The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 18, 1892, Image 7
COUNTY COUUTV MAM CM 1 1 RM, lW. tt fM ! ii,,i , .1. u rtti mi ( fci ' Ul All 4 it ,ll f !( t fM'ta l tit all tl ttat ili-i't t't-mut t J llllllllVtlllhllllT) NlUll il t dilll h- l,4itlh tllMiMfli tw1 atali t. it,t ti,i., i in Ii f .tei tl.r mmit M t In ml I In l.,ii id n... H HHnki MO) tit l - t M. Ii U.m atv nnl V.ttml fM M (.4 ItU! Ultlm ! ! Ml truanta It la Mli li (. My l- itli All i !tlw f tirntlw iikia (Hr li-itn, nun ftHi iiil tt iambi. hw antctvtl, Ilk All im Will I Ml M Mml In IH I In IiH Ii tint i (In mil tha art, tittlca ltti mit iw iinin lliti hiii Ihr m. Inrnlliat. nf f"f lnl n-nm ih initil anall iirilcr ttltii ilf, H fattill mam will ! M t fur Urn tnmnim hunt- Vlli, 1 h ImoliiKM mi Ii ilaj lll rmniin iiiT l ran m. Mi The nitiritlnt luiuf lll I fiimi i in, In 10 hi in Tli tiMUHln litwif mil tili veliil tnit I tnnlhiiin, ilcttniirtm, Mul default nil fnf thntiluy. ('.'mi l TnMinlhHia ilmnon t,nml ttefnnlt mat ulili h have pti'Vlnunly Imwil on II rvguliii iIhjt mul Irmiafcrtiil on Hie ml mulcf to llil ilny, mil Aflrr k i'hm, n ninthm nr ili mnrrcr tin imnMil Hie lime fur ulihli II ! net, It mil l.iil Ihm'hIIi'iI nil until ft liinllnn l fllcd mul liH'li ti il hy i hvc of tli mint, mul audi im tli'n In I In" iiihmIIi (inrljr na tin' ciiiirl limy order At tin' tlmi' Icnvo k lilvcn In Itli' l lii mul Ion. IHli, lliinliman net for H t'crlnlii time, run not Iw Iruhnfcrred to HiiiitliiT ilny or limtr, uiilcnn the triinnfer order Ik tniuteut tin' hour 1 ho tniillcr U net for licnrlutf, except under Kit In Id, null. I.hi'Ii ilny hi (ilium, in,, tln biiKini'Kiiof t tin Imiir will li I'lilli'd. Dili, Tin" iiuitlefH will Ik heard In tin' or tier In which llii'y are entered un Ihueiiliinder iiiiIi'kk hII pnrtlen pri'Ki'itl mul Inti'ri'Kti'il con m'lit In n illlTi'ri'iit iirrniin'cinciil, or In i'iihii of uriti'tiL ni'i'i'willy. Till Al, (ir CAKKN TO-tlA V. nth. Tlui trial of riiM'H will commence at J(i : mi o'rliH'k, it. in., mul cuiitlniiu mil II fi:(K) o'cliK'k p. tn with a rci'i'M from 12:00 n, m., until 1:110 i. in. Kneli ciikii Ik I'lilllli'd to In ciil li'il at t Im time ni' t or within ti'ii iiilniilim thi'miiftcri I'lthi'r to Im proi-i'i'ili'd with, or a further onli-r to hi iiiiulit. I'ot HiIk purpi ihh no (iiirly will tin ri'iiilrt'l lo wnlt loiiKi'r Hum tun iiilmiti'N for thu iiihikIIii party or othiT hiiKlni'KK, I'xi'i'iit fur tiwiit ri'iiwiiiK. Tim trial of il ciikii will Im NiiHii'inli'l lit liny tliini for (IiIk purpoKt1, In i'iihii Ihi' rmii't llniU I lull miy roll' lirri'ln will work mi tinforfKi'i'ii hiinlKlilp, thu roiirt 1'i'Ki'rvi'K thu liiiht to miKpi'iiil Urn run' for tin1 Kpi'i'iiu niKii. Special Mmlor Commitnioncr's Sale Hy vlrtiin of mi oriler of kiiIo Imhiii'iI out of inn i mm tut i nun. nir milium louniy r lii'iiHkii.. mul lo inn illii'iii'il, I will on thu S.'ml ilny of Miiii'h, A. I), W(!, nt lOoVlni'k A. M, of Miilil ilny, nt tlm I.AC'I' front iloor of Ihn l ouniy i ou it 1 1 oiikii, in inn i ii y or uiiiiiini ImiiuliiN ( iiiinlv, Ni'liiiiNkit, hc II lit nnlilli1 ii nr I Ion I In- pi'iipiirty ili'M'i'llii'il In mild oiiIit Of Mill' UK fllllOWK, to-wlti l,ot kI iii In lilockKln 'ill In Ci'Mlnil Pink, mul lot Mix oil In l.uilwlrk I'hu'i' nil In llni city of Omiihii, lioiiuliiH I on in v, Hiiiii' of Ni" liriiKkii, to Kiillnfy John ,1, Muiii ll, .1 1 .. i xiwii- lor or tin' I'Mliiln or lillhi'it I , nioiii'll, (In I'l'iiwil, thitmiin ofoim l IioiikiiihI four linn llrml four mul Mi-100 ffltot.Mi iIoIIhcn tuilu incut, with liili'ii'Kt. (hi'i'i'on nt ten Hoi per I'i'iii., per iiiiiiiini ii'iuii nepiemner, n. (ml, until pulili mill forty-llii'im 7 100 (WI.7H) ilolliiiK i'okIk, wild Imei'CMt thereon from thu 2lHtiliiy of Heiiiemiier, A, 1 1, IWH, until imlil, iJiKether with iierriilint eiwlK iieiunillnu Ion juilifiiii'lit reiiileri'll liy the IMtrli't Court of Kiini miiitfiiiK i oiiniy, in iik neiii4'moer Term, A. I), Nil, In ii I'i'i'iiilii iti'tlon (lieu mul I In-ill pemlliiK, wherein John ,t, Moiiell, Jr., ieeu- tor or inn ckiiuh or iiiineii, i;, niniieii, uif ',IUI'I. W II III II 111 I I If II till I lll'lkllitilllff, I ' t 'll I'U. rJI.uhelh (l.Ciiiy, llelle , Iniiihmu, (ieolKO li, i 'it r i li it in nun uiiiern, iierenuiiuiN, Omiilm, NehniKkii, I'l'liiuuiy 17, w.f, (j;ol((iK,A, IlKNNOTT, Hpeeliil MiiKter lomiiilKKloner Jmiii'K W, Ciirr, itllorney, 'j n-ft 8horif Safe. 1'n'ler au'1 hy virion of mi imeeutlou Unie'l I iy 1 1 ii im I',, ,Miiure, i lei'K or tlm niKirii't I unit In mul rur HoiikIiin ( oiintv. NeliriiK ia upon a ,)iilKllient of mi Id I nun, rendered nt iik "epiemner term, imm, in ravoror rrmiK liietz f Me iJiar en II. Onion, li m nil ' V, inly, piiiiuei'K, ilolini liUKlueHK ii k i im i niriiyo iiimiier lomiiiiny, iiihi Htfliliiht ,1, lv. rurllK, II, Pleven A Hon, Mir kel, lllley A I'ompiiny, mid J, (',. Illley, I hiivn levied upon the fnlliiwIiiK dewrllied reiil I'Ktalii, in. i he property of Ihnniild J. K. lllley, HI-WII,! l,otNonilli mid I wo In liloek one l)l'nr ker' li'I'lllloli lo llicl It .f I (Kid tut. IioiikIii i ouiiiy, ,ei,nii(ii, mm i win mi the will ilny of Mlll'i'll, A, 1 1, IW, lit lOoVlork A. M, of nild day, al the KAhT front door of Ihel'ouiil v ourt llouxe In Hie I lly of (Inniliii, IioukIii louniy. -in ii k it. nci mi in ii ni CKiiiie at iiiilille aiielliiii lo the hlifhcKl hldder for cindi, to Kallhfy mild enei'iiilon, tlm amount due thereon liclnu ihlrleeu hundred twciily-l and IOl"Hi;i:!'M'lidollar,)oilKmcul, ick live hundred if.vm.niii doll urn iiuld May IA, Nil,) mid nlueleeii mid lix-l'io itlii.iwi diillmxi'OKl, with Inlereiii on ali iiiiioiiiiIk rroiu W'pM'iu. her:!!!,, (ouellier wild I wcuiyclthi. mid lift-ion i!!H,lirii dollar Inereatied cunt and Hi'i'i ulnKe'inl on ald wi ll , (imiiha, .Neliiankn, I'eluuary IW!. i,MH(Ii',A, IIK.NNI'.TT, Hherlff nf IioiiliIiik ( oiuily, Neluailia, Jlartlelt, rane A lluldi le, niiorney, ;!. NOTICE For Final Sottlnrnent of Account, Wti'(V,iv Nr.niMKHA, M liouulan (ouiiiy, ( In the l on ii l y I 'mil, of IioukIih ('oiuily, NehniKkii, In Ihn liuiHer of Hid eiliiln of Clilll'iU llrlKI, deeeiiKed! 'Ihn followluK niilned pei'MiiiN, li-Wltl lli'iny lliliK", mul all oilier perwiu In l4irefed In wild mailer will (akn iiolli n that ou the Hid day of March, ".ti. Hie I'ouniy f 'oiiit of IiiiiikIii County, MchriMtkii, made Hie folluwIiiK ordcrt rtM'rKor Nkiiimnka, I BM lioiurliiK (oiiiii v. i lu the Cmiuly Court of lioiiKla Cniinly, Neliranliil, March II, A, II, I'leKCiit, J. W, Kllnr, (in ll I y ,liele, lu the mniLer of flu enlate of Clinton llrlii. ilcci iim d: I lion reaillliK and fillliK Hie pel II Inn of Kmlly J, Ifi lKK, enecul rlii. nIiiiwIuk Hint she hn fully paid and kuiMIwI all dclit ami llalilllllc nuiiliml Hie cmIiiIc of Hie wild Cllnlon HrliffK, ilcceiiKi'd, mid Ihatlhere no furl her iieccliy for keepluif Kiild ealiilii I'IM'ii loner! Hint Henry (), Hi Iki, koIii Kiirvlvlnif child of mild cllnlon HriuK, de ceimed, fuiM panned hi minority audi HII llvliuf a) 'in ii 1 1 it . Neliranlia, and piayliiK thai ii Id I'NliiM'lnt rloacd, Ilia! Hie mime he llnally willed of record and the pelllloncr he illw'hiirired from all fun her ilulleN mul reNponnllillllle iik Mich enei'iil rl , and play I mi Hint Kiich oilier mid further order and proceedliiK may he had III the preiiilHVH, iih may lie required hy thu liilule lu micli ciinck Hindi' mid provided. Ordered, Unit April W, A, l, Ifi3, at 10 o'clock A. n., he alined for henrlntf nl( pelltlon, when all peiMin Inierenieil In mild mall'r may appear at Hie Counly Court, to lie held lu ami for mild Couulv, mid nhnw caue why the prayer of mild petitioner should not lie ifianu'il! mid thai nollceof Ihn nemlency of mild pelltlon mid the lieiirliiif i hereof, lie ill veil to I lie pcrmm aliove iiameil mul all other permui liileri'Nit'd In mild nut I -tcr, hy pulillnhliiK IioHcii of IhU proceedluK In Tiik Amkiiii am, n newHiuper primed In Mild Counly. three weekn nucci'hhI vcly prevloii lo I In- time appnliiled, iKKi, J. w. i:i,i,i;ii, Cnuiily ,lmle. And you will further lake milieu thai un Ickh you apiieiir to coiiIckI Hie pel II Inn of mild l.iiillyj, IIiIvin, eneciilrU, nt Ilii'lline mid place appointed for that piii'liime, Hie Court limy uiniil ft n it 1 M'lilcmcii! and ll I'lniile ihn em'i'iil rl lu your alimice mid may Kraut the further prayer of mild pent Ion, Hli iimn uiyluiml mid olllclal m al lliln ;in day of March, lW, mai..) ,i. w. r:M,i:it, 11-11-;) Counly JiiiIk"", Noti ti rti.o 1 1 t Simon I In-. , t ..,. ! i K I. . ,... ; -tl I l Ni i n, t In !. . ll I el lln- i.ii ,, ,, ,.l t . .... -I 1 l.i I, ll, mitt iimiI pi iut i IW , ih n..i 1 I 1 .1 ! .1 li,i i 1 ti I (i, i'.I 1,, ni' 1 "I i i'i'- I l i. ifci f ih tint if 1 1 ! 1 isi I mi I ,.il t.1 I nn. U ml t X Ik, Ii ll.i f,.lf,,w li 1.11I. t - tw u. K.Ktiei i4 Iw lr 4 ii . .( ii1 h Ulil-Ml tt ll II iM'M l-f OKI. I 'l1 i dlnn I Hit 4lnlhi - ef ihiiIkIiii- In I. Kf HhibIi J'l' if I'l-nt i I'timii. i MU i In- Itmnii I i'iiiI li,i in niil i ni II ik i j lli' t ih lit J ww H: . A 1 1 Ktnt n Ihi- t hln nf ttrtI.IHH' lrti l.n h m . ll llnl liit llif lt l'i M--Hln lln II ilnlhia I. vl I'lmi Uiilli .l liinlniml tl. ullii . l HiiHilliK tllll- U hv 1 tiililiiin In litin tl Ihi lt i-lnlmn ttl imi' i nl In! llt n.'e I'lim nl.,1 In w lliii nnht l-lnli- fnitH Hie r ihilKl nf 1 1 I'tiiml ! Ihln tMll,fMl l t'lll'li.l.iil 111 1n Am Ii n fniir lii.i'iwut l , )iiinl l Ihr f.H.,KJ.-Al.,... I'...M ,llliU Ami iti lll fiiriln 1 !! unlit' Him tin i- tntl Min tlnt I'"'" 111 ut 1 Inlmn Kl I tin lime nild ilmi' KI'imliiKif f,n Hull lull punt, j-ihii i IkIiii III If fori li t linttvit finin Buy mi, ni In Hie tlunl m lid en ut nf II. I- ii inn M iiiiim i..v hnml mill itHMnl t'l ihlnj.lli iln v ni Ki I'lintiy. l lw i. 1 a , r i.i i h. 11 1 I i mini .Itulne. Shrrirt'i 8nl. Tinier Rlnl hf I IH lie nf nil vteotilliiti Inniii'd liy I riiiid I Mmii'i l leik nf Die lllili l I nut I In nml fur InmiiUn Cnuiily, Siihmlni, iihiii n luilititieiit uf t Iih. Ilriiinli', .lunilii'nf llie I'xnit' In mid tin Hld I mini v. ii'iiilerei) nil the '."111 il iv of .Imiilill v. I"".', In fnvi.l nf 1, N. N ilililnlll ntul iiUHllmt lien, V. linn lid and ,lii nun II. 1 hiiiiiimiit. 01 Iraiiwi In! uf lilcli Jtnliiiiii'lit mm nil Hie lMlll ilny nf I eliiuiity, ltc', duly tlleil nml iliH'keteil In the I'lnirici i nun 11 11 111 mm 11 ir nmu 1 tiiiin y.i i have levied llpnil Hie ("HiinInK ilcocilliei real entiiln, an Hie proieity of nald .liune II 'riioiiumnti. low 11 ! I ,i it mine ill, two I'.'i.flve i5innd nil (Hi In Min'k two i.'H lieiry Hill Hililltl ni to the I liy nf milium, iHiiiKian roiiniy, neiiranka nun 1 will on the anh day of Mari'h. A, I' Hi-.', nl III o clock A, M. of mild day nt thu KAhl frmil .1 k..i.i... ...i ....:. 11. ....... 1.. 11... i-iiu lliriiFlllllll, 11M1IIIJIII1II, lllPll.-i III 1,,1'inj of IIiiuiIiii, lmullin County, Nf hranklt, nell naiil real I'Niate at 1111 1 c aui'iiuii 10 im hllihent hldder for ciinh, or mo much of ll iik may lie necenMiiiy tonaiisry mini execui 1011 the amount due thereon lielim one liiiinlreii eluhty-wvenitlHr.iaiiilollarH. i'IkIiI :-(i im.;i 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 h etiHlK, Willi Inlerent on until or mild 11 mi in 11 1 at ten 1 nil hit cent, from June 4. mini, tonether w ith tun liii'tTHHi'd i'okIk, and im ci iiliitf cokIk on mild writ, Omaha, Nehrankii. Keliriiiiry vi, imr,', tiKiiuiii'; a. iii:nm;tt, NlierllT of HoukIiih County, Nehrankii, Moiituomery, Charlliui & Hall, nltnincyn. 5-ati-ft SherifTt Sale. I'lider and hv virtue of an execution Innued hy I tank K, MiinreH, Clerk of the lUnlrlct Court In and for IIoiikIiih ( oiuily, Neliranka, 11 ion a iiiuKineni or mini coui i, reiiiiereu 111 ll rielilemliei' terin, ni, In favor of rioiilh Hiiialiii l.umher Ciimpany, a corporallon formed for the niirpiiKii of linltuf liunlnenn III I lie (line or ieiiranua, ami auainnt iiernari McCalTrey and lii iuy IIiickiiii, I have levied upon the folliiwuitf ili Kcrllied renl enlnle, an the propeity or the mild Henry llin uiui, In wit : 'I'lie nnrlli oni'-luilf (n 'A) of the tinrtli niie half lu ".I of the NoiihwcKt one-uiiarter (11 w I4M11 IhenoulliwcKt oiie-iiiiir(er ik w ) or Keciiou eimii mi. towimiup roiii'ieeii imi. ranue Hi r een 1 , I. I'.anl, or I lie III 1 I', ni.. ami Nil mile 1 11 I louit Ian County, HI ale of Neliranka, and I will 011 tlm Mh day of March, A, ll. Inw. at lOo'clock a.m. of mild day. at thu I'iAH'l' front door of the County Court limine III the I lly ofi'noiha, Hiiiik iih County, Nehriinkii, II mild real enlnle 11I, nil illc auclloll to thu uiKiicHi niuiier rur canu, 111 mil mry mini enecu Hon, tlm amount due thereon IicIiik two hundred eluhly-onu :!H-ii if:H,';ni dnllnin Jilduiueill, llfleen (IH-KHI ( Ifi.dMi ilollai'H conlK, Willi Inlerent (III licit ll of mild Ullinllliln fliiln Heplcmlier Zi. IWKI, one tfi-HIO (ll.l,"il dnllnin ( efeiulanl contH. w Hi three :l- in i;i.;mi 10 Inrn litcreaned cohIh, mid llccrillliU I'nnln on mini writ, Omaha, Neliranka, l ehruary '.II, IN!i'!, OWiKHK A, HliNM'TT, Hherllf of IIiiukIiin Cnuiily, Nehrankii llnrllell,, Cm mi A Ihildiiue, iit torney, a-Sf't-ft Sheriff'! Sale, Hv virtue of an order of mile Innued nut of thu Mal rift Court for linuithi County, Ne umann, mm to run l 1 !' I mii, 1 will (in tlm l'l 11 day of March, A, l. IW. at lOo'clock A M, of mild day, at, Hm KAHT front door of thu 1 ouiiiy nun 1, iioune, 111 lliei ny nriimiiliii, iioiiKUiH 1 oiiiii y, neuriiHKii, nell at nun If Miicl loii the iiriiiierl y dewrllied lu mild order of aiile iik fullowa, to-wlt; I, nl, number two (gilii hock mini her thir teen (Pli lu Hhlnu'a addllliiii lo thu Cllv of Omaha, In liuutcliin County, Hlate of Ne liranka, hnld property lo he mild Mihlect to a cerlalu mniliiuH for the Mini of (ID.'IOO.IKI made lu favor of Thu New Knit and 1 ,1 in 11 am Trunt Company nml Milmeiiiieul ly annlKiied In I'nilnmnnlli HnvliiKn Ihi nil, and lomitlnfy li, I', Kaiiltuuiii nml l M. Miiniuiiidl, I run. teen, 1 Im aiimof two tliuumiml two hundred nine lii-ini i:!,i 11.11 dnlln m Judnmenl , with In (ereal Hicreoii at ten Illli percent, per milium from Hcplcmhcrlil, A, ll, Nil, unlll nnldi lo aallnfy c;olpei,er and Huluulhii auin of one liiiiiureil niiiiy-iivcK,'i-iiuiiiW k.'ikioiiiii'k jiiiiu meiil. with luleri'Kt I hereon from Heiiiemiier A. ll. I "Hi, until paldl to aallnfy Jenne 11, r.liioree 1111' mini or nun liunui'ftl I'IKIII y eilflil. fi-imi itHn,;mi dnllnin .luiluuiciit. with Inlerent Uiereon at, m ven l'i tier cent, ner auiiiim from Heiiiemiier l, A, ll, I "01, until paid; lomillnfy Will A, Cm inn the mini of aeveu hundred aeven !(0-IH0 iW(l;.H) llnlhir JudKliililit, Willi iiiiereni, 1 Hereon 111, aeven u) per cent, per annum from Heileiiilier 'il, A. ll, Nil, unlll mild: lo mtllnfv I'.dwlu A, l'iiveiiwiirlh Hie aunt nf four thouniimi three hundred thirty all (ft.ICM.lim dnllnin Judgment, Willi Inlerent Hiereon al elithl mi per cent, per minimi from Nepcmlicr'', A, ll, laid, unlll paid) lonnllnry the Mini of one hundred aeven l-flitll7,Wll llollain Conln, wit ll lltlerenl Hiereon from the ;;il, ilny of Heplcmlier, A, l. I"ld, mil II paid, Imfi'llier with iii'i'iiilnx conln accordluu toil Jiidiriuent rendered hy Htelllnlrlcl Courl.of aahl liouilan Counly, atlla Heiiiemiier term, a , 11. inn, in a cerium aciion men ami ineni neiidlltv, wherein Jenne II, hniluce wan ilnlnl lir.nml Henry A.'l'aylor, l.tlward II, l.ilniui and ol her defendant. Omaha, Nehrankii, l ehriuiry U, Ni:!, f.l HIliK A, IH'.NNI'.Tr, Hherlff of llouuliia I !ouiil.v. NeliriinUa. ft, M, lllchuioiid.alloriiey, 'i-V,-t Notice to Creditor!, Htatk or Nkiiiukna, I liotniaa 1 ouiiiy, lu ilm County Court of fioiiula Coiinly, Neliranka, lu Hie mailer of the en Inle ofju uaHriia- Jean, deceaned: The followlliir lillliied pelnnliN, to-wlt: Thu creditor of mild enlale, and all oilier H'l'oiia lulerenled III nil Id mailer will lake miHce that on the Wit day of I'ldiruarv. N. (he Cnuiily Court of lioiiiflaa Counly, Neliranka, uiaue iiie lonowiiiir oilier In thu mill 1 1 r uf 1 Hie enlnle of Jiillun (iron. Jean, deceaned Notice la hcrehy ulveu, that theeredltorn of mild dnceaned will meet the lulmlnlnl riilor of auld ealatn, heforn me, C01 nly Judim nf HoiiKla County, Neliranka, at the Couulv (mill. Id mm lu mild I 'mini v. 1 11 Ihn ;;'.HIi day of A lull. I:c!. 011 the 2'Hli (lav or .fuiic. In'.f'. nml on Hie.uh day of Auxunf,, iH'i, nttl n'clock A. M, eacii nay rur Ilm puriionu or prnaenllitK their claim fur emimliuil Ion, ml lunl incut and allowance, HI11 moulh 11 real In wed for Iheci'i'illtor topreneiil. Ihclr I'ltilm. mul one year for the admliilHlrator u mil In mild hm me, rroin iiiesun uay or Iciiruary. IH!, lit I a notice will he imlillnhed In Tiim Ami-ti ll AM fur four weeka nticceaalvely. nrlur to ihn Kith day nf April, iwcj, ,1, w, n, i.i.k, Counly .1 111 1 yn' And Von will furllier tulie mil ten ilniinii. ena ymi niniir at tlm time and place up- i"lulei foi Ihat iui Hine, your claim will he 111 1 red from furllier foiinldcralloit In Hie Hfiilcmciit, nf mild cnltiin, mul may Kraut the furllier player of auld pell Holt, Wlluenn my hand am 11I If al aca HilaLlilh day of I'eliiuary IWI, ar.A' .1. w, I'.i.i.kic, 11-4-4 Counly ,lude, - KVKIiyTIIINd IN TIIK B00T&SH0E LINE, AT LOWKST I'lUCKS. If you will call I will iniikii it unilltii- lilii Hnd tilMiiHimt. A trial will eimvlriro you, Jvcpiili'liiK a Specialty, L. KINNKIIAX, 820 Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS, I A JIlMI 1 V t I ll..,l. I i nnH I ' I I- 1 1 , I i.l-H I lUiil j Si l.l --in ! In (t.i 11 llil l lint .b ,iln 1 n,1! , . I , ll .J I 1 In M 1 In , . t i IS . 1. n il, m .! I,'4 1111.11.(1. -! I II nl ' . ,iii. l H tnlj i li,l i i. I n. nnl I V t I t 1 1 1 1 II nl i ' , II... .! ilnt i (.! Ih' I i.hl li.t,ii 14 tnntin Ititii. NiiIa, ti' It,, t i...n.t .mi, t 1 n Slum- I I fiit i. 1 inm 1 I Iw Mn lymitt limit 4 alnn ljl V .! lnn k l tl lantil J W I III I .Intlifl In llir t.ll i4 llii' tlli ! l l M S 1, nl lis I. ti , I iiti 11 .u ami Uliti I In- t-lt 1, atiii liin'-e IS tinmfliin niiini lnl MiUl lllllH IS til,tliliili liallil III In ll IH II I tun 1 nt I kih mMi t im m wiail lln itnl ilnt lt I 1 l.l lnt I . A l ( llial lll" Im.ent kin ih kIIi he an Inhdt.imnl it ihr I mi ll ! la.iirmn aim leal t i n tl l.n III llml nil a iiiinni i alile In ili.nn . hr h fi rl min tly nl lln- tuln nli it 1 alitr il nl Iw j lill, .111 I nil, inn Hint lln- Iikiiii nml am n nf Hie In It HI In nt nli lininmii Kin- nn tnllnKn Kt 111") l i iinlnt inn. ilt llieii i all mid Kuliili I. lYhttinKititt, kiiiI I'lii" il Ml.lil, al Htliii! ami iIWtHl li'il ill K l"nrtl lllll tl nil ll lunnl.l inlnll' Hi la' lllllt t'lllil tiltlllnil li law. ami an in li! 1 mm may m m ima r. In In i.n 1 am"'. If mn tin lv In-, why mlitittilnitu linn uf wjlil a l ti.f may mil la- itraiili'il li Ihe nnlil 1 utile t IViitiliiiiliiii, anil iiiatln Hint mi, I, min i ami fuithei unlet ml iimi-i illiuin may la- nan in ine iin inJwa. an niHtiiei'i 11 11 1 n il In Hie ntnluti-a In nu ll I'na i Inaile anil linn hied. iinlenil, OikI. March l. A, IV laJ, ! in il'i'lm k A. M la Hanlittinil fur lieiirltif aahl H'tl thill, whell all tH'tnutia In mi id iiial li r may Bei'i nrBt the I'mnily Cuuit to la In-Ill In mul fni mild I 'Utility, nml nlmw i iiue wny me tunyer ni aani hm 11 innrr annum inn la iiriiuleil: nml Hint luillee nf the iii'inlem y of mild ii'lll Inn mul the hem 1ml I lien-iif. I.e lilveil In the n iniin 11 lime iinmeil nml nil inner in'mniia llilel-inleu 111 nmu iniiller hy illtillHhlliit llnlli'e nf lliln ilmeedlliK lu i'lIK A Mrmi AK, n liewnpner pl llileil III nilhl I tiiiuly, three weeka auci'eanlvi'ly pri'Vliiiin to tin' time llplMiluteil, (HRAI..I J. W. Vl.l l lt. 1 'until v Jin I m' And ymi will further lake mil Ice Hull 1111 leaa villi llin nr lo conical the pel II lull nf 1 n I'lie iiiiice renniniilou III Hie lime nun place liiniliilei for that iui Hine, the Court miiv ui-inil Hie ailmliilnltiillnii of mild enl iitii III your iilincnce mul tuny mant the riirlher prayer uf wild ih( II Inn. vVllncn my (111111I mul day of Miiirh, H. IkKAI.) j-i-;i iillh'lnl mill thlallrd J. W. KI.I-KH. ' Counly .ludire. Probale of Will. Htatk nr Nkiiiiahka, f a I IniiKlnn Cnuiily, ( In the Cnuiily Court of Hnunlim County Neliranka, In Hie iniillerof Hie I'Mlaleof Michael Mini unld, ileceitneil : The fnllowlliK lllllueil pemoua, to-wlt : John Miiuuold. i'eler Mnniinld, lieorire (I. Mituunlil, Carry lliillnmaii, Mary Hewitt, l.avlnla llellliiild ami Harah McAnlle, and all oilier permuin Inierenieil III mild uililler will lake notice thai 1111 Hie Will day of 1'eliiiuiry, IkIU, 1 lie 1 01111 1 y 1 null or iniuiriaa louniy, ii liianka, miide Hie fnllowlliK order: Hl'A'I'K UK N KIIIIAHK A, I lloiiulanCiiunlv, 1 ' In the Counly Coiii't of HoiifliiH County. i in 11-11 Nt. 11, I'ciniiiii-y ti, A. 11. imi::. itchi'iiI, ,1, W, IJIer. County Judire. In the imiiiernf Hie enlaleof Michael Mine Ifolil, deceaned! I ' i in l'i -ii 1 1 1 1 1 ur and llliiu Hie petlllon of I'eler Maiiunld hIiowIiik that mild Mlcliiu Manirnlil dciimieil lliln life at lleiuilnulon. In Hie Cnuiily and Hum iiforenald, leavlnu a hint will lied t ml 11 ii n ' 11 1 now on llln In lliln nllli'e, 11 ml that, he wiih nonHenned of real enlale valued at li!''!.0nu.00. 11 ml nei'miiin I enlnle mined lit If Ml.liOU.OO or I hereiiliouln, lo he iiiliiilulnlei'i'd, ami that the iiamea. iikch and pliiff of ri'nldeni'e of 1 he helm 11 1 law uf mild ileceitneil, are iih followa, to-wlt '. John Maiitfolil, nun 41, Hln-i 1 III, Inwn, a hiiiii I'eler Miiliuiild, aue 'M, Hen 11 1 Hurt in. Neil., hiiiii (ieniKe II. Mauiold, aue i'i, lleiiuliiKlon.JSell,, hiiiii Carry liallnmiiu, nun 4:1, Hherrlll, Town, dnuulili'l i Mary Hewitt, aire IW, HIiiiik Clly, Iowa, iliiuulileri 1 .11 v 1 11 hi llellhold, aire lit, lliewnter, ,M'ii (IniiLrlileri Harah MfArd aue im. Millard, Neh daiiuhlei'i 11 ml pi ayliiK nun nil pernoiiH imurcHicu 111 mini enl aiu may lie duly noil lied lo ahow cnune, If any I here lie, wny mini 1 1 ml 1-11 me 11 1, in 11 y mil he proved allowed and iirohaled 11 a the hint will mul luntamenl of mild deceiiHcil, mul execution mul iidlitlulnlralliiii of mild enlale lie -raotci lo I'eler Maitirold, and praylnir that hiicIi oilier and furl her order and pruceedliiK may ue nan in 1 lie prenuaea, 11a may ne rci Hired ny theHlaluh'H In ntn-h cnxen mnile ami iii'iivlileii. Ordered that Aiirll III. A. H, Iwi:!, al I o'clock V, M he nnnlKiied for hearliiK mild pel ll Inn, when all peiHona Inierenieil In mild mailer may appear al the Counly Court, In he held In and fur mild County, and ahow caune why Ilm iii'iiyciiif mild net ll loner ahoiild nut lie irraiiledi and Hint not lee of Hie pendency of nald pel ll Inn and Hie lienrlmr Iherenf, he III ven lo the piinniin aliove iiameil and nil oilier pclnniia Inierenieil lu mild mal let', hy pulillnhliiir nollceof Ihla proceedluK III Tun A MKIIK'AN, a liewniiaiH'r III Idled III aald Counly, Hirce week nuceeatil vcly previoiia to 1 lie 1 one llimoillicil, I u . 1 1 1 111 t- I I t:- inr,ii,,j a, it, i-.i.i.i-.iv, Cnuiily Juilue. Aiiilyno will further lake notice that 1111 na von 11 linen r lo conleat Ilm iiroliiiln of mild will nl the limn and place apiiolnleii for linn iiurpune, ine 1 ouii. may in 11 nl I lie pin hale thereof lu vour alineticii ami uiiivurant Hie furllier prayer of mild Inilllnn, Wlluenn lev linnd ami olllcldl nenl IhU 2111 h day of I'Vlirilnry, Hri. .). w, I'.l.l.l'.ll, ll-t-ll Coiinly Judtfc, , Notice to Creditors, Htatk or Nkhiianka, I lioiiuianrouiily, III Hie C111111IV Court of llnuilna C01111I v. Neliiitnlia, In I lie inn Iter of Hie . nlnle of Hvlv lit lv McKliiney, ileceitned: I he fullowtmf mimed uerniiiiH. fo-w I ! 'lite cred I Inrn of mild enl al 11, and all olher permuin iniii-enieii to mitu mailer win iiiku mince (hat on the ruhilay of I'eliruiii v, txr,l. (he County Cuiirl of Houvlaa Counly, Nehrankii, made the fnllowlliK order! HI 1 tut mailer or ihee.iliitoorHyll'lil. lv. Mf Klum y, (lei'i'iineil! Nnl !('( la hereliv ul veil I h nl, I he ct'elllfoi'M of Mild dceeiincd will meet I lie adliilnlnl lit lor of mill I enlale, In fine me, Cnuiily Judite of HoiiKla counly, Neliranka. at the Couulv courl inniii u mild counly, on Ilm Villi day of April, n:i:,ou I lie 'i.ih day of June, l'.4,'iuid 011 IhelJilh day of A uiuhI,h!i,',ii ll o'clock A.M., each day, for the put none of preneiitluir Ihclr cliiliiin for enamlualloii, iidjiinlmeiit and al lowance, hix month, are allowed rur Ilm creditor lo preneui ihelrclalmH and one year tor ine iiiiiiuiuni rnior 10 Kiiiie mini entaie, from the:!,'ilh day of I 'el unary, nl, Hi In notice will he pulillnhcd In 'I'HK Amkiiican fni- four weeka auccennlvely, prior to thu li'ilh day nf I'ehiiiiiry, Ntt, J, w, i;i,i,i:k, Cnuiily JiiiIkk. And vim will furllier lukcmiilcc llml un- lena ymi appear and preneui your e I11I111 at. the time and plaiii appointed for Hiatpur piiwi, your claim will he lutrred from any ouniiii'iaiiiiii 111 nut 111111I Kettlement of Ihln enlnle, Wlluenn mi lined and olllclal nenl IhU i'.ih day of I'l hiiiary, Ix'.ri, IHKAI ,1, W. ',M,l,IC, il-4- Counly JuiIkc SherifTe Sale. Ily vlrl tin uf an order of Mile Innued out of the I Mni th't Court for lionnlaa Coiinly, Ne In link 11, nml to mn directed, I will 011 the I'.lh (lay of March, A. II, IKr' at lOo'clock A. M. of anfd day, al. thu KAHT front door of thu Counly Court limine, lu thu I lly of Omaha, liiuililaa Counly, Neliraakit, aell at. jiuhllc aiielliiii the iiroueliv (lencrllied In aiililiirder of mi In an fnflowa, to-wlt! Lot, number one i i unit hit numlier t wo C'l III llillitholt I'liii'e, (in liddlllnn lolheCHvof Omaha, a aurveyed, planed and recorded in I li 11m 1 111. 1 nil nl y , Htateof Nehrankii, tonal Infy Otto Waidier and Henry I', Krueuer the auin of aeven huiidred forty-five (W.vmi dnllnin JiiilKiiniil, with Inn renl Iherenn at ten (IHI iierccul, per annum from Hcplemherl, A. H. Nil, unlll iialil.Hiul I went v-i liree ,'ci-iki 1 ':i :i:n dollar coma, wllh Inlerent Hiereon from the 2lHt ilny or Heplcmlier, A. ll. n'.i. unlll paid, toiU'lher wllh accrulmi cnnln iiccordlin 1,1 Juiliimeiil remlercd hy the I lint lift Court uf mini 1 fi 11 ik 1 111 1 utility, 111 it Heiiiemiier lerin, A, ll. mm, In a certain action then and there lietidliitf, wherein Olio Wanner and Henry I-', Kriicifcr were jilnlnt IITm. and llellef Htelleii ami I Hi 1 11 1 1 11 it Me lien ilcfcmliiuiH, iiiiuiiui, ,eiiranka, rciinoiry 11, Mr;, oKoiiiiK a, hknni:tt, HIierllT of I iniiif Ian Counly, Nehraakn, Uri'irill'V. I In V .V llnv. ul I,i.ii,im Wanner v. Hli'lleii. 2-11-5 Kamplk oniilim of Tub Amkkican fruo to any addroHH, NO! ICt IV A.I'iMn li I,. fimal AniMn ! lt h 1 I I I I'M' I I It., I Mil nf ll..,)! 1 i,.il I I. I I I II I II 111 t tl 11 W Inn I- n ,t 1 1 1 ' i',.,liiii t.i. a ' M . I IiWiiIi a ml 1 1 ',1 1 1- ii.ii 11 n. .1 ii. i. . nil. t amiii. , 11. 1 i-i. 111- i 't( m -4 ,l.inni 11 it, I11.1 11 1 imii) .I (!'' la i -ttl. il.l.,a, ti I il,. mil, 'mini t ( i.'iitt i i.t,it I h lln 1 1.11111 1 I mil 11 ,4 lv-,,, . IN, null. ,- -i, . i, V'-M-ll, nl 3 II lint liml.ll IiiiIfi- 1 1. II.. I. ti I ,4 hl I. lull it ll II t 111 ll I ill 1 nn I f n ,ii' ni-'l mini lln in ml ,4 I I V Mul), ii , i.f wiiil t iaii illi.Kll.f llittl l, rtv ha tilMt Inl.l litf tni a in li ntli.,ttiUHnttit Hn- mini it is v ami Mini In l.a fmltl m.l llinin 1 Inlin nilnWi'tt naiii-l ii,l 1 .im, il... ..., ,, ti in ,i ami llml In- Ita .nlil ti'il i ttinitr milt 1 nf Mi I'll liii I' t mti nt Mil- Inlinlnli In linn into ntt Iiamt the miii. nf l H II nl 1 lai itij! that Ilie I unit mat I---H an ieii 1 in linir lliln mt nalil atmililit In llir til Ita nt li( aii innii, ami thai hi Vital mn mini la' aiinaiit ami In-1 ilia. Imifnt tiin.i hi nnl. am) pmiinif u, h ni'ii I ami Imil.i 1 iih 1 ami itini i itluca leaf la' l.n I In Hie ini'iiiiM , . may la- tuntln .1 hy Hm- alalim-a In -ill ti 1 km iimih' mul Uiii Iih tl llnlnvil. llml Vaivh .', ! nl?, nt V nil. k 4 M l Blllli il fur In miilil mil, I In llilnii, a In 11 la-ranu tnli-nmi-il In ald .HI It r mainpia nt al Ilie I ninny I mill. In ln In i In nml fur nli I 'utility, nml nlmw in 11 -I- why the pi 11 Mr nf mini a'llllinii- limilil mil la- ntnuli-il; nml llml mUlreiil the a uih m y nf -nl. I h tin, ni nml the lii-Kilnil lluiint la' olieii lu Hie i-iii alnne itami'il nml nil nl In 1 ieni Inieti .n d In ni, mill II I l.y pill'lUlilim lull l.'i nf lliln pern i-eillllt) lii tint Awiiin ah, a m wiiiH'r pilni.d In Mill I nunl V. lima' Weekn ami'l anlvely im iliiii in (lie time nplHilitli-il laKnl. l .1 W. I I.I.I II. Cnuiily .luiltii'. Ami you will further lain noili e llml un cn ymi npHnr In fniilenl the piilllnli nml reHiii at ilie time nml phi. e iiinilnled for Hint puiHie, Hie CiiiiiI tuny miilil Hie iillnw nin e nfnniil riimii. mul Inmie illwhiuuc In ynili- alimnce ami may itiiint Hie fuiiher ii:i mt nr -11 HI in I It Inn Wlltienn III V llllllll llllll lillli'hll Will lliln 'Mill day nf I'ehniniy, Hif. nri.. ,1, w, r l.l.r li, :i 4 :1 Cmiuly .luiliie. NOTICE Of Appointment of Administratrix. Htatk or Nkhiianka. I MU lloiltilan Cnuiily, In Ine ( nunly cnuit of Hnunlnn enmity, Nehriinkii. lu Hie iiuitter nf Ihn enlatn of CIuii'U'h A. Jnluinnn, lleii'lined : I he fiilliiwlim tin tiled pernoiiH, lo-wlt: Anna linl ruin Jiihiinnu, ami all olher iici-wiiia lu- tiienli'd lu mild mitt ler will Inlie mil lee that un the ilrd day of Mlll'i'll, Nij, the Cnuiily couii or HouKlaa counly, INeliranka, inaile Hie followluu order: Htatk. nr Nkhiianka, 1 lioilKhiN Counly, t lu Hie County cniirl, of lloiiKlnn I'nunty, Nelinmltii, Miireh il. A. H, INi:. I'lenent, J, W. Idler, County JuiIkk, In Ihn mnller of tlm enlatn of Chnrlea A. JiiIiiihou, iliii'iiMcd : I pun reaillliK and llllnit the pel II Inn of Aiimi iviiiruui .iuiiiinoii, niiiiwiiiu 1 1 1 11 1 Cliiiilea A, JiiIiiihou ilenatied thin life lu the clly of ri 111 1 It IIiiuiIiii on the Illli day of (ii'lnlicr. lNiik eiivlmi no ant will am tenia 1111 11 1 . thai the mill Inner Ih thu mother mid only heir of mild ileceiiHed, Hint Hm ileciiined an ihihmcmm'iI nf pernouiil enlale Hlltuitiil In IIiiukIiih county, Nehiiinka, Hie entluuilei value thereof lielnir two Hiiitiannd tlullara, and 1 un v I nu thiit all iierNiiiiH luterenled In nnlil enlale may he duly cited iik reiiulred hy 111 w. innniiw en line wny ine peiitiiinei' hiioiiiu lint lie 11 1 n x il 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 (1 11 1 1 11 1 nI 111 1 ll x ur lite entati uf wild ileceiiHed, and praylnir that aiich ullier and furl her nrdei' and iinireeilliiKn may he had lu Hie iireiiilnen, iih may he reitulieil y ine HiaiutcH in hiicii 1 linen iiuiiie ami un filed. Ordered. Hull, M 11 re It III. A. II. INI12. at II n dock a, ni., he iihhIkiiciI for heniiiiK mild Inilllnn, when all pi'Inoiis InlereHteil In mild uililler may iippeni' at Hie County cmnl, In ne iii-iii 111 nml ror mini county, nml hiuiw caune why Hie prayer of mild pelllloncr aliiiuld not In- irtit 11 leil ; ami that nollce of Ihi ii'liileiicy of mild pel II Inn ami Ilm lieu ll nu liiienf, lie ul veil todhe iicihiuih nhovfl llliuiei mul all ullier iii'Ihiiiih lulerenled In mild mat' ler, hy iiiilillnliluif notice of lliln proceeilluK In Tiik Amkiiican. a ncwmanicr minimi In aahl counly, three week HiicfcNnlvely pre. viiiiih 10 11111 lime unpointed. J, w. :i,i,I',ii. inc. A l.l 1'oioilv .Itidtrn And vou will further ta in mil lee Unit, 101. Icn you itniiear tiicoiili'Ht Hie m l II Inn at the limn and placn aliovn iippoliiti'd fur that minium', in ci hi r . 111 11 v mant t in nntver thereof lu ynur iihneiicu and may urnnl, the inn tier prayer or naiil net 11 ion, Wllli(".n 111 V linnd linil olllclal nenl Ihln ,'lrd day of March, hi. J, W. KM, Kit, iHKAl,. IM-il Counly Jiule. NOTICE Of Appointment of Administratrix, Htatk ok Nkhiianka, i ua HuilltliiH 1 ounly, 1 lu Ihn Counly court of llouithiM cuiinlv, Nehliinlia, In Hie mat ler of the enlaleof Joneph Meyer; The followluu mimed iiiinoiin. lo-wlt : Aninn Meyer, Jonephlue Meyer, John Meyer, lilllllii nieyer ami iieorirn iiieyer, an or t nuaiia, weu and nil other peinoun Inierenieil lu mild mai ler, will lake iiollce Ihat ou Ihn ilrd day of March, n(i:i, ihn County cnurl, of IiuiikIiih nunly, Nehrankii, untile Hie fnllowlliK order! Hlate of Neliranka, lioiiula coiiiil v. an, lu the Counly court of iouirliin counly, Neli,, March il, A. ll, !, I'reaeiit. J. W, Kller. Counly .Indue. In l ie mailer of t in enlnle of Joneuh Meyer, deceiiaell: I linn rem Imi and II 111 Hm uellllou of lleiilni Meyer, nhowliiu Hint mild Joneuh Meyer (h naiii'd Ihln life In the e ll y of I lituilia 011 the ',;i'ii dny of Novemher, A. 1 1. ni, Imi v - 111K no Mini will nml Icnttimcul,, it Ilie lu ll- tinner In Informed, and verily hellevea Hint the piillliuii r In the widow of nald ileceancil Ihat nald deceaned wan, at 11 nil prevluna lo liln death, an Inlmlilliin! of mild cllv of (iimilia, and Ihat lie wiih punHcnned uf real nml H'lnomil enlnle lu Ilie cmiuly of llniuliin 10 lie iiumiitlniereii, ami Unit Ilie valun or tlm pcmnmil proiH'iiy In I'Nllmaliil nl f.iil. The ie III Inner fuiiher hIiowh that Hie nil men ami renldeuccn of Hie hi I in at In w of mild ili'ceaned lire an fnllowH! Anna Meyer. iiK"d I yearni oaciihliie Meyer, IlK'il 111 yearni John Meyer, iiKed II yeiimi oniiia Meyer, mo-d hi yeiirni I leo. Meyer, aifed 10 yearn, nil renldliiK at n Welinli'I'all'eel, Oituiha, Nehiiinka. and prny IliK Hint all pernoiin lulerenled In mild enlnle may he duly idled im riipilred hy law, ami iih lu Ihln court may hcciii tuoiier. lo nhow caune, If any there he, why ndmlulnlriilloii of mild enlale may not he tiiniileil to Ilie mild Iteiihii Meyer, and prayliiK Hint aucli oilier ami further order and proceedluKn may he had lu Hie piemUen, nn m it y he reipilred hy the nlal ulen lu aucli cancn made 11 nil provided, ordered, Hint April 'l. A. ll. lOo'clock II, 111,, he nni.iliied for liiiililiK aald liellll'ili, Whell all pernoiiH lllli-l-enleil III nil III mnller may appear al Ilm Counly court, lo he held lu ami for nald counly, nml nhow caune why lite prayer of nald pellllnner ahoiild not he Kianled 1 and Hint nollceof the pendency of nald (Mill Inn and Hm ItcarliiK Iherenf', he Klveu lo the pernon aliove named ami all ni lu-r tiernoii liilerealed lu aald mallei', hy pulillnliluK mil Ice of ihi proceed I iik lu TlIK Amkiiican, a iiewnpitper nrlnleil In nald counly, three week auccennlvely jircvlniia to the time appointed. J, W. KM. I K, Inkai.) County JiiiIkc, And you will fuiiher take not Icn Hint mi le you appear to content Ilm petition of llertha Meyer at, the time nml place ap pointed for that purpiinc, the court may Kiaiif nald peililoiier'n prayer III your ith aencu, and may Kraut lint fuiiher prayer nf nald 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Wlluenn my luiiid and olllclal nenl IhU ;ird (lay of March, Inn,;, ,(, vy. Kl,l,l-,l(. hkai, il-4-il Counly Judxe, Legal Notice. In the Illnlrlcl Court of IioukIiik County NehliiKka, line. i!7, No. , 11(1, Carrie H. VolKht, vh, Henry VoIkIiI: Henry VoIkIiI, ilefeniliuil, will takeiiutleo llnifoii Hm 27 h dny of Ocloher, A. It Ihmi, Carrie H, VolKht, plulnllir herein, ei her iii'l It Ion In Ihn lilntiii t Court of HoiiKla ( nunly, Nehrankii, iiKiilnnl nald defendant, the ohject ami prayer of which arc loohtnln a divorce from aald Henry VoIkIiI. on lu' count of denerllnti, fill I lire to aiipport, etc, 01- In-fore the 2nd day 1 1111 lire reunireu in annwer an in pel II loll oil t May, h!. l enruary 'i-M-i CAHKIK H, VOl (i I IT. 'PlinC OVniIII 10 na ti Ann t nunc 01 rniLio-""' "'""-.:,T.v::r M11I11 ine mpipanpil ti all part. No rx,,. itc W'titdn niiK KaMlinv Co.. Omnha di. Nuln ft rl tf nt W.ll. l'llliliell I ll, i I iiMi.1 I trt 1 i- I i,ii.i I -ti lf l-m I I I ,.n.l I i' III i I j lii H.i -. u, 1 if Ilie vallt tl,l'i,l f li , ,. ,1 ,, ,, ,1 It..- l.n,, (am -4 - i--f . . n i .,i, ii ,. k , t.i a in 'I t..i i- ; l I ' . 1 1. I I'-li-l! I I H llll ; ai-.l ad .-1 In i lull tt"t! il in 11 nn. I , flnr t -11.- tl.atntl ll" -li ll iii V lln- lininit ',m 11 Ian , '3 t'i'.xtitt i.i. . ,li 1I.1 tnl'li'll iil 1 , j ai in ni , a t 1 M j It.-nt In 1 i.iit.1 1 . 1 I In 1 I.i 1 I miil l'i limit In Itwnlt i N. m..ia Un. f A ! li Pm hi I Vi I th t i ni, 1 1 In tin i..nll.l n IM l-alnlf nf llilt-li I'al It l -KIt! ill Klll I ,. naiimf nml Hli ra'iii.wi i. t,ii.i. A ilmll IiiiWHi Hial It I'nll. t m ill j. .il. ,1 llii ifv lw lt tint nf I 1I1 Inntt !' Iitttiii 11 Ul awt t i awn nl i.. nn Vie in tana iiiHif, nml l.n ilni I i-.M - it i,f ri al ami a I al t tati In I Hiliiililli Innl n llial lh" llwe anil .U,li nf flileinti nf Ihi- ht-Ita al ta, and in l i-f nlni-f aahl iti-11 " l a f, ll l.'n-lla I ii' h t Vlniiiln-.lii ifiaiiit: fcnllna ill II t'f I mm nlli !' . , nee li.ilnll nf llmalm. Ni'liifki' lll.nlnlli ( linlinll nf l-mm alii I , I'al llmnianll tal II nf I mm alley I'a , lm I I he Ini.liamt nf ali Hallua lnlnll all nf wlinm am- mi 1 timl-ine al i.f ae. nml iiailm that nil ti iB.iia tiiletin in nld iiaiii may In' ituly miiHled i-.nli.-il l i ln Nml a to Ihta IVIIIt may "in m iien I, In tum l atinn. If nnv lln rt lav liy aahl lnlii. Im lit Unit nnl la iMillll, Kliietl, aii'l pin l-nli it a I lie Innt will nml Ii -inimel if ni ilm Hwil, nml i .11 ulli'ii tlu fimf. nml . l-i Int. 1 1 nl Ii 111 i.f nahl ealnle Im In Hullim I'iiIm'II nml .Inmea! A, Ihiln It, nml pin unit llml am Ii nlher nml fiiHlut nul.t nml pnn'ifilliiiia limy In" hail In Ilm iivml.'n. a inn v ln" nnulriMt hy lh atnluii-a In mieh ennea innde nml triivhlctt. unlereit, Hint April tl. A H im. nt HI ii'chn k A. M , In- n-.lniiei fur lii'iulm nl. in illlnn, when nil H'imina Ililen'Meil In nlil miiiiei iitny iiiiniir nl the Cnuiily I . mil. In In- In -1 1 1 lu' mn) fur anhl Cnuiily, nml lin i'iiiiwi why the prnyer uf anhl pellllnner nhiiiilil mil he Kliinleill nml Hint not lee of Ihn iHiiilelii y nf mn lil pel II Inn nml Hie heniiiiK Iherenf, lai alven In the n'rntin 11 Inn e Iiameil mul nil olher pei-nnnn Inlerenled. lit aald mailer, hv iiihlnhlnK imllie i.f thin piin'ccilliiu In Tiik Amkiiican, ii uewnptiper pliiileil III mini l imiiiy, intve weehn am ceanlvely iirei limn to the lime nppiilnietl NKAI.. 1 . . r 1 , 1 , r, 1 t '.unity JiidKe And you will furllier lake mil ice hm, uti le you npiienr to coulenl Hie ptnlmie uf nahl will al Hie time mul place appointed fur Hint purpiine, the Court may Krnut, Ilm pro hale iherenf In your Hhncncc nml tuny Kiaiit Hie furl Iter prayer of aahl pel II Inn. W lluenn my hnnil mid olllclnl neal Ihi Till day nf March, Inwi, Inkai,. .1, W. V I.I.IOK, 3-11 il Cnillity.luilKe. NOTICE For Final Settlement of Account. Htatk nr Nkhiianka, I -H HnuuliiM Counly, "' In Ilm County court, of Pnnnlnn cuiiiily, Neliranka. In Hm null ler of the I'Ktatn of I'l imk H. Ilewey: The fnllowlliK nmued iM'l'noti. lo w ll : Ailc II ne Ilewey, of I It li-iim i, III,, nml all olher per niiiin liileienled III mild mill ler will I tike mil Ice, Ihat nil the Hint day nf March, nu:!, the Counly four! of HouuIiih fiiiinly, Nehiiinka, made Hie fnllowlliK iii'del'l HI 11 1 1" of Neliranlia, IIoiikIiih cuunly, an. In Hm County couii of IIoukIum cnuiily, Neh March I. A. H, Wi. I'lenent, J. W, Kller, Cuunly JiiiIki' In 1 lie uuiiier of thu enliile uf I'm nk H, Ilewey; Hpiin lint il I nix mid IIIInK Hie petlllon of llrnper Hinll h, iiliowltiK thai on the 2llh ilny of I ciiruary, A, ll, Ihiki, he wan appolnled 111I iiiIiiIh! rn I nt- of Hie cmIiiIii of mild liiink H, Ilewey, Thai t welve iiiunlhn IuivIiik eln lined alnce Ida 11 1 ip il 11 1 1 1 ii' 1 1 1 , he In iIchIiiiiih of 1 1 it v -Iiik a Hcltlement of IiIh tlnal ni'i'niiiil an nui-li iiilmlnlnlraliii', That the only heir at law of wild ih 11 mi -( I Ik Adeline Ilewey, renldiiiK at llim Hrovelaud avenue, CIiIciiku. Ill-, and prnyliiK fur a 11 11 11 1 Ncltlcmciit mid iillowniicu of hiicIi iiiiiiiiul, and for IiIh illnchnrKu fruui hln trunt iih Mich iidmliilnlralui', mid Hint fur Ihenu purponen a tlmii mid plnce lie II led fur i' x 11 in I n I iik, HelllliiK, Hud lillnwIiiK nieh tic fount, mid prayliiK Hint mn-h ullier 11 1 1 1 1 fuiihar uiiler and prm iIIiik imiy he hnd In Hie premiHC iik may he required hy the ml 11 1 1 1 1 i'n In micli c nnen iiuiiIk nml provided, Oideii'd, Hint March W, A. H, lwrj, at 4 o'clock p, in., he HNHlKlied fur liiiililiK nnlil pelllliill, When till pernoiiH lulerenled III 1 11I1I matter may appear al, the Cuunly courl. to he held lu and for mild county, and nlmw caune why the prayer uf mild pel D inner hIiiiiiIiI nut lie K'nnledi ami Hint nut Ice uf tlm iicmlciicy of mild pel ll Inn and Hm henrluK thereof, he Klveu lo the permum aliove iiameil mill all olher per noun lulerenled In wild mnl ler. hy pulillnhliiK mil Ice uf thin proceeillnK lii Tiih Amkiiican, a newnpnpf r minimi In mild cmiuly, three weeka auccennlvely pre vloii to the time iiiipolnled, J. W. f.UXH. Inkai, Cuunly JiuIkh, And you will further takii notice that un len yon appear to content the pelllluu uf wild Urn per Hmllh lit Ihn lime null place appointed for that purpiine, tlm cuurt imiy inniii IiIh IIiiiiI (llnrliiiiKti In your ahHcuce. mid may Kiant Ilm fuiiher prayer of mild pelllluu, Wlllien my hiiud and ulllclat m ul HiIh tlrnt dny of March, W. ,1, W. I';l,l,l;ll, Inkai, I il-l-H C111111I y JiiiIk". 1TOTVTTX COXJTIX I'lii'clniHo TIckotH nml CoMHljfti Vour f ruitful vlu tlio F, E, & M, V, and S C, & P, RAILROADS. II. 0. 1UJKT. (iiiriKi-nl Mnniiiri r. K. 0. MoltKlioHHK, J, It. IIHCIIANAN, (ion. J'Voltflit A(ft. (imi. I'iihn. Aift, Omaha, Nebraska. MOVING Wlicri you dimlrn lo (iIuhiko your pliiou iiiovoii wiiiioiit, imllie iiroki'ii or Hi'i'iitciioil, look; for ruy wiitfuiiH NUMBERS 77. AND 207, nml you won't llilnk two tuovea fujiiit) to A (I id. I. OARD, Fourtficnth and Douclas Stroot. O. AHLQUIST. DKALKIt IN Hardware, Tinware, Cutleru, INJAIL.3- ETC. ETC. Guttering. Spouting and Roofing a Specialty. 1302 Saunders Street or North 24th Street, OMAHA MILLINO CO.. 1313 NORTH IQTH STREET, , , Only Flour Manufacturers in Omaha . , Our Leading Brand RELIANCE PATENT,' Is Unexced. OTHER BRANDS : : k?"5,V;A"BUPELAT,VE A. HALD orrii'Ki Yaiiiii - 0KALKH All coal well acreeiieil mid promptly delivered; wcIkIiIiik on cll y widen, If Hit llenlred, AllKIlT roil l.i n i.KTllNI'lMI, O Rock SpriEEs, Ohio. Walnut BlocK, i aen urn ueni yarieln'n or run fki l Matlry (!ni.n-t I i 1 !. . t ,,-..4.t i.f a I t, I 1 1 I I ...t, a I ' i - a-l i..l ... - ,1 ... 1 . 1 .... I " I i . t"" iikh,, I t,.. d . fc I 1, . ..,, 44 ' ' 1 1 I .."I 1 1 H . Ill II . I ..I . I ' I It'll, . I '. 1.1,1 1 . 1 1 ... ; .. 1 , it j ,1, 4. 1 nl' a. 1 -'l.-n a, ,i I I 1 1,11V , )! . k A In i. -Mt IU t ,. I , 1 i a a im 1 1 . 4 11-al'tli i t lli., I,, - -'ii--! -l t..-. A. f in ft.. 11. 1 I I :.. ' -I I J i. 1 M . II 1 il. l . l a. 1 u 1 '1 ii iim if 1 -i ,iif ,it ii -'ny 1 I tl . . I . . .. 1. .. i A J.M., rli . I ,..,t .,, n nH-i-,. ft.'- 1 l .ti... I . , . . ,.. .'! 1. 1 ii.i.m, . n nv if il f i nm fn-i n, 1 ', 1. 1 f MB, j lili In itit I , ,,n It, ,ll. 1 il., t,4 I-1"' tun- "t 1 -in I' ! I ' il nat. m.,t. ti.i-ni, Willi int. it .1 i1,.i.mi at lit ,1 nt mm t antinw fi.iw . i. i,.l.i t A l l't unlit fianl im.r v ! n t.-llai t-.i in. I11., 1. 1 It. i.h.b !.,.. ,(, !i I .Ui ,. n ,.1. ,,,l , A ll t"l .n nl ii-t. I....U,, , iili a.-.niln iin.1 , .it.l.tif ina i.l In 'l It-mli I..I I f Ih. lnl 1 1 mill ,i mn i'iitln I nnmt, nl it Hi pi. ml Inm, A l I- I In a .- l,ii a 11 II,, n n,t 11,. til rimlln lieiin .Inlin I It It. 1 , . it nt tin- l-.lnie ,tf lull, tl - V,,t,t,, ,. inn-4 piainiiH, nml Awnlp f linw, I all In U hw nml 111mm rti f.mlniii I'lnnlia Niiu a- a I ' in ni l I ; mi i.liihi.i , in ftr, na lal iaii-t t tmimlMi'itii-r, .11,11 W i an an. ,111. 1 t I .1 lUvn your Klli'i uey m-inl hit l vi'ttiw'tiii'tii 1.1 Tiik Amuhcan, Wnleli llepulriut Ppn-tnltv All klmlauf .(eweliy Id (lallt'il, JOHN RUDD, I'Hi ih in Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry -:- AND KlliVKUWAUK. -j-K.H'iy W'ntch W'nrtmiteil, SCBN.WihStnt OMAHA, NEB R. II. BLOSE, DISPENSARY DRUGGIST, Cor. 18th and Nicliolnt, TI'XHi'lieiNK IHiT. 1 Council Bluffs Advertisemennts. Lund Bros., UKAMUIH IN a I nai I I f GLASSWARE. Tabic Cutlery, Silverware, nml it full nHHOi'ttucrit of ' eLAMPS.C- I 23 Main St., COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA.l llr. ('. lien VV11, Ilm fiinnnin Chllieae l'hyal clnii, nf Oiiiii Im, han uver lunllHlitleuieiila finm Kliiteful piillenla nlnl hiivn heeil fined hy I1I111, One of llmiiiiiat nuccimnftil phynlclmin lu Omaha to-day la lii'.C.llen Wo, who for Ihn pant Inn yeiira han heen 1I0I11K more Km id fur mn ire 1 1 iik Ii 11 in it n 1 1 y llniii all olher npei'liillnla lu the cmiittry, 'I'lin diM'lor can KUccenafully I rent ynil hy Until and cure you an he lum iloue I liniinanda of otheiH with Ida viouderful Chlneaii reuui dlea, Ho not delay until yutir dlneanii In he yoitd all help, hut wiilu lo him If ymi canmit call iipnii hint at iinea, and hn will Klvu yuu hlHcamlhl opliiliiu uf yuu caan. Mnmliuttlonn' free, mul It will cont you nnlhlliK lu ciinault With him, yucntloii hlillika mill, upnll Itppll culluli, Addrenn on, 0. GEE wo, f'lic. N. h.ih Hi,,, Ouiiihii, FOR HEN only! i.oaror VaiMitq IIOO II I (ianaial ITVa rfllBMIl i'ldr mni MIh4 KffMUef Irrora r limni If 014 ! rnf. itikatt, HmkU in AN liod V fully KMUra. inoay rala4l4. Wf fnafMU araty mm ft l4 Inm ibnn 40., Ommhm, EXPRESS. of t'imliloni'u uinl wurit your furrilturo - 7 NVINCIBLE PATENT. FANCY FAMILY. H, W, Cor. hllh and Howard HtreeU, Tel. KKI4 LIiiIi atreet mid I'liplilcUiii avenue. Tel. VZl IN O A I Hard Coal, Wood Kinfllins and Coke. I nnl for CimiKIiik l'urpoaea.