The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 22, 1892, Image 1

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(tf 4 Iff jiff - fl af 4wwni 4 ?e I l''M ftr nit.-t fMr e, t fV
OMAHA, NKMUHKA. .UllUY, AtiJll, v. iM'i.
WtlMK 11.
Nl MHM 10
in Hit Lttur,
(low 1n Atsii v J A HntoiM)
it ....ilti.t. .1 fttm, Ut e-h
The principle un,.ih lug the tdu
ni,il system of the chutvh of Home
di- not change. Tor tvnturle hate
th principle Iwn maintained In
tact. They that all religion I a
iuelvc function of I ho Roman Catlo
tdie church; that matter tsiuhtr and
religion should go together; that Mute
mitl ehnivh should b united; Hint tin'
Roman Calholto religion should l the
only one In tho t iu; Ihnt jmrot'o'iif
rAisi should iijjiiifd fnt lif pufc
liV tun): that no taxes Injurious to
Cat ho) to Interest should lj permitted
to go Into tin; public fund.
The system of Urn Roman Catholic
hierarchy and tho American constitu
tion no more agree limit firo and witter.
Great Applause.) It in Incredulous
how matter prominent In tho old
world now exhibit themselves in those
lato years In tho new world. A dis
tinguished public man in Virginia Hald,
that, for a portod before tho war wo
wero getting tnoro hlHtorieal; since
then wo wore growing very sentimental.
Study tho Catholic question with
greut minuteness. Scan tho principles
of canon law. They havo tholr Hot of
doctrines In education, and they sup
port such sot of doctrine" fe- the In
struction of youth. IIo i iriot deny
tho Hincority of tlm JoHtiitB tho more
Binooro, tho moro mlHchlovoiiH. Why
Bhould you cater to tho Roman Catho
lics by granting thorn so many con
coHHlotiH? What if they nhouhl roftwo
to pay taxoM for tho support of our
public hcIiooIh? Tho popo could tsanlly
bring about Huoh a refusal. It ban boon
Bald by prloHts that when tholr own
school woro oqulpjiodi to look after
tholr own children, they would rofiiHo
to pay taxeH, and if tins tax gathcrorn
sought to onforcu tholr domand, they
would draw on thorn tholr revolvers
and bury bullets In their brains. Tho
American people a-u versed In pulling
tho trigger. (Laughter. Wo aro not
easily cowed by that sort of talk on tho
part of tho Catholic minority! It Is
not r.i easy task 'o ben.'. a.icl'hiak tho
will of an imperial race. This is an
Index to tho hatred of tho church of
Homo for our public schools.
Look at tho canon law, Its principles
represent Koman education. It Is a
Hystoin of propositions. It Is typical
lu eastern and western states alike. It
Is maintained In tho United Htatos so
far as they daro follow ITS THICA80N
AUM5 UTTKltANCKS. They clamor
against tho public schools because they
do not give sectarian or religious lie
Btructlous, Denominations havo a right
to maintain schools at their own ex
pense, which will owo allegiotieo to no
foreign power, anil not recognizing
priest, bishop or popo superior to tho
president of these United Htatos of
America, who Is Hiiperlor to all cedes
lustloal law. Hero tho state and tho
church aro separate. Tho stato Is not
In all respects separate from Chris
tianity. Catholics who support parochial
Bchools aro not excused from support
ing our public schools, Tho state Is
superior to private schools. This pre
vents mischief from arising In the
commonwealth. This Is an advantage!
to tho citizens of tho stato, Kxamlno
Homo of tho Koman parochial text
books, Therolsan lllustratoA volume
published at New York, from which
wo givo somo extracts:
"Who woro tho earliest missionaries
in America? Tho Jesuits.','
"Who wero tho earliest explorers In
tho continent? Catholics."
"Who explored tho Upper Missis
sippi? Tho Missionary Marquette,"
This Is tho truth, but not tho whole
"When was tho first settlement made
In America? At Mt. Desert, In lfl':2.
There was a settlement In Plymouth
by tho rilgrlm Fathers In KI20." Hero
wo havo two contradictory historical
declarations. .... ,
Hlshop (ill mora, of Cleveland, Ohio,
In along "Lenten Pastoral" Intimates
that absolution will bo refused Catho
lics who do not vote according to
clerical direction. They (Catholics)
woro easily educated by tho priesthood
on tho Bchool question, In tho United
v States of America, Human clerical
political power Is exercised Immensely
over somo ten million subjects of tho
.church of Homo, which dominates tho
actions of politicians, who arc disposed
to look to tho prlost as to a weather
Bishop Oil moro published a "Bible
History," which met with approbation
on tho part of tho highest authority of
tho church, Including Popo Loo XIII.
This esteemed Roman toxt-book re
ferred to predicates that "nearly all
our valuable inventions aro to bo
.attributed to tho Roman Catholics,
t'h tht re jtttHt tf 1tu t-m t n
i;it," V"U teisy ji! (, ll thty U1
tr 111 hot t U'tr,
",!nMtf lVti"tnW, tht rtmrvh U ami tt n n ly Inftili Hly
nl tii.mi," IriinWI A 'p! mw )
JftSill moral for tvnttttV tiave
Ixi n ttlaltoraH-4 by rUi al ill-r,
anil lotu'onl lnli tte-ir wloml and rm
f..,MmU. Th piinclplf of .leultlni
do hot 'hanit, ltsbnic fiindatSoii l
Min'haiigbU. In W-l a pai IlituM titary
indietiiiciit ss din l- d avnliml tliem.
Their ataiilt atv diiiH tvd to ih-wtrtiy
tlie nnturnl tnot ntity whlcli I .ml him
plnntvd in tho heart of man. They
Immk tie tho ntitsl serd. They
nuthorlAo thi fl, lying, js-rjiiry, crlml
mil impurity, UiviiUoiikiichs, trlmen by
mental restrictions, annulment and
lisHiisntlona. They put an end to the
feelings of humanity. They nn1horl.e
homicide. Petty thefts can Ik con
fesned to priests in extenuation of tho
crimes committed. Alwolntlou can tie
granted for such offences. The ques
tions and answers In the confessional
are of the most abominable character.
In tho Jesuitical colleges they (tho
priests) him trained to conduct tho out
rageous abominations connected with
tho confessional. Celebrated Isioks on
"Moral Theology" aid thoin in this an
nex of tho church. Read Father (Jury's
grave letters on "Moral Theology." It
is a standard work of Jesuitical theol
ogy. How did ho (Mr. Cook) get It?
Ilo sent his socrotary to one of the
Cuthollo book stores for it. Ho was
not known at tho book Btoro. Had ho
boon, bo would not havo gotten H.
It was written In Latin. Gury made
a French translation, which drove tho
Jesuits out of Franco. In It was main
tained tiio supremacy of ecclesiastical
law over civil law, When tho two
como Into collision, ecclesiastical law
should obtain. Tho good of society de
mands secrecy as an educational restric
tion. In a court of Justice, answer a
question jou wish to avoid by saying
you know nothing about It. Thus you
hold tho secrecy of what you wish 10
conceal steadfastly." (Heo explanations,
Sec. 7 and 11), Art. 3i:)-47:i.)
"What Is a small theft?"
"Absolutely, a theft to tho value of
two or throe dollars."
"If small tltctr aro separated by a
long lapse of time, can they bo united
so as to form a great theft?"
"No, they cannot bo regarded as a
unit, und so constitute a common ol
Ject of morality."
"What tlmo may olapso between
"According to th moro probable
opinion, not moro than two months.
According to tho common opinion, ono
year. Laughter.
Can wo steal an object of great value
if wo need It?
"Tiiero are two opinions: First, no.
Second, tho moro probable and moro
common answer, yes; provided, tho
person stealing takes only what ho
n Is." (Article
"Ono Is under no obligation to make
restitution for what he obtains by theft,
when there is no foreseen danger'
"Aro falsohiHids permissible In re
gard to goods wold?"
"Yes; falsehoods aro so frequent In
this lino that almost nobody trusts
Tho Catholics have one-eighth of tho
population now. Boon tliey will be
one-fourth of our American population.
There Is money In tho Roman Catholic
machine. Tho Jesuits meet with many
successes, Great power Is wielded by
tho Jesuitical bodies. They aro power
ful and dangerous beyond ordinary con
ception. They have their orders for
purposes of advancement,
Tho old world Is looking toward tho
removal of tho popo from his homo on
tho Tiber. It Is now promised that ho
should tuko up his residence In cither
England or America. Tho Jesuits ob
trude their secret assaults upon our
freo Institutions. They change their
schemes as tho world changes, but they
never change their principles. With
tho balance of power in their hands,
they will determine tho Huccosslon of
tho president. It in Important to Ihj
convinced that no Idle words aro em
bodied In tho term, "Roman Catholic."
Tholr decrees have boon formulated
Into civil enactments, and carried out
in several minor Btatos. Without vig
ilance It will bo so In America In
twenty-flve years. Mr. Gladstone has
shown this In his pamphlet on "Vati
canism." I location of their aggression, Roman
Catholics .will lose control of every
first-class city on tho continent of
America. Tho American constitution
and tho canon law of tho Roniun Cuth
ollc church cannot bo reconciled. If
Catholicism was mado tho law of the
state, all laws not satisfactory to the
Vatican will bo declared null and void.
There has been a proposal for Btieh In
struction In tho public schools as to
obvlato all diltlcultlos. Bishop Ireland
ntt fotaaiM1, timlcr V Mtm Hott f th' party, at-hi-mo 4 Mm-alMi,
aUUli l met tt appiMtal of tto
). ltliop Nt'Htnan, who r'
t that ttlfc'M, m.I. In p allng of this
matter, "Why would not tht priet
hol approve Hiii yti in f llihop
livUn.l, 1h Catholic In th'
north t?" You ran n ad Utwn th
linen, llrfmv Out rdtienlloiml conven
tion lo (HUhop Ireland) loudly pr
rlalnted his loyally to the American
oonMltnthm and tht American arhool
Why ihvs ho need ti proclaim hi
lovaltv? He wild at that convention
that "ho wax in favor of rhriHin Mf
m hixiln." He asked that tho right arm
of any man might drop front lis socket
that his tongue might cleave to the
roof of his mouth If he used it In opM
altlon to christian stato schools." Home
stipismed that he referred to the Amor
lean school system. Nothing of the
sort! Ho says that "sonic pronounce In
favor of being satisfied with teaching
it common Christianity. This will not
do. Catholics will not accept a com
mon Christianity. They will bo hiuIs
fled only with christian schools." They
must bo Roman Catholic schools. These
aro tho only kind of schools ho can
approve. In this wo find him entirely
in harmony 'vlth the principles of
canon law promulgated by the Catholic
parlv In New York. No olllcor will Iks
expected to control such schtsils except
Roman Catholics. They will bo bound
hand and foot In tho interests of tho
Roman Catholic church. They will bo
sectarian schools, supported by publk
Tho privileges which tho Roniun
Catholic clerical party seek from tho
government aro numerous In New York.
If tho Roman Catholics refuse to pay
taxes for tho support of our schools, wo
aro tho party to keep peace, Ho read
In a Journal In New York that "tho
Roman Catholic party was tho only ono
to keep peace In American cities." Ho
read a book that speaks peace. What
is moro conducive to purity than tho
Bible? It made our fathers great. Tho
Roman Catholic clerical party Beck its
exclusion front our educational Institu
tions, so that they may control our
politics. Applause.
A Catholic writer asserts that "tho
jsipo may be an exile or prisoner, but
never a subject, Common canon law
has Imen written amid tho governments
of Europe for flvo centuries, They do
not teach tho doctrines therein con
tained In the vernacular anywhere.
Jerome Buonaparte "denies tho right
of any secular stato to make any en
actment interfering with any Interest
of tho popo without his previous fore
knowledge and consent," When civil
law comes In contact with cccleslustlcal
law, tho latter must abtaln. What
ought to ho done to break the power of
papal leader over American legis
lators, Ho would advlco as protection
to treat It thus, (holding a paper In his
hand and tearing" In to shreds), tear It
to pieces. Knth usiustlc applause.
The applauso continued until Bishop
Newman caino forward and said that
ho thanked tho speaker for giving
thorn so much truth. Ho remembered
tho utterance of ono of tho great fathers
of tho nation, "Eternal vigilance Is the
price of lllierty."
Kind Wordi From a Worker In the
Rock BLUFF, Neb,, April IS, 18H3
Fkiknd Thompson Dear Sir: I have
Inclosed a list of ono hundred names of
tho leading citizens of Plattsmouth. I
would liko to boo a sample copy of THE
American placed in tho handsof every
ono of thorn. I havo also Inclosed ono
dollar to pay for postugo and trouble of
writing tho name on each paper.
While tho great majority of them will
bo pleased to receive a copy of your
paor, a few might take offense If
they knew that an old rowilrj (Irnwjir
was tho means of sending them so pa
triotic a paissr as Thk Amkhican, for
that reason I ask you to mail them
direct from your oftloo. If you can spare
them and can afford It, send another
package of TlIK Amkuican for dis
tribution among my neighbors at Rock
Bluff. Those that I havo distributed
havo done groat good In tho way of
waking up tho people to tho real
dangers that aro threatening tho In
stitutions of our country and our form
of government. They now realize that
tho Roman Catholic church is nothing
but a political machine. Nearly all
with whom I havo tulked, are greatly
pleased with tho work thatTliK Amk
ICAN Is doing, Ifoltllko giving somo
fellow a quarter to kick mo awhile lie-
causolwas not In Plattsmouth when
you organized tho A. P. A., Bociety
there. But I was thoro at Its next
meeting, and havo been to every ono
since. All I can say Is the ordir i
nimphj grand, and ought to have been
started fifty years ago In every town
and city In tho United States.
Please pardon this long letter. I f0-
not Intend to trespass upon your tlnS?
li.i. Ii t)( n I n.,nie liitil. lil I!
. i.ijUkiv Mi a I do, tiny nl.laH
tak Tim AMMitrA, anttorw
emltdaitt )! lijtnti the -plarjrviictil f
on g'uxl a p) r. Yottm v i jr truly,
A Pint iv
An Opew LUtrr to t4ttop Mti,
ttiihnp pt Denver.
Ktu: I haw a idetutv ln-foro nie
ahlvh purpoi t to le a llkene of jour
most rvvriviul t?)tr, ami by casing at
t I see that you nro a i-on of at lent
Bvernge Intelligence, have also read
your pastoral letter of YxX to tin jsnple
of your dloivso. You have uttered sen
t Intent which your s-eple ill prolmhty
nl low wttli the uiivkncs of saints,
hut which Protesttinl citmtot tolerate,
) presume It, Is necessary that the bishop
should IsKtie a pastoral letter to his
people, giving them a little fatherly
advice In regard to their duty in tho
church. In that letter why did you not
stick to foots? You holy (?) men never
lie, I suppose your religion Is a mis
nomer, anyway, as ono of our ministers
suld, you arc not worthy tho name of a
clergy, or your church the name of
church. I cannot understand how your
conscience will permit you to practice
such utter deception and wrong as is
continually going on under tho name of
Christianity In your church. I should
think It would torment you day and
night. You sny you go to your church
for christian worship, and yet In that
very same church building under tho
cloak of religion, many a young lady
has received tho (lrst intimation of the
wrongs ho who stands In the door of the
church, that has taken her under its
fostering care, can commit. Tho'homo
us you say Is ono of the most precious
spots on earth. I agree with you In
that statement. I contend that It ought
to bo free from tho political and moral
intrigues of your church, Is it? God
laid down rules In Hid word for the gov
ernment of the family. No one should
lx( allowed to Interfere In tho private
affair of husband and wife, "Whore
mongers and adulterers God will surely
punish," says the Holy word, Ye'l ad
mit this In your letter, and take tho
ground that wo havo the Imago of thv
1Ulno family
reflected In tho huitiatf
family, Now, Bishop Mat,, will
please answer this question: "If you
hold this opinion, why do you, under
tho banner and cloak of religion, permit
a man to como In and interfere with the
most sacred ami private affairs of the
family who, according to your own
statement, Is violating one of the funda
mental laws laid down In tho Bible for
protection of tho family?" At the con
fessional father sound so does not hes
itate to ask a woman, cither married or
single, questions that would make a dog
blush with shame, wero ho endowed
with tho same faculties wo aro. Tho
priest comes In and utterly demolishes
all that Is pure and good lu tho family.
Moro than one family can date its mis
fortunes back to tho tlmo when, under
the plea of doing hlschrlstlan duty, the
priest Invaded their home and mixed
himself up in their private affairs. You
say tliat a cuiiu norn in uio cnurcn
"needs four neither murder nor ox
Msuro, but may Bleep calmly under the
protection of a christian mother,"
What do you mean by the term ex
posure? Tho child may lie kept from
cold and hunger and may havo a fair
education, but that Is not all, I do not
question for one moment that thoro aro
some member of your church who
honestly believe thst the religion
taught by you and your Infamous father,
the polio, is right; but as to the safety
of tho child from exposure, contamina
tion, morally and religiously, I must
etnphuticully docluro that they aro not
safe. Your moral and your religious
principles aro vile and corrupt In the
extreme. In the pure days of Infancy,
nurtured by the mother, the child Is
safe. Tho stronghold of the Catholic
church today is its women, and the
moment a girl reaches the ago of ac
countability, tho mother, according to
your doctrine, has no control over her
in certain things. The priest confirms
her in your church, she must then at
tend confessional. Tho minute she
enters that vile place, that fiend In
human form, known us tho priest, tukrs
his bow, and with all tho vim and
energy ho can command, shisjts tho
arrow of his false doctrines, which have
boon tipped with the poison of his In
famous and vile practices, Into tho
heart of that pure young girl whom the
mother, under tho mistaken Impression
that she is doing her christian duty to
her child, has entrusted to his care, 1
know enough of human nature to know
that a modest woman will Ho time and
again rather than tell a bachelor priest
her secret sins. I tell you Bishop Mat,,
there is many a priest in your holy (?)
church who has his hands stained with
t.v((K'nB ho has committed in tho con-
buccchN- Many a young lady has been
Th 11 lnto th v,'''y depths of sin
moth h talk to her In tho confes-
l.mnl. Hsti fmtlir"to U idic
i.htxl" Tt 1 no H ti. r 04 h r
Imhiltc in slntsil Honshu that lll
It d lu l' down to hell j". It r tlinii hi
thnt 'VhanaUoM withthsl fl.-nd
the pi imi, her fa'hr coifiMr to U..
lo r along the road. Tie y t lla!iy
of n old eiiinil woman who m talk
ing with anoiher srn a!out the
"oph who go to hell and Is leg lnitn.d
with hilinstone, The Mend i pivwwd
the f at Hint there would not l,Miotyh
to sMiiipilh tho purp.i for all who
would have to go there. "Oh! no dan
ger 'Ismt dnt," ald tho old ttirnmn,
"deso y,r slnnein takes 'nough 'long
wid dem." 1 think she I alsnit right.
Methlnks that when father so and so
has nil tho brimstone unloaded that he
has curried w ith him, he will ls hurled
sdoeply that he will ! surprised at
the amount It will tuko to consume him.
I have a very vivid recollection of how,
In my chlldlussl days, I whs one day
tripping along over tho green grass
Isdwecn my father's house and the
orchard In quest of n certain kind of
apple which grew there, singing and
happy as I could 1st, when, as I planted
my fix it iimiii nn Innocent looking plat
of grass, I felt the severe sting of a
buinblo-lsMj. My pleasure was spoiled,
and I returned to the house In tears.
Deceived by the npparont simplicity
and purity of your life with perhaps
the good of her girl at heart the mother,
thinking to do her child everlasting
good, entrusts tho education of hor
loved one to you, little realizing that
she Is putting her in a nest built, to en
trap the unwary and innocent Into Its
mosher, from which It will ho next to
Impossible to extricate heraud shield
her from the bitter stings ofthuthoo
that has Isien buzzing In her home,
making her think that ho stands as her
intercessor with God, and that her sins
by his saying a few words would bo
forgiven. Oh I the terrible agony that
a naturally modest young huly must
feel when compelled to face a supposed
representative of the gospel of Christ,
and answer his mean, low-lived, vile
questions on subjects of which no ono
but herself and her maker should ever
talk about. Every fibre of hor bfdng
icvolts agalnstsuch treatment, I chal
lenge you, bishop, to point out to me
ono single confessional In any of your
churches that Is not blocker tcttn hell
itself with tho Infernal practices that
havo gone on day after day and year
after year within Its wails. If your
convents arid nunneries are houses of
purity and Innocence, why do women
who have been entrapped Into them
risk their lives, as two of them did In a
convent In St. Louis a short tlmo ago,
to escape their Influence? Iain nof
ulono In my estimation of tho character
of your priests. Hoar what Anthony
Champion, a priest of your church In
the 15th century, says about the priests
of his day. His wus an exceptional
life,. He determined togivo tho priest
hood a moral washing, but unfortunately
ho died eighteen month after his
election, Ho left this lestlm iny In re
gard to his associates in the priesthood,
which will compare favorably with that
of today. He says: "Men devoted to
tho service of God ought to bo dls
tlngulshed by purity of life; now our
prlost are given to every vice and lead
more execrable live than their flock.
Homo dress In open frocks, others as
sume the soldier' head-piece, 'other
wear cloaks or corselet, frequent fairs,
haunt tavern or other questionable
place of amusement, behavo like
mountebank or players, take false
oaths, lend upon pain and unworthily
vend lndulgonclos to perjurors and
homicides," Tho prlesthssl grew
worse after his death. In October, 113,
the Mople In council assembled com
plained very loudly. "Who," they said'
"ought to set the people an example of
morality if not the priest?" Their
cations and priests weregltitonous, they
carried on their unlawful practices and
all tho world knew It. Adjoining tho
grey friar's convent was a house that
stood In very bad repute. A worthless
fellow named Moners went and searched
the'eonvetit for a woman who lived In
their house, whom the reverend monks
hod carried off. lie found her hidden
In a cell and carried her away amid
great excitement. Tho Augustine of
"our lady of grace" were no ls'tter. All
around them were house of bod repute.
You say "whom God hath Joined to
gether, let no man put assunder." und
yet In every household where your
priest Is allowek admission, ho violates
that law tlmo and again. The sanctity
of tho marriage vow Is never taken into
consideration when ho can in any way
violate it to accomplish his purpose.
Ho has no ress-ct for the laws of our
country goxernlng marriage. Simply
Iscauseasa nation we are not compelled
to stand before an accredited represen
tative of tho holy pope of Rome and
have the nuptial knot tied by him, you
havo branded us as a nation devoid of
morality and virtue. You claim to
teach religion and yet one of our Prot-
wUrl uiUvt.nm, ), i M. tiii-o, Ulritg
la a Catholic tmnt,-tnld nj At our
i , ,vi,- w,- !ny n . tto ItiMe, at
fnt th t hiMti n aro aftitid of It m.
Vhi !y afraid of th tk, and many and
tailed im, their reoe fop tittg
tartly. Aft r a f w wts k however, by
's log kind to them and filling them
pit . lit. f,,f protiipllte, we iiiHed lit
veiling in. hi nt come in i one for mo
Bible I. -twin. Them was otto I It (In
girl to whom ms a Bible otic morn
ing, hut the horrified hsik ou her fiust
a she Is-ggisl inn to do lo r the favor to
excuse her was ittost laughable, I hav
often seen IliU little girt mt Iter knee
in the selesil itHun dis if going through
some devotional exorcise notsiHmlng
nor curing for the passers-by. This
young ludy' testimony Is lui'iiohublo.
She Is a tersotiiil friend of the writer,
and Is'itr testimony In this manner to
t he utterly false religion taught by your
,.)..,....!. w... ...I, I ,r i..... i 1 1 . ,
ti'.'tm iiij t.i nn i (iiini T'A"
s'i'leaces slut sny she has many rich
ladle whom she calls tinn, who "fre
quently tuko walks with me, thereby
earning the disgraceful aisdltttlon of
Protestants, and aro In danger of Isdng
iistrrclsed for having anything to do
with us. Wo are often called devil a
we pas In the street. "
This Is In Mexico, whore Catholic
ism has held sway for centuries. Not
a child in your church educated in your
convents under tho fostering cure of tho
devoted sisters, has any Idea of tho true
religion as It Is revealed In God's Holy
Book. Hear what ono of the most
prominent missionary ladles In this
country says in The "Shtmy, in refer
ence to this subject:
"Thorn Is no ilonlil Imt, lliiil, tint prliii'lna!
causiMif I lei iiili'Miiiliin of thii musses from
Hie chiiivli I found In a Kimuliiii inlsiiiuler-itaii(tlnu-u
iiiUiiiiileiHtitmllioi fur which
Hn l nn himI his miKi'l.t urn (IniilitliiMs i-i's)ioiist' '
tile, uliti'il by tint nul ii lit I temlenry of tin
liuiiiiu'i limii't, Inn which iM'tiutlly exist mill
must tin loot,. " To llliislrii.l, hy thn foi'i'ltfiM'r
In oiiiwIIIi'k: Must, of thin) weni nominally
llniiiitiilHf m I In inn,' i they Winn liiiitl,ii hy
the luh'sl,, iiiurli'd hy thii prlenl, Mini limy
i'jiM:t, to ho Imii IiiiI hy !h priest. They
in leiiili'd church, fnuiiiniilly or lnfriiiinilyt
und whllf! IihvIik never hi'i'fi Miii'lii'il hy the
vl tul truths of clirlHi htiiliy, thijlr nit ltudu to
rcllxliui was one of frlKiiillliiess, or cveui
wvcrmii'd, Thy resell this country. Not
wIi IisIiokIIiik the nelile ort of a few scut
lerml iiilsstonarlei,, the ti'snt in it tor 1 1 y of
them me nut ii-t dj' Miy m?''it of cliHstliio- -
Hy. They have no I rue Is put, Intel heir Immfn
KlvliiK them tint history of thn herd Jemi.
In sickness or distress they are not mitiln to
feel the lieliifuliiiiHS of clolsllaiilt v. Hut, Ihev
urn met hy lowil of , revolutionary wlal
Isiii, tracts lire thrust Into their hioul In
their IihikIs In their own Iiiiikuiikh every
liinuiiiiK" uu'ler hint veil -disseminating it
(euchliiK with which hy iiiceHnK, they urn to
heroine still morn fiimllliir In their new hoiim
In any law city In the country. ThUKlslof
thlsleiiehlmil (hut, the church under cvory
mime Isnn (iimui'ieil scheme to deprlvo them
of tlielrrlidusi ii wh-IiiI and literary chili for
u few prlvllOKeil one; piirtof the vast system
of sin'ImI machinery for imttlnK down and
kei'tiliiK down I lie luhorliiK mini, In their
own country t hey hitvit never passed ii church
wllhiiut liowfiiK und reverently crosNlng
IheiiiM-lves, Inlliienced hy thewi new tench -liiKS,
they never puss church especially If
they hiivtt lieeii dlsiippolnled III their fro
i iicnll)' overilrawii iinllctpatlons coiieeriilrut
wiiKesiind ease of llvlnx Iriour new world
without n muttered tmiledlctlou or an open
curse, They look upon churche a visihlii
representatives of tyrminy. They are wronx,
of course, They themselve nrt, the Rnialflst
sulTerers hy tills mlsiipiireheuslon, horn of
iKiioriuire and mallcloti tciichlnK. hut how
sluill wn miikn them understand It? How
shall we hrliiK them totlie IlKht? Vou ciinnot
HiKiie with such people, As well try Ionic on
an aimry child, There l hut one n-uiuice,
and that Is, its with an ftnry lillil to show
them liv ohect lessons, leach them hy
llvliitf deeds, till they will listen to lovliiKt
Realizing tho vastness of this sub
ject, and In words that are true as steel,
Kolomon P. Russell paints Homo In it
true character, He savs:
"It cannot thrive as a sect of Christianity,
heeaiise it, lacks moral force ami purity
within Itself. Separated from It temiHiritl
Imiwiti It claimed Kiuhorlly to 0 li t h t-o to v
ual Ions and rulers; Its ili'inaud for utter su
premacy over Hi" conscience. In all thliins:
Itsown hifallthllltyi Its machinery and tinsel
of worship! Its pretended miracles, which
jiolh the spirit, and nenlusof atrue christian-
it u uu u,.11 h. u'Iiiiii'ii Iktivi, eoluli.iiitied ; ll.u
prlesilycellliiicy and chain of iiuiiiierles; In
a word, separate It rrom Its hoary accretion
of cent iirles, mid Ihehi Is liolliliilf of moral
force left In It locoinliat the elvlll.afloii of
Ihesemore modern I Imi. Kuros will ssm
shake lilt the dead leper from Its conselencn
Mint from the state, and then Its proirress to
ward millennial history will bo rapid ami
No, Bishop Matz, you cannot fa fan
the "leprosy" of Rome upon tills coun
try. Your religion I "unclean," and If
you try to fiwten Its terrible orcs upon
our government, we will give you such
a reception as will make you feel as If
you wished you were In the bottom of
the sea, where you could meditate upon
the turn affairs havo taken. Like
hyena you aro devouring th. Issly of
our government, but our trap Is set and
w ith the iron grip of true patriotism we
proviso to annlhlato this terrible istast
ls'fore he will havo discovered the
structure upon which our government
is founded. lain open to a discussion
bishop, on this subject. Tho editor of
Tiik Amkhican has kindly granted me
space In his paper for this letter, and I
have no doubt that the same courtesy
will bo grunted you to reply to me. If
I have not given you enough black paint
I have a large can of it at my disposal,
and can use my brush with even more
vigor than I havo this time.
and re'
, . ; l " 'f,
- t
of I