The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, May 27, 1892, Page 7, Image 7

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KlltS AND Mt 1 URN
0 t t- n.- t 1
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( II lii a tit I'll. tt"l i' ' I
!.- i"! t '.) MF-w tf I'. ( "
liae 4 iV. An. h c .! ! I (tt it
Welfcln. ?i. lii.. t X.I..H I'. HV !! M
tt, l, r to Us I. e.i r cn i i' ftv
lof' tin ft!tti t i. Tt fc i ""i''
l I 4 Im-Uishr, to iFtJ fnw
! ,f .
4.i It. I'. U . I, 0,v Tl. k. t Af.-m, I .'
Karnam Meet,
Si lol JUIir ll'liill t.lTlltl
Ami Hit an
Twenty-Four Yrt Afco.
In tlii".wtreof mi ln'-ri"Unjj akeU'h,
Ultimo Xexntmn the Mliming
M Ikintf ikli?vi inily xiiijs: 'Ttxmi
the p'tH-rtU mtotvttv if I!', IteM In
t'liiiinrtt, "fl' nf its w to Oumlm tut"
mi i xeumltm mi tho I'liltm I'ik-IiV tuil
iinuI to IjiimiiI.h n fr the mad
then ctuniHotiih Onnrl wo xvctiu ly
after tiny . ih1 Unif tin1 llio over
tin virgin prairie. Indian uml ln
migrants, HiitilnHn ami lmffnli,
rnlrlo iUms ami jintlHo chickens t
trHotetl our ntlotitlou. At tiirhtiull we
rvtwheil Ijtramlo, a cluster of tents.
The next niortilnif, Lariiniio m not;
ilurintf tho tiltfht tho tents wore foliled
and moved flvo miles beyond to tho end
of a now section just eotnilotod." Tho
grout OyiU'land Ituad stands in its oom
Iletoness today tho most delightful
route for uuristj In this country.
Have You Read
Sights and scones In Colorado,
Big-htB and scones in Idaho and Mon
tana, Sights and scones In Utah,
Sight and scones in California,
Sights and sconen In Oregon and
Sights and hcone in Ahwka?
This 1h a et of ix bookw, bountifully
illustrated, full of tory and legcind, an
well um valuable information for the
tourint, and are given away to.all tnmn
bers of tho couft-renco. They may bo
"procured at tho Union 1'ueiflo Buruuu
of Information at tho Millard hotel,
and McCuguo Huildlng, or at tho city
ticket office, 1.'502 Farnum St., Harry V.
D(!iiel, agent.
Sloe & Vlney, tho barborH, have di
oolved jiartnerHhip. Mr. Slee ope.nH a
new Hliop at 818 north Kith Htreet,
which will Iks known an American Har
bor Shop No. 2, where ho will bo plcuncd
to meet all IiIh rletidtt.
Eloquent Bishop Newman
way, "not a few intelligent A inerlcaii
abroad havo often been emburruHitd by
tho Hearehlng 4ueMtlonM put to them by
intelligent foreigner regarding Amer
ica." Members of the general confer--neR
are today at tho very gatfway
leading to all tho wonder and inurvcl
of inatchloHH mountain wienery along
tho lino of tho Union l'wlfl Hyxtem,
the Original Overland Iloute. Full in
formation regarding tours at tho Union
1'acldc Hureau of Information in the
Millard hotel and tho M(Caguo llulld
ing. Harry I'. Douol, ticket agent,
1302 Karriam St.
C. If. Knowlcd, breeder of Light
iSrnhtim clnckeim, having mure vgn
than ho enn unet would ell a fow
nettingn for l.00 (inch. FowIh, ft 00
each. My fowl ir tlio bent lnjlng
fitrnln. If you want the bunt, iiddi'CHN
mo tit 1512 Capitol avenue, Otniihn,
Neb. :i-2o-7-l
A Grander Mission Field
than any region known In the populoiw
CHHtoxlntH In tho heart of 1iio'onl lneiit,
far to tho wMtward. It In a field In
tended to mako a new man of you, to
develop your appreciation of tlio glory
of thin country of ourH, and in reached
only by tho great Union J'aelflo, tho
Original Overland J ton to. There are
tho mountain gorgoM of Colorado, the
(pilot beauty of Groat Salt Lake, arid
lovely Uurflold Iloach, and Htlll lieyond
greattsr gloried on l'uget Hound and d In-
tan t magnificent AbiHka, Harry I'.
Douol, city ticket agent, 1.(02 Farnum
Adveiitiskmknts lnwrid In The
Amkkioan aromiroto bring profitable
return to tho advcrtlHcr. AmerlcanH,
wateh tho columnH of thin paor I
Tourist Trips.
Hound trlpH to tho I'aelflc coiiMt,
Short trips to tho mountain renortH
of Colormlo,
Tho Great Salt Lako tour.
YellowHtono National Hark the mont
wonderful Hpot on thin continent.
l'uget Sound, the Mediterranean of
the l'aclflo count.
All reached by tlio Union I'nciflc
SyHtein. S(!0 Harry I. Deuel, city
ticket agent, 1M2 Farnarn St.
Secure Fifty Yearn in tlio Church of
Homo with Tub Amkiucan 1 year, :i
Vain Regrets
In matters spiritual or temporal, are
common to all, and one of the greatest
mistakes of your life will 1e to delay
teking trips over tho Union l'aeillo
System to any of tho many western re
sorts along tho lino of that road.
Make Yourjelf at Home
at tho Union Pacific bureau of Infor
mation, in tho Millard hotel and at tho
McCaguo building.
i 1.- ii
i '
.1 It s ..... I h . i. 4 H
( .1.- .1 . I. I l.l.ll . ll .,.., XI .1 H
illiiMUlt riAt lult M'-ilH ii'iiH In
II I h -lfc I I II ' I "l. " I
.1 I iw .. . !. ' I '
i . I If Ml I. Mini t I '! !
f .- . 11 ! .! ...t t1v
I, it U1 I tt
II. li no ,ts, t1 l r. '. M Knit,, I
Ml. All itl v l t"l l Hi li In hl li (Ki ) o. i tMu- ll .I. I' ,
tnli l.r j.nill. bki. iii a lit".1 lim
llw -. 1.4 ! '"I .. Hi.-
ishiiI lmil .mli r ...In Ifcfu.iH i
ill U'Ki l..r"' ..itim iMtii
mh. 1 tw Nil w li d) lll . iinni
I .
fill 1 h." tiHWiilnii Ihhi U- tnmi im .
III, ! in ' H, III.
T in- iimmiOiiiI lnHir IIH' 'iil ii l-l I
nml let', ili tmnn iK. mmI ill fmill i l f"f
llniliU), iJml i ToiiiiMliitiii, Oiiimi win, mill
Aft suit hk'h lmvi iiwihm'Jy iiimiI
hi, II nmilitr ljr sml lraiiffnr.1 mi lhiel
muli r In Oil .Ivy,
wh Atl.-r rw, minlim nr a tli'imimT
li imnwJ Hii Him' fur ltMi II U 'l. II run
liul Ihm'iiIIimI up unlll a mullisi l llle.1 and
iIih-Ui'IimI Ijt lenviMif tln court, anil ms Ji im
tlii'tiiUn' tiiMwlt tiiitljf a lUe emni irnijr
eriler at Hie Ittno leave I (Then In lllotlM
mill Ion.
IMIi. lliiainem wt fur a eertaln t lim, eM
iml lie ti'iuiKfomMl lo imiiiiIht iliiy .irliour,
utileaa Mie triumferei'der In inmleiil Uh1 hour
llie iniitler In set. tor lienrlnit, exiM'pl miller
Utile li,
Hull, Knell clay at 9M a. In,, Hie hualiiewiiif
tlie liimr will lie called.
Mill, 'riieinulteii. will be heiml III Hie or
iter In w lilrli they areenlereuoii UierM.liUKnr
tiiiletw nil imrl lea preHent ami liitci'i'Hied eon
ent to a different arrangement, or In eime of
uriient imeeiwlty.
Till At, Or CASKS TO-tlAY.
12th. The trial of ciihiw "will eommeni'e at
llliim n'l'liK'k. it. in., and eontUiuii until
o'cliirk in., with it rueetiN f nun 12:tsi a. tit.,
until r.:l p.iiu. Kuoh eann Im entlllecl to lie
(ailed nl l lii' I line mi'I or within ten minutes
thereafler; ell.her to lie nrneendi'd Willi, or a
further order to lie miide. Kor this nirpi
no .party will lie riiiiilrol to wait lunger than
ten minute for the upponlle parly or other
l)illni'MM, except for uiuenl reiiMOHN. The trial
of a i'Iihii will lie (.impended nt any time for
this purpoKe. hi i-iiHetheiiourl IIihIh I hat any
rule herein will work an unforeseen ImrdHhlp,
tl rn it nmervi'N the ilnlil. to ntlNpoinl the
rule fur the Hpeclnl ciiMe.
Sheriff's Sale,
lly virtue of mi execution ImhiiciI by Knuik
l1. Mooi'iw. Clerk of the IHsti'lct t Hurt of
lloiiiiliiHCoitnly, NeliriiHka, upoii II (inlKiiieiit
rendered li.V loiMlave Aiiilernoii, it .limllce of
the I'eiice In mid for hiiIiI I inuily I lie Xlntl
day of June. IhiiI, In favor of I 'luu'lett .1.
JoliliHon ami I'eler W. Weherit, liml nitiiliiKt
('hnrles A, lleeae and Mis, lieei.e, a transcript
(if which .IuiIkmioiiI was nil the lllhdiiyof
I'eliriniry, siu, duly tiled mid docketed In
tlielHsli lct Court within mid fur said County.
1 have levied upon the following di'scrllied
real est lite as I he properly of the said
f hnrles A. Keese and INlis, Ueese. lo-wlt :
The north twenty-elirlil CM feet (if lot two
Cil In hlock six (ill I'M rick's first addllton Iji
tlie cliy (if. lOmiilui, lloiitflus c.ounly. Ne
braska, audi will ni the Till day of June, A.
It, iKoa. at lOo'clock A.M. of said day at the
KANT front (lournf the eminiy court house,
111 the city of MhiiIiii. Jlouirlus coiinly. Ne
lirHska, sell said iinrpi-tly at public a net Ion
to the hlKhrst bidder for cash, to satisfy said
execution, the amount due thereon belnx
t weruy-one dollars iWI.iiU) ibiniHites. live aVIim
dollars (ft.a.'H costs, Willi Interest (in both of
siil'l amounts from June 2!, 1 Mil I . toitclticr
with three sO-KKl dollars ItU.HOi Incrensed (visfs
Slid aci'iulnt? cokls on said exei'iilloti,
timaha, Veliraskii, May. IsttJ.
Sheriff of I oiikIhh ( Mitily. NebruskH.
', i. JohtiHim, iitloriiey,
Johnson vs, lleese, et al, (1-0-fl
Sheriffs Sale.
lly i III lie of unorder of sale Issued out of
the Mslrlcl t Hurt for llouKlns Idutily, e
briiska, and lo me directed, I will on lie' AM
day of May, A.H., isttt. at lOo'clock a.m. of
said day, ill the KAST fii,nt door (if the
oiinly Court House, lit the City of llmalui,
Ilonuliis Countv. N'eliraskii, sell at liuldli
nuciloii Hie tuoM-rty descrlls'd In said order
of sale as foflows, to-Wll :
The east fori y-four i feet of lol three CM
III hlock seventy II ve (70 Ifl Hie city of t Imaha,
as surveyed and HlhoKriiphed, all In IioiiuIiim
coiinly, si ale or rxeliiHsliii, to sal isiy i imiinii
Ha vlnits Hank (he sum of live thousand forty
four li!i-pNidollars if.Viitl.lnn Judttmeuf. with
Interest thereon at eluht (Hi per cent, per
annum from May II, A. I. Md, until paid,
and thirl y-t wo and lis. mi dolla rs CKU.Usi cimIh,
with Interest thereon at eliiht ihi per cent,
per Minium from the llllidayof May, A. I,
Istd.liiilll paid, together Willi Nccriilntr costs
aceordlnu lo a Judgment rendered by I he
illsii'lc! court of said I'iiiikIiis coiinly, at Us
may lerm. A. n. isiu, ilia ceriain acuon men
and there iendlmf, wherein Omaha Sav
ings Hank was plaluillf. and Warren c, Vim.
Iiervooil, Myrlle A, Vanla rvooi I, Alotto It
I loll. I, Nile II. I loll, ilefendauls.
(imaha, Nebraskii, AiiiH s, 'i;.
tii;til((i', A. IIKWKTT.
Sheriff of JlouKlu Coiinly, Nebraska.
I'limcls W, VVessells, altoiin y,
(iiijiiIiii Savliis Hank vs. V iinllcrvoorl,
Sheriff's Sale.
lly virtue of unorder of sale Issued mil of
the illsi rlct court for loiihis county. Ne
braskii, and to me directed, I will on the kih!
day of June, A, It. IW. lit 10 o'clnckA, of
said day, at the r.AST front door or the
coiinly court house, In llm city of Omaha,
lioiitfla count v. Nebraska, sell at nubile
nuciloii the property deM'rlbed In said order
Ol sum lis louown. lo-wn .
The west fortv-sexen 17) feel of lots hum
her t went y-t hree IZI) and t went y -four 2i, In
block number seven i7i. In llanscom rlace, as
surveyed, plalled and recorded, toxclher
with all the appurtenances thereunto belonK
Iiik, all In HouKbiM coiinly, and slate of ,Ne-
hraskii, to satisfy Nebraska Savlnirs and
KxchaiiKe Hunk the sum of seven hundred
sixty and 7-lnn dollars tWWfi) ,uiluinenl,
with Interest thereon at ten (Im per cent.
...... ........... U..u 11,1. A ll ll, I
fi"r minion ii iiii iiiii.t iiiii. n . i intri,
until paid; and thlrly-twii and 7s-l dollar
it.b.vh) costs, wiiu interest inereon rrom t lie
llih day of May, A. H. istil, until paid, to
Kellicr with accruliut costs accordliiK lo a
.(uditment rendered by the District court, of
said Hi I Its may term, A ,i.m(i,
In ll certain action t hen and there M'iiillnn,
wherein Nebraska Savlnx and Kxchanue
Hank Is lilnlnlllV and Adell Hire, S. W. Mast
ers and S. I', lima I are difeniliinls,
( Mi i i h it. Nebraska. May Imh. ts'r;.
Sheriff of llouiilas Coiinly, Nebraskii
I icxier I,, t nomas, ai lorncy.
Nebraska Havlutis and
l-.xi Im
Hank vs,
Klce et al
Sheriff's Sile,
My virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
Ihe'lilstrlct Court for IiiiukIiis Couuly, Ne
braska,!!!!!! lo me directed. I will on the Jstli
day of June, A, II., Wl, at Id o'chs k. A. M.,
of salil (lay. at the Knst front door of the
Coiinly Court House, In Hie I lly of Oiualni,
lloiurliis Ciiunly, N'ebrnsliii, sell at public
miction the nriiperty described In said order
of sale as follows, to-wll :
Kot iiumls-r leu llili, In block number I wo
C'i, C, K. Mayne's Hist addition to the lowu
of Valley as surveyed, plaited and recorded
In the Coiinly of HoiikIms. and slate of Ne
braska, to sat Isfy Jacob iMiirteiisou ami Mil r
iImiii lli'iiliik!!'!'1 the sum of two hundred
tweuly-one ami 7" imi i4.'l ,7m dolbiis. wllh
Inleresl thereon from the 1st day of I'l'lim
arv, A. II, is'.rj. until paid; and II Inv-nlne
and Til-Inn dollars it lli.7.1) ciwls, wllh Inleresl
thereon from Hie 1st day of I'ebriiary. A. II.
lsi& tmrelher null aci rulnu costs ae'eordliu;
lo a buli'titi'tit reinli red by Ihn dlslrlet court
of said Douglas county. at Its I'eliruary lerm,
A. II. I-I'J. In a certain acllon then ami there
pendliur, w herein Jacob Moiieiisou and Har
rison lienlnurer were nlaliiillls and I lifion K.
Muyne and olliers detemlHiiln,
Ouialni, Nebraska. May a I, Isl.
Sheriff of Honk-his County, Nebraska.
(Jreiiory, Day and Hay, attorneys. .'i-i7-.
I i I -
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h. ... tt. .1 N. I'l H'tl '
l nil .1.. Ki.mi t I si.'l Ihl.l il
i .1 m I M IM I'kit, l It Hi
tmiaull el '! 'k "
rtllnt will, all ltn (.tHltili Id. tto
InnMI ,J IV'.Khi st. lsl (
j n.l lot ti ti ll tsi (i.mlsi nil ''. tl
.i'.t .iiip nitii ii si'ii' ,i,if-" -it-
Is in, ,i u St.. I ,rt. hslf ite, a. t. 4 Isml
ttotv lit less lMli ! Islillit
.m, I -t It 1 Illlt.llOh Mill. I'l
li, , .ii. i Bit..-1 Itv llfut nth ltst
in llu- i'Hv nl Hntslis. .i. lie ni H It"
n..iiili ihii.-i Itn i. in ls titiU' Hit' ss"1'
Is ii. -li.inl. .1 in I he eiMitit nt mntsla. s"l
.ll. i.t V l.iatill lli-l mil ol '
p i. m of tit Ii stile nl snld l"ls lT'
sml piM C' Oi Lbs Ii .-ii ,',. In koutitri s
1 1. nl Hi addilliMi lite ill of Oinalin. as
alsi.e ili a, rlls i Mantle' Sell. H the sum of
llilitj S.f Iniiiilei-d. Iwehll four 4-1 til' ilnl-llll-s
tVtf e lltiUlnelil. Willi Inlt' Itielv
mi al irti.-itf Il'IiI 1S1 ( r cent I" sitiium
lioiti Msv Itlh. Ifl: lo HfV V ml K
Idtaers the sum of laent) -llii.t lltmisalnl.
tan inintMl ami slxltriihi' tlollitrs i M ,il i
linlKiiii'iil, Willi Inieiisl Ihitiiitt t lute til
ti n ilin m i n el per annum from Ma llili.
sn; lo M( I siiollillv out "f the pi. s eeds
,.f n, Ii snle of siil.l lax eleven ill' III ee
llon teiil,VM'H'n liTi, lownshlp llfleen ill'.
rmiKe I lilt iis'ii ti n. as alsivc tlesci HmvI. atel
afler the ant Isfnel Ion of the eluluiof plaluillf
liereln asalsite. lleluy l.lvcsey. Hie sum of
llu-ie hundred, toriy-slx dollars iMm mil .linlu
Inetil with llileresl Ihi'iism from May 1 1 1 1t.
Is'.U; to sallsfv limaha NiiHoiihI Huh Hie
sum of six liuudreil. iiluelern iir-lm diillnrs
iitlll.iin Juditment, Willi Interest I hereon al
rule of ten dill s'r eetil. s'r aiiiiuin from
Mny lltli. su; to satisfy Chlcatio l.itmlier
rompnnv the sum of nineteen humlivd tlol
lars ii.ii.iii, wlih Interest, thereon at rale
of seveniT) per cent. 'r milium from June
UTlh. Istdl to satisfy Henry W. Iiuhnsthesiim
of one hundred, nineteen dollars itllHU"
luiliniient wild Interest therism at rale of
ten (lin per cent, ner atiiium from May llth,
IMII; to satisfy Mumauuh mid I'llehell the
sum of live hundred. forlytMie llfi-IKI dollars
('il.tlAi luditment, wllh Interest tliertsm Insu
May llili. Will lo satisfy the Nebraska Nn
I tons I Hank the sum of seventeen hundred,
two dollars .IndKhient. Willi
inleresl IherisMi from Mny lllh, Istd; to wit
Isfy (iust4ivt Audreen the stun of live hun
dred, seven H7-IKI dollars l$.U7.;i7) .ludutneiit,
with Inleit-st Uiereon at rate of ten (III) ier
cent, per aimum fim May llth, IsiU; to sat
Isfy I'atteiwMi, Mui'itliy and ( oiiiijhiiv the
sum of four hundred, seventy-six l-HO dol
lars (IMTII.I I ludnmcnt with Interest theriMtn
fiHHii May llth, Istd. and one hundred, ehihly
4M-IIO diillnrs ili.4N ivmls, with Inleresl
thereon fivmi the Jllh (lay of May, A. 1 1. Istd.
tint II paid, UinelJo-r wlHi accruing costs ac
eordlnn ti a hidunieul rendered by the llls
trlct court of said HouxlasivMtnty, at lis May
inrni. A. 1). islil. In a certain lu'tloti then sml
there iiendlnit, wliereln Hamuel K. Jtoiters was
pla lull If, and Isaac S. Iliiscall mid others de
fendanls, Omaha, Nebraska. May 12, IM!.
Sheriff of ImiiikIiis liounly, Neliraska.
(lenrue K. I'rllehell,. allorney.
Iluucrs vs. Hascall et III. 5-lll-ft
Notice of Incorporation.
We. the umlersluned. for Hie nuriioseof be-
coinluit ll body corporiile under the laws of
Hie slaleof Nebraska, do hereby adopt the
Article I. The naiiie of this corporal Ion
shall be llrummond Carrluttc Cumpany, and
lis prliiclpnl place of business shall be
Omaha, Nebraska.
Arlldcg. The business of this corporation
shall be tlio maniifiicl urltiif of ciiitIiikcs,
wuKona and sleighs of every deserlmlon,
Also biiyliut, selling and handlliuf of ear
rlaiics, wiuions, sIcIkIis and harness of all
kinds mid makes; also the repairing mid
palnllntt of carilaiies, waifons, elc, (t((,
A cl l-In . '('lie corisiral lon shall beirlh June
2nd, is'i:;, and contliiun mid exist unlll June
Stii, unless wsmer dissolved by pris-esa
of law or Ilin liminlmous consent, of Ihn
Article . Tliccapllal slis'kof Hie corpur
Htloti shall be tU,il, divided Into IVi shares
of MHieach, ten thousand of which shall he
paid In before Ihecommencemenl of business,
Article ft, The ciuporalloii may acquire,
hold, mortuiiKc, lease, rent ami convey sueli
real eslale as may be necessary for Hie
carrying on of lis business.
Article ft, The business of the corimrallon
shall be conducted by Ii board of Hiree
dlreclors, one of whom ti be chosen by the
IsMird of directors, shall act as presldeni.
and one of whom, lo be chosen by I he Isiard
of dlreclors, shall act as secretary and
Huld dlreclors shall lk chosen annually by
the stockholders at their iiuuiiiil meeiltut,
which shall be held at the otllces of the cor
poration on Hie (list Thursday In June. In
each year, Immedlalely afler the adjourn
ment of said stockholders' meellUKi the
dlreclors shall elect the olllcers,
The directors and olllcers so elected shall
holdlhelr respective olllces unlll the next.
I'i'ioiliir annual ineelluit of the slockholders
ami directors, or unlll their successors are
A siieclal meetlhtf of the dlreclors of Hie
corporation shall he held at the oltlec of the
corpora I Ion on June 2nd, IsieJ, for Hie election
of olllcers and adopt :m of by-laws,
ArtlcleT. The cm piitiiHoh shall at no lime
Incur Indebledness in excess of two-lhlrds
of llw im I d-d ii ca i ill a I slock.
ArH'deS. These articles may be amendi
by two-lhlrds vole of all the slin k at any
reiu nr meet ntf of l ie sloeuholllers, or Ml,
meellni called for that piirHise. A copy of
the propimed amendment must be mailed lo
eaeh stoekhulder by I he secretary. loKi ther
wllh nollce of l he time and place of said
Inaet liiK a t least, I In days before such
meel mi, and such nollcti shall be sluhed by
Ihn president ami secretary. I, Ike hid Ices of
tlie annual meellnv shall bo irlveu
In tesllmony whereof w have hereunto
set our hands Hut Mill day of May, Nti,
,1 N. Coiinisii,
Wm, It. llllt'MMOMI,
lu presence of II. I', lihoades,
Statu ok Nkhmassa, i Bli
lloiiulas Count v. t
Ho It remembered lhat on this lt.'lh day of
May, si, iM'tore me, a notary iiiniic in mm
for'sald county and state, personally came
W, It, llrummond, J, N, Cornish and J, II.
I.viins. to iu iiersonallv known lo he the
Identical persona whose names are affixed to
Ihn foreuoliiK instrument, ami lin y iickiiowi-
ede the same to be their voluntary act anil
Witness my hand and seal the day and
your above written. II. It Kiiiiaoks,
Iskai.1 ft 3H- Notary I'uhllc
Notice to Creditors.
Statu or Nkiiiussa, t
lloinlas Couiil v. I
In llm County court of HopKlns coiinly,
Nebraska, March 'U. A. It iK'.i'i.
In the matter of the eslalii of James
W'lidsworl h, deceased I
The fiiliowltiK named nersous. tii-lt:
The Creditors of said est ntf and all other
nelsons Interested in said mailer w III lake
notice that on the 21th day of March, Nt!, the
county court or iioiitfias county, ixmiiasKii,
m in n tue to low nu on tor
In the matter of the estate of James
Win sworth. ( oocased
Notice Is hereby Klvetl that the creditors of
said deceased will moot the administratrix or
said eslale. iierore mo, county .indite or
Itoinflas couuly. Nebraskii, al the County
court room In said county, on the Zsth (lay of
Juno, Nil on the Bah (fay of AiiKUst, fair.',
and on the isih day of October. Nr;.al do'chs'k
A. M. each (lay, for the put pose of prcschHutf
Ibelr claims for examlmttlon, adluslmonl
and allowance. Six niiuit hs are allowed for
Hie creditors to present their claims and one
yearfor the iiilmlnlslralrlx to settle snld es
lale from I he Mb day of May, N'Mhls nollce
will Isi published in I UK A mkii h I N ror rmir
weeks successively, prior lo the 2sih day of
May, N.y,
.1. IV. 1.1,1.111,
Isr.At. Couuly Jndvo.
And von will fiirllior lake nollce Hint un
less von lililM'iir imd ttreselif volir eliilms Hi
the time and place iiiulnli'd for Hint iur
poso, thev will be forever barred from fur
ther ciiiisidnriil loll in the Tl it ii I settlement or
snld estate.
W il ness in v Im ml null oltlcliil Meiil Hits !lll h
tlay of March, N.
IHKAI,. .1. W, KI.I.KK.
ft-1.1-4 Couiilv Judtfo,
Amhiican. Call and see or write
for ml leu I lira.
t .
t ,.ii ,.n
tt. i '
.1 i.,
. t,
i t
1 . .! . ... t t t '
I t . t. . tl .!., -
In ltil ( Ihi I - I ' it I ... , I.
V. . ,, m .1
I !, . t, l,i . , i, it , ti 11 it t. t " -I I- t
vl i.iu atll I Ml .it tl
" ,li. I. f.,tt I 14 nl, lti-li t-t
Is ,u l . I ....i.! i Xii.t.'U si M.i .
I '.tin I. in if . 1 1 t.t t.i i nil't I in i I
I tjl.. !' M l t.ti I X ,,,! I .s SI..I
ft, (In -ll, il m i l I. IttU t I - t o , . k
tf, l ilA 1. 1 Mte ttllt: It! tltw M ii. if
lull i lqll.,1 f.i, , .Sl'.'ltttlli .tl S,l Iitlf I 1,1
sett klliil,ii,i III ,.,,.,l, st, f,-t
lltfi , til. ti tuln. . ttl I It It , Is tt.s a iiil tttti
(., f, M. ailtitiitistia! i IX 1" snli' ttt
i -. titiln Mte Ii list ol eiH 1-1'
1 Him ti-,. atll ! it,U'.i,i tl lii 1 n. aiH
ti x liii l.itit ai-. it- iiiiis.i Ii. it(tt ti Mo
.'III iti ti June, i.t
I Hunt I Jielwe
Ami lti III tiiilhi r lati nuii.e tlial tm
It vt, ti'ni sets nl ami pt. nt litnl elsim" st
Ihi tlnn Kiel l l li e BtSt!lili il l..rM,sl iUI
).', Mi,, i a iw ft in i In. I ti il limn fm 1 1 el
i niisiili l ulli tii 0, tin HiihI .iileliii lil of snld
I ' l M 11'.
W urn in jr linml sml I'lllt Ul s, l Mils ?Mh
da ot Aptll
IM J W I I t I It.
h ti -I I utility JmUe.
Slirritl's Sl.
Hy tltiue of sn Hitler of sale Isaneil nut of
Ihi' I MM I It I I I'lll I t"t IS'llullls t itlllll V Nl
1 1 list i. ami lo me iliiet li-il, III on the INn
In v of June, A. H al in n'eha li A. nf
Midi day, al the I, T frnnt ilisir of the
I 1 1 1 1 1 V Court Utilise. In I he I lly of liinslin
IXniulas 1 1 inn I v . Nebraskii, sell at public
itui-ttou the pi.i'M'liy diseiils'i In safil unlet
of sale as fol lows. In- II ;
The east one -half iK ',mf e, Hon Ihn e (In,, ninth of riinse eleven
ill east, siibleel lo a certain mm lnnia- In the
sum of tin- Hioiisiiml dollars and Inleresl,
owned by A Her Meiiear.
All Hint parcel of land and s ill Ion of tax
lol iiumber four ii In Hie west one-half W',i
of the northeast loiarter (N-K ' I of sis'tlon
one ill, township fourteen ( li noi Hi of nuiKe
twelve lit. i-asl of the sixth tlllhl plini'lpiil
merlilbin. Iieulnnllin seven hundred and llfly
nine (T.'itn feet norlhof the center of section
onP (Ii. thence niiinliiK mirth one Itundred
and iilnelylwo ami eltihl humlifil ami
clKhly-llvc'lhoiisnmllhs Hlr,' safe feel, thenee
east live hundred and sixty fwm feel, itmre or
less, t.i the (tenter of I, Idle I'lijillllttll creek,
thence soullierlv lo a pullll east of the lsilut
of bi'KlutiliiK, thence west live hundred ami
llfly-tlvn (iVmi feet, tiMire or less, to the place
of lH-irliMitnir. Ileitis' the south one hundred
ami ninety-two, and elrlit hundred and
eltilily-llve tlHMisamlths (liri.ssfn feet, of tax
lot, number four 11 In said section one Hi,
I'liiitHliilnrf two and one-half acres, more
or less, Also lots thirteen (Ml. fourteen (11,
llfleen (IM, sixteen Hill, ami the aoulh thirty
Cmi feet of lot seventeen (IT). Ill lilis'k one ill,
In MiM'tlsoii's aililllkiu to tl lly of hi, nth
Omaha, as surveyed, plalled and tiled, all of
said real estate helnit In I lunulas count y,
slate of Neliraska; said properly to be sold
to satisfy, Hist out of the pris eeds of the sale
of I he said east half (K Hi of seel Ion three (ill.
luwhshlp llfleen il.'n, norlh of ramce eleven
1 1 1 east, the I'nlon Trust Company the sum
of two hundred eluhl y-seven .'lU-IHO dollars
i:!sT.fiiii Judgment, with Interest thereon at
rale of ten dm percent, per annum from May
II. Nil; t4i satisfy second out of Hie proceeds
of I he sale of t he said east half (K ') of sec
Hon three (III, luwhshlp llfleen, ninth of
nuiKe eleven lilt east, the Omaha National
Hank Hie sum of twelve thousand six hun
dred, folly and T:i-lim dollars iil'.iHli,;;ii ,udp
iiieiit wllh Inleresl, thereon al rnleof ten (Mil
per ccul. per annum from May lllh, Mil; to
sallsfy the Mouth Omaha National Hunk the
sum (if four thousand, I wo hundred llfleen
mid lis-inn dollars (,!!lft.;isi JudKment, wllh
Inleresl thereon at late of ten (I'll per cent,
per minimi from May lllh, Nil ; to satisfy Hie
National Hank of Commerce the sum of
eleven hundred, forty-four and 7,'i-MKi dollars
il.ll,7.rii .(udifment. with Inleresl, thereon nl
rate of ii'ii (Mil per cent, per annum from
May lllh, Nil) lo sallsfy Waller K, Ware the
sum of seven hundred, live and tO-I'm dollars
HWI.IH) Judjmenl, wllh Inleresl thereon at
tale of elr-lit 'si per cent, per annum from
May lull, Jsld; to satisfy the National Hank
of Commerce the further sum of two thous
and, two hundred ninety-one and iU-!uo
dollars i'J,'; Jiidicinent, wllh Inleresl
thereon at rale of ten dm per rent, per
annum from May lllh. Nil; Ut satisfy Waller
l Ware the further sum of eltfht hundred.
llfly-twoaml li.i-Kih dollars i?s,7Mi-,i inuumenl
Willi Inleresl thereon al rate of eliHit (Si per
cent, per annum from May lllh. Is'.dj lo
satisfy the sum of one hundred, llfly and
s-KKi dollars if l, 'ill urn costs, wllh Interest
thereon from Hie lllh day of May, A, l. Wd.
until paid; Idielhcr wllh iieciulnK costs, tic
cordlinf lo a Jiidtonent rendered by the dis
trict court of said llouilas county at Its May
term, A. I'. IsHI, In a cerlalu acllon then ami
there pi mllmr. wherein Hie Omaha Nallomd
Hank was plaintiff and Alfred C. Orlllln ami
ol hers defemliiuls.
Omaha, Nebraska, May 'ii. IH!.
HKoilf.l', A. I tK NX KTT,
Sheriff of liouulas c.iunly, Ni b,
Kake, Hamilton and Maxwell, attorneys.
Sheriff's Snle,
lly virtue ofiih order of sale Issued out of
the dlslrlet court for lioutdiis coiinly, Ne
I'litsl.ii. ami tome dltecied. I will on IheTlh
day of June, A, It Nr', nl Mio'clis k A, M.. of
said day, at Hie r.ASl rront oisir or inc
isiunly court hnuse. Ill the elly of Omaha.
Poiudus roiinty, Nebraska, sell at public
iiui iion die iiroS'iiy descrlls'd In said order
of sale Its follows, to wll '.
t omineiflliK slmy (WW rods east of the
soul b west corner of Hie north wesl (iiaiier of
sei'lloll sixteen fl!l. towmthlp sixteen (I'll,
norlh of (ami" thirteen ftli, east of Hie shili
pi Ittcipal nn rldlan; thence east twenty c'a
tods; thence north forly Hi" rods; theme
wesl twenty Cm rods; thence south forly (I'ii
rods, to the place of hcylniilmr. coulnlhlmt
five i.'it acres of land, more or less, and lylmt
and beln sliualed In Hie coiinly of (Hondas,
mid stale of Nebraska, to satisfy Henry I ,
( inly. Hie sum of one hundred. elKhty ftfi-IUi
isii,viM,,,ii, with Inleresl I hereon lit rale
of clihl (Si M'r cent, s'r iinniim from May
llth, Nd, unlll paid, and tweniy-nlne IH-imi
if'.'d.bli dollars cisUs, with Interest thereon
from the lllh day of May, A. i. Nil. together
with accrulnit costs itceordltm to it belt'en lit
rendered hy Hie I list rlct court of said (loiiK
lascotiiily, at lla May term, A. It. Nil. In ii
certain action then and there iendlnf,
wherein Henry I'', ( ally was plaintiff, and
,ioiui lineman uetemiant,
Omaha, Nebraska. May X Islin,
Sheriff of liouilas County, Nebraska,
Frank T, Kansom. atiorney. ft-1-ft
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
the district Court of I lotudas County, ,N
hraskn, and to me directed. I will, oh the itsth
day of June, A. It, N, at In o'chs k A. M.of
sadlday, at the KAST front door of the
County court Mouse, in the city ot chimin,
doiiubis Countv. Nebraska, sell at public
auction the properly (lescrllM'd In said order
ot sale as rotiows, lo-wit :
IaiI numlier five i,V, In hhs'k numlH'releven
flh. In South Omaha, In I'ouirbis county,
slate of Nebraska, to satisfy HenJamlh F.
Iliesliind the sum of fourteen hundred thirty
one and ''n-lim il.(.ll.'iii dollars ludumenl.
with liuetest tliereon at the rale of clih! (Si
ts'r cent, sr auniiin f'otu Septem
ber!;!, Nil, unlll paid; to satisfy HullM'rt A
Ilium Hie mini of nine hundred fifty font and
ivt-IKMt' mil dollars ludirmenl, wllh Interest
thereon at the rate of clyht fSi ta r cent, per
annum from September No, until puld;
to satisfy (ieiiijie A. Hoaidaiid Hie sum of
four hitiidred six and an-im il(',.n dollms
luditment, with Interest tliereon from the
'.'1st day of Septemlier, A, d. Nd, until paid;
to sat Isfy Fowler lleimlot ff t he sum of two
hundreif live and -lis it.ii.', ll dollars .ludu
menl, with Inleresl thereon from Ilie JIst day
of September, A. H. Nd, until paid; losatlsfy
John A. W akelleld Hie sum of three hundred
thirty-seven and ,Vi-pm i tt?. .Vt dollars ludit
ment', with four ami nu-pm ifl imidullarscosis.
with Inleresl thereon at the rate of ten (Ifii
pot cent, s r annum from February T, A. d.
Nd. unlll iiHld, ami sixty-seven and -li
itt;7;isi dolfiirs cits, with Interest thereon
from Hie alst day of September, A. H. Nd.
unlll liald. loireihi r with iiccrulmr costs uc-
cordlnij to a .loditmcnt rendered by the
district court of snld I lous'la county, al lis
September lerm. A. i. N'l. In a certain ac
llon I hen ami there H'!iiIIiik, wherein llenla
luin I'. Illestaml was plaintiff ami Joseph
liworak, Frank K. Ilwotak. Oeorue N. Illcks
ami ol hers defembiuts.
Omahti, Nebraska. Mav2. sr,
i.l iilO.K A. Hl'.NNFTT.
Sheriff of I louuliis County, Neliftlska.
tieore O. I 'alder, attorney.
Illfstiiml s. liworak. .v.'i-.i
Iltt.'n .-out uftiipn.ivt fiotwl Itlu li'irnl ul
vertisomerts to Thk A.MKKICAN.
i ,
i ..
t . i i
I t
I I ...
, ... . i.i i la t. tl "t-. t.-n , I
I t , ! , , . S, S..I t - . t
, H, ,. , l, , , I ! I .- t .1 t ,
I 1 . s' . tit-. t. t . . t . .
11.. t ... -l l ,1 .'Is ll i t i.t
. a ti it it i. -i Ii' .,,. Ss po '. I ' t'
, I I i( l t. I ll,.- stl.t. ft t'l I It. I... I,- .1
i t
i .
j I it ,n ,. II .' Itelsfi . Itt a.'t, Ol. . j
, ll.i ,. .,,!, a, ,i, i'lll i.. I"! tint I I
M.I ala ll.,- ...... i.l itut- hti.'ll.l Wll t'.l.l
t. i, sa l- III. ' i l.l ' t.
' ll.i it . ii li..ii, a. .,, ,t, l 'l-l I- I I.. I .
j 1,. f-ti H'-M-ta Mte iih .-I lt, iin.ii-. in, i
i,,M 1,111.. Ill, I .1 Ll ' M I" '!' 0 II
,, iii.l, im 1,1 a nil lull l Mti in st
I Mii t ti ol i ti til -si , .til s i an tint,, lift, t
S, 1,1. ,ls ( S,lj I.t Sltlvtj I I M'lK'l
aiav l, (In- niiti nl utif hiii'iln.l tltlitt nut i
pi ni,,iiia, f it pfi Jnilstiti nt Ml titii'H ! j
Hit li nn si Mte Isle ol s. . i li i . i t. lit I j
ni.ii, it.. i. i.i s, ,,,, ,, .Is I Jll l- 'l ilKT,!
Ilnlik .1 Ms, 1 1 Mil' sum nl Kit t ...
. ..!, hlili.ln-.l XH l'l i..!lt!
l ;hi lii. till,. i til. Mil Inn ei-t I In linn al
Mil Isle lit ll II il'lt 'l ll lll l I BllltUltl llm. t 1
Si l it I, 'Is t !.l. N'l . Iiisntlsfy 111,,
A rsiiil iVniipiitiv Mio sum nf oui
m i i nt lime ll (iHiliillt 'I Vi in Jinlitiiit'iil ,
sill, inn i,-s Miensm at Mte 1st. of s'lrn if- i
is ( tt til s t aiiinnn St it. mis r tli.
NO i nn. I oiie I hint -els hi 1 ItniM !
lilt ' I is si riisla. a IMi lull i' s I In nun li inn
Hie 'Ll llili of plemls'l, A l Nd unlll
puld. itiieilier Willi aistiiliitf rial, iicitinliiia
in a luilifmi nl by Hie Itlsiil. t i nun
of sill. I Itouulns l-MUUty. al lis s, iiIi ihIh I
li ii.i. A i NO, In n ceilalu aclliui tin n iiml
I here s iiillnn. wherein I rum Is l I isis ,
mid t Ion li s I Misnlmau rt plnlntlfls. ami
N il hi, tan and oiIm is ii fi nd nils
Omiihii. Nebraskii. May in l'
Ml iilii.F A HFNNF I T.
Sheilff of lltiuulits Coiinly. Neliitisloi
Shs'IiiI Mnsii'i t iimmlssliiiii r.
Isnitc Adams, attorney.
Cisiper is. Iliown, (V.ll-.'i
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy vlttue of an order of sale Issued mil of
the district Court fur doiiulas County, Ne
braska, and to me dltecied, I will on the 7i;
day of June, A. ll. Nr.', at III o'chs k a. m i
said dav. tit the FAST front door of tin
County 'Court House. In the City of Muiiihii
I inn, -las County. Nebraska, sell al uuhlli
ailcllon the properly deserlls'il In said nrde
nf sale as follows, lo-wlt I
I .nl ti ii in Im' r t wo 1J1 In block number sevet
(7l of I fin nil I'nrk, an addition to llm city o
Omaha, doiudua county, slate of Nebraskii
to satisfy tteorite A. Iloaidaml the sum o,
four hundred fori y-eluhl Ml-I'm dol lure iHts.iVp
luilfliienl, Willi lilterest llieleoll at eltfhl, IS)
per cent. M r annum from Septeinlier 21st,
A. d. istd, until paid; lo satisfy Kuliorl K.
French the sum of one thousaml seventy-live
If-Hill dollars il.(i7ri.(r.'i ludKiuenl, with lulerest
thereon at eluhl S per cent. tM'r aimum from
Septemher'JIst. A. l. Nil, unlll paid, and llfty
seveh ami Is-limdiillais costs, with Interest
thereon from t he 21st, day of SeptemlM-r, A, ll.
ism, unlll paid, toitoHinr with nccruliiKcoMia
a udlnK to n .ludunient rendered by thu
district court, of said I lunulas county, at Its
September term, A. M Nil, In a cerlalti Hcl loti
Hu n and there pending, wherein (looi'iie A.
Iloiitfhind was plaintiff ami James (ieiilry,
Avnlry Miner, Joseph CO recti and olhersilo
femlanls. Omahii, Nebraska. May ft, Nil
Shei lff of IIoiikIiis ( oiinly, Nebraska.
Hwlllcr A Mcl tttosh, attorneys,
llomdiimi vsjHetMry,
Sheriff's Snle.
Hy virtue of an execution Issued hy Frank
I',, Moon s, Clerk of I be district i durl of
jioiiiHus I ,'ouiity. Nebraska, upon a Judument
rendered by llm district Court of Hurl
Coiinly. Nebraska, In favor of Samuel W,
Milliliter and iiiotlnsl, Harry o, Hipp, it Iran
serlpl of which ludumenl, was on I lie ltd, day
of I ( In uiiiy. si, iluly II led and docketed lu
the district Court within mid for said County
of dooidas, I have levied upon the following
dcacrilM-d real estate, as the properly of the
said Harry o. Hipp, to-wll :
l,ols fourteen HI) am) fifteen (Ifti, lu block
seven (7i, lu (enlriH I'ark, In the ( lly of
Omiihii, dotitdits county. Nebraska, and f will
mi the 7ih day of June, A. II, Nt.!, at Piu'ehK'k
A, w, of said (lay at Ihn FAST front door of
Hie Couuly Court House In the City of
Omul a, I iihikIus County, Nebraska, sell said
properly at public auction lo the highest bid
der for cash, or so much of It as may tat nec
essary to an i Isfy said execution. Hie amount,
due tliereon belnrf one hundred, llfly dollars
fiTI'iO 'Hit dnmattes. two mid Ml-ldOdollarsiW .'iOi
costs of suit, wllh Inleresl on bold snld
amounts nl piper cent, per milium from Hie
:;t h day of January, A, (', Nd, until paid,
a ml also the further sum of II, W. Hie costs of
lucreiiso on said JuilKmont, and Hie accrtiinit
cost s,
Omaha, Nebraska, May ft, Htl,
Mherlff of lioiodnsCoumy, Nebniskn,
Mean ami Thomas, nllorneys,
Slaulfcr vs, Mlpp, ft-il-ft
Special Mitsler Commissioner's Sale
Hy virtue of nn order of sale Issued out of
Hie dlslrlet court for douiflns coiinly. Neb
raska, and tome illrecled, I will on Ihn 21st
day of June, A. ll, Nti, nl loo'clia-k . m, of
said day. at the KAST front (hsir of Ihn
county court bouse, in the city of Omaha,
J h in v 1 0 a county, Nebraska, sell al public
auction Hie property described III said order
of sale as follows, fo-wlf :
Fots olfhleeti (1st, nineteen flip arid twenty
(Vie lu block twoib; mid lot nine (Iff, in block
three 'IP, In llrltftis Place addition lo Hie city
of t linn ha, as surveyed, plalled and recorded.
all In Houidiia county, sin to of Nchinskii;
each of said Iota lo be sold subject to a cer
tain separate morliiaiio of elxbl bundled
dollars thereon and Inleresl, owned by the
I'rovldeiit Trust Company, and to snllsfy
Fmslos A. lU'ii-on the sum of nine huhdred,
iwenty-slx and I.MdU dollara iW.rn.lii Judif
hient. wllh Interest, thereoti at ten ilia s r
cent, per annum from May III It, A, d. Nil,
unlll paid; and fifty-lhrcc mid .CI-1 1 a) ilollnrs
il.uiMt ciwls. wllh Interest Ihereon from the
llih day of May, A, d, Nd, until paid, lo
(foiher with accrulrta ciwls nccordln lo n
Juduieni rendered by the district, court of
said I louidiis county, at lis May term. A, d.
I'lil, In a certain action then ami there im-oiI
Imf. wherein Frastus A. Ilenson aws nlnlritlff
and Ida W, firown, N'elsO, Hrown and others
Omaha, Neb., May Itlh. Nt:,
MfM'elnl Master Cointnlssloner,
I'awi'cll, Churchill A SturdcvHhl, anorueys,
Hetisou vs, Hrown ot nl, ft-2H-ft
Sheriffs Snle.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
(he district Court for doitjlas County, Ne
liraska. and lo me directed, I wllj, on the 2sih
day of June, A, d Nr!, at Pi o'clock A M of
said (In V, at the KAST front door of the
Ciiunty Court House, In the City of Omaha,
llnuidas County, Nehtaska, sell at, public
duct ton the properly deserlls'il In said order
of sale as follows, to wll ;
,t five t.'ii, bba-k twenty-four (2i, arid
four fi, block tweriiy-flvii Cjltii lindane d
dlllou to the city of Omaha, and lots six Ol
and seven 1 7 1, blis'k one hundred and nine
teen 1 1 lin Ihindee addition lit the city of
Omiihii. all In dotiitlas county and stale of
Nebraska, to snllsfy Omaha oil and I'alnt.
Company the sum of sevenl y-nlrie and (tl-Pl
dollars if 7i itp Judmerit, and llfiy-nlne and
,'! Pin dollarsifcrtt .'iiicosts, with Interest hern
oh al 7 per cent, from Hie 22ud day of Sep.
lentlsr, A. II. Ni loeiher wllh iiecrulnn
1'is.ts accord Inn to a JnilKhiciit rendered by
Hie district, court of snld doiiidna county,
at Its Scplemm-r term, A. ll. Ni, In cell it In
action then and there H'fiil I inf. wherein
Otiiithii Oil and I'alnt Company was plaintiff,
ii nd Albert Watfimr, John ll, MotilKomery,
William I . Mui iby and the I'm rick Fluid
Coiuliany were defendants,
Omaha, Nebraska. May U. Nr?.
(iFolliiF A. IIKNNKTT,
Sheriff of douitlas County, Nebraska.
liHdeyand ttouiicr. attorneys, ,V27 a
Legal Notice.
Notice to Frank Nowns, iion-reslilont de
fendaiit; I rank Nowns will take notice that on the
.Mb day of May. Is''.'. Arthur K. Ibiwin. a
pistice or the siico or Omaha. Iious'liis
oiinty, Neliraska. Issued an order
of attachment for the sum of fu'im, In an
action iH'tidlnif before him. wherein Jones A
t ompany Is the plnlnlllf ami I rank Nowtis
Is defetidniit ; Hint pros't ly mnl credits ow
Ititf to snld defeiidant hnve Is'i-n it luirnlslieeil
In the hands of Hie Hui lliiKtoti and Missouri
Klver railroii'l lu Nehraskn, under said order.
Snld cause was cunt limed to the l.ilh day of
Juno, ai I o'clis'k 11. ui.
dated Omaha, Neb., May Alb, Nr!.
lii A N K A. JONKS.
.Vt:i-.l For iNfemliiiit.
Mr, hi utc rxpiessctl to all parlx. So enposiuc.
Writrto ( ook kssisnvC.i . (inili.t NVlt.
I . l l-
.. ,, ...tot I- .
I St,
., t,- il!l tl, ,
f . !, i" tl
i l,'l .1 I t tl
1 1
I '.,
' I.. 1 ... ' . '.', 1 (... (
t. t i .,,... ,1. , l, ,,.,,,, ,
I ll".- ! nH .M , . t ,v a I i i I f
im! ,.,t .ti'.. i. d i ' s. ,-' t s
I. I ,. V . ... I Is.-... 1 ,..,,
.... H. ,,,. . I 1.: 1. , ... U.,1 SI.,, ,1. ,l, lav.
ae.l . i'l- ilfl us ' i.'.i ,. . . tl a -li in.
I t, , i ... si . If. I 1 - , - . I i. i.
Im... II,.- TI it. i t.ilti. i,l ll
,i.,i t , i'. I" t.l -1 . li-. Inn .nt ,tt. i
lt.,1. .t.i .ii... .11... ,1,,. r., I.. (
! ta,i.., '( , t ...lsn ,f.a "It
i'.i..i,l aoli . -t ii,..i, !. i, .i.
S , , , ,, lr , Hi,l,.,. f'l.t., M. .Ct ,tt ,.f
S, ,.,M,ls l - 'I It, I'l I. ltd li, htill
ii,. . ..t. t,,i ,i til Nrtie-ii'il h.tits lin' .ti.ti
lit. itn,.,t,. .l a nil a. I'M M 1. 1,, t
(t,.!.. i , nl, im. ,1 nl ,i,ii..,.i at i si. ,f
i I, ii , , i . ,, p. t aititti.t. fi-.t.t a. p. l
"I.! is at., I UI I,. .11 ii. 'I il tut ,l,,il-.i
t I . ,. t . a 'Mi lot t . I tin,...,, f.ti.i, Mil1
I I d t t "t .n t'.l-t I l ttt 1,1. Id paid,
,ti,t ,!,t , a Ii Ii nvf tit,tg en. i. a.'t'ittilintf l.i a
lieU'im lit ti litti -il by Mil- ti-ttlt-l n.ilil of
-O.I IS'ttii tss e, ti, ul . a I ll- a, ii, ,( f I,, it
d Nd In a t , i tain te tin n ami Mh tii
(s iiiliu atteti In .lai.tti I aa.'ell a ,s ttlaln.
(ill ami i 1111 II atul i.lln is .Ii f, iid.ilila.
Omaha, Ni 1 .1 s I. n Mntr Imh, I""'
i.lelii.l A. HI N N I TT.
st,, nd ,, I ts.iiat ti,.. I itiinty. Nt In asks.
I' I TiSlli . Bit. lllll v
I nai i-M is I'nwi II el al. X XI ft
Sheriffs Sie, ,
Hy Vllllio nf an Older ul attle Issued lilll of
the lUsiih t Ciuil fur IS'iiubis I iitinlT, Nf
lii Hshn, ami to me dii.-cteil I alllmi ihn J I si
ibty of June, A d at in o ehs k A H of
salil ilnv, nl Hie FAsI' ibstr of ihn
I HUM V I mil I House, In llil'tlty .if I in H list.
Ilouijbls I 1 ill H I V Ni lnilsKil si ll t pullll,!
n i it -1 1 1 1 the pmperiy ilescillstil In snld order
of side as follows, to-wlt :
Luis tuuiilier nine iin ami ten ilni In bbs k
I I 1 1 1 . 1 it r six nil III I'mldis'k I'liu'e its surveyed,
III a I led ami recorded in the clt V of Omntoi, In
lou I as ei mn I y. st nt,. i if Nebtitslte. to satisfy
Hist mil of Ihn pris eeds of sapj ,,l nine dh III
block s tiin, .losepl, II.Mlllanl trusliMt. tlie sum
of hundred ehdii y-llvn lil-lim dollnra
ll,lla.i 1(11 Jlhlmtil III, With Inleresl llieieuu
from May lllh, A, d. Nil. unlll paid; lit
n! Iffy Aihiui Murray the aiimof three I hulls.
ami, one bundled aiu! I.VPII
i.l,PW l.'n Juiluiiieut, wllh llileresl Ihcreoti
from May lllh. A. ll Nil. unlll puld: In
snllsfy Hie sum uf Ibliiy-clubl lil-pm diillnis
oMh.WIi cosls. wllh Inleresl I hereon from llm
lllh tiny of May. A. d. Nil, unlll paid, to
ilet tier wllh accrulnit costs acoordliut to n
Indu-inchl rendered by the district court of
saliliuuuliiscounly, nl Ha May term, A, ll.
Nd, In n certain action then ami I hero s'lid
liut, wherein Joseph II. Millard, trustee, Is
pbiiiiliir. ami John l( llaiulltun, Jeremiah A.
I.liuibaii, MarKitret Murray and others ihi
feiidenls. Omaha, Neliraska. May IH. Nr2,
MhorliT of douidas County, Nebraska,
Charles II. Keller, attorney.
Mlllnril, trustee, vs. ilmulllon el al. ft-'Jl-ft
Sheritrs Snle.
Hy Mil ue of an order of sale Issued out of
the dlslrlet court of lioiiidas county, Neb
raska, and Co mo directed, I will on Hut 2stli
day of . I line, A. ll. N1!. at Ml o'clock a, ui. of
said day, at the FAST front door of Hut
ciiunly cottit house, III the city of Omaha,
doiiitlaa ciiunty, Nebraska, soil at public,
ii in ' i Ii n Hie property described In snld order
of sale as follows, lo-wlt I
Fol six fill In block fourteen ii In I'nrk
Finest, in addition to Hie ell y of Omaha, as
surveyed, plaited mid recorded In I Hulk" I as
coiinly, slate of Nebraskii, lo satisfy Ne
braska Fun n and HulldliiK iissis'lalliut the
sum of six bundled twchiy-onn and II-P0
(t'WFHi dollars, wllh Intet' si Iheroori at rale,
of elidit 'si n rccnl, per auiitim from llm 1st
day of February. A. I' N'l, until paid, and
Iwentyand 2s-li( ilollnrs costs, with
I ui.o real. I hereon from lb" -t day of February,
A. II, Nd, tdueHier Willi iiccrillfiK cosla lie
cordlnit to a Judimerit rendered by llm dls
lrlet, court of said ioiirliis county, at Ha
February term, A. I, Nri, In u cerlafu nclpr
then and there pendlim, wherein NebriMiliti
Idiitn mid It i I I'l In tissis'bit Ion was nlnintlil,
ami Joseph Fhl and oilier were defcii'liMiiii.
Omaha, Nebraska. May :uli, .n. ' ,
t.FOKOF A, Ul "
Mherlff of dniiifla County, ,.th.
J nmos W, Carr, attorney 4-27-f
frf.avos ! c.. si, V.. M. A '."
Omaha depot l.'ilh and Webster His
I Arrive
j Omiibti
I W W im
! l i te put
s.Pi ami Sioux City Accomiuislatlori
I ltd im . M, C. Kx ureas (except. Sun; ,', pm St. I'm nl Flmlled j
ft.l.'i pm Hancroft I'ass, icxcept Muitlj
v:s am
MA till
S.ini am
.2.'i pro
a mi pm
d,'i put
HI pm
11. i'i am
VM am
II ei pm
II XI am
ln ves
l.'i pm
d.Vi am
II V i tun
ti. Vi jm
ti oaves
dm ab a
d II, AO,
losit Inih and Mason Sis.
Chlcaico KxpresN ,,,,,
,,, ., Chicago Fxpiess ,, .. ,
Chicago Fxpresa
, , .ChleaKo A Iowa Fis'lil, . ,
ll, A M. ll.
depot pah mnl Mason Mia.
I... detivef Flmlled dully ...
I'l. 1.1 ami. ,., , deiulwisid Fxpresa
Pl.t', m deliver Vestibule Flmlled,
7, I'l pm deliver Fxpresa ,,, ,,,,
Pi pm , deliver F.Xitesa
.I.lhcoiri i,im,i,'.ccii runt,.
Lincoln l,m id ,,,,,,,,
s.lft n ml
fi aves .;
I .;t7 put
I s.idi pni
I it Ml am
A rrlve
I ll It pm
I .u-i pm
I 7 l put
1Mb (mi
l'l.n am
I A rrlve
! Omaha
KC.Mt.J.A C, II,
depot loib ami Mason Sts,
Fart. Cll v dav Fxuress, .,
Omaha I
d.Vi am
IMA pm K, '. bliditex, via I' l', Trans.
Leaves! I'NION l'A IFH",
Omiihii 'I'nlon depot llh and Matey
7..V1 ami.,,, .. lien trice Fxpiess
am ., ,, ... deliver Fxpresa.,
i l,'i (mil Over land I Iyer .,
I l.'i pm . II. M, A F. Fx. (except Mum ,
tf.'Ji pm 1'iiollle Fxpresa
f.envesj F F A Mo. Vxf.FFV.
Omahii d' pol 1,'ith and WebsierSls.
(I Hi Mini IIoimIwimmI Fx press ,
li.ntiamj iFx.Siiti Wyo. Fx. 'Fx. Mottl
ti lu pm. Norfolk il-.xcepi Sun.),,,.
AC'iptm St, I'aiil Fxpresa ,,,
'.1111111,, Flucolu Fx. 11 x. Sundayi..
a m pm
s 'Si .....
II Hi am
'A V nm
II Plain
dr. V.. Hoe Wo. the famous Chinese I'hvsl-
clan, of Omaha, hnsover liinislHiemenla fiom
iirnleful pal tents who have been cured by
blm. One of Hie most successful ihysiclntis
In ni it Im today Is dr. C. lieo Wo. who for the
nnst two years lias been iloluic morn lciskI for
sultcrliui liuiiuiiill y than all oilier specialist
in nn unity.
Tlie dis'torcnii aiicceasfully treat you by
mall and cure you ns he has unite thousands
ofotbeis Willi ids wonderful Chlm-so reme
dies, do mil di'luy until your disease Is ls'
yondnll help, hut w rite to bin If you cannot
call itsiii htm at unco, mid ho w III idve you his
ciiimIhI opinion ofyotircnso. Fxiimlhntlous
fiee. and II will cost you nothlriK lo consult
with htm. tjocsilon blabks sent upon appli
cation. Address
Ml", V Pith St.. Omaha.
aa Mdllttix lilUILin, fTHXaaaa
Bo4f aad Kl4 KffaaW af ttnn f liaana a
OH r Toaaf. lutmc MavU ntlUHOI
I .
fally BwtarsML W uulM axary mm a
faf4. ntw kr mmU JS. laJ-a
CO., Ommkm, Jftxta
i ' ' f
T 1
1 : "