The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, May 27, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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An A lM tVj.mi
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f l HH s't lii-h til MV Uirt ,' , I
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It i-ti'n tt.p i- ' '' " ' t
1 i V iU.i in) Iiiih it k llo vl ni . '
tM Si l Plvt tmil tin" h It
rlt.d h I ) n AN.-M mol 1'ivf.
HiH't d ')t'-t' tin Ir v Tte
t.i,n'ir )hvI ,imiiiU ly Dial 11
In tau t ,f klltici,' Prvl jlciise,
ttiwaliMO, Vce.viiHiHisl vUiii,
)dt tlmUM nti iHltm, and limiting
I ivk tm t tU in jf'-m tsl ww lil
rral. The article well written mul
tvnlnliM'il many limit. Hut on
tttt ssmo leaf on the other side i( tin
I wssan utti-ramv of Anliltl-hop
Uysn f t! Human Catholic chuirli, i
which, wss printed wllli rvliliitl ap
proval, favoring the "f that
rhuivh-applHtuIititf the Irish Human
lattiolU for Un it' faith In the trad I
ilotml tt'HeltttiK'd of their church, for
tmnifltitfon through adversity to all tin'
tlm-trlnes of the- church. The slate
moil I win made Hint I ho Irish mlht
Iiavcls-cn better off financially, become-;
lvttor educated Hint shining- lights Imt ;
for tholr persistency In hanging" to the
faith. Tho article applauds tholr
To tho liiyinkr a heretic In any Prot
estant ohurch in a hero, in a Human
Cathollo church a traitor. It delights
In stirring tip a row In 1'rotoHtant
imurehes, but protests against any one
elms criticising tho Human Cathollo
church, The llnjintrr In not alone In
theso views. Tho Kml uk (Ink CilhU
Junt as narrow. Hut tho (late Vila does
not maku ho many proton tlotiH in the
othor dtrfetlon. Wo rofor to thorn) two
paponi VHoaiiHi tholr otlltorB arti mon of
opinlotw. Thoy are flghtorn. They aro
Othor j)a)H'r follow thotn but aro more
caroful to oovor tholr traokH, Thoy
mako groat lx)iint that thoy aro not
oonllnoil to any civod. That thoy aro
llln'1'al and tako In all orltlolno what
don't milt thorn. Ho thoy tuko tholr
turn at tho hovoiiiI crooiU. Only uno
crood odoiipoH. That Im tho crood of tho
"holy Cathollo ohuroh." That crood l
unorod. Munt not touoh It. Mimt not
orltlctHo olio of tluMiiinoliit.oil prloHtM.
HhihIh off there, Hut ulupthe I'rot-
rutantB. Pull a pin horo. Knock out a
prop thoro. lilt tho atriiutttro Junt hard
enough not to lovol it to tho ground
and not no hard hut that you can hold
Your doidro l to exhibit a nort of broad
liberality in thono mattom. You pro
fM to Ixj in (ompathy with 1'rotoMtant"
lHtn and agalimt Koman ('athollolHtn,
Your pajH-m howovor do not nhow It,
You aro playing Into tho handHoflii'
fidelity and Koman CatholldHiu. Thowi
two go hand In hand agaliutt tho 1 'rot
eatant church. Thono no-called "lllKiral
jiiijwm" aru tholr willing tool.
Should the Ihghtrr tnako audi light
remark alxiut any ono dogma of tho
Iloman church that it dix-it makoatNiut
dogmaa of tiio l'rotontant churchon it
would have tho blggont row on it
liandH that it ho had in your. It daro
not, Tho Jlrylntrr can boat of iU lib
erality in rellgloiii mattom It can tear
down tho teaching of !'rotctttntlHin
but when it come to that "holy
Church'' it keep it hand off, except
to approve it great work, it ablo men
and it charlttc. When it come to
thl. that boatod lltioralltv vanlhc
like vaiwr. Somehow tho Iloman
church to a terror to tho averago eou
lar nowpaper. "8h" don't ay any
thing altout it, that will wound tho feel
ingi of tho prlcKtd. There i a mortal
fear that nomoihlng will happen hould
such an Item find it way into tho now
paper. Why thl fear? Why thl
wsomlng cowardice? Simply thl: It In
a hereditary weakne, bred into u by
our an(Htor. Tho Iloman church wa
a terror to them In day gone by( For
offending it they expected to wuko up
next morning with a knlfo through
tholr heart or bo Urtureif to death at
tho tako. They got in tho habit of
naylng "ah" when tho Iloman church
wa dtorenpootfully alluded to. So thl
fear ho boon trannmitted to u. Work
on u like tho fear in tho darkle for
tho old Hlavodrivcr.
Tho JkgMrr goe at tho denuicratlo
party with hammer and tong for
getting it politic from England, for
nerving tho Cobden club, for fighting
for principle that are Imported. It
call that un-American. Yet it ha
nothing to ay of tho politic which
come from Homo. What directs a
certain part of our population In public
school matter, Which keep their
liberty at Homo bccauMO they are bound
to It by dogma. Tho Jlcgintrr pralnod
Archblnhop Ireland for hi atand on
tho public school qucNtlon. It dim not
condemn the poH5 now for refuIng to
lot the arehblnhop manage tho scluxil
on hi ho-culled American plan. Had
that been a Frotcstant popo lntead of
a Iloman, thoro wouldn t have Ix'en an
inch of ktn left on hi back after the
Ilfijittcr editor had flnlwhed with him.
And what wa that plan of tho Arch
bishop' which the lUghUr apparently
approved? It wa thl: Mr. Ireland,
desiring to get influence outside of the
pupil of his own church, turned over
the Falrbault parish ool to the
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llttMW '-rt WO"'ll ' I I1' '
,!,,,.( . t. hi' ' ' ot bi itf-r
!.,t f, on r '' '! H t H.e j
,!i.t ) i. h! i ll '! fc tl
at I il twiH Imt t'l t ioi 1st to
limn KhV Hiii- li)ir.of ttir Mine kiiiil'. Ad " ' )''')
omii. mlw vtti-ht to a tiH liw r. The
rtvmVllinf i,i nor tiolion nioiv
of a ttit fr iMMdllut Am. hnn eh I
t (! tlimi tin otl. n hit,
Ihi (himU tlii'H that nn
a tiewajM'r fi M 'he nltieUing
Imftttii M on r ll,lo mattom, U tnut
tk. In all and lluht none. They
Inn! tie ttiad eitoiifh and luh ml.-nt
elioinfh to out oom from tin lobby" of
all denomination, t'huivhe aro ow
eiful ayetit In the world for bettering
humanity. Thoy an doing a mighty
work in our civilization. In our opin
ion no church I perfect. They all
have flan. Yet they point upwaiil
and to a better life. Woliollove ill
the himlncKH of the nowpnior to point
out defect, yet lnachrlllan nplrll.
Tho newpitiori and tho churehe
nhoultl Ihi co-lalHrer In the vineyard.
Thoy nhould l check on each other,
Thoro 1 no more reason for a now-
paier getting enraged liecaimo tho pul
pit speak out against Sunday news
paper than there I for tho church to
rise In arm lioonuso tho newspap'r
locate tho conscience of a church In a
foreign city. Ihrml lyn Chnmirlr.
- -
Of the Romlh Cloth on a Debauch
Hit Companion a Negret.
Hot ween 11 and 12 o'chx'k on Tuesday
night, a well dressed, middle aged man
ambled into tho Central police station
in this city, breathless with haste and
anger, and flushed with liquor. lie was
attired In a prlnco AUiort coat and
black trousers, and wore a priest' col
lar and cravat, llo stated to tho officer
In charge that ho had iioon roblsid and
demanded to so a detective, llo was
referred to Detective- John Campbell to
whom ho stated that ho had madu the
acquaintance of a woman whom ho had
accompanied to a saloon at tho corner
of Ilrusli and Macomb st reets. Hero ho
claim that ho drank lcr and was
robls'd, by tho woman, of JNO. Upon
Isdng pressed by tho officer in charge
ho admitted that tho woman in ques
tion was a negro.
Detective CamplHill quickly succeeded
In locating tho woman at 1111 Hasting
street. She Is known a Lizzie Person,
and is a notoriously bad ncgress of most
pronounced typo.
When brought to headquarter she
stated In tho presence of tho complain
ant that tho latter had stated to her
that he was a Cathollo priest, which ho
himself did not deny in her presence,
Sho stated that tho priest accosted her
upon tho street and suggested that they
should go to a saloon and get somo beer.
Tho woman then went on to relate a
conversation that teok place between
tho pair toovllo to find a place in tho
lowest typo of newspajK-r. The well
mated pair then returned to Dtmter's
negro dlvo at tho corner of Macomb
and Hrush and drank lioor, Tho priest
eventually partly divested himself of
hi clothing and shortly afterwards,
tiKin leaving tho pliie discovered that
ho hud boon robbed of 10. He rj the
complaint and arrest.
Tho priest stated at firM that hi
name wu Muoux and that tif raided
at Oak harbor. Later he bd-vorcd
to change hi namo aod lated that
ho camo from Kalorfiaaw. When ho
first went into tho station he wore hi
clerical collor. When im returned in
company with tho woman it had disap
peared. Upon being questioned he said
that he had thrown the collar away a
it wa lolled .
Suspecting that possibly the mtoslng
money might still be upon tho jiertton
of tho complainant the officer In charge
prixweded to search tho jsx ket of tho
man. In vain tho priest endeavored to
keep the officer from hi hip isxskct.
They would not 1) denied and a moment
later fished from the hidden depth
thereof a complete rosary, crucifix,
mlnature Christ and the remainder of
the priestly paraphernalia.
"For God' sake don't give mo
away," cried tho now trembling priest.
"It will ruin me." Ho pleaded hard
to havo tho matter hushed up on ac
count of hi sacred vocation. "I havo
nothing to do with tho newspaper, I
merely do my duty hero a an officer,"
sii Id tho officer in charge. Tho priest
refused to mako a complaint and the
money wa returned, but tho woman
placed in custody. Subsequently tho
criminal reporter of the Detroit tet.
l'r(M and Tribune ascertained the fact
in the case and gavo the reverend
blackleg tho roasting he deserved. The
copy however, in at least one case
never passed the night editor but
found an abiding place amongst the
MSS. of tho Protestant contributor of
the waste-paper basket.
Commenting upon the above the '
triotfc, American says:
If anything were needed a a terrible
warning to husbands and father against
committing the honor of their wive
and daughter to the keeping of the
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I n m!. slum W l!n!ot oliUhm j
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!)!. iiii'if StliiHtgh tti Mmn f
in.!!ili t'u Hllixt imn,! l.'aUng M
(lis k at Inline, i-n. to teoil Ihhi k
r )ftit.n from hi ninily i ltUi In
1i ln M'lM'fy and ltisiily of tho vlh ut
ibo'i ii-tlon, The oiititini y alhnl l,v
aiv mi far Urn th hi nolle that only
a tu-gn-K of the ,it anil itot ib
piavml ty e is He otimigh for this im r
ally ilii s'i voluplimiy In holy oiitem,
and men she, fallon to !iiint tlm level
of the briilo, U le dogradoil than ho
would liavo Iter. Thai this mlnUtor of
tiisl, this U-kIIhI inlmliil finnii iit of
INI Al.l.llllt.tTV, should aodliKiot hla
mauhissl, wa bad ononch but that ho
should jsMison the unblushing effront
ery to thrust his mat-odorous llason
Is-nealli the niMM of American public
officials, paM-R the iHimpii'honslon of
decency. Today, In all probability ho
Is at homo, and within a few day will
Is) listening to tho confession of some
pure woman and poisoning her ears
with Ills devilish insinuations and sug
gestions. Think of it, father and
mother think of your pure children
In the hands and power of such lecher
on wretches a these tit whom tho low
est forms of vice are not vicious enough,
but that they must needs dlvo in the
slough of immorality in order to aj
'ase their priestly apatites.
If this were a solitary case it should
Iks a sufficient excuse to cither banish
celibacy from tho prlesthoisl, or else
banish the entire race from the fuco of
the earth. Who can tell how mahy
yearB that this demoralized blackguard
has boon pursuing hi double life of
roue and priest? Who can tell how
many pure women he has corrupted
how much of innocent purity ho has
blasted how many tiny feet diverted
from the pathway to God lo tho hell of
hlsowndiseuHod morality? Ono cannot
dabble in mud and remain clean. And
what can bo said of a press so venal
that it will consent to suppress these
iniquities ut tho bidding of tho priest
hood? It is a sad commentary upon tho
vaunted power of the press of this coun
try when a clerical scoundrel of thl
strlpo can break tho laws of God and
morality and yet retain hi power of
Well may American cry "We have
no, press but Homo's" when such
scoundrel aro permitted to go uncostl
gated. Of tho many ease of this kind
that aro dully hushed up by tho news
paper of tho country tho above I a fair
sample and but for the existence of the
Patriotic Anurlcun, which will not llo
and cannot Ixj bribed, this last instance
of priestly depravity would havo boon
buried In tho past with it follow.
I'ttlriolk Amirlmn.
Papal "Claim" Arraigned.
If there were no other reason for
American distrusting tho Hotnan hie
rarchy a sufficient ono would lie because
of Its false pretenses. Claiming to bo
tho primitive church, directly founded
by It great head, tho Savior of tho
world, that church, a It exists today is
but a series of creations by various
sim and council of varying epochs,
so that the original church has Ismn
utterly overshadowed by such numls-r
of outgrowth as to havo utterly lost its
pristine character,
Tho original church now believe In
tho worship of "saints." That practice
camo In many year afterwards. About
(UK) A. 1). the use of tho Latin language
in tho service was intrcslucod and
pretty sixm tho papal notion' of su
premacy wa set up. In another hun
dred year or o tho worship of images
wa enjoined. Then tho "saint"' were
canonized and they begun to Ikj wor
shipped. Then oomo the baptism of
bell named after the saints. Then and
not until then wa tho dixjtrlno of tran
substantiation et up and tho mass, a
it 1 held today, duly organized a the
church ritual.
The uo of bead or "rosaries" used
in counting tho number of prayer said
began about thl tlmo, a well a tho
rule of priestly celibacy: Thl celibacy
1 only a church rule. Any priest will
tell you o, and that they do not claim
it a a Bible doctrine.
About tho year 1,000 tho sale of In
dulgencie began, which grew to uch
excesso four hundred year after a to
lead to tho reformation, with Luther at
it head. Purgatory hadn't been
thought of yet. Hut that and the wor
ship of tho Virgin Mary, and half a
dozen more dixjtrlnos, were formulated
by tho council of Trent in l."03 and put
to the world a tho creed of Piu V.,
and everybody who didn't swallow it
whole wa tobe-dummcd. Thedoctrino
of papal infallibility camo within the
present generation.
All thl goe to show that pope and
priest who sanction tho claim of tho
iloman Catholic church being the
mother church when it is but a collec
tion of men's dicta tacked on at inter
val to Christianity, are not tho kind of
men American want to put in control
of things.
We don't claim that our president
and eenate and legislative tsxlie are
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1MIY tHtttW lltONtl
j t (lr Slstlrri litui in l)nill
I f?iit,..l.i l,ti,l,
iMMI,l I, III , May - Tl.o an
lumttivtti, ml ' al day ftfi that the
fl piVM hlattiiy a to to bvtutv In
Hit oily on Uiiiianliii, efaii iii-
i,. i !). fmllnit annmg th tathoHe,
and tlirough tholr olT.Mt be a iv-
fuxi'il th i of the opof houe and
the Mil FVIliW bail, ahleh his agonl
had cnifagod, He iiisiisimI to weiire a
hall of llinltod capacity, in whtoh lie
lis'tuiiii. During the progress of the
lii'tiirm veral stones wore thrown
through tho irar wlmloas, but they did
not stop the lecturer, and he continiiod
without further interruption. Mr.
Slattery ad v I sod his hoaror to vote
against placing Catholics on schisd
Istaiils, and to Join the A. t A., which
Is an ant I-Catholic order. Ill wife ill
loot ure tislay to women only.
If your stove smokes g.i to W. S.
1 1 cut on, 1ISIIH Leavenworth Street, and
havo him build ou a gulvnnl.od iron
stack and avoid all Inconvenience.
Telephone 1.515.
A. O. U. W. '
Tho supremo lodge of tho Ancient
Order of United Workmen conveno Bt
Helena, Montana, June 15th, 8!I2.
For this occasion the Union Paclfio
System will sell tickets to Helena and
return at tho low rate of one firft-clus
fare for the round trip. Ticket on calo
June 7th to 14th, limited to 80 days
from date of sale and 10 dsy transit
limit in each direction.
For tickets or additional Information
apply to II. P. Deuel, City Ticket
Agont, 1302 Farnani Street.
Do you want to borrow money? Ap
ply to tho Mutual Investment Co.,
1604 Furnaui St.
Elegant Souvenir.
"Tho Western ItcsortlJook," a finely
illustrated publication descriptive of
all the western resort along tho lines
of tho Union Paclfio System,
Call on Harry I Deuel, city ticket
agent, 1:102 Farnam street, and secure
this beautiful souvenir.
Do you want to borrow monny? Ap
ply to the Mutual Investment Co.,
1604 Farnam St.
Only $40 to Helena and Return.
The Union Pacific will sell tickets
from Omaha to Helena and return at
ono faro for tho round trip, Tickets on
sale Juno 7 to 11, inclusive, limited to ,10
day from date of sale.
For any additional Information apply
to II. P. Deuel, City Ticket Agent, 1302
Farnam Street.
Itelliiiilu douler In l'lrst Cliini
Pianos s Organs
Wnenrry t lm luritoHt Slid lsst selected Hlock
to lis found In Mm went, unci Nell lit Mimiifiirt
urers prices fur cash ore" isy tmym"'1-
StcinwayS Sons g Vosc & Sons.
Wm. Knabc & Co. g Sterling,
Bcbr Bro, Webster,
In Hilillllon to wlilch wn rornent several
oilier mnkKN iilwuyn to be fiiiiml In our lurue
For $250.
wn sell a itooil, rnllitbls, well minis I'litiio In it
rlulll newt rami, Thl I'l'iim litis a kikkI an
ion, linn timi'li, Hud nmootll, Nweel, kIiikWik
(iiullly of tons sin) fur iiierlnr to miiny
wlileli nresolil attilKti uric byotlierdeulem,
It I fully warranted by the iniiiiitfite.liirer
and by tuirilvN fur live yearn,
Ho jlood a Imruiilii ciinnot Ixi duplicated
at lied rook prices and on sy terms-
Second Hand Organs, $10 up.
" Pianos, $25 up.
Instrument rented snd rent allowed If pur
chased. ( heap Nteiiellled triiNh. so often Im
(Mmed upon buyers w (lo not handle or re
cotnend. A kihiu standard liiakn Herond Hand
Insl riimeiil Is belter than much of the cheap
trash sold.
Your patronsKG solicited and hlhly appro
elated.. Call and see us, or write for catalogues and
Max Meyer Bro. Co,,
16th & Farnam St, Omxhi, Neb
JESSE WHITE, Mgr. Piano Dept.
Council Bluffs Advertisemennts.
-hveKmiisa in tub
If you will call I will mako it profita
ble and pleasant. A trial will convince
you. Repairing a Spoaialty.
820 Broadway, - COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA
An itniM, ti-o !, k f ' Wnilin hm ii Swirpitiglv
Ui .luir.l '. , 1 ,n Wi''lll!ir Wolkttiuinon lil WntHou
llir inliij wnk, U gilttitng l'iootrtw .
lnn ni sulo llirir i tilitf Mock
UtTiiirM Mmk of "Woik" Mnrsrrr jliu i i uuUr n(ttml
il'a sIih k of "Work" Slim s to U" s.'l-l t SooninL'lv K
rrics'ji's H si. iik of "Woik" Slmt's, rvrry pair of which is
LMIIinitlti Oil. Jtlst think nf liliviln Moil's S.,11,1 I ..nil,, r Si.,,.. Cir
l.V, im. I Women's Itrighl llonpilu Huttnii Shoos fur II.W; htlt
hctt' I hoy ro in tho !,h( ntul l.'J.'J lota,
who njiprctialo tho vnluo of uhlhir will not miss this nlo. To sco
that this FtM-k will p itiickly, all that's notcssnry n to roinl tho
Lot 1. I'ltc, l'tiys Infants Shoon, worth -I0o, sizes 1 to f.
bit 2. .ti.Sc InivH Chilli's Shoos, worth from $1.(10 to $2.00,
si.os r to ll'.
Lot li. Tfio Imys Missos' llot'l Shoes, worth $150.
Lot -l.USt- Imys Work Shoes, worth $1.00.
Lot A. $1. (HI buys Women's Bright Pongohi Patent Tip and
Plain Toe Oxford, regular $1. AO goods.
Lot 0. OSc Imys Men's Wrork Shoes in lace or buckle, worth $1.40
Lot 7. $1.2.1 Imys Men's Work Shoes, Stitch down sole, cheap,
worth $1.75.
Lot 8. $1.50 will buy Lndics' Bright Dongola, Patent Tip,
button or lace, would ben bargain at $2.00.
Lot 9. $2.00 buys Men's Dongola, Patent Tip Congress; this
is a Dun Shoo and would be cheap at $3.00.
Hole Afriint for f)wy's fjilfirlcss Excavating Tank. )
Atfontfor West's Autoinat.lo Dislnfeotors, f
No. !)
No.ofHI.eof I.Klhof Wdlhof Ciiiiii
Wiivtim, A nlii. Hody. Ilody, Inch, eliy, 1 n"
i r 7 ft. din, 4D will (
il l't 7fl.lHn, 40 Id") I'm
4 i H ft. Ill ii. 40 I.'pOO la
A 1'i M ft. it In. 40 In 'I '!) 140
A hove iH'lees lire net.
Where lirake Is noi wiinleil, dediict tMt) on
Nos. i and A wild 7,mi on No. 4 uiid 5.
Hardware, Tinware, Cutlery
Guttering. Spouting and Roofing a Specialty.
When you deslro tochantfo your place of residence) and want your furnlturo
moved without beintf broken or scratched, lsk for my wucons
NUMBERS 77. AND 207.
and you won't think two moves eqmtl to a fire.
I. GARD, Fourteenth and Douglas Street.
All coal well sereened and
promptly delivered; welithlnH
on city sesles, If so desired.
Roclc SprinES, Ohio. Walnut Block,
I sell the Best varieties of
a . . k
Hi Hie
i roof
iihglv lJoilvuoil
Cess Pools, Vaults,
Cisterns, Drains, Etc.
All work dono with tho Odorless Pump,
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Office: 418 South 14th St.
Res. 1215 South llth St.
Telephone 1173.
For Ktylo, Quality and Price, wo will
not be outdone,
1801-1603 Can St., OMAHA, NEB.
Telephone ld.".7.
of "Wot kitic" Si. on
1302 Saunders Street or North 24th Street.
1406 Douglas St., OMAHA, NEB.
Omen; H. W. ('or. Kith and llowurd streets. Tel. 1HA4
YsiuitSntli street and ro)leton aveiiim. Tel. VUi
Hard Coal, food KMlin anfl Cole,
sort coal lor uoosing t-urposes.