The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 08, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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1 i.
Thf San l:iiui(0 AppraUcr
Dismissed for Complicity.
M NillON , llltt IN IttW
A t'rnntll I'nlMlilnit of ! limit
IMittlfstn t,.mrn; ltti Mill Mill
kit 4 Mtlfcr lb lttrt- !) -HhM
t rtwiln.t Srwt,
V a-mhvi'p.h, April ,-Th prid.iti
iIWiiiImmhI frtnt nflW M, $ , nv
ir!wr at Hum Kriu iti, f..r onn Id tiy
In nudum hoitw hand. ltt extent f
(lip fraud mi l prm tbv mi I ho guvem.
tnmt Is tvM known, but titer ar twlicvr.l
to liavn Iwii "ti'MV t hv
( tomb! over a lung ix'HimI, Kit weeks
iro Siirvliiiitf hniinl Agent TinK''. 'f
lhi treasury )) wi 1 1 tivnt . wm sent to
th I'ncitits roast investigate the unit
ter. lit wm reinforced ten days ago by
8li'llir Hepburn. Mr. Tingle had mil
partial rrNirt to the treasury ilepatt
ineiit .and trfniii these reports implicating
Appraiser Ivy thf prenidetit acted.
Nsretary Filter said that from what
evidence had ttiino to him he was afraid
the frmiiln were intensive. Already mie
iinoiter hml returned "How
many inure hml availed themselves of
the coinpIieityL'f Liavy, lie wan not ad
vised, hut tfifu wort) others. There
were other employes Implicated. As
these were Bpjsiintees of the collector,
he would lit tend to thtmi. A vigorous
policy would m pursued and thn olHco
cleared ont of all who were in Uih least
way, cither by guilty silence or active
participation, concerned in the frauds,
lie cited one Instance wich ia illustrative
of bow the frauds on the revenue were
perpetrated. The law required one out
of every ten iiaekagca to lie sent to the
appraiHer for inspection to fix the rut of
duty. The one package sunt to him
contained cotton goods from Japan, the.
other nine irilkH, and all were appraised
as cotton goods. The extent of thiH
claw of fraud it was impossible to de
termine, and others equally glaring tho
secretary said he feared had boon perpe
trated. It could only lie, successfully
iccomplishod by the collusion of govern
ment ofllcero within tho cuatom house,
with iuipurtern and their agents on the
Aharondnr littTiil I nr'a Lurk.
Dictiioit, Mich., April 8. -Ralph R.
CliaudlffT, the almcondlng cawliier of the
Lake Hhore and Michigan Houthern com
pany, may not be brought back to De
troit, in apite of tho elUortrt of the coin
puny, tho pnmiicuMtig attorney of Wayne
county mid the police. About ten day
ago Chief Htark received u letter from
Detective Netter, who luta ajH-nt tho hint
throe weekH at El J'uho, Tex,, wailing
for Chandler to bo delivered by tho Mex
ican authorftieH. Chief Htarkweather
wan Kurprined by a telegram from Net
ter ayin,g no nan inut received notice
from the City of Mexico Maying tho au
- thoritleaof Mexico coimidered tho evi
dence inminiclent to convict him mid
they would, therefore, refiiHo to give
hLiri up, 1'romicutor Hnringer aald the
, rtifiiHiil to give Chandler up amounted
to a antib to the pi evident of the United
' Nlint bf m li!'M lloodlum,
Ciiicaoo, April 8. (leorgo Bcott, a
niochimlo employed on a building being
erected at the corner of 1 lonry and Jef
fornon Htreeta, wan fatally Hhot by an
unknown lioy alHtut 15 yenra of age.
Tho boy waa a member of a band of
young nooilliiiiiH who were playing about
the building, When ordered to leave
by Hcott tho 1oya Itogan throwing
miaailea at Hcott, and one young fellow
drew a revolver and ordered Hcott to
"throw up hia lianda," As Hcott, ad
ranced on the gang tho boy fired three
Hhota, two bullet punning through the
iJian'a luriga and n third lodging in hia
arm. A heavy detail of police are
working on the caae, but ho far the
youthful murderer haa not been cap
tured, Nmumtlunnl Minder In low.
Ma win Citv, April 8.H, O, Palmer,
launder orreat at Clarion for tho murder
of Will Mill at Dowa, three weeka ago,
It la claimed that i'almer, upim return
ing home one evening found Milla In
company wit h hia wife ami killed him,
The grand Jury adjourned two weeka
ago without making any inveallgation
of the murder, and it la now aaid that
thecaae waa purpoaely di laved by the
county attorney. The tragedy waa tint
culmliiatloii of a long acamlal, Mra,
I'almer waa found by her hnabund in the
company of Milla In hia houae, I'almer
in hia rage atruck Milla on the head,
killing him Inataiitlv, I'almer hiw great
jKilltical influence, having been defeated
laat year for aherill by only nine votea,
Tnnry flounljr l.ynlira.
BrniNfjpiitM), Mo., April K Tlie au
thorltlcK In Taney county uro liavlrig a
very hard time trying to learn tho truth
and bring out the facta In tho trial of
lynchera the alayera of Deputy Will
iiinia and ex-Coroner Day. Intimida
tion, perjury, and Ignorance ire among
tha obataclea met, The frienda fif the
defenae have been very active and it la
very hard to get wltiieaaea at all, much
Jeaa to got them to teatify. In tint caw
ofWltneaa Howard, from lloark, tl.e
whole aituat Ion la ahown. llo la a bov
of 15, and la nuppoaed to know a great
deal, At the inipieat ha gave aome val
uable information, but when recalled de
nied everything and profiled the moat
intenae Ignorance,
Wlml III Ohio.
AIXIANCK, O., April H, A wind atonn
poaaed a few milea of thla city an I
did ronalderablo iliimage, hkverni
dwellirga were entirely demullahed, val
uable barna were unrooted, whole or
charda of fine fruit wen deatroyed and
fencoa blown down.
Otoe I'ropln'tn l!ml(r Arrent.
auTiiiuu, 0. T., April 8, Frnnl'
White and DulTalo Illa:k, Otoea, havi
been arreated by federal ofllcera charged
with inciting the Indiana to inaurrecthni
againat tho government by preaching
the coming of the Indian Meaaiah.
Charged with Killing IIU Nli(liigltir
Lancastku, Pa., April 8. A. 0.
MaAin and J. M. Gnngrice, charge that
theianiece, Ada It. Klxwolo, buried at
Miltoli Grove, this county in March,
hwl ben foully dealt with, and demaiul
that i inveatitration be made, Mia
! l !".. t t !:
fn..f, iun it ttiihimn. nii i-,(i
in-- i mt,. . t ). -l .
tg t l t ,l, ihl' i' -mn !-
t I l ! (lHll,illl lt H'J.
a Mlti Mm .
Jt. Im K A fid SiU'n, a
t, tm'm1. tilip t Wik I'M On
treiH 01l t V. fatatlv t'H !
John M KmI v, tot-t i-ii t tWl i
rtnth Mxvlit llili ( ltr
lm .Itil at ll lii iUl M -i
.rotittiit ht Miliit Hie Itixi 1. 1
riilli'U inpivvli't, but la ul--l
to Iwv' Kr-on ut i-.t ttn ( tkw,
I HI Haiti IU I4MIM M.
!, kUtmaf M t ltrknn I !
tint nl H, Mliiiintl,
KnTV. Apnl A Mjfiritfht
war U pfildtiig Wt wmi the ft freight
Itnifi l ti- ii thn MiaiHuiH i ir and thr
Atlantic nalMard. Iwpltn tlie atate'
iiietit to the i-oiitraiy, freight mut
wi-atlamn l are Winn ulaahtnl rtKhl an I
left by cue line at eiot, and there I
evrrv'liidlcatlnii that the cutting will re
aittt In a war, It waa i rMt ted here I h it
the Lackawanna waa the worat onViider
and that it waa cutting the tlrM cIiim
rato fmtu the aealaiard W cents. Tn
ngnlur rate all rail la 1.117 and ti.i'
Lackawanna la nalng a l.u? rate Tbf
tSrtviuiiiah la incut injured and its ollh'ia
are threatening to adiiiiuiater a ae. r.
hwwm unleaa tho cutting ia atopiwd.
The Savannah line rate ia cut lit ci iiIm.
the dilTereutial allowed it laiing tlim
amount, making its rate 1 1. 2. Aa a re
suit of the cutting the Lackawanna la
getting all the biiNineaa and its compet
itors are hauling but a small proportion
of the freight moving.
The fact that the water rates are to
go into effect siam may have aouiethhrj
to do with the aituatiou, but it will not
tend to pacify the southern lines, whic i
will lai cut from the buaineaa more than
ever. The Ogdenaburg Transportation
company haa iaaued its tariff quoting a
rate of ll.lHon tlrat class freight going
from the sealKiard toward the river.
The all-rail lines have not attempted to
lower their rates on account of the watei
rates for four years, and it Is the opinion
of freight men hero that tho all-rail
rates will not be diaturbod this year by
tho lake and rail ratea.
Iniiiraent llrfrntrd nnil tlia I.emlrr Ml
Inc, Yet tho Trtiulilr Hirral.
Panama, Ajull 8. A letter from
Lagnyara aaya that Oeneral Creapo'a
troojis have been defeated und their po
altion In the yiclnlty of Crtew has lWn
occunled by tho government forces.
Creapo has lied and his present where
abouts is unknown, The defeat la aaid
to be duo to the fact that Creapo had
not yet armed all his troops, as the
riflea and ammunition deatiued for hia
uao wero kept buck In consequence of
the cloae watch of tho government's
men along the coaat, Althouuh nominal
ly the head of 12,000 men, more than
half of them were unarmed.
It ia thought that Creapo haa loft tlie
country, uonorai Arango, wno waa ex
pooted to join Creajw with 2,ft00 men
from Mereda, hml not arrived at tho
time of the battle, General Italllatii,
alao an orianlzer of a small revolution
ary army, ia said to contemplate joining
hia forces with thoae of Arango and
continue tho atruggle, It la regarded aa
probable that Creapo will reappear
ahortly at tha head of another army,
Deapito the reveraes of tho Itevolu
tlonlata the disaffection ia spreading.
The depreciation of the currency has
raised prices, und in Valencia ami Cara
cas meat ia sold for 40 50 cents a
pound. The suffering ol , ..e poor is ex
treme and the lower class in tho cities
are ready to raise at a moment's notice
In case tlie revoliitloniata win a battle.
Public places of reaort are deaerted,
l'alacio feara for hia life and ventures
abroad only tinder a double guard. The
whole diatrict aiirrounding hia palace la
watched day and night by forty privates
of thn regular army,
Ituniora of plota thicken daily and fifty
suspected conspirators of the lowest
claaa have been Imprisoned, Thn total
number of men In prlaon as tlua writ
ing ia reported at Laguyara at exceed
ing 1)00 Theae men are kept confined
without an examination or trial.
IlliiiiiU Vdlxrani,
HriiiNOfiict.i), Ilia., April 8, Twelve
hundred delegates aro in attendance
here at the twenty-sixth encampment
of the Illlnola department of the Grand
Army, At 10 a. m.tho vetermia formed
in proccsaloii and marched to the capi
tol, Where the buaineaa suasion of the en
campment waa held behind closed doors.
Governor Fifer und ox-Governor iglcshy
wero the principal speakers at the camp
fire. General John (', ISIack addreaaed a
reunion of the survivors of tho (Seventh
Frrnrh A iiiiii lill.
Pauih, April 8, Labaatard and Favre,
two of tho ftiiarchlata arrested a few
days ago, have been releaaed on the pre
text that there la no evidence againat
them, It ia said, however, that tho true
cause for their release la the fact that
they have given to the public valuable
lnrormatiou in regard to anarcniat plots.
Another Infernal machine was found at
Foiirmies and at Juluiix one exploded,
seriously wounding a lulairer who picked
it up.
Tha N wlm liter.
Bai.TIMokk, April 8. Robert P. Me
Geo, America'a champion swimmer,
will accept "Gua" Handatrom's chal
lenge to swim one to ten miles for stakes
of iju'iOO tolfl.OOO and tho champioiialilp.
Twice laat summer he deposited forfeit
money for a match, but Handatrom re
fused to como to thia country. MctJee
says he will meet Handatrom half way,
swimming him cither in Philadelphia or
Attnmpleil .Munler In Omnha.
Omaha, April 8. Misa Anna Will
iams, an 18 yeai-old girl, waa tho victim
of a vicious assault and attempt to
commit murder. Her assailant was
Llewellyn Williams, an uncle, who haa
been boarding with the family at U.Vttf
Pierce stroet. Tho assailant escaped.
The 1'rfnldf nl.
Wahiiinotom, April 8, Tho president,
accompanied by Mr. George W. Boyd,
of the Pennsylvania railroad, left Wash
ington last night for New Church, Va.
They will return here Saturday morn
ing. Tho Paxton Hotel Barber Shop and
Hatha, with Filtered Water, tho Beat.
Commiiinf r KAum'i Admtnis ;
(tAtiott Umlf r titTt&URilloit,
tllttMN M.tMt HID A lilt.'
It, Hm !! tt tr Wwt '!
IIIH m lnh-l I hlit Al'
tin I H'U Mill l 1Kii !
lath- Hawaii I'm. rtnt.
W aoiuiM. AM tl tleneral lUuin
atiftiit app anil a a w itue Is fore tin
jia lal 'iiton I'tllce invitigatuii C"iu
liiiltiti of ihe house. .Mr, Knlat ai ke-l
Geiieisl lUnni wveial muatloiia n hit
tug to Uenim Lr-tuoii cndoraiiig a linte
for him, but the witlieea refused to
answer tlu ui. In remNe to anlinuirv
from Mr. F.nh General Uaum read
front a rvort of lust year which showed
that Attorney leiuoit hml 81,110 casei
on tho coliipleteil tiles. Mr. Kiihw
a-iked if he did uot know that the com
pleted tiles order pot alauit f.TiO.DOO in
Mr. Lemon's po ket. lie also asked the
wherealaiuta of Mr. Lemon, and Gen
eral Haunt aaid that Mr. Iicmoti hud
gone abroad. Continuing, Mr. Knloe
axked if Mr. Lemon did not leave soon
after tho inveatigatlou waa ordered, and
if witneaa did not know that Lemon left
in a hasty manner, eimply informing hia
employes by note that he waa going
away General Uaum did not know
anything about it. In course of the ex
amination General Kama in replying to
questions said that members of congress
or their private socretariea could
viait tlie pension office and look into
cuaes. Mr. Kuloo asked if such indul
gence would not enable the private aec
retaries who represented membera of
cougre as to dispose of their information
to outsiders, and if ho knew of any such
cases. The commissioner said ho knew
of a caae, and at the instance of Judge
l'ayson printed for evidence testimony
taken lrom a special examiner which
allowed that H. 11. llorshey, a lawyer
of this city, and secretary to Congress
man Cooper, had received money from
attorneys in the west and northwest for
information given aa to the status of
pension claima. Mr. Cooper prosecuted
the Uaum investigation last con
gress. This, aaid Judge Payson, was the
work that Mr. Llneweaver had been
engaged in, and woic.h they had thought
beat not to reveal till the present time,
the facta in the case being obtained in
tho laat few days. In answer to Mr.
Knloo, Mr, Haunt said that llershey rep
resented Congressman Drookshire and
Congressman Gantz. The attention of
tho office, said General Uaum, waa
called to theae facta by information of
J. U. Whittiiitfliill. anex-aolilier, uml iy
ex-Coiigreasman Williams of Ohio, Tlie
affidavit of Mr. Uaum states that
llerahey, through a man named H. Clay
Peek of Coltintliua. 1ml , and the nrm or
Heairan & Co,, formerly of Canton, O,,
oporutod a scheme by which claimants
for a consideration received tho status
of their claima. llorshey through this
prlvilego of examining claima at the
pension office, by reason of being a pri
vate secretary to a congressman, secured
tlie status of claims, sent ttte luiorma
tion to Peek at Columbus, and ho in turn
forwarded to Heagan & Co., who fur
nished it to claimants.
( liryMiim slid ArHinlii I.nmla.
Wahiiiniiton, April 8. (Secretary No-
bio and tho Indian divialou of tho inte
rior department aro giving considerable
attention to the details incident to t he
opening and tho aettlement of the Chey
enne and Arapahoe Indian reservation,
For aomo titno there wero indications
that the allotments of all the lands to
the Indians in severalty could, not lie
accomplished by April 15, but tho work
has progressed so satisfactorily that
there is now, it is ladicvcd, no reason to
doubt that on tho date originally set for
the opening of the reservation it can be
llrmorrnllr ;iinurriiliinl Campaign.
Wamiiinoton, April 8. Chairman
Mitchell of tho congressional Demo
cratic campaign committee luia k
jKiinted tho following executive commit
tee to manage the details of tho commit
tee work: J, 11. McCreary, Kentukvi
J. F. Andrew, Massachusetts; J, It,
Whiting, Michigan; U A. O, McClellan.
Indiana; William Mulch lor. Pennsyl
vania; Benton McMillin, Tennessee;
Tiios, J. Geary 1, California; John D.
Alderson. West Viruinii; Georgo J.
Johnston, Kotith Carolina; Thomas
Bowkln, Virginia.
Hawaii I'earrfitt.
Wahiiinuton, April 8, Dr. Mott
Hitiith, minister of tho II twallan Islands
to the United Htatea, said that ho had
advices front Honolulu dated March 10,
No Intimation wtta given of imiamding
trouble there and ho did not believe that
anv ex sled. There was a small faction
led by the Ashford brothera who were
omioacil to the ailmlnlatratlon, and titey
ought every opportunity to foment
Htritu. but the country waa peacefully
inclined and did not want internal war-
From tha l.akra to the llmtaon.
Wahiiinuton, April 8. Tha house
committoo on railways and canals or
dered a favorable report on tho bill ap
propriating $100,000 to enable tho secre
tary of war to aaccrtitln the feasibility
ami coat of constructing a ship canal
from the great lakes to tho navigable
waters of the Hudson river,
Tli Iliirlliiicton IIi-IiIka.
Wahiiinuton, April 8. The president
haa signed the act to amend tho net to
authorize the construction of a railroad,
wagon and foot bridge over tho Missis
sippi river at Burlington, In., approved, HHH, as amended by act ap
proved Fob. a l,18lo.
The UMthir.
Wahhinoton, April 8. ForNobraska:
Generally fair except light rain in ex
treme Boutheaaticolderj northerly winds.
For Iowa: Generally fair; colder; ex
cept stationary temperature iu north
went; northwesterly wiuda.
HlUrr llutllon.
New York, April 8. Silver bullion
on depoait 3,124,050 ouncea; certificates
outstanding. 8,1 2 (.
, ! In tka "'
Wl IMi I t
t ! I a ! , f llm
t-at nt ill t at m if ! h 1 1iii,atiHi
t,il t t-niotlM Hilh (It tt,l-ull. tt i I
teakii-W t'ltt lelnr bt m lrf,4 t!.t
M' tt ttr lttt Hi bi,u a i, H
t.-ft,',t Mr. l,!W-r ttt.l a iri
bltt -ll tlitm lina tho Hn tiiUll t
tha tiim to fiiMo It nuti-tiiKiit
ft Hie aiitimiit t.f nhtf tmlU.iH iflei .
to Hip uof iintH-iil kite ttm j",,'ii ol
tin' ait t( l ij wtioiit -tti'ii-l. l
what piii a i, I th attfiilit Mth-iae.
Mill tiny. Adeptiol.
In tlin binM-, atit-r totttina bn(n,
had lf-n ititw. ,f, th Ttv Wisd dn
lute w i t,..,i,iiMt, Mr, datHI of Vel
Vli'Kinu 1 Untg the tloor tit alviaai y of
the measure.
It una.
Mr .Wil-on of Vil VlrjjInU rhwl
the iletaile tli the fiiK Wih I ti With a
lua-teily mhivIi and the nill waa then
plowed w il liolll ll HlttelldUifllt by Vole
of tl'l to i .
Hplift was added to the routine pro
Ceeiltliga of the diiv by Mr. Funafuti of
Kati-iH, who pimhleed an article front
The N'oice, a temperance pajsT pttlilinhed
in New York, roiilatmttg a atalenietit
that certain aeitutora and tiieinlM'rs were
In tho billot of drinking tiitoxicnfiua
liquors tn the hotise restaurant. This
brought to their feet the various meiii
bera liutitioiied, who either acknol
pilKed or denied the rharge. The house
aeenied to enjoy tho procMdiuga, and
finally the art iclo waa atruck front tin
rtH'ord. The houae then quieted down
and tho eiton tie bill was taken till.
Mr. K. B. and J. D. Taylor, HepnUi.
cans of Ohio, speaking against, and Mr.
Lane of Indiana in favor of tho measure.
Tho houae then adjourned.
Tin: woiii.ii'N v lit.
rrralilrnt llnkrr anil Hi, Heller lliitlrr
worth to II llollred Tmliiy.
CltK'AOO. April H. William T. Baker,
president, and Major Benjamin Butter
worth, secretary and solicitor general of
the world's fair, will bo retired at to
day's election. Hero la tho slate agreed
ujsin at a cuiii'iia of a majority of thn
directors: l'reatdent, 11. 11. lllggm
botham: first vice president, H. B, Hton.t;
second vice preaideitt, V. H. Winston;
secretary and aoltdtor, Jl. it. ijariisie;
treasurer, A, F. Heelsirger; auditor, W
K. Hherman: assistant secretary, H. W.
Crawford. Thia alato ia likely to bo
changed in tho interest of President
Bryan, who la now absent and whose
gervices for tho exposition have been In
valuable. Mr, Baker made a hard fight
for re election, but Major Butterworth
retires without regret. "I would have
gone out before except for the fact that
1 never retire under lire," no sain.
Kiiiithiirn l.niiitirriiieii'n Coitilihia,
Sr. Loiuh, April 8. Twenty men of
tho Houthern Luuibermen'a association
hold a secret meeting and agreed upon a
scale of urioes. It waa announced that
this scale waa almply a revision of the
one miulo at a mooting of tho aaaocla
tlonheldin Now Orleans in February.
It was stated that tho associat ion s ached.
ule waa found to bo too high. The
movement inaugurated here la conaid
ered verv siirnificant by lumbermen, It
ia not o much an arrangement of prices
aa an agreement to control tho output of
lumber by shutting off certain mills
when there waa an ovor-aoppiy and
levying a pro rata on the ottmra to make
up the Iohhos or mo mills urns cioseo.
The entire schedule ia to lie Missed on
next week by the lsiard of directors of
tho Lumber Manufacturers' association.
Tronhln In Itlxclco.
Citv op Mkxico, April 8. Students
hero held a mooting on tho Alameda to
protest againat the re election of Preai
dent Dian. Hieecltes were made and
the crowd went to tho offlco of The
Mniiltiier Iteiiiililic.ioillM. n I tetilililican
organ, where tho crowd (dieered. Then
they proceeded to the offices of Kl
Universal and Kl Mundl, government
-iiiiirnala. ami hiKited them aa anhaidl.ed
tniM-rH. The autltoriliea fearing that
trouble would ensue, as tho sipuUce fa
in sympathy with Max, aent a force of
TMilico to urotect tho meeting at tho
Alameda and preserve order,
Wmr In W yonilng.
Camtkk, April 8, Ttieaday night
piK'lal Union Pacific train came In hero
from the aotitti loaded with armed men
and atoek growers' representatives, The
rustlers had started a round-up with the
intention of rounding up all the cattle
north of here and In t he iilg Horn liasm.
No one can guess the outcome, but It la
generally thought that blood will flow
and there will ls denning up of one
sido or the ot her. The regulators are
led by aome of the wealthiest oitiena of
the slate, ami the men tiro armeu witti
improved weapons and rido fine horses,
liii ltiii-ll'ii Wat r-Work.
CoM Miii H, April 8, The bill author
izirig Cincinnati to expend t,ixiU,0W
for water works and for the apiioinf
merit of a commit tea to have charge of
tho aatite liccamo a law, without the at
parent knowledge of Its oppotieiita. Tito
measure was iiuugtipon a moiion lo
reconalder tho vote by which it had la'en
tuiNaed, and tit tho meantime the enroll
merit committee reported on tho bill,
which waa agreed to,
ArliHiiasa lti'iiitilliin.
Lirn.K H'WK, April 8, Delegates
from tho Republican clulw met here and
organized a Htato Republican league and
elected Colonel A, H Fowler prwident
and W. H. Molt secretary, one ilelegate
from each county aa a member of the
eii!iitive coiuniittee and a vice prosi
dotit from each of tho congressional dis
tricts, The constitution is the same as
that of the national league,
Khuiln IhIhiiiI Mretliill.
PiioviiiFNck, April 8. Completo rn
turna of the state election give Brown
1H0 majority over Wardwell, Democrat,
for governor. Bull, Republican, i:-
eletted lieiitenimt governor, There was
no election for general treasurer or at
torney general. The legislature haa a
Republican majority of I I, inmring the
return of Mr. Aldrich to tlie United
Htatea senate.
Albert llril, JoitrniilUt und llsnknr.
Chicago, April 8. Alls-rt West, tho
well known retired journalist ami
baiikd.'a died at the age of 71. lie will
be burled Saturday at Burlington, la.
j I.biiiIIhi; Adjourns.
Bf.r April 8, The Prussian land
tag adjourned until April
i. t o M.
CiM Mttngi
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I I u,,rt,U m,,l tm, ! t"t-t t'l lr,,lit
iHHi.I- hii.I t,n t t"Ht 51 1 ImllH iieol uml
; .,..ih " ih.IiiI iiieet" siiil -e'i- .
!.!,! (h.lnl iii:i,l Mini iii i i. 5 t"Hi ti
l,ii,l mi, I i.niti 4 t"iil nlnt
.iet.u nn, iHi i t. t f.inln 4 ihiIiiI ,Hii,l- m il
-,tn i . : tout ; iniIiiI iiiiatl -nit i, i-i il
li. feui 3 ii,t I it m Itm mil t-'lul
iiitiin.ii tnti . o (in In - lotiif; a pni
nil, I In iid ml. In, lie- tonat I N.t I little
lo.ini null i ; 1 (nil lul-it inlna tul a
i, Untie i twi in Oil i (miIiH line; s
l.t. Urn it , ill rnilli , til in, nl imlille line
tlim hi tin- uliiie of II I', lliill t A tu.
Liiimii iiw i , 1 1 1 1 , 1 r lilt I It, .will' I illii I III lie-
i ltt i.f iiii.iiIiii, ItiiiiKln- ennui) Ni Imi-lm,
mi tin- mil of Ainii, i-MJ. i in hi ii'V it
til et Kill. I iliiV.
Intel Milli h '.'I. I1"1". ...
I', II l .1.1 H U.
I nl- II. I'. Ilitlli" ! A o .
II. W. 'i,iitiiit. Allniliey. 2-i'i .1
tluui Ihe, it is wli.'it you
tuiy ff iiml cxiu'ft 1 Iiiivc.
Tnk riiilwiiyH, for iiiMliiucc, tlie
ni:sr liiii' lo ('liicnpt mnl 1 In
Must in llic Iluriiio;t(iii Uoiitt'i
it liMH llic iikst Hli'ciin furs,
thf best 1'fflinintt flmii' furs,
(lif lifst dining cars, llio ltest
ritful-lifi, mnl its liifirojiolitiiti
HV'Htfiii of clifcking Imggiigt!
ilircct from oiif's rcHiilfiiftt or
lioifl, wliifli was iiiaiigiiriitt'il
soiiin tlircf yciii'H ngo, is tlif
Hkst. Mvt'ryiliinir in foinifc-
lion with llif Hiirlingloti Itoiilo
isof tlio ltest, limn which noth
ing can be better. Trains Icavf
the Union Depot, Omaha, at
i):M) a. in. ,1 :.".) ji. m,, (the Y en
tilailcd Klycr) and '.MiiO p.m.,
(the Omaha and (.liicaj'o Lim
itcdland run ilirongh Holid.
City Ticket OHicf, IS'J.'J Iu-
nanj Nrcet.
W. F. VAIM,, Agent
We will giue a Beautiful
ftRisTO Panel.
Willi overy I)o,en "CABINKT PHO
TOS'1 titken at
Gray's Photograph Gallery,
213 North Bltli Street
Room 407 Paxton Blooh, OMAHA,
Allwirk ifiiiii-anleed flml cIuhk iuhI urleen
ri-ltwiliHhle, I elejjliniiti f,K,
llillliler und (JtilieiHl KeiiitltliiK, KnI .liiinte
1224 N. 10th 8t,
urn now arrivlnif lit
GE0,S.MILLER's,1311 N.24 SI.
Wliere. wo Invito you to cull und examine our STYLUS, (jUALITY unrl
voir monkv on kvkhy PA IK PL' l 'HA UK I) ok t'H, iiM our experme urn only one
i'tith of down-town Htoren, nnil wo i-iin afford to, und will null yon tlio mma
(tinllty for Ii'hm money tlntn tliey link. Call ami Imi convinced. No tronhln to
Hhow tfoodn. Wo mIihII niiike hpkciaL LOW PliK'K8 on (ill (jrwIoH of SIkkih dor
Inif tlie month of March, to Introduce them, and IT WILL PAY YOU TO ('A 1,1.
I wK (
m M$ Issj, CJ
OeeupieH new mnl elcgiint (jiinrter. II is the IiirReitt iittetiennco In its history
AH ileptirtnietit conslnnlly In operation. All uuinen ami riorntul hranehm
taught including Short Uimd and Type Writing. In Hemnoti nil the year. Stu
ilcnu enter nnv time. Work for board guaranteed. Normal branche a spec
ialty from April Ut to Si plember 1st. Actual biminens l)epartnint tho (innetln
tho Kttito mid ttlwiiyii running. If ou attend a college attend the bent. An ele
gant new catalogue Kent to any address and a beautiful opeeimen of penman
ship. Send ti fly named of nchool teachers and get the "Modern Kduuitor" oris
year free. Send 3o In stamps and egt one-quarter gross of our college pene,
tho best made. Address KOlllUIAUGlI T-UOS., Omaha, Nkb.
I'lM W ttt II llMMtl IV ) hi t I MM f
f2 futoli in .h
OUN ami
Mo.. I itiak In.tlne
H past liife',
Umbrellas Erpaiirfl and
r.ii Niu ih i m it niii-i i
Ii ltitli. ilenti lit I li I I ln
We enitf tlie Iiiiii-l nmt ln-1 i ei-li-d SIih W
In Ih f ,,ti ii tu ttte fti'l nlid .l nl Mrtiiiiriti'l-iin-n
n let- tut i-imli i.r mi tny iniyini tii.
Stcinway & Sons
Win, Knabc & Co. g Sterling.
Bclir Bro. Webster.
Ill li 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 xi lii Klili li mii tvni-en'iil m-vet-nl
nt tier liiiikea li I w il M In lie fnillnl III niir lillke
For $2B0.
we ell it uiHid. ri'lliitiln. well iiiitdn I'littio In it
iilitlll neiit. ('Hun. 'I ll In I'l'inii lent H khihI Itil
ttiin, Him 1 1 nu ll, mnl KiniHillt. Kweel, hIiiuImk
iiinllly if tune und fur niih-iIi r In iiiitny
wiili li urn milil lit mull In li'i'i ny inner neiiinrii.
Il In fully w in rn ii I i.l by I lie n inn it f in-tu rTtt
und liy oiil-NelveH for llvii yeiiri.
Ho uiiiiil u liitl-mtln riiiMinl. lilt ililiillfiitiHl
at lied rock prlee mid on etuiy terinii-
Second Hand Organs, $10 up.
" Pianos, $25 up,
Itiptt rtitiii'titM rented unit rent allowed If linr-
i'IiiihimI. I'lieaii Mteliellled t.riiHli, no often till-
eoiiieiid. A Koodnliinilaril iimUii Heeond Uimd
liiwed it in iiiiyer we no not, liiinine or re-
liiHtriinii nl, In lielli-i- l)i in i miii'li i
of Hie I'll!
Ii-iihIi Hold.
Voiir iial roniiuiiitolli'lled mnl lilulily iilitirii-
Call anil huh irn, or write for I'lilalonnen aim
Max Meyer Bro, Co.,
10th & Farnam St., Omaha, Nob.
JESSE WHITE, Mgr. Plnno Dept.
and former I'lutfoniern will Hml me, wlien
I hey need eit her a
at Ihe old uland 1004 NO. IflTH T.
Where 1 would he lileiiM-d to meel
I to inel-L I Ill-Ill.
of every deMiTliillon, All entMiii of Koodnat
dnrliiK Ihe month of February. All goods a
repreHenled or money refiiiided,
1320 Fnrnam St. PHILIP LANO.
K, T, A l.t.t'N. M, l.
; KamKn lli'k, cor lliirm-y k Ift, Omaha,
Ektaiiuhmkii IH7I5.
Manufacturer of
Heiiln. Iliirnlritf llritiidH, 'heel, Hteriell and
KadKim, lleiiilrltiKof Oiominid llyelelen and
all klndM of line work In iron, Hleel llrftM,
Kil 8 Capitol Avwiue - OMAHA. NK1J
: :
Cor. ICth and Douglas St