HE o RIO AN ioit nus it wuAW tt t I A,. - 1. . ... . A I hm.ww Mf M sftMJ i4 cHn trrt tr. ftif nllN.tr ft h H little p.irvitdl t IV1 , t t H it Vm tmi of t it ' t ' nlHfl t tmoof y I r .('. Vok, h rnH.(-lt lf OlU fTf i eoattHjr, U t lM hrvn.ti'f , ! ( tt tar?g elitj the kmi nd ilsnjhM Hltnit talito lure fr l lrsthm f !li!ttnn thought ,u' action, tolrg sorosd" U kr hihtt distinction. I'niTlk'n thir, tlvijj n tsbllos, iil,V tsoithy t li'Un. To 1h In lgMH, of th t Is 1" New Ymk nmstk of honortl vl taictlon. To flVrt lnorsno whr iom luton Ulj;f hs thrust upon .thrill, It fr mora Ciinnnnillil thsn fcflinoitd)ilng soiilntsnon with thing so ph-Msn a th rough, Ig norant, vulgar west. Mttmtrh forth WtUr ele sud th youth he-longing to them. The writer sp'tit tho birthday uf Washington In th cltv of Now York. A few flft wi'ifl H)'l"g ' tru wwa tMiintr.no demonstration what- evur nln!ily it Sunday quint roslud i over the vlty, I Yesterday the patron saint of Now I York bat! his birthday. From early J till late there was s stir. You felt It In f tbo frosty , at mospliere, you saw It j among the chamber-nmlds and waiters In your hotel. Tho onr-drlvers wero not themselves. Trados-pooplo. dis played the various tones of gruen in show-window. From every rank and In every file, thcro were the wearer of "' the green. Witnessing the procession from a i point on Fifth avotme, what did ono I observe? Foreign fnoes of the lowest I Intelligence. Everywhere tho green, now and then an Anierlonn flag; once , a portrait of Washington, In a medal lion, by tho side, of a fuco unknown to i the writer. There wore foreign uni form nml badgoa, and chlelly foreign fiiooH gaselng nl tho pageant. In aomu Inatanoea dellvery-wngona wore atop pod, men taking hold of tho horaea' hoada, and there detained until tho lino of march had paused, with unbroken ranks, up tho avenue. Knob orowt atroet wca blioked by vehiuhm awnlt i . Ing to croaa Fifth avenue. Down-lown fcftlhbr, tho mall aervloo was Inter rupted. Head thlai Th driver of United Stales mall- wagon No. 40, Innocently attempted to I croaa llilnl avenue at JSIuth street, yosterdav morning, In front of a pamdo of Kt. Tatrlck'! l)ay celobratora. Tho crowd seized his borso, and when ho got down to reuinnstrato and explain thnt they wero Interrupting tho United States mail servleo, ono rtifllan struek him on tho huad with a heavy cane. With blood flowing from a long gash in tils head, tho driver called upon f 1'glleeman No, 2,WM, who stond near by, to arrest hi assailant, whom ho I pointed out. The polleeman refused to make the arrest, although several j; citizens who had witnessed the assault j proclaimed It an outrage. Tho pa- raor; marcnrd triumpliantiy uptown, wllo tho driver went to a drug store to have his wound dressed. New j York Tribune, March 18. What Is the meaning and intention i of all thisV Kach year this parade pass o before the public gazrf. Each year it takes possession of the streets of NfW Yoik, Each year IU rank are fuller, Its Hibernian orders stronger (1 counted many banners,) and saw, last ly, No. 15 of tho "Ancient Order. ' There may be more. All this moans but one thin,; 'Increased strength of tho church of Homo." Where Is there 1 a counter current strong enough to meet this? It doe not exist, except In 'v Ifct. west. New Yorkers are settled do i into a state of hopeless, ul n'iijM Inactivity, ! , ... , Thel'ist a Roman Argument. j Tte pcrs.nal and brutal attack made " on Monday rrlrht on tho publisher of ( the American byl the keeper of one of i , the most notoriovkly low and disrepu I xtable hole In Toledo and his friends of f llka standing amoii decent people, Is only what might ' bate boon expected from tbi cbiifaejtr and record of tho assailant, me-, tthose names are found In criminal calendar and police re ports, and whose faces aro recognized in 'rogues' galleries" here and else where. It was fully In keeping with ' the methody incited, encouraged and approved by the Koniith clergy, who never fail to resort to violence when defeated at the pedis. This cowerdly ; attack was duo not only to tbo Inde. I pendence of the publisher of the American in boldly championing In his paper the cause of our public school system as against the narrow and an liquated teachings of the parochial schools, bat the victim was selected as the representative of an order which while not attacking or interfering with the Ilomnn Catholic or any other re- ,tr,n. M.r ! A I 4 ltettp rf ., ,.t,, i j 1 i lit.itu., r4 f.tUt . -U m ...! ttvw ,1,41 lt,n(jjw sm! h. ttltK ti.Utt Th Mikst thf -g''as t.t. ih( and ii'' ' f l htd tW Hmin t i...li, tunitt-jr ftmtli f,r thts firrd 'in f A"'t'sn nturs. tl.Ml ltitrtrt. ;mMselnf as It d.M ilh thef -l.l ttfU rhuxeh ths nl mt t'loist fb-mriiis f ttr tm munltr, unih.i ct th.lr thing by method shlrh r-lde them trim all decent ".m ty, It l esj fr the prlest h'wd to tind am o'g il misguided fol lowers w illing to U for any outrage whleh ha prleily sanction and the gtisrsniee of absolution for any slu committed in whnt they term "the defence of the rluirrh. Toledo American. W. NJVHITNEY, . mil S. 1 An Sr. 4iU N. 1th Nt. Special prices on Cliildren'a Shixs. ongola, spring heel, sizes ft to H, fiOo. " to 11,(150. One of the nicest things for tho girl I cloth top, pnlent tip, line Dongola leather, for f'J.OO; cheap at I'J.ftO. We are now receiving our spiing stock of Oxford Ties, for Indies, misses and children. We huvo several new stylos. Come and see them. W.N. WHITNEY, Leader In Low Vrlces and Good Shoos, Take Union Pacific No. 5 For Denver. Why ? BoeiiiiHo It Is a solid vcHtilmlod train compoMod of Fill 1 man l'uluoo Sleepers, Fullmnn Dining Cars, Frco Itocllning Chair Curs mid Modern Day Couches, IWmiMO It nmkoH fasttliuo. llocuuso It leaves ut 0;00 A. M. a con venient tlmo for start Ing. You con gt your tickets and mako your sleeping car lVMorvatlona at 1302 Farnam stroot, Harry V, Hotiol, City t'aaaongor Agent U. 1'. system. Ladle, if you want Easter Hal or anything In Millinery, go to llliss. You will tin 1 the largest, best and tho ohcapost lino in the city. Price the lowest. .1. J. li'l.lSS, lftlt) Diuglas St. Try Hartry.s "Sl'WTAl-," the llEST three far n quarter 'In the city. 107 South loth Street. Hbvo you learned WHITNEY'S prices on rublHjr goods? If not FimcNtw call and aoo them before buy ing. 402 north Kith St. 10:i south lr.th St. Oppoelto Post Olllco. 0. H. KnowleSj breeder of Light llrahma chickens, having more egn than ho can use, would sell a few Retting for $1.00 each. Fowls, $1.00 each. My fowl are the best laying strain. If you want the best, address me at 1012 Capitol avenue, Omaha, Neb. 3 25.-7-1 - A good carpenter can rent a house very cheaply In Orchard Hill and pay hi rent In work on the premises. Apply to W. H. Kusell, utDlmo Sav ings Hank, 1504 Farnam st, Ilavo your attorney send his leinil ad vcrtlsoments to Thk Amkkican, NORTH OMAIIA AMERICANS can save time and car fare when In need of Dry Goods, Notions, Furlshlng, rinware, Glassware, HardwareNa tions, etc, by trading nt BALDWIN'S, 1307-1 8011 8aundr (N. 21th) St. You should take your watch for re pairs to John Kudd, lioft N. loth St. All work guaranteed. Money to loan at Dime Savings Hank, 1504 rarnam St. Go to Dyball' for tine candles, 1518 Douglas Sr. H. R. Putten, dentist, nsnn B48 Boo building, uuepliono Ott, Bliss has over one thousand pattern and trimmed Hats for the Easter trade, Our wholesalo room on second floor I opened to tho retail trade at wholesalo prices this week. Gall and see the bargain. J. J. BLISS, 1510 Douglas St T. H. BOWEN. Enterprising Cash Market Tho chenH'st place In tho city to buy meat or casii. nzz b. join hi, Would like a jtosltlon as clerk or dolivoryman In trriKjery. Ghk1 refer ences. .John E. Perry, 2018 Bristol Street, City. Sloe & Vlnoy, tho barlxu's, havo dl olvcd partnersiiip. wr, hioe oiwns new shoo at HI8 north ltith street, which will be known as American Bar ber Shop No. 2, whore ho will be pleased to meet all his friends. Fuiknps: Buy your Flour, Feed etc of W. H. BAUER, 1501 Howard St. We pay no rent, we buy for cash we sell on a small pn-tit. A. B- Ht'BEHMAN, ... Pioneer Jeweler of Omaha, Umbrella rvnlired, 105 So. 16th St. n H Wst I f m tt I W i t wtMtt trttt-4 la h rlAf Hw1 if H fmnttio tt lk 1 rvura tfcnWt t trpu trr ally ti Ih tlr tw-ht ty i"tit tt I'lu Hmrt tkl Vj , stittn. ttMt Wita p rf lh o nl MMn rj, .n'ili.l(.t le JmIi, Itas fd, la whU k the l,ry if tHw rtpm. la of iNus IX, from Ihs mtr a pMUIir4, Tt0 Si'.WJ fottowti "At the rni annus) meeting i f the tirand Idgr of Mwn, ttitih tUtu f the trlet, .f 'lrmt. It sly, on th day ft March, last, Fop Fins IX. was eillrd from the or .lor. The de rre of npoULiti w a uitdshed In the otllmsl maoliic pp r si Cologne, (, r many, and Is preceded by the minutes of the lodge In which he was Initiated, and Is as follows: A man named MsM.il Ferrettl, who received tho baptist) of fievmasonry and a.den'iily pledged his love and fellowship, end who afterward was crowned popn and king, under the I Ho' of Fius IX., has now cursed his former brethren ttnd excommunicated all member of tho order of freemasons, Therefore, said Mastui Firretti is herewith, by tho decree of tho Grand Lodge of tho Orient, Fulermo, expelled from tho order for perjury,' The charges against him woro llrst preforrod In hig lodge at Palermo, in lSii5, and notitlcntion and copy thereof sent to him, with a request to attend tho lodge for tho purpose of answering tho same. To this ho made no reply, and for divers reasons the charges were not pressed until ho urged the bishops of Brazil to act aggressively toward tho freemasons. Then they wore pre i d, and after a regular trial degreo of expulion was onteret and published, tho am bih igned by Victor Emmanuel, king of Italy and gr aid ma ttr of the orient of Italy ' " Rubber goods of all kinds at Wm. N. Wuitnky'b, 402 north HltliHt.. 10.1 south inth Ht. Opposite Poet Olllco. Money to loan Ht Dime- Savings Dank, 1501 Farnam St. Mme, Hickman, Easter Hats and Hon nets at ipodurn prices. Do you want to borrow money V Ap ply to the Mutual Investment Cj., 1604 Farnam St, Have you en old umbrella which, with a few repairs and a new cover, will bo made as good as when pur chased, If so leave it with C. R. Heflin, 812 orth lflth St. You will bo sur prised at thu price kiiist, and the change in the umbrella i.Asr. The Foxton Hotel Barber Shop and Baths, with Filtered Water, the Best. You should all remember that C. F. Shaw & Co., 518 S. Kith St., has al- way on hand, Vcgotable, In season; also a full line of Staplo Groceries. Do not forget us when down town, Notarial and Corporate Seals, 105 So. Kith St. EASTER MILLINERY. Ladles, attend the great Special Sale of Easter Hats, Bonnets, and all kinds of millinery, Saturday. .1. J. DM, 1510 Douglas St. . , GIBSON, the shoe man, has an ele gant line of shoes, at bottom prices. )on t fall to ace them when you need shoes, A. M. GIBSON, 115 South Kith St. J, J. llliss has three floors, ninety et deep, tilled with the latest Spring Styles In Mllllneiy, You will find line good at low prices al lolO Douglas St, .- , ,M..-.. Kat Dy ball's eandy and be happy, 1518 Douglaa St. . , , I, . Fkikndb have you called upon Kit- ling llros., 808 N. 16ih St. They carry a full lino of Gent's urnlshlngs and Hats, and you will receive courteous treatment at all times, even If you do not buy. Wanted. 000 yards of earth In Orel ard Hill. Addross W.THE AMKKICAN. Drink Dyball's delicious Soda Water, 1518 Douglas St. Why not smoke Hartry's Til'" when voucan buy it for A cents. 107 South 16th Street. When you have a bicycle out of re uair. take It to C. R Hellln, 812 North Kith St. All work guaranteed to be done to satisfy. Also ask prices on new keys and GENERAL repair work. Do you want to borrow money? Ap ply to the Mutual Investment Co., 150 Farnam St. Rubber Stamps, 106 So 10th St. South Omaha Advertisements 3.M. 2423 N Street, 8outh Omaha, Ne Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hatfc' .lfcnH, TrunUnand Vntlses, and Gents' Fij ih St. Cheum'Ht nlace In the city, cuo ai RI'ET CLEANING WORKS. COrtLANO sV wo, tvt. ! ' 4 ltlt.llJ I. .1 H. Ksrtkf csl Ccr. 111! iti Ifiiaiol.. 1t MNP t4, ttMMU. MURASKA. EVERYTHING FOR ASTER-TIDE. New- SljIKh In (Mil. it snil st th ijf UHt.mi O I . . 1 1 .1 ,MT hy ,,,' V T I 1 I 1 O II tf.IO Mioifnrloi-f I III I I I "'"'' l. Ifo.. I AIHIm. I U 1 1 1 1 Ihio klimli'ii met kIikim-s. Noveltiesiiil yuml M-nwiii. We eiiti wll yon TWO for whnt on a iiMuitlly cum , THE POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE, 109 South 16th Street. OMAHA, : NEBRASKA. FRED. RASMUSSEN, 805 South 7th Street, Cor. Leav enworth Street. A FINE LINE OF GROCERIES. Kvcrytlilnii Hold for CASH on hiiiiiII prollts. MMk. llrciid mid a full 1 1 1 of I'Mne ( tikes a specialty. Fi! FINE LIVERY I.lulil lliiKKleft. Huddle Horses, CarrlaKes, Colli"'. Kit',, BOARDING A SPECIALTY. LOW I'lMCKS, SRK - ED. BAUMLEY, 17th mid Bt, Mury'i Ave. Tulnplione 440. M. SILVER. OKAI.KIt IN GROCERIES and PROVISIONS FLOUR AND FEED. 1120 and 1124 S. 7th St., Cor. Pierce. M. E. NIELSEN, Shaving and Hair Dressing Parlors, 80)1 South 7tu Sthkrt. Where our Kill EN OH run procure kimkI t reiit- mem und line tvorkiiiuiiKlili) m I lie reuuliir pl'ICCH, 4-Hmll AANTKI Tobuv a snuill Connie lomove TT onto a lot. In Wit In ii t Hill, Cull on or liddreNK I), K. Citiiieron, l;m:i I'ui k itvu. Meat intrket,. ENGAGE YOUR SWEET MILK, BUTTERMILK, - - and CREAM - - AMERICAN DAIRY, E. W. READ, PRO PR. 8401 Donatur. OMAHA, NKH. ART A. HOSPE, Jr. MUSIC. 1618 Douglas $t Omaha, Nub. Sheriff's Sale. tlv Virtue of mi order of an In Uaiinri nut. uf the IMnlrlcl, Court fur bouijliis County, Ne liiiiHku, mid to me directed, I will, on thu 2Hli iliiyof Mny, A. I)., mi, nt, lit o'clock a m. of (rnfil ltiy. nt Hut KAHT front, door of thu County Court Houmh, In thi t;ity of Oniiilui. IIoiikIiis County, NeliniMkn, si'll lit piihlli: of mile in followit. to wit: Hiieiion me iini neri y tie. l,ol number one ill In hlix'k riiinilier llvn mi III I'llddiH'k rilice, Hlluiiteil In the ellv of (luiiilut, I'ouuty of DoiikIhm iiml Mime of 'Ni)- lii'UHka, toHiillMry.loKenli II, M iird. I runlee. the sum of live liiniili-i il fnrty-elidit mill lli-lfm (lot in m f.r4N.i)jiitiKineiit. with Interi'Ht there on lit eight mi per rent. ht iiiiiiiiiii from May II, n . i'. i"i, ii iti ii iiiiiitl linn lliirty hk ikiiioI lnrsi:in.(iHleiwtH. with Interex), therenn from the I HIi ilny of Mny, A, 1). Nil. until nulil. to- f ether with Hi'eruliiK fonts neeoidlnK In a loilxineiit rendered hy the dlmlrlel eourt of IIoiikIiin I'oiiiity. lit Hn Mny term, A, 11. Mil, In A eertiilti Hetlontheii mid there heudluK, n Herein ,nmeill n. nillluril. I rilMt.ee, wint iiliiininr, nun uiiurleN T, I nylor, (Iriilinm L, iiiiiiiiev. ei in,, oeieniiiiniN, Oniiilui. NehriiKkii, April 21, IMrJ, (IKOIIUK A. HKNNETT, Hherlff of Pouuhm County, NehniMka, ChnrleH II, Keller, attorney, Mlllurd vs. Taylor, et al, 4-2'J-ft Sheriff's Sale. Hy virtue of mi order of snln luiuied out of tne IMHirici ouri rnr Hoiikiiin County. ISiv briiHkii. mill lo me directed. I will on the 211 h cluy of Mny, A, I)., H(i2, nf 1(1 o'cloek, A. M of mi Id ilny. lit, the Kunt front, door of tho County (,'ourt, MoiiMe, In I lie Oily of Omnliii, iNiuicliot County. NehriiMkn, xell lit, public miction the property dewrrllwd In suld order of hhIk nx followit, to-wit : Lot, thirl y-elnht (its) In hliK'k five (5) Pud- dock I'lnre, hn tnn veyed, nliitted mill re- eonled In thecliy of (dunlin. iNiiiKlitsCoittiiy, INeiii'iixKii, to MiiiiNry .ionciiii it, milium, Trim, tee. the miiiii of nine hundred Hint v i'l-HKi dol- iiim (StMO.tfi) Judifiiieiit,, with Intcre!, thereon nleluht (Hi per cent, ner iiiiiiiiiii from Mnv II A. D. 1WI, unlit paid i hiiiI II fly lis. UK) dolliirn (SiYl.tlN) ooHtH, with IntereMl thereon from tho lllh ilny of Mny. A. I). Ixnl, until paid, lo- jiiilifiiient rendered hy llin illMtrlct court of IT ei tier won Hccruiup coni neeoruuiK 14) t hhIiI ixmituiH county, ni im mny lerin. . u, l"!'l. In scerlulli action then mid there pend- Inir, wheri'ln .IomciiIi II. Mlllurd. TriiMtee, was nir, wneri'ln .lonei iliilnlllT. and I'. V u Melcher. M. 11, ('onixtock. ,I.L. O ll..f,,l Sr '! U. Thonion slid ot hern defendsnl. " "I Thoiiins H. MrCnlliH h, VA'Miilui, Melmthkii. April iil, ism. p liK.OIOiR A. HKNSETT, ,iiii, Nehrnhkii. April 21. ls3. ' (iKIIIUiK A. UK? tmherl ft of I oui:liiN County, Neliniskii. 1 n H. Keller, attorney. LOBECK & LINN, Hiii.t. .n AM I HTML Builders' Hardware, Culleru AND TOOLS TRY US ONCE FOR LUCK. MOi Douglas SU Telephone 270. OMAHA. NEB. DO YOU WEAR SHOES? If you do, Tl.o filMCAT ItAliGAIN SIIOK STOIIK, No. KM) Main Street, Corner First Ave, COUNCIL BLUFFSff la., will sell you the following Shoes, at lower prices than you )ay for inferior makes: Hurt & Moors. Williams, Knuluml & Co., Jamos Moans & Co., Koynoldn, Drake & (ioblilo, Smith & Staughton, C. M. Honilorson & Co. nd In Inillos', Miswos', Chlklron's and Hoy's Shoos wo show tho lunroat and boat assorti'd stock in tho city. Our stock of Liullca Oxfords la most Wo Invito you to call and hoo us. Our Motto Is NO GOODS 'MISREPRE SENTED HUT GOOD GOODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. S. A. PIERCE & CO. NEWSPPINGSTYLES In footwear are now arriving at GE0.S.MILLER)S)1311 N.24 St. Whore wo invito you to cull and examlno our STYLES, QUALITY and PRICES. WHKN QUALITY IS TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION, WE WILL SAVE you MONEY ON KVEHY pair PURCHASED OF us, us our expenses aro only one- tcnth of down-town stores, mid wo can quality for less money than they ask. Call and bo convlnood. No trouble to show goods. Wo shall mako SPECIAL LOW PRICKS on all grades of Shoos dur ing the month of March, to Introduce thorn, and IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL AND INSPECT THEM, GEO. S. MILLER. ODORLESS Solo Agent for Dowy's Odorless Excavating Tank. Agent for -West's Automatlo Dlslnfeotors, Short Talks with Hat Buyers. fix your hist summer lint so that it will look first rate, and carry you through another season; we can make it over in the latest shape. Bring one down to us and let us "doctor" it you will he sur prised at tho result. We also reshape silk hats ami otherwise make au old one, look young again. Don't forget that for good (Hoods and popular prices we aro hound to take the lead. All we need is your help. Drop in and see us when in our neighborhood. Yours truly, RAMSER & CO.. 209 North 16th St., OMAHA, NEB, ii, in i I'.'n J i i n in oelcliratetl makes in Men's Fine comploto and at prioos to suit all buyers. afford to, and will sell you tho same SANITARY Cess Pools, Vaults, Cisterns, Drains, Etc. -CLEANED. All work done with the Odorless Pump. Satisfaction Guaranteed. JOHN NELSON, Office: 418 South 14th St. Res. 1215 South Nth St. Telephone 1173, OMAHA, NEB. REPAIRING,-Perhaps you cannot alFortl to buy a now hat even at our prices this Spring. Well, you aro certainly trying to save money, if that is the case wo can help you yet, and A.M.CLARK. PRACTICAL PAINTER, Paperhanger, Sign Writer, Taints Oils, Brushes, Wallpaper, Curtains, Window Shades, Poles, Fixtures and Cornices. 107 SOUTH FOURTEENTH STREET, OMAHA, NEB. V A L. id v. MelcbtT, et al. 4-KJ-9 h i ) v