The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, April 08, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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In ink Vtimi t Mi( il iinniH
tfOMN C. lMOMIpk.
w c kiii iu .ii.1 . Wi-.h.i i
OMAHA, 1 HIM A V, Vllill, V IV'I
XK in m html t)(ni si t'lifiiMt
Mil and Mi'tititimlh I'm k ti itsitt,l
ttiiii tMik.
Flti'M In'e sla'IsHcs it ti' nl ttiitt
the K''.att thnreh In I inflmid l im a
stestijt .Inline, mnl lm li ti (.if !!.
past forty yvar. Tim nivil.hii of
I'miterhury' lb t statistics show h
leakage of ttii'J.KHt iliu -Ing Hint time,
It is ttwi tiil tlmt t'rilliml ilMmi
nmlnttii r jiiimiltirnt I'ntlinllo uvlutiN
mv iilt tl,v wm-klntr to tHX'utv thu nt
tiiiitloit of Mr, lllnlno'ii mn In liiw,
CoppiiiK'T, who l nil lrllt-Uouiiiilnt,
tt)tln lii'liK'tullrrp'tionilrtlilp lulvly li-ft
vnoimt I'.v tin ti'thi'iiu'iil of tii'iiorul
jmit '1 ln I'Hi'dliml lulcly vIhIIimI tlio
wt'ivtury of witr In tlio IntorctitH of
Colonel rojiitlngiT, mnl It U (,'lvt'ii out
tlmt Mr, ElkhiH linn Halved to oho IiIm
Intluoiit'n with llio pitmlilotit to wi'iiro
hid nppolntuii'nt, in Hplto of tho fuct
thitt thoro aro other truo Aini'ili-Bim
whoiw Morvliwn to tho countty ooi'tulnly
t'tttltlo thorn to moro rmiftiltlon Hum
a foreljfiioi' who whh liuportoil by l'roit
idi'iit Lincoln hm a rrnrultlritf olllci-r
during tho flohlnif your of tho wnr, mid
who wiut not oviin promoti'd tuit ll four
ttst'ii yours fUT. IIIm noxt priiinotloij
followod oIoho upon IjIm tnnrrlmfo Into
tho Blulno fmtilly.
wnA t is rim s cm: me ?
Tho annoimwnient ntjuln (mhiiom front
Washington Hint JnitioH (J. llhilno Inn
cnndlditUvfor tho proHliloncy, ThUIn
formation 1h given out In Nplto of IiIh
nvownl Ui Hits contrary In a recent letter
to Mr. CliirkHofi, JimtwIiiittlnifrlriiiU
of Mr. JUiilne Ikihi to gain hy keeping
hlin In tho riteo for provident In not
qulto clear, That they huvo lltt.lo nIiow
of noinlnntlng liltn, and Ii hm chaneuof
electing hlinlf iionilnated, few of tho
party loadom will attempt to galiiHuy,
That hl letter to hU chief Inionier, Mr.
Clnrknon, of Iowa, ojtonort tho way for
thotiHaiul of liiu supporter to go over
to Mr. Harrison, arid that thousands of
themttsik advmitago tif his withdrawal
to ally theirisdvrs with tho friends of
thtt president, not oven his most ardent
admirers and faithful supporters will
even attempt to deny, That In conso
fiiencfl of said letter iiu has lost tho
delegations from the states of Nebraska,
Iown,-vcn with Mr, Clarkson as one
of tho delegates tho Dakotas and Col
orado; w liovo gisHl reasons for le
lioving. In this staUs tlmro Is nn element in
politics which Mr. Hliilnc could not
t-ountuism and which tho party would
loso were it to place In nomination a
man who is as closely allied to tho Ho
manlsts as Is tho magnetic statesman
from Matnn, What Is truo of Nebraska,
is also truo of Illinois, of Iowa, Colorado
anil th Diikotns. This wo bellvo Is
known Ui both Mr, Illalne ami his
friends, and If It Is, we can see but one
reason why tho Maine enthusiast
should spring his nanus tiHiri a long
suffering public n often as there Is a
slight l ift in Hut clouds that bank tins
IMilitleal horizon. And that reanon is;
Ta so worry and harass tho president
as to foreo him to concede to Mr. Clark
son, Mr, Maine and others tho right to
namo certain person for certain jswl
Hons under this next administration.
Whether tho schemo will work re
mains to Isi seen. That It slunild not
gts'g without sayln,g. Wo Udievo tho
jN'Ophs will oppon.) the appointment of
silltical refugee as arnbasHoilor and
trilnlster plcnljotcntlttrle, let them
n endorsed by whom they will. Tills
might as well 1st tinderstsid now a
after the tdecllon, for tho fight will Iks
on from tins moment such a person is
mentioned fn connection with any posi
tion. Tnero aro hundreds and thou
sa'ius of loyal, honest and oiipablu men
'far every position to bo filled by tho
president. Huch men should 1st given
the preference. If thj I toman church
Is riot satisfied with having her dtiie
C1TJZKNH and Jiovmn Culholtcn
ufttrirariU, they should not bo accorded
part or pared in tho government of
this country. No man Isacltlen of the
United Ktates who owe primary alle
giance to tho M)js); but it is to retain
in positions of profit and trust such
person that tho nurno of James O.
ilJIalno I rung into tho presidential
fight with tho regularity of the changes
nt the moon.
Alex G. Rldllng, who has been prom
inent in Insurance circles In this city
for Hits past eight years, has resigned
his position as cashier for tho Homo
and will leave Sunday for Nash
't"rnn., whens ho will bu the
u!it 1 Bnd lnI:tor for the Con
f""118 franco company. Mr. Illd
lost, may, frIond ,n lh)H clty jjj
Ixjcbs in his ntsw position.
J! in v' - '"v
I 1,(1 It,... l,,l,.,,li I ' '
I-, It eM I.t ft t !' I' ' M "M !'
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( ( ), m,
,-t il l. fill us
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..- I J MsM li
I'M imllliy
It i' Mm
-.ilt U e l.t . t '
' il,", ! -.! Iii !(.! .! Ii
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In li.e i f!i-I. -it "? H.t- I
' m (i nJ'iiiti i in . I
il'ti, 'l" U.
; nil ttt til' InM U.i' ) i I
j t I. i on the
ti m,.l ii( pl.m.s il
I ilj li.jj In i -
t n Htii)
I tii ui. n-tiiUb isii'-e. 'I !,. (. t.ti li. ti r
i Im II i Itei'itl lcti j llilnl d tt lie' ."-
ii linn, i.t i f lb.' I int. .1 -I'st. in tn'.mt1
j n im ot Iiu- llim!itiiil t tin i tiil
rt t. tiil III tint ,; ,,., nt l.llitty,
Ve.ii i-iin ill.- el ollii't liilsiiiiHis pi iwitu
iiMiitiinii.ii t In itepi Iticlplil mid ttii
Itii li itid lie 0, who H--1 tlu gissl
lisnii'tif the eciifi ili l nle by Inllttli'St
lug defi'tiM'l-M In' II, pliiiN il imdi'l' thi ir
i lisi t'e by reverst of ttiir. No amoiiiit
! lnnlny, lio dlffelihee how Istdly
li.'i-il.'d, ran till the ptinv oeeiipliHl by n
devoted IiiihIhiiii), n dutiful soil, or tt
let lug fill her. It Cllll lellete the MU)gn
of hunger, but never the pangs which
(HI the lii'iti't for those who have gone
to that iHiurn fiinn whence no traveler
has yet returned. We Ivllevo pen
sions should Ih eiiiiilliil, We do not
think Ism'aiisij .John Jones whs a colonel
or a general that he should receive Hie
H'iiurlniis sum of irVi.iioo js-r js-ar, while
John Smith, who did the lighting, but
never advanced Is-yond the pale tif n
private, Is allowed the princely sum of
$!HI per annum, for Injuries Ident ical to
thowi sustained by Jones. Wo tlo not
favor pensioning the widows of ex
presidents, They are no moro entitled
to feed from the public crib than the
wives of ex-Journalist or cx-statesmen
like John J, Ingalls, It Is ismslonlng
this latter class, It is pensioning Judges
who have drawn salaries from tho
government for years, It is pensioning
army olllclals who havo Isien on tho
government' pay roll for twenty-fivo
and thirty years, tho hardest and most
lalxirous duties being ts-rformud by
Ilium during that time Isdng tho draw
ing of their monthly or yearly stipend;
It Is such pensioning that hus brought
tho question of pensioning into disre
pute; it Is such pensioning that must
1st stopped. It would requl ro tho pen
sioning of from thirty to fifty old veter
ans to draw as much money from tho
public treasury as Is drawn by one such
wife of an ex-presldent, oim such judge
or one such retired army officer. Tills
Is not right. If such person cannot
II vu except by government aid, cither
reduce tho pension to tho same amount
a 1 paid to loyal, patriotic ex-sold lers
of the late war, or send them to somo
eleemosynary Institution established,
or to hi i established, for their Ismcfit,
Ixit us not build up two classes, Tins
life of oiio loyal clil.eii I as valuable tt;
tho government us another, for that
reason wo think pensions should Isi
equal led.
The article which call out these re
marks Is as follows, and I taken from
A paper called the Ai'idiinrhc:
(ioni'riil Khiiiii, H'imliiii ciihitiiUnliiiier, sayii
lie find Iliu 1 1 1 ( i v i 1 1 h 1 1 1 of liiu ollli'ii too bIiiw,
unit will iimuitfK to "(lump," n tut ciriNHi-s
It,, ilMi.imOoi'lKltinl rases en I In- iiifi'iirlcn of Iliu
country liy lii'i-i-nilier, twi, This Is not pa
trliiliNin, hut lielllli'ii. It in s liiirtef Hie kimh
Willi wldrli t li ri'iiiililir'iin purly tins iiutdn
Iliu country loo fiinillliir, Tim wnr was
clow'il twenty-sin yesrs iiKu, Tliere ciin ln
no reieMiii, rlidil "r Junllee nt llil Jul it ilatit of
UillllK :i.Vi,ipiKI orlKlniil iiiMi)fi i-erHlii'ltle.
It Is iiiiHiIiik lew lliim lield mliliery of Hie
tililliiniil lreiiry for Hut lieriflll, of Hie re
liiililli'iin cioiipiilKii fuiiil. It In s M'lieiiie to
iiiukti Iliu ((overtime lit irovie Hut money for
lirllilnK vole, Ueiii'iiil Kitinii will (lump
lliitwt riiM'k on tlie svi'tnii's this yeiir for Hie
very slmplit reiitmri Hint neHtyeiir tint (ironl
(leiilliil elei'tloti Is o lie heltl nail Hut repilli
I It'it m purly will iieiiil sll Hut voles It run liny.
Is II sny wimder Hie fioiiem wrei'timpliilnlnu,
Hull worltliiKmen sreillasiitlnlleil, Hint ui rlkes
(H'i'iir, wlien Hut money of Hie people Is thus
silliili(lerei liy Hut gitnx of isiiillt'iil JohlsTS
III Pumu'mIiiii of I lie Kovefiiiueiil at WiikIiIiiK
ton? fun any rlKltl lliliiklnx mini believe
Unit these llVl.iinO iM'iiellelurli's of l lis treasury
sstiitliifi sre entitled to Hut money ty any
set of theirs In Iliu service of Hm itovern
mem? Kvery mini wlm hml valid claim
upon tlitt Kovernmitnl's bounty In consilient
Hon of tils military service was placed upon
the s'iison rolls years aim. 'I'lm sopl liuvr
pit Id to ll cm liiindreds iion liiintlreds of
millions of ilollars, Their ohlliutloiis have
linen Cttiicelled, The wtiolit pclilon 1iiisIiic
Is now merely lint work of iolltlcu thlttves
mid there must be an end. The iieople run
not rii'liirn Ilils slundliiK and ever-icrowliitf
srniy of pensioners. Tint burden has Is-come
lis Intolerable us Hie pliiudt iiiitf Is Infamous,
The only weak point, of the ilcnuM'rnllc ptat
forni In Ohio Is Hie reference to ihe pensions.
There should Im I lie most unreserved and
emphatic deiiiuicliitioii of Hie robbery mid
Jobbery, Tint Issue must lie squarely faced.
The deiiKSTiillfi party should tiike liold of
the pension iiiestlou Willi uiiKloved liniids,
In answer Ui this item, we havo re
ceived till letter:
Lyons, la., March 10, 18!i2. KftlTon
OK Tiik Amk.kican: I se by your
issiin of March 4th, an artichs frtun tin
Amlitwlii', giving his Ideas to tho
public In regard to tho pension olllco
and General Jlaum' modo of doing bus
iness. Now, I am no writer, and to
sjK'ak frankly, thl I my first endeavor,
if tho writer of that article is not a
knave, lie wa, prolmbly, a copiMirhoad
of tho first etamp, Ho says tho war
has been cloned twenty-six years, and
there Is no right or justice at this lute-
day tif issuing 80,000 original s-nslons,
I will agroo with him In that, but not
upon tho same grounds. If it had not
been for just Mitch things as that writer,
there would not have been an original
pension upon tho btsiks today. It I a
foot beyond dispute that every congress
meets, the brigadiers get up somo
scheme to Investigate tlio pension ao
!!' i.t, '.! sll, r lb ., , i, U. .', .
t! t tii , h f.l I ? . wtt ti s t'"'-, t
IS, lil"'l ".I, It- . , t t '.,,
tlo j 1 1 I it, I, (lit ti li..l. tt ,1 it l n tlmt th.ii li.-b -.-,, s,t i,.. I I
t. .I ii- Hi s.i tii :ti0' tl.. inn')i t
HtntbH. Ill n Mill-h Is tl. Iiu, .til
1 1.. . 1 1, t,i I Mi k t It., ti j. sUI i. iM
-ity wmii Iliu if i..'-.i., .,,,.., i
for rniiiir ti tt "I Itls ,i, so 111111
lit rtig 1 li.'. t be Hi. thl tiit.v t
hsie (tin li.tiiiqii It. fit blue bs.- It
Tle te Is tin t !s- nf jitit ntl li
stills, tbsl ee s svs. .ni f.r tu.WM y
a Ho y, ami if tin y nniibl t . .j . tnk..
tie' mtttMiM tin y lbs fmiu Hie tn.iliiti.
wlisl W..u!, tit.) nut it, i .i t. .),
solilltiis think tbst ttii' littsl s-ttpli
of this Ciiuntt) tmghl to poll nlT their
glove mnl Uy Hieiu ass, mnl pot n
sunn" lb, ui Hunin until eviiy nn,. itf
tlniMt "2 s ret nl. Ibnt ilowrti-d wore
stricken finui tho h it.i,.u mil; ntnl if I
was a Is'ttlng limn, I wnubl tint hi'sitnle
In wager that the w t iler tif that article
was inut of Hint "2 s-r cent., or the son
of one, lie sny s that every man who
had A valid claim Iimhi Hie government.
Isiunty for his military services was
plaenl iism the pension mil years ago,
I ihi not like to sny hard words to any
man, but the w riter of that article Is
well, he ibs s not toll the truth, ami I
would not trust him with my supsr!
t don't think he would take a red hot,
stove nor a stemnlsiat shaft, but if lie
could get Ills hands into Undo Nam's
till, 1 don't think theru would Is; much
Now, Mr. Hdltor, I am sorry to have
to acknowledge that I commenced to
vote tho dcmiKTUtlo ticket in and
stuck to It until alsiut two years ago.
I then got my eyes 0)1011. Upon Investi
gation I found that I had spent the
Istst part of my lifo In welding chain
ulsiut my neck and Hint tif my family,
and that tho pope's emissaries were try
ing to take mo by force. But being of
tho old Yankee stiK'k, I gavo them the
slip, and I am going to stay tin this
side long enough to see tho writer of
that artichs In tho Ai'nliinclic hang his
harp (or neck) in tlio willow tree, and
when hn Is defeated 1 w ill take out my
glove and go to his funeral; for I know
that ho can't llvo long, for tho old
soldier will 1st after his sculp, and if
they can't fetch him, tho A. I'. A. can,
For somo month wo havo hoard from
different source that this relations of
this employe of tho Missouri I'ucllle
rallwuy worts anything hut tho most
pleasant, but when wo undertook tt)
run down tho rumor that tho 1 toman
Catholic agent of tho local freight de
partment had increased tho pay of
Jtomanlst ten dollnrs jHir month, and
at tho sumo time hud refused to accord
to tho Protestant employe tho same
Increase, wo found none who wero will
ing to shed any light 111111 tho question,
and wo alsindoned the search for
prtwif of tho charge, Ot lato there has
been a fresh cropping tint of I toman in
tolerance, which resulted In one Prot
estant (inkling tho employ of that road
and In tho discharge of another. Tho
party who wos discharged was II, L.
Howard, jr. Ho inform 11 that tho
reason assigned for hi dismissal was
that ho was an agitator. This charge
tho young man strenuously denies. Ho
admit lstlug a Protestant, but an
agitator, never! It seem morn than
pussl tig strange that an employee, who
had efficiently filled a position for more
Hum four years, should suddenly cease
to 1st reliable since the last election
and turn himself loose as an agitator.'
We aro Inclined to think, from this
light that wo have, that tho Human
have control of the Missouri Pacific In
thl city, and that they intend to wood
out Protestant employes a fast a pos
sible, and fill their place with Homaiis.
A correspondent aptly inquire: "!
Homo run tho hs'al freight office of the
Missouri Pacllloo railway? And Is M.
Loftus tho pope?" Tho event of Hints
will probably answer these question.
Protestant should keep an eye on the
Iloman understrapper employed by
that road,
TUB American Assisdatlon In Ht.
Joseph, Mo,, endorsed certain men for
olllco last week, Tuesday of this week
the election was held. Every man en
dorsed was elected. What helped them
more than anything else was tho fight
waged by the truckling secular dally
press. In Us Issue of March 2.
the (hizittr, In tho second column of tho
fourth page, editorially refer to tho
memlsrs of the patriotic- orders as "a
handful of lice," "a contemptible, mischief-meaning,
clan of narrow-minded
bigots," In tho first column of tho
siiino page of the sumo issue, wo find
The effort of a handful of agitator
to compel candidates for public office to
avow iiolitleal tiosunty to an citizens
of foreign birth and to all tnemlsrs of
tho Catholic church, lias round no on
coiirairement In tho dciwwratlc camp,
and deserve tho censiiro of all patriot ic
A wo aro a member of tho A. P. A.,
one of this patriotic order that tho
(luztlk so shamefully maligned, we do
siro to stabs that tho assertion that
"imlltlcal hostility to all citizens of
foreign birth" I a principle or tho
order, is a deliberate, premeditated
misstatement. Hut if such occurrence
as tho dim tic publishes on tho sam
page In the fifth item is so, a la
should be passed stating plainly thu
., 'ii-sj 1 ti. ! I A tut t !i 't 1 n '.
I Wi'. l. 1 j'ts'.',- to . it In 1 1 1. , Mi,, tit
j h j ii,lit (.tt This l tK. is. m
! A t i'i i'ti, itt. r f.t
t . . l-t Will.. ll 1 '. f.MI
j 1,4 .it L . ii i l ' . . .) )l l
t ,. 11 i) I,. !,, ( . watt in i ii-t m
S in 11. Is in.ii. ti j t I,, n (i,i ,-... Ii,, I ),)
, i.Utitif t'l
n rt Ht'.s a in rr.
r,,r w'otn llntf an ni pinto Hit'
lti 1 i nr ti-ttijsM 1 b l ti i in-nt.'!
It) h ping "te !it from the 'it I
nil rotiit.ielli Stnl llnticUs struts
I'titll a b w itVk sin ttttlliiiisf ss
t Vir ssl'l alsmt llie tlut that I atwil,
mnl pnitm'tlv lit'tbleg Wttiilti ver intve
Isi ti snid. lint) ii ti"! II Hint a ll"iuili
ibi iiinn tt slii il t.isliow hts Hutborlty
over an Aim t lean. Thai could ! ae
isini,listiti by ordering the sw.i s r li
Spl Inkle Ihestlvi't of Slop sweeping.
Tii" einployit olij'-i li tl, slating as a
ivnsitt Hint he was rnlslng no more
dust Itimt wnubl Is' raised by a passing
carriage, but that only nuitlo the sou of
the south of lii'lnnd more st'slsteiit.
The eiuployn must stop sweeping, lie
would Is" run In If he did nut shut up, fide in tho patrol
wagon If lit saltl nnolher word. Tin-so
mid 11, any other threats wore made,
but without effect, as the sweeping
went on ns though the ropis-p was not
an Irlsh-itomanlst. The friends of the
employe say tho curves have Ikk'H
swept for four years, mid this Is the first
time a sargeaut has ordered a sil Ice
man to arrest a man for doing ihe
work, and claim that It was simply
tmrscciitlon that was attempted. A
few lexs Humanist and a few more
Americans on tho jhiIIco force would
Ihi a goisl thing.
Tlio lecture at the First M. E. church
Thursday evening hy Joseph Cisik was
A scutching denunciation of Jesuit Inter
ference in affairs of state, and a strong
plea for the Bible In the school. Wo
will publish tho lecture in full next
Kubher Stamps, 105 So. Pith St,
The Popo' Duy Week St. Peters
In Rome.
Holy week begins everywhere on
Palm Hundny, and we follow the crowd
that wends It way toward St. Peter.
Prom Monte I'inclo, tho favorite park
of t.'io Human, we W'l olio of the best
external view of the famous church,
n one 1 able to comprehend it on a
level. It I not a very beautiful build
ing, a it 1 very much marred hy the
colonudis in front, with a flat roof
and the Vatican building extending to
Its fight, looking liko a dismal prison.
A wo approach St, Peters we pus
through tho arched entrance opening
Into tho yurd of the church. It I
guarded hy soldiers In the black ami
yellow uniform of the Swiss guard, to
which they belong. They nro hand
some, well developed men, with Just
enough of the look of men of the world
about them to remind you that llcsh
and blood, even around Hie Vicar of
Christ, is human. To the right hi wo
enter 1 tlio colonnile, surmounted with
the si ntuc of 102 saints. In the center
of the yurd is an obelisk, 1,'iO feet high
and weighing .'1.12 tons, and Is the
largtst wrought stone In Europe. It
wa brought from Kgypt by Caligula
and was by him dedicated to Julius
and A gust u Cies'tr, innl placed l It"
present position hy Pope Sixtu V In
LOOM. On each side of It I a fountain,
phying Into largo basin of porphry.
At the farther end of the square,
directly opposite tlio entrance, It the
cathedral itself, occupying the whole
end. The vestibule ha a front of 400
feet. At each side I an equestrian
statute, one of Charlemrnge, tho other
of Constantino, Plve portal lend to
the Interior of the church. Standing
at the central entrance wo look through
tho ItOO feet of the navo to the high
altar. It I immediately under the
dome and I arched over by a bronzed
canopy 140 feet high, supported by
twisted pillow and surmounted by a
crop. Underneath the altar is a chapel
containing the supposed tomb of Peter,
The descent to It I by A double lllght
of steps, and the balustrade U sur
mounted by 112 standards, each sup
porting a silver lamp kept continually
burning. The body of the church I
1,'iO feet high until you reach the dome,
when ll I 860 feet from the ground
There is no pulpit in St. Peters, but
many altars, all speaking in tho sym
bolic language of tlio church of the
sacrifice of Cavalry. I'ulm Snnday tho
pope blesse the palm. They are not
like those seen In this country, but
dry, bleached and braided.
Wednesday evening tho olllco of
Tencbroe I said for the first time,
Holy Thursday, tho day of tho Institu.
tion of tho Lord' supper, the sacra
mtnt I carried from the high alter and
tho pope wnsheft the feet of thirteen
pilgrim. Good Friday I tho day of
crucifixion, and tho celebrated Miserere
itt sung. There I nothing like thl
musical composition to bo heard else
where in the world. The church I
dark save the light on tho altar. Tho
r ef tm 1,
Msilfg tln-r fUns 1 tip irlintih It
j rti d. t s nit m'l il'ii n.,iif
J ot 1 upii-4 t In jnitl 1 1. sr (! i
j .. IHs I fit tiii ,,f Um popi, wioi U
j 1 s 1 1 it il t n IS'wd ttit.ittn iot rl.ittu.t
In s wl.iiw welb tt rusiili i i t g it
,,ii,ii, . lijli'H-i thu tin
trit tiln; ti Ht fii I, se.l t.irtii with',
I rvM t ioili, )i- .!ihi ttm H-npli ' '
tltfht Slid b fl lis l ISttitil 'oli(,j
sed I i-liweli f .ll.i we. l-V
a long lie"
iif lsldittaU, lilsliopi, ptiet Slid
Ivikft. Itt V ttn'l ii-H nit
nmkr gt tt M'ttstioti, but In ii1 mt
lifM, tsd all art t loth "! In rich and
ItiHgttiiim Ml vi'titienl. Tlitt nmie of
the Misvlete whleli (.ill.tws w ft com.
ni d by I'sle.tli a, ntnl w st gitirded
vciv rloselv as a secret euiiiositint
umli Mtixml In Mi d it, run led it In
no mot V Mint publlslird It to tlio world,
ll has Int orijiu! neeiimpAiilmeiit nnd U
the pel feclliill tif tones, Now soft and
subdued, It pusses like angel whispers
through Hie Immense church, pene
trating rvcry nook and corner, Again,
piercing and wild, ll seems l defy Hie
Very walls themselves to confine It,
Then ll oonies with the rush of the
whirlwind, ever anon rising nnd sink
ing. The etl'ecl I exquisite and sub
lime, and it seem ns the choir of
heaven Itself had been let louse, This
combination of sublime walling, en
treating, sighing and beseeching seem
to go up in one prayer, completo and
perfect, to the thrntio of grace. Add
to this the gloom and shadow and
there Is nothing lu the world like it,
and one feel as never before the nwftil
trngody of Calvary and one secret of
tho power of this church over intel
lectual minds.
Saturday nothing of importance oc
cur, but Sunday I tho day of resur
rection, Easter, and all I changed,
both outside and inside of St. Peters,
Tho shops and store are all open and
tho streets fillet with gay and light
hearted people. Tho stone Im been
rolled away from tho sepulchre and
llfo ha conquered death. Tho pope
i borne in again, smiling and bless
ing. Ho Hlill wears, a always, the
lung whllo coal, but over It today an
elegant scarlet satin cloak, magnificent
In embroidering, Hi crown Hushes
Uxo a blaze of light with precious
jewels, and he look anything but a
persecuted mortal. Tho long line of
cardinal follow a before, all clothed
In long, sweeping robe of scarlet
covered with rich vestment. Then
archbishop in purple robe, and
bishop tho same. Monk, somo In
black, others In white and brown gar
tnont, priests and students, 111 like up
the balance of the procession that
slowly rnarchec townul the altar. Mas
begins; the ordinary communion ser
vice of the church, such a tuny be
seen lu the humblest prairie church
are performed, Hut hero It surround
ings aro extraordinary and eliiboralo In
detail, The music Is grand and won
derful, and every movement of the
clergy I done by rule and I a perfect
a (dock work, Innumerable candle
nnd cloud of sweet smelling Incense
give picturosqueiios to the sec 110.
The pope 1 assisted to put on the
vestment of Hie service ami says mas
himself, and contrary to custom else
where In the Catholic church, face
the people and stand behind Hie altar.
After mass, with much ceremony this
pope I carried to the front baleony
and blese tho world, followed by the
ringing of bell and Hie blast of
trumpet, and Lent I over. Feasting
and merriment follow on tho part of
the people. At night come Hie grand
Illumination of the dome, and lire
works close the day, Although St.
Peter ha no pulpit, Intro I good
preaching and plenty of It in Home,
and with A reasonable knowledge of
Italian one may understand tho ser
mon in any part of Italy, Hi fore the
pope and cardinal tho sermon are
alwuy In Latin. Formerly tint masse
were Ignorant of tho faith of I'rotes
tsntism, but now they havo all learned
more or less of it, and in large town
and cities ll I allowed perfect freedom,
Count Cninpbello, formerly a canon,
priest of St, Peter and particular
friend of I'io Nino, I tho leader of the
Reformed church in Italy, and It I a
rroteslant movement. Tho masse
among the Italians are not liable to
break their necks running after any
religion, Catholic or otherwise, so the
progress of reform movement Is slow,
although they claim to have About 1100
Tho present Is A hutching period all
over the world, and Indifference I the
attitude of tho masses everywhere.
Heretics to every established faith are
coining to Hits front as leaders, but
must bo content to stand alone till Hie
people have digested nnd aslmiluted
the developments of the hist decade.
For centuries religion lias figured a
tho chief end of man's attention, and
today it 1 standing aside temporarily
nnd other thing are asserting thorp
selves moro prominently. This ac
count for the slow development of
tho work of Father Hi iicinth In France,
and Father Dollinger' disciples In
Germany. Either of these movement
In tlio linn of socialism would touch a
larger inptilso in humanity today, hut
lacking tho genius, they hold too much
of the old and not enough of Hie In
tensely now to become leader of today
in A grand landslide.
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I ' ' 111 -"l I" SI, IIH'l'llfl Hl'
stii .1 1.. ii
I lee (Cl ,-ti-- w. I I, t 11. 11I1I Wllil-,1
slii'llt (mil- hilti.lli tt ll"ti.,li, ' n,l nl.. s..f.
, I t,.,ii- sinitti i.i our. ..el w it tit
!!!! 11 .1 11,. 11m U Willis Wti'H'
Hsl In I.t. ts. i- si Intl. It." sue Hull tn Hie
!ll,l-M ,,,1. t.if , .(,. ,., I , ,l , V,. I Sl.
I' SI t.., .VI 1 , St JttlHIS S, litirt .ll t S
tluli I ill MUlstit. Iviiti l i. i i.tit ti . S. t ti.liii,
Jl I II s st IHii'l I'I tt
Mm I t'l
tl V lit so Ki t J', Aiiiiiiti-i 1 t
Chattel Mortgage Sl.
Tin1 mull Kitnt tl sill 11 si itii (i' sin Hun
on Muntlm, AiniN'i In Imi it Hn hunts itt I"
I ., mnl IIVW, nit I Itli'iiilh Mm I, la limit,
I nili.i n 11111' nml tini'l'nitt stivi l, mi lit
nt nl si, of tin' 1, tin tiillii 11m Inns
sits ll I
?l Imvs nnd enitii iils, t ili-sl, l,ii. islr
,i( m'Ii'. I to, It mill. I ms r tllliiltii l, B l ni-s
vlit. 3 Istti's luiiii iiiiil il ). 'i (In 111 n, a
inlliillns riit ltlM's. I s, null nd', II ..hit I'tt'Si,
H nil entin tinn eitnlrltl ... I simiil Isiv Hint nth
li nts, 7 Isim .ii it. I hi, il shut, I nil stow, I
ltit In t-hiin Cn-t', $ si'itlti iuo,,,, : littuii oil
i'iiiis, iiunlisii it Inn 11 Is Iti'ttiM'lir nil. 2tlliirc
shnw C'l-t'.
The slsive tfnmls nml fhiilli l III It snlil
In mill'. I it I't tliilli hill of siilr, 1I11I11I Jnlv "I.
It'll, null. Iii'iirlnii ci i'ii 1I1111, AiiuhhI i. I Mil.
1111111I1111 iluc Usili llrnt l-Mlr of I h In linlh'it
I mi loiiulii'il nml llili lt i'ii T.'i-Iki ilnlliii-s
if ;l;i.T.ii. siidl hill nf sn l,i nml lit ito i-m .' 1 H 1 tl hy
.hours II, Uliiiilcy In favor of W. It. lien
lii'll t'o.
4-s-ll W. 1!. llt NM-'.TTCtl.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
Mautim Tins
In the ! M -1 tit t Court
of lloimlns t'oillit.v,
Mule of Ni'hninUii,
1 locket l. No. m.
KllW.MII) ,1, Taiiiiaiit,
('mm TaoIuiit
Tliti ili'ffiiiliiiiis. IM 11 i-d ,1. TiiKcnrt mid
llie J ,1 tii 1 111 i'i I liivi'sltneiil Compiiny ilifrml
11 ills, will 1 11 In' tintii'c lluil on 1 hi' IIO1I1 day of
Aiimist, A. II. istil, M ii it i n Tlliioi, iliilnllir
henin. Illt'il his ( 1 1 1 ii 1 In tint Histrli't Court
of 1 lunulas County, N I'tiiiti. kti. iiuiiIiihI said
!' f In 1 11 tt I m. Iliu olilei't, nnd prayer of whliii
ant to foreclose n I'eiliilti tnorl Knife executed
hy Kdwiird ,1. TaitKiirt mnl Charles Tiik
Kiirt, defi'liiliints, In llie j 1 1 1 1 t 111 upon n
I'ertiilii plefe or piirt'el of liinil ileserllied as
follows, lo-wll: lletrliinliiK ten challis enst
of 1 lie sou lit west corner of nor! h west iiiiuiiT
of soul heiisl tiiarter of seel Ion HI, t.ownshli
15, north of riiimit III east, thence north 4 S4-UKI
rluiliis to south Hue of CiiuilUK si reel, t ho licit
west 2 il-IUl olio Iiih. t hence south tM-lnOiiiiiliiH,
tlieni'it enst !i ll-IIKl rim Ins lo lieKlniiliiK, lielnK
lu lint northwest uiiiirler of soiilheiiNt iiiar
ter of section hi, township in, ranue lil eiiNt
III', M.i to secure tin1 payment, of two certain
promissory miles dnlcd April HI, Isnii for the
sum of two thousand, Urn hundred dollars
each, and dun and pnyiihh' In one mid two
years, respectively, from tint dale thereof:
ilinl there Is now due upon said notes mid
tnorl Klines Ihe sum of JVhki, for which sum,
with Interest from dales, plaintiff prays for a
decree that defeiulaiils he required to pay
the siime, or that said premises tuny bit sold
lo snilsfy Ihe n iiiiiii ti i round due,
The bomhnrd Investment Coiniiany, tie
fendauis claim, are Inleresled In lint ahovit
premises hy virtue of a morlixann they hold
mi sn Id hind. The said lidwiiid .1, TnuKurt,
and I lie t ,t m 1 1 to il Investment Company are
retiilred to answer said petition on or before
the ma Ii da v of May, A. I), IHi'i,
March id), H, MA It II N TIIIKK,
4-1-4 Hy .lotin T. C'lilhcrsJils at lorney,
NOTICE " " ' -Of
Appointment of Administratrix.
Htatk or Nkiiiiask a. I
liouulas Couiily, (""'
In the County court, of HoiikIiis county,
Neltriiska, March 31. A. Jl,
In Hie mailer of llie est ale of Horace II,
The following nntned persons, lo-wlt: lOtliel
K. Hmltli, nio'd H yimrs: William II. Hmllh.
lilted 'i years; nnd Annie K, f mil h, iiKed i
liiontlis, all of Omiilia, Neli., and nil other
persons Interested In said mailer, will lake
0(0 Ion Hml on the lillh (lay of March, iHIti,
(hit County court of lioiiKbiseounly, Neb
raska, made lint following order:
Stale of Nebraska, HoiikIiis county, ss, In
Hut County court of IIoiikIiis county, Neb,,
March B4. A, ll, s!, Present, J. W, Klier,
CounlV J it'll''.
Ill llie matter of the estate of Horace
II. Hmllh:
I'poii rending and lllinu the iictltloii of Mrs,
Maiiha A, Hinllb, sbowliiK thai, llornce II.
Smith (IcunrLcd this life In Hie city of Omaha,
on the 1st day of March, leiivlnif no last will
and lestiiuieiil, and prnylnu lliat ndminls
trntlou of ids eslale may he irritated to I Jm
suld Mrs, M n rt 1 1 ii A. Sinilli, it ml praylnu thai,
sucli other and further order nml proceed
Imks may he had in the tiremlses, as may lie
retiilred by Iliu stntuU's hi such cases made
ami provided,
Ordered, lhiil Aniil,!'i, A , I . ls, nl HoVlock
It, tn be asslirned for heiuiiiK said nelllloii,
when all persons Inleresled in said mailer
may appear at the County court, lo bit held
in lirul for said county, and show cause why
Hut prayer of said petitioner should not bit
Kiiilileill nnd Hull mil ice of Hut pendency of
snld pellilon ami Hie henriiiK thereof, he
ulven lo Hut persons above named and all
oilier persons Inleresled In said nuillcr, hy
puhllshlliK liullcit of this liroceedlnir lu'l UK
A mkiik'An, it newspaper primed lu said
futility, three weeks successively nrcvinus lo
Hie tune appointed, ,i. , r.i,i,r.u.
sK.Al, Count y .1 ud it,
And you will further take milieu flint un
less you appear lo contest, Hut pellilon of
Mrs, Maiiha A. Smith at, Hut 1 1 nut and place
itppolutcd for lluil, purpose, Hut court may,
In your absence, u pin On I said Mrs. Mart lut A.
Smith, nr some other suitable nersou nd
mlnlslratrlK, and may itriint let tins of ad
mlnlslralloii of said eslnlit to said Mrs,
Mini Im A . Suil t Ii. or some ol her suit able ner
sou, anil may iimnl the further prayer of said
Witness mv hand mid oilhinl seal this Jllb
day of March, m. i, W. 1.1,1, I' ll,
s KAI, 4 -1 -.1 i in 1 1 ojf jin i jjii.
Sheriffs 8nlo.
Hy vlrtuit nfiin order of siilit Issued out of
Iliu dist rict, eiiiirl, for liouuliis couiily, Ne
braska, and In me dlreeled, I will on Inn ilrd
day of May, A, It, Istti, at Klo'iiock A, M., nf
safd day, at, the KAST from, door of Hut
ooiiuly I'ttiiii house, lu the lily of Omaha,
MiiiikIiis couiily, Nebraska, sell nl public
iiiui ion Ihe nroieiiy described In said eider
of sain us follows, to wit :
but iiumberiwo in in block number thir
teen i;ii In Shliui'S addition to Hut city of
(inuilia, in lloiurlas county, slain of Ne
lirnska, Said piniicny to be sold subject ton
certain morlKiufe for Hie sum of
iiuiilelii favor of The New Knirlaiul l,onu and
Trust Company ami subseuueni ly asslirned
to Portsmouth Hnvluirs lliink. and to satisfy
II, V, K aiitl'iiiiiti null CM. MiOMiuinll, trus
tees, Hut sum of two Hioiisand I wo hundred
nine 115-lun dollars (ir:!.:!0i.!ii'n .ludirmenl, with In
lerest thereon lit ten I Kit per cent , per annum
from September, A. Jl. si, until pi, 1,1; to
satisfy olpelcr and (Oilnu the sum of (nut
hundred slxty-llvc H.V Inn del In is ililA.sri),iidK
Iniiit. Willi Interest I hereon from September
:;i. A. ll. IKH, iinlll iald:l'i satisfy .lessn K,
j'liubreit Hut sum of one hundred elKhly-ellit
itti-lmi dollars iifsH.:i!ii .luilirmeiil, Willi Interest
thereon at seven i7Miercenl. per iinnum from
Heptemlier HI, A, ll. I"'.i, until paid: to satisfy
Will A. Corson the sum of seven hundred
seven ;m-Pi dollars (;'li",;mi Jiidmuent. with
Interest thereon at seven (7 per cent, per
annum from Henlcnihcr '!!, A. H. Istil, until
paid; to satisfy rid win A. Leavenworth Hut
sum of four HioiiHioid three hundred I lilrt.v
six dollars iH.:i;ni.(n ,udimciit, with inleie'st,
1 hereon at elirht isi per eenlt peraiinum from
HepleinlM'rai, A. ll, Is'.ll, iinlll paid; lo snilsfy
Hiesum ol one huii'lred seven Zi-IHi dollnr's
MUfiMi costs, wllli Interest thereon from Hut
:.'lst, dny of September, A. I). Nil, iinlll paid,
toirelher wllh accruing costs aceordlnn Ion
ludirmeiit rendered by Hut district couii of
A, ll
HoiikIiis county, al lis September term,
liu, in n cerium union then and there
peiulliur, wherein ,lesse II. Knihrcc was
l.ilson f t IT. and Henry A. I nylor, J'.tlward II
ami ot tiers uereuiliiiils
Omaha, Nebraska. April I, lM'.el.
tii:oli(lK A. IIKNNKTT,
Klierltrof lloinrlas County, Neltriiska,
tt. M. Hlehiiiond. attorney, 4--f
Embreit vj. New Kiurliind l,oan ft Trust Co.
XXANTKIll'okltlon by a thoroughly com '
iM'tent, limn, us sliitlotuiry flreuuin.
, A, Ml
iiiwiu r rences ifiven. Atilreis, A. i
1511 Mouth Ninth Ht., Council Willis, Ju.
VllltOl ."ll-