The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 18, 1892, Image 3

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Set ffW&MMJ
A f tlt t ump I It
tM' tuvt riif, my nil,
Ami Imtiiult nn ii tiiljf
Which Mi ts pnv.
fcVr tlu-ti s Hiih!im like tr'1 pnii
To emtoini't ln-it fil ynititf,
AnA thr mo Ik thai t'ltitTH UH
Nn eltif bm lt mmtj.
Ami UtniiRh utir ti mil nf tuno,
Ollf Vlltl'I'll l:lk nm! to,
V Mill run ultitt llh smiling Itcftrtl
The iniitf i( Umih .!.
Anil limit tutu em-h nOier'n eyr-s
And nw n lli'i-lfil tltero
Hut nhil nf wliitl mtitt k wrrtt,
Hum lutil llilnheil nnr hsvlr
Ait'l luiiitinl iipnii mir hum tin) litis
Thitt tell ol liitrJltl hot-lie.
Am- stricken. Killl " if h m urn yottnf
WVil lii'tlrr slim tlmii niiiiirn.
Tin" solum we mmu In tlioit iliirU 1 y,
When tun-sweet ihrwiiKlHMir land,
A ri mill iin- swis-tcsi to nnr ritrii-
Wo Sling thrill himil ill hiitlil.
VVr miTl us brother mi'rl,
The He tlmt hllnl lis Ktrmiiti-r KrW
An j-eiim on restlrs wins Mil by
And lilani'ho our lucks with snow,
Vitimnl tlio rluht In war's durlt night,
To ulaml In touch to-tlity
And vlitnp each oilier' liitml Mid ding
Our BiniK tvhtlo yet w niny,
For life's Iiiiik Itnm'll Is lii'itr Us cntll
Wo'rti wi'iiry of Urn tnunpi
Shalw ImiiilM, olil ciiniritilci, unco fttfiiln,
We'll nil soon bo In oiunp.
Conn-nil Cokhwi'II' Stiiti-mi'iit Vorlflnd.
Michael Miigulro, Company II.,
Thirty-ninth N. J., 7:J0 Smith Klglilh
etreot, Kunan City, Kan., suy that
Comrade Cogswell, Kloveiith N. II., Ih
quite right when ho soys iho Thirty
ninth N.J. did not btU)iiy In tho Hoontid
brigade, oeond division, Ninth corps,
but It dlil bolotiir to tint Plrst brigade
of that division and corps. If Comrade
Cogswell wnsiin ollleei- on (Inn. (Irlflln'n
atuff, hti oulit to hnovv what rcjjlmi'nt
Ot-ciiploil Fort DavU In thu winter of
18U J iind until tho inonilnif of thn evim
uallon of rtitefMltiirtf, Tho t'oinmdn
alw Mild that tho Twenty
fifth and Twenty-Hi'venth N. .1.
oulvary went tint only Now Jersey
troopn attached 1o tint Ninth iorpn.
Thl shown a wonderful want of hnow
ludiro In a stiilT ollli'er hut tho writer
lian meoii many falno HtiiteincntH which
lie know to bo cntlrtdy dlH'orcnt. No
also bollevoN thU dUputo wax canned by
H ooitirado of Company V, who wild that
tho Thirty-ninth wiin In tho Second
brltfiido, ami ithoukl liuvo known that
the regiment wan In the First brlado,
Tho Thirty-ninth N. .1. win In Fort
Muhoiw, mill Company II lostCapt, Har
rison, Lieut, Nasun, boxldcs several oth
M, killed and wounded In tho Fort, and
fiorjrt. Kohoo foil wonndtid In tho
trenches beneath tint fort between 0
and 10 o'clock a, in,, April 3, lnilfl, nnd
lay tliore suffcrlinr until 1) o'clock fit
nlffht, whon tho wrltor wont out under
ft heavy rebel lire anil curried lilin to
Fort liavls, i-ImUI nur his own life to save
ilm.Natlonal Trllnino,
Alm of Ciilfurin soil I !.
National (InardNincn In Illinois nro
bocomlntf nrousod to tho abttso of tho
uniform, Tho latest order that has at
tracted tho Attention of tint ffiiardNinnn
Istlio ndoplloii of a "uniform runic" by
ea-opctrutlvo lusiiriuuto company, Tho
JioimI iiifcnt ftipoars with tho rank of
major tfonoriil, In mil form dowdy ro
.Miuhlinif that of tho National (luard,
lUiildlnif nnd loan associations liavo
also cfono Into tho "uniform rank"
business, '
In Now York tho law puts chock
on such imhocomlutf displays, Tho
codo provides pctniltlos for a person not
It inninhcr of tho National (luard who
hall wear any uniform or designation
of rtimIo similar to that in nso by tho
National (luard,
A similar law should bo enacted In
every Kioto In tho Union, Tho prne
llco of iiifniits nnd drummers olothlnit
tliomM'lvi'H In tho uniforms of tho gen
eral ofllcers of tho (liianl Is calculated
to brlncf tho houorablo sorvlno of tho
soldier Into contempt, nnd It should
not bo tolerated. Another nnbocom
Uig display should rocelvo prompt ro
Montiuent from the Uriind Army nnd
National (iiiMid; No firm should ho al
lowed to print a sln of Its hulons on
tho Hatf of tho United States, Ono
nowspaper In this city hoists thn flsjj
on All proper occasions, but parallel
with tho stripes of tho lla Is tho niimo
of tho paper, In Now Orleans (Ion,
Hutlor IhniioiI an order forMdilliitf liny
no to plaeo aslifii on tho lla. To say
the leitht,, It, In unpatriotic! and v n 1 tP.
Western Soldier,
I'minlon Ilia I'rlaiinor of Witp,
I), Havens, Ileuteniuit Company A,,, III,, I'ostmnstor, Ma til to,
III,, wasoaptiirod at I'euch Troo Creek,
July 1!, lNdl, whllo maklntf ft cluirtfo,
fttid was n prisoner movoii months nnd
twolvo days. No was also wounded at
tho bnttlo of 1'crryvillo, Oct, H, IA!(
end was never absent from his regiment
except tho two days whllo mifferliijf
from wounds end whllo ho was In
prison, Tho bill for tho relief of
prisoners of war has boeu before
Conjrress for tho lust. twenty
flvo years, and If Justice is
to lm doiio It should puss
I tho present session. Tho measure Is
But a political one In any sense, and ro
llcf sliniiH )u tflvon to those rho suf
fered In those hell holes of the South,
where they were stnrvod end exposed
. to tho elements, until thousands died
ynA many ro now unable to mini a
t. The wrltur ww au olllcvr brought
stj t hn hf w iiim.i v
st.tV Mirt 'I'.-l Ut
Worn be w k ..( it Win l h H Hie
AriUe, H t W I .., IM
te(ie 1it, 1 W. lf Vm
)!n.bxtnd I i. i'HtleetsttU. H
.v. KHstitmn, TbH'Uit.bntts itltf,
et IHing, be tili like .i tn
ii, It. . It-sm l4
lien. II. toy A. lUmum f
i. Se? tk, l$e
J. title JstntiSlr, ltto'bij, (ttteif,
on rpK H, lv A fit r iH-tn re.Ui
fct ftot Ute St t (t.-ti- Ittnlilttlo be
litoto n tttlor In Ibe tx-hi 1bi ttm
In ' end nt tt ft rwstd be
Ki!titiii't) lotbo t.r, hr bei-Hii war
out be Juiinsl he I t t-lfth N. ttrj
oik e pHt sl. Ho Hkrht'lt'dtitain j
o! llie tittttney, itieii w tttttitt,i'
tnl fM'rvlee fotiipttttv I tot Mey 1.1.
Irt. Nis ttien wt'iv nitdi-r Wre ttt-t st
lllmUbor.t's lord, itl .Inly 11 The
TwtdMt bittke el tbsl limp, but Cepi,
Itentttttts ('oiiiitiiuv rctttiilnt'd In
line toil II foi ittully ttrdi-ivd bnok
He bcennte ntejur In Vbher, He n
Irndly wottitdcil el Mnlvevn Hill etid
left till lite Held for tleail, bill early III '
IsilS Kittv bint fnltiitil of the One
Hundred end Forty-Ninth New York,
An abscess ivstililnu from his wound j
compelled bin lellivnuMt. but he,
whs ntfiiin on the Ihld at tiettys
burp, ami wits Winiiidcd nt Lookout J
Mmiutitln. No tvits a third tiuio
woiitided on Slicrniiin's march to the
sen, He was breVetted miijur croneral i
In March, lsii.1, and tn isnn lesiucd.
He bold many politic ollh es In Now j
York Slate, and the last yours of hlsi
life priit'tleod law In the metropolis, i
tlen. Ilitrntiin whs twice married. Three'
boiis survive him -Morgan K, Itnriiiiui, j
Malvern Hill Harmiin, n lieutenant in
the Fifth L'n I ted States cavalry, and '
liny Jlarnuni.
IHIIcM I'l'iiitt Cut, I'll!.
L. Marvll, Sixth Michigan (1st 11. A.),
I'arkvllte, Mich., snys tlie list iiven Inn'
recent Issue of the forty-live regiments t
which sustained the loss of yon men or
more Isvntfiio mid iiulllTcrent, ns well as '
Incorrect as far ns the Michigan reifl-'
iiientsiirecoiiccrui'd. Ho thinks tho man
lier In which thn question was answered ,
would leave one to Infer that only
those reiflments were mentioned wlio
had 31)0 or more hilled oiitrlirlit in
action, saying nolliiiiH' of those who
(lied of wounds received In action and
of disease, lb thinks that Fox's Kctfl
mental Losses, from which the report
was obtained, would load ono
to suppose that the killed and
died of wounds In, n and
of disease would bo Included, making
throe claiscs, According to tint report '
of tho AdJiitnnWIeiieral of Michigan,
not a sluiflo Infantry regiment lost 0(J
killed otilrl((ht, nnd iiccordluir to tint
siiiiio iiiithorlty only four regiments of
Infiinlry lost Wt) or more killed or died j
of wounds reeelvcd In action. The
Fifth Michigan lost 151 killed. HI tiled
of wounds re udved In actloii; a total I
of m, and not sm.'l, iin stated. The
Llith MIchlKan lost l id killed and 07
dlciUif wounds received In action; a
total of !.'07, and not3!,';i, fiNirlvon. The1
Sixteenth Michigan lost Km killed and ,
fill died of wounds rocrdved In nctloiij '
maklnif .Ifi, and not V 1 7, ns Iven, The
Twenty-seventh Mlidiltriin had 11!7
killed and HO died of wounds received j
In action: a total of 311, nnd not S'.lfi, an
stated In the table, Nothing is said
about where Fifr (rets his Information,
There were over twenty-six Michigan
regiments ( hut show a loss of over XOO .
in killed, died of wounds end illsemio,
The writer says that If wo are making
a history, it Is time to call a halt In tills
matter of (f ucs work,
Sllll ('Rfliirliif Ihn llnlltiry,
T, f. Lucy, Corporal, (!ompany II,
Nluctcomlu Illinois, Until, III., thlnkl
Comrade Fnul Is very mucli mistaken
when ho suys that there were tin volun
teer regiment In tint Regular Ilrlgada
at the time of the capture of the bat
tery after the fight at Missionary
Jlldire, Klntf's llrlifinlo was composed
of the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Mlghteentli '
nnd Nineteenth Illinois, This hrlgadu
was thus composed at tho reorgnul.a.
Hon of t lie army after the battle ol
Clilokauiaiiga, The volunteer regi
ments were taken from Stanley's llri
gndo, of Ncgley's Division, and re
mained In King's Ilrlgade until Fehru
ary or March, ISO!, wlien Hen. Turehln
quested to linvo the Nineteenth Jll, (till
old regiment) assigned to his command,
and the writer bulloves that the other
two volunteer regiment loft Klng'i
i, ..i i., ... .i.., ,i . ii.i.. I....'
in i(inii' ill. me sionii mm', jna wriwi
cdalms that there were (Ive guns cup
turod Instead of four, and that they
wore captured by the entire brlgndo,
Hut the principal work was done by
the three volunteer regiments, and tint
fifth gun was taken by the Nineteenth
Illinois without aid from anybody,
Tho enemy had dumped I he gun Into a
crook, being closely pursued by lliti
Nineteenth, who fished ft out the next
SlillnllliK Siiib,
Congressman Winigli of I milium hai
introduced a bill to build a 7fi,ti0fl
inoiiuinent on tho Tippecanoe Jtattls
Uround, near Lafayette,
An equestrian statue of the Kmperor
Frederick Is to be erected on the hlllg
In Alsace on a spot overlooking thfl
field of Worth, The statuo Is to cost
(Jon, flan m appeared before a Sub
committee of tint House Appropriation!
eoiuinllteo trd asked for an appropria
tion for po'jhlons for tho nest fiscal
year of (H I I, MO, ono,
During the rebellion tho government
bad son shlps-of-war, such its they
Were, Ono of tho cruiser of to-duy
eniihl luivc cleaned out tho ctillre lot,
with tho exception, perhaps, of th
Tho Ohio Soldier's Home, consisting
of a fine ailiuliiislriitloii building, thir
teen soldier cottage each accommodat
ing fifty men, hospital, hull mid neces
sary adjuncts, Is tho finest State insti
tution of the kind In the Union.
IT m;i;h ill :iu
T ?fia tb
l bit 4 ito'itlb p
I be in s (je mew I
(lbt Nina ratne
lei tvt out It'bl
nte I hilt the Its
,),,t 1,, ti 0 tti
lite t uv
t bud V tt tt 11
ibtm bttUi tii'tn
tbil.lbttod. Jilik
end lntd(e.p!5'
tttnrblc liyt'llior, n Ni nndhwl
it git tntftsttn I ttitft her, so t V5t tjtitte
blot boil) Inteit'! In Ittcm, I bed
sot-n from Ibe tstt tlmt ,1?n u we In
bvo utitlt Niits, nod tlml Mm wo In
Ittve with .! k, An I, In tiutli, I bud
iMtuineeivtl "Hie tbvj,' Ibt-y i bIUhI
Ihelr ettumji'iiiettl , .Lit k, bciit nn nr
list, jut stub wontntt n
Mitrt In look nil or hint: ,
little woman jitt lht wife fur n
dron titer.
1 ont o UiniuM Dint iliti k w nnj-'
lliina but pt itcilcitl, Hut nty ntliid
lots t-tmngod, nud tliis is bow It nil
eniiie nbmit.
As I liitvo snid, it tvns diirlim Ilia
third nionth of I heir piignjjetnenl Hint
Nlnn elect ritied us nil by tbs'ldiiitf to
bocoino nil noire, n slio said: "I do
not intend to ko to .luck without n
cent in my pockets, Ho is an oi l Int .
Artists, young, nrtlsts, do not bnve
over much money. There's no reason
why I should not help to take euro of
tho family,"
Then slip told me that she had al
ready boon to seo the thontrlcnl man,
and 1 1 ml been engnned for tlio star
part in the new oiiora at n fair salary,
And almost be'oie 1 know what I
was about, 1 bad promised to see all
tho newspaper nioii and have tlio Hun
day piper tilled with now about; lior.
Then she left me, and in a moment I
was in my great coat and on my way
to Jack's studio. 1 found him walk
ing up and down, waving a pink noto
in bis band, raving like a mailman,
kicking hi easel and bis paints all
over (lie lloor.
".lust listen to Ibis, will you," be
exclaimed, after I bad sntisliod liini
that I bad nothing to do with Nina's
going on the stage, and then bo road
ina tin) letter she had written to bini,
It was in elfect what she had told mo.
Their marriage wn. to bo postponed
unt il she had mado a success and they
could live In comfort. She was Hiiro,
alio said, thai Jack would son it in tho
duno light a she saw It, Hut it wit
quite npiiareiit to mi that she had
reckoned without lior host; and It wa
quit e neciwsary lor him t o t oll mo that
bo didn't "see it in that ilglit, not by
u, , but why quota furl her,
"Well," said I, alter lie had calmed
down a little, "what are wo to do
about It?"
"Jo?" bo cried, rising from hi
chair and drawing himself up in Hitch
a dignified manner that despite tlio
sit uation J almost laughed at tiltn,
"I will command lior as lior future
husband to uivo up I bis foolish idea:
this insaiio Idea, 1 will show her how
In going upon tho stage, she will ruin
not only her social standing but will
also insult mo,"
"And have you any Idea what effect
that will have upon hurl"'
"Tho desired euocl, to be sure,"
"It will not, It will inako her, II
anything, tho mora determined to do
a she has decided, She will quote to
you tlio names of tiuiiioroii women
who nro actresses and still retain their
good name, Hbe will tell you that
slut would rat Iter be Insiiltlngyou than
becoming a burden upon you, llesldos,
she I stngo-struck, and that Is a dis
ease Incurable except, by time, How
Old I Nina? About 187"
"Yes," '
"You wore sfagu striick at that ago.
I know I was, F.very man Is am)
very few women escape,"
"And now the only thing to tlo I
to lot her go ahead and take Hit
chances, Jf she makes a failure of It
li will give It up, you may be sure,"
"Hut suppose she makes a hit?"
"Then your life will lie ruined,"
The blow was cruel, For a moment
ho hung his head, I t .bought I saw the
lump in his throat. Then he looked
up, Thorn wa a roitolutloti in hi
"Hbe shall not suoeood," he said,
J knew then that lie had thought
out some scheme,
"Anything that I can do to help
you?"' asked,
"Yes; do n she asks you, Have
all tho pnpei filled with iilc.o notice
about lior,"
"Hut that will"
"Never you mind, Do a I ask of
you, please, find lea ve tho rest to me,
Kncourngn her, make her think that
she Is a great actressthat the world
i waiting for her debut, All will end
well, I am sure,"
The next Sunday the paiior were
filled with Nina, and soon they began
to put out the bill posters with full
length picture of her. I saw her but
seldom, and then she talked of noth
ing blither ambit inn, bow she was
(iet ting along, I saw Jack once, 11 n
seemed in excellent humor, and told
Mio that everything wa going on Just
as lie wanted It,
Finally I be night of tho debut eamo
around, The bone bad been sold at
auction mid great price bad been
realized. All the city wa talking
about Nina: t ho paper wore devoted
entirely to her, Jack sent me some
seals and asked me to ho on hand
early, I had an early dinner and was
ttt the theater half an hour before the
time for the curtain to go up.
The bouse began to flil up early and
by the time I bo overture began tbcro
was hardly an empty scut to bo seen,
I did not, see Jack, so determined ho
was behind the scone.
The cm tains went up, Nina came
out and did quite well, Her voice
wa far better than I bad expected,'
nnd she did not appear nervous, In
fact, I wa Indeed surprised when,
i WfiP
-rtrr lt rft Ibi'ff Itlt ftV
t Hit
t tsmt Wlited H' sm N nt
tftt M- htVM MtH' !! fttfcMfn
"PWy mi- tol l s.ti nftsi l,"
sbe si.
V, ttu (be lbrf si U tl Ibe
t'H'.it tttVt ,l )tt si !ti and I
'! !! btt-a
Ibfitttistit tip on Ibe .h on
t Tht htt t-e,imttd tjttit t
lest b tint d niter Not undo, niton
tbrt ft butting tutlso a ltd J-f-
son in a p-Mnt b"stt let li Ntim
tnit'isl di'Situv j's's and 1 Ihnttfthl
li toitt. utni J ai V rente titer In
inn and sUi'ii-l itt.Mitt IHe nbmibb r.
'Ibtn t itty lis Uvntt," be ssid liW-
The art xtoitt on Tl'e attdii ttibml
sbvsdv bivttn lo dttln lie end ball lbs
si-sta were entpt y , Sum btk.M
hits a n ibot end In mblod ttoiliHt
I thittijibl she would bill In n Istnl.
The a.i i-iided, Ibe tttttatn Wl,
itiKlKitHy I bore vteitl tip too b atbutti
nt bise ntid i nt t oils and gttiaits Hint
I d ri tncnil.t i it lo inj itiitg day,
Thbtt m l was ncei linished. 'llie
curt .tin tt as i ion tip nnd I ttug down
hardly live minute Inter. Mn faint
ed ib'itd ittvay on I he slnue, end even
Hit'ii the hinting did not stop,
"She has bad enough tif it. Tho
cure ha done its woik,"t t iid Jack to
too, as he rushed on to Ibe stage, nnd,
picking lior up in hi arms, cai l ied her
to her dressing room.
Half en hour later I heard Ittiti
thanking half n do yon young men, who
met him at t he stage door, and saw
It I hi hand tbein several bank notes.
Warren It. MoVelgh.
Th Cnlonal Took Pity on Them,
filming TIiiih About to Dl.
"Did I ever toll you how I once
saved tho live of four Union soldiers?"
said Colonel William (IroeuHtoretttlio
other day, "Well, you see," he con
tinued, "It was this way, John Miller
of course you know John showed
inn rt. Mix-shooter which Is a sort of
heirloom in the family. Ill brother
gave it to John, and their father gavo
It to John's brother, and a fellow
soldier in Morgan's command gave it
to their fa ther.
"One day during the war t hn origin
al owner of the pistol was riding along
tho road alone when six Yankee sol
diers took after him. lie lit out
as fast ns his horse could go but
the Yankees kept gaining on him,
His Ikii'hu wis fatigued, lit) having
lust) gono a long journey, and the
Yankee' horse wore fresh, After
they had gone about a tulle, tho Yan
kee gaining all the time, the Morgan
man dashed around tho bend III the
road, jumped olf bis horse, and took
to the hills.
"Jn a minute or two the Vanteo
turned the bend and they too de
mounted and took after the lleolng
('onfedorate, They came up to him,
but In such a place that their number
worn no advantage, The Morgan
man leveled that six-shooter, every
chamber being loaded, and killed
"Jtlghfc here' concluded (!ol. Hterret,
"I looked at John In a plaintive man
lier, I knew John Intended to kill all
six of those Yankee with the Mix
shot in tho pistol, and 1 sort a took
!iity on 'em, I didn't say a word; I
ust looked at John appoah'ngly," llo
lesltated, and thou said: "lie killed
several of 'em and then made his es
cape, That's how I saved tho live of
at least four Union soldiers." Wash
ington 1'ost.
And Hor Hubrtd Osy Hor Cart
Bl.noh, for Expno,
"Mary," ho said, a ho scowled lit
her over the breakfast table,
"John," she replied, fearlely.
"Mary," ho said, "what kind of a
hreakfat do you call thl?"
"I call It nn excellent ono," sbo
returned bravely.
"You clot" ho exclaimed, "Well, I
don'tl I think a ilttlo variety
occasionally would ha a good tiling.
I'o you reali.n that thl Im tho third
morning thl week that wo have had
con ed beef hali?" '
"Certainly, John."
"And that we had corned beef for
dinner yesterday and cold corned beef
for supper?"
"Of couro, John, You wanted mo
to run llie house a economically a I
"Yes, but-"
"You said that the it mount of meat
consumed In t hi house would bank
rupt a hank president,"
"I know; but I-"
"And that J ought to plan with
more regard for Ibe expense,"
"Certainly, certainly, Mary; but
"1 ve been following your instruc
tions," "Hut I don't like corned beef!"
"1 know It, John," she sold in ft
business-like way, "Tbit's what
make It last so long, It keeps ex
pense down splendidly, and, if you
"1 don'tl" he exclaimed, "I dontl
Jet tliein run nut You've got too
good a biisluosN bead for anything
outside of a boarding bouse '(Jhlonuo
'i'..;i. ......
i ..I,,,,,,
Don't Wear Mr-Muff.
Ear muff are bad thing for lbs
ears, Habitual wearing of artificial
protection makes the Interior of tho
ear unnaturally warm, and on remov
ing thn mulT the cold air penetrate
the interior of the bead ami is apt lo
cause t rouble, The man who habit
daily wear ear mill? will bo curtain
to take cold In his cars should be hap
pen to forget and go out without
them, and ear-ace and abscesso are A
common result or these protectors,
l'orsistciit use of tliein is almost cer
tain, sooner or Inter, to bring on trou
ble with tho enr and possibly with tlm
bearing also (iiobo Democrat.
m otiitm.
NVAtMNtl HW 111! Vtltl
A IHOjtl 'iSSt IMUtt Sllll mitH
A rtt Ciioi I'ci
lii nttH.A Hume
A thiWl t .
t v tt i tewt,
Tbrt Olew i sAA U wl o lite,)
lit ti iftmt. He Iml lnMt hie U.lio,
sitl iiant now i " : i.mnij,
fottttd II IttOiitivenit n lo tuottv H
Hisitsiri-I bad one tlirtttba. k
place nl rw'tdottee. ll long d
and Imtiittt Itn lnf' I ttitily, w.
place td n'tdottce. H long tb
IsieefrtUtl Ibe Ml' h'tl, ett I lite let,
having In go m btr lo hie for food,
liniitdit not nUctys eitv lo Xippiy
thr needs of hi giimlittf Until)',
Oitettighl Installed down lb per.
rt'lstaiislo Ihtd something for sup.
per, lit tiiii sonmlfl thump, thump
on every step, Any one lisloSiiitit
could have Iten ril Iho putter ol hi
(id through Hie ball. Hut everybody
wo asleep. Tin' Killing room dour
stood open, A the nil pnsm he
llbtticed In, ami noticed a qiieerly
shaped bag lying upon the table, Ho
Went nearer io invest tgat it, and found
a bag of lovelv fresh biscuit nt leost,
ttto pounds! llormvnsa trcnuit) In
deed! "Abal" cried Mr. Hat, sniacking hi
lips; "I shall not. go down to the
kitchen for supper loiilgbil"
He rcllocted upon what be had
bel ter do. Ho could not, parry the
whole bug upstairs. If ho took the
liiNcuits up one nt a time, ho would
not bo able to secure all of them be
fore he wa discovered. Must he Iimo
this feast, and be content with tho
two or t broo ho could eat before morn-
Ho looked about the room, and hi
eye fell upon the open grate, bare and
li'reless. It wa only used In the cold
est weather,
"Just the tiling!" said tho wise rat,
With a biscuit In Id mouth he ran
nit the fl no, and found tlicreasplondld
biding place. The chimney was filled
wit h a bau of stra w, and behind It he
secret ei I tlio biscuits, making many
journeys, and leaving only enough in
t bo bag to provide ci hearty supper
for the young fats after hi exertion.
The next morning there wa a great
outcry among tho children. Home
one bad eaten thoHWoolblnouitst The
bag was empty I
"Mice!" declared Aubrey.
"NonsetiHe!" cried niirso. "No
mouseno, nor ten mice could eat
all those biscuit In otto niglitl"
Hut nobody Nolved tho riddle, The
rat family lived high for a week, and
Mr, Hat grow fat from finding contli)'
tint suppers at such short rouge, .
At the end of the week there cam i
big snow-storm, and t hen a hard frost,
The house wa very cold, Mamma
decreed extra lire, and Nflnry nf
up stair to build n 11 ro In tho sitting
room giato,
"Don't forget Iho straw bag, Nan
cy." said Nurse. "If put Into tho
( iiluiney to keep out tlio wind, but
you must tako it down before you
start the fire,"
Nancy pub her arm up the chimney
to pull down tho straw bag. i (no end
seemed quite loose, but the fit her was
wedged In tight, Hbe ga v a ha rd tug,
and tho bag came away so suddenly
that she tumbled over backward,
"My goodnoss!" cried Nancy,
For alter tho straw bag followed a
shower of soot, and then ft shower of
curiously shaped object, which had
once been while, but had grown gray
and thou black In their biding place,
Hut the parties feasting upon them
had never hesitated upon (hat ac
count. When sbo had examined thorn,
Nancy called nurse, who was duly sur
prised, and llioiisho ('illinium ctiu
cl reii, who added "Ohs!" and "Abst"
to suit the occasion,
I "It's them lost biscuits, to be sure!"
' pronounced nurse, "Audit' that old
garret rat that' done it-the wretch!
I hear him come t hum pin' down them
garret stair every iibdil,"
I'resontly the lire bia?,ed and roared
up the chimney, and threw (bodies of
light Into tho farthest corner. That
night when tho old garret rat came
down and saw it, bis heart sank down
Into hi tons, He knew be would have
to go all the way down to tho kitchen
again to find a supper, Hi royal
time wa ovor, Ilarjier'n Young I'eo
pie, i Physical Training,
Hoy of to day have great advant
age In their physical training over
those of even ten year ago, It I
easily within the remembrance of
l.h oso of us wtio have not been out of
college so Very long, how Iho mere
mention of football at homo brought
down a storm of patctinl wrath,
wblls unrelenting prohibition follow
ed us back to sboul The gaum wa
then an enigma, and the newspaper
added horror k to the mystery by
printing tblr ar.-ount of matche In
a manner calculated to chill tho
blood of any well-regulated house
hold, ( iradililly a Ibe sou induced their
parent to view the sport themselves,
t be prejudice wore away, Tlio game
funis favor in school from Maine to
California, and the result I a genera
tion of lad growing tip whose physi
cal beauty and licaltii'iil condition
put, ns of the last general ion toshomo.
Our JO year old stripling, say Har
per's Young People can outrow, out
run, outsivim, outride and outdrive
lis; give us point cm football, base
bull, and tennis; and happily devoid
of that sickly pallor peculiar to the
student ot oiirday, know unite ns
much, nit h tho ruildy glow of health
in hi cheek, And yi-t there are to ba
found come few that do not favor
athletic for boyi! Tlio glorious in
Ihiciii'o for good that sport hvu
on th general education and welfare
IMtuti M M(e
It tttiam i nt ii.. mm ll i
Mm Sarltt IS I t.i.4lli.
iHteill, t Jin Iri-Hitl.
Fti-.if: t'tBitii lvi.-if, ti
Vbli'l ml tl.S Int. (. ti !.!.!, t W'
Vitttiwnt Is ifitn . tut If
iiil tit t. tr I At th t t'ltntl
riittii sMV.e ftiijwtnf t,l and
til l tvt la (!,.. -l lit , , lh l tM
' I..I ttllM'd l St lit !(, h III
e be Is tt. lvt.Ui. il tiUn
.t snd liis l. te i f itv 'sr on Sll
tvt)' cmvM,. bit !'!ll ILs MttTn
hi mi o far Istivtul th etteset
. the time i f W tHistn I In vtr
iil S'f.,,! n-iing to tslin m
tbst nt utji I ttt Uto Sun. ntliirsl tli.Uti Uk
uMot'll I ''i1 tttc tTSM! ! ba
. ' Ht 11 Is trt'i il nd lnl.
ttiornittg Mil. (,n ,m jj (), rttiperor ,
veraitdn, ulii i'sltlv o!l. siHtottjin stif
In pa-s, and, ot ttti t, i!m rttlt of ri
bt bttltf, tthet Iwl ef- lit b"M Worn
tntUi't veranda i-t'letilly choeiful.
w l to wtuk iiiitVlulwrr "
til oil hi bteiiktast , JL
iirc'titistatictsnn llugir,? "
nt crow the m.iHirii""''""
but, on thi ttivesnnt i hsnto.! tha
looked tip, tjitttvl.'d ntW tha ml
lied gnawing, The crows ceil. Premier
log, end ro Ited together f,wttbilittt
itieiiti then one of the pelr tf.
into the veranda a few yard f n cw
the dog and croaked at him ei I?,.
once mole receiving no answer Inr'
growl, After nt rolling casually roui."
the veranda for a minute, to lot Jack
settle down, the bit d Implied up si
loiitly and swiltly and ga ve vho dog'a
tail a cruel nip, That was too much;
with ft howl of pain Jock turned upon
hi torment or, and crow N0, 'J, who
hod been patiently awaiting this op
poi tiiiiilyi swooiiod down upon t ho
done a ml carried It olf, You nevn'
sa w a dog wear a look of such abject
humiliation n did Jack when ho roc
ogni.od how ho hud been fooled. Tho
A Hear Btory, 1
A veteran hunter of Iho North Car
olina mountains I John Kelly, who
ha trapped score of bear, Huvoral
hundred doer, a thousand 'coon or
more, and turkey, pheasants, au4
mink without number,
"'H long go's I wa a boy," relate f
Kelly, "I lo vrned to first fin' out what
sort o' garnet 'twa 'font I tackled It. t
I got th' lesson one night when I wn ?'
out 'coon huiitiii' with my father an' ll
brother. The night wa dark a a
tur bar'l, I heard a hog squeal in a i
thicket by ft big log. Our black 'coon
dog was dud to catch hogs, an' I satdi
'Tigo ha got another hog, I'll .
go In an' break hb' of utteli
trick.' I gave Jim the light, pick
ed tin a knot, and raiubt flui dog, an
I thought, by tho nape of tho neck,
llo had the hog by Ihn fore-shoulder
pressed agin tho log, anN had eaten
seven or clghi ttfjund of fivshoutof
her back, an' she allvo an' kVkln' an'
erjiiimtin' like mad. Walt. J vot blip
hy the "i v J sum, uenmti 'mea?,' ,
foiniit tt tkil tMatt" hlt tH
blin k b'tir, Ho groKd an'b't ftt tnj W
an' w Inul a pretty lively tussel oe Wt
till Jim brought tha axe an' ft llgl. '
... - i . in. . t.- '
an atween iin we msnagonco spiii ina
b'ar's head open, I In wa a big on
weighed 41)0 pound. 'H alway well
for a fuller t' flu' out whether ho'i
tacklin' a hog 'r ft h'ir 'for ho tftcklM
A Oaoaraohloal Aoroatlo
A I ft city In Katma.
II Is a city In Louisiana,
C Is ft city In Wyoming.
D i n, city In Maine,
K I a city In Alahma,
Y i ft city in Kentucky,
0 I a city m Massachusetts
H Is a city In Connecticut,
1 1 a city In Indiana,
J I a city hi Wisconsin,
K I a city hi New Hampshire.
Ii I a city In Michigan.
M i ft city in Michigan.
N I a city In Delaware,
O i a city in California,
V i a city in New Jersey,
Q 1 a city lu Illinois,
li I ft city In yrmof)t,
H I a city tu Oregon,
T I a city in Florida,
1 I a city In New York.
V I a city In Mississippi,
W Is a city In Khode Island,
X Is a city In Ohio.
Y I a city In Peniiysylvanil
', I a city in Minnesota.
A Hoy'a Idaaa on Hraalh.
A lit tlo boy in the North Hide pubtlo
Hohool recently banded In to tho
teacher his following composition on
"Our Ilreathi"
"Our breath 1 made offllr, If It
were not for our breath wo would dlo.
The breath keep going through our
liver, our light and our lung, Hoys
shut up In a room all day should not
breathe; they should wait until they
get out of door, Air in ft room ha
carbonoclde lu It, and carbonoeldo I
polsloiier t hnu mad dog, ( Uiee so,
men wa shut up In a black hi'
India, a carbonoclde got Into that
there hole, and afore morning nearly
every one of them wa dead,
"(Jirl wear corset which sipioeze
their diagram too much. (Ilrls can
not run and holler like boy 'cause
their diagrams are sijueezed. If I wa
a girl I wo lid just run and holler o
my diagram would grow,
"That' nil on breath," Mlnuoono
li Journal.
Bxurolaa tha Horsaa.
Tho horses nood occasional exercts ,
during the winter, and a short drive
every day Is heller than ft long one
once a week. It I mistaken kindness
to walk a mile to tho postolflce when
Iho horse ha not been out of thebarr
for 2 1 hour. Hut do not let the;'
sitind for an hour or two In tho r '
without blanket while you are
sipping or trading. Drive o'terj, M
moderatuly; blaiiket,..n.'U.yjli,Wnnin
and clean olf the !,. . .
trot back, and the tr4"'-1"?8V , .
Ll,., .... ...n. ti to,,. "M etlvmmbMh
limn much lon;,i,lllwl,1)n to tuMft
strti, totM-iluti, Biwllo
v I