The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 15, 1892, Image 1
THE RICAN, - i - 'a,-?. M nrt n t a hit Nt MHHt 1 Ft OMAHA, Nl'HUASKA. Hi I HAY, AIKU, l 1M2. AME JESUIT AGGRESSION A SM forth b Rsv. Joifph Cook In Mii Lettur. jl Tm Annul t v J. A. limit V A largv audieittv oonvcnml in the first MethodWt thutvh Thursday cwn liitf, April th, to llt.n to a lecture, under tho auspice of university cadets, Lincoln, on the altovo iinmtHi subject by Kev. Joseph Cook, of Boston, whose gonial face and pleasing address give dignity U hi masterly lecture. In tho alwenoo of Bishop Newman, who was unavoidably detained from tho early jmrt of tho meeting, the chair wit occupied by Rev. Dr. Morrill, pastor of tho First M. Ii. church. A little after 8 o'clock, at which time tho auditorium and gallery were filled, Dr. Morrill camo forward, and said that they would not delay any longer for tho people. Tho lecturer was prerent. IIo "regretted tho absence of Bishop Newman, who was to preside, but ho may bo in later. He would not under take to make the speech which tho bishop would have made if he was present. It was his pleasure to intro duce a man whoso name is know wher ever American liberties, institutions and tho American flag needed a do fender, who will addrens you on tho subject announced, Rev. Joseph Cook, of Boston." The lecturor spoke as follows: I congratulate you on local triumphs in your endeavor to protect American institutions. The inhabitants of the Mississippi are setting the fashions for our population. The child of twelve years of age will see two hundrod mill ion people within the borders of our republic one hundred million between the two great ranges, fifty million on &ie Atlantic slope, and fifty million on the Paclfio shore. It Is safe to say that if we want American prosperity, there must be maintained intact the thnse pillows free schools, free churches and free states. The schools are supported by public taxation, for all classes of our citizens especially the poorest without personal expense, for tho edu nation of their children. Over them the state exercises supervision. No one is accorded privileges greater than IhO'OthOT. .- "-"' - A free church is not connected with the state. It is not dependent upon it for political patronage. It is not bound with chains by any political authority whatever. We own no king or aristoc racy. We demand the education of our children by a free school and free church. We reach high successes by a widely dlfused system of education. If we break ono support, tho whole fabric tumbles, Tho Germans have a proverb which is sometimes called the eleventh commandment: "Thou shalt not suffer thyself to bo hoodwinked." Above this oommandmont may bo soon clearly a inost powerful organization known to history, who aim at tho de struction of tho American form of gov ernment. lie boggod them to make a dlstlnc tlon between Catholicism and Roman Ism as a polity. He did not assail American Roman Catholic laymen. He believed multitudes of them preferred tho public schools to the parochial schools. Tho clerical party leads tho attack on tho public schools. The Jesuits have their responsibility. They were not to shut their eyes to tho danger of this attack. A lady in tho east said to a Jesuit, that she was un able of late years to see tho influence of tho Jesuits, "Gitod madam," said lio, "Are there yet Jesuits? ' It Is their policy to work sucretly," A no less cold authority than tho encyclopaedia Drltanica says: "They aro likened unto a sword whose hilt is in Rome and whoso point is everywhere." Tho best scholarship of Europe up to recent dates unite in saying that thoro is no country in tho world, unless it bo Que bec or Ecuador, where the Jesuits are more numerous in proportion to tho population, than they aro in our own country. Their policy brings about a union between church and state'. Their policy may change their prin ciples, neverl Jesuitism is precisely what it was in the past. Thoro is said to bo a white pope and a black pope. Tho white poiw is tho head of tho Vatican; tho black popo Is the head of tho order of Jesuits. When they agree, they rule the world. Tho Jesuits have been criticised, and even anathematized by many popes. At the present tlmo the white and black popes agreo fairly together. Tho pope criti cised lately the Jesuits In France, but there is such agreement between them that the hands of each add to tho influ ence of the other. Roman Catholicism is constantly attacking tho American common school system. They wish to turn out all secular Instruction. From what do Amoricans receive more in spiring draught than the bible, the church and our public schools? They may bo likened to a costly crystal gob- !! n aWtluh-ly jHetl- iMt, from which th Roman rhorrh would Mr U lh spit it if Inspiration and learning, HtHii.l W fH in Oil, thi n h wU' uVtvy the t"n!(!i.t, Jf Jen tv- turnip one ttf the tipivrU, fre" slate, ffv' rtittivh. or fiv o'htU. tht fftthM winiUI tttppit over and tttivyitl. 1 1 I time Hint Roman Cntholie lnvnieit rail a halt, and not allow tho rlerlea pat ty to doMroy our American m hool yMem. The ower of Catholicism had Unn broken by Martin Luther, It U ! most incredible tho power that l exer cised by the Roman Catholic hierarchy. He holds in hU hand a handkerchief. It U subject to the laws governing his fingers, Such is the powers of the Jesuits over the Roman Catholic laity. They are a merct religious order. They believe in the Infallibility of tho popo, which gives unity to tho whole organi zation. Tho Jesuitical orders come from authorities on the other side of the sea. They aro seeking for a divi sion of tho school fund for their mis sionary and educational work. What would be thought if the Methodists and other religious bodios asked for a division of the school fund for church and school purposes? Methodist preach ers are generally Americans. Friosts almost to a man are of foreign birth, dominated by ideas brought out of tho secrot councils of the old. world, hold by ecclesiastical organizations, sup posed to be infallible. This infallibility extends to civil morals, education and politics. When we see Methodists en deavoring to be courteous to their neighbors, and speaking with all pos sible gentleness to every man, we can not take exceptions. But should we see them dictating religious convictions and going Into politics, we would think Methodism needed watching. Change names from "Methodist" to "Church of Rome." We at once deprecate any such assumption of authority. Any Protestant denomination at all would have Indignation toward the clerical party Catholio or Protestant which would seek to exercise forbidding in fluence over conscience, or In the polit ical world. We rightly demand that the leaders in this mischief be ox polled from all places of influence -in political elections. In South America, Jesuits httvo boon expelled from the republic of Columbia. In recent times, in Mex ico, Catholic parochial schools have boon abolished. In tho stato of Chill tho pooplo cannot send their children to tho schools taught by the nuns, with out paying a fine to tho stato. In the Argentine Republic, tho same stato of things exists. A commission was sent by tho presi dent to South America to Inquire into tho state of education and trade in that part of the American continent, Mr. W. L. Curtis was the secretary of the commission. There was a book published entitled, "Travels in Houth America," from which he modo tho following quota tions: "WhitliivM tho Hmil.h AtiicrlcHri rciiiilill'. ditvu Mhown real vlor in their ir)i't'N to ItidiiHtrlul Ntntilllty, they Iimvo Nhiikmi oir tlm cIitIchI purty In politico and cxlm-nllon. In ninny tmrtM or th contliiKiit, tliH xplrlt of Iridi'lX'iMli'nro IihkhIi'iI ovi'r Urn i'Iihim fiirm. wly tixlHt.liiK, mid broiitclit It Intoordiic The p(iiiiliil lori of tint Arifi'Mlmi Ib'iiuhllt! It ln critiiHliiK. I'atKKonlR him bimi nliollNli-d from I hi) map, thn A rifo lit I fix Kiiuhlli! now I'X tundliiK to Hie ulnilU of MukhIIiiii. H Id Kfa.ltiK ri'Klon, mid elirrli'H on an Iiiiiiiihim! tradu Willi KuroiiH. Uraituav In tlm Im-mI itiiNtonifir of (Jrnil, llrltiiln, Tlm I,a 'latu rl ror (Iih'h thu (ioiiiinandlriK cutllo trudu of all tho world. "Thoiwi fount rli'ii of South America, diiml. nalMl by tlm Uomiui Catholic church, aro In backward condition, whllo thowi who ant not subject to thn ower or Itomn urn ad vancing with ureal speed, I' lve Houth Amer ican slutes were unllcd, forinltiK the. I'liltod Htiitesof Colombia, They enjoy thn liberties peculiar to Home, They am under .lenult Inlluniice, U Is ono of (hit most btmlithtud countries on the continent. "Kcuudor Is another of thn Houth Ameri can countries under thu Influence of thu church of IIoiikv Ten H rcent. of tho popu lation lire priests, monks anil nuns. There aro two hundred and seventy-two fcftst and feast days during tlm year, Thn clerical party control the country, Hevcnty-tl vo sir cent, of tlm children born aro Illegitimate, There Is not a railroad In the entire couni n There are base xhlhllloii of cock hkiiis. J nnrn aro nownere ui bii seen ex hibits of InlltlTlliI linmucrll v or Indimlrlul advancement, alt IhmiuIi tho country Is one of t he richest on the globe. "Next U Kcuudor stands Quebec, In thn Dominion of Canitilii, It Is a region of won derful uiiturtil advantages. It stands In broad contrast with the Kngllsh-Hpciiklng provliico of Ontario, The former province had been known up to tin) time of the con federation of tlm provinces In IWI7, under the name of Lower t'anada, while tlm latter was known under tlm nanm of tipper Canada, "In Chill tint law declares civil the only lewil marriage. Th are no sectarian scliooU. If tho send their children to tho priests or nuns to lie educated, they are obliged to pay taxes to the state. The Jesuits have liecn exisdled. A civil marriage law has liecii passed. The registration of births and deaths Is placed In the bauds of civil official. Secret religious orders aro pro hibited. "In Uracil the liberal are making war against the Catholic clerical party. Tliero wero proceedings in 170 to alsiflNh ecclesias tical Institutions, Congress passed u law directed against tlmm, and Imposed taxation on property owned by religious orders, ami providing for salo of such property on the event of no payment being made, "In Mexico, for four hundred year there bus been a contention between the clerical and liberal parties. Muxlmallan was not In clined to grant all that tho clerical party demanded. There was a total collapse of the enterprise. The scheme of NhimiIcoii waste push the Interest of the Latin race. It Is generally granted that If Maxlmallan win not withdrawn, we would have sent an army, after the conclusion of the civil war. to effect his removal. No priest, bishop or nun Is al lowed to hold real estate. Free schisils have ten organized tinder the saVne law. The public mind has been Inflamed to Indignation by the persistncy of Jesuit aggression." There is a rising in Catholic countries against Jesuit aggression. In hundreds atul thtitl tin ) ba U'H 11vm f nw rrpw W ie ll Winld s-V f hi own city -the Ity of tt-wtou. What bi'imt at R.stw 1-ot yvars fwlnt.n' UUtty m uhI In the public M'litml. They had the mhh volume hero. The hook a very jfvir c rally approvisl by skillful teacher. One day a pupil went and told a priest that thin lok should thrown twt i-l the ltiton mbools. For what n-astm There w a nolo on a certain jge, not over one-fourth of a page In length, which contained a reference to Indul gence as one of the topic of interest, Tho foot-note Indicated that indul gences wore abused. Ho would not undertake ti say that In every wonl and detail of meaning it was ahNolutely oonvct. "Shorn was nothing about it horrible to any one. It was a harmless reference. There wan no need for any ono to go Into histories about It. We like to see tho hinges of history. When it was seen that the text-book con tained a reference to indulgences, a prlost protested, and a demand was made for a change in tho toxt-bx)k on history. A change was rocommonded, which received the sanction of the school board. When the action of tho school board became known, an indignation meeting was called a merited rebuke upon the action of the school board in Faunoll hall. Since tho American war of inde pendence, tho liberty cry was not so resonant as it was that night. The convention hall was densely crowded auditorium and gallory. At this moot ing a committee of ono hundred was appointed to protect tho schools. At three heated elections in Boston the school question had been discussed. Swinton's history was not put back. Other books took tho place it occupied. Protestants do not insist that any thing sectarian shall be taught in the publlo school. Tho Catholio clerical party have asked that all teaching of history bo excluded from tho schools. That is going back to tho days of tho dark ages. BlHinarck said that "One of the saddest things he saw in France was not battle fields covered with mutilated bodies, buit.set of mutilated text books," Tm found in the schools are so tutored liy the Jesuits as to mlslood tho minds of youth. Tho Jesuits want a division 6f the school fund. In taking a position against Jesuit aggression, ho desired to add a word of caution. This is a IKilnt of most importance, Wo need to stand erect on this question. It will not do to go so far as to tumble Into the ditch. I do not make a plea for secular education. Tho Bible should not bo excluded. If Roman Catholics attend, thoy may road their vorslon of tho Bible. It is a good book. I hope I am not a fanatic about tho Blblo in tho schools. Its uso In our schools was ap proved by the oxiierleneo of 200 years. It has boon thrust out of a fow cities and ono or two states to suit the leader ship of cities In tho slum. To follow In their wake would lie to go far towards paganism. It will glvo occasion to tho Roman Catholics to vindicate their ob jection that "our schools are heartless, Godless schools," No small influence may proceed from reading tho Blblo in the public schools, In tho oars of one fourth of tho school population, who aro shut out from tho church and the Sabbath school. The education in the church and Sabbath school is efficient but not sufficient. Very unhappy and humiliating re sults have come from countries in which tho Bible Is excluded from tho public schools. Crimes have Increased beyond precedent. Mischievous tend encies of revolting character have boon engrafted on the body politic, The soul needs the light of illumination. Through tho sacred volume it receives such holy touches as it nowhere else receives, Germany rocognlzes tho Blblo in tho publlo schools. It was connected with them on tho basis of exjterlinont, in scienoo, Sho requires common school instruction of all pupils In tho Bible. It is a great text-book. It contains tho loftlust idoas known to man. In revolutionary times tho cry was raised, "No taxation without repre sentation." If a person does not believe In God, his children may bo excused from scripture reading. The child of Jewish parents should not bo required to read in tho New Testament. A Catho lic may bo excused from religious exer cises in the schools at tho request of the parents. No ono should bo forced to read the Bible. Thero should bo no connection be twoen church and state. It is very im portant that wo should bo clear on this point. Multitudes of writers of con siderable rank take the opposite posi tion. There exists in the United States no separation of Christianity. A total separation of church and state is impossible. , lie a trivH.I 4 the hiovh, Hi' SVjJitHrtl theiil a i-fhe't-nt but tint uf fieU lit tn ttiUfi thn jn .Uii-sti of i'htl, tUr el, Tlo -tv iiiit t taxation without tvpivMitttin, Will you alktlWh chap lain In the army and navy? Will you al H)t the Thatikulx lug proclama tion? Will you rvv m tlm motto, "In ttl w trust ?" Hiititi tlnii' the dollar I not W'ortlt it face value. In (led we trut for the remainder. l4ught-r.J We arv willing to maintain scvcinnce U'ttviH ii church and state. The right of minorities are not wrong tf ma jorlliow. Multitude uf religionist will object to (tending their children where no reference I tnado to tho Bible. Tho Jesuits would have our tcxt-lstnk re vised so that religious references would lie excluded. It Is hard to teach his tory with clearness without saying something of religion. Let denomina tions havo their schools for their re spective denominations. They pay for them and likewise for tho support of our publlo schools. Thero Is no objec tion to parochial schools, provided thoy teach nothing treasonable! If tho Roman church demand a division of tho school fund for tho malntenanoo of their parochial schools, other denomi nations would have a perfect right to ask similar concessions. Tho Metho dists, Baptists, Presbyter inns, Epis copalians, Lutherans, etc., would natur ally seek tho privileges which had boon granted ono section of the religious denominations. What power may be exorcised by tho priesthood through their sectarian wheel. - They control a great Roman Catholio population, no loss horo than in Europe. Put tho parochial annex to our educational system, and presently tho Roman Catholio clerical lash will mutilate our children. Lot us koop a complete separation between our public school system and priestly fingers. lite prnver of politician is trembling As wt'er before. The Catholio popula tion now is some ten million. Soon thoy will havo twenty million. They aro seeking for the balance of power, and with it in their grasp, thoy will keep it for life. Mexico, Chill, Uruguay and Brazil have shaken off Jesuitical yfnterferenoe. Let us assert ou"z'' ' lean liberties! We stand In jierl, .om Jesuitical ordors and priestly influence! They boast of tho largo per contago of their children that are drawn out of tho public schools. Under the shadows of Bunker Hill and Harvard University, that is being done, There a boy was stretched on a table with his back buro. In this position he was lashed by a prlost until tho poor youth was unable to He on his' back! Yet this priest was never reprimanded. For what reason was ho so brutally treated by tho priest? For no other reason than that he In sisted on going to tho public Instead of tho parochial school, These are not exaggerated facts. One evening ho had been delivering a lecture In Kansas, when ho was ac costed by a school superintendent, who was a Roman Catholic layman, who called his attention to tho foot that Roman Catholic families in Boston had drawn out twenty or twenty-five per cent, of their children from tho Boston schools, whllo only three per cent, hod been taken from tho publlo schools out thoro. Wo must Insist on South Amer ican liberties for North American Catholics. Resist clerical dictation! In a city of Massachusetts, a priest from his pulpit addressed his congre gation to boycott a certain fellow Catholio who refused to take his child ren out of tho publlo school. Tho priest was arrested, tried, convicted and fined for conspiracy against his neighbor's business. Applause. Tho pulpit Is a power which dominates the Roman Catholio during exciting political con tests. In tho confessional Catholics aro asked If they voted as thoy were advisod. Four or five fimes Protestant minorities havo declared elections held In Quelx'c null and void, owing to the extent of clerical interference. A Catholic priest does not dare glvo ad vice from tho pulpit. A converted Catholic priest came to him, (Mr. Cook), and said: "Wo never said anything publicly as to how our j-eoplo should vote, but we went privately to tho leaders In tho various wards of largo cities, indicated tho men of our choice, ujion whom tho Catholic vote was to bo concentrated, and they passed tho word along the lino. It is mode known who and what tho church wants. Their veneration for tho church of them selves and their fathers influences them to take the advlco given. They dictate tho elections in great towns." At Boston, tho committee of ono hundred chosen to foster and protect American interests, wont to Washing ton to investigate tho extent to which Jesuitical aggression was there carried. They report that the Roman Catholic clerical and Jesuitical Interference did obtain to a great extent. He had ItefMil a tiltit-rv-td in. i'iW r if tl, cotntiilM. Mty tbewiute tlilntf pt!Uiy, tine ttf thtil itunmltte'v, In nmliltig ivtiU id: "They hn asH itii,.st that no tUaUbe t'i wired by the Asstslnleil I'lfs on rathiillc teple. tltftt Wel-e nut submitted to tlo tv Uinil ittHiniltlic.M 11 " P continually in mind the Herman proverb, "MuftYr not thyself to he hoodwlnkc)." The work of the Jesuits U done silently atul without ado. tt I almost tmpttsMhlc to get anything prejudicial to Catholic Interest through tho columns of the print. Home of the best Journals hail treated him kindly; others had criticized and ndvcrtlmt him without any hoo of reward In this world. Ijtughtor.l There are many Jesuits on leading dallies. They will see to tho utmost of their power that the name, fame and reputation of tho Catholic church Is not Injured. What kind of Instruction Is given by the Jesuit In tho parochial schools? We should ascertain as to tho nature of such Instruction. You could see whether you would bo willing to have for publlo text-books such as aro pro vided by tho Church of Rome. See the principles outlined in their book. Compare tho American and Roman systems of publlo instruction. It is an error to hold that publlo schools in which youth aro taught, should bo sealed against tho Blblo. It is an error to hold that when the civil and ecclesiastical power come into collision, that tho latter is supremo and tho former must bond in submission to threats, that president and governor must bow in reverence to the power on the Tiber. Tho fundamental constitu tion Is tho highest authority in the nation, even higher than president or pope. Tho entire church should be separate from the state, and the state from tho church. (To be concluded next week,) DENIED THE SACRAMENTS. The Church Overrides the Civil Law. Bishop McMahon has just received a brief from the Propaganda, Rome, by ylrtuo of which all priests are forbidden to administer tho sacraments of tho Catholio church to William Grant of .7. idfc-oiwrt, until ha accepts the verdict of "last July, and separates from tho woman whom he claims as his second wife, although the privilege will not bo denied him at Romo of presenting fresh proof of tho nullity of his first marriage, if any such be In n is possession. This dispatch from Bridgeport, which tho papers have published with out note or comment, furnishes another proof of tho iwjie's claim of supremacy over tho state, and Is in entire accord with tho teachings of tho encyclical which ho Issued at Romo, January 10, 1HIK), In order, as he says, "to describe more exactly tho duties of tho Catho lics." Speaking of tho duties they owe tho state ho says: Cases hapiien In which the state de mands ono thing from tho citizen, and religion the opjKisite from christians, and this undoubtedly for no other rea son than that the heads of tho state pay no regard to tho sacred power of the church, or deslro to mako it subject to them. No ono. however, can doubt which Is to receive their preference. Again ho says: If the laws of the state are in open contradiction with tho divine law, if they command anything prejudicial to tho church, or aro hostile to duties im posed by religion, or violate in tho ier son of the supremo pontiff the authority of Jesus Christ, then Indeed It Is a duty to resist them and a crime to obey them a crime fraught with injury to tho stato itself. , This means, In plain Anglo-Saxon, that whenever the pojo may deem a civil law or action of tho stato to be "prejudiced" to tho Interest of tho ohurch of Rome, and not in harmony with the teachings of tho church, then it is tho duty of tho citizen to disobey tho civil law. Olndifwe to it in a crime. And this, let it Is) borno In mind, is not tho teaching of Hlldebrand and of tho Middle Ages, but of Loo XIII. and tho 10th century. Yet tho jiopo of Rome claims to bo the friend of Ameri ca, her laws and her institutions, and there aro multitudes who believe him. Take this case of Mr. Grant. Years ago Mr. Grant, before ho was a Catho lic, was married to a Roman Catholic woman by a Methodist clergyman. Subsequently Mr. Grant joined tho Roman Catholio church, and still later, under the laws and in accordance with tho laws of Connecticut, ho secured a divorce, and afterward was legally married. This divorce the Roman Catholic church of Bridgeport would not recognize, and Mr. Grant applied for an ecclesiastical divorco, on tho ground that a Methodist church was not recognized by tho church. For four years the case dragged along In the courts of tho church, w hen last summer tho case was decided by the Hartford diocese against Mr. Grant. The latter appealed to the archl-cpiscopal tribunal In Boston, which reversed the Hartford decision. Tho question was then taken to Rome, and the decision is given In t( tWjtftu It si tin I,, h.1 4 thl !! U. Ami whstU tlist tbs l.t Ttott the fimt mart mv t a!M, ami Mr, tirant most b-sve the Wife, to W Itoin l) liM K-en lejsnily mart ltt, atul t-omw the husitnnd tf a woman from whn ht m lt-n legally tlivorotst, and to compel! him tttdlwils'y the law ttf the lU, He I threatened wltll severe Hele lat leal punishment. And who Uthl thst claim tho light to ileflnii tint limit nf a rtt Wort's ols' to tho laws of the country, ami requ're, under the threat of heavy penalties, nf that citizen olsillonoe, to hi mandate, and dlstilsHllenee to the state? An old Hal Inn monk, who lives In his palnee on the Tiber, In distant Itely, How long tlo the American js-opleniean to stand such high-handed Interference with their civil Institutions? if the American pimple do not proviso to surrender to the pupal church their sovereignity, their honor and their rights, and undo what their fathers secured through tho sacrifices of tho revolution, then some thing will have to lie done, and that eodlly. Motion Tnmhr. PAPAL AGGRESSION. A Bold Attempt to Abridge the Right to Petition. A few weeks ago a petition was sont from Detroit to Washington, signed by a largo number of Michigan Central employees, asking for an amendment to . tho constitution prohibiting the dona tions of public money to sectarian in stitutions. Therefore a coterlo of Roman Catho lics evolved tho following: Dbtkoit, March Z 1892. Henry B. Lodyard, President Michigan Central Railroad. Dear Sir. Considerable" uneasiness and apprehension have been caused among Catholics In this city by some published evidences that tht olfloors of the Michigan Central railroad have used the influence of the corporation in sup port of a measure which though not antt-Cathollo In Itself, has been avowed ly and insultingly aimed at that re ligious body, and by current rumors of discrimination on account of religion in its business management. Convinced, by recent reliable Informa tion, that you, like myself, would de plore and condemn the Introduction of religious discord in our midst, that over zealous partisans have been acting with out, join" .sanction, and vhat mv,v of these are perhaps unfounded and exag gerated. I, as tho representative of a largo number of Catholio gontlemen of this city, beg to request you, as presi dent of tho Michigan Central railroad, to give for publication such assurances as will restore confidence and allay theso apprehensions. Permit mo to avail myself of this oc casion to thank you for many courtesies received at your hands by our clogy and Institutions, I am, Very truly yours, M, P. Dowlino, Presldout Detroit College. President Lodyard, In his reply to this attempt to abridge tho right of petition, said: I would state that over tho Individual action, as such, of any offlcer or em ployee of this company, growing out of Ills religious belief, tho management of this company has never doomed it prop er to exercise, or to seek to exercise, tho slightest control, deeming that to be a matter of personal right, to bo de termined only by tho dictates of each man's conscience. The signing, by certain jiorsons who are connected with this company, of tho jielition for tho passage of the sixteenth amendment to tho constitution of tho United States, to which you presumably refer, should only lie construed as the Individual action of tho persons signing that petition, and must not in any way Is) considered as an expression of tho views of the management of this com pany. And that it might bo understood no jierson would bo Interfered with for signing such a petition. President Lod yard said: Every head of department, and every foreman and sub-foreman to. whom is Intrusted tho duty of employing, pro motlng or discharging men understands fully and clearly the position of the management in this matter that any question of religious belief must under no circumstances be allowed to affect their action in the employing, promot ing or discharging of any person; that merit and fitness must alone be tho tests. And It is further understood that any violation of this prlnclplo on tho part of any officer, or employee of this company upon whom devolves the authority to employ, promote or dis charge others, will fw promptly follow ed by dismissal from tho company's service Ben Buti.ek's advocacy of a flag upon every school house and a largo ono on tb north pole Is notice to the world that he is still In tho bunting business. Onutha Ike, April 9th, 1892. And the Bw's opjxwltlon Is notice to the world of its lack of patriotism and Its truckling to Romanism. For further proof, see editorial in Ike of Sunday, April 3, 1892. Thue Blue. Tue existence of a club whose mem bers were pledged to commit suicide among the cadets of the Roumania mili tary school, has lately been discovered. Five young men are said to have taken their own lives. Tho remaining mem bers of the club havo been arrested for aiding and abetting murder.