T COUNTY COUHT HI) MX: Mtili M 1 1 MM, HUU WB'lL TAKE hl-ri H lit'i1 h'.f i i"1 I f !- .... I , I , , ' t .... . i I I - - t i s . t ... I lit . ... M I I ,., . .. .i. . ,,.,.,11. . . I w II .1 !,.'.! I I . -.'.!': --'.:-! , , - , , . , l . I ,- ,. . ..I ,! , . ... T I . ,, I t I . .. I ' . . I ,.,. i i .., ii S- -, i . . i ... -..- - , . ., ,.!,,::-' I 1 , - ., , . , . I I - I . 1 I '1 , i .-..I . - . . I l . , I ... i . , , . . v -lit- : . ,. - .1, i . . ( ' , I . t I t 1 I . .in. -. i' i l i S - - ..'in,, . . I ,1. -, , I " l St 1 , , ,1. I f V , i t -I THE AMERICAN. BACK 1 V. I ii I l ) . Hi, I- 1 -, 1 I S t1 - '1 M !l ...... ,, ,,.,,..( ,, I I1 n lit H i , .! :l n t .. M- t I !.. I I . . , , . ?t I In l( n rtl . i It: .! I 1 I . "I t. Imi it. kt ', M , t 1 tl ...,'! It 'I I ., 1 1 i( 1 , ,i. 1 t,, I, f. 1 1. It, I , . ... I ,. I, ' , 111 I I I tl t I I II H t ll 1 . M II t 'i Int.. Iti l.,,t, nt t.,,1 t i t tl M 1,1 ,, I I l . . I jn.l ll It ft.. I It i I I t ll . 1 1-. t 1 lli I) , (., II I t m I lul h l I t nli.n III II tl.t I l lot l.'Ul t tt t. ltn i4- I.I.I. 'III All i.i 111 It Ml t 1 1 111 tti lite unit t In U It ltt ) h i m tl.t .'til tl. I. I tfl;lt(l l.. .RI1II hll tl.t nl'ti-e Vt.ltt (III- !! tn)llt, f,ln,,ll, II ft'H till' niiitt tlmll t.i.iil i.ilnml.t , In I . nil rim III tit- t t ..r Hit- iii.niiltn lii.tir Mil, 1 lit' ttiinlliem i n. '-i ilajr III fuliiliti In r Hi It in II In, ttli 1 lis iimiiittii! Iiimr mill 1 (turn P m in to I" in , III Tin' iiinitiliiit Imiir ill li ill oil il tn i ll l litutltilin, ili'iimiti t. mill ili tniill cni t fur lluil iln,V. ilinl i To timtlntin, tli'tiitiitt in. mill llrttillll I'HMt ulili li lift Vt in I lollnlj' tiMi'il nil ll MVtilitl iliijf ftntl ttitlmfftiftl tut thet'itl- mttli-r tn till ilny. Mil After it i-iiitf. n iiiiiilun ur ti ilt-tntitti-r linn ni-i'il tin- Hint- fur lili-li ll I M l. It i'ii it lint lit' t'lilli'il tti until R Hint lull In llli'tl Ilinl iliu-Urti il hy li lilt- nf tilt' rutin, mill nu ll no tli'f in tin' iiiihIi' party tin tbt' t-Hiiit tuny nt-ili-r nl tin- time It'tivf In (tlvt'ii tn Hie the Hint Inn. (Mil. llimlnt'HPt i t fur ti certain llinf, i-iin-imt Im triuiKftirrtiil to iiiiiitlnr tiny tirlmttr, utilcn Hit' (runnier onler l inntli'iit tint limir tlio tniitli-r Im wt fur lm arltiti. except unili-r Uiilr III, intli, Kuril tiny at (WO a. in., tlio liimliii'tiNtif tin; lit in r will hit callctl, lltli. Tin- iniittcrn Mill lit' heiinl In the or-ili-r In which they tiri'fiitt'ri'd tin Uiecitliuiili'r li ii lt-MH all parties pri'M'iil utiil liilcrcnteil con ic nt to il (IIITcrtitit iii riintfiiiiiniil, or In citnu of urtttint neeewilty. Til I A I; Of CAHWt TO-DAY. 12th. Tlio trial of ciiKi'M will coiiinii'iirt! tit JOMKi o'clock, ii. in.) mid I'titit 1 n in- unt il 5:00 o'clock p. in., with a rt'Ci'HH from 12:00 a. in., untllli.'IO p. in, Each cane. In untitled to tic culled ul, Hid tlini' net or within ti n mlnuti-ii tlifri'iiflfri either to he proceeded with, or ti further onler to he niiidti. 1'or thin purpiine, no party will he reunited lo wult lniiRer than ten iiilnuli'ii fur the npponlte party or other IiiihIiichn, except for ui'Kent ri;aoiin. The trial of ariutt! will lie minpeiiileil lit any tliiui fur thin pin pi me. In I'liNe the court IIiiiIn t hat any rule herein will work an iitifuri'Heen hanlNlilp, the court reHervi'N the rlxht to NiiHpcml I ho rule for the npeclal ciinii. Sheriffs Sale. lly virtue of tin onler of Mile limned out of the IHnI l ici t, 'ou i t for IIiiiikIiin ('ounty, Ne litiiNka, mill to ine directed, 1 will ou tliu loth day of April, A, it.. Inn::, at llio'clock A, M. of wild day, at the KAHT front door of tliu County Court Himihii, In the City of Oniiiha, IioiikIiih County, NehniNkii, m il lit public ituclloii the tiruperly tlencrlbed In will (1 order of wile an fol limn, to-wlt: JolHelKht IW, nine (in, ten (1(1), eleven (II) mid twelve (l:li, In hlock llfleeu (1,'n; IoIh one (I), thirteen Ihl) mill fourleeu (II), In Murk folly (40it lutH one (I), two tti, Iwenty 1 1n-fit (ZD, twenty-four I'M), In hlork fnrty-oim (4I) iilwi loin onii (I), two (2), three CP ii nil four (I), In block elitht (Mi ; lulu twelve (12) ami elithteeu (M), In block lilne (ID; loin twelve (12) and elulileen 1 1 hi. In block twenly-Meveii (27), all In (Jemie II, IIokkn nil illiliui ti 1 hi' I'll y of Omaha, IiohkIiin i ininly, nl n le of N i' In n m k ii , Hit III property to he wild to wit Iffy (ieorite K, llrnwii Hie niiiii of live thiiuwiiid, one lnilidt-ed, neveiily-ieveii mid Ml-1011 (IiiIIiiih if,-.. I77.WO Judvuietil, Willi Interi-Nl, Iheieon at Inn (10) per cent, per liniium from Heptuuiher 2Ih( A. I), tiiilll paid; li lid llili ly-lliiie ami IIn-IOO iIoIIiii-n it;i:i,;i-) conIn, Willi IiiIci-cmI, theii'iin from the 2IkI day of Heplemlien, A. D. IHtil, until paid, toitether with accrulntt contn nc cordliiK to a JiidKiiient remleretl hy tliu din trlct. couit of wild llouitliiM county, nt. H Heiteniher term. A, I), IhIiI, In n certain action then ami there pemlliiK, wherein (ieoi'ite K. Itrnwti wiin ilnliil I It lind II. H. lliiiiiiH, Minnie C. Hiiiiii'H mid id I it-1 m (lefentl- lllllN. Omiiliii, NehriiMkn, March 17. W3. tiKOIHiK A, HKNSCTT. Hherllf of I null! In m mi nly, Ne lit auk ft. J. It. Ccwtiicr, iitlnrney, llrowu VM, lliiriieet al. il-lN-A SherifTt Sale. T!rideraiid by virtue of a writ of execution on ttaiiMi-rlpl. Iwiiied by Trunk K. Muni-in, ( lerk of the DlMtilct Colli I In mid fi il' I IuiiuIiim county, Ni'IiiiihIhi, upon a Juilninciil of .luhii H, Miiii-Uim, .liiHllce of the I'eace In mid for Niild county, In favor of Waller llieeu A, Co, mid iikiiIiinI, Timothy .1. Conway (a trmiwrlpt of which JudKiiiciit. wait ou the 2InI day of lleceiiilier, IMil, duly tiled mill ilurlii li il In the dlnti-lct itoiirt, wltlilu and for mild county). 1 Iiiivii levied upon the following ileM-rllied real CMliite iim the ii'oierly of the wild Timo thy .I. Conway, lo-wll : l,ot Ihliteeii (hi), In block llfleendftl In Went, Hide, In the city of Omaha, IIoiikIiin county, t-l)i iimUii, Ami 1 will tin the huh day of April. A. J I. I02, at 10 o'clock a, In. of wild day, nt the KAHT front tliior of the county court hotiNc, In the c lly of Omaha, IioiikIiih county, ie Ill-auk it, ne II the wild real entale at im bile ii in-Ill m. to the h lu bent bidder fiircanh, in witlnfy wild i-xi't'iit inn the amouiit due 1 hereon, beliiK one hundred, forly-oiiii ami Hn-ino itllli dollnrn JiidKiiient, two and WI-IKI ('.l,iyii dollnrn itonln. Willi Inlerent on Imlli of wild nmoiintn from Auiriint. 27. 101, tuii'llii r with t wo and (Ki-HHi (;i.Wi) dollnrn In creiuietl cimIm and iii'i-iulnif cimln on wild writ, (llnltllll, Nehrankn, Wlllrh 17th, I -I''.', I H it 1 1 (( i K A , 1 1 1'.N N KTT, Hlii'ilff of i'liiitf Ihh 4 UMinty, Nc hi'iink it, llhilr A tlowt, iitlorueyn. llri-eii A Co. v, iinway, !l-H-f( Special Master Commissioner' Sale. lly virtue of an order of wile Inniied out of the IHnlrlcl Court for IioiiiiIiin County, Ne hrankn, li nd lo me dlifi'ted, I will on the llltli day of April, A. I). IM, at 10 o'clock A, M.,of wild day, at the l-'.AHT front dtnir of tliu County 'Cout t llotine, In Hie City of Omaha. ItotiKltiN Contilv. Nebriinka, wll at iiubllc niicl lon the tiropei ly ilencrlht'd In wildorder of naln an follown, tn-wlt i 'The noiilh oiie-luilf of lot liiiinlicrctl four (4) In block numbered one hundred and fifty Ibree (lfi.1), Omaha, lloiiitlan Coiinly, Hliile of i'liiiip.kn. to witlnfy I''. I. CtuiH-r and Chnrlen -', Oooiliinin, the wiin of one Ihoiiwiml nev i tity-three 20-100 dollnrn ofl.li7-'l.2(ii Jiiibtmeiit, with Inlerent from Hcptcinlicr 2lnt, I -HI; .luhii I:, l-'llpaf rick the niim of one hundred ninety mi-100 dot I ii in HHOO.mi Juilwiniiil, with Inlerent, thereon from Heplcmhcr 2lnt, Mil! Hunt, A McCnhc the mini of onn huntlreil llfty-ellflit illl-loo ilollmn (tl,;ui judgment, with liiterent thereon from Heptember 2lnt, IMil; to witlnfy .loneph llounkit the miiui of two thoiiMiind neven biiiidi-ed neventy idtrbt Hn-100 dollnrn (2,77h.hmi Judinnciil, with iiilii-il thereon at the rale of fl(ht. (HI ier (till, per ii li h il in , from Hepleuiher 2lnt, Intd; tonatlnfy ( hrlnthiu Hpecht the mini of one hundred tlilily-onn lo-lod tlullnrn (i;il.l0l ildumi'iit, with Inlerent thereon at the mte of neven (7) per cent, per minimi from hepteni ber 2lnt, I will ; to witlnfy I'rank J, Mac key the wiin of live thounmid neven hundred Hlxty-tlircc fiii-ini (liillnin (iKpi,rI.M Jiiditment, with liiterent thereon at, the rale of ten 110) per cent, per annum from Heiteinher2lnt Innlj to witlnfy Kenniiid (llnnn A I'lilnt. Compiiiiy the mini of one hundred neveiity-lilne ilft-iotl dollnrn 0M7II.M) lutlnment. with liiterent thereon lit therntu ofneveti(7) M-rcenl, per aiiiiiiui from Heptember Bint. NMi mid one hundred thlrty-eltfht IW-KKi dulhii-n (fi;iH,;w) coMln, with Inlerent t hereon from the21ntdiiy of Heptember, A. D, ni, until paid, louclher wllh iici'i-ii I nir contn iiccord I n to ll JinlKini'iit rendered by the Dlntrlct Court of wild 1'otiK lanCoiiiily, at Itn Huptember term, A , U. IWd, Inacertiiln net Inn then and there peiidlnir. wherein I'rniicln II. Cuoier mid Charlen I-. (tuotlmiin were pliilntllln, and N.O, Itrown and othern tlefeiidnnt't. Omaha. Nehrankn. March 17, 1K02, HIOOUUK A. IIKNXETr. Hherllf of DoiiifhinCuutily, NebranUa. Hieclal Manter Coiniiilnnlulicr. Iwinc, Adiitiin, attorney, Cooht vii. Ilrown. 3-1H-B . . , t I I ' I . V ., ' - it i. ......i, I -i U .,!. t. ' If, V I . .1 V , i , i - . ,. ' i t ,, t . . . i . i , . , l !..,.. ,..i . . ,i l I . I t ,.,11... l I f ' 1 1 - s , .... , I - I I . I - - I 1 .'I. li Pi I , . - I , ' ,,,,,.! , i I,, . M . i I n, V t I'-' I I. . I -1 l. I .' ll l,!'",l t' . - l. I I'. . V l , I , - , ' t ,!..,( . I . , I , ' .t " S'.i ' , I ..... t II - .1 . 1 ' i. ,. I '.. : . i i, ..I I. ii I t I t - t ......... I -i " Mil. 1-1 1-1 ft-.' f 'I II- ! t II .t.'.i. I w ', I ... i!,.... ii,, im, ..it . t St.i V It t-1 ii. i I .-,ll l.-.i,, t,( III ft, . 1,1 '. 1. . . .! -I ' I I., n ii-.. . i I t. . Ill i In -I ' I i 'lit t ,.l ,i l, .(t i . ,....,! 'ii !- Vil I. tt . I in a m'Ii t- ti It.' tt ' I tt" l' im. i, I,, i. ii. i.i.i I i ui. -,. i-.-.t It hi. .1 .1 ..im i Mni A 1 nt niid nil;i i. j it. fl I .I'ltll ti..7il,,i N. lt . V ii. li " iti lk-' iitt.lit.t N HIWIH, Mil lilt ft 1I..IH I l I i.llliH l ll line U WW. i Id Nlt.it li. 1 ll-il ti.tl I I f. t "i N Sltirifl's S.lp. Ill tliltii' ut nil ft ili I t.f i.li Ife.iii .1 .ml i.f M,i. ilKlll.t ...HI I ti.f Ihiuiliik .iilllilv, Si I- twiVtt. unit In i. t- ili'. I. it. I mil mi tin- ."tti tl-iv ff A .i It. A It. I- .' nt leu. i.n I. n In u( nnl ibi. Ml ll'f I "V fit'lit tlin.t nt the i-iitiiilv emit lnie. In the t'llv ft Otiiitlin, Iti.uwl.i i-i.tiiilv. N'tilil-kl. II Hi tMil-lle Blli'tlilll till' ilii III til ' tlln il Ili Willi unlet uf wt e fulliiti . tn- it : I, nl intuitu I tmti'.'l, In bl.n k titiiiilit I i vi ii u. uf I t mini I'iiiU. nil Hililitiitn In Hit' t-lty uf ttiiiiilin, ISiiiuht county, ftnti'iif Ni-t'i nkii, tiiHiKy l.i-uiiie V Itiiiiiiliiiid. the sum nt fniit liiiinln il. fully flhl .vl-tt ilulhil-ill- .VII luilitiiiilit. Kltti lit ti'ti xt t heiinu nt t-ltht c" ttt-r i-t nt. tt i milium from Ht iiti'iiibi-r 'Mst, A. It, HH. until pnld; lit iill-fv l-tfht il I . I ti-in h Ihe niim uf tint' tliutinl, .fvi'iil-ltvf Mm ilullnin ifl.u'.Aii.'i JiiiIuiih nl. nlth liileti-fl tliett uii lit eltlil mi it i t't'til. per niiiiiiin from Hi'pti-mtn-r '.''nt. A, P. Ili, until paid: itinl llfty-M'ii tnul 4"-lii dot In in ciwln, II li tnlf rent' tlifttiill fliiln Hit' '.MM ilny of Hepteiiiber, A. It. IMd, until pulil, tuitetber with nccriilntf ciwln accurilliiit to n .luiiirnif nl ifiiili'i'fil by the illntrlct mini of mild lluiiubin cuiiiity, at Hn Hiiittiiibet- I' tin, A. II. MI, In n t i l I ul 1 1 Hi-Hun then mill llii ti' pfiidltiir, w lierelii (ifiiiiie A. IIuiiu'IiiihI wnn iilnlnllll mid .liitnen l.iiiliy. Aviny Miner, Juneph (', liieiii mill tit hern ilefeiiilillitn. Oiiiaha, Neb., Minvh 2.'illi, It !. (il'.oliiir; A. Itr.NNKTT, Hhei lll Uf lioiitfliin County, Neb, Hwllzler A Mclntimh, atturneyn. lliiiiiilatid vn. Of ntry. ll-IS-S SherifTi Sale, lly virtue of an order of wile iMnued out of the lllhtiict, Court for linuirlim County Ne hiiinka, ami to me directed. I will on the 2ilth tiny of April, A. It. W, at III o'clock A. M. of wild day, at the KAHT front door of the County Court limine, In the City of Omaha I ) i i K I n h futility, Nebriinka, mil at public auction i no properly oeniiiiiett in nam oruer of wile tin follown. to-wlt ! I.otn neven (71, elttlit (HI. til tie (II), ten (1(1) and Hie miiui li furty-three In 4.11 feet of lot nl .H (III block foiirlJr. lutn one (1). two (2l, three Oil, four (4), live ifil. mid nix (Hi, block nix (Hi; lotn three (il and four 14), and tbetiortli l)ve(tir) feet, or lot. live (ft) block neven 7)S nil In McCimue'n nddltlon lu the City of Oiiiaha. Doiiulnn County, Htntc of Nebriinka, to witlnfy John T. IHIInti the wnn of one thoiiwinil ilullmn Itl.onii.oo) luilKiiient, mid furty-two la-IKl tlol Inrn UMlllli contn. with Inli't-ent thereon fiotn Hut 2lnt tiny of Hepteiulier, A, l. MM. until paid, toitether wllh iiccrulntf contn accordlim to a litdumeiil. rendered hv the Hint rlct Coui t of naltl Jiuiiuliin Cuiiiily, at Hn Heptember term, A. I), intti, in acerlalu action tlienaud there tieiidliiK, wherein John T. I ll lull wan I 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1ll', and Hubert Viitendefi'iiiliint, Omalia, Nebianka, March 2.1. IWrj. tJKOUtil'.A. III'.NNKTT. Hlit'liir of HoiiKlan County, Nebrankn. furl In A lieynor, allorneyn. IHIIon v. Ynl.'M. !t-"fl-5 Probate Notice. MTATC! ok Nkiihamka, I M I louitliin County, lit the county Court of liiiimlnn fount y, Nebriinka, In the tuiillcr of Ihti enliile of Adolph lliirow, tleceiined, The rolliiwltiic iiaiiii'd pernotin, to-wlt! Tim credllotn of wild enlate, mid all other pernonn luterented In wild mntler will take notice tint ton the 41 Ii day of March. InliJ, the County court of Iioiikian county, NcIhiimIhi, inailii the followltitf order: In the iniilliT of tlm enlati) of Adolph lliirow, ileceilnetl, Notice In hereby iilven Ihti I. tliu creilllorn of wild entitle will meet the admllilnlrator of wild entitle, before Ine, county Juiltfu of lioiittlun county. Nebriinka, at tint county court mum lu wild county, on the till tiny of Mny. H. ou theftih day of July, mir' anil on 1 ho Tti Ii day of Hepteinber, MM, at 11 o'clock it. In, eniii ilny, for the purpono of tiieneiilltiK their clnlinn for exiimliiiillou, iiillunliiieni and allowmice, Hlx luoiilhn ant allowetl fur Hie credit urn to preneut their clnlinn, mid one yenr for thi' ndiiiliilniralor lo mitle wild en late, from t he 4Hi tiny of March, I Mi!, Thin iiollce will he pulillnheil lii Tiik Am Kit if am for four weekn nuccennlvely, prior to Hie 4lh day of May, inn:;, J, W, M.I.KU, m K A 1. 1 Cuiiiily Jinluii, And you will further (like tiollce Ilinl, tin lennyoit appear lo prenent and prove your clnlinn tit. Hie lime mid iilnce iippoluleil for Hint, imrpone, your clnlinn will be barred from any I'liiinideratlou In the II mil nettle mi nl of wild fill Ic, Wltm-nn my hunt! lind olllclnl nenl thin (lilt day of March, M. ,1, W, KM.KU, nf,Ai, il-ln-4 County Judue, Sheriff's Snle. lly virtue of an order ofnnlii Inwted out of the tllnl rlct court for lioiitilnn county, Ne binnkii, nnd to me directed, I will on the Hid day of May. A. I. wi, nt 10 o'clock A, m of wild day. at the KAHT front, floor of the county court limine, In tint clly of Omithii, lioiiirlnn coiiuty, Nebranlui, mil at public o ui'i li mi (he iirupeiiy dencrlbed III wildorder of wile an follown, to-wlt ! "Thiil pin t of lolniiiiiiihereil nix I een (lilt and neveiiteeii (17) III block number elKbl, (n In Kniint i-'m fourth (lihi aildllloti lo the clly of Omaha, iinnhowii by the wippleiniiiitnl plat of wild iidilltlini, iioveiiuit wild block number elulil mi dencrlbed an follown, to-wlt i lle Kllinllllt at II point on the went Hue of wild lot nlxtneii (10) folly 110) feel mnih of the will! h wenl noriier of the name, tbimce riitiuliiu lioith on the wen! Hue of wild loin nlxleeil HO) mid Hi'vi'iitci'tiil?!, forty (40i fuel, thence cant one hunilred (Ifly-neveii (IW) feet lo alley, thence noiilh with Ihealley linn forty (40 feet, thence went one hundred nfly-novon (!i7t feet Hi (be place of beuliiiiliix," In the city of OmiiliM,, i-iinnly uf j It in it In n li in I Ml ii 1 1 ur Nl" binnkii. Ui witlnfy .Intnun M, Hwel.nain the mini uf ( wo Ibuuwitid three hundred thirty elKbl anil no-Jim dollarn '.'..'tl-JKii ludtdnenl. wllh lliteretit Iheieon lit elKht (Nl percent, per annum from Mny II, A, ll. IMH, until pnld; lo witlnfy I'eler O, Ilrown the mini of one hun dred dollnrn (100,00) ,utlimeiil, with liiterent Iheieon nt neven (7) Jier cent,, per nullum from May II, A, I' 1HH, until pnld: In nallnfy A ii ii In Hurt the niim of ncveuly-fmir and 42-100 dollnrn (fri l!), Willi Itilerenl , tlieruon at the rate of neven (7 per ci'iit. per niiliiim from May II, IMil, mid Iblii y-f lifht itnd m-lno (Inllii i-M (f;ln.ll,'l contn, with liiterent Ibereoti fruin Hie lllli diiyof Mny, A.I). Mil, until mild, tiiii'l her wllh accriiltitf contn ncconlliiK lu a ,iiilumeiit rendered by I be dint tin court ufnald liuiiitliin county, at Hn mny term, A. It, Mil, III a ceiiiiln licHoti then and them pctidllilf, Wheriili Jllinen M, Hweltiniil wan plnliilllt, ilinl lied l..liihiinou, I' llrn Johtinou mid olhern defemlanln, Oniiiha, Nebianka. April I, IH'.i'i. O KollllK A. HEN N KTT. Hhetilf of IIuiikIiih I oillity. Nehrankn. Itel'rauce A Itliiiai-ilnoii, at liirneyn, Hwtitilitil vn, .liilinnnn. 4-l-fl SherifTi Sale. Hy virtue of mi order of wile Inmied out of the IHnlrlct Court of ItoiiKlnn lioiliily, Ne hiiinka, and to me dlrecli'd, I will, ou the I'.Mh day of April, A. ll. Mi:!, nl III o'clock A, M. of wild dny at the KAHT front tlooruf tint County Court limine, InlheClty ofOmiiha. ItouKlim County. Nehrankii, mil at public iiiicl Ion the properly denciibeil In wild order of wile tin follown, to wit: l.otn live (fit and nix on, In blin'k cltrlit (H), III K t - ii 1 1 1 1 1 ' K iiddllloii lo Ouiiihit, county of Itotiniiin null Hlnle of Nehrnnloi, tonatlnfy jinnlel Kendall the mini of one fhoimnud neven hundred wvcnty-nliie 07-1KI il,7iH.07) dollnrn JiitlKinent, wllh lult'lfnt theremi at the rate of idKlit (HI per cent, per mi mi in from Heptetiiber2l. InHI. iiiiiI7.7;i contn, wllh liiter ent thereon from the 2lnt dny uf Hepteiulier. A. I). Mil, until paid, tutretlier with iiccrulliK cuHln. necurdlim to u.Hiiluiiietil rendered by the Dlntiict court of wild IIiiiikIiim cuutity, nl Itn Hepteiulier term. A, I). M'l. Ina certain iictlnn then and there pi'iullm;, wherein liiinlel Kciiiliill wan plalntlll', ami Tlmiitby Con way ilefeiubiiit. Oiiiaha, Nebrnnkii, March 17, Mi"!. dKoliOK A. HKNNKTT, HherlfTuf lloiiitlan County, Nehrankn. A. .1. A W, H. I'lippliion, attor'iieyii. Kiiitlnll vn. Conway. il-lH-5 fi! tt Hi t ' '. .--.. ' ''':' ti . i ii ,, . I t ., t s , ,1 , 1 I . ,....!,,! .. ' ' .1 ,,. , I- I . , ...( I ... . t J t .ll'. I , ;i.. ...III-. I '. Is ' II - . t it - I t ( . .... ,i ,,. ift, , . . i ,l- .. v '' . .. i.n .-. I " ''.!. If k ! 1 . . I ... .t.t .1 .. I - I ,, I . V. I I . I . , " J I ... ' . . I ". . l , . I . ' 1 1 I l I I I ..... .I.s .1 I.. II 1 t I 1 I ... , - - K lr, t . , I I H 11 ' , , 1 I J .-..it w -.1, ir I. t I -I .. I'.. 'I I .1 , , 1 fc. , ,. . . I' I 1 ... i ' t ,!,,, Ul . . . .1 , , , I - ' . t n ' ' - , . t ,-.. ., I . , .1 I' i I t 'I" I ' I I 1 . 1 .. .,. I Wl . . t t l-.'l ! ,I I. . I ..I I .. '.I, 1 I ll I ' !.., Ill l.lll,,t. ,.t. ., . I I " n.-.,t H It i -,. t, .t. I. . -!.., I - at, . I ..... t V I. I 1 " i.l .1,1 I X ltM It ' ki.i A nl H 'a,. I . in. 1 1 N..iilii i I Is I.. ! I i I '! H ' Mn-i ill M'l i (linn ft fin full tl' I'-'l. l fill il 1 1,, MMn.t Imuil.t Iv .if it I . .linn , i. t.t.ii(n .ml ,i ilmi It it I Ot fii 1 be 1 tti .tn ft Vftil. A It I-'' i I"., i l.n-d i-( i-llil ilm ht H. I t tt.il ll.n.t i I till' I .met t I i.tul II. f iii Ihe t ily ut if.mlifl, tt.,ii!M I ..nul l , N. l.i..l.it nil nt ..ilil.i nii.li.'li Uf l.ti'ln III ill . I tin it III fc'ild ul ilii i.f nll n (..ll.mn i.. H, I ut tli'lil. i II itMti.ttli i.tie tuilflft il Vi li. tun ill.' 111 I In- 1 HV ff I h'tt t"-f ISnlvltn I i. tm 1 1 ninli ut i I-1 nt,n In ntl- tv l lull lull ii. I, !i iie miin i if in tilii n ilulbiii i'I" nt. tiuli'tmitl. Ami m mi uiif f.i tn ilullni. . i ! li 1'iwln. w U I, Int. i. l itieii iiii fiuiu Hie Jtt tliiv ul Ht'pti' in If I , A It l'l. null! pulil, liiK.-lbfl Itli iti'i't uliut iut(i mlliiu tun iuiliiiniiit Ii tub li d by Ihf ilil.i Ci nt 1 1 ut in 1.1 limiiMitn I uill.lt ill itn f fli-iiilnl li llli, A It Mi, Hi n ci ilnlii iiiilmi lin n mill there iniiilltm, ulniflit lii.itluti Anililin jilnliilii, nml Nullum llniivmuiiiit ili (i iiibinl, Oiiinbti. Nebiiil.il, Miitvli lu. !'! liHil.i.K A. HI- NM TT. Hbi-lltr of Intiiuliitt Clillllly, Niiitlf-kll 1. C. Iliichflui, iitiiiiiit y. a II A Shcrifl'i SaIo. Hv Virtue uf bii littler of nnle Innieil out of the'lHntrlii Court fur IhiuiHift Cuutity. Ne btiiHkn, niiilto me dlrecti'tl. I will ou Hie I -ill tiny of April, A. It.. I"!1.'. lit l tt'cbn'k, . M., uf wild tiny, at the Kant front dinii- of Hut County Court lliui-i'. In the lily of Omiiliu. liiiiuHim County, Ntiirnnktt. nell nl public niiiiluu the Iirupeiiy ilewiibfil III wild older of nnle an fufhiHn, tii-wll : l.ul iiiimlier five i.M III block number live iM III l.ymnti lince, mi adillHiiii to the City of Oiiuihil. tin ntirveyeil, liliitlt'tl mill recut'ileil, nml nllilnte III lloiiitlnn Cuiiiily. Htntf uf Nfhritnliit, to wiHnfv I ti ii lii 'm W. t.ymnii the w f Ittii liumlreil tilnely-eluhl l-ii dol lnrn itJilM.mil, JiuIkiiii'IiI, with liiterent thereon ill eluht (w per cetil. per annum from Heptem ber 21. A. Ii. MM. anil thlrty-nlx li:i-no tlollarn (ifcM.1i.ll contn, with liiterent theri'im from the 2lnt day uf Heptember, A. 0. Mil, until paid, ttiKt't her with iiccrulnn ciihIh accunlliiK lull Jniliiini'iil rendered by the Hlmtiii Court of wild InitiKliM Culitilv. t Hn Heiiteinher tiiin, A. 1 1. IHHI, In it certain action then and I here, peiidlnu, wherein Cbatien V, Lyman wnn plaltitllT, tnul (litnl ti vu A. KiikcI, Jiibn Mc Arihiir mid l.ouln W. Hiiullfi' and olhern difi'iiiliiiili, Oinalia, Nebrnnkn, March 10, IWt'J. (iKiHtUK A. HKNNICTT. Hherllf of lliiiiiflnnl uiinty. Nebrankn, llreckciirhlKC, llrecktiiliilxe ACrufiiut, Iit lorueyn. Lyman vn Viillmer. ii, nl, il-ll-5 SherifTt Sale. Hy v I rt i n (if im order of wile Inniied out of the Illntrlct Court fur lluimlnn Cuutity, Nu liranliii, mid to me dlri'f ted, I will, ou the I2lli ilny of April, A. I)., Inii2, at, lo o'clock A, M.of wild ilny, at, the KAHT front door of Hut County Court Mount', in the Clly of Oiniilia, I li mi lc I ii n Cuiiiily, Nebrankn, nell at public unci lun the iiropeiiy tleniiiheil In wild order of wile an follown, to wll : but number nix (ll) In block number live (IS) lu l.ymnii I'liice. an aildllloti lo tliuClfyuf Omiiha, an nurveyeil, plalleil tnul remrded, ami nlliiiiln In liouttbin County, Hlate of Nebriinka, tonatlnfy Chnrlen W. I.yiiimi the mini of three h u ml red I hlrty-ulne l:j-loti dul larn nMKl.121 Jiuluincnl. wllh Inlt-rent lliereoti lit, fluid, IN) percent, per liniium from Heptem ber 21, A, ll. Mil, and thlrty-nlx I(h-ihi ilullmn it,l,;iHi contn, with Inlerent thereon from Hut 2lnt, day of Hepletiiber, A, U. InHI, until paid, tue ber with accruing contn accorillntf tn a Jnilifiiti tit ri'iulered hy Ihe Illntrlct Court of wilil lloiiulnn County, nt Hn Henlumher term, A, ll, Mil, In a certain luilun then mid llieru pemlluu, wherein Chnrlen IV, J.yinmi wan ihiliitlir, mid Wllllan llcnii, OuhIiiviiA. Imiui'I, louln W, Hiiiiller, Jtiliit McAiiJiur nnd nlhern defendaiitn. Omaha, Nebrankn, March 10, Mi (iKl)l(tiK A, HKNNKTT, Hlietirf of Iiuiurbin County, Nebriinka, Hreckeiuidntei it i-t-i-k n litlKi' A ('rofuol, nl- torneyn, l.v in it ii v lli'iui, nt al, ii-1 1 -ft Sheriff's Snle, Under nnd hy virtue, of tin execution on tliuiniiipl Inwied by Krnnk K, Muuren. Clerk of Hut liUliicl, Court In and for lloiiitlan Coiinly, Nebriinka, iiinut it ,uilmetit of tlm Cuiiiily Ciinii lu mid for wild Cminl y, on Ilm 71 It day of January. Inn:!, In favor or HeoiKit V, I'i'i kluH, ami iimilnnl ,1,1';, llllcy, a Iran ncrlpt of which JudKuiiiit wan on the IMh dny of Jiiiiiuiry, Mil, (Inly lllc il nml docketed In Ihe ItlnttictCoiirt wlllilii and for wild County. I till vn levied upon the following denciibeil real cnlaut an Hut properly of the wild J. K. Klley, to-wlt : The undivided om-liiilf V.) of lot "()" In llanciiH'H tiddllloii Hi OknlioniH, liuiiilim County, Nebianka! ami lot twelve (I2 III Mchliillie'n will-ill vInIuii of I he liorlheant utie-iiimii-- Hi ti n)nt the noul liciint one-iitiirlf r it n'ji ufnciiliin :m, Hiwunhip Ir,, rniiKii bi, 1'iu.l, ci ill I ii I it i ii u live i,'ii tii'ien more or lenn, lieliiB block one Hi Hhtiver lince, cuntalnliiK tweiily-nlx (-(I) lotn, liilinbiTi'd from one III to tweiily-nlx 120) lliclunlve, biiinx nu mlilll lull toHie Clly of Omiiha, DoiikIiih Cimnty, Ne hrankn, and I will on Ilm liilidny of April, A. I'. IMi',!, at 10 o'clock A. M.of wild day, at. Hut KAHT front door of the County Court llounelii I lif i I y of Omalia, Huuilnnl iiiiiily, Nehrankn,, mil (lie InM-rent of .1, K, llllcy In nml lo nii III real enlate, nl nubile iiiiciluntu the liluhent hldder for canfi to witlnfy wild execution, the amount due (hereon hcliiK nix hundred fifty-two Ml-Km ilullmn iSiUV'.Mii llamiiKen, three 4,'i-00dullitrn (fl l.'iicunln, with liiterentun bul li of wild iimountn from Ju n iiary 7, Mil, tuuelher with onu mi-IOit dollam il (Vn increitni'il contn and accrulntt cimtn on wild writ, Omaliii, Nehrnnkii, March 10, Hf.. UKtillHK A, HKNNKTT, Hherllf of liouitliin Coiinly, Nebrankn, Hwlller A Miinlunb. attorneyn, I'l-rkliin vn Itlley. il-ll 5 Sheriff's S.tlo. lly virtue of unorder of wile Inniied mil of I lie Illntrlct Court for lloiiulnn County, Ne liiiinkti, nnd to me dlrecteil, I will on thellrd dny of Mny, A, ll, Inii-,!, ut 0 o'clock A M, of wild day, at I he KAHT front, door of the Coiinly Court, limine, In Hie Clly of Ouuilia, lluiiiflitn Coiinly, Nebranliii, null lit public aiiiilon the piopeiiy dencrlbed In wildordnr of wile an follown, to-wlt i "Thai pint of lot number nlxli cn (HI) In block number elubt 00 of l linn I .i-'h fuillill Itlh) mid 1 1 lull to I he clly of Omaliii, nn nhown by the Hiippli'miiiitnl nbil of wild nddltloii, I'oveiintr wild block liibl (Hi, denciibeil an follown, lo-wll : lleit IiuiIiik lit Hill nuill Ii went, corner of wild lot number nlxleen lllli, thence t'liniiluK lioiih on Ihe went linn of wild lol fuiiy mo feci, iXiciicn cunt une hiiii.'ifil and jlfly-neveti 1 1.171 feet lo alley, thence, noiilh forty 1401 feet to miiii IiciihI corner ofnalil lot, Ihencii went one hundred and llfty-neven Hfi7l feet to place of IiokIiiiiIiik," In the clly of Omiiliii, county of lioiiKlan and nlnteof Ne bi link ii, to witlnfy ,ln luf n M, Hweliiiim the nil m oflwo Ihoiiwitid three huiiilred Ihlrty-ebrht mill (Ht-IKI tlullnrn l2.Xln M) Juiltonent, wllh Inlerent theremi at elyhl IW per cent. m t it ii it urn f ri nn May II, A. ll. Md, until pulil: to witlnfy 1'iier O, Hruwti the Hum uf une hun dred (lull n I'M ilflOO.IKI) Judgment, with Inlerent I hereon at neven (7i pt-rctiit. per milium from Mny 11, A. 1), Mil, until pulil; to wulnfy Annie Hurt the nuin of nevenly-four mid 42-llKt dollnrn i7t.42i .luiltrtiient, with liiterent theremi nl, the rule of neven (7) per cent, per milium from May II. Md, and thlrty-nlnc mid IH-llll ilullmn (.. Cuntn, with Inlerenl theremi fiom the lllli dny of May, A, I), Mi. until paid, loitetber with licciulim contn acciirdiiiK lo a luduuiiiit rendered liy the dlnl i'lct court of wild liuutibin cuutity, lit Hn May term, A, ll. n',i, In a cell ii In net lun then mill there peiidlnif, -herein .lumen M.Hwet iiiiiii wnn pin I n 1 1 It, ami li-etl I.. .luluinuii, Klleii Juhiinun and othern defemliinln. Omaha, Nebrankn, April I, Mi2. (iKolitiK A, HKNNKTT, HherllTof IIuiikIiih Cuiinty, Nehtimklt, llel'rance A Hlcbiirdniin, altunii yn. Hneliiam vn, Juhnnuti. 41-.1 iCURE8YPHILIS-Anym-o;$i.ooo Miin ma fxprrnn'il lo All pnrli. No i-xpnniu. Wrilrto ( ikik KuMnnvfo., Omnlin, Nrli. I 11 -..,' i , " I,, It . I. , t , ' t . . , I ... I,. ,1, I : . I L .l It .... I ..... ...,.,,( N , .It, ....(, I,. I ...v . ., . , , n , ., ., ,,, ,,, I - . ' . . -I .1 ' ... . I ..... ... I I I ll 1. 1 . , , ,. , I .1 I .1 , I ,, I ,1,1 I. If .... V ., II tl l-t I 1 . , M -: '., I I I .. ll,. . ' , 'i', i I . , , f., M ,f !.,.,.', I . , I ". I " l I I I ' 1 I . ,1 I . ,'. . lit . .' .,-.-, , . , . . I !,, i , , , , i.l . i,.i ...it t li.. M i '. I i ,.,,ii ,.t . ., 'l .... '' 1 ' (.,11 nl il-V-l I- i ll 1 I inn a I ,ii .1... .,., 11.,,. ft-.i-.l, liiv.u,.. i'...i,in.,,t I I nil- . t t. I liii.l i -M. ' . I. ,,'' ii la t '' -' , ' .... i ii ; . i- - i. min. t i.l nn t I I., i It,.,,, ) ,. i , i N, j ,,..), t, I,,,, H X . ni .,. , in.. in t Vl i ii, . . j,,, I'll i Htifi ifl't Hf. ; ill liltif i,t 11 i.l.l. I i.f f,li- Is. if ,1 .ui) .if i ii,. tt,.ni, t , ,in i,,i t,.(,vi ...,(, n, ti . :....t I.. I.-, ll ... I. .1 III ult lllf ,'int ll .1 fi W ii. 1 I l- i h t If u ti n I, n 1,1 ut .ni.l .1 n, i.l Hi. I hi, ,,i,, .i. ,,nn,l, ,,,ni If rtl-f . tn tin .ill ..( I 1,1 u.lfl, 1 1. 'il., t C.lllllH. N 1.1'fU, II Nt 'ii I. lie nu, 1 1. hi tin- t. 1 1 v .1, . IIIhiI tl, . l, nl,). i, .,, ,. tulluA I.l It liult putt nl u mil, itn I J ll'ulvi li id In bt.n t, lililiiln fli.lit ,', h, Hillllll'f'n I fill III III,' llililllll.il 111 lllf Ctl V f I I l'i, III, -I A .U II hv I li' nuppli mi nt i pi it ft iii.l iiil.liiliiti. i uvi ilii t int lii I, N,i n ili nu il it (ul luttn. t,i nil- "1 uiiiiuf mil, it nl t In- urn ttivtct rutlii'l uf wild lut ' v i nl. . n , I , , 1 1,, in c inl it lilt tin-tun Hi Ilm. uf ...ml u urn- liuii.li.it IlllV-ni ll ll if,, I fel l 111 nib V, lb. lice .ulllll llh lllf t-iist Itiif uf niiiii u fully ilm ffil; HiillCf Hint fill' hllllill'til lltll hixiii il.iji b ft lu Hie vte-t Hue uf wild tut ; lln-i iiuttli bill) 'IKifiii lu Hie phice uf I m u I H u 1 1 1 K . ' III Hieiity uf HiiiiiIiii, i-uiiiily of liutii'bfi nml nlnle uf Nf In imk il, tu wit In' y ,1 ii nif n W. Hwii limn the mini uf Ihii Hiuiiwiml, Ihtif Iiiiii ilnd. tliltl v-i'liilit nml 11 I'll ilullmn (.'. UMn blilt'iin lil. ullli llili n .1 Hu ll nn nt i t u I, I iw I" I ci nl. pel' minimi finin Mnv lllli, A. I). In'd, mini pnld; to will-fv A nnle Hint the mini uf neieiil y -finir mid ii dulliirn iHtl 4 !l W lib Inlerent theienii lit nen-ti i7l per cent, h-i- ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,i from Mnv lllli, A. It. l-'i, until ii i iti. and llfty-t vni Wl-lin dullnrn if,vj,u;ii cuntn, w llh liiterent tliereiiii fruin the lllli tiny uf May. A. H. I M'l. until pnld, tiiucilicr iillli llcci'lllliK cuntn i i it 1 1 1 1 1 lt to a bnlmnclll reiideieil by the dint rlct couii of wild liouithin fuiiiily, at lln May term, A. H. innl, In a cer tnlu action then mill Ihere tieiidlnu, wheniti Jllinen M, Htveliimi) wnn plniiitllt' nml lied l Juhiinun, Klleii Juhunuu mid nthern ilefeud llllln. Oiiillhll, Nelininkli. April 1st, INT!, HKOKHK A. HKNNKTT. HherllTof Hmmlnn Cntinly, Nehrankn, lie I " in ii i K I. ii ii it I i in, n 1 1 1 it tu yn. Hwetiinm vn. .lulinnuii, 4-1 -ft RAILWAY TIME CARD I.envi'H C, HI, I'., M. A O. Omalia Itepul IM Ii mid Webnter Htn, K in mu Hluiix City Ai'i'iimiiiudiillun l.im pin , H, C, Kxiirenn (except Hun) , ft. . pill Ht. I'lllll Hlnilled ft.l'i pull jllllicrnft I'nnn. (e.-vcejjlHlllll I. i'iiven ('.,' 11, A ). Omiiha Itepul loth and Miiniiu Htn, 4 , m pin .....CIiIi'iikii VchIIIiiiIciI II, ,'iU inn ( iilciiKii Kxprenn H. '.li pin CIiIi'iikii Kxprenn 11.10 pin Chlciiitii A luwa l.uciil, L'liven II. A M, tl. " Omiiliii I Depnt I'M li nml Mnnnii Hln, in. I.'i inn .llenver Venlliiule I, hulled. Jo.lfi am llcnii wiiuil Kxprenn 7.10 pm ., Denver Kxprenn t.lo pm llenver Kxprenn 5,11 pm .. I.l ncol n 1, 1 m, (except Hun), , M. 1.1 am Lincoln l.ociil ,,,,,,,, I, 1'livenl K,C.,Ht.'.l.(Ml, Omiiha I Input 101 Ii and Miinon Htn, Ii,:t0 iiiui... Kan, City I lay Kxprenn,,. 11,1.1 pmlK.I '. li lih I ex. via I I.l'. Trann, A rtiven ( biiiihii H.0.1 pm 12,40 pm H. 'il mu n.4ft iiiii Arrive ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. h im nm 11,44 am H.oii pm N.lft am Arrlven I iinnhii 4.00 put 4.0.1 pm H.ai nm li.oo nm ll,:m am il,:!() pm A niven Omaha ft. 1.1 pm iliu ii in I, eaven' IINloN HACIKIC. Arrlven tiiniilm I'nlun liepot loili and Mnicy Omnha "H.ltOani Ileal rice Kxprenn,.,.,, 7,00 pm 10.00 am .Denver Kxprenn ,. ft.00 pm 21ft pm Overbiud l lyer Il.lftpm 4. .m pm . II, H, A I', Kx. (excepl Hun) . I:!.,'i0pui (I.;t0im ,lv,.,. liuillc Kxprenn ll,2Iiiiii Leaven ''"Kk A Mo. VAf.I.KV. Arrlven Omnha llepiit Iftlh mid WebnlerHIn, Ouinhil II. 00 tint Dead wood Kxprenn,,,.. ft .2(1 pm U.iniaiu (Kx.Hnli Wyo, Kx.iKx. Moti) ft.:!0 pm ft. 10 pu Norfolk (Kxcfpl Hun,),,, . Il.lo urn ft, 1,1 pm Ht, I'mil Kxprenn Il,2ft mn AllfdtteriisferVed 211 SOUTH 11TH STREET. Tkmchiionk 2l. DIvOD., GATE CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. TKf.KI'IIONK IM4, 207 North 17th St., . OMAHA, NED Work called for and delivered. w7h. lanyon, m. d. Physician and Surgeon. Twelve yearn continual practice In Omnha, Inlc annlnl niitniiremi 10 Ht,, Juneph'n honpltnl, Olllcti H. W, cor, Hlxteetith and CblciiKO nln. Olllre bourn li:;m toll a. m, II to ft ami 7 to It P. M. l(l'nl(lclice,2VH ( lilirli nHllcli,, Ttilviihona 747 8. M. MACLKOD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, 14SS South 28th St. JOBBIia PBOMPTIT 4TTESDITD T0: . AfJKNTH WANTKI) ! At Tiik Amkiiican, Cull tnul sen ni4 or wriltt fur pnlliiiliti-n, South Omaha Advertisements 3. M. 2423 N Street, South Omaha, Nub, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunk and Vallw-n, and (lentn' Kurtilnhlnm Cheapent placu In tlm city, Call and nee mu , Omaha Express and Delivery Co. 'J'KI.Kl'ltONK 747. Mouing and Light Express Work Trunkn delivered lo all patin of the city, tilllce, ;i'24 Not Hi Pllh HI, at Dl ittf Hlure lin H. W. cor. i;ih nnd ChlciiKo M. I'll K'KH HKAHoN A HI.K, J. I,. TI'KNKV. Miiniiiter, I). KKKVKS, M OVING XPRESS. Kutiilliiro mid l'lntion hiimlli'd with enre. PIANO MoVlNtl A HI'KCIAI.TV. 2712 Woolworth Ave. St.tnd, I4h and Douglas. V , ! t ,1... I-N li B" -.f k ! ti', ,,11.11 Ml '! I lll-ili I- I !' it.i i ll p. mi lir m-fs- t t'.mtt H' tb, bi. i , K ,1. ti. Ml tl,i ii.',. in I I. ii ,i i. f. U tin" i ii till I'l Hin .t i I ill I .1 . ft'; I IS... .ll'tlit 111 ltlf. i,. I, Uf,, I . , I, i I t , ' , . I' I" i,. ... i i ,,t I ,111 I fj.l, -tt 1 ,1 I. , 1 l-. , ... ,11 It M-i -nt - . . t in llll I. f-1 ,1 I., lit, 1 III : I' , 1 i , i K,, ' 1 i ii I I "it 'i,y t .i,, , ,in I (.,, .1 I .... , .,f ,1.', ,,l ti i mi Itll I " '. li - I ll U , I'lfl f 1.1,1, ,'tllt I'i I i nii .t, I. It It .,it I lu '.f I. itA-f tutu nlnlill -I If , ,li n n,il i-.r Tlm I'roitli't IVcrlott i'.c W. R. THE B, H. 0STERH0U0T SPRING WAGON MANUFACTURING COMPANY ISmlili'll U I It. No, II No. of Hl.f of t.ttthof Will It of alia-u Wnidin. Axle. Ibidy. Iliidy, Inch, clly.1'1" i 7 ft. Hln. 40 Nm Ml II I' 7 ft, Iliu. 40 vm lot) 4 lit Hfl.lllll. 40 lwt lift ft P4 M ft, It III, 40 III 44 3000 110 Ahnve pticen lire net. Where bra lie In nut wunled, deduct 0.00 oil Non, t and II ami ','.( oTi Nun, 4 1 ft. MOVINQ EXPRESS, Whon you (loHliit lo (iliiiiitfo ymii' iilacn of roMlilntittii innl wiint your furntluro lnnvittl without Itolfiy; lirokcii or MtniU.thtttl, look for my wiikdmh NUMBERS 77, AND 207, it ti 1 you won't thittk two iiiovuh it'jti nl to a fire. T. GARD, Fourteenth and Douclas Street OMAHA MIL-L.INC3 CO.. 1313 NORTH IQTH STREET, , , Only Flour Manufacturers in Omaha Our Leading Brand RELIANCE PATENT, Is Unexcelled, OTHER BRANDS Hardware, Tinware, Cutlery, NAILS. ETC. ETC, Guttering. Spouting and Roofing a Specialty. 1302 Saunders Street or North 24th Street A. HALD OrrioKS Vtitiu DKA 1.1,11 All cunl well ncrei'iicd and 1 " promntly dellveredi welidilnn f 011 clly ncalen, If no denlred, V J " ' ' 1 ' Rock Surinns, Oliio, Walnut Block, I null tint llent Vltiletii'M of Council Bluffs Advertisements. -.KVKnmiiMti m tiik- BOOT&SHOE LINE, AT I.OWKST ritfCI'X If you will cull I will ttiuko It profltu hln utid jiloiiHitfit. A trial will (tonvlitco you, ltoinlrlrtf it HMi(:liilty, I, KINNKIIAN, 820 Droadivau, COUNCIL BLUFFS, I A Lund Bros., DKAl.KIIH l.V CROCKERY, GLASSWARE. Tabic Cutlery, Silverware, and 11 full (tHHortiiiuiit of ?LAMPS.? 23 Main St., COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. COXJTII I'urcliiiHi) TIt'kutn nml CniiHlifn Your l'Vui'ht via tlio F, E, & M, V, and S- C, & P. RAILROADS. U. (i. UL'UT, (Jftit nil Miuutuvr. K. C. MniiKiiot Ki:. J. . llrt'ii anas', (iun. Frt'K'lit A't. (Son. 1'iwh. Ak'L Omaha, Nebraska. Do you want to ttorrow money? Ap ply to the, Mutual Investment Co., 1504 Farnam St. K . ,.!,( m it.ii i,l. -i ml.li !, ,. .tl t i-.,i:i (.,, l! i -il, Ml.' 11 I nr.-, tm l.-i.M uf 'ut' (. i ft'i.'i ii, ,', i V , f mi t i i,i t ..III mi. ( limit, i 1 ii fit li,,l t, tt if i ..ui,.' ' .i . 4 H.l I". i !.. It kil, 1) jl Ill , :L ' tl - I I I' 'I' I "I I 1 . l'. ll....,.,l 1 I I .,l ,1, ,1 I . .l -,. , , il I ' . f. i ll. .1 -if. ti Int.. in , i. I, tt..l ,., I t, u il n , ii ' ,' i tt -i i' i u ... ,..,..,1 ..I, . -u I I f. -,i ui ( I 1.1, 1 ) , ,,t- .- f.,i,,i, ' I U,l,l 1 , , It , ' 11,!UI,I tl,, i I'iMiIi. ti.mttt' jitn. In mi 1 i Hi I li, . .iliii n. .nu 4,. ,f 1 . f.. . , I .tt -, . , ,.,( l I, i,... I,.,, ..!. - i ui : I I' III ll n it i nil ' Purvpyori BENNETT CO.. I .tits Ti i .M l (U pi mi, Avk. VVuKiili, Fur Stylo, Quality and lVIco, wo will lint lm niililniiu, ALL WORK WAUKANTKD. I0OI-IG03 Cms St., OMAHA, NEB. TiuVjiliomi 1 007- INVINCIBLE PATENT, LONE STAR SUPELATNE SNOW FLAKE. FANCY FAMILY. AHLQUIST. DKAUCK IN - M. W, Hor, unit and Howard nlreetn. Tel, PKI4 - lioih uf reel, ami f'opplcton avenue, Tel. 'm IN ' V f 1 V J m t Hard Coal, Wood Kindling: and CoKo, Hufl, Cunl fur Cuuklnn I'ltrponeii, WEST & FRITSCHER Wbolfl and Ketli Dklri lo Fine Cigars 1805 FAHNAM 8T. i Our Oood nd Trlci will lull yon. M. O. MAUL, Huccennor to lircnel Ic Mtttil. Undertaker and Embalmer J 107 Fnrnam Hlrct't. Tki.knionr aui. OMAHA, NEB. ENGAGE YOUR HWKKT MILK, HUTTEItMlLK AND CHIS AM AMERICAN DAIRY. E. W. READ, PROPRIETOR 3101 Decatur. R. H. BLOSE, DISPENSARY DRUGGIST, Cor. 18th nnd Nicholas, t TKI.KI'IIOXK 1.1"?. 1 t FOR MEN ONLY! WPiS.?PI'!?T??.s!H'3 bit tt T..I. ItobMl, KoWI. HANIIOOS CO., Omml, , .... L