1 THE AMERICAN if jt 4 ANO WAHOON MMT IN A tlKAPlV IHIIt. t I .l..t,-Jl tit ( tt I tta l ti ' I I was walking through my tiAil i.hv gun tih HS en I It' btHH t-w acrcsmlttg nit Hi lp of th Pifky reclptt Hiat oierhatiirsniV In tiist'it, Tht doga hi Hi farm jard, on bearing tho in'lse Hi baboon ci making, rushed tip to lb iiimtuiaiit, and were aooit engaged ""'" 'I'". tight. I look ipmy ifin and climbed tip Hi mountain for lh purpose of assisting th ill In lUs !'hj uf lng them fnuit being lorn to piece. When I rem bed Hi summit of lli fcmitU number of balnnm I fired mill wounded nun tu Hi ahonhleri b Immediately pursued ninl litikled by tli only ib-g loft. Hi nthm having twn torn ( iiIivim. Tli struggle for life or death wa taking pirn between Ui wounded baboon nml the dog on tho very brink of i precipice. I Im'il not nimllior cartridge, for my gun, mi I put It down mitl picked tip a couple, of hirg alone mul walked to within u few yard of the spot. I wa Just in tho not of hurling ono of tllC'lll at the baboon when, auddenly, a Ire mention male bub ion, tlio largest I have seen, I'liimi alrulght at mo In n bold mul delimit mn ti nor, hi eyea gleaming with unger mul rnffcB, nml hi huge Juwa working together ua If In wnlli'lpullon of tlio crunching that wu iu atore for inn. 1 Just had time to hurl the atone, In my now upraised Imiul, nt lilra, when ha wua upon me, lie ecl.c-d mo by the leg first, and bit me with Midi violence that I thought that every bono In my leg wa smashed to atom. I klrltoil with nil my mlfcrlit, I trM to got liol'l of ft Monti, 1 nt ttinptil to 11 tit by th throat, ult him novornl blow with thn Imi, jut it wan nil uwOonhi the xtre-nifth of tbe enrairnd Afrlmin munilrlu ovr poweri'd mul nuiHtiMeJ me ormipli-tely. AfLi'r ho hml flnUliiMl with my U g hn tnhieil lilinii'lf on hl lilml b'lft, put liU rai urmiiul ma ttiul m'ImI hohl of me on the client with hie powerful Juw. Whnt oouhl I (In? Kvury nu end then lie !'t go liU hold of my breimt rid mmppiid nt my throat, 1 ewlf.ed Win by the throat with my right hand nd clrnrhed my flngera, but lie would not yield hit graip for ulnglo In Hunt, Kiry time I moved he dragged me mmriT to the edge of the prm'lelee, end wu were now within three ft of the brink nd the ground loping dawn to It. I knew that If I for moment lout my foothold, down w should go Into the Hiamn below. The woundtul baboon and thn dog, that were renponMl hie fur the awful prediic uasntill JuixJiMow found my eel f, adjust rolJrd over luli Hie "C I Vt TM win t, ( We bad been at It nearly an hour, and, a the baboon allowed no algn of re leaning me, I felt I ahould not be able to bold out much longr, a I am an old nan, eonalderably over 00. At thla alage I bethought myaelf of ft pen knife 1 had In my walalaoat pocket. If l could only get It out, I might ward blm off by atabbing him In the faee, I gradually got my left band Into my pocket and got the knife out, the brute acrat'blng and tearing my fe wllhhla band all the while, I got It to my mouth and held It there till I bad an opportunity of opening It with my left band, I then began atabbing and prod ding bfin, but the knife wtm not large enongh to do hfm much damage, I drew blood, however, the alghtof which only made him more virion atlll, Jly thl time I had acarrtdy ft veatlge of clothing left, and my laivrated body bore token of what ft Koulh African baboon can do when he chooa to taekle and fight an unarmed man. i wan wondering how all thl wa go ing to end, when one of the dog that bad been wounded in th fight, and which bad recovered aufllt'lently to make hi way to where we were. aeied the animal from behind. I felt the brut winded to get t the dog' lie threw hlniM'lf from me upon the dogs they had on rough-and-tumble and then the baboon walked snddenly away along the ridge of the precipice, looking back from time to time, aa If undecided whether he nhould renew the attack.. It waa aome time before I could recover an (llclen tat rength to daacend the mountain. I got borne, K - , . 1. .1 A counter auch a I ahall never forget and the like of which I hope never to ) experience again. f ' r .. . I Willi aticsn on Mliatt fslanil. Ahtnit thirty year ago Mow Htar- ling and ot her put two small flock of eheep on Monhcgan, a bleak and ro:ky lalitnd off the entrance to Penobecot bay, belleln(f that sheep could take 1 care of tbemselvea almtut anywhere. Hilice then the flocka have inert-used to an agreyat'! of VM bend, running wild and r ;cnivlng no attention whatever. Once a year men have gone to the is- land, driven the sheep into a pen, and b u red them and marked the lambs. i u .... ,....a i.. i.i . -r . ...i f '... "7n jwrsnis, some oi wnorn uar not, IN A INdht'l tUMU iim'i m i't r the m- 'lb ftnr..ll f M-eif H.f ,.f NlkiW. net , !lglV a.lii l-t fH Mr Ibnivnr hn fnu stu 1 eu.nl mil fvm the rtl tlT ln lmth, 'I,,H ht;H U ft li utli Ihit, l.i wiidh Ih xf wet M nt . tilng M'' " H"li-lng wbri b tri vtlt4 on what he UiouirM - ft dili'd Mrk, ln.ut III IM. ki"" f ll mm, hut vhl. h piiid ti ! bug mHlMiirtkft, ft f l bllll,, Hip niiako. IrifUtiil by ! miuel ptTMf, .it!tl lt" If Hgbtly Umt mm tor I, theboy'alega that lie w unable ti fr hlniM-lf from li deinlly I'lubrae, mid there la no doubt that he would have been killed outright had it not been for th itHhUluiice of ft large dog that aecoiiipanleil him. At the bidding of th boy, the faith fill brut aeled the niialie In hla teeth, and the little frightened fellow, brae log hluiNelf In an npp mlt direction, ao iih not to be drugged, allowed the dog, by a great effort of atrength, to tear the anake loone. Ho great wa the ahrn k to the little fellow a iiervna that he becumn teinrKiiarily blind, and would In all probability not havo reached home that night had it hot been for h!a augaclimNcuniiid friend, I'liKilng hi IiiiihI on the back of the (log he wa piloted safely to the houae. lie ha recovered hi alght, but hi mind la idiattercd.nnd hi body the aub jectof frequently recurring upanmodli) lltn, the remilt of hi terrible ewprrl enoe" Hlirreenviiry Ik doubtful. True I'Hllioi, Four long yearn had Jiwk, the aallor, been awny, and hi hlp wa reported "loat, with all on board," 'i'he new aeeined to pile year on lit fathar' bent alioulilerni hi mother' amllu faded out and wrinkle aeamed her cheeka. One aiimmrr day, however, lift the two cHiuc nut of church with their pretty daughter all three eeureely balancing the loa of the one dear aon it almbby, broned and bund aome fellow ruihcd up to the group and took hi mother In hi arm, "It'a my boy I my own boy!" pried aha, throwing her arm about blm and amotherlrg him with klnaea, while the father managed to get poaneaalon of one brown lnewy hand, "(Vriie, mother, given ft ehanoel" cried the girl In chorim, and by thl time the entire congregation bad aur rounded the wanderer and claimed hl greeting. "Hut you were drowned, Jack!" ei claimed the youhgenl abler, and Jack laughed an he explained: "No, only partly, Two of ua floated for day, reach ml an inlard lu the Pa cific, foil In with friendly aavagea, and thenwaited for a ahlp, (lot my belt full of money, father, but couldn't wait to buy a rg of decent clothe." Then Hi inlnUt-r ald eolcmnly, "Let u pray," and thert tinder the treea with umovered head, lift offered thanba for thn wanderer' return, When he had finUhed, everyone wa aoftly weeping, and note twin I dreamed that the tragic Joy of the oeeaalon could be turned Into mirth, Knddenly Jack' mother, wrought up beyond en durance, opened her Hi and apoke. "Jack," aaid ha eharply, "ain't yon aahamed to come to meetln with auuh II ragged old handkerchief aa t hat?" Jack roared and ao did the neigh bor, Tear were wiped away and laughter reigned. 4 Mammnlh Onfc, A giant oak, which wu king of th foreat at the time William I'nnn bought the ground from thn Indiana, and which now rivala in many of the cnormoii tree of ( alifornla, aland lone in anient n grandeur on Old 1'lnft rmd, about Hire a mlha alxrve Vat (hnae. Thl mammoth white oak I atlll aonnd and healthy, and meatuir twenty-aeven feet In circumference lit bout lx feet In diameter. The flrat branch which ahootaoitt from the pan nt trunk meaiture nine feel alx inchea In circu m ft rr nee and extend out the normoue length of over wventy feet Tradition ny that it wa beneath the branchea of thl giant oak that the Indiana held many of their council r-f war, and of lot yearn aeveral ramp meeting have licen held tinder it ahade, while the worehfpera listened to cloui'nt aermort from many cele brated divine. No ( lot h In Liberia. Kxplorer linttikofferaayn thatftclwk ia rarely eren In the farm bouaea of Mlicrla, and many of the town people have no time piece, lie aon niav . . , ii . . J t. it . i ! th;r r !ew '',v ",Btri1" w " j a time piece can lm dnsi-d will, ao conveniently, I he aim rise at 0 a. m, and act at 0 p. m, almost to the minute throughout the year, and at noon it I directly overhead. Many of the people become o ex pert in telling time by the sun that they are rarely more than ft quarter of an hour In error. In plaea of alarm cloka they depend upon the crowing cock to arouse them la tit morning. ilBStlnr t'arved Kernttere. A new, aoft brush i a good thing to 1 dust carvid furniture with, aa the 1 l.-Ult... .!11 bristle 'Till penetrate the deepest A1 1-4 dft w v . crevice. rij.wixu ion a mul WITH MAttt .K.9NAMI IkniMiUl Willi Ik kllM II IUml Mitlilltif !. Ilt.llle I IkHk IIK IM M.i n 'the iim tl." "I a working fur Hie .1, V, outfit," IiIh trait, "and we had Jitt gotteun Hi lining r.nni'l up and wn WKiking lb .'tun Itltrr rant;. I got tiirllttlndy, -i. taking nut amall uinutli otgait or harititttiira, whU h limit tiitit'tit lit Hio ilayamaita great favmlt niuoiig i,W' ' pnnrbnis lM-gntt In plnV, 'i luive h ea fd iutt play on thU In ktrumeut whow otitd make a prnfailoii 1 titinaiiy for hla ItutirK I w aa n fair ly gH mm former, and bring In, na I aald, a tender infill, I guv vent In my feeling In 'llnnie, Hwecl lloiua,' Thru I went Into what I rouxldrred my iniottei piece, beglunliig, 'Hear inn, Norma.' I pbijnd aoftly mul lowly, and hml got It 'At thy feet behold,' and which Hi hoy alwaarallcd for that air, when I lieiud n low rattling and looking down n few feet below me aitw a btrgii rutlli'Miiilut rolled, with hla head alowly awaylug to and fro, mul evidently enjoying the iuiikIc. "Ah, ha!" Hit light I. "herti'a a anukn that Bpprclntc op.'i'ittlu iiuihIh. And a I had often rend of the power mimic la auppoaed to have over amikea of till kind, I determined to keep on playing end are what It would do, ao I (liiUhcil 'Norma' and went over It again. Hut thl aiiuku wa aoon Joined by ot her, who. lot they crawled out of their hole, UNMtincd the aitnie attitude a the flrat, and were evidently charmed, "ity Jove, boy, they came out in drove, and 1 aaw that the vicinity wna live with them, A long experience with tlieMri'plllc innilc mn Insensible to fear of tliem, mid worked tip by the novelty of the thing and the excitement of arcing aomuny of llieae powerful da troyera ubjct to my will, I forgot ult about perwotiul atifcty and kept on playing and enjoying myaelf. "Once 1 alojiped, uml then begun an gry rattling and a qiiloU dlHuppearance of many, but they aulmldud and all came buck a I returned, t gave them air from 'Tim llohemlun Hlrl,' varied with 'The Devil' Iheiiin,' 'Mr, Me I,eod'!teer and The Hlrl I Left lie bind Me,' and they reiidlly renpouded with their away lug head to the differ ent time, Hut the tuna Hint aeeined to plcttue them moht wa 'The Huwanee Klvcr.'andone big fellow in particular, on whom I counted twelve ruttle, got ao excited that hi leap and twiata had brought him within n few feet of where 1 aat. Then he auddeuly quieted down and hi head junt barely came down above hi coll, while hi tall alowly rattled In time with the munla, "Then I caught hi gaze, mid, boy, I wa fairly fuaclnated by the look I aaw there, I believe thl talk of anake eharming people to be all fancy, but in the eye of tnl rattler Hint wa fuat- ened on mine there wa audi a wicked, cold, devllleh, flendlnh atare that I ait- .it A A t .... I rainy antvereo, mm tuoveu my mmi . umntpr, end the reault wa that Jt re round to get my pWtol to take a ahot ; Mvlt& ft whipping, it went aiillenly at him, 1 wa anting up now, with my f)t, t)0 ,0x, but all night long the buck a1ni'it touching a mall ridge of, Mexican and hi bride could hear it rock, rltlll keeping my harp In my jow wl. Next morning the animal left hand, I wa on the point of pulling Mi tn W into the houwi and curled up In ft my gun from the acabbard, when a low, ,.,,,., reputing the rare of It Inleiiae voice ft few yard behind me fnmHte. u wa aullen all day, but the I4: " 'Don't move, Jlrn, for C"I(hVj aake, nd keen on playing. There' ft big rattler within alx Inchea of your neck and another cloae to your hand, Keep on playing till the boy come op, I'm all alone and can't help you,' "I knew the voice to be that of my boa, Wallace, and from It toae I wa In great danger, and for ft moment I faltered, and In that moment I could feel the cold body of the anake a it came in contact with my band; but, although I felt like yelling and Jump. Ing up, I knew that would mean death, for quicker than any living thing, ex cepting the cat, I the movement of ft rattlnek It utrlke. "Ho I aat atlll and kept on playing The Nuwanee JCiver,' where I heart- lly wished I waa, Kvery fw aenonda t,tr Mflrned veara to me Wallac w.rt.(i Keo ud your nerve ' ' " w . o)(j ninn iilt) ,y Hf4 fcim, t j,r, There', lot Mtt,0, u.' Kii' U of whisky in camp If you're lon't atop playing or you're a ronr.' ano other ctieerrut worn, at which, aerlou ft the occelon waa, I tifiost fIt Ilk laiiirhlutr. ao wrought H.Mi Vtnt CUM wt J taw, "Mtlll I kept wp 'The Huwanee IMver. inatche per head for the whole popu My tongue got dry and my Hp almost ' latlon are used dully In the United refused to aha,, the notea On I kept until 'The Huwanee Ulver" had run (nt, a perfect muddle of extem,or ing, the like of which no one ever heard be- fore from a mouth organ moutll organ, wim v . m a f .1 4 ret ba'k on aome air I knew, t,n t at. though I knew my life depended ttport berDliur the anakea onlet by the music, - I could not remember a aiiifle tliinir, r,Ui.l r...l M ! t l t r,.l. luttsi out 4 It bmp l.ft Ho'' n-lrt I il mi'l iiy iMnlli A e It ir bl' i'U -.l r-i bl lb r(l' i lin, i rnt i ii'i Itirlti. ( I i-onitl M'f m b t ii inf In foiiit ' f iilutf lii tluk n I In rl ! in M Itiy It Mllll UI lntHllltt', wlli'lt bit Now, lj," end lFYn ntf r-)"rt ! l bind tn 1111 and I II b'g ' ) In fiiinl it niiiiuv with liU ltad, ' end Hun flnh .l mt I kn Miltlug it.r till I It M ""in. -Uili.rf ivd b.il p' ttgtbiwn tn,V llir-lul lain In li find my head Mipiii led Wallae' km, and Mi ff Hi" Una am.iitg w hUlty lulu in fill tf a p'ltl fup, hll th l.,lii of a luilf ilirit Mink lay 1 wlpgllntf I'littH1 by. "Tb fi'llow by my band had hdiiM! in, bill IS I dtiitiU aboiil Hire p' ila of t-iiiii'h w liiNky, Hi tlio h,lHini i, ml a light for It, and tthNky rani out ahead. I wui uli'k for a i imple of daya, but fell mi other bud I'ffeeU f I'lnn the lilt. Theilt n lt, my tliiiuili, I liuvit never tried to rh ii'in any iiior mltlo anttkea, and Hie mhiiuI of lint 'Sutviinee Itlver' iflve mn thn horror," .... APANTHEH B riKUCE JKALOU8V. A airanga Nlnry of a llriiln'a Vriiteiira fro in Nnr Itlftlcn, A atninge ltttnncil of jenloiiay In nil milinal I reported from it ranch lu the range northwest of Sliver t'lty, N. M. A Mctli'iiii mimed .hum I.opiv, tome year ngo eaiighla young iiioiiiitaln Hon and rained It it a pet, I In bud the iiiiliniil completely under aiibjectloit mid it wnaita docile with blm aau houae cat. Tlio lion la now about i year old mid I full grown, but It ha ahvnyx been aeciihtoini'd to aleep at tlm foot of the bed of it niiotlcr and linn followed blm like a dog when he went around tlio place. Lnpnx had Hie lion trained for hunting and it wa itlwitya with him except when he came to town. It had never ahown any dangeroua dUpoaltlon when with other peoplo, uml would allow vlaitor to fondle it. Lopez recent ly married and b! bride liiHlhtcd that the lion Hhould bo made to aleep out of the liouae, n ahe wua afraid of it, Lopai UHM'tMcd to her whdie ml built a lioiixo for hi pet near Hie door of hla ouhln. When ho Httemptod to make the uuimal go in It that night tm jmt tt mf.t him. tna hrui(l for t(m firt tmt W(U dlpoed to r(,)M!j ntinmt Hie wiabea of It ' . ... bride noticed that It watched her con alantly, and ahe becameaoiiervonathat ahe fnlted that her huaband ahould get rid of the big lion, and he promlaed to do ao Mion a poaaihl. The aecond night it went to It but ouUlde with little oppoition and next morning Iop aUrteil U town U) find ft purchaser for hi I'd, lie left the ! Alllrliij t home and told hie wife ti pay no attention to but go about her work a If it wa not In the house, Iopez had no difficulty In finding ft purchaser for hi lion, and about 6 o'clock in the evening aturted home pretty well intoxicated with meaoal, lie arrived borne after dark, and wa surprised to f!o I the bouse dark, Al he entered the place and groped about be atumbled over aomcthlng on the floor, fitooping down be discovered that the object wa a woman' body, lie quickly struck a light, and wa horrified at the alght that met hi gaze, i'lie young wife had been torn to piece by the aavage brute. The strug gle could not hav been long, a t the mark of the teeth alio wed thatth lion had Jumped upon hr buck and broken her ne k at the first bite, It then had torn the victim to shred 4, The animal, afUr completing hi bloiw'y work, had fled to the mountains uml ha not since been seen, The young IniNband'e grief wa ao great I lint he became Insane and had to be confined to prevent him from taking hi life, Tb Malelt Trad, The oldest and it I xild the large! mutch factory In the world i in Kweden. Mutchc were made there long before the old roughly trimmed splinter of wol, tlpjicd with sulphur, wa discarded with the Under boxc for which they were used. In twenty-five year the export trade of Sweden 1n modern match Increased 1,000,000,000 boxc a year, Nome of the machine ', for making the match which we tie in these day make 200 revolu tion a niliiule each, and turn out about 2,,Vi'),000 f matchea dally, or about tl,OO0,0ijO i annually, Itatlier more Kill her more t han live M . i r'"Z, ; .aa, ally. " , In ' B , "intend to rn iu the manufatlnre n .,t Anintiiii nu mul i lid iiri iti t win nrrw . - i . ' dure a revenue of i:.'oo.imo. a i loirei net ... I. I'. ........ ,. I....,t in Cum lu n .,ii.l.-L.i..l.i,.mil.ae l Jl at ifl.rMaUKKL h 'fU SptMh hjm i "wkk X HAUNTIW llorSK. (IHOfttH lllltntlNd ArttlUNO AN til l) IIDMHtlr AH. 1t Mattlar . tat tlttta laliH t.ll.4-a A..aitt MM.h wU la tit aeip-A liMt 4 t tnl ltf. On ft rla f fnnind aloplng lowaM awatu)t ftlnglng tb ttint tiirtiitn ttf l bmlle of water known aa th l ittle Lake in th town of Warren, N. V., aland ft dlbtplitlril fiam alrtu'litr, who atoiy of bbtttl aoiu half ibirett Venr ago appalled Hi civ il Uml w or li llciallwit Hint lUma latift Itruae, aaalaled by a dnughlrr of ITaudabelted by woiitftliNiuephiiwa, ca iTomr aiottrs. butchered, backed and chopped her huaband, William Prime, and then, with true hell-born inatlncta, boiled, ronatcd, and burned the remain and ca tiered the aalira In the awump, ad Joining h prcmiaea. The atory la ft familiar one. The miserable little frame farm liouae wherein thl tragedy wa enacted baa literally been carried away piecemeal by morbid-tnlnded relic-aceker. The wall-paper witli which Mr. Druae cov ered the blood-bespattered wall, baa been torn off and carried awnyi the floor, which ahe daubed with liberal coat of pitint to bide Hie crlmaon atalna, hn been hacked, aawed andup- iiroprlatcd by I tin army of clinker iritlncd individual whi have vialled the place. Juat what plcaaure thcue people derived from theao ao-callcd relli! it U dinictilt to determine. The anake-fonce which once aurrounded the building, bit alao been curried off, but whether ua re I lea or for fuel by eouw poor but dialtoneat neighbor la not known. And now It ia u Id t hat the old bonne i haunted. It would bo difficult to imagine ft more favorable place for pooka, even were there no horrible tii Id connected witli it, HI tun t ed in the rear of a great barren field with a awump at the back, and tho blghwy aeldom traveled, however aome BOO yard distant, with toppling chimney, flapping clapboard, creaking door, nd great rent In the aide the build ing preacut a truly uncanny aapect. Hut when ore added the detail of ft crime, the awfulneax of which aixycar ti retelling ha not nerved to augment, a grewaomenea aurrounda the prcmlac which the atotiteat-hcartcd yokel doc not earn to investigate. It la aaid that upon atormawept night the place ia vialtrd by the wraith of the murdered Druae and hi demon wife. There are aottnda of plwtoi-ahot and (rriAii, of wild yell and curaea. There the nolae of a falling body, plea for mercy, followed by the dull thuJ of an I chop, chop, chopping off band, mi, leg. The whole horrid tragedy li again enacted, A brief alienee cri me, and then laattea forth from the house a ghoat ly apparition, which glide round to the rear of the building, fol . lowaa path awarnpward anddisapja'ar. It bft'i licen noticed that the spook ap pears to be that of a woman, anMt carrlca concealed ft large pack Age of aome character. Thla ia imposed to be the ghost of the murdcresa, and that the package ahe ferric contain the bead and cremated remain of tiie mur dered husband, Of all those atlll living who were con nected with the tragedy, the daughter, Mary, ia lowly dying in prlaon of eon umptlon; the little boy, Heorge, i atlll living with t!ie bind hearted farmer who adopted blm; Frank (Jatea 1 living eonui'where in tho Houth and Cheater Oatea.the younger of the two nephew, la making a living from the sale u a liniment made from a favorite formula encoded by the old man Iiruae, A FIOHT WITH A WOLF. The Man Wen lit Klalit and Oel III Iloiintv for th l In. Itwtt winter, the anow wa two feet deep in our set tlement,, which wa in the I'rovlnce of New JiriinswicU. Wolve were plenty, arid Johnson and K mu mt tMH Mir, mycelf were dolwr a (food btialnca trapping them. On each waa a bounty of 110, and each akin waa worth 13 more, One Sunday morning, after Johnson 1 b-4 W rea-Ty for church, he bought he would examine one of hi. ' trftp. Aftl la th edge of the wood near ...jr.i.-,, V,tln OHAhhellvv !.,.. .nA lt !,.. cun r . 1. . v. - - n - a , ' " svrouou " wm m iiuar I . , n . . . V I.AM the spot the rattling of the chain by wul;- tr,P w" '-nd quickened tL J, Iti h.iU ft Urgewtdf waa U id r Johnson aaw at !.- that b altfhtly ranyht I v the M tt M paw. "Now,1 b ..libni t -l."! I g.U' k I Ik gntt It tt.AV attni-t rd In (t-tlit g frrft Iwf.tr-ttv niuitt," for Hi bin l w l.ialltig fi-aitll effoit bi ft bliiisi tf. The iMitittly 111, Ih skitt l It w.mUl ttol tl.t t Ht', blm. Helng ft lln allt let Jiilittn tttnd ft Ihniti.l for tha wolf, ral littig bini by tb them. In Hi n.ft in tlm Hi wolf bad t leaft himself front lb trap. Tin tl ratti Hi lug of warltt Ihal Iwti feet of anow. Th slruif fie wa shoit and f trlnita Jobtiaott held bis tb alh grip, aottift llinr on l..p ami at in underneath the brute, both tut mined with aiittw it waa dlflb ult In ttlstlngiilsh wolf from matt. Thtilfat lust wa tWrcotna, kicked atidrhoked to den th by hla pow erful aiitagoiilst Johiisou did not at tend rbtiivb that tbty, fur hi Huiiday abitha hung In latterai besides, there were some ugly acratrbea from tho sharp rlnWN of the now dead gitin. "I will never try Hint again, Mack," h aaid to me. "I thought myself a mutch for uliuosl any wild animal of thcHO wihmIh, but this fellow waa ft big ger Job than I reckoned on." MYSTERY IN A CAVERN. Dost It Contain llouly Meeiiratl bf a Once Notorious California llaintltf On tho north aide of Table Mountain and near it top ia an opening in tho lava that hu since- early day been known ua the "llon'a dcii," It wa o named from tho fad that for year it wua the lair of a band of fcroclotta Cal ifornia lion that, when thl country waa duvotcd largely to ahoep ruUing, mado nightly depredation upon tho flock und caused lite owner much annoyance ami los. When puraued tho animal would sock refuge ia thla den and no hu titer would dare to enter it. Tho ground about tho entrance to it wa covered with bone and remnant of sheep and other animal. With tho IncrciiKu of population the Hons havo gradually dlaappcuri'd, although a la to a last spring two of tho animal wer acuu to enter the cave. Htrnnge to say, no known man ha ever penetrated to It fullest depth. The mouth I about four or five fret high and three foot wide, and the opening dcaccmla with a harp Incline for about 800 feet. Further than thl It hu never been ex plored. Now, however, a party of young men have made arrangement to explore it, and, If possible, penetrate to II bot tom, 1 bat it i of great depth I cer tain, for one can aland at the opening and heave great atone down tho de clivity, and tho aound will gradually die away In the distance. The young men nave procured several hundred feet of rope, lantern, torch and ladder, and will thoroughly explore the cavern. What add peculiar interest to tho expedition and give eat to the explor er I the well-known fact that ia the heyday of hla career it a bandit Joaquin Murlotfa and hi band of faithful fol lower made tho rccessea of Table mountain their base of operation. From there they would swoop down on the miner, and then, laden with gold dust, retreat to the mountain. Hearth a they might the ofilcer could not lo cate them. It baa been xtipposed by many that pcrhup in thl same cava wa where the famous outlaw accreted himself. It may be, too, that down deep in the bowel of the earth Joaquin hid the greater iortiori of hie ill-gotten, but nevertheless Just a potent wealth. Hypnotising a Iforsa, Henator Htanford bcllvea that magna- . tiarn can be devel'iied in men and horse by intelligent effort, and in breeding thoroughbred on hla Cali fornia stock farm be ha made experi ment to that end, Tho triumph of Hunol and Palo Alto provo ll thcorle to bo correct, bo think, loa friend ho I reported to have said; "In abort, my secret ia thla; I cultivate tho bore'a magnetism and Intelligence, I let blm know I want hi utmost, but I let blm understand I will not pre him too far; then he trust me and doc hla beat. They know me a children would, and manifest attachment for mo, I havo found that if you pre bora too far for an instant you may bo week getting back where you were. From tho colt day they know I ftm studying to help them, not to hurt them." The Main '( lrtlM, Homo of the Main coast dweller are no better off in respect to school and church privilege than the people of tho remote A roostook wilderness, who never aee anything much except treea and bear. A man who live on Great Diamond Island, Portland lower har bor, bu throe children of echool ago, but there i no echool on Urand Dia mond, and therefore he appeal to tho mayor of Portland for assistance in tho matter, It baa been arranged that tho children ahall bo transported dully, at tho city'e expense to Peak' island, where there ia a achool. It Isn't every poor family who have a private steam boat at t heir disposal daily, a in thl cae, and tho children enjoy the dl Unction about a much aa they do the trip, "Aroostook or Must," Fourteen yeur ago Hnnjarnln Hitnp on and family passed through ISangor on their way from lilddeford to Aroo stook county. They traveled In a big covered wagon, drawn by a puir of horse which bad been provided for them by eltinen of lilddeford, for the family wero in reduced circumstance. On either side of the wiigon appeared the legend, "Aroostook or J!usl,"iind the outfit attracted much attention along the. route. (Simpson didn't "bust," but la now a prosperous farmer in Olenwood, one of the richest sec. Hon of the irardcn countv. and U about to receive a pension from tin' government for disabiJitlee from Ion urvico before the must In the navy, J .the atock for twenty year 7 ( f. J'