The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 22, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Trii: IN WISCONSIN wiuist
OX v. i AKK
1 t MM
lit wink ! tit
- t
..J "". .. ! . ... v i i .(.., ..,. 11,1
f L p 1 ) I .t At
wir.1 ttint in wny
!n the t if ntt l llm.
ll i ,..?.(, t tM-i
lnn or w sublime
A tisitt. hw PH. ttwf
lHio tt tltf f4hln lndy,
V.wtirii.t"," ti Ssrne ot Wi'lher,
ll. (I thorns nil rsrrs T
CBini'H" If U nt rather,
In Ibc mi-hini in the snow,
hve nhimil mtr erttsts bsrclhrf
W h tc l.iui'hl Hie frii It;
V k -!! hullet ruliliiK,
tii.ttnir 1T cit h hir true
Vhlli Ihti n.l el.t earth n stinklue,
Hlile lv sl.le lruiti,'lMl llirouiih.
M hv slmi-nt tirh nthrr'. sorrow,
W.hsveshsrvilrsi'h oilnr' Joy.
When It'swntisl tin to-morrow
Could our h-urlM nnil hsnO employ!
hsve supnt'il lih ilrata sad danger
When (lflil hie. liild us low;
Slisred our eitlle with ihP ntnuigor,
l,ove Blone to eiiB the lilow.
The Olit Turn Anllr.
John It. Clnmrr. U. S. S. Wahnsh
87 Court uttvpt. Ellr.n both, N. J., wa
tliaiMd to see the Bi-tifK Bbont boun
ties to Millars by Comnule Hoimn, nd
aya that the iujnstlrp nici'ted out to
sailor In renrot to bounty Is in every
Wbo true; thut the anilora atood as
firmly by their guns in time of danger
a did tlio army all the heavy bombard
ments of our fleets atund in answer.
(There was no sueh thinjr as colTee-eool-Inff
or ffettino; away back in the woods
out of range for the sailor, as (tome of
;the soldier-hater are continually harp
liiffon. Onboard a man-of-war every
oul has bis particular duty to attend
to, through fire and smoke,
and he must stand until knocked
down or the battle ia over. It Is
true Uncle Sum paid them their
wages, but it w as in greenbacks worth
about one-third of their actual value.
The writer has written several Senators
and Congressmen on the subject, but
to no purpose. Their bet friend, the
lamented Logan, Is gone. He stood up
aanf ully for the sailor's rights. They
make the excuse of withholding bounty
(from aailors because they got prise
jdoney, when the foot Is that not one
In twenty got as much as 110 In prize
foney and nianv got none at all.
hose who were fortunate enough to
, V o those light gingerbread crafta
fhat were not worth anything for fight
ing, but were good enough for catch
ing blockade runners, got most of the
ipriiee-money. He hopes that the old
tars will stir themselves, and ace that
thev get their dues. lie would like to
have Comrade John Hunan's address.
The Itattte of Wlnchritor,
11. 8. Albert. Company I, Ninety-first
Ohio, Coatesvllle, Mo., has been laugh
lng ia his sleeve at the wrltingsof some
tit the Sixth Corps comrades on the
Shenandoah Valley, and the Eighth
torps, but was delighted to see the true
bits of Comrade Howe of the Uhirty'
fourth Ohio, and wishes to add his tes
timony as to his truthfulness, says the
National Tribune. He would like to J
ask what corps it was that charged
aeven times across the field at vVlnches
v tcr, Sept. 19. 18t4. History says that
It was the Eighth oorps; in other wordB,
Gen. Crook's Kanawha Division of the
army of West Virginia. In, fact, the
historian savs: "When we heard
the unearthly yells of Gen.
an,). Crook's Kanawha Division, woll we
CAM. knew that many a bravo man would
Is T-falt, as we had known them to have
ij,een tested without repulse on many a
j ' ,i bloody field." The writer s company
went into the above named battlo with
forty men and came out with twenty.
As to marching, no one In the United
States will claim that any corps could
utmarch the Eighth. The writer
hopes the men of the old Sixth corps
will remember there were others who
helped put down the rebellion, and
even helped the Sixth corpsoutof their
troubles as well. He thinks If some of
the writer of the Sixth corps will read
V history, they will find that the Eighth
corps received about as much credit as
any other corps in the army.
Ths C of Dynamite.
f Lancelot L. Scott, Eighteenth Ohio,
Nashville, Ohio, writes: "I take great
Interest In the many Improvements
being made in armor, guns and ammu
nition, and have watched the experi
ments with dvnamlte in shells closely.
It seems to me that dynamite would be
found unreliable in a winter campaign
for offensive operations, as It freezes at
ortv-two degrees, and when in that
State will often miss fire. As its freez
ing point is far above that of water, i
Very slight exposure to cold will chill
It. I nse fifty pounds of it daily ia
mining operations, and find that it
Chills about the 1st of November in the
latitude of southern Ohio, and when
required fcr use has to be artificially
thawed during all of the winter."
Hotel AndersonvllU.
ITiram F. Daniels, Birmingham.Mich.,
avs that as the prisoner-of-war bill
bas again been introduced in the House
be thinks that it is time for everyone
to commence making a demand for
What has been due for years to this
Uu nt soldiers, its it is a disgrace to
l&ie Government to ignore such a bill
After being a prisoner for six months
jfu the South, together with eight mem
CSr i Company D, Twenty-second
tm n'r V ' w
( . gA Mint f.t ! r, 1 U IWr
x,U IV.1T t rr4
!, t M w if
i,u f i.i ttviw Hi- ur
l)i 1 M'ltl-t l nt '
lvti ) rl, l. fvf
I urt m
m,-mWi i.f II , Ihiv liwtl t
khM w Hi tU ;rpr -nuiiy
urn pHi )im I lr Ju f Uiltl'tlL
SamttM Ward, U I, NOt eighth
Oliin, IVnlralia. M . Mjsthatln lh
iMMteof Antf- !7. I' (" cr tCom
rude TiwUle f (he 1 wenty-ntnlh
mmrl, a l the !. in I'. I. Klulra
llrlgade at Un hmT" ' Ihe r k-1
lireasl works at t iil -kiw Hayon, IHv,
S'., S Ht2, he ve the Think th Miorl
Instead of the lifU fiirlilh Ohht,
belonging l that brigade. As the
Fitly eighth n there, and lot.t their j
Colonel tlvUer) utnl nearly all of the
ommiiufclimed oftleeraof the regiment, j
hlle nearly the whole irgimeut waa
killed, wounded or captured, he thinks
they were there for a certainty. The
writer's bnnkmate, John A. Meyers,
wus wounded and taken prisoner, and
died In Vieksbnrg shorlly after.
Am. Tribune.
1 A Well-roncliiclril Home.
II. It. Itooth, Twenty-seventh Iowa,
Mona, Iowa, writes: "While in Min
neapolis during the late Encampment I
made a visit to the Soldiers' Home, lo
cated near Minnehaha Kails and Fort
Snelling. The location is one of great
beauty, being on an elevation of 100
feet between Minnehaha creek and
Mississippi river. The day I was there
there were ?04 soldiers in the Home,
and I was told by tlio Commandant
that they had room for 100 more.
There are six large buildings, all built
at a cost of several thousand dol
lars to the State. Minnesota has done
a grand thing for her dependent sol
diers. And I notice bv the press that
t-niuiiuiiriiia wr iiKui1 nt. the in-
. .i.u ...!.. ,.i.iu. 1
that were dependent, and also to make
the home a national one. The adjutant
told me there were about forty In the
hospital building, and it required a
nurse constantly to care for some oi
them. The mortality is about one per
month. Now, Minnesota boys, and all
others, when you go to the Twin cities
take the electrlo cars for Minnehaha
Fulls at Minneapolis; this will carry
you to the home."
A Wanderer for Many Years,
L. Benedict, Company B, One Hun
dred and Eighty-ninth New York,
Nlles, New York, says that Lymaa
Baker ami his son, Edwin, enlisted
in the Eighty-fifth New York.
They lived in the little valley
called Ube Dam. The Eighty -fifth
were taken prisoners at Plymouth, N.
C. The father afterward reached homo,
but the son was never heard from. The
mother procured a dependent pension
for the loss of her dead son. Lyman
also applied, and was pensioned. The
son (Edwin) escaped from Anderson
villej re-enlisted in the Thirty-first New
York, and served out his timo. In
stead of coming home wan
dered away, as he states, and
spent a number of years traveling
with Barnum's and Forepaugh's cir
cuses, and at last took a whaling voy-
age of fouryears.
What brought this
man home finally was that he applied
for pension, and found that his mother
was already drawinir a nenslon upon his
death. He came home recently and
went to his father's, after which he ,
went to his sister, who was living near
by. In conversing he asked after the
old residents, and when his sister In
quired who he was, and when told that
he was Lyman Ilukcr's son Edwin, was
told that that could not be, as Ed was
dead. He brought up many incidents
.i 5 a -ii
iiicv wore Biiiiurvu, turn reiuuveu mil ;
,)..., I, (. a V.I. I I.. .,t!i
doubU as to his identity.
A New Hatter Story.
President Plympton tlda good story
of Gen. Butler at the banquet it
v . i ..un t ....
Young's last night. It seems that dl-
roctiy after the battle of Chickamauga
a "Johnny" went about the streets of
New Orleans assostlng every man who
wore the blue with "Didn't Stonewall
Jackson give you h-1 at Chlcka-
m, v
maugur iien. juuur canuu hid c a-
D .. .
ultant rebel before him, and to d him
he could either take the oath of alleg
iance or go to Ship Island for two
years. Johnny deliberated, but finally
agreed to take the oath. When he had
sworn to support the Constitution he
turned to Uen. Butler and exclaimed:
"Now we are both loyal citizens, ain't
we, General?"
"Well, I trust so," said Oen. Butler.
"Then," said Johnny, "1 want to ask
you If stonewall Jackson didn't give
us h 1 at Chlckamango?
A Remarkable Chan.
A comrade of the Thirteenth Iowa
having seen an article on Christian
soldiers in a recent issue, states a case '
somewhat different to the one men- j
tioned as belonging to the Pennsyl- J
VRnU TJpoervos. He says Dan McKinis- j
ter of Company A, Fifteenth Iowa was
a "devil-may-care" fellow who feared
neither man or the Old Harry. Dan
was a celebrated forager, bnt a fine ,
soldier. He was the last person one
r i . 1 1 !MvnuA Mnmavinff nMna, rti1sl
ever find. But at the lust Reunion of
Crocker's Iowa brigade, to which britr -
Qda tiiK viftoonth tiolnnired for ovr
three years, Dan appeared. He was an
entirely changed man, and said he
, - ,.6. v ' ,
worked for a but devoted con-
uunmuie uiui, w
lng, which, to all who knew him, wat
a moat wonderful chat
ttitiiHU nut on A
ImlMl rf fi Ik t ll
ln4l Ml k4 !
lMli -U MMltM
kNl k, HO U.I In fr N'tin
Sol T rrl (rtn..fl. IhI M"ilinr
Klrr, H1 !, rl
' Krf a rmxit'n l.i Ihctn (
H1T I IW wU.ImI lr1ttilir,fnilir lfc
jnulml WJtln.l f Hiwit tUliKhl
imptT l tln: Ut-y rrlniiiNl
MiUl tthra tltrjr f wtml,
rave nearly grinned their heads off had
Ihev got the walrus. So far that win
ter they had not done much grinning.
l)ay or night, fair or stormy, wind in
shoro or off, the hunters had walked
the ice edge looking for walrus, bu not
walrus were .found.
The gale at times was fearfully in
tense, and those who slept In their little
snow-houses near the sea could hear
the terrible ripping sound aspieee after
piece of ice broke from the shore, and
there were many thoughts for the
hunters out in the storm, and hopes
that they were not on these most un-
stable ships,
On one of
these stormy nights an
Esquimau hunter was walking on the
lee watching for walrus. In front of
him was the appearance of a smalt sub
merged reef, which he Identified by the
bulging up of the ice over it when the
tide was low, and this he thought
would be a good anchor to
hold the shore Ice to its
place, or else he would not be In such
an unsafe place during such a terrifie
wind off shore. When the tide was
low this was safe enough, but as the
ice only formed ten or twelve feet at
its thickest, and as the tide rose and
fell over twenty feet, he did not know
the top of the reef could not touch even
the bottom of the ice when at high
tide, so his anchor of rock would be
useless. The poor savages seldom do
much thinking that requires addition
and subtraction, even when their
lives are In danger.
Shoo Roko for such was the Es
quimau hunter's name thought he
saw an object near the reef that might
be a walrus, but, when he crept
nearer, he found that it was only a
large qnantlty of seaweed, a kind of
pulp, very plentiful in the Arctic re
gions, that had been washed up on an
Ico cake, and, as It moved up and
down, it deceived even the expert Es
quimau hunter In the dim light.
As he was turning to go back toward
the shore, with a grunt in Es
quimau for "angry" the strongest
expression they use when disap
pointedhe hea.d a terrible noise be
hind him like the roar of thunder, and
which the poor follow knew at once to
be the irlvlntr way of the Ice on which
he stood. With what rapidity he
could master he ran to one end, but
there law a very wide channel of water,
and to his chagrin saw that, had ne
gone to tne otner ena, ne mignt nave
saved himself, for the floe had swung
around that corner as on a pivot; but
bv the time he reached the end of the
, long floe it was too late, and he dared
. not attempt the jump, for none of the
liRdUimaUJI KnUW IIUW w nvruu, oi IV
would have been certain death had he
' vniijkn inmT.rm water.
All that he could do was to wait
---: , . , , . f
unill ins snip unoum n-m;n mo v.Ko w
, , . ht v h a
as best he could. This depended wholly
on whether he was able to hold out
? Ke,7 'T "Tr" .1. . ,1
I aiu not oreaa m pieccn biiu vuiuuiw mw
wat(,r Ma, ofl)l(1 frl(nQ) h8
kn6w had ,lri(ted out to sea in this
way Bome absent many days, and
some, he bitterly remembered, never
As the Esquimau people are accus-
I tnmnd to the crreatest hardships, they
, " , , , , , -
I .inii.tninal tft Kit. fwiivn fl.nn hM.
( "thdr faU on an occasion of this
kind. Shoo Boke at once commenced
ta look around him. and was greatly
surprised to see a dark object on the
! floe.
Walking over to It, he wasaston-
' !shed to see It was his liirht sledge and
' 'our dogs. The poor dog, lightly fed
(or many a day, had curled P in.
i bunch and were so comfortable tVit
j had not moved Kokxj;
out his snow knife, that all Yf
j meD and jy, .carry with
1 j St.
ttf eW kit iia liV
1.1 tmj,iti til lit. tel I m
tfc-'(l Ibrf r
I .t .tf l fsed.
rM !, rl-l tSrh, kr Irt dt"
CM le taw arminf
dimwll wH r. rr'l 'p
'M it j.t t,.tlntteil itl
Mm, fr live lr r fit. !
I. tl trt !.! .le, UII
U IK by Viillf Tm II
lr.llr b'l Ur4 li rr wfceii l
bMml ft "t 't h d.ft iMikbkg
and nr nif al .rHi!ef ttrapie
bis pr mUd it anil found
it' tl lntpht l. t'f fair d
lUr r, The lr I. ml f nt1 Ih
MRtp and as ttyrtictig henh
w.U wp lte riir I ilHitt1, hhw
Hoke () Wed 1. 1 in, and trr leltg
ttrsrlv allied by a fi-r.. hnm i hsrc
fnrn Ihe etvatnw. lie got a thrust In
the War's foik ttisl rnded Mm. Ho
the sntjecl of f.Hwl s w tlliil for a
longtime. W bile he was eultlg P
the flrt In-ar be hs pinned l look
around and mw lht his sledge and
snow-bouw lias disappeared, and
he built another one un his
new floe. Many a day be at peri lled
on tnpol his lilt leMiow-honxe WHtehhuf
for Ini.d. and at lut he was surprised
fcnd gladdened to see It to the cat ward,
although he had Immmi watching in Ihe
direetion of his old home, toward the
north, and when morning broke he was
not over 11 fly yards from land.
He hud been over a moon at sea.
(They reckon time from one full moon
to another.) It did not lake him long
to reach the shore, Biid shortly after
ward be met an Esquimau with whom
he could speak, but still with difficulty
understood. He found he w as on the
great Island of Sed-luk (Southampton),
of which his tribe had a half fable
knowledge. The natives treated him
kindly, but as the ice was breaking up
and these new friends had no good
boots, he was compelled to wait until
the next winter to cross the Ice to his
home, 200 or 300 miles to the northward.
When he reached home his friends
were frightened almost, to death by
his appearance, for lie had been given
up long since as dead. He had been
gone within a month or two of a, year,
and his return was regarded as little
short of a miracle, and is still regarded
by the natives of North Hudson Hay as
one of the wonderful escapes of the
many they have from drifting to sea on
ice floes.
Tunkahaona Creek the Scene or Another
Thrilling Encounter.
Abraham Nott, who lives on Tunka
hanna Creek near Scranton, Pa., car
ried a half bushel basket full of pork to
his son William's house on Laurel Itnn,
two miles distant, recently. His route
led through woods and chopping.
Late In the afternoon he filled the
basket with tools and started for home.
Near the edge of the Old Swamp he
snmsa at no saikst.
placed the basket near a tree and went
off some distance to gather evergreens
to take home, says a correspondent of
the New York Sun. When he returned
to the path he saw a bear sniffing at
the basket. lie yelled at the bear tliree
or four times, but the bear only glared
at him awhile and then seized
the bale of the basket In his
teeth and waddled toward the swamp,
Nott grabbed a club and chased the
bear. In the swamp the brute dropped
the basket, faced his pursuer, and
growled savagely, Noi X was about to
strike at the animal witn his ciun when
it struck him o the left shoulder and
sent him nprawling in the bushes In
stead of repeating the attack, the bear
turned, took tbe bale In his teeth, and
waddled off again.
Nott gave chase, overtook the bear,
and pounded him on the back. The
bear dropped the basket, turned on
Nott and knocked the club out of his
hands. Nott then sprang past, grabbed
the bale of the basket and started
off on a run. Bruin overtook Nott
soon and struck at him, but Nott took
nail hammer from the basket and hit
bruin a stunning blow on the snout.
It made him wince and stagger for a
moment, but he started after the
running man, grinding his teeth and
snarling, and chased Nott out of the
swamp. y that time iSou- had
fumbled in the basket till he got hold
of a pair of sheep shears. Seeing that
the bear was still bent on regaining
possession oi tne basket, jnou jammea
it in the crotch of a sapling, and
stabbed him in the neck with the
shears. The bear sprang up and Nott
stabbed him ia the neck again. The
bear scratched at the wound with his
hind foot and Nott stabbed him several
times on the other side of the neck, the
shears piercing the jugular vein the
last time. The bear made several ef
forts to stand up, and then bled to
death. Nott skinned the bear the next
morning and left the carcass in the
Rnperatltlon About the F.lnt.r.
The elster (plea candata) is a bird
that Is respected and feared throughout
South Germany. It belongs to the
raven tribe, and Is about the size of a
dove, with black and white feathers
and long pointed tail. It builds its
nest in orchards and its life is sacred.
If it is seen three times in succession on
the same house top in a place remote
from its home it is believed to be a sure
sign of death in that house. If it flies
over a house where anyone is ill and
r1. lt nociilliir e.rv the sick nerson is
ufv,ure to die, but if It docs not scream
patictf paueu uiay recover.
rte f it
Hln mm l tM tlt II M
IW eJsmln lprr, a ld plotMr tf
J, ff. couniy Wtw.tiHin. b l'd
thrilling .lrtt!o"e wth a a 't It wan ottr turning dtoiog !'
M inter while be was mskiMir hi
home fri W sti rtown on .d. Ihrt-e
a io nn the gftMind, and It had
lstl lonjf rttoufc'h l ntslie wn'es nn
naliv flt n atul aatagv with lnt"i?er
tH-r lia l U rt iuiiihI by freti.U In
Unl.-ll.OMll.nt to attempt the trip, bill
he Mil tlieiit that he had Hot the
lihlct fear. Numerous lre llmWr
V-"l 1. i ,
wolves bad been seen near these same
forests through which Piper had to
tmss. but as thev had not yet ventured
to attack anyone, little attention hud
been paid to their presence. But now,
in their desperate hunger and whim
lurking about for something to prey
upon, some of them had discovered Pi
per, and at once set up a howl for their
companions. But Piper was utterly In
different to their howls and walked
boldly along.
Suddenly, just as lie turned a sharp
corner of the roadway among the dense
timber, a large gray wolf walked across
the road slowly and deliberately abou
two rods ahead of hiiu. and then turned
and leisurely recrossed to the side from
where lie came, swinging Its tall aloft,
mid with the hair raised on Its neck, It
a'so howled in a dismal mariner, as If
to hurry up its companions, whose
answers now began to come from in any
directions, Piper marched straight
ahead as if nothing had happened, save
that he picked up a good-sized club.
Intending to throw it nt the animal
should It approach him again. A mo
ment later the same wolf trotted out
from the brush much nearer to him
than before, and Piper hurled the clab
at the animal with tremendous force.
But quickly stepping to one side and
dodging the weapon, the wolf planted
Itself In the middle and was not dis
posed to move any further, but showed
Its teeth savagely and uttered more
howls for Its companions.
Piper now began to get frightened. If o
gathered sticks and stones, and hurled
them at the wolf until it was glad to
get out of his way and let hint proceed,
lint he knew from the sounds still com
ing behind him that a pack of the ani
mals was on ills trail and he would
need to make haste or they would soon
overtake him. He was a strong irmti
and very fleet of font, but he had no
expectation of winning against a lot of
wolves in a foot race, should they
determine to pursue him, No he con
cluded that he must at once bring all
his wits into play and, If possible, de
ceive them. 'Ihe forest trees arvrtind
him were rather small to climb and
be safe among the branches, and he
did not relish the Idea of being kept op
In a tree all night In such cold weather.
The dcKperatenes of the situation
called to his mind a singular cava con
taining two narrow openings, and ho
concluded that It might afford him pro
tection and give hlin a chance to de
fend himself, No away he hurried for
the cave. It was now long after dusk,
but the moon shone tirlghtly.yet owing
to tne shallows or me trees riper ex
perienced ei nslderable difficulty In
finding the entrance to the cavern,
He fore crawling Into Ihe narrow pas
sageway he secured a large, heavy club
lo use should the wolves attempt to fol
low him into his retreat, He was
scarcely a half-dozen f -et Inside ere he
heard their horrible howls hear the
phtrnhcc, and saw their eyes like balls
of fire glaring on linn from ' lie outside,
At first they seemed d sidelined to
follow after Mm. nppircitly fearing a
trap, but finally Ihe boldest one started
Inside, ami then all sipieezed them
selves inro tne opening until It was
jammed tight. As the forward wolf
came within his reach, Piper pounded
it with bisclub until It was utterly (II
aided, bnt the great pressure of those
from behind constantly brought the
heads of others nearer and nearer.
Piper never stopped fighting, but
whacked un l beat and gouged and dis
abled woir aiter woir as tnev came
within reach, But at length the en
trance became so perfectly filled with
wolves that, they could neither get for
ward nor backward, while their savage
bowls resounded In the narrow place
with such deafening effect that It made
Piper tremble, and his sole thought was
to get out and away from them. drop.
lng around with ha hand he found
some good-sized, loose stones, with
which he hastily filled In the opening
just In front of the wolves ns tightly as
he could pack It. and then with club In
hand, ho crawled along and sought
exit at the opposite entrance of the
cavern. The dismal darkness prevented
him from seeing anything, and it was
sometime before he found the way
out. l ne wolves miii not know, or else
bad forgotten this entrance, and Piper
left them howling with fury, crowilei
Into the narrow month of the cave at
least sixty yards away from where he
had emerged, He now made his way
in the road again, and two hours later
had reached home.
A few days later he visited the
cavern, but found nothing mivo a few
bones, the dead and wouiuled wolves
having been, as lie supposeu, eaten un
, .t.-.I .... - I
ujr men invi-uuim cuinpvmouB.
till MMMT trMlV
l, !! t IUH S
rt t !
H, Hme U wMh a lts !
nuie .,t..U ' "
H. U.f mt d "
w Mi ! Mthrilo iM.lm I-
t , r. sh.I Mil trailers, Jt
,U,l (litre lottes toe An t'
M . a nH tt.ite muiM
it,, 1 1. . on K a tnf " I ;
intent st.d"' 'd "",',,'
..i,.t. ,p.dobHu .wetiHt
and tin, a tt am s. I.I l '
t.t. si. l IweUe m.ii 1 and '"
lion, and a skater un be, with ft'
,. Mittdls hted Mm.
and lelr McotnU and rslhrr a latter
ttsrtlotl ...
A tspid writ. f ran write IHtitf W4"',
a minute, T" do I Ms he inl draw his
pen Ihmtigh Ihe paee of S rod, aHteeil
am! one half feet. In fotly tt.tiiutes
bis pn tta ls a furlong, and In fl
hours and a third a lull mile. M
makes, nil an aterage, siiteen rtirvea
or turns of the Mn for eat h word wflt
l,.M. Writing at the rate of Utlr f
word per minute, be mtil make right
curves to ra h seeoiuli In an h"r, .
Simii In live bourn. HI, "', mid l f'0
dnvs, working only live hours each day,
lie liinkes not less than 4J,3HI,uuO
curves and turns of the pen!
The man who makes but
has done nothing remarkable; lliera
are those who make four times I hat
number. Here we have In the aggre
gate a mark wmi miles long lo be traced
on paper by a single writer In a year.
In milking each letter of the alphabet
we make from threeo seven strokes of -the
pen -on an average, three and a
half to four.
A Milluclrlplils Monkfy (lives lite Neigh
bors a frm Concert.
Lorenzo Vltunrdl Is an Italian who
lives In Philadelphia and pursues a
variety of occupations, some seemingly
Incongruous, changing from grave to
gay, according to the seasons, but by
the adaptable son of fair Oerioa all are
zealously followed, and that he likes
best which brings hlin the largest
quantity of money for his labors.
in the more clement seasons oi tne
year Lorenzo Is an Industrious organ
grinder, sometimes taking trips to an-
iiirban ana rural points, ana tins occu
pation brings him in much revenue.
and also serves to satisry tne nner anu
more icsthctic sensibilities of hi
In all of his long peregrinations fof
several years past he has been ably
supported in charming and stimulating
the liberal impulses or people y a
faithful monkey named Vincenzo,
whose preternatural wisdom and cun
ning have often forced a nickel or dime
from the reluctant hand of the selfish
and hard hearted onlooker when all of
Lorenzo's sweet organ strains had
proven Ineffectual, For somfe time past
both organ and monkey have been In
state of desnetiidfl In Lorenzo's room,
owing to the inclement weather, and
Lorenzo bas been forced to another
calling for his and Vlncenzo's susten
ance, liotn ne ana the monkey nave
jsw mas ail a im t,.
been rather despondent of late, owing
to hard times,
A strange occurrence happened, bow-
ever, the other night, which In (Orer
o s eyes Is a most significant snd f
vorable omen of organ weather and
?;ood business soon, Me was obliged M
if away all night from his room, and
left the monkey oulct and sad, sitting
In n corner, seemingly with no energy
or spirit.
ivext morning' early when heretnrnefl
to Ids room the whole neighborhood
beselged the door of the house nod
asked hlin angrily why Ji had bees
annoying and keeping them awake
half the night with his organ-playing,
says the Philadelphia Times. Indeed,
they were so fierce and bitter, in spite
of his protest ations that It was not ho,
that he was frightened, All the night,
they said, the organ had been grinding
ontat Intervals "Annie Uooney," "Com
rades," etc, until every one
in the street was awake
and shouting out maledictions at the
player, Kven while they were sjieak"
lng to Lorenzo the familiar air of
"Mcfifnty" came from the organ, snl
rushing upstairs to his loom and un
locking his door he discovered Via
eenzo, ids monkey, turning the organ
handle In the greatest of spirits,
The secret being revealed to the nelgh
bora their anger gave way to mirth,
and as such a thing had never happened
before the superstitious Italian thlnki
that It Is an omen of an early spring,
when he can again return to his favorite
A I hlM's II. mora.,
The childish Idea of the manlfesta,
tlnn of Justice is often very amusing,
JSot long ago a certain spirited small
boy was forbidden to go out been use of
imiiKri-fiiuiH wciu ncr. J rinpttttlon
r"" ion miien jor his tiny
Hedged virtue, however, and in
nif'fit of weakness Im disol,i,ir,l
tie later It began to snow In
followed by hail, and his IflOt.llAl
penlng to look out of the window
mm scurrying toward home with the
most distressed expression on his puck
ered up countenance,
"Oh.mainmii.iiiiimma!" be exclaimed,
oiinvoig iiiwj inn room and caa
himself sol.blngly lute her arms,
M T.-i win im naughty again
! .I ,. " '' """i iitrer,
bven Ood s thawing stones at
tyo Ta
S, win