The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 22, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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    I C AN
M tl -) H t VI
tMOMfvN A MlitT, IVe-fi
lf ?'
tHl IM X l i
lis.. l t Jlfl Vi I I l.-m.i S.l',.'f
Ik 1ft Awtlttt '-t all MiiHwh
rfOM C, lMOf0, ..
Vl I fc M ! t Pitfejlt. tMi
tM Ml A I'lUUAV. Al'liM. .2.
ii tk i KxiS inn a, i ,1.
Smile Wit U (!.' (!. I Jill"il
rwrepry tht . thn, W, Hmidije,
littr of i In- iwple' thmvh, had i'i
Hint lied, that ho had in ' hit the A,
IV A' , awl Hint If favor he
(iuiti rather p to i toman catholic
than to a lYoloatiint. A friend ofonr
told Hot. HavliUo there a am-h n
tor' In circulation, whereupon ho do
'dared U wan certainly a mlstako aa ho
was In entire ayinpathy with tti A. 1.
A. movement, and thought that tt had
brought rInmiI aitreM deal of jjimnI.
' Dni" render will doubt loan nmetnla-r
that Rev. (!. M. Hi'own, pnatorof Huna-
com Park M. K. church, delivered
! enurae. of leelurea lust. auminer vitam
Hnman Cathollctaro. At time out'
friend had hiaear anlutod by epithet
ami heard the maledictions Homanlat
fired after him, but lie continued In the
(food work, until the election return
allowed that tho Itomnn ehureh bad
town ahorn of her political (nover. The
larfo crowd which attended Ida lec
ture wero treated to Intoroatlnif and
lnatruetlve dlneouraca, and Kev. llrown
stepped far to tho front In tins oatima
tion of the public -tho l'rotenlnnt
ffhlleby IiIn fcarleHH denunciation of
Komanlam. While tho Proteatanta ro
gai'dod him with a fooling akin to lovo,
there were Hotnnniat whoao mutter
lnjpi could bo heard aa ho walked from
hi ehureh to tho editor' hotiao. From
theHii muttering ho gleaned that ho
wan a fool, that he could not muko any
convert., and that hi ehureh would
not hint long, How trim thin bint abor
tion wan, wo leavo you to infer from
thin: Tho UUlo ehureh in which hi
lectures were delivered In being moved
off In order that m alHiut four time
a largo may lie built for tho u of
hlinmdf and tot congregation.
A Iloman Cat hoi In wholeal whlky
umm of Omaha, ba In it employ
''ThHolfnjr aaUmmao who carrion a
I copy of TllK Amkiucan with him on
1 hi trip. Wheneir h find a 1 toman
who 1h buying clgr from 'et A
j Frltwihor, ho call that Itonuin'a atton
'. lion to an advertisement which Wet&
I FntHohop run In tho colunin for a
pumber of week. Until a few week
j ago his work failed to bear fruit, but
j one day tho cigar dealer received tho
following potal card from a al(Mn-
3 kwK!f!
s UtiOOMPlKM), N-b., March 1.1, IWH
i MHr. Went V FrlUchof. -Uonta: A
.' friend of rolno called my attention to
your advcrtiwmient In TitK AMKtitCAN,
I 1 cannot purchase. g(Hl from any
merchant who will advertlwj in noh a
taper. Your respectfully,
I John Wakkett A Co,
' In anwor to ald card, the following
letter wan written by a mornlmr of tho
j firm: '
' OMAHA, Neb., March 1, mi.-
Miwr. John Barrett A Co., llliKimlleld,
fii h. Oentlemen: Your I at hand,
I in which you ay you will not patronlzo
j any firm whondvertlmi In TllK Amkki
; CAS. We havo hr tw patrino
j i THK Amkricak, the other tho
; llirimltr. Wo ha vp advor lined in lxth
of them, but not on account of our
aympathy with the view they have on
1 religion mibjiictn, for they are a far
apart a i powdbie for them t Iwi, Our
, obju'V wa a buwlnen ono, a we have
not got religion enough to bo jealon
of any man' religion, but ymi are, J
prcmiino, a very plou and devout
church tnemkir I ii 1 not ay chrlw
tain, for your action don't prfunnt me
to call vow "uchlmt your ronIdeniK)
hre ana th protection given you in
thl freo country and under our grand
old .flag liormlt ymi to dictate what
paper a inwlne man "hall advertise
In, and tho path ho hall trcwl. Our
view of liberty don't lead u that far.
Our object, a I have tated before, 1 a
bntdne one, and we don't car a d n
whether you are a chritlan or Turk.
The good havo ljoin received, and your
account given credit with tho name.
Your rewjHHitfully,
West k FHiTfiir..
One ha only to read that card to
learn of tho intollorant spirit at the
children of tho Iloman Catholic politl-
1cl machine, known by the fnlno name
of church, tho mother church, the holy
mother church, wbcwo chief rcprcmn
I tatives havo branded your wive and
children a concubine and bfwtard.
I Yet Protectant go on and elevate to
I potdtlon of trout arid honor, Ignorant
Iloman upntart who cannot reanon two
minute without bfiing woruted. Ha
i the day really como when blgotted
j ItomaniHt can dicta to in what par a
man shall alyertio, of whom ho hall
i buy good, and the price which ho
fchall pay for the same? Ha tho time
i ri'ttlly arriml when daxtard can travel
t from town to town and plaoc a boycott
' upon a rival wholewalo firm, Blmply bo'
i cauee that firm exercise tho preroga
1 tlvofan American cltisw n, and do;
Illness in a legitimate manner?
H H h I'm l"i !'.! ! h r !.
ft. ii I! : I ?
!(...' (an , ! iiH
10 H ' " Iv g A t 'h Wbiilf (hi
t n H vl'j in !! ( f '!
Iltt-I,.( (t ffJH (' (U tf''. Ril
i4 Kt Ht,r fotora mi4 r
Clr H!ti ttl 'i-. t . tj i ( (I.,!
s,i..HI's h' I'i'lf !' I'onMiM.'ai
i)ih. m will ttrlti tW iH!"l
j'tUiis i4 iUtt !.iit chtuvh, a U i a
njw(i ( i-t tiHinitnit.i,
1 ha Coeii liim l( t)!e Olfon't CUM
rtrs in H1 Hi ii 0ptonf.i.
w-k !!.' r ! f i f-oi Hy l
ln )l limit P'm.v (''lii!ie orptiiiiii(e
o bnnightto tijiht. li!t'h wo Ibink
niUl le pri r fur (In It In i author
ili to invcallgatt'. .V'xnit nine immth
ago the wlf. of n, a Mwede,
died, having I hive ehlldivn, The
elih'( WO a gill of only i lijht )er,
I he nthT l lug of live and pi'Vcii
iiKpi ctiveiy, The father in hileiinvo
meiit, hardly knew what iodo with the
chlhlivn, They weiv tiMi Mtiiall to
leave aloiie in hi little homo while he
went to hi win k l the Willow Hptingn
dIMillery, While he wa In thi dellma
he met Mr. Han Hurley, the (Iloman
government ntore-lieeper at tho din-
tillery, and who I hIho a U. A, It man,
who, after cotmldeialilo urging, in
duced Olewm to wnd the three mother-
le ehtldreu to the Ueiiaou I'laee
orphanage, where, Hurley wild, they
would iH'celvo the lnut of treatment
ami havo all tho comfort of a home,
etc., etc., for which care 01con wa to
pay lx dollar per week.
For tho lat eight month Olewm ha
continued to pay tho atlpulntott uin
jMr week, and for might ho knew hi
children were receiving the care agreed
upon, and you can Imagine hi urpriti
when ho vImIUkI tho place a week ago
1at Monday and learned from hi own
obwrvatlon that the llttlo onoa were
iK'lng most cruelly li ated. Tho little
girl begged to lw taken away, and tear
fully told her father that they wero lxi
trig almont starved, and that they never
had more than half enough to eat; that
aha had been whipped until alio wa o
aoro that alio could scarcely move, Mr.
OleHon examined her arm and hack,
and found them horribly brulned, being
almoHt "black and blue." Tho llttlo
boy, both bright lad, alo corrobor
ated tho girl' wtory of their treatment.
Mr, Oleon wa not prepared for thl
turn of itfTalr, but ho wa not long in
making up hi mind what to do, Ho
Immediately began making arrange
ment to tnko tho children away from
uch inhuman guardian, and next Hun
day they leavo tho orphanage,
Mr. Oliiaon'a noelate In tho dis
tillery ny ho i an honoat, hard-working
man, and ho 1 not alow In condemning
Mr. Hurley for hi advleo.
Uncle Sam and Italy,
r !.. a I...D ir. Tiw. ';,.. ui
in comtneritiritf iinon tho Mottlcmont of
tho (pieatlori Tn dlapuM tmtwtmn Italy
and tho United Mtatea, any:
'Upon a great chrlatian annlveraary
like Oiaid Friday, It 1 often dlflioult to
una In tno record of current event
anything that very diatlnetly aliow tho
Influoneii of chrlatlanlty uion inter-
nauonai conuuci,"
"Today, however, wo havo to chron
icle what I, at leant, one of tho moat
lierilgn and graolou form of il Iplomatlo
action, Thl 1 tho amicable nettle-
rnent of the dlnputo lietwecn Italy and
the United Btaten,
"Tho thing In all tho more preclou
beeaiino Mr. lilalno I not. iK-rhan.
qulto tho (trnt (lower of chrlatian chiv
alry. Italy I a atato Urn far from the
I nitcit State for tho breakaifo off of
diplomatic Intorcourno to priMluco very
wrioun coriwMiuenee, but tho Italian
are, rieverthnlena, to la) congratulated
upon tho eoiicennion of their demand
and acorlng a genuine diplomatic
That arbitration ahould bo tho rule of
chrlatian nation, intelllirenco will
affirm. Wo can call the United Htato
"the firtt Jlmtir of thrlnllun vhlvutry,"
Wo llko tho tltlothanka! That we
havo conceded to tho juat demand of
tho Italian government i only one aldo
of tho ijueatlon, F.vcry rpientlon ahould
have two aide, Wo have ateppod up
to the mark, and li'i,0(Ki la tho agreed
aum in aottlomont to tho aubject of
Italy killed and Injured in tho affair at
New Orlean.
Let u liaik at tho other aldo, For
American, or fnmm living in th
UntoA MUitm, killing a aubjoet of Italy,
wo pay willingly $25,0K), Wo have
fixed a precedent and nettled a price.
If a foreigner living or "laying in the
United MtaU. aid or abet directly or
indirectly In killing an American tdti
Ston, wo now have a juat precedent for
pronentlng a claim and collecting the
aamo of aald foreigner' government, of
a juat comia-naatlon. AH pwm (in
fmiynfr in th UniUd Ntntrt, who am
tt primary uwynnuv ii t mojn j"' .rr
An Unsafe Viaduct.
Tho viaduct at tho lnt4Tection of
Hamilton atret and Military avenue,
in In a very dangerou condition, and la
liable to fall at any time, capoclally
under tho weight of tho motor train,
which cro It every fiftwn minute.
The buttment reat upon tho bank
above the railroad, and the heavy rain
and apring thaw havo cauaed tho land
toalldo, and it i gradually undermin
ing tho nupport of theao buttmcnta.
Something mut lie done immediately,
or tho city might bo called upon to pay
heavy damage for tho neglect, we
aro also Informed that tho railroad
company have been compelled to keep
a watchman day and night at thl
point on account of tho heavy lidea.
rtW VI. AMttl
t M lf (t't I'l-I
T ii (tt m i"ii t
I utli, (,sri'ttv; f tl,'
mif Jiti! J.- nn i '!.!!!! f "ii
ll.l, tl M m i p Mi,- SMli.31 Kli,(
pK ! ,- W iii ? lie tf On' l.i r lj
ttuvn i r-;.. .! .' a (ii.niwiml v'i! (
mnlntaiii (Ii.- Htw.t,:),. .i;xi iii, y t,t I,
l out p' ill Inn light; (lie p'.nni ot
ln l lui Hi" Oir ln bnve (i.ii.'il
and i-iswiniiii,, ., llml iritt it fnn.
iiiiiptitini'r and ir lino (
eiitiiiin to tiild fine clitovlii a ii
catluMtiaU an IliMlnl iiiHiHOni'lil o Jh
p" IiliIi' our 'h iiieintit !; In pn w i ve
tjjimrnm'i in (li.i iuhw to limiov d
vniion; l.n iinl.l.' n to tn-ep inir von
of eelitmev with tho aid of the confe.
ion.l; to piwctit tlm Ii of ptv-atlgo
and jtollticnl jamer, It lciuiieii iveeen
amy for the hierarchy of the holy
church, In thenu Infidel jmrta, ciiIIihI
lh United Hlaten of America, thai we
carry out the order contained in an
encyclical letter from 1oh Io XIII.,
our only aiiHrlor, to whom all honor
ami ihiihi oiaiiteiieo 1 iluo, that we
organ tan a jHilltieal party to (ai known
a tho papal party, and that tho faith
ful may not lai ignorant of their duties,
a voter under thl heretical govern
ment, wo hero announce and publlah
tho following platform of principles, or
Wherena, many Catholic In tho
United Htntea havo hecomo carelea In
tho diaehargo of their religion dutlo,
more eapeelally In election, it becomes
our duty to call your attention to tho
order of tho holy father, a expressed
by Plus IX., of holy memory, in a letter
dated December, 18(. alao to another
lett.r datod January, 181)0, by Leo XIII.,
of plou memory. In theao two encycli
cal lottor you havo tho voice of God
apeak lug to you, and with pain and
orrow wo aro by duty to Cod and our
holy father, constrained to remind you
of your duty to your faith when you
vote a a citizen to thin heretical nation.
Wo alao call your attention to tho
word of your bishop from timo to
time, Iho holy father to whom you
must look for direction in all thealTalr
of your Uvea, What they direct you to
do, yon meat do, if you hope for the
aalvatiort which your holy church alone
can glvo,
Wlgnatius Loyola, tho founder of
JeaultiMin, aaya:
"Ijot everyone iierauado bimaelf that
ho who live under obedience, ahould
be moved and directed by hi superior,
juat a If ho wero a corpae," Vtrinib,
uc ti ca dttirr tmt.
"That wo may In all thing attain
tho truth that wo not err In anything,
wo ought over to hold a a fixed prin
ciple that what I aeo white, to bo black
if tho aupcrlor authority of tho church
define It to lxi so."
What Mt, Ignatlu aald, tho holy poiHs
Gregory XVI. ha confirmed In hi
encyclical letter of tho 15th of August,
'if tho holy church ao requfrea, lot
u Mficrlflco our own opinion, our,
knowledge, our Intelligence, and the
mimt aubUino attainment of tho humajj
understand ing."
Holoved, remember well that you aro
only oorao in tho hand of your
aujairlor, tho biabopa. Theao holy
men have frequently eounaolled and
commanded you to do many thing
which you havo not done; hence, wo
iaauo thl manifeato to Inatruct you a
to your duty to your religion when you
go to vote.
It I our doalre that In tho future you
ceaao to act a democrat and republi
can, only ao far aa la neceaaary to se
cure election to an office, or to aid in
tho election of ono who, when elected,
will serve only our holy church. You
must never forget that you aro Catho
lic, that your first and conatant alieg
lanoo I to our holy father in Homo,
and thin allegiance take precedence
over all other, and neceaaitatc that
all your acta, political or otherwlao,
must bo conducted solely with refer
ence to tho mipromaoy of our holy
father a tho a u promo, spiritual and
tompora! ruler of tho world, Let your
vote bo cnat aa a loyal son of our holy
church, and not a loyal to thl hereti
cal usurpation which ha merited and
received tho major ex-communlcatlon
of our lata holy father, Piu IX., of
groat memory. Wo enjoin all pastor
throughout that part of tho Weatern
Hemisphere called tho United State
and mentioned by the holy college a
"part full of infklela, In partUm inJUkl
Uim" that they read theao Inatructtona
to their congregation for four succes
sive Mondays at high man, and in tho
aertnon explain and enforce them upon
tho attention and tho understanding of
the faithful (corpaes) and above all, to
see that tho line of duty doomed neces
sary by tho holy father bo atrlctly en
forced, or that tho disobedient bo
denied tho sacrament of our holy
church, falling that, they will bo sub
jected to tho major ex-communication.
We view with alarm tho rapid spread
of educated intelligence, knowing well
that wherever tho people aro intelli
gent, the priest and prlnco cannot hope
to live on the labor of the masse whose
brains have boon fertilized witn our
hoi v catechism. That in order to ii'
store tho order of thing that made
reign of Gregory VII. of holy mcirwA g
,j i.,?i
HI : ! !
!!, tlmii H.-.l thU
i. i'i' HuM t S. i qn)y 1.'-
tin. I v tin !. tk ti(. ( tl...
-H 'I4e,S fsv (il ( ) i..
tout a i4 vi;fc'"n.,. (i.'t.i,;,, ,,t n i.
, , i
V ! I'll !! Ml M l- l(i,.i , I
Ion of ' I oIMi Uiti-v.., aliimt
1 ;..( n. . i, i,.t,t ,w.
hm f.r sii jrain cu r tven tj! to
Jtinf h" vttiiivh, ii.H!ei tot p ik
tt Tii i fi,!tll ill HUli( the
biit w. . t ) i tH,'tniigie in M 1. i, It ivrti-n
delight ti ane.iv uu nf.ii nut
tin . vlnt:iHi., in hii h Itio mmb rn
dwl!IUHlli tn tvti. nt ainulnr rule. j'n '
i rtiuii iit of Dm ttplt iua ) ltil.
p raniml lil t ly, frtie tlnmght,
'ii"". f r1liii no,) five fechoot
It ml i, iiiid ctiilaiigi r the
ilghln of the bli iaivhy, alwi that of
orthtahtx (n iiim a lrn to rule.
Wo view with alarm horror Iho
llMlllteivltei! enhlliltcl by the Mitt, of
tho eh imi world when they behold
th ancrlh'gn and Impiety of the Italians
In taking by force from tho holy (alitor
hi teinMtral kingdom, lima depriving
him of tho ability to levy taxca from
th peoplo of the papal ata!s, alao
robbing him of tho pomp and parade
which were projair and neceaaary for
tho ruler over 3,000,000 subjects, Wo
must all pledge ourselves to never rest
until tho holy father la reatorod to hi
temporal throne, and thoso who havo
periM'trated this roblxu'y havo Iwen
adequately punished.
We view with alarm and apprehen
sion tho rapid growth of numerous
American order or soolotlo in this
land. It la to us evidence that our
measure for quieting and deceiving
the American jiooplo wero inaulllclent,
that wo havo been too bold, did not
exercise that wisdom that many cen
turies of deception should havo given
us, Wo learn that theao societies will
not vote for candidate of our faith, or
even those that aro friendly to us;
hence It become our duty to tako meas
ures to thwart this uprising, which
may result In our utter discomfiture.
Wo, therefore condemn in strong term
this aggregation of heretic in secret
societies and call on our faithful broth
ers tho Joaults to wend member of
that holy brotherhood Into theao societ
ies to get their rituals and other
secret, that wo may print them In tho
dally papers that do our bidding, and
thus expose them, that they may lie
boycotted by tho faithful and injured
in their business, reputations or fam
ilies. Wo also call on tho clergy every
where to organize tho laity, mala and
female, old and 'young, into secret so
cieties and sodalities, and that the
men and boy may havo competent in
structor to give them military train
ing, that they may be prepared to aid
our faith In an emergency.
That tho faithful (corpses) may fully
understand their duty when they act in
accordance with thi platform, we here
announce tho laws which every Jay
member of our holy communion i
bound to obey, or n deprived of tho
holy sacrament of hi faith.
1. Tho holy father I tho supremo
ruler of tho world, In spiritual as well
a in temporal mat tors, especially
Where wa have tho vote or power,
2, It I tho duty of all Catholic to
plot and lalair for tho aliaoluto suprem
acy of tho popo,
3, It is tho duty of all Catholic to
tako part In clcctiona, to know that
"politic aro a part of morals, Politic
aro moral on tho wldeat sealo." They
must alao glvo perfect submiaaion and
olxidlenco of will of tho church and tho
sovereign pontiff, as to God Himself;
they must remember that they aro to
acknowledge no civil superior before
tho holy father, that in their political
work, "they must always and In tho
fl rat place aerve tho Interests of Cath
4. Wo are opposed to any system of
Bchool that teaches tho youth more
than tho Iloman eatoehiam, or that
toaobca young to thinkit is unneces
sary, a waato of timo and money, when
tho holy father baa lascn appointed by
God, oajHfdally at tho Vatican council
in 1870, to do tho thinking of thl world,
Therefore, wo call upon our subject to
do all they can to break down and
deatroy tho froo public achool of this
Protoatant nation, which have com
pelled us to set up and maintain at
great exjamao pariKjhial school to de
fend our faith, thus lessening tho In
come of tho clergy,
5. Wo aro in favor of filling all office
with men selected by tho bishop of tho
dloccao, upon whoso olltieal judgment
all Catholics must rely, for tho bishop
"must bo obeyed whether right or
wrong," and this is the law. The
faithful can confldo in the bishop,
though ho may In ono county or city
compel you to support tho candidates
of ono party, and In tho next county
or city support thoso of tho other party,
but you must not hesitate, he "knows
what be Is doing," for, in either case,
we get our price for your vote, and tho
holy church is tho winner.
6. In order to find employment for
tho many thousand of tho faithful who
are coming dally to swell tho rank of
our Catholic army, which will In time
jnissoss this land, wo must secure con
trol of tho cities, railways, manufac
tQes, mlscs, steal and sailing vessel
n "i- 1I tVi npfsa in fact, everv
" -eulv, A- irlng labor, in order to
I IM nl ) v ,sl. i! h tvtMAty (. fi-tiH?
! M ! Am j I,i ! ; i ' i.
?.. no nnpi'-d V-.i ..ii
hi im; it I J ".' 1 .-() (. do ., Yl
I tt fte (!' ! lMg ( fc-n-tO-!''lt
lhtitt. I'I'"''' tv is'f;j t
jl.tls UsU, lu( il ,'A'mot rtVi a
fcj , ftnt4t vio fat?,, f rtiiif, :. lull
j ''W -rin f?. Ir. !i HtiihUtH i :l i:l
I'fl fit. Im Hl'.litl '
. We rll Hjnn all hi t iti4U'
hmSstg tlic uienna, ilocati:n nil.! c
ilinilmn, , ( ,H"i,e '(iii5Ui!il- fill"
h-tl'latlvi" t t1iii-, to nil hi i ill eiM iln,
ill ll, irjis!tltill1t, .h;imi 0 lt(
!!?. It in In lhiio 4.tiv I l,t jw
mill do th, nnt c,l lor our holy
enow. In nvliiim llil eniitlneiil, which
tt Olo'overvd t-y a t 'nitinlle for the
trim chiiivli. In theno plnca yii can
do giant work by weniing oilU'en for
our fa 1 1 hf id ubjoo(, which la ecp.i
tally Kiali fitl lo us. their aiilarlcn ludng
Used nod known to ua, wo know Juat
how much money to dciiiaiid of them
for gelling them Iho plaica and caring
for their sou!. In addition to thl
valuable aid, a niemliera of law-making
laHlles, they can do great gianl by frus
trating audi legislation not approved
by Iho holy church, and in securing the
larger appropriations for school under
the aiipervlsion of our worthy brother
and slaters, also by having young
priests appointed aa chaplains In tho
army and navy. Tho opiMirtunitle for
seving our holy church in legislative
bodle aro numoroim; hence, this la
urged upon you aa worthy of serious
8. We havo learned with regret that
thoro are some Catholic who aro pos
sessed with tho insane idea that their
children can get a tetter education in
tho Godless public schoola than in the
parochial schoola. These lnaano apos
tates must bo taught by their father
con lessors that they cannot disobey tho
holy church with impunity, It i such
Catholics who fancy they must join one
of tho dominant political parties and
vote with them, thus disobeying tho
bishop, who may havemado arrange
ments for his voto to bo cast for some
friend of our church. In such cases tho
confessor of such Catholic must deny
to them tho sacrament and impose a
severe penance, order a liberal alms
which tho confessor will glvo as ho
may deem host.
With these general instructions, we
glvo to our dear children of tho United
State this platform, in tho hope that
It may, in tho word of his grace, Arch
bishop Ireland, of St. Paul, Minn., at
Haltlmoro, when he made hi final ap
peal to that body of devoted subjects of
the holy father, gathered from all parts
of this country, arouse you to united
and persistent action. Says tho lit,
Ilov, Archbishop Ireland;
"Go to your homes with tho enthus
iasm you havo shown here; spread It In
every state In tho Union, and say that
there is a new departure among Catho
lics in the United States. Tell them
there la a new mission open for laymen.
Tho long expected day has como when
Catholic bishops, priest and laymen
rise up and say, henceforth wo will act
as one man, in accordance with our
Animated with such sentiments, Im
plicitly obeying tho orders of your
bishops, considering only in your polit
ical action tho Interests of our holy
church with undivided allegiance only
to the holy father, a determination to
die, if neceaaary, for our holy church
and Its supremacy, you can claim to be
a true Catholic, worthy of ft place in
heaven, when you die, with the vast
host of saint and martyr who have
gone before,
If wo aro succeaaful in this movement
you will la) numfterod among those who
aided In tearing this nation from tho
Protestant government that had us
urped It, and returning It again to tho
holy father,
Decreed and ordered by tho provin
cial council at their seaalon Auguat ft,
WK). ffJoiis,
il Kwm k,
Approved and confirmed,
KiTTho aeaonco of this document is
to bo found in tho writings of so-called
American-Ilorn'iib bishops and tho lot
tors of the poo to them, True J'rnt
entard. SherifFi Sale.
Ily vlrtua of an execution lwiiet by Flunk
K. MoorHH, clerk of the lllxlrlcl, court of
ilotttfliin comity, NelintHka, iiihui a ,uilimi'iit
rendered ty Dm Jilntrlct, ('urt In and for
said county In fnvor of Dm First Nutloiuil
Hunk of Wwplna Water, Nelirnnkn, and
SKitlnnt Wllllnm J, Paul and IJcortoi J. Paul.
Ininwrlpt of willed Judioiictit wien, on Dm
lot h dny of Juim, laid, duly Sled and docki-M d
in tli ItlKtrlrt rourt, wlUiln arid for nald
county, I have levied upon Dm following d-w-rllM-d
real otle an Dm jroicrty of Dm
nald William ,1, I'aul, to wIM
Lot tlvo Hn In liloek forty-flvn 4M ti Dm Clf y
of Omaha, Doiurlua County, Nutirankn, to
gether with all Dm aiurO'imiice Mmreto
tielonsdntf. And I will, on tho 24l.h day of May,
IKM, at. JO o'clock A. M, at Dm JO AST front
door of Dm County Court Houie, In Dm
city of Otmihii, Iiouirhi County. Nnhritnka,
sell said real natate at pulillc auction Ut tli
lilKhext hldder for chhIi, to satisfy nulil execu
tion, Id" arnoiiiit dun t her mi belnil nevfii
hundred, ten Wi-IWdolhirn (7i0.ia daniaifen!
ttiren;-IW dollars (fcUOt costs, with InHirest,
mi said amounts from ,Mt;y l.'l, laid, toifcllmr
with live 45-111 dollars W,tft IncreaMca cost
and iiccrutnir costs on said execution,
Umahu, Nebraska. April il, W.
HhnrltTnf DoukI as County, Neliraska.
Woolcy h UMmon, attorney. 4-22-9
LOHT I'alr (told spectacle In case, Himday,
on Hlxtecnth or HfivonU-enth Iw-lween
Mason and Harney, Heturn to Amkbioah
oflice and get reward.
M -,n S.h.
V ".im ( s ,.. ,..!. i . I . .1. 5.n.l , I
(!. i. I !,- f - I i.t,t,a I,iill -
t.. t.ti l-. v-i i Ur hr I ' H
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t'-vt-l . ft ( l...m ( ,.
rii.-lH t,. .'-! -, 1,4 ihi -It. in
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,-l II.,- . i , f i. I, . . I , .,
I,,,,..,,,,,,.,, , n,j ,!,;;,,, I. tit..i w it
S 1 t ' I It , l. I . , it I'.. I 1. l- II il-i"
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iii-l ii i ., . it, ia !... V u i.. in
-.-,.. t " f..,4?.'l t .!l t.l fei.lnHiS. I-...
' '.. I ! I 11 Hit Hl' l .lilt .... O'l
(..iliitf ll.e .! i- I t. o) -I III llie
."..ill ' i .i,,i. "i I'-t Si ! I 1 I
!ll tB l.l! Ii ll ti lit , Ol U'llS 11 W .f
, i.i..i.., titt.. tt r.i , . m- i '-ii i. n 'I f-,
tln8 li in I... if ifi-i (-tw ct !
Ii.i.ii or t I'.-iii.-i t ! ill I'I I l 11
tweii t si i-f I titiiMi m ! ttml, mi if ly
lIMnb.iiiil h,i,l I ) IiIh. i Oi in(.
In Dim eli I nt iii,.nlin, itt. iti- mil, Mil Urn
sejimli ,inii llii-H ln l ,'tmiin, tin- snim1
is uiK "Otisii tt l lln-.'i.umI , ..( Isiiit nttil
mimo-of i tria a, t.i Rf Ult , to k ml il II,
,i.'i. .U ,,f i.i Ii ssl,. ,,f nt Iota w ten
nmt i lklil i!. In hhs k i u In hiilita'
litioih Aitiitiam ii, ihe t oy nf imnlin, n
itln' iti'm ills d. iM iiiil.i' aiillvsn Hie um of
llilily-llie tinliilri'ii, I nil (,.in- 4'i (in Hot
Inrs it.VM 4'ii JinU-nn'iii, mtili lnter i lliere
mi nt Mteuf 'lilil i in-r rem, nr niimou
tmin May llih, IMd! In siiti-fy atoninl K.
Uobi'ls Hie sum nf I aviil v-lliiW Ihnieianil.
to Imtiilri'il ami slity-tun- ilnlliirs i,,:l ,'iil.l"M
Jink'tni'iil. Hli Inleirsl nt rate or
t. ii tdi sif I'eul. per iiiiiiiim fiiini May ItHi,
I ' 1 1 In wit tsfy sii-oiidly mil of Die pns'ttils
of li'h sale of snld l n eleven (111 tn see
Him Iweiily-seven tilti. nnh!p tlfteen (1.11,
rntiBe Dili liin (, as ttlmve iliwi UhmI, Mint
nfo-r the SHllsfaet Inn of the ehilin iif phi hit Iff
herein iisalinve, lleiu v l.lvewy. Die sum of
Din e hutiilred.fiirty-s iIhI.iiim i,ii.,iii.)Hiln
inent with liiti-H'r De reiiti from May ilth.
Isut: In satisfy (IiiiiiIik Niitlonal Hank Die
sum of sis Ii 1 1 ii I ,-!. iilm I it u ii-ini iliilliirs
iiil!l.it7 juilKiiienl. with Interest Iherenn at
rule of ten i Mo per eent. per nnniiiii from
May Dili. Nil; In slill-fy t IiIi'iiko l.ulnher
ciimpany the sum of nineteen liunilieil dnl
lars Wie.iKi). with Interest Iherenn lit rule
nf seven (7) per eent. per milium from Juno
'.'"lh. Isnij tusHtlsfy Henry W. Kuhnsiliesum
of mm hundred, nineteen dnllars illlli.(i
.linlirment, with Interest thereon tit rate of
ten (till per cent, per annum from Mav llth,
l)il! to sai hry MiimitiiKh and Fltehelt thu
sum of Ave hundred, fnrty-nnn Ct'i-iw ilulhim
l.VII, Hal hnhfiiietit. with In'terest thernnii from
May lltli, Isiil; to satlsry Dm Nehruska Na
tluniil Hank ihe sum of sevenleni hundred,
two SM-lim dnllars (Jl.rie.W) .ludifinent, Willi
Interest thereon from May llth, Iwil; to sat
isfy Dustave Audreen the sum of tlv hun
dred, seven ,'17-I'm dollars (Ifc'i07'l7) ,udicment.
won inieresi tnereoii at, rill',', or ten i ll) tier
cent, per annum from May llih, sii; in sat
isfy Patterson. Murphy and Company the
sum of four hundred. seventy-sU 4 1 - J t a i dnl- vTini.tu .pin i Kiin "ii i..1 wii ii i nieresi t iien'ou
from May llth. Ml. and otm hiimlred. elL'ht v
4H-1I) dnllars (IHl.ts) costs, with Interest
thereon rrom the lllli day of May. A. D. JMM,
until nald. toKelher with accrulin: costs no
ciirdlnx to a Judgment fenilered hy Dm IMs-
i.rtci. court or siiki iMiuizias roiiniy, at ns may
Iitim, A. 11, laid. In a certain net Ion t hen anil
there nemJIiiir. wherein Samuel K. Iloireiswan
tilalnllir, and Ihiihi: H. Ham-all mid olficrs de
fcudauts. Omaha, Nchrask.-i, April 21, talis,
HJierllTof llouulas Cotintv. Nebraska.
Ocorife k. I'rltchett, iilloriiey,
miners vn, itascnii et ai. 4--n
Notice to Creditors,
HTATK Of Ntfllf'.' Iuu
liomrlaa county, (""'
In the Coioitv court of llntmhiu fnutit.v.
Nehruska, March W, A. II.
In Dm malic mf the esliitit of laun a Hart.
Tim followlnst named persons, to-w t! Tlio
critdllorn, and all other persoun Interested
In aald mailer, will takn not Ice that on t he
'inth day of March, x'M, Dm County court
of IIoukIiis county, Nchrtiska, luado Dm fol
lowing oruer:
In Dm matter of thu i-stalii of t untile
Hart, deceased,
Notice In herctiy Klvim that the crcd tor
of said (lei-eased will meet Dm administ rator
of said estate, before nm, county juilue of
HoiiKlan courtly. Nelirnska, at tlm ('oiintv
court room tn nald county, on the i'HH day of
muy. l-v-;, mi i;n' inn iniy oi rfiiiT, isirj, anil
on Dm 27111 (lay or ricptemlicr, lair' al Ho clock
a, m. each day. for thn purisisit in prcsctitlim
their claims for examination, iidliislment
and allnwaiice. HI months are allowed for
thi! creditors to present their claim and om
year for the administrator to settle aald
estate, from the rth day of May, si, this
notice will he published In Tit Amkkkun
for four weeks successively, prior to Dm Will
day of May, Js, ,1, W. KI.I.KIt,
SKAI, I IlllUty .II1UK".
And vou will further take notlco (hat un
less von a linear and tuesenl your clalinn at
tlm tlum and phice nppolno-d for that pur
pose, mey wot mi lorever narreu irom
further consideration In Dm llnal sett lenient
of said estate.
W tness in v blind and nil c In I nea lis zath
day of March, !!. J, W. M,,VM,
aKAi.i 4-X-I-4 iiiuniy iiuuifii.
Notice to Creditor.
HtIts or Nkiiiuska, j, KM
ihiiiKiaa I'ounty. t
In the Count v Court of Douulaa Count v.
Nebraska. March . A, H. mi,
in Dm insMer of tint i-slalo of I1 lorn II.
I lev He,
The fo (iwlnir named pernona, to-w t! T in
creditors of said deceased, and all other per
sons Interested In said mailer will lake milieu
that on Dm Kiel day or March, law, Dm
('utility court of lloimlan comity, Nebraska,
maim urn roiiowniK order;
Stat or Nr.niunaA, UM
lioiiKlas county, l
In Dm matotr of thn estate of I'lorn. II,
llevrles, deceased.
Not en Is here iy if veil that the rrefl tor
of said deceased will inert, tlm administ rator
of said estate, la-fore inn, county Judun of
I hum bis county. Nebraska, lit the county
court room In said county, on Dm ijfiih day of
May, IMS, on tlm Uftlh day of ,tuly, m, and
on tlm 2,'ilh day of September, I ana, at
o'clia-b a, m, each day, for Dm pifrnosn of
presentlnn; their claims for ennuiinaiion, ad
justment and allowance, HI months am
allowed for Dm creditors to present, their
claims and one year for tlm administrator to
settle said estate, from Dm Klrd day of
March, isirj, this notice will ti" published in
Tiim Am en ii as for four weeks successively.
prior to tlm zr,th day of May, tatr,.
tasAi.j a. . riKivii,
County Jud,
And vim will furl hep taknnolicit that un
less y oil appear and present your claims nt appointed for Dial iiur-
nose, tney will nn lori-vi-r imrri'ii iniiu
furtlmrconsldnrtitloii In thn final settlement
Of said i-sl atM,
w tin-ssmy tiiinaaud oiiictai ear tniz;ira
isr,Al,, .. tt , r,,,f,j,,t.
-i 4 m 4 ViiKity ,lij(luf,
SheritTi Safe,
llv virtue of an order of al Issued nut of
thn' I ((strict Court of liouiDan County, Ne
i,i.i.kIiii. mid to in i. (III,. I will. on the 'ilth
(lay of May, A. II., al l" o'clock A. t, of
said day, at Dm K.AHF front door of Dm
I 'utility i;ouri, iioiism, in i in-i n ,y in iiiiiiimi,
tiouulas County. Nebraska, sell at nubile,
auction Dm property dcscrlhed In saldorder
of sain aa follows, to-wlti
Lots number nine nn and fen (ID) In hhs-k
numbers! ( In Paddock I'lacn, aa surveyed,
.lulled unit Ihncllv nf (imidni.
county of DuukIiis and state of Nebraska, to
satisfy llrnioui.or ttm proceeds or Dm sale of
lot ten (III) In block sUlHiln I'addis'k I'lace,
us above, described Joseph II, Millard, Trus.
tee, tlm sum or sixteen hundred elithly-tlvM
IB-lull dollars (IPlsftJil; JudKmetit, wllli Interest,
llmreon from May II, A.ii. islll, until paldi
to satisfy Arlam Murray tlm sum of three
thousand one hundred sixty-nine I.VHKI ilol-
larslfl.Kill, in; judgment, Willi Interest thereon
from May 11, A, il. 101. until nald. and lldrtv.
Hvii7H-lii dollars (;K,7Si costs, with Interest
thereon from the llth day of May, A. Il, S!i,
until nald. touul her with nccruliuf costs m-.
cording to a JudKiiient rendered hy tlm
uisirici court, ot said iMiuioas county, lit lis
May term, A, II. islll, in a certain actum then
and there la-iidlna, wherein Joseph II. Mil
ium, Trusted was tuaintiiT, and John It.
Hamilton, Margaret Murray, Charles Murray
and otliers defendnnls.
Omaha, Nebraska, April 21. 11(2,
Sheriff of lloimlan County, Nebraska,
Charles II, Keller, attorney,
Millard vs. Hamilton id, al. 4-22-1)
TO TKAKK (lood piano for small cottage
Want (o move hunse to Walnut lt, jj"
tt. Cameron, vm Park ao. Meat markel. '
WANTED. An American girl to do house
work. Call Saturday or Hunday at this
fpaticuiarswcomers employment;
o Paxton II
fig, with Filter