The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 22, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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7" RIO AN.
T H tiT"
. ... ' H .
iiiim St to . mn i im tm.p.)
II..? WW
. r l. n had 11 ) M
i , ti(,lil , r lo I'- ' l
h. r fn head with 1 r 1, 1 It h
te Into the ... ).! fs.-e with an
, ipr, Lti M.ti iM have it'lM
Un it. Sit . any iw t't Hditt'J iv.
ll,'ttt I'ltf'tO v, li twalM-d; Oh! what
hev 1 (Ihm. v Um I dime
latlur! ratio r! neither, itear toother!
U your heail lnine hard, oiiferlinn
mIiU Atilier to.- ) mtttvp
And Mi', heimetf Ym said wlilitntl
aktnj?, jmi lmil m.-, and U 1M jtmr
In i Hh! I hut I n. It til die? that!
mitt hi di..;''
The tis r lr quit' ly plait-d her hnml
on (Im hittw of the suitei ng girl, Htnl
mltl softly:
"It may iiol as on now fancy,
Your father wrote In the moment of
hoi Rutror, Ho w PI think It over, ami
tomorrow will lsta far then! her way,"
"li! you know not my father. I to I
proud of his opinion; and Inflexible, lie
never tnriiH Ixii k from hU word. Many
times have I heard hlin say that ho
never k until ho wa certain, and
thon It hum II mil. nd! ho U heartless, I
cruel! I nui homeless!"
There was a fathomless depth of wist
in tho accent nhi. jfKvo that word.
"Homeless!" she res-ntod, "and fa
thorloss, motherless an orphan, an
orphan ami havn lout tho restart of
my dearest friends!"
"And tralnod," tho aiisrlor replied
(Miloninly, "tho love of Jorum, and of his
church, oven to tho salvation of your
There was something grand and sww
Inspiring In tho words and manner In
which they woro Moken, which turned
tho current of her grief, Tho minor lor
mbw that aho had gained an advantage.
Sho waited tho proper moment to follow
It, which sism camo.
"Where Mhall I go? What ahull I do?
Oh! advlMO mo, Mother Huperlor! Tho
world 1 all taken from mo!"
"If It Iw mo, then I would become a
hrldo of heaven, t would Income ono of
tho holy oneM loved by Jesus; blessed
UMltlW M
Tim Ht i'(i r rvs in il the hit
h h Mf. Jo!j, nMt im (1 to ni-
tt to t ho tool h r ip I lor, ho t -.& i h
lll ti owitf In to r -i imi.'
Hitn-itt A'not til hlhf the ii.l
i( foom hi hand, h el.wil lh thn I
in hU fm ami lotto d the k
''No,1 ht rielalmeil, ' I ill mi
liow ha riwlvi" the m'. If h aonih
r!", alt l ll: If not, why, w mut
make It
Hhe itlpptHt her (Uniem lnaitlat of
water and moMem d tho flap of the en
tehM, then held It over lho jja jot.
In a moment tho uteain had aoftened
Ihe mueilRtfO, and he opened the letter.
lU adlmr It carefully, aho (tavo Vent to a
burnt of laughter, "t 'iMtilittf to tnkn
herawHy In the moniliuj? lla! ha! You
a 111 he too late, 1 1 ml you followed tho
did adatfo, 'taken Tlmo hy the foii loek,'
oomlntf with your letter, It mluht have
dUArrantfod otirplaiiM. It will botaktutf
Tlmo by tho fet lin k, ('onto tomorrow,
ftgnoRtlc fool, and accept your tinuhlo
for your palna, Not often iIimm the
chuirh havo such an oi'lNirtunlty. Wo
aavo a mod) and win apptvclat Ion from
tho world for having Much a pupil, and
If wo retain her, thero 1m a millionaire'
fortuno to bo ' how and tho holy
church V"
Bho rang tho boll, and a aMor nm
worlng, ho gavo ordow U) aoml SIhUt
KudiMda at onoo.
BlMtor Eudixila entered, quietly hm a
ghoat, which alio now roaotnblod, except
that lior drcMM wa blHck lnntoad of
whl to. 8he whm a beautiful', queenly
woman, even In tho plain dnma of a nun.
ITcr manner retained tho refinement
nd culture received when Mho had boon
in the world. Her fuco had a wax-like
whIUmeMM. from tho Moeluhlon from aun
llght common to all recliiMCM. A atrong
face wiim hora, with tho exception of a
narrowncMi at tho temple indicative of
tho wcaknoM of character which I tho
atrongth of tho Realot.
"HlMtor Eudocla, I havo Ment for you,"
mild tho Miiperlor, "to avail myaelf of
your wonilorful imllutlvo talent with
the jMin. Hero I a letter,- tend It, and
then wrlto one In the mhiiio hand hm 1
Bbter Kudooltt Iniwed, Mealed horelf
at tho denk and glanced at the letter,
"I am ready," mIiomhIiI, laying ltdown,
and taking up tho ihui.
"Ml8 7M.UA Jost.YN. You havo
shown how rocri'iintyou could Imi t(jtho
Ofinfldenco I remmed in ynu. Mow weak
y,jand Id lotto you are. Ypu need not
havo trouhhuf yourMcff alidut writing to
mo, lor you are now none or mino, you
aro not my daughter, and may I never
aoe your race Hgnln. In thlM your motlit
join, and even Mr. Konmitt, whoha-
pencrt to Ins hero when your letter enmo.
aaya I cannot tiMjaovore with you, or
maxn a r inner n ciii'mo tronir onoiiirri
Io not wrlto again, nor think you have
a homo here. (Jo with my corno on your
If III lnul vu 1
bead, Jon.1 JosLYN
When KUter Kudm'la hud Unshed
Mho wa trembling with aupprcMMcd
emotion, Sho ItMikcd up from tho
paper, her eye filled with tear, and
half RoblMid:
"Mother Huperlor, the father dm
not wrlto at all like thl to Zolda. lie
will eime for her tomorrow morning.
Her mother rejoice that the I mo mn
to her, and thl Kcnaett, a lover of
ber, I iupfKmo, urge her to come
"Do I not know?" retorted tho mipor-
lor, anger fliwhlng from her eye.
"Oh! thl l cruel!" aohN'd Klnler
"Cruel! Have you not yet learned
that when the welfare of the holy
church demand it, nothing t cruel or
wrong? A falwchood told In her caumi
1m more rcMplondent than tho truth tn
any other. We mimt aave Zolda for tho
church, and her father and mother are
but heretic dog at bent."
Bho took tho letter, and a ho folded
and placed it In the envelope he mild:
"You have done well. Tho handwrit
ing I Identical, 1 will have tho pi-lent
rem in wie jmninmeni in purgatory for
any one you delgnato."
'i in i njttti wntm MiuiiiPwin n ci isa iiktit a
greatwrongl ThlMttor, myconiiclenco
, . reprove me!"
The Miiperlor flow Into a rago,
"What devil has entered you? Have
1 not told you? Ha not tho prlcMtcom
manded, and can a prlcHt do wrong? A
prb'Mt 1 a part of God, and can no more
In than God can. Your cofmclence?
That I of tho devil, and you inunt have
hi power over you destroyed by pen
ant e. You nhall have that. You will
alop for tho next month on the cellar
floor, and you wilt put pea In your
abocM, and walk every morning up and
down the Mtalra, until you havo counted
a hundred prayer to . the virgin
Blater Kudocla ceaaed obblng. She
wa tike a dumb animal that ha
auffercd until it ccmmc to re Int. Her
Mplrltiial angulnh wa o Inti-nHo, phyiil-
eal torture bad no terror for her. Again
the aupcrlor rang, and ordered Zolda to
come to her.
"Dear girt," he exclaimed, a that
lady entered., "I havo delightful new
tor you. Your father baa promptly
rcMponded. Here i hi letter, and no
doubt a daughter whom ho love with
uch devotion ba gained of htm all aho
ha aaked."
Zelda took the letter, and eagerly
tearing the envelope, began to read.
by Him bImivo all women, Heeotno a
novice, lend a life of purity und holt.
ncMH, do voted to charity and docda of
klniluoNM, llecomo a KUter nimtneo, a
iart of heaven rather than of earth."
Kluter Kltdoeltt ttl'imo to her feet, lit
iMwom heaved with emotion, Bho
Mtrove hard to restrain tiermdf. Hi
IIim parted, but nommmi camo there
from. Tee Miiperlor glanced fiercely at
her, and divining that mIio would utter
word In conflict with her ptirpomi
arimo, and gently taking hernrrn, but
clttMpIng H until tho Mlnter winced with
aln, led tier to the dinir and Maid:
"Hend Fill her Fruntz here," and when
mIio had panned out, Mhe hut It, Maying;
"I'oor child ho 1m overcome by tho
Jioal with which Mho engage in her
giMid work."
Father Frantis wnui mmhi hi fij)tHnr
aii(H, "Father," mhII tho uprlor, "hero In
iono who deMlre tieaven more than
earth' Will you ahnolvoher, anddl
jMiriMo with the delay of novitiate, and
at onco make her a hrldo of Jomum?"
"All thing are jMnmlble,'' replied tho
prleMt; "all thing whliih redound for
tho giMMl of the church."
"I It your dcNlro to retire behind
tho veil?" Interrogated Frantz In atone
which implied the hope and exjM-cta-tlon
that alio would May no.
"It 1m unneceMnary to ak her," Miild
the aiijHirlor. "Hho la anxloua for tho
happy event."
"Tho Instruction," responded tho
priest, "aro atrlct, Ono who take the
atop from which there 1 no retreat
must do mo of their own choice and free
"Tho MiiM.rlor Iibm spoken for me,"
rescinded Zelda In a subdued voice,
A sad expression stole over tho face
ofFrantu as ho until: "We wilt repair
to tho chapel; call tho sister, and tho
ceremony shall bo at onco jmrformed,"
I ho superior took Zelda' arm and
aii; ' jiear cnim, come with your
mother, who will henceforth bo more
than mother."
Bho led her through the Mubterranean
passage to thochnpcl, where the Mister
wore soon gathered, the pupil not
being summoned, a their presence was
not thought desirable. Tho priest went
through tho forma and ceremonies, and
read tho out h and obligations, which
Zelda did not hear or understand. Then
tho superior greeted tier a a BiU of
the Order of Muck Nuns,
Hy what strange transformation or
exehango hm thoaujs'rlor taciirne Mra,
IjiFarge? The mijiorior of tho school
had been exchanged for the mijierlor of
the convent.
"1 am delighted, dear sister, whom
wo now call Htantla, for your name 1
left behind you In the world. Delighted
to meet you hem. It 1m the placo for
you, and you will And a field of laW in
tho heavenly vineyard for your great
The sister camo crowding around
her, and greeted her by her new name,
Bhewa lost to herself, It was tike a
horrible dreami Oh! that she might
awake, and And it a phantom of the
When the Miiper lor reached her room
she found Father Frantz already there,
lounging on the Hofu.
"Why thl hot hawto, mother? I did
not ask, for I had no opportunity, end I
supposed you had ample reasons "
. !(!) ttm u m Jmtt a.lAl'
Mi.i i , a, tir, kt.o i iitt it t(,r i
n ut llj, i l,i .',m.. i, jt., i
ll "
"Anl why t glutloritp !! It to her, ae.l h ) h H nf at
in )oi not know U. t ilie Hihtsp
i h e.ition.n,t,.,l n'
"The bi.hop' No! did i.t know,
r Would havo fill ill Ittf ,mk..
rather Ihsn Uytt )-. Why ht.i.
tho bUhop ) allows! to il. nl My Ui U
lUvearsiiv, Father Fiwnl; have a
cam, or. a mw h a I rpiH'l Jim,
Mhalj ho obliged lo n isnt 10U to Ihe
Tho priest bit hi lips until tho homd
slat ted. Ho arose and m tho
"Whom U Kiid.a'la?- ho ak.Ht sud
I ho gissl sinter has mtn ated, lo
hold a sacii-d meditation."
"ion have not ls-.n giving her an
other dean of is-iiantvs?" he akil
"Why should I? .she Indulges in
MclMmpoMoO nnamia far mom than I
wish, or Is for her health."
I,et mo not hear of your condemning
her to wear broken glass in to r shoos
again, or any other such deviltry. Do
you know, I am proud to say It, I will
defend her to tho last, even If I die
for it!"
Ho was Intensely In earnest. Tho su
perior was subdued by his towering
poMsIon. Sho dared not even say that
sho would rcjxirt him.
"Bo," ho said, mom calmly, "the
father Is rubbed of hi daughter for the
good of tho church! And I I, born in
tho freedom of the Alps, for all my
early year breathing tho breath of
liberty, radiant and proud in my
Mircngin, nave noon mdueou oy a series
of lie to condone tho most damnable
crimes, and boeomo a fraud and a sham,
and soo tho ono I love better than llfo
jwrlsh WaiiMo I have renounced the
duties which are mine,"
"I will bo obliged "
"No, you will not reiHirt mo. Do so
If you dure. I am not shut In by Iron
bins, and provoke mo ami I will pull
down this structure over your head, us
Httinpson did of old
Buying this hostriMloout, leaving the
Miiperlor Intensely angry und filled with
"I desired his assistance," she said to
herself, "in planning a schemo to put
fi t't ) trti 4, o Mir
Mj- h h MlS-,1 tt p, (im
j M l.-l M. t li.t ivl. n II,,.
; tHi !, ,t U1 tla K. tn ,t tl i
j It ,wi ii. 1 W ti .
j Ueiv hr il. t- atttMniiot, ainl in i4
th . at a .tft lum U. , thw
jMlil. "h Is fi Ifimn f,r yoo lo bear.
tt; il jom hao bi-wel the truth
iin a I w n Yisir tlsufhti r
U 1 rwl to ne. Wo ivttml early.
At hiue orl. k I know the tosir, lor
the r im k J i-t Sim k lit Iho tower
I h ant lur i l. hot I wa rnwurnn
with Mltvpaoil did hoi m-alt the matter
until thin morning when she wa not to
Iv ton tut
"Hho luhl mo lat we k," said another
me kly, "thai sho Intended lo go lo
Fai ls, ami If otherw lwdlapsilntei, a
to r friend had determined lo lake tho
veil, they would Uigother enter aeon
vent, This sho ald would U' lmossUlo
for her lo do here on account of her
father's opostion."
AH this was related In such a ready,
off-hand manner that any doubt which
might arise was disarmed.
The strong man broke down und
tho strain, and was sin'oehlos. lie
staggered as ono intoxicated out of tho
nsim. and along tho piiMxago, The outer
door os'iied, and the air revived him.
In mockery tho sun was shining In tho
clear say, ami i no mitts wero slnirlmr
happily In tho tree. How can nature
bo mi radiantly happy when tho heart
is full of pain? tn a moment mom he
must meet his exxctant wife, and toll
tier tho dreadful story. How could his
tongue sH'uk tho words which would
smlto her heart llko a blow? Ho forgot
that his face told her mom clearly than
"Zelda," sho asked.
"Zolda," ho anBwemd, "Is not hem.
Hho lias gone on a ship to a convent in
Mrs. Joslyn did not cry out; she did
not weep. Sho was as ono turned to
.tone. Her very blmxl stood still, and
her heart with a great choking throb
ceased to beat. Caleb as ordered turned
tho horse slowly, He gavo no flourish
of whip, and his voico was not encour
aging to them. Something ho knew
was wrong about his beloved Zelda,
which ho must trust to fortuno to have
revealed to him. As ho ncarcd homo
they met Mr, KeiiHott slowly approach
ing. Thodrlver bowed recognition and
Miild In an undertone: "Mus'r. Konsott'
Wo did not get her,"
Mr, Joslyn at that moment cuuirht
Q. AHLQUI9T.;n in
Had ware, Tinware, Cullery
Guttering. Spouting and Roofing a Specialty.
1302 Saumten Street or North 24th Street.
We'll lake back any sack of flour bought alourstom w hich ds hot gtvo
satisfaction tn every isirtleular. This guarantee plan, together with tho fact
that wo sell flour for less money than any other dealer dam, baa built up for i,
tho biggest boslnmw In this line In Omaha, We make a specialty of Omaha made
flour (which Is thecouat of any on earth, no matter whom niMinifiu-iievdi ami
carry all the different brands. Flour from HOe a sock up.
r pjnrn pes, raw l, e
4 e
. .. In f
J ill I'HII Sllpl
I mile mnrli.., rsn
tnlile ftlirli-itt. -Hii
1 iililu iiliieniinli', esn i .
(HI KHrilMii'. ean ,,' , e
NiMH III Hlllll'. i-hii si,.
Sttlitiiui, esn.. , in
i niiili iiwil inllh. ( hii ,. ...... ju e
sirintt ih'hiik. i'ii ii , , ,.
I.ona In'nim, can s e
Siin-iiliili, i'hii , ,., s e
Wn Ih'iiiih, en n h e
t'litnplilns, run si,,.
IVhk. run r ..
liars It. II, motp nil
!-lll sik nftll
l.yiM'sn , . .. .,
li l valelii-la rsln. imiiiiiiI
llrl niiiwnlel rin, kiiiii
t, C
s e
Kvmihii'rIi-iI iMni'ln. iMiiinil Ill
K vnMirii (l eiirriiiilK, hiioiiI. S't!
KviiHirslel sirl.i)l, anonl. I 0
Ui riiiiiii I'liffw, iiii'kiiK , , I.'l.o
Jniiiuvn eelfi-e, imiiiiiiI 2S C
Our "I'rlvaie urewlli" Java, la-nt oil
earth, pound .'O c
K'unr mh fto
A to sri'Mae , (I 0
Cniiiiti"nfl yi'iii. te
(IIi'IiwimhI toiuatis-a, eioi II o
The Peoples Peerless Purveyors.
1A0S to l.r)14 Capitol Avk.
... .-'..tKaiaw.w.'...T --ffli n i if1n-- r fhlii
No, a WnKon,
No. of Hlwof
WiiKiiu, Axle,
hKllinf Willli uf Cniiii-
Molly, lloily, Inch, ell y.
hot' father olT tomorrow. 1 presume tie sight of the artist, on whom he railed
for his cool Judgment, and said: "(Jot
In, Konsott: of alt men 1 want to see
you most," ' '
Ho then related the events before re
corded. After a pause Kcnsett refilled
hotly: "It is all a lie; an infamous
damnablolii). Your dung liter has not
gone away, Sho Is there within tho
walls of tho convent, and those
desplsablo priests havo determined to
make her take the veil, If she lias not
already done so, and thus effectually
keep her In that prison for llfo."
Mrs, .Joslyn aroused at these words
and grasping his hand exclaimed:
"Do you think so? I Ins she not gone?
Tell mo If I shall see her again?"
"I most earnestly bo! lovo what I have
said, and that you will soo hor,"
"How? oh, how? Can you not tell us?
, . , . . ,
i on are Mining, win you not firing her
to her mother, whoso heart will break,
yes, break- If she disss not come?"
"If ltIsMissblosl!0 shall bo released;
and if Impossible I will glvo such an
exposure of this infamy, that no ot her
daughter will bo torn from hor parents
and sacrificed on this blood-encrusted
Tho new hope buoyed up the mother,
but when sho reached homo hcrdlsaji
polntmorit camo buck to her In two-fold
measure, and with a souse of Irrcpurublu
and conducted him directly to tho su- Um tl,l'"w '"'"" !" hod. For
would halt In telling a story, and the
devil prompts hint to heed his owr
science, lie Is a dangerous hiari, iTiTd
will mukfl tho church trouble unless
checked In the career ho has started
It was an anxious night for tho .
yns, Bleep came not to tho eyes of
father or mother, Caleb, the colored
coachman hud received orders, reimuted
dozen times to have the couch In
readiness at an curly hour, Mrs, Joslyn
said she must go also, for sho could not
wait the coining of her daughter, They
wero both overcome, with an over
shadowing thought, as though awaking
from a dreadful nightmare, that a great
ittlamlty bod Impended over Zelda, and
now that It hud been removed, It was
like welcoming hor to life again.
i'ho ls!st equlpiied carriage which
rolled through tho streets of Ban Al
gero that morning was the Joslyns',
Tho horses stopsid the highest, tho
couch muii was the proudest, and the oc
cupants were the most expectant and
happiest, With a great flourish of his
coachmanship thodrlver pulled up In
front of tho Iron gate of the Soored
Heart, Mr. Joslyn sprang out, knocked
ai mo gaw ami was admitted, a mes-
nger met him half-way up the wulk
perlor' riwim, There were several
sister present, and that lady received
hi in with a grout show of cordial It v!
not waiting for his Inquiry for his
daughter, and the hesituncy which
might Imj annoying, sho said softly: "I
suppose, Mr, Joslyn, you camo to see
your daughter?''
"Thank you, not only to see her, but
my carriage waits to take her heme."
"How unfortunate," replied tho su
perior, "Tho young lady has len
deeply interested of lute in a companion
who returned to 1'arls by the steamer
sailing last evening. This lady had a
brother; a fine gentleman no doubt
you understand -Mia gentleman wss
fascinating I cannot blsmo hor, and
there was something said of a marriage
-really I don't know exactly what, or Urnnirnt nf the jule, hy the penplr, for
week sho suffered from brain fever,
wildly delirious at times, calling and
calling for Zolda to come and lay her
cool hands on her burning brow,
ineeiieci on air. Joslyn was appa
rently not as severe, but in reality
eounliv tirostratlnir. r ur lor In 1 fo t
would have Isien a spur and mudo him
Invincible, At his present ago tie hud
not force to react, and ho sunk into an
apathentlc condtlon.lcavlng to others to
do what ho ought to have done himself.
Ho was Milsoiied by his grief.
(To Ixi Continued,)
Two Motto.
The 'motto of Abraham Lincoln,
ll Ml I I I I 1 A i .,1
i,siiioi ny itomunistsj, wus: urn
where, cither In this city, on tho
steamer or In 1'aris; at any rule your
daughter, whom I loved as my own
child- f'st she was a sweet, dutiful
"What of my daughter?" exclaimed
her father, out of all putlence, "what of
my daughter? Whero is she? I can't
wait; 1 must see her at imce,"
"Ob! my dear sir, I pity you sin
cerely, deeply pity you If you feel in
that way, for your daughter, whom I
trusted with implicit faith, left tho
school, how 1 don't know, nor can any
ono find out"
,T ,1... ,.l.,...l .!. ............ V
Ii, iuuiii;mnN, uu juu imj.; Z V AGFNTS
woman! Speak! For God's sak'0" C,l J,,rAV
is sho now?" I
"Calmly, dear sir calmly 16th St.
tho schoolthis is not tho wo
is now far out on the ocean, for
the piojik, mid all turn fire mid intdll-
ynit." Tho motto of tho Humans, (who
opjMiso our public schools, and who aro
opjiosed to self-government), Is: "A
ywrnuifiit of Ihr p"pe, by I he pnpf, firr
Ihf pnpr; nil nun hi hIuhh mid lijimrmit,"
Blaine's Letter.
Mrs. Dial no, sr., Is an A nurkun Cath
olic, and not a Homan Catholic?
Mr, lllalno, jr., Is a Human Catholic,
and not an American Catholic?
Is this the authoritative artlrmatlve
of tho "Monro ilx-trine" to ALU Amer
ican affairs, internal as well a external?
Cull and see u or write
'ho I'axton Hotel Barber Shop and
with Filtered Water, the Host.
7 ft, In. 4ii m)ii im
t 7 ft. Hill, 40 IIKM) nm
sft. oin, 4ti iiiKi m
l!i Sfl.. Sin, 411 In 44 imi 1411
A liovo prlees Bin net.
Wliere ht'iike In mil wanted, ili'ilurt, fil.lKl on
Nos, mill it and VI Mi mi Nim, 4 unit A,
For Stylo, Quality and Price, wo will
not be outdone,
1801-1803 Cass St., OMAHA, NEB.
Tehiphono 1.)7,
All poiil well diTi'i'iii'il and
promptly dellvei'nil; welKldiitf
on city ni'uIks. If so ili'Nlri'd,
Hoi.sAuSNTrou lm,B Tom Cost,
rrioK;H, W. Cor. and Howard strmits. Tel. It
. Vai:--2i.lil.riii'taiiil Piipplctoii avenuu. Tel. las
O O A L,
Rock Spring Ohio, Walnut Block, Hari Coal, Wool KiiiioE anfl Coke,
i win win oi'ni vurini.ii! or sort, i;oai rnr 1,'iiiiklnil rurposits.
When you desire to change your pluou of resldenoi and want your furniture
moved without being broken or scratched, look for my wagons
NU ERS 77, AND 207,
and you won't think two moves eipml to a lire.
L OARD, Fourteenth aw Douelas Strnot
HOQDouglaa St.,
Q and nuiko vmirnol a nuisance, but use
Valuable for OATAItlHf, COLD IN HEAD
1N101SKI) Br l'llYSIC'IANS.
THE ALOE PENFOLD CO., General Agent, )
f4 South 16th Street.
OIAAJIXJ., 27X213.
j Powdor and Blower,
Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts,
Oocuplos now and elegant quarter. Ha tho largest altenoaneo In It history
All departments constantly In operation All business and normal brunch
la.inUt lr.ol.wllr. UU , 11 I I rn . " l 1111.110
i......! ,..v,.u...K niiun ,,,4 nnn iypo vyriting. in session nil tlioyour Stu
dents enter any time. Work for board guaranteed. Normal brnnehn. ..' .L"
laity from April M to September 1st. Actual business nn..npimat .!..'",
the state and always running. If yon attend a collego attend tho bnnt. a Jl
gant new catalogue sent to any address and a beautiful
ship Send fifty names of school teacher and get tho "Modern E.lujator"on.
year free. Kend 30e In stamps and egt one-quurter gross of our coK ,,eo
the best made. Address KOHRBAUGII tin is. nJi "r "ouege pene,