo" his
birthday falls on tho 22nd, and that is
the day we celebrate. Tho anniver
sary of Forefather's Day and of tho
founding of the city of IJoston are both
observed on tho corrected date. It is
unfortunate that tho act of congress of
April 2.1, 1890, naming October 12th,
1802, as the date for the dedication of
the World's Fairgrounds has not been
amended by a change of date to Oeteber
21st. The fair will practically be a year
late, and tho dedicatory exercises
should take place on tho true anniver
sary, which Is October 21st. Congress
has already showu its good sense by
placing the jnipular and general cele
bration of which the public schools are
to bo the centers on the correct date.
It only remains for congress to extricate
the nation from the comical predica
ment of a two-headed celebration of
Discovery Day by changing the Chicago
date to correspond with tho corrected
date it has already set for the popular
public school celebrations. Frunei
Parochial Schools.
Quito recently we pointed to the in
ferior character of the parochial
schools as compared with the public
schools, an inferiority which induces
many Roman Catholic parents to send
their children to' the public schools
despite the decree of the Baltimore
council and tho warning of their bish
op. In the current Issue of the Educa
tional Review, Prof. Thomas O Gorman
marshals figures to demonstrate the
i tl ar h'., .) Ii x..o.t it t,
I (. tmi, tir.
n ai h,t!. .. .! V Ytflk Ibe
! n I stni h' in.ii. ii ' f
! tt mi-rliiiiii rKtl.ltvH tn-4.i
rate, m. ji i.'r tti n In tbe
r-i h li.nU It u Mil is-fqit
aftrr fifty ji sr it In fh i f!m t ti t-
t'IiU i 'hmil ntherw K iii n tathoUe
lntm lion tuny be hd hl h li stn
) Uii men like Al lib!hii e Inisl ti
hk ttm matter uari'ly in the fv
and to wh whether sillW SI ISMt'. inelit
may not N made y yhloh the bunlen
of the psniiil sehiHit may U r,
ntovisl and the religious end which the
church has In view may ls necuml.
All of which brliig us lack to our
original starting jsilnt non-sectarian
miusils alone to ls uportetl by the
state: all private miiouls to N main
tained by those desiring and establish
ing them. Christian at Work.
A Colorado Gem.
1-Ntcs Park, sixty-livo miles north of
Denver, U at onco tho most accessibel
and the most attractive spot in Col
orado. Splendid liihlng, beautiful scenery
and matchless drives, combine to
render it ar. Ideal summering place.
Tho altitude is anything you lie,
varying from 8000 feet to Long's
Peak's snow-capped crown, piercing
the clouds at an till kudo of 14,271 feet.
Estes Park Is best reached by the
Ilutiington Houto's 4:40 i M. train
for Denver and Lyons, Colorado.
Tho City Ticket Agent at 1223
Furnani Street, will bo glad to tell you
about it.
What the Doctor Said.
'The rido to Denver on tho Denver
Fast Mail was a pleasure never to bo
forgotten. Tho fastest train in tho
world, tho smoothest track and tho
finest coaches. Those tlcepcre were
Indeed a lullaby."
This is an extinct from a letter tho
doctor nddicssed to tho Passenger De
partment of tho Union I'acllio regard
ing the Celebrated Union Pacific Den
ver Fsat Mail, No. 8.
If your stove smokes ga to AY. S.
1 (enton, 2808 Leavenworth Street, and
have him build you a galvanized iron
stack and avoid all inconveniences.
Telephone 1515.
You should all remember that C. F.
Shaw & Co., 518 8. Kith St., has al
ways on hand, Vegetable, in semen;
also a lull line of Stsplo UrouerUs.
Do not forget us when down town.
Rellaiile dealers In First Class
Pianos s Organs
We carry Mis htrRi'tit and lifnt selected
to lis found In tho went and sell at Manufact
urer prices for eimli ore" 'uy pitynieiil.
Steinway & Sods g to & Sods,
Win. RnabG Co, g Sterling.
Bctir Bro, s Webster.
In addition to wlilch ws repreMcnt severs!
ntlier inula' ulwnys to bu found in uur lurKe
For $2B0.
we i'll a uood, relliililn, well iiiihIu I'luri o In a
pliilii neut ciinii. Till I'l'ino hits K'lod hc
lliili. tlu toiK-)i. lind miiootli. sweet liiuliiit
(iutllty of tons unci fur superior to nniny
WHICH lire aold hliukIi price ny oilier ueitler.
It I fully WHrriinted by ttis iiiuiiiifiu'tureri
uml tiy oiirNelve for Ave yen.
Ho itiMid a ImrKulii cannot bo duplicated
at bod rock prices ami on catty terms
Second Hand Organs, $10 up,
" Pianos, $25 up,
Instruments rented snd rent allowed If pur
cluiNed. ( henp uteiicllled triiHli, so often lin
p(H.e(l upon buyers we do not tinndln or re
comeiid. A kimiiI Mtandard make Second Uiind
InNtrument li better tlutn much of tho cheap
tritMh sold.
Your tmtronaire solicited and lilnlily sun
( nil ana see us, or write for catalogue!
Max Meyer Bro. Co.,
16th A Farnam St, Omaha, Neb
JESE WHITE, Mgr. Piano Dept.
Tim only Perfect Vnul
ni.l anil Kectul SvrlnK"
tn tlie World.
1h Die only Hyrlnire ever
Invented liy which vhiM
li it I liili'ClliniHriin lie ml
mlnli.iered without leak
tux snd xolliiiif the
clodilim or ih'ccmmI luting
ihe uwof a vewnd, snd
which can nlm lie uwd
for rectal InJectloiiH.
Hail Orden Solicited,
15TH ST..
Next to PostofTice
Citcy onJ (imp X ( Pianos
ttnf (y.jf?.t.
Mil lMiV MtTIi.V V Ml NT'
tit. .., i u. u . .( .1 .
V.t. i. nn .. M.sli. ( dtt .
v Uw H I I Ml.) . tt M I-. h.
Ml a-u s etU st , Omaha,
Kiss MM TiralV
IH fcoolS 'lnlS SI ,
" I'll. JAlJ.INtiS, "
ffiwm 407 Pation Sloth,
Ail work f imrnnlevd flri clan and price
rrwMinHtile. Tel.'ilimie HSt
SKVF.ItA(;i:, KTC,
doom t, 140 mr
opoaira toi hotul
: Omaha, M
E. T. ALLEN. M. I.
WW ltuiiiKe lil'k, cor lliimey ,V IS, Onialia.
- - and CREAM - -
0 F T H E
3401 Dooatur. OMAHA, NEB
Hammocks, 35c to $2.95. Cro
quet, 74c to $2.95. Boys' Wag
ons, Velocipedes, Tricicles, etc.,
The most complete stock of
summer goods in the city.
Prices Always Lowest.
THE 99 CENT STORE. 1319 Farnam St.
TTHIK HALE (loud family home, harness
jl mill piieiiiiin. ri n-e riniMoniitiie una
terms to milt. Cull on Mr. Morris, lit Huston
More, Jewelry department.
rpu THAIiEliKi acres (rood farm land to
x triule or irood newspaper mid ,oti otltee,
Land IssMiiiited near uood town anil In unin
cumbered. Address, "E, 0. H., this oltlce.
TJOSITION as delivery clerk or Imok-keeper
X wanted. Adiiress, w, II, .Moirm, 1117 PI,
Alary s avenue, cure slenui laundry.
Foil SALE-An A No. t Kentucky saddle
horse, A line singer-footer, (I years of
sire, stiltatile for lady or Keiitleman, Enquire
riHim ii nriiiiirton iiiik'k
WOliK of Btiy kind. Address ".TO
If oltlce.
WANTEIi Every husliies man who wants
s Kond J0I1 of iirlntlnir to cult at THE
price, m. u, ,oui, iiiiiuuirer. 6-7-1
tAATTEIttat snd local aireiit. (loot)
men who will work can tiear of 11 splen
did opcnliiK to inaks money hy calling 011 or
liddri-ssliiK J. A. VANliKNBl'lWi, All) McCairuu's
hillldliiK. 7-N-4
loll SALE OH TKAHE Two rimmI sewlnx
machine. Thlsotllco. tl-l-tf
as clerk. Address
Mm" this oltlce.
" snd town to assist in oruanllriK a coun
cil of the Junior Order I nlted American
Mechanics. You can help protect American
Institutions and earn a liberal premium,
For full particular address Hr urines
Col. I INS, National, Care Tits
Amkkican, Sheelv blis-k, Ouiiihs, Nebraska.
SherifTi Sale.
Hy virtue of sn order of sale Issued out of
the IHstrict court of Douglas county, Ne
braska, and to me directed. I will, on the 1Mb
day of Auirust. A. I). Is'.ri, at lOo'clis-k s, m. of
said day. at 1 tie KAHT front disir of the
comity court house, In the city of Omaha,
lSiuslas county, Nebraska, sell at public
suction the property described in said order
of sale as follows, towlt:
Lot number t wo 0J In bhs-k mimlier seven
(7) of Central I'ark, sn addition to the city of
Omaha. I IoiikIiis county, state of Nebraska,
to satisfy (ieorge A, 11 on id arid the sum of
four hundred, forty-elirht M-U dollars,
(Ms.IWi Jiiilktment. with Interest thereon at
elsht iSmm r cent, per annum from September
21st. A. P. ls;il, until paid; to satisfy Kirhert
K. French tlie sum of one thousand seventy
five 2-m dollars 111.075.021 Judirment. with In
terest thereon at eltrlittHI jHircent perfttinum
from Septemls'r 2lsu A. II. lud. until paid,
snd fifty-seven and 4s-ldfl dollars rosin, with
Interest thereon from the 21st day of Bent.,
A.I). IH'il. until paid, toiret her with accruliiK
costs according to Judgment rendered by
the District court of said Douglas county at
Its September term, A. D. lslil. In a certnln
action then and there tx-ndliig. wherein
t.eorge A. Iloagland was plaintiff and James
(entry, Avalry Miner, Josepn O. (Jreen and
others defendants.
Omaha, cbraska, July . 18ti2.
9 f riff of DougiaN County, Nebraska.
Pwltjsle M Mi'InUmb. attorneys.
Hoagiand vs. Ueutry. 7-8-3
ij mr.
t y.'ell!!!h.
.. at ' 1
!-' .iti... 1
i r ' i j
f -si'
If not, you nro LOSING MONEY with each
order you havo placed elsewhere.
Rear! th Following List of Prices tn Thla Departments
22 lbs. CranultittMl ,ugr, $1.00
S 1'ttrs l'urc Soap,. .25
Arl.m-klo's ColVeo 20
Swit t IHscuit linking Towdor, vr 19
Dr. Trice's 2 oz. Vanilla Extract, 25
" u Lemon " .18
Omaha-made Mustard and Tickles at extremely low prices
riri?t quality irccmvood Teaches, 12J
Lemon Cling Teaches, (regular price COc.) .20
Curtis Bros.' Tomatoes at 12 J
Olive Oil, per bottle 05
UKST Creamery Uutter, per lb., 20
We Want your trade and must have it at
any sacrifice. Remember everything guar
anteed and full weight always given.
The Bell Department Store,
Notice to Creditors.
Static of Nkiihaska, I BS
lioiiiMasCoiintv. I
In tin- County court of Douglas county.
Nebraska, .lime 11. A. II. IMti.
In the matter of the estate of Annio
Manama, deceased :
The creditors of said estate, and all other
persons interested In said matter will take
notice i hut on the Uthdayof June. lslHJ, the
county court or nouuias county, iNotnasKa,
made I he following order:
That the creditors of said deceased will
meet the administrator of said estate, before
me, County Judiruof DouirliiH county, Neb.,
at the County court room In said county, on
the 'Jiith (liiy'Aiinusl. sti2, on the 201 li day of
October, isinj, ami on tnu sntii uay or iinccm
lier, IHW, at II o'clock A. M. eucli day, for tho
purpose of presentlim their claims for ex
amination, adjustment mid iillowance. Six
months are allowed fur the creditors to pre
sent;! heir claims and one year for the ad
ministrator to settle said estate from tho
UDtli day of Auirust. isli'J. This notice will ho
published In Tub Amwucan for four weeks
successively, prior to tho Jitlth day of Aun
ust, INW.
All claims not Hied before, December (I,
xK, will be barred from consideration in the
settlement of said estate.
Witness my hand and official seal this Otb
day of June, lsirj.
skai.,1 J, W. ELLEK,
7-S-4 County Judire.
Legal Notice.
IHstrict court, Douglas county, Nebraska,
Eric tiabrlelson, plulntlff
Nellie 11. Howard, defendent,
Nellie K, Howard, defendent, will take
notice that on the 21st day of Miiy,lWi2, plaln
tlir Hied Ills petition in the district court of
Douglas county, Nebraska, against you, the
object and prayer of which are to foreclose u
certain niortgiigo executed by you to the
plaintiff upon iot number three (li), In block
number forty-six t4tli In (lie city of Houth
Omaha. Douglas county, Nebraska, Insecure
the payment of three certain promissory
notes dated nt Omaha, Neb., September 'a,
isim, forKKl each, due In one. two and three
years from said date: that which sum, with
Interest from said date, nlalntltf nriivs Judg
ment for a decree that you lie required to
pay tne same.or mat sain premises may nu
sold to satisfy tiie amount found due; that
said petition furl her shows that said premises
are Insiittlclent to discharge sulci mortgage
debt, furttier praying L. O. tllhson be ap
pointed receiver, with F, D. Pure and V. (!,
Hlauly us his sureties, Said itpjillcat Ion will
lie heard upon the aflldavlts of M. A. I'pton,
F. 1. I'eiirson, John McMallory, W. II. Ilerry
lind M, A. ( resile, which application will bu
heard on tlie lltb day of August, s',i2,
Vou are required to answer said petition
on or before the 22nd day of August, Hr'
7-H-4 Hy his attorney, J no, O, V leser.
Notice to Creditors,
STATK (IK Nf.iiiiaska, I
Douglas County, f" '
In the county court of Douglas county,
Nebraska. June 22, A. D. Wi,
In the matter of the estate of Joachim
lleln Ilorst :
Tlie creditors of said estate lind nil other
persons Interested III said mutter will take
notice that outhe22nd day of June, IMl, the
county court of Douglas county, Nebraska,
made the following order;
Thnl the creditors of said deceased will
meet the administrator of niiIiI estate, be
fore me, county Judge of Douglas county,
Nebraska, at the county court, room In said
county, on the Jilth day of August, Isirj, on
the 2Hth day of October. Hi2. ami on the 2lh
day of December. Wi, at II o'clock a. m, each
day, for the purpose of prcM-nlliig their
claims for examination, adjustment and al
lowance. Hlx months are allowed for the cred
itors to present their claims and one year
fur the administrator to settle said estate,
from the jfjnd day of June, Istrj, This notice
will be published In Tns Amkiiicas for four
weeks successively, prior to the 2ith day of
August, IMrJ.
All claims not filed before December 22nd,
tsti2. will la- liarrml from consideration III the
II mil settlement of said estate,
Witness rnv hand and official seal this 22nd
day of June, wi.
iskai.j J , v r.i.i.r.K,
7-N-4 County Judge.
Notice to Creditor!.
Ptate or Nkhhaska, I
lloinr us County. I
In the County Court of Douglas County,
Nebraska, June 24. A. D. Isttt.
In the mutter of the estate of Hans Delfs,
deceased :
The creditors of said estate, and all other
persons Interested In said matter Will take
notice that on tbe 24th da v of June, Mr the
County court of Douglas county. Nebraska,
Inline tne following order:
That the creditors of said deceased will
meet the administrator of said estate, be
fore me, County Judge of Douglas County,
Nebraska, at the Count r Court Kisim In said
County, on the Silth day of August, Isir.1. i
tbeiili day of October. IstU, and on the2Hth
day of Hcccmber. 1S(, at9o'chs'k A. M. each
dav. for the nuriHise of Di-cseiitlug their
claims for examination, adjustment and
allowance, six months are allowed for the
creditors to present their claims, and one
year for the administrator to settle said
estate, from the 24 h day of June, H. This
notice win mi puniisiieu in I KK amkhican
for four weeks succssslvely prior to the 2ilth
day of August, isw.
All claims not Hied la-tore oceml)er 24,
1HII2, will be haired from further considera
tion In the filial settlement of said estate.
Witness luv hand and official seal this 24th
day of June, ls'.i2.
Isr.AL.j j, w. Ktii.r.K.
7-S-4 County Judge.
WANTED A position by a gixsl reliable
man as delivery clerk or collector.
Oood Keference given. An old resident,
Address J. V. Amkhican Office. ft-27-tf
nwr sj nns
a a m wi a
m I rial r
We will giue a Beautiful -
With every Dozen "CAIilNKT PHO
TOS" taken at
Gray's Photograph Gallery,
213 North lOih Street
Notice to Creditors.
Htatk or Nkhhaska, I Kt)
Douglas County,
hi the County Court of Douglas County,
Nebraska, June ;t), A. 1). INII2.
In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth
Kohl, deceased:
Tin' creditors of Said estate, and all other
persons InlereHeij Iri said matter will take
notice that on the MHU (lay of Jun, iV2, tho
County court of Ifoiigbis county, Nebraska,
made tlie follow Ing.orilefi ,
That the creditors of said deceased will
meet tlie itdmlnistiHor of stilil chUiIi., be
fore me. county JuiRj'i of IHiukIus coiiiity,
Nebraska, at the count court nsim In laid
county, on the 21'itli day ..' Jn'.OV i'ti. "'
the 2illh day of October, Isiil. sn-i .,il .he With
day of December, Jsttt, utVo'cl's b a. tn, cacti
day, for the purpose of prescnllnir their
claims for examination, adjustment sn.j al
lowance, Hlx months are allowed for the
creditor to present their claims and one
year for the administrator to settle said
estate, from tlie ;mtli day of June, Ntt. This
notice will he published In Title Amkhican
for four weeks successively, prior to the 20th
day of August, Mi2.
AH claims not filed prior to December:),
ISH2, will he barred from consideration In
the Dual settlemeiitof said estate.
Witness my hand and oltlclnl seal this .'Kith
(lay of June, 1, J. W. KI.LKIi,
Iskai.1 7-H-4 Coutitv Judge,
Sheriffs Snle.
Ity virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
Ihe District Court of Douglas County, Ne
braska, and to tne directed. I will on the lull
day i.f August. A. D., s;i'. at u o'clock A. N.of
said day. at tlie F.AsT front door of tlie
County Court House, In the (Ity of (imaha,
Douglas County, Nebraska, sell at public;
auction the property dewrlls-d In said order
of sale as follows, to-wlt :
Lot number two (2i. In hiis'k number thir
teen i In Shlun's adillllon to the city of
Omaha, in Douglas county, statu of Ne
braska, said property to lis sold subject to a
certain mortgage for the sum of 'tUMHUMK)
made In favor of the New England Loan and
Trust Company and suhseiiuently assigned
to riit'fsmoiiih Savings Hunk, and to satisfy
It. F, Kaulfmaii ami (). W, Mariiiaidt, trus
tees, tlie sum of two thousand, two hundred
nine Itt-inti iJ,2(ili.lir,Mlolars Judgement, with
interest thereon at ten (Kh per cent, per an
num from September 21. A, D, IWU, until paid;
to satisfy Cols-tsr and Oulou thesumof one
hundred, slvty-flvn S5-1IK) if Ilift.H.')) dollars
Judgiiieiit, Willi Interest thereon from Hep
temher'JI.A. D. lsi, until paid) to satisfy
Jesse It. Fmhree the sum of one hundred
eighty-eight ;bi-Ii ifss.;ili) dollars Judgiiieiit,
with Interest thereon at seven 17) per cent,
per annum from September 21, A. D. lslil,
until mild: to satisfy Will A. Corson the sum
of seven hundred, seven Sl-U) i7U7,:KImIoI' i s
Judgment, with Interest thereon at seven ,i;
percent, per annum from Hcp'cmlwr 21, A,
li, IS'.H, until; paid; to satisfy Edwin A.
Leavenworth tlie sum of four thousand.
three hundred thirtv-six tf4.:i;.nll) dollars
Judgment, with Interest thereon at eight '(S)
tier cent, per Minium from September 21. A.
D. istil, until paid: to satisfy the sum ofouo
hundred, seven 'l-ii ifll7.2.l) dollars costs,
with Interest thereon from tlie 21st day of
September. A. D. lslil, until paid, together
with accruing costs according to a Judgment
rendered by tlie district court of said Doug
las county, at Its September term, A, It.
lslil, In a certain action then and there pend
ing, wherein Jesse li. Kmbree was nliilniltT
and Henry A. 'In v lor. Edward II, Kdson and
others defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska, July A, Isti2.
Sheriff of Douglas Count V. Nebraska.
II. M. Illchmoud, attorney, 7-s-ft
Sheriff's Sale.
Ily virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the District Court of Douglas County, Ne-
t,r,.Mkn fr. ,m ,llr...l I will .... . l. li...
.., r.n T. ,1 I, I, .,,,, T, ,
(lay of August, A. D.. IMI2, at 10 o'clock A. M. of
aid day, at the EAST front door of the
County Court House, In the City of Omaha,
nougiiw county, Nebraska, sell at nubile
auction the lironertv described In sulll order
of sale hs follows, to-wlt:
The north half of lot six Id) In block seventy
six 7l In the city of South Omaha, and the
buildings thereon, including all of the build
ings known as Ilium's hall, all In Doug us
county, state of Nebraska, said property to
he sold to satisfy Holmes and Smith the sum
of two hundred, eighty-nine dollars f2Htt,(Kl)
with Interest thereon at rate of seven 7) per
cent. s-r milium from February 1st, Mti; to
satisfy l' rank Hwock the sum or two hun
dred. slty-seven and V.t-V) dollars (I207.IM),
with Interest thereon at rate of eight IS) per
cent, per annum from February 1st, isttt; o
satisfy Albert Iminat the sum of fifteen
hundred, tblrt v-elght and 2-100 dollars
(fl.!t:is.(i, with Interest thereon at rale of
eight ihi per cent, per annum from February
1st. Islf'j and to satisfy the sum of thirty-six
and M-100 dollars ifcM.rvli costs, with Interest
thereon from the 1st day of February. A.
D. ISM2, together with accruing costs Re
cording to a Judgment rendered hy the
dist rict court of said Douglas county, at Its
February term. A. D. lssy, In a certain ac
tion then and there s-ndliig. wherein Dwlght
L. Holmes and Margaret V. Smlt h were plain
tiffs and Allicrt .Immat. llcrnard ISIum and
others were defendants.
Omaha, Nebraska. July A, lsfi2.
Cherlff of Douglas County. Nebraska.
Lake, Hamilton & Maxwell, attorneys. 7-H-5