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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1892)
BICAN, a want kt?ti(t rt-rt f?tt f fi OMAHA. NT.IUUKKA, I MUAY, A Nil I. I, lMj. 1 n THE AME ROMK'tHOrt. Dummy frettUn Boo lit. KM Tit AMI Hr4J Ktr! Ko moth ha Uvw m!4 and I Wing re lated frequently In pur mt1l por about theprogrowdvo teJonelo w Ithtn the Roman rt hollo rhutvh. that H 1 not to tm wondered at 1 hnt many Protectant lovi, and when confronted by A, I. A. foot and work, regard tin whole thing m being merely of th tilght-mare order, and Iho result of over hoatod Imagination or Hilltloal whcmlng, cto do. Our loading newiqwper of tho went, the f hmha IUty fa no exception to the almost universal prostration of the press Imforo Iho fraud on tho Tiber. Witness It article on Bishop Ireland and hla prospect fur tho cardinal' hat In tho issue of Sunday, 20th Inst. If the said bishop was all our shrewd Hit pnln him, ho would renounce his associations and como out of tho mon strOsity with headquarters at Rome. Whore docs Bishop Ireland stand on tho sch(K)l question? For, or against tho public sohools that have acconi plished so much for our fair America? If his endeavor to overthrow tho doughtv champion of right in tho jier son of Indian Commissioner Morgan, and consequently destroy his work and influence is to bo taken as an indicator, then is Bishop Ireland opposed to American sontimont, as it finds expres sion In our public school system. Progrossivoism within the Roman system, except In a very qualified sense, is not to bo found. Why should anyono look for it? Rome's proud boast of un changeablenoss is not a vain one. Booming change she has betimes, but change essentially she can not, no more than can tho leopard change his spots. The OmrvaUm liomam of Roma in defending Archbishop Iroland from tho charge of disagreement with the Vati can, sayB "that ho energetically sup ports tho strong resolutions adopted In Baltimore in '89, in favor ( t tho tem poral power," and continuing, says that "thoro is no more ardent or more zeal ous defender of the pope In America, and nono more devoted to his sacred person or more desirous of supporting tho views of his holiness, than Arch bishop Ireland." , :T " The Awervatore Ilrmiam knows whoroof it affirms, and Its declaration stands opposed to that of the Jlw In the matter of progressivelsm. How can a man bo progressive and boa defender of papal claims? Christ, whoso vlco-gorent the pope claims to bo, would not have earthly power though thrust upon Him, 'and Indicated pretty clearly that all who should follow in Ills steps as toachors of His religion, should never lord it over their follows, nor aspire to earthly power. D'Aublgno says truly thwt undue elevation of the ministry or priesthood in any religion, but Indicates antagon ism to tho rollgion of Jesus. Bjioaklng of Rome's unchangeable ness, the following translation from a Roman Catholic periodical will bo of interest to your readers, and should in splro our common Protestantism with greater determination to combat tho Jesuitical schemors wherever thoy may show their hands, and it is becoming more and more difficult to know them whoro they work under the garb of Protestants, Truly tho time is at the door when oven the elect may bo de ceived. Laltrvntlmt Cutolka, (the Catholic Banner,) printed in Barcelona, and .bearing date July 27, 1883, reforrlng to tho burning of a large number of gos pels, by order of the government, In Barcelona, says: "UN AUTO DE FE. Thank God, at lost we liavo turned towards the timos when heretical doc trinos were persecuted as they should bo, and when those who propagated them wore punlshod with an exemplary punishment. Under the pretext of falsoly-callod religious tolerance, whloh revolution ary winds brought to this classic coun try of Catholicism, the irreconcilable eneralos of our most holy roliglon have been carrying out their plans, and have scandalized the world with the propa gation of their impious writings. Fortunately the cry of indignation which such scandalous conduct drew from the hearts of all good Catholics, has found an echo in the consciences of our rulers, who, although late, have now listened to the voice of duty, giv ing full satisfaction to good Catholics byawlso and opportune order for the burning of a numbor of Protestant books, which evil disposed persons were introducing into the country in spite of the vigilance of sincere Catholics. But Cat hollo Barcelona, the country if saint Eulallc, and blessed Oriol, has had the very great pleasure of witness .Ing an 'auto de fe' in the last part of this HHh century. On the 25th Inst., the festival of the apostle James, in the custom house yard of this city, one of the most glorious traditions of the Catholic roliglon was carried out by the burning of Protestant books, destined to pervert the tender hearts of our children. It is in vain that the sons of Satan lift lip tix lr vi ami vry nl ;nt 1M rltfh ! fcf-i. hit h Mit im 1 1 h, tithWhW hi Ijlitm Mmf lh ( t tk'Miitu-it, hit H pwt light, 111 tii H itn ilm hrit'M mI I. luNtmv and .mr, Thoro l but a t p iiioxn hi event tthn vrd nod this ntting tip of th inly nttiUitltn, What wwitow ant U tho iil U and uiiIi.hI fftni't of iro mui trH VatholtoK. It ion tliat tho povorn inont l dltow tooiry out our do tro, and It l only rifiht that wo hmi!d tko advantaifo f thl.-tMtr torn of atair, In onh r to rtmh a aoon a ikwtil( tho gtal of our lratlon. Onrd, Wiou good ami almvre t'atho llosl Tho Aappy day of our wiola and religious fi'ji-iioratlon Is not far otf! The 'AutoMo Fe, with whloh wo are now iNvnphfl, is a cloar and evident proof 01 tho ooitalnty of our Indication. Tho ro-nijihllshii)ont of tho hnlv tri bunal of the inquisition mitssoon take plaoo. Tt igu will Ik ni(fM glorious ami iruttiul In result than m tho imst. and tho nutnlwr of those who w ill Im called to suffer under It w lllcxeood tho numlxr of the pat. OurCatnolle heart overnowa with faith and enthusiaHm and the immense iov which weexnerl enco aw we begin to reap tho fruit of our present campaign exooods all imagin ation. What a day of pleasure will mat 00 for us wiion wo see r roemasons, Spiritualists, Freethinkers and anti clerical writhing in tho flamoa of the inquisition:' " That Roman Catholics may not bo Ignorant of the deeds of tho Inquisition in tho past, there is the following in another column of tho same numbor of La liantUrer Cutnlim: "We judge our esteemed subscribers will read with great pleasure tho stat istlcsj Jrejoeting those who suffered under the holy tribunal, from the year 1481 to 1808, when this, so venerable an institution was abolished. As our readers will see. it refers to Spain only, We are unable to give the numbers of thoso who suffered in other countrios." Hero follows statistics which aggro- gate 347,704 persons who suffered from that Infernal institution, beside this it is stated on good authority that 6,000, 000 persons loft Spain to avoid the in quisltlon. And this is the system that has planted itself within tho borders of our fair land, and not content with tho freedom which tho spirit of Protestant ism accords them seeks persistently to overthrow the very tree which shelters them. Where is the wisdom In allow ing this onoin v to freedom and wrocress. to maintain her fortresses liTtho shape of nunneries and monasteries through tho length and breadth of the land, bidding open defiance to tho laws re quiring tho registration of births and deaths, and holding in durance vile many who would gladly breathe tho air of freedom again without those prison walls? O! America! America, when wilt thou rise in all the majesty of thy greatness, and declare thy people f ree, and insist on implicit obedience to righteous laws from all who havo tho protection of thy star spangled banner? I trust that many will hoar Rev, Cook of .Boston, when in Omaha. He Is an eye-opener. Yours in th& cause, Watcher. OUR NATIONAL BAND. A Classic Theme The Voice f 'vine An Afternoon With Music. Saturday afternoon wo saw and heard the United States Marine Band, now on Its tour from "ocean to ocean," when it stopped to rest hero and loave a few of its pleasant notes at the Gateway City. To soo tho band Is a part of tho pro gramme. Its epnt de enrpg is nation ality; take a note of its national repre sentationa blending of modesty, ease and Intelligence the American type In deportment, tho' seen through features grown on other lands, that here express U I'lurOnui Unum, The Dross the scarlet coat, so neat and trim, with Its white cords of grace ful pose, the bluo pants and red stripes, all, is speaking of the harmony In tho forms and garments orbs and laws our laws, In space. This Unite etwcmble gontly reminds us of (our Bryants Homer) Iliad's classic lines: A crowd of neuron on adlxh, Panlilonud by tliu artlNt's piixxlnn skill. Then to see and hear thorn play. The hall is noarly a square with galleries, so we sit back in the corner, in the sky parlor. Now, thoy are the motion the stroke my, what a drove of sound comes crashing and squeaking amid the teams and projecting angles, nooks and cranles, surrounding our seat. Soon these are toned and smoothed over with tho oil of sound, then fear fades, and motion and music, to eye and ear, are touched with charming har monyso quick does the great Sousa judge the hall's acooustlcs. Every number Is ft pleasure, still more pleasing. The public's pleasure Is their sweet desire. See and listen tho ploce la diffi cult, some sacred, classic theme: Away In distinct and independent notes of harmony each Instrument seems whirling, distant, more distant, (by the cadence of the sound) they seem to travol, far apart, then come gently rolling nearer, nearer, bock, swing Into lino with ecstacy, and seem to express . I, apt) fr.Hin 4 btf aWnt frtwwil. lit iV' a r voitl5 Imoo flying In o t nwoto'i train Our tiatitwtfti tid l toaoliing titUotml It annuity, Tho thomo; "Tim Mto i tho Hphoro. T!whk majf ly ts pro "our f.yntom," tmt highor titmth'ht stand by; irmvtUtlon pre tad all spaoo. "Apollo'a l(yrv' thus enptviMod: Vmtti tli trim, thi ulilrlt, A loot I' '!" (hut U titMi'H. tt till Xoiy, Slot tt V, ml tone, the InMrmnenU are wft with melody, can ought bo nwt so? The fiuto and voliHt are plainnl In contratwoot fluto, and swwter vuUv. Koo thorn sounds go jMowlng by through mwhi, How smoothly rolls and swolls the human voloo, the flute's note droop U lilnd and soarw keep up, tho jter feci notes go rolling unolmtrtioted on; the flutes tvturdod, fall behind and looso tho raiHt. What a sweet, round, soft, soothing, happy voleo that flows with art and grace in genius gifted way. Como, touch a tender chord. "My Old Kentucky Home Once More." The incenso of tears speak tho hearts' sweetest praise, and we silently sayj God bless Mario DefljapLa Belle Ohio, the beautiful, the TUti-acHon, our em blem of tho Voloo tiirlno. We listen through tho remaining numbers, and seo the Jand rise and hear them roli-in, U'luinphant strains, our national qft$tcm. Wo leavo, but take with us the sweet, pure voice and pathos In "Our Old Kentucky Homo Onco More." N. Would Like an Answer. Omaha, March 28, 1802 To the Edi tor of The American. In your last issue I noticed an article entitled "Stand up Mr. Rosewater," In which tho writer asks him to define his posi tion In regard to tho Roman question. I venture to say that the above question will become as familiar to us as the question, "Who struck Billy Patter son," before Mr. Rosewater answers It, unless he finds that it pays financially to voice tho sentiments of tho A. P. A. Any jtorson who Is a close observer could tell pretty near where Mr. Rose water stands on this question, and where he has stood since his return from Europo; but In caso I may bo mistaken and do him an injustice, I would like to have him answer the following ques tions, which if truthfully answered, will leave no doubt where he stands on this important question: First. Was It not your Intention Mr, Rosewater, to break up tho A. P. A., when you called your council of friends at tho Millard hotel, shortly after your return from Eurojo, and did you not personally denounce them, (the A. P, A's.,) and declare that the organization must bo broken up; is not that a fact, Mr. Rosewater? Second. Did not you and John Rush havo a conversation in which it was agreod between you that provided ho ralsod so much money, that you would help him with tho Ike to break up the A. P. A., and is it not a fact that you refused to carry out your part of the agreement after you discovered that Mie A. P, A,, had carried the primaries for tho county convention? Third, Is it not your honest opinion that the agitation for flags on tho pub lic schools buildings of this city is only a littlodlsplay of sentiment on behalf of its advocates, and don't amount to much, as you expressed in tho lice a short tlmo ago? Fourth. Is it a fact that you were and still are so ignorant of the duplicity of the Roman Catholic church, In re gard to our public schools; that you actually believe that patriotism, and not a desire to get a portion of the pub lic school fund, prompted Archbishop Ireland to turn over the parish schools of his diocese to public control? If Archbishop Ireland did it from patriotism, why did he make the con dition that tho sisters and brothers of the church should bo hired for teachers, when we are all told that what they, the sisters and brothers do, is done for charity's sake, and not for cash? Now, Mr. Rosewater, would you kindly Inform some of your Protestant roaders, who desire to know, if you actually expect them to take stock in your eulogy of Archbishop Iroland in the Sunday issue of the Ike, or were you just dishing up a news moss of sop, for tho purpose, of catching tho Irish re publican vote to help you as a delegate to tho republican national con vention, believing that your eulogy of Archbishop Ireland would pass un noticed by your Protestant readers, and you could carry water on both shoulders? Como, Mr. Rosewater. Stand up and answer. We desire to know whoro you stand on these questions, time is get ting snort. ANA. P. A. Joseph All Young, a Cathollo nrlest of Nowark, Is alleged to have enticed nine-year-old Mario Rose Into a room and brutally assaulted her. Sakm IN mi umponal mm 1 n. Ho mi hf Whom It Aojuirvtt. Tim (npo at Homo d hi tvt y r frtowd a iv insVlng fott ti ltu!lih M I'tioo ouijil t. mpttitl jvwor. "tjlvo mo my toiinil pnwor; plaintively orl tho jtn. "Rotum t tilt tottiotnl potior!" Indlg" imiitly rry hi ft loml, Th quitlmi It li ivpard fci t ho jkh'' tointorft) powor riigftgos nmny tnlinU. Umk tv ptitilUhml, aitlolin atv written, moot ing aro hold, sK ho ro made, poll thins are stgnod, and nothing Is loft on tlono to roii.tablli.h ll. It may Im In Wresting to know how the jmpo suo oodod to U'tnimral mwr. John, the bishop of ConnUmtlnople, elftliiuM a prerogative above his follow blnhos, and therefore assumed tho title "universal bishop." And this title was confirmed to him by tho council of dial cydon. Pelaglus II, bishop of Homo, called that an execrable, profane and diabolical procedure. Grogoryof Rome oallod that an execrable, profane and dluholical procedure. Gregory of Romo (104, the rival of John, and envious of him, though ho styled himself "tho sol vent of all servants" protested: "Peter hath tho keyes of the kingdom, and the IKiwerof binding and loosing is com mitted unto him. The care and princi pality of tho whole church Is committed unto him and yet he Is not called the 'universal apostle' yet this holy man, John, my fellow-priest, labors to lie culled 'universal bishop;' I am com pelled to say, O, corruption of times and manners! And again, whoever adopts or affects tho titlo of universal bishop has tho pride and character of antichrist and Is In some manner his forerunner in this haughty quality of elevating himself alwvo tho rest of his order," Thus spake a man who Is cata logued by tho Romish church as pope and considered in this quality as infall ible. But his very successor, Boniface III, also catalogued us popo, and in this q ittlity also considered infallible, had n 1 scruples whatever about adopting tlat proud title. And how did ho at tain to it? John, bishop of Constanti nople, boro that title with some show of human right, for It was confirmed to him by a nouncll of bishops, But Boni fy attained to that title by the grace of ft usurper and murderer, Phocas, tho usurper and murderer of tho em peror Maurice and his family, conceded that title to Boniface; with tho priv ilege of transmitting it to his suc cessors. Tho pope now employs this title and office as a stepping stone to a higher eminence; it is tho key to his accession to temporal power. Ho now insinuates an authority over govern ments and kings. Formerly tho Roman bishops employed themselves in con verting tho neighboring cities and towns. Necessity, gratitude and custom Inclined the now churches to ask ad vice and council and help from tho Roman bishop. And whilst thoy con sidered themselves on an equal footing with him, they freely honored him as their spiritual guide, But his advice now became absolute commands, and ho demanded as a duty tho honor freely paid him, And says Mosholm: "They encouraged apjH-ols with regard to con troversies or difficulties to themselves; they assumed tho care of all tho churches, as If It wcro a part of their official duty; they ftpjiolnted vicars In churches, over which thoy had no claims to jurisdiction; when they should hove only been meditators, they as sumed to bo judges; they required ac counts to be sent to them of tho affairs of foreign churches; they endeavored to impose the rights and usages of their own church upon all others as being of apostolic origin; thoy traced their own elevation from St. Peter; they maintained that their fancied preroga tives belonged ihom to by divine right; they threatened with ex-comraunica-tlon from the church those who would not submit to their decrees; they set up and deposed metropolitans in provinces over which they never bad legally any jurisdiction; and each successive bishop of Rome was careful at least not to lose anything of the Illegal usurpations of his predecessors; If he did not add to them." Onco universal bishop, the cunning, arrogant pontiff sets out to become a universal potentate. Step by step he advances In securing to hlmsolf tem poral power until he becomes master of the world. Tho adoration of tho saints and the worship of images had gradually found its way into the church. This evil mode rapid progress during the Seventh century, being encouraged by the priests. About the beginning of tho Eighth century Leo, the Greek emperor, reigning over tho east and tho west, residing at Constantinople, began openly to oppose tho worship of Images as being Idolatrous. But Georgo II. In veighed against hiin. He wrote him a letter In which he defended the Images, declaring them to bo "tho genuine hmm of t1Ht, III totl,-r tool th m!U And thott ho "11 iit rooiniiithW lit tho tttpti tit and In human 11, tnor gdlly ltin h. rvtlo, ! fttloftow and ImplteM nhodtenow to hw i, Hun! jfti!o f f 'tHifctaiiliiiMpIo and Homo. You ' n. " T)nt ISH a wtrnat and tnlHliy hand! ln rtnmi jih tiakoit wn ran only Imphnv (lul.t tUl IN will send you a dot It for the d.nt root Ion of vr nVh and tho Mihation'of your mil." And then ho toe on to Inttiuidatrt I. tin, thr, si.-n-Ing ti call to tits siipNirt tho ImhImi Uiis of the wont against him: 'The roinoto and interior kingdoms of Urn t pro sent their hotnngn to Christ and hi vUvgetvnt (I. p., tho Human bMiopi. The Istrltarlans havo submitted to th yoke of tho goHd, and tho plou bar barians aro kindled Into rage; thoy thirst to avongo the powoout Ions of the oast, (against imago worship). Abandon your rah and fatal enterprise; rollout, tremble and rejsjnt. If you jierslst, we aro Innocent of tho blood that will K split in tho contest; may It fall Umhi your own hood. Hut EmKtror Loo was not shaken In his conviction, and reso lution. He issued an odlolt against the Idolatrous use pf Images, his steal as a christian, It must lie confessed, Is praiseworthy; but In his capacity as king his interference with tho business of tho church was unlawful and proved tttal. When tho news of the emperor's edict reached Rome, It oxcStod Indigna tion and revolt. Tho emperor's statutes were puilod down and an attempt was made to elect another emperor In IWs stead. Gregory is credited with en couraging the rebellion and of prohibit ing tho Italians from paying tribute to Leo. But whilo defending imago wor ship and exciting rebellion he died. Ho was succeeded by Gregory HI., a man more arrogant and presumptuous than his predecessor. Immediately upon his elevation ho wrote to the em poror: "Because you are unlearned and ignorant, wo are obliged to write to you rude discourse, but full of sense and tho" word of God" and then ex plaining tho use of imagos, that they are not looked upon as gods, but as symbols which should bring to memory tho persons represented, he continues: "We might, as having the power of Peter, pronounc4 punishment against you, but as you have pronounood tho curse upon yourself, let it stick to you. You write to us to assemble a general council of which there Is no need. (Tho Roman popes always dreaded a council), Do you cease to iHirsoouto images, and all will bo well; we fear not your threats," Is thoro not an Insinuation of pre-eminence over kings and govern ments in this and tho preceding letter? Likewise does not the haughty aggres sive tone of those letters imply groat influence over temporal powers? Were not those letters written with tho In tention of striking terror Into the heart of Loo and compelling him into null mission, not by tho word, but by tho sword? The language of tho popes has always been such. In 703 Gregory ex communicated all those who should op poso tho Images. Italy being now in a state of rebellion, Loo fitted out a fleet with tho view of subduing tho rebellious conduct of his Italian subjects, but tho fleet was wrecked and tho object of its mission frustrated. The Roman bishop was now master of tho situation. Tho Italians were eminently attached to him and the barbarians lately converted to Christianity bestowed on him that honor and obedlonco which they form erly paid to their druld priest, Tho bishop of Romo felt tho strength of his influence and realized tho power of his position. Ho now negotiated with tho court of Franco, offering to withdraw his obedience from the emperor and give tho consulship of Romo to Charles Martel, prime minister of tho French court, if he would take him under hi protection. But Franco found it in convenient to comply with bis request, and in tho year 741 tho emperor, the popo and Charles Martel died. Em peror Leo was succeeded by his son, Constantino Copronlmus, Gregory III. was succeeded by Pojo Zochary, and Charles Martel was succeeded by his son, Pepin. It is with Zachary and Pepin we have to deal now. Chlldoric was king of Franco. Pepin, his prime minister, aspired to the throne. But how was ho to attain to It? He had somo conscientious scruples with regard to the manner of attaining to it. But ho found a way out of the difficulty, He admitted bin conscien tious scruples to the decision of Popo Zachary, viz: Whother It would bo Just In him to depose his own sovereign Childerio, and to reign in his stead? Popo Zachary, as a faithful minister of Christ, ought to have taught Pepin the meaning of the fourth commandment. He should have reminded him: "The powers that bo are ordained of God. Let every soul bo subject to tho higher powers." Rom. viil. He should have admonished him to "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's," M!h, till I tit tlto niicS ot 1 , i ?.('! ivxjviirwi t!,n ),) mi a tttrttgn a'jr, ltt In Oi , J ttf 1 pin M own aHsnee Hi, "mp tir im ' dot II ilfc not et out another, W pi Weed tho oimM'io.iiim n'i" of I hut nmii'r and iio tilttt an altrniatlvt iit f. tvpln in pon.ttionoo dMtt his suvt-tvlgn Childerio, et him Into a niontry and ittnd the tltln of king, fmhsry died not long alter, Stephen III. kiHHiinI him. Italy ! at this time rent by dlwwu tlon and UJsenrd, AlMutph, thn king of tho f'-lnltook advantage of tl,U state tafft'" and gradually obtained mwMtM)lon 4,, tliu Greek provinces In Italy, I'.lali d with suivo, ho on lioavorod to take Home, She ancient capital.- liuttyw Htephoh got on his mottle, itemo, holy Rome, ought to be long to notm but tho popo, llu hastily called Pepin to hi assistance, and I'opln, crossing tho Alps with an army, forced Atstulph to relinquish tho pos sessions he had usurped mmn twenty odd cities, Including Rome not to tho Greek emperor, to whom thoy right fully In-longed, but to Stephen II., popn at Romo, to whom thoy did not right fully Imlong. Thus tho pojw, an abettor of usurpation and treachery, received, by the aid of Pepin, tho usurper and traitor, from Alstulph tho robber, robliod domains, and was thus estab lished a temporal monarch, and thus attained a temporal power. This was In the year 755. From this epoch date the temporal power of the poio. As the popo became ''universal v bishop" by sanctioning usurpation and murder, by tho grace of Phocas, tho usurper and mii,4f70,v so ho also at tained to temporal power, sanctioning usurpation and troaehory, by tho grooo of Pepin, the usurper and traitor. Gregory VII. 1073-1085 attained to the zenith of papal power, It was this man's aim. to make all Europe one great empire of St. Poter or tributary to tho Roman pontiffs, all kings vassals of tho Roman pontiff and ho well nigh succeeded. Well, and how did tho popo employ their temporal powr r? No, wo will not go Into detail, Wy will confine ourselves only to this statement; whilst ho, by reason of hli j ecclesiastical power' east all the 01 1 h of Christendom X&j ' tliu "' htl'-i-1 i . error' mazes, Ignorance of u sth dlvlno, heathenish superstition.' gi unbelief, and by reason of his tempoi a power forcibly Kept them In that state, he himself by reason of tho plontltudo of his liberty, indulged himself freely In every sin, every crime, every abomination known to God and for bidden by Ills law, No wonder the poor prinonor In tho Vatican is now again fishing for temporal power, Lutlisran WUmm, From Underwood, Undkhwooij, la., March 21, 181)2, Editor Amkhican. Sir: I did not, until recently, know that such a paper existed In Omaha. But as an old ad mirer of our Philadelphia organ, I send you greeting. George Washington once said that ho could "wish that tho Marquis D,i La Fayette was tho only foreigner on our shores," and, In foot, the best statesmen of those days foresaw our present troubles, I live In ft medley of God' recklessness with clay, and am as poor as tho last pickings of the bones of Job's turkey, but Ml frankly say that I stand on the Waihlngtonlnn platform on this question. I do not mean to say, nor would I be understood as saying that we have not many noble citizens of foreign extraction. I was In tho war of tho rvholllon, and somo of the most reliable soldiers we had were Irishmen. If 1 had to risk my neck as a colonel of a regiment composed of any foreign nationality represented on our will, I would calf for a thousand "poddies." But whilo this is the cose, I cannot help but deplore tho fact that thoy ac k no wledgo a h Ujhrr pmnr than rimi'wiicf.. Priestcraft, unfortunately, Is over and above all, and In It efforts and ten dencies, It Is the enemy of free school and liberal laws. We have hod proof enough of this effort to combine church and state to awaken the most sluggish and Indiffer ent to a moral sense of their duty, Demand after demand has Imon made to divide tho school fund to enable them to establish parochial schools and it seems high tlmo that this matter was calmly considered, and the feople decide whether they desire toman Catholic rule. If tho majority of American citizens are content to have a sectarian division of tho public school fund, and are ready to take tho responsibility to say that our public school system shall lie dl momtiorod 'arid dethroned, then we should bo mode aware of the fact by an open expression, and not left to irrooo our way In the dark. I know that a goodly number who do not deslro such a consumation are hold ing back opinions from mercenery reasons thev 'ear to Ioho custom by a frank avowal of their belief. Such ft course can be attributed to but one source, and that is cowardice. I ho very people whom they are try ing to deceive by this regime, are not Ignorant of the facte, and think the less of them for their cowardly cringing bo fore tho iHwer of a poiie they despise! and to jxwterlty they are doing an irreparable wrong. Lot us speak out. it. britton. 7f 1 1 J i" ii -, 1. r