THE! AMERICAN. CCSYW Cf M SACRED HEART. ! at an t r'd r . m . tmiin II Ybt " in tn IKi t? jr I laM l t.- ? i-tt ?t (H. tvM il li ,l. l Hiil a UM?aM?' Mm I In Nn Ali,t'i 1 ln ts 4r nut t -t if ihf wanie t tte lti i l t ,U , f.r w?ntl.fvv?l !. hum li f H.r rntH-!le (4 111 iatlll. h rvts on fwK ami in l l -! f.r b) JUiw Hmw , Mr. Jmljt? had kwti4 He i at-'t. M plmte. r In the sold rn ! tmilni over the plains with an M Mm, with his wlfeaml hmia hold gkU, lie wt It??.. In the plaeer Witt"', gvt.lntf sottietMni; ahead, ami then in nt.d tit hydi-aullit mining, whero he Clni-. mrs ami later ho hi tvuat lull In thai it merchant, Kuril ehiui U always eeoininl?d with gtvii Hk, for hahlta an fortm), uml Ihi conm-cHnti mul adaptations, thoae tpialntaneehlp ar.d lnn'r ways of the ttew business mil nil to Im aiipilred. Hut Mr. Jhwtyn secured an able partner, mill, mi In mrrj thing else, he was sue ccasful, mul I ho firm became a leading wholesale and retail dry goods house of the city, III wife ha-1 (wmtrlhuled largely U hit niccc-as, for she had Iteeti a steady miiKii t, bearing adversity bihI prosjwrlty with equal bravery. They ttoth felt the di'flt'U'iH'y of an early win cation and resolved that their child ulunild have every advantage. Ax thu only child she received their undivided love, which cnnio near adoration, Zolda who bora on thu plains, during tho memorable overland journey, whon tho un wieldly canvas wagon wan their homo. They rented for two days, tho horl.on meeting tho expanse of grey sago and brown gran, except whero tho Hlerras stretched liko a lino of cloud against tho (iky. What a responsibility wan tho wee babe on that wearisome journey, In tho heat and exposure, and absence of all the comfort of civilized life! Yet ho throve well In that froo air, and grew strong, and In tho retrained at- oiiihero of tho city retained tho lrn potuu received In tho beginning. A great burden', but how ono'i itrongth grown with mich burdonsl Tho man In not a true man, or woman a trtto woman, until fatherhood and motherhood. Tho child, tho blended product of their being, call with a voleo which Ik lr reltIblo for their bent, moHteftrmmt ef forts. Ixivo ltmelf him not drank lt goblot of noctar until Its mnllu In re flected by Itn Incarnation. When In tho elatca, Mm. Joxlyn bad ljeen an active member of tho Congregational church and In thn Hunilntt clumL Mr. Jonlyn wtiii outnlJo (he church, anil what might Ik) called a freo-thlnker. Ho, however, did not Interfere with hi wlfii. or In tho tmlnlntr of their ehl rl. who grow tip into a beautiful maiden, beloved by a wldo circle of friendu, and tho life of the oolal gathering where nho chanced to be. Mhe wan earnestly rellgloim, Inheriting her r.eal, an her father jokingly nald, from hor ploun ancestor, and hl mild remonMtranco and cogent argument were alike u li ft vailing to turn tho courno of her thoughts. Her hair waN ft dark brown, her eye a dark blue, largo and nxprormlvo of every emotion; a mouth nweet, with tho corner drawn tdlghtly up Intoa dimpled nintle, Altogether her faoo wan not beautiful, but became exceedingly no bo eaiiHo of ItN cxpreHNlvenenn; It wan an mobile a tho mirfaco of a lako, reflect ing every panning cloud or gleam of light and nhadow, She wan ntrorig in her feellngn, and firm In her connclontloun zeal, which gave her ntrongth of char acter and at tho namo lttno proved hor greatent weakneni and nourco of danger. Thug introduced to the family, wo may give attention to the renldenco, It in not externally different from tho long block of huildlngti of which It form a part, Thoro are bron,0 railing at tho nido of the ntono ntejin, while thonoon cither nlde are iron, and thin, anltlc from the number, in tho only distinction, Tho parlor in cxquinltely apjiolnted. There are paintings by tho old mHntcrn, and by renowned miKlern artlntn, cant bronze ntatuten, antique cablneti of brlc-a-brac, and by the piano, renting ltn footon a tlger'n nkln, a largo harp, Tho very atmonphero han a breadth of re finement and culture. A lady is nittlng in an cany chair, reading the morning papor. Time han dcaltgenerounly with her, and only ripened tho promlnen of hex youth. The linen trouble, pain, care and anxiety cauno deeply In the faoo, were not there, but a happy nmile of contentment and satisfaction. There were sounds of a voice singing low and nunlngly', the door opened and ft young laxly' entered, "Alono, dear mamma? You give a great deal of time that ought to be mine to the newnpaper." "Ah! Zelda, you forgot how much time I do give you, and as for the papers, I think It the duty of every person to read the news of the day and keep well Informed. The newspaper is the mirror In which ono sees reflected all tho thoughts and events of the hour. To read the daily paper underttandingly is to become well-informed." "Well, so papa says, and it must bo so. Just talking about you, papa," she exclaimed, as Mr. Joslyo entered. 'Mamma is becoming a profound scholar by reading the newspapers!" "You exaggerate, Zelda. I said we t. ,..), i.lM. h.-. . ' 4 .-f ! " 1 IVI,V l . , . - Li i.1 I .l I!.,- !..! I. u t1" ' lkpi l!i iiH.i',;' t Tb. .n U1fH-"ll,,,,i'' )n ll '. liiU''', Kw jr, H.lllic Dili i' ? et.U.Ili woiihl l i.imtM In lh Ii.mi m stt nf rti". l i S'l'iilt I Ii mmt iy . il..iln!jf r in the tn tA ini. ".ri Hiv mid eiilluiv, ltd But lt !' illtl."l l"ii.. bw k.-r 8I-..I inl rl, Mr. Jiwilvn aid thl wHh i- etnphani. U nlmulb) IhesMi' of M wife's chair, a lj w of Hie nlnt'-tf mart "f l"lei ooe ln hiKl glrrti e-r) .m rgy l Ihe tri al tinil..rlVu of einniere, ami iv-li, .1 Ihrt warmth of Imiu lhe love of wlf. and ehll.l, whereby be bad Iwen kept neacr to humanity with unahatii) eharlty and Uiievol m1". HI nimlulalwl voleo amlkliitlly luee nhowed that he had not grown hard ami old by bilMlneM cimtaet, but full of youthful ginenlty and Interest In tluw around him. He turned to Zih1a, and bin exprewdoti showed what a depth of devotion was In his lovo for her, mingled with a father's pride. She had seated herself on an ottoman and taken up her harp. Her Biigers glided, though unconsciously, over tho st rings, making chords as weird as IhoMo sung by tho wind on an .llollan's strings. "You would make ft pretty picture, my daughter," ho exclaimed. "If there were a painter In tho city who could at all approach a perfect delineation, ho might fix his own price on his work," "How fortunate, for Mr. Kensett, my teacher In painting, proponed this very thing to mo." "Ho Is not a great artist, and none, other need make the attempt. ' "Oh! no, bo In young, but ho has re markable skill, and if ho succeeds It will assist him to bo recognized." "Well, arrange with him, and state that his reward deiends entirely on his success. If tho picture Is not llko you, I'll not have It. 1 detest caricatures, and especially would I ono of you," Hero tho servant announced a visitor Mrs. LaFarge. Tho lady whoentered was tall, with erect and faultless bear ing, ft self-ponnennlon and ease which carno from continuous contact with so ciety. I tor face was a jKjrfect oval that would have delighted an artist; her complexion olive, her hair and eyes dark) her mouth drawn bock slightly at tho corners, compressing hor thin lips over her white, porfi-ct teeth. Her faoo was a study, so jmrfeet In its parts, and yet not beautiful, Hho was magnetic and attractive, never intrusive, aje parontly retiring and sympathetic to tho slightest shade of fooling, Hor seemingly contradictory characteristics mado her zealous in tho cause she thought right, unscrupulous as to means; a jenult to every Intent and pur pose in her sphere of activity. After tho usual salutations, Mrs. La Fargo, turning to Zelda, said: "I hear charming reisirts of you, my dear girl; how you easily won first honors Jn your clans anil tho prliw in tho school con test." "It is true I gained those honors, but I think others deserved them quite as well as I," "Do not disparage yourself, dear girl. We get none too many honors, any of us. You deserve tho prize, And dis-s this finish your school days?" Bho asked blandly. "Oh! I hope not! I have oidy begun," "Tho fact is," said Mr. Jonlyn, "there Is no academy or college in this city which gives sufficiently wldo range of studies. I am thinking of sending hor east, to the states, where she can at tend ono of tho long-established col leges." "We are exceedingly anxious that she should continue her education, for ho gives such promise of high attain ments," said Mrs. Joslyn, "much as It would pain us to have her absent, and tho great distance that would be be tween us," "Zelda has already acquired ft ruputa- tlon for scholarship," Interposed Mrs, LaFarge, "and I do not wonder at your desire to have her go on, or at your solicitude for hor. It Is quite unneces sary for you to end her to the states for a higher education." 'It is quite unobtainable on this coast," replied Mr. Joslyn. "I admit it has been until recently, but since tho opening of tho seminary of the Bocred Heart, every advantage is ft.T ordod which can bo by any institution ol! learning." ' "That is Catholic?" asked Mrs, Joslyn hesitatingly. "Yes, it is Catholic, and I hail my prejudice at first, but wishing to give my own daughter superior advantages, examined the school, and for tho past month she has been attending, and is delighted. It is so secluded. Tho thoughts of tho world which fill the mind; of young girls are cast out. The mind and body are disciplined as no where else. It scorns to me that the graduates have a refinement and grace of culture given by no other institution." "It Is a long way from my agnosticism to Catholicism," replied Mr. Joslyn, "but a term cannot harm my daughter. I did not know before of this school. There are no attempts to force religion on tho pupils?" 'Oh! no, not the least. The pupil is ,- J I- , nit, ), l i(iui li !, 111 I l--Jltsti , " I tm la- (. M tey iS.--lil. r l.i Ihink Sltti lt. r! it,?, ()! my fi h ft.?! PhU!ii,l, l ,..,i,l I, lh,t nwtt1 htWfut l.m?1 4 tny iifi' If .he himt, U -M." "!' jmi hind bv? mi fi-.r tf any InftiH-mi U iiig f"f ih t. i n't, i, nt.-In-r femn jriHi, TV lmt if t tul.ltvn fi?r lb? Ii ptvnU 1 i tif..n .1 by III i-lii'M h m a eart leal I it m4 lly nke I he t Uttr, "What nj you, , 1,1s'" In r fathir, "Is )iu wWt tt sip wloihHtt front Ihl piiTi-r ! cup t.f Urn I 'l hu ll.- " "Y'nikmiw U l, a! ImiI irt ita hoi li haoly. IVrbapa It I. pei hate ln-rl an tiim h ak-lnt Hut l attio- "My aiNiualiilaniHi w llh lh itiemln-ni ;f thai ehun It,' aofllynald lh vUltor, "hs tn Invalnablii In ri'tnovlng my pii jiiilliv. I have found them aueh ix einplary christian cop!c, and If we are gmnl, what mattera it what naitut l given tin?" A with alt '.lls'ral-mlndi'd Isolde, the Jimlyns were weak to the charge of prejudice, which was a quality they (ll'Nplw-d, "You will form delightful acquaint-anei-s, my dear Zelda. Them are now over a hundred young ladles of your age In attendnnee, Kueh sweet ladles for teachers, ladles who received thelredu- cation In tho best schmils of KurojHi. You will, I am sure, bo delighted." It must bo confessed that tho ono point of advantage, seclusion, surpassed all others combined In tho mtnd of Mr. Jonlyn. Ho had a father's anxiety, not to say jealousy, about tho future of his daughter, and knowing thut If she re mained heart whole until she had com pleted her education, sho might be more safely trusted to ehooso for her self, ltstruck hhn as highly advantage ous to have her in a school whero thin disturbing element was excluded Henco ho quickly determined, and re volved to persuade his daughter, If pos sible, to attend tho seminary of tho Hacred Heart. Tho mother was In fluenced by other motives. "It will leave you with us," sho said to her daughter, "and that alono re moves a load from my heart." "Well, dear mamma, anything to make you happy," laughingly said tho loving girl, "You will find ono attraction, my dear, I have not mentioned," said Mrs, LaFargo. "There is a teacher on th harp, a most finished player, the Bister Magdalene, with a voleo like an angel from heaven." "Indeed, that would bo an attraction for me," replied Zelda, for the first time manifesting interest, "To become pro ficient on my harp, and in vocal music, would indoed be delightful." And thus it was arranged before tho suave visitor departed, that with the new term, commencing in about a month, Zelda shall enter the seminary of tho Bocred Heart. How blind are human eyes! The Joslyns thought they were advised by a friend, at the time they were Influenced by an interested npy, whose object was to steal away thor daughter and bring ruin and desolation to that bright homo! Why did not some kind angel, somo dear departed friend, bond low and whisper a warning word? If we cannotavcrt tho decrees of fate, it Is well we know not the futuro nor fool the shmlow of evil, Imforo the ac tual overtakes us. (To lie Contlnuitd.) Archbishop Ireland Defends the Cath olic Church. Hoston, Mash., March R Tho I'ilot contains an interview between Archbishop Ireland and its corrosion- dent In Home, from which this import ant passage is extracted: "I am glad to bo able to say that the Hornun authorities, both at tho Vatican and tho propaganda, declare themselves determined to maintain tho hierarchlal unity of the church in America and to allow no effort to lo mode in tho name of religion toward retarding the as similation of tho different populations in America and encouraging the politi cal and social unification of all tho citi zen of the land, Hut, strange to say, this fietermlnatlon of Homo does not prevent constant renewal of efforts to defeat this end, Thero are jwoplo In America and Europe who aro under the positive belief that the country is a wild Congo, to Ito partitioned off into so many foreign colonies as distinct from ono another as language, Ideas and customs can mako them, Many of the European Catholic papers are en listed to tho movement' lite Qitfodte jMiprr of (Icrmitrvj art May a veritable curitmily, iteming vxk after veih with Ktatftntntt most false about tlue chunk in America and the Ushojts of America, vho are supposed to be at all times tinged with a patriotic American feeling, I am sorry to say that most of tho articles written In this spirit appear as correspondence from America, and manifestly are smh, as evidence the local coloring given to tho misrepresentations contained : in them, A short time ago at a general Catholic international congress at Llegu, Belgium, two gontlemon ap peared, Mr. Peter Cahonsly and Ilov. Mr. Vlllenouvo, daring to moke In open sennlon the statement that tho church In America, had lost 20,000,000. Cahrn sly repeated the He in his famous iio rnorlal of last summer, although reduced f J . !',. ill ii r?ti . , Ml', j iH. mu- I al m -lit In It-.n KH.t : -. "t I.M t I t. I ... 1 , M nm-m tsj ,t tbut. m may i lnif.rf it, U (nns. !ait) In -jv !itJi't lt hf !.!!. iv. i li,,? ,. ,., ai.l '! .,' . -Columbus iMttrt lha DM Israel Rata? manr a, The story 4 th tUe?ry 4 Au. tl a ivnitntii. ti ka.t.b-r awi,i (ban thai lib h lhigiatliirf n-ti) , t '?liitt Ima, tailing to i titUI S4lut;al In Uiii -ail h f.r a m w ismtliK al, bud lurm-! lo Mititi, He qui? kly (;atn?M Hie ear is r'enlitian.i ami lMia, aUhmigh tln jf were lh n isvupliil with It war with Monnit, Through lh lnfliHne Kermando il TaU?ia, who bal pin- shiiIihI I liiiiibo to the king, a nmnell of Hie mil l.ainnl i'loUi' was railed, U'fom whom tVilumbun a to lay his plana, and who were to deter mine on their practicability, On the oilier band was tho learning of all the libraries; the crysialUallun of all tho know bilge of the the (tomp, pride and authority of the church In the height of its mwer. On tho olliCil' band was a simple nenme mar iner toeied In the traditions of a con llnentfar outlying tho Pillar of Her cules, who had llsU'iu'd and gathered up the stories of unknown shores from castaway sailors, and for whom tho new knowledge of tho rotoundity of tho earth, and such familiar things as winds and tides and minting drift, had a sig nificance which to tho proud clerics was foolishness and presumption. We can linnglno their dull pedantry, their pragmatical questions, their un yielding bigotry, and their pointless jokes. The discussion hinted for years while Columbus waited, heart-soro and weary, sustained alono by tho continued friendship of the king and quoen. At length, spurred to decision, tho ecclesi astics brought in their verdict "Vain and unpractlcublo, and resting on grounds too weak to merit tho supjiort of tho government." It was meant to bo crushing. Tho conclave dlnnolvod, tho doctors passed out, and Columbus was left to tho Goth semano through which all lonely souls Isolated by tho greatness of their ideas, must pass. At such a moment tho prido of learning, tho senile wit, and tho priestly arrogance could add no ad ditional pung. As Columbus sits thero, at his feet tho discarded maps, it Is not tho triumphant priests nor the sculp tured magnificence of tho halls of Bula- manca that ho sees, but a vast continent fading before his strained eyes. We all know how tho story ended On his way to France to lay his causo buforo tho king, ho mot the large- hearted, open-minded friar Juan Poross, who persuaded him to go back and re new his plea before Ferdinand and Isabella, Ho did so, aided by Perez, and tho king and queen mudo the catino of Columbus their own. It is hardly ponsihlo at this day to realize the no bility of soul and steadfast devotion to a great idea that lifted these four above the haughty dominion of tho church and tho polished sneers of tho wise. Hut its great results wo know and its fruition has been ours. Harper's llazaar. Take Union Pacific No. 6 For Denver, Why? Ilucause it Is a solid vestlbuled train comjiosod of Pullman Palace Bloopers, Pullman Dining Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars and Modern Day Coaches. Hecause it makes fust time. , Hecaune it leaves at 10:00 A, M, a con venient time for starting. You can get your tickets and mako your sleeping car reservations at 1302 Farnam street, Harry P, Deuel, City Passenger Agent U. P. system. Another American. Mrs. II. E, Lodvard nresented her husband with an Hi pound son last Monday morning, March 28. 1892. Doth tho young American and his mother are doing nicely, and the father will bo ablo to reeumo his place in tho business world In a fow days, A Charity Ball, Tho National Association of Station ary Engineors will give a ball In Wash ington hall, April IS. The proceeds aro to lie given to the various charitable Institutions in tho city. A pleasant tlmo is to bo exacted. Tickets only $1.00. Rev, Joseph Cook, of Boston, will lecture in Omaha, Thursday evening, April 7th, at the First M, E. church, on the subject, "Jesuit Aggression in America." lie is ono of the most powerful thinkers of tho day, known throughout Luroiie and America, a giant for tho riifht in 'intellect and morals. Duy tickets at The American office, or after April 6th at Max Meyer Mros. & Co. A religion whoso priests baptize dead unborn infants is not the religion of the Bible. This heathenish custom has been practised here in Springfield within the last three years, so we are reliably informedrrotostant American, Sloe k Vlnoy, tho barbers, have dis solved partnership. Mr. 81oe opens a now snon at bi nortn iin street, which will bo known as American Bar- tor Shop No. 2, whero he will be pleased, to meet aa ins menus, WE' TAKE IT BACK Wtt'll take law a ai ) a ( IhMirLmgM l r tnv Meh l ti.'t git aatl.fa. IUwt lm t.t r jHle?iUr. TMa tiatMt plan, tugvlh. r Uh the fai l that we 11 fl.wir tor I? tinwy lha kn t.iln r ib wt. r ilan. ba bulll tip tor ua, Hip bl-ift-al buih. In I hi liw lattwab. We mak?? ft )wi-!ait;r of Omaha made fbmr 11,1. h la Iherqeal o( any n raith, ho mtt. r!u iv tuiamifa tutv-di and carry all lh illnVrrtit Ihwh.U. t"hur from v a n k tts 1 t i-l?- . I., ra , I lt t. i, 4 .1 , I" f . t ll it r , I" r , i f , e p . r . I 1M . t ii? r '"iti.-. r i i)i t-i(ti Kit Mitlnl witlim-. ran l,i?mt ?-., I i,., iil iiiill, run iiiiH !-?,, rn , l.lm l, fun ,,, fit,v?mh. run W W-ii. run , j'nii,.mii mn Iv. XS Unrm It II mn l-Mi . h.. nun Ktawli 1. L I. x in t-Mi? kimi?. Th Peoples Prlcai Purveyors. W. R. BENNETT CO.. l.Mis n 1.M4 (-Apmif. Avr, THE B. H. OSTERHOUDT SPRING WAGON MANUFACTURING COMPANY INOilliniltATKIt. . rr T" .V No, No. of Hlitoof I.irlhof Wdtlief C'ana- ,,,,. Waiton. Axle. Hocly. boily. Incli. eliy. Jruo li 1 7 f I, Bill, 40 N.l 1115 9 I1 7 ft. Din. 40 linst ino 4 1 'Si ft ft. Oili. 40 1.VI0 ll", 5 W, S ft,. Slu. 40i44 Wi) 140 Above nrleea urn nut. Wtii.M brnloi In not, wiinl.-il, ili-liict Sfl.OO oil Non. t mill a ami 17.00 un Nim. 4 and A. MOVING Whon you desire to change your place lfT7 3JI ' NUMBERS 77, AND 207. and you won't think two moves equal to a flro. I. GARD, Fourteenth and Douerlas Street. OMAHA MIL.L.INO CO.. , ... Only Flour Manufacturers in Omaha Our Leading Brand RELIANCE PATENT, Is Unexcelled, ( J OTHER BRANDS ; : 1 Q. AHLQUIST. DEALER IN Hardware, Tinware, Cutlery, NAIL.3 ETC. ETC. Outtering. Spouting and Roofing a Specialty. A. HALD All coal well scriiciii'd and m "sk V I promiitly dellveriidi wiiIkIiIiiK f f I in clly Ki'Hlna, If aoddsln.d. V M V M JmJL I j... m e ..... i .p. ... 1 S mmmmmmm Rock Otiio. Walnut BlocK, Hard Coal, f oofi Kinilini anfl CoKe, 1 sell tho lli-iit Varieties of Soft Coal for CooklnK l'lirpoaes, Council Bluffs Advertlsemennts. fcvsarrinso is thi B00T& SHOE LINE, AT LOWEST I'UICES; If you will call I will make it profita ble and TileuHiint. A trial will convlnen you, Hepalrlnif a Hpeclalty. L. KINNEIIAN, 830 Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS. I A Lund Bros., DKALKU8 IN CROCKERY, GLASSWARE. Table Cutlery, Silverware, and a full assortment of LAMPS.C- 23 Main St., COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. .tTCmTII BOTTTII Purchaso Tickets and Consign Your Freight via the F, E, & M, V. and S. C, & P, RAILROADS. II. G. HURT, General Manager. K. C. Moukhouhk, j, n. Buchanan, Gen, Froght Agt. Gen. Pass. Agt. Omaha, Nebraska. Do you want to borrow money? Ap ply to the Mutual Investment Co., 1G04 Farnam St. I. M ?r-r.-l f pm?'t l,-l ,,?itir't inif? ?.hii,.1 I ? IHIi , ).rl,-, Hi,-1 l ?il,i i iiliam, Mnil,.l, t t,Mftll,i .IHl.-v.lA, $.rtftt,. a t ,. p '' r s ft a ?,,-??,, n i. ,?-, iMM-fcatr? Al l? kl?' tti i,t , ,,,,, JfllM.? rt liS,-4 k,ll,l r thi "l'nat -iMih'' jmn, l-t on IHlHh, "IIH ,,.,,,,,.. a.imr .., ,,,,.,.:, , A l tlvfiw ,,. , I ',.?.,?t--t I i'nl, ... ... lll,-HriaMl t.HMHI,.-, ,. . ,.. I'n-Hi'h (wan. ran ....,..,, .,..., .. 0 e p e I e II n U e Wiikoii. For Stylo, Quality and Trlco, we will not bo outdone. ALL WOHK WARRANTED. 1801-1803 Cats St., OMAHA, NEB. Telephone 1057. EXPRESS, of residence and want your furniture 1313 NORTH IQTH STREET, INVINCIBLE PATENT, LONE STAR SUPELATIVE 8 NOW FLAKE, FANCY FAMILY. 7 aT I T 1302 Saunders Street or North 24th Street. OrriiiB! H. W. Onr. IOIIi mid Howard streets. Tel. 1004 yMii!2(ilh alroet mid i'oiiplelon avenuu. Tel. 1223 DEALMt IN TELEPHONE 77 Hs L. BURKET N. E. Cor. 24 tb and Cuming, Funeral Director and EmUalmer. First Door H Cltlani Bank DR. J. Ws SEARCH 402 N. Sixteenth St OMAHA, Nil TELEPHONE 41. OFFICE IIOUIIS-IO to 12, 8 to 5,7 Ul Eat Your DINNER at tho W.O. T. U. Coffee Rooms 121 No. 15th 8tmt VTUL 1 a DENIM . 'uranama WEST & FRITSCHER, Wholaaala and Retail Dealars la Fine Cigars 1605 PARNAM 8T. ! Oar Oood sad Prices will suit yo. .. FOR uEfj ONLY !