The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 22, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE- VI
10, 4
1h atatttm I V pa Its
T IX Mil I tit
tVe nnt tritat th fttitrtr. meat wrtfi
Wh mlllltn nl million lr(r
ltei mail ihle Joiirnev wyiiiTlfi
An.l rtn to that ulitmale cHor.
And , e a III (vet'. II In mwH,
An.l eh, hl m-liv-mr ihrl
Br fli-i'l. thra, bo phi if nil tvaaoa
To atop at the Klntton lraair.
At. aUitntghta and aii a pctloa
Of I rm 1 11 amt wtt hate we,
A f JiHtrnrjr from invnn to wan.
Front ' IiiUi ultimata ara.
T" that deep ere of aees and all aliens'
Of palmi, nmoTn and of earn.
That vat see of t:un-rt llan1
iMm't 'top at Iho station ltalr.
Oo forwar.t, whatever may follow,
Oo forward, frlrnil, led or alone:
All, nif, to leap oft In setup hollow
Often In the nlt'til and unknown.
Lonpolt like thief, try to tittle yon
From eiuicl. all waiting you there I
Oo forward! whatever betide you,
Don't atop at I hut stntlon Deapalrl
Oltl-Paslitoneil Thoroughness.
Sir William Siemens, one of the
most famous of "mechanical philoso
pher," was born in llermany in 1823,
and received his early education at
Lubeck, where the (!ormnu guild gyg.
tem was in full force. Ilia description
of the system, in ufter years, is inter
esting in itself, and offers a strong1 con
trast to the system of apprenticeship,
or want of apprenticeship, to which
mechanics are now subjected.
In going through the streets of Lu
beck I saw Carpenters' Arms, Tailors'
Arms, Goldsmiths' Arms and Black
smiths' Arms. Those were lodging
houses whore every journeyman be
longing to that trade or craft had to
top if he came into the town.
In entering on his career, he had to
be bound as an apprentice for three
or five years; and the master, on talcing
an apprentice, had to enter into an en
gagement to teach him the art and
mystery, which meant the science of
bis trade,
Before the young man could leave hla
tate of apprenticeship he had to pasa
a certain examination; he had to pro
duce his Oesellenstucr, or journeyman
piece of work, and if that was found
satisfactory he was pronounced a jour
neyman. He had then to travel for
four years from place to place, not
being allowed to remain more than
our months under one muster; he had
to go from city to city, and thus pick
up knowledge In the best way that
could have been devised in those days.
Then, after he had completed his
time of travel, on coming back to his
native city ho could not settle as a
master in his trade until he had pro
duced his Mclstcrstuek or masterpiece,
These masterpieces were frequently
works of art in evory senso of the
word. They were, In blacksmlthlng,
for instance, tiie most splendid pieces
of armory. Jn clocks, especially, great
skill was displayed.
After a masterpiece was approved,
the journeyman was pronounced a
master, and was allowed to marry.
Treacherous Roll.
Snlpc-shootlng on an Irish bog Is an
excellent test of a gunner's skill and
enthuslam. In "Forty-five Years of
Sport," Mr. Corballls says that he was
out shooting with Lord Uormanstown,
who weighed 230 pounds, and his agent,
weighing 2 10, when they came to a bog
warming with snipe.
The walking was dangerous, for at
every step the surface of the moss for
fifty yards around rose and fell like a
wave of the sea,
Suddenly Lord Uormanstown put his
feet on a tuft of grass, and down he
went up to his armpits. The agent
hook with laughter, which so dis
turbed the bog he stood on that it gave
way, and let him in up to his armpits.
A man was sent to the nearest house,
a mile away, for a rope, and the two
heavy men, after remaining in the bog
for three-quarters of an hour, were
hauled out,
An experienced bog-shooter, If he
finds himself going down, throws him
self flat on his side or back, and at the
same time throws bis gun to his attend
ant, generally an unshod "gossoon,"
who rarely fails to catch It.
The sensation of being bogged is
Very unpleasant, but if a man throws
himself on his side or back, there is
strength enough In the peat to support
bis body.
One Irish spine-shooter, Mr. Foster of
Dublin, was so cool that he had been
udowd, when bogged and going down,
to kill a bird wltli his right barrel,
another with his left,, and then throw
his gun for a friend to catch.
Value of Owl nap.
"I once heard 1'rof, Fowler, the emi
nent phrenologist, ascribe (iladstono's
unimpaired vigor in his advanced nge
to an odd cause," said a prominent
New Yorker at the Kiehclleu to the
Post man.
"According tol'rof, Fowler, the great
Englishman owes his retention of his
intellectual acumen uthls present great
age to his faculty for taking very short
naps of sound, refreshing sleep at odd
times and underiunusual circumstances.
' It is said that Mr. Gladstone can go
to sleep at will and in a moment or so at
tain a state of profound slumber, which
docs not last more that a few minutes.
In the long, wearisome, fatiguing, all
night sittings of Parliament the liberal
leader would be found fresh and bright
at daybreak, while the young men in
tW tlMftw M to tft m4 fcaf 4
. ... . tl.k V - 1 . , t - - - ft J
rvi ""j ft. . ft,i'ft.ii,w
., )! m iti
tar VU toUtlnf t.i lit 4l
t.ot . Varf of
to Was 't' ! - .4 SHJf
tiling to Mr, t't krt a la'all
afaHl !
ah ,-.inr to vf iVwWr iv
tne. W fJt taMn ralna to ftp
qulec! to aH.l liilll), tl lhat la)
klliwiM U (o..1m t ( uf l tr-
rrutwtn tto ai mao'inf mi to
Mi-taln 'Ni!t !inl hvit at
t.mtalf .ttli.t
Ulr 4 I fcfttw-l ktroti.
Iuriitr IK " ('r tlif it iw' Ma
tt. n a ! )unian i.f hair vwg !
drni -.f Mn-t?th hs fin sstt vj
fcoltie at (,'"? tliat thrir hulhitij
Hutfl in Nmnit' tiTtiih toinff in
hia hair, and !lirik tlat aa tulr the
slmtufi-at ntrn at lfat bli-nwl wltltsn
IxitnUnt listr Vfi-itiif, 1 her aie
nsaril,v t4f-pllotia . all rtib-a, but
Hnt festa f liTiiifth nf modern times
have Int-n Iwrformed by iple with
luxuriant lisir. Tlierv srt lite r lx
Women noxv linvllng With dimw mtiv
rum .lio lifting Ptioitiutiia xveihu
with their lintnla or tei ili mul (H't fui til
ing other rxtntonllniirv fests of
Mivngth, mid nearly all of them have
tnngniflenit heads uf Imlr.
Amntig pHze-Iighlers the snme rule
applies, and atthottgh athletes generally
keep their hair rut very rloso to the
head, they UMially have a very thick
growth of hair and are seldom bald.
Ancient history is delved into a great
deal in the discussion, but t he fact re
mains that the strongest men of to-day
have in almost every instance not only
heavy hends of hair, but also quite a
substantial growth on the chest and
arms. It may be that excessive bodily
vigor and activity promote the growth
of hair, or that the hair itself is an evi
dence of strength, but whicheve may
be the cause and the effect the combina
tion exists as a very general rule.
Iler Young Were Raved.
A herd of 5,000 beeves were tolling
over the lonely trail from New Mexico
to Kansas, says a correspondent, leav
ing behind them, across the grassy
plains and valleys, a swalh as bare as
if it had been swept by the fiery breath
of a simoom.
Suddenly the leader of the herd, a
huge steer, started back In terror, gave
vent to a snort of warning, and moving
to the right, passed on. Those imme
diately in the rear turned to right or
left, and their example was followed
by each long-horned pilgrim as he
reached the dreaded spot.
When the entire herd had passed, a
wide, trampled track lay behind; but
near the middle of this dusty space
stood a luxuriant island of grass three
feet in diameter.
A herdsman rodo up to the spot and
dismounted, expecting to find a rattle
snake, a creature of which cattle as
well as horses have an instinctive and
well-founded dread. Instead of a ser
pant, however, the grass tuft contained
only a harmless kilklee plover, cover
ing the nest, while her wings were
kept in constant and violent motion.
Been indistinctly through the grass,
she had evidently been mistaken by
the steer for a rattlesnaks.
Hhe did not take flight, even at the
cowboy, but valiantly pecked at his
boot as he gently pushed her to one
side to find that the nest contained
four unfledged kllldues.
Ileredltitry Knowledge.
A little 8-ycar-old, whose father, two
grandfathers and a great-grandfather
are physicians, was entertaining her
self one day by playing doctor to her
dolls. The nurse kept the young physi
cian goingon a round of calls from doll
to doll and writing prescriptions in her
babyish hieroglyphics,
At last the weary little body climbed
into an arm-chair, and lay buck for a
moment's rest The nurse, fearing
lest tho slightest diversion should turn
the active little brain toward some
thing that would demand more of her
attention, sought to reawaken Interest
in the dolls by a vary urgent telo-
phonic summons,
The little doctor straightened up at ;
tho tling-tling of the imaginary bell, The woddlng at length Is over, good
and resting her elbow on the arm of ' byes aro said, and tho throe horses
the chair and making a receiver of her 1 harnessod abreast to tho sleigh dash
dimpled hand, asked what was wanted. 1 forward on tho long Journey. Tho
She was informed that Jennie Purdy bolls benoalh tho douga ring out a
needed her seevlces at once, With a ' merry chlrno, to which tho flying hoof
sigh of Impatience, she gathered her t boats mark a rhythmic cadence. Be
little body together as If for a plunge sldo tho driver sits Petorkin, in place
out of tho big chair; then a look of in-' of tho yamstchlk or post boy, a low
telllgcnce passed over her fueo, and ( crowned hat covering tho mop of yol
he settled back with this pithy mcs-' low hair, cut strulght from ear to ear.
"Toll Miss Purdy de doctor taln.l
tome; he's busy sittln' in his office."
Home-Made Klrrtrleltf ,
A French chemist who has been giv
ing considerable attention to the prob
lem of heating and lighting from a
single source, has devised a novel
stove, which in appearance resembles
an ordinary heating stove. It is so ar
ranged internally that the waste heat
is utillcil for the generation of elec
tricity. This is secured by a number
of rsctangular boxes of sheet Iron,
containing the necessary metallic ele
ments for furnlshingthe current. These better far were it to brave the fury of
elements arc insulated by asbestos, and . a storm than risk the imperial dls
the cooling is effected partly by the pleasure. 'Press onward at whatever
shape in which the me tnl lie alloys are ' cost" calls out the officer; "stop the
cast and partly by a circulation of air.
The current obtained Is not great in
amount, but the results of this attempt
seem to be favorable. Accumulators
aro used for storing up the electricity,
and as the heating is required for a
much longer period than for lighting,
the electrical energy, which would be
lost during the hours of daylight, is
saved. A point of considerable moment
is that the heat utilized in this way is
waste heat, so that any portion that
can be recovered in the form of electri
city is so much gain.
Miss Madden has traveled 2,000 miles
horseback on her mission for the lepers
of Siberia. She has secured 95,000 for
a hospital
tMK rMMVtAll. m
Iff pay tttfctMi, Ha
IN f tto air.
jrNta tfa I r
A ! rt llln al to
It. tl W !
IS avt " i! ma ff tsxtiftMa,
A4 tM "-!) ,vf tif
Vn I ( ton at lit I tnl
Ami !. al !,
AM 4a Mm-tf tf Si Uat
I tV M ItM tiltlM
-JfWttj lH.m.i I tha ttoaw
1 WJIkFys Tvoi.F tSilNtl.
IVlorlils atsiR.U thoiifMfttlty
Inf to the thun.ler and Him rsr uf the
star a frrt'ul tit rvtialnt they
hate from eapUUty, ami, with a
aoutxl Use Urn roaring if tho hungry
wolvtm, flew inward winlr msaaoa tf
lee to the Arrtie Mian, 1'he fe of
hm lad grows more aerlona r he Ilal.
tn; gradually a amiie flit over the
pinched leaturv for the aignlfloatioe
of the sound it tintnlnlaknhltt. Spring
ha ooinoprlng with It power of
swoetneas over a fman bind - and M
Imria. trsver.d with .tisiU miles of
rlvor, will lou its look of dosolallnti.
to bloaaom into beauty as he Journeys
southward, over nearer to the gay
enpilal wherein dwells tho ear.
Wonderful visions fill his mind dim,
half reniemb 'rod stories of the great
rathodral of M. Isnae'a whoroin
echoes the swoot tonod singing of the
Icliorl lets In gorgeous tunics of blue
aim goiu.
m I'utorkln turns hU hack upon the
old life, and journeying southward
keeps body and soul toguthur as best
ho may. Primroses in their first pink
HunIi of bloom, violets, golden-hearted
daisies, and now a field blue, as lioavon
with forgot-me-nots greet him in their
beauty and swoul scented bloom.
(Sometimes tho blossoms are gathered
to sell in the market of the nearest
village, and so a night's shelter or a
crust of black broad is obtained.
nprtng deepens into summer, sum
mer wanos, outrun by autumn's fleeter
stride, and Pctorkin journoys on, sub
sisting for tho most, part on berries,
which Nature, so nlfgnrd of nor gifts
in most things, hore strews broadcast
Yet now and then when the boy's
hoart grows weary and ho sinks for a
while to rest by tho roadsido, thoro
sparkles on the groon, luxuriant grans
a drop that is far too salt for dew.
Autumn's breath grows keen, and
winter holds the land in an icy em
brace, lovoling tho stoppos with drift
ing pall of whltoncss over which rise
the treacherous fogs, when Petorkin
crosses the border and entors the vil
lage through which ho must pass to
the Russian capital.
Aa unwonted stir and bustle, of ex.
cltement pervades tho place, for this
very evening the only daughter of the
rich land owner is to wed tut ofHoer of
the czar, and the fiddler engaged for
the occasion has fallen on the ioo,
hurting his arm so that playing is out
of the question. A sorry wedding, in
deed, it will bo without muilo; the
bride is in despair and hails with joy
news of the little peasant who that
morning entered the village and de
clared ability to draw music from the
old violin slung in a sack across bis
Yes, I'utorkln says ho can and will
play , if in return ho bo granted per
mission to travel with tho wedding
party to St Petersburg. The curious
proposition at first amuses the officer;
to whom it a good joke; then,
noting the little, fellow's persistency,
be contemptuously rofuses to have so
sorry an object of travel with thorn,
The bride, with ready wit, perceiving
Peterkln's stolid refusal to play for
other consideration, pleads with her
lover until she gains a roluotant con
sent for which ho is not sorry in the
end, slnco with his violin the peasunt
wakes tho echoes with Polish dance
tun os which sot tholrpulsos throbbing
and keop their foot in motion. The
boy flushes with pride whon the offi
cer calls out in praise: "Well done
well dono, little fellow; who knows
but the may some day count you
In tho imnorlal band?"
The board soat is covorod with loathor
cushions, while a largo wolfskin pro
tects their foot and legs from tho bitter
As the day advances, tho snow,
which bognn to fall lightly at noon,
increasos in violence, and Timothy
moves uneasily, urging the horses
ahead, for only too well does he know
the dangor of a heavy storm over the
frozen steppes, where tho Icy blasts
whirl it hero and there in treacherous
drifts. Delay evon of a single night
in safety at some farm houxo Is not to
be thought of. for the ofTlcor bears dis
patches of importance to the, and
next stranger if need be and boldly
sol.e his horses, but at all hazards pro
ceed." Undor pain of banishment
Timothy dare not disobey such orders,
so, muttering beneath his breath, on
ward they go, almost blinded with the
snow as the sloigh is jerked hither
and yon by the plunging horsos.
The short day dies without a twi
light; and Timothy, knowing from
boyhood evory versl of the way,
shakes his bond in despair, calling to
bis horses that their courage may not
flag through the ever increasing
storm. ,
Hark! What was that sound wblcl
re tor kin's keen ears havener k'
first to hoar? There-ag' J
ns? er-
J US'"
I 4 Ike . a!!trtoatft
'. !! (he la.l H-rf
Wvn. KMir.i a li aKii f,.ii.
V '' l-!U t li li. ,
4Sj' tvt ..ail' - - twtf
fillmn, A r- t.)ot-ht'
tr tot'ha to tlt tt.U is
t IVi-rl.M jj '
the lii heal if th n,omitic
fiv ..r,W i.rtr tit, Mnrliln.Uu) ol
daiH'er 1H t t i-er ita lth )( toMe
rni-t4 in fur I.h lm. h aWrtwd
to ie lt-r to out I .I a fnrnu 1 nv
ar i now o tlm trar 1 .'pe
tho h.t. liniMMtitt t.f Mmir foothold
plunging tin ftvit'ltxl aitoil thri-oi'h
the drifts title the wolves aie. in
intiir ir. . lltnoii,) i ,,.,h lings
nut again
Hit! Hi! Whoa Ihertv my lieautlo'
r-wj onward, dotea - an elleer of
Ihsemr rbU behind th lit quick
ly for thy live Onward! Ilaaie,
my brl)uiV
Again the-r aouitila that long, low
howl and the swiftly moving black
nia gnina steadily uinm the h.
They are upon It now, running swiftly
to pain tho side, the whole yelping
pack leaping up with gleaming eyes
and cruel hungry jaws. Aroused
from his tlivam of blU. tho offloor
sees their peril and leaning for wind
liros right and loft Into the howling
mass. iho cry or Iho wounded.
soUml upon and tm n limb from limn
by their follows, is almost human in
Its agony, nml In tho momentary
respite iimotny snouts:
"Haste Utile doves! Spread thy
wings straight for rt Petersburg.
Haste, and hnavon help then!"
iho hungry demon which would
have locked Us jaws in the loader s
throat drops before the ottlcnr's unorr-
lug shot and tho horses gallop on
l otorkln sits awed by tho groat
porll, but for all ho is so quiet there
is no cowardly thought is tho littlo
poasant. who, with ouch panting
breath, is making a bold resolve, bid
ing good-by. bravo hoart to his chor-
ishod droams tho golden visions of
fame in the great city. Those two
behind, tho officer and his brldo whose
swoot voice pleaded so earnostly in
his bo half, have everything to live
for, while ho only those droams and
a soul full of unuttorod music. The
violin is slung across his back mutely
waiting lor tne now s light touoh.
Quick as thought ho will kiss it will
give It one pnrting caress of exceed
ing bitterness, and then
A cry of terror smites the air as
Petorkin rlso to throw himself to cer
tain death, and he turn to see the
officer's uplifted arm pointing straight
at him tho pistol, whoso last shot has
been reserved for that purpose. In
both minds thoro has boon tho same
thought. A soeond's pause as poasant
and officer gu.od into each other's
eyes, then Petorkin. noting the do
talnlng hold of tho day-old wife upon
her husband s arm, cans out:
"Hold I I will save thy Ufa and
With a sudden, powerful blow he
smites the violin as he regains hi
seat and strong and clear the first
discordant sounds aro lost in tho loud,
rapid movement or aioiish measure
picked up somewhere upon that weary
tramp. I f.e effect is magical, s tho
unaccustomed sounds rise above the
howling of tho wolves. They pause,
hold up thoir heads to listen as though
scenting dangor, and slackening spood
almost halt
"Bravo, hut thy music doth give
good choor to tho horsas. Koo how
tho loador runs! Bravo! If thy fingers
grow not numb we shall make the
The boyish flguro sways adroitly
with the motion of tho sleigh, for the
peasant knows tho lives of all dopond
upon success in keeping dry the
strings, which vibrato with ono loud
note strain after r. other. But 'tis no
easy thing, with tho snow cutting keen
and chill whllo tho fearful cold al
most paralyses the willing flngors.
Timothy broathos aloud a prayer to
heaven, for ahead a faint light grows
upon the horizon a light tolling to
the practiced eyes of tho nenrnoss of
tho city.
Courage, bravo fellows! Fly, doves,
to thy haven; the city Is In sight
Keep, lad, to tho musio and wo shall
bo saved,"
The wolves are following closo
again with their long swinging trot
tho chaso tolling upon tho horses and
upon Pctorkin, to whom tho strain is
almost beyond his strength, stout
hearted and stout armed as ho is.
jus eyos iiasn wnn renewed cour
age; he had not thought thus to outer
fcit Petersburg, keeping doath at bay
with that violin which should grant
him the hearing of tho ruler of the
Russians. The city of the czars, with
Its broad stroets and mnsslvo stone
quays, rises now boforo thoir eyes,
minaret dome and spire, cleaving the
sky in a bla e of light
A little longor and over the frozen
Neva resounds tho ba'lled yelping of
the vanquished wolves, as tearing
along the foaming steeds dash Into St.
Petersburg, and tho gallant loador,
under whose douga jangled the merry
bells, falls blindly forward, crashing
to the earth, stone dead. And Peter
kin. the little violinist? In his frozen
flngors blue and stiff, clasped so tight
they may not move It lies tho violin
close over the brave boyish heart
It is spring, and tho world Is waking
once again to beauty, when Petorkin
sits up to hear the wonderful news
that on tho morrow ho will play bo
fore the cznr. In his worn, patched
clothes of sheop-tkln the little peannt
stands waiting, bow In hand. That
there is such a thing ni failuro does
not enter his mlml, or In his simplic
ity the thought Is given no place. He
knows that ho has a gift did not evon
the wolves, thoso fierce untamed
beasts, hoarkon to his playing? Why,
then, should he tremble in tho pres
ence of the czarr
siu"ces) magnificence of the palace does
rp, . Xash the peasant save in so far
as a I to)tt?.tt tkttif mwt wer-
l' am ft tor Atom) tk
tmit v'uatt- the nmH fttteMtnt.
altlef W t4tfe tl'WHfstM tl mas
irii lite tMr miittfit ir aim
U" J tl.e etfrr a l.rt.U .i at ths
c-af pit han-V M-f.-ra H hi
. V .,. IVtorel l5 S Ihntl
tltiVM to h olvt-s M all ill to
t,uli to fot m lis ma-tut s lM.
diwtf tl l iihi - lha
atrltijf at M l twier lepttthln
loilh IVtotkin fotgfts all ! M.
b te dt-pprtis thwughmil lb grat
r til. spiii trt.cnt, as a- of mhv1
in ttododlona tm-aatirva Itwf rivpr th
tiim fiil Mrlnc. An iinrtt -ma
lit ttielodf s. M'"dn away la
the distant aeant louder than a
frightened hlaar. hol lh wo,
hlle tliroi iih tl Mil Is lit lln.'ln of
sleigh bells tod by the leader In the
mad cailop for III A rry of anguiah
tlie quick metir f a I'ollah daneA
sil l onasnl tho bells jingle In hot
Mu H oil hoofboaU sound as the fly
Ing slooda gailop on, a sob a the
leader dies a few brief notes of
atny. and Voters In, Imw In IminU Is
knooling low Imforo tho rulor of the
In the gorgeous choir of r-t Isaae'a
clad In tunic of blue and gold, petor
kin ts now inslal lod, and bis mentors
olaim great gonitis for the little hi.
boiian peasant who, unmindful of
cold or hardship, traversed on foot a
thousand miles in that land of snow
and ten, where he will one day have a
brilliant future. Kate F, Thomas In
Kato Field's Washington.
low tlm Him flitrr Uut Kv n Willi Iter
1'ieseher Fatnr.
Bov. Mr. llaynos, ono of tho pioneer
ministers of Rutland, Vt, was famous
for his pithy sayings, states the
Youth's Companion. At ono tlmo, ac
cording to Koyal Tyler, ho ovorhoard
his daughter and some young friends
critlcUlng certain neighbors more se
verely than was pleating to him,
whereupon ho read them a lesson on
tho sinfulness of scandal. "Hut
fathor," remonstrated tho daughter,
"we must say something,"
'If you can do nothing botlor," re
torted Mr. Hnynes dryly, "got a
pumpkin and roll it about That will
bo at least lnnooont diversion. "
Not long afterward a conference of
ministers mot at his house. During
tho evening an leftmost discussion of
cortaln points of doctrine arose, and
from tho lofty pitch of some of the
voices it seemed as If a part of the
disputants, at leatt were in danger of
losing their tompor.
At this juncture Mr. Haynes' daugh
ter quietly entered the room, bearing
a huge yellow pumpkin. Hho put it
down in front of her father and said:
"Thoro, father, roll it about; roll it
Mr. Haynes was called upon for an
explanation, and good humor was re
stored. At anothor time a revival was in
progress in tho parish and some of the
young zealots were ridiculed. They
won to him and complulnod of certain
scandalous reports which had been
I know all thls boforo," said Mr.
Why didn't you tell us?" crlod one
of tho persons, in an injured tone.
"Why? My dear frlonds." said the
old minister, his eyos twinkling, "be
causo it is best to lot satan carry his
own mall and pay his own postage. "
Largs and Small float at Mtm,
I have said that the littlo boat
usually brings its occupants safely
within sight of a ship or land. If
you are ever so cast away, choose that
you may sight a ship rather than land.
Only too often the fierce storm is
woathorod, and the hopeful crow sail
over hundreds of miles of sunny soas,
almost as if on a pleasure trip, until
tho glad sight of land greets thoir
eyes, and thoir troubles soom but a
dronm of tho past when sudclonly
they are plunging through a mass of
whito and broken water, and amid the
roar of crashing waves tho littlo boat
is lifted and twisted and flung about
till dashed Into fragments upon Jagged
rocks; whllo thoso survivors of terrible
storm and shipwreck, of uneountod
rnllosof opon oooan, aro thrown upon
the sunny beach which gladdened
thoir hearts, cruelly battered or por
haps lifeless! Almost always, too,
this is due to their not knowing how
to handle their boat at this crowning,
critical moment when but a few hun
dred yard remain of a thousand-mile
journey from ship to land. John M.
Klllott U. Si N., in St Nicholas,
All the store lleaaon.
He had met serious losses in busl-
noss. and added to that his wife,
whom ho adored, was unatchod away
by death.
Ho could neither sleep nor eat and
his friends were alarmed about his
Ono of them said to him; "You
ought to consult a doctor. "
"What's tho use? Life has lost all
charms for me and I want to dlo."
"You want to die? All the more
reason for calling a doctor." Texas
I 'or t rt'iiiatlonlat.
The epitaph of the mar pils of Mont
rose, written by himself, which ap
poars in Mowbray Morris' recent bl-
ography, is remarkably appropriate
for the present day cremation 1st:
Bcstter my ashes, strew thimi tu the air-
Lord, since thou kuowett where all tbess
atom sre,
I'm hopeful thou'lt recover once my dint,
And conflilunt thou It raise me with ths
Poor Jake.
Jake (sorrowfully) Cora as you
dire Hod. I wont to make peace with
your father and he made pieces of ma
N. Y. Herald.
IN A t?Vt lOKt.
fefc-jSf- ."araaai
lots! atea a
at (
Sal Mt t" 4
la the ear l! atMil Oi lalW
r't of Hart V , ltd ma w mf
it i. !.,! am, i , t.a a t.t to SNft
otit ot.l to an .:. -, fi. eil ? 'J
yantt from the Int.,. on r aj Wt
joy nmHtiHi rr a -. tl -.
W ht l,!t the ,,i ,m nt una of
had tt les.t ,,a IHsl Hi bright
rs f Itw ana ( to f,.)oa, tf
li biaelt mine f tlettr.ieti..ri
I tomomlH-r well Ytu xn
flajlng alNiHt tart or ttnoi Hmirt
liMti tho a.a itaue. qne and Jaelt f
lruf:M My npoa ii Had jut lhw
ilnaa Iha tq of l,iiu and aaa
Jtl in lh a t uf taking It with my
jack he.n atrr.ln.l by a loud,
lumtorlng mo an that aoundl Ilka the
roaring of a train, but a hundrnd times
I to my fool and ran tith
diMr. bat 1 saw as I ut mf head
through the oonlng will remain with
Inn to my dying day,
I ho space aboin tne was as dark
a pilch, enrcpt when the Hash of
lightning nisihi a little light, and by
one of those tlinho could sen old
tlmlmra, ahliiglo ii-ihi top, and ev
arythlttg Imiigtuablti Hying In everf
"1 sprniitf to the middle of the room
clasped my hand to my breast, and
mod: 'Wo are IonU Oh, Cod, sava
"The words had scarcely loft my
Hps whon, oh horrors! I saw the top
of tho tdd barn torn from Its bed and
hurled to destruction, folded In the
arms of the in ght.y destroyer.
"The old log wore being scattered
around me, 1 felt the floor moving
under my feet everything turned dark,
and I know no more till I opunod my
eyes and found tho kindly face of the
doctor bonding over mo.
"I had been hurled over a mile
from the old barn, and how I got there
without being killed tho reader can
best imagine, Throe tooth knocked
out my loft arm and two rlbi
broken wore all the Injuries 1 re
colvod. "On inquiring afterward I found out
that my frlonds never received a
scratch. When tho top of the old barn
was torn off they ran out in the yard
and lay flat on the ground, hugging
the roots of a largo stump.
"It has boon nearly ton years since
that terrible night and I never see a
cloud rlso but 1 can almost feel my
self bolng hurled through the air."
Atlanta Constitution,
Something Vary Corporeal jib tut aa
Ktheresl Crestpre.
She was such an ethereal creature,
with her mild blue eyos and golden
hair! As a child, she was so delicate;
and whito that her frlonds and dear
ones did not think that she would ever
grow to womanhood But somohow,
the little body became tailor as the
i.... i. ...... .., . .....
jruais Rt'ui uvi inula vino a, brww vi
pink in hor check, but it was so rare
that one could not seo whore it blend
ed with the white; pud she was SO
happy! At length she was out of
school no one who know hor as a
child ever thought that she would
ever roach hor studios much less coin
ploto them and In another year the
delicate bud bloomed in a grout room
ful of beautiful flowers. Of all the
fair croat u res at tho reception, she
was pronounced the most radiant
"But how frail!" said everyone.
There was something about hor that
was heavenly indeed. ISho seemed too
good, too slight and beautiful for this
world. Tlmo went on, as usual. The
rare blondo loved; she was loved;
they wore married. That was a long
time ago.
Whon I saw hor last It was In the
autumn .she was at Alx with hor
"Masnago," she said, simply, after
greeting mo; and whon I accompanied
her to tho weighing machine, she
stopped ligntly on the platform, and
then, with a gasp of dollght ex
claimed: "Look! Two-olghty! Yesterday it
was two eighty-three!" Puck.
Onee F.rerr Plftr Years.
Tho Brownla ariza is a botanical
curiosity. That fact notwithstand
ing, however, its scientific nams)
would not have been used above had
the plant a more common one. It la
a species of palm, and it is known to
bloom only after intervals of exactly
f f t af Aisd I Vi ona lei hut s-ia sstrAil
men of Brownla in the conservatories
of Kuropo, that in the collection at
tho Cerman Imperial palace. Thw
blossoms last but forty hours and, to
get slfht of a Brownia in full bk om
is ono of tho sights of a llfe-tlmo, The
ono In question bloomod in July, 1839.
Tho only other Instance of one bloom
ing in Kuropo was that at the conser
vatory of the Duke of Norfolk, which
bloomod in June, 18.01. it died in
Had Ilia lleaaona.
The reporter had just come in from
an assignment in a murder caso. It
was a rainy day and he had to cross a
plowed Bold on foot
"I see, " obsorved tho city editor,
looking with some displeasure at his
large and muddy boots, 'you have)
brought tho scene of the murder witfi
Yes," answered tho reporter, apolo
getically, "I'vo got to have soma
ground for my story, you know."
Chicago Tribune
(iot Their Pill.
Seekor They tell mo thore wera
burglars nt your house last night
Sugeman Thore were.
(Seeker Did thoy pot anything?
iSagcnian lndeod they" did. Thev
got the contents of a six-shooter, an)
a consequent Introduction to the coroa
ner. Somervillc Journal.
and rt