The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, March 18, 1892, Image 2
fulled (hut Cek IMAilfl 'ri'l'HuUoit ihtdloiduiroh, to nttAtdt th ipauno litey urn ' .. . . .i - .1.- - iirw tllliea I 111" ninniiiii (itt that til her ilimoiiil- 11 inn Miitiiir of MImouMi of MlaaUidppI, td IVihIIo- il Vlrjilnln, who wpi mil, hy Implication, lo ho tho nMnieri referred to, niadu a llvidy ck wn Captain Pratt, and ili'iiinndml penalty tor uHt'tnuei'i that tlin t,,l,l .. kil nl 1.. i la.ltliil, I. , I, till II 1 1 1 fl ,10111 HOP! Vl'l immil Bllli'li " i J reetdvni an kupvrlttlunilmit of tint (tor Haiti Inllnn mdiool, Im nirltduin from thfl Imltnn Aimioprlnlloii hill. Tim lioiimi w powerluM to riM It 1U plenaum In ny muro forulhlo way UIIIII llltn, a, 1 a'inin iinu ui'ing mi nfltwr In tli United HtiUon nritiy, liU rank unit lilmirt AN rtailtaln Hit) lieVlHld tlin rt'noh mill regulation of winjjrmf Tim mipi'rlntioulinit of tlin lnilhn clmol had tunny vnllant hifimiUi' In the homm, iowivitr, mot n wiin iioiii I ii I .1 ...I.......I.... t... I. .1. .... ..I. IIIN roiternitui ui'iuiii iiiiuii njr HnyKriiiu on Mnn'li 1t limn tint nrl(hml now )tiim' itnlmiiiMit that Dually led tliu houati to Adopt tliu iiititmdtnniit tHittlnjf oil' Ida nullify hn imperliittinihiiit. Nov eral of In ooitKi'tiNNloiml , frltnd who ilouhtmt whntlii'r tlin mperlnleiidciit It ml Hindu tlm atalenient nttiihutt'it to him In tliu Ao((liilui rri'iNillNMtloliitii ttdngrnplHd lilm to know hU tixftct , ilnolnrntloii! Tim, Bimwnr wliloli wiin Svlrtnl Imck mnl ti Iimimiiumii 1 y I'unil In W Iioiip wiu nliotil. h litul n tin) ilnnl Nlnlomtuit. My rmitBrJiN, ' tologfniilnul Captain "wi'i thitt Catholic ut in 1 1 10 puhlft m intitdi of Indian ficlioo! 4ft liitm n nil other ileimnilnA. 1 11ml 1 tin tlmy iiinlnlnlii liinnlpiilrtlo iMtUt (imi('(ioiiiinIi tlmlr jiiil'lionim. 'i'hiwo tm tint gmit'i-n itfttcuinnln, linvlitK no himrliiK whnt ever on Inillvltliiitl niionhiiri of 0011 trt'iiM. 111110I1 Ion to Mr, MniiMir, In wIiomn giuiirnl vIhwi I 00111'iir." This whk (jitltit mitmfiuitiiry lo Mr, Mniimnr, hut It wan not vry imiiiiuIIiik to miyhoily iiUm, nnil ll riMiillii hml tlm cll'iM't of oiniNlng tlm Iioiimo irniiilly to ndupt tlin ii'0oioul nniiooliiitiMt, Mr. Ilyniiiii, of IimIIiiiih, iruliiinl In tllO (Mlllllllllll'tl of tliu wliolu wlnoi Hi n coiiHlilnrntlon of tlin Imlmn npirnirl nlliin hill win riuiimi'il, nml tliu !liick on Uii'liiln I'rntt llrl hinn lnt nllit wan rcvivi'il In a motion of Mr, Mitimur, to Ntrlkn out tlin l, (mo rn nniiuul nllownnnu to ('Hpl.ilu I'rntt hn Niinrln IniiiliHit of tlin CitrlUIti niilioul, After it Uig ili'lmiti tin nml Ion to Ntrlku out whn nrmot to, lill lo H7, nml tliu oom in 1 tt tin nroNM nml rcoorlKil tlin hill to tllU llllUNU, Tlin irvfoii4 (t)iillou linvlii( lii'iui onlnrnil, Mr, J'loklur, of Hmilh I'nkotH, (Imimiiili'il 11 nuiiHrtilii volo on Hot biih'ImIiiii'I t tirovlilliitf Hint wlmn vni'fHielnii nIiaII liiTt'iifinr oncur In In ilhtrt ntfinicili' tloiy Nlinfl. Im flllml hy nrmy olllotifn ilntNllml for th duly hy t no iriiifir, nm miiumitiMoii win ftitoilml, YdaNi I t'.'i DiV, II. Mr, .Imo'iili, of Www Mmuhio, w fortiinntu toioiigh to momca (uotwilli ntniiillng Mr, Ifolmnn'ii opionIUoii) iha mt'iiihiii of aii itmmiiliiouit liKirvA' I iiT hy nliiiott I.Ood t tin Niir(ijiilntion for tliu Imllnn nnlioul Ml NnnU I , N. M, 'I'llH hill WAN tlldll pANNIIll, -"'- A HNrtli Prlet, duo of our llolimiilHn fi lKruU hill u tlii follDwItitf Nliry, whh'h, ciiKilili'i'liiif tho mlltthlllty of th Nourim, will )mnv ri'Mmtl(fi In h pliotu ottllml Kimjitfly, In tho flUUh't of I'lHtfioi, lloliiinlu, HvKNonoof tho inoiit tyiunli'iil Ihniinu (,'Hlholid (H'IiinIn mtiiioil Kvli'iiln, An tliu uliiiy i""N, tie chili "I oim of hU jKMH' imi'InIiIiiiii,n ilhul mnl th flh"i' (!llt(i MJMIU tll JU'll'Nt, ri'lJOHMld tliu iiniihI nni'vlMtNof tho (Inlliolln llllllHlll, mill it jMii'inlt to hury Him ilmul, Tho Jl lNt (htllittliihid A fun, which Ihu MMr itidii wiin uiihIiIh, tlirough iiilNfui'tniiii, to Jiy. H lofiO'iiM'il tho jichmt Ihnt ho . hml fio 11101H7, mnl that ho wan ttlimmt ' lUioiii tin nttOMiwNi'li'N of llf, havUm NiAhlo to jftit work hy which ho Jiinirf, hU fiimlly, hut proiulwid M AN N'HOIAN hll Ohftllllml WOl'k, ' vry llAlly lnformod him v tho money wan jnl4 At on' ho jini'inltUid U) hury tho llltli 11 M''N l ii, wi-iv f i iiiil, I Um OAn wiiht it tin .hovh jnmI, Ami ktuinti 1,1 ihu 1 il t, Kv lilkht. till th limit J'NIM llU'hoil I"" 4 ...... I V lOAitf Civv, uhniiio rnintfiHi, ,l.i, ,,i.l, mI i,f l!n w lH to fcimw L Ikktik lttiLf lit1 Ini-II IN'I fnl tlH'il. AU'I Vliwtl tloNi'X' 1 i Hh tmr ntf th. rltll'i nni in' fiwil horlAl tht ii")' ii'tm. Yh nhiht ho oiilin-il W w'Uh'ii to 0ltfii tho nmn ln mnl thr. Ihcin vi-r whII Into tlo liii, Thu My In iiiiii iiiiin ihu ihihiih hv ,i'" iriii'hil hy a horrlhlo I;M Yin' InmIjT of tho Unto oiu, wIiihm' I'i'I'in hml Uhui hinkin oN'ii hy tin' hill, w Aim""!' turn U Um hy tho Iiuijn. Tho fulluM' Aoiiuhl thu nmnlNti'Alu fr ivdivM, hut tlmt In iIIvIiIiiaI Infoi'ini'il him Ihnt tho olvll oimm IiiiIiihI Iaw hml 110 wininil ovi-r tho notion of a rli t, Tin' ironllomnn In forniN on thiit Ihln looiily onu of ninny nlmllnr limtAiiocN fthlch hnvn conm oiiih'r Ma oliw'i vtil loii. A New York Clurfcymnn'i Plcturn of tho City's Civil AdmlnlilrAtlon. Hnv. J)r, I'hiirh'N II. I'liikhurnt, on tho ovciilotf of Hiunliiy, l'Vhnuiry 14, pri'iichnl it vlirotoim ni'l'inni) In tho Mndlwui Hijunro rronhylorlun vhui'cli, Now York, of which ho In juiHlnr, li Im thomo lxdiitf tlio civil V'lmlnlntrtil !tn 'f tho idly, oxprofoicd In tho nontotioo, "TIn ruin Ia'aoIU'iI ml Tiimmiiny do hutnd od town." I In doriounood tho uiiyor, (ho illntrlct nllornoy, tho pidloo fii'i'o mid tho oiilh'o idly udnilnlwlni- lion, (looliirlnur Hint Now York wan timnh'ttnlty rotten. Following uro Niiiun of hU Ktiirlllntf iittoruuooN: In Un muiilclpiil llfoourcdty In thor oiiKhly rotUui. Tim ioI1uIim1 luii'ploN that, iiudor pro toiwo of ifovornlnu thlNolty, nro foodlnix day nnd nluht 011 IU ipil vorlny vIIiiIn, Thoy nro n lylntf, porjurod, rum mm lu (l, llhlilliioiiN Int. If you ooiivli't n iiutn of kocplnjf u tfinnhlliitf holl In HiIn town, you huvo ifflt to lid It 111 Hplill Of till) UII1 lllM'lt li'M. Tho ooiirt (.IctTci'Non Miirkot) In aoiiio 0110 of Un Aiihoi'illiiuloH at Imoil NtnnilN In Willi tho ymnliliTH, (irliiui In HiU city In liiiroiichiHl In our mutilolpiil iiiliiilulNtiiitlcii, Kvory oiiiivlctlnii of 11 Nalunnknnpor In olituliinlilo only thnniyli a yijunro ftuht with tho cmiNlltuhid uuthorltloN, Tho iivoruifo jniIIoo cnplitln or nvnr- iitfo iolloomiin In not irtiliitf to dlMturh A orlmlunl, If tlin crliiiliml hint mcmiN, If ho cull Imlp It, Kvory crlino lu Now York Iiiin Un jirloo. f Kvory imlldlnt! In IIiIn town In which (umhlliitf or pi'ONlltiilliiu or U10 Illicit, Niilo of lliiior In (iii'rlnd on Iiiin Immunity Noouroil to It hy h nciiIo of polloo tiixn tlou, , Th In rum-lioxotleil nml Tiiminmiy do. huuidicd town, Our (fulltlcHN (llNlrlct-Attiirncy, with tho down of miNiixpnid liiif liiuuiMnao up on IiIn hlllHhllltr chunk. Tho moNt cITcctlvn Allh'N which Mo (I lory hml worn tlio dUti'lct Al tornoy nnd the ciipliiln of tho procluct, Nidllicr tho devil nor miy of 1i!m mlnhuiN cull lie ooiiy ltt. In it trnp, Thora nro inoti in'oupylng oUhdiil plmicN In IliUclly wlurno muliltliiii HIn to dlNcliAi'iin tludr dutliiN Incorrupt llily, Hindi oxnupflimN nro duo to clrcurn MtiirinoN iMiyoiid tlin pownr of tho domh limit liilluouco In cotilnil, Kvory effort to niiiku men ronpoolnhlo, honcNt, toiiipi ndii mid Nnxunlly idoun In a direct hlow hctwi'on tho cycN of tho mnyor, Whlln wo fltilt Inhpilly, they Nhhdd mid putnuil.n l, Tim truth will frltf h ton oven ajmiIIcii. mnn, Truth would wnrn oven tho onptnln of A precinct Am) clumn tho hlimheN from tho nhIIiiw fiico of thn dlNtrlet Attorney, A iiiunlelpiil AdoitiilNtrAlliin wlurno NUpnunn mlnni U to protnot, fimtor mid propuiito iiIciiIihIInui, Olll. liil and AdinlnlntrAtlvo crliiiliml- My (hut In fllthlfyltiK our ontlro municipal llfo, Two lmportn Oecliloni, At TuMikH, Knn., on Muroh f, thn MUprcifin court hmidod down a )( Uli n In tho fpio WAri'Anto pruniiodliiifN of 1), K. Morton nnd cithr BualriNt K, Wilder mid othorN, Tho pm tloN to tho milt nro utiK kh'ildoi'N In tho Han I)l ifo Imid company, lncorwn Atid under tho Iuwn of Kaiinmn, hut ihdnir hiiNlooNN In (llfiH'nhi, Tho (IocInIoii iipliohU tlio KmixaN law, providing that at hiiNt throo dlrootJirN of every cooiiany Ire coiporaUu uudf r thn Iawn of thlNNtato nIiaII ho (dllzoim of KariKHH, Two fan- IIoiin woro conUuidln for tho control of tho 001 p(rAthn, mid thu hallot for dlroctirN rcNiilUtd In tho tdcctlon of oloven iion-ieNhh'iitN, Tim chairman of tho nioollnif declared thi'oo ri'NldenlN of Kaiinan olnctoil titwl(hNlandliitf tho voUi, mid oljfht iioii-rcNldontN who in. solved th hlifhf'Nt vot.n, Tho throw fiorHwIdiwU who hml Inmhi clootod, lait who weru forcod U ifl v way undnr tho doclMlon of tho chairman of Ujo miM tin, Irintltutid tho prooiiodlnir, hut tho court hold that thoy wore not untltlnd tornllof under Iaw, Tho capital KUx'k of tho company wan 2,000,0oo, f ,H iil !n liNnd. d down AO phi. ,M til lli'' "' "f tho lto A4i'(ttot t,.i.i k-i N. 'ao, YtiUra'i toiii'iNil li ii' II caIIn to mi!l,to Ihu HnnKd la pr t il'dutf ooli,hoiint for nil 01 Inn , And hnd hot tho dii'Ulntl id the low or mut t tut'ii Niiitalmit, tho )vnu miit.iHAiy would Imvo ti 11 d ipo lAtid. Kdwnitl 'aiiI, ntnnuif Atdi Iwtt, M iimvlctjHl llf AltNill, I Ih futncy npiH'mttl tho ci to the pivino com t, clAlmlntf that tho fall iro to ln'it In tho Iaiia law thn urtU "In thn in nltontlmy" Afli-r tho whihIn "imiitlnoil t haril lalNir" wan a IaIaI omholoii, t'hhf J nation llorloii In hu lull 11 if down tho ihvlalon HAld the Ititonlhm of tlio (miner of tho law w an AppAiiuit t tint tho oonfltti'inent pit willN'd ahould Im til tho ieiiltontlai'y, and ittnciA to that effect worn lint In viol at hut of tho Iawn or coimtltulion of tho United HIaIcn, TIiocaho will now Im npAlod to tho United HlaloA au promo court. . A Chapter F rom Hltlory. Ih'cont newN frmn VMm hdU of con tinned hoMtllltloN towardN tho IIiiuiInIi prloata nod tholr convortN In Klnnjfiv liow, Tho onllro inipulntlon of con vcrtN to Hiimnnlmii, mid chrlntlanlty, Iiiin Ih'ou uliiinflitorod, If tho lali'Nt 1 11- tolUtfcnoo In oorroct. ltlirht hero tin extract from "Tho (Ircut Amorlcnn llatllo," nAplrltod vol 111110 hy MIhn Anna Kllu Carroll, of Mnryland, puhllHliod In lWf, will provu InhM'oNtlnjf to tho readoiN of tho IV trhd In American, recalling, an Itdoca, fornior trouhloa cuiwed hy paplM In Chi mi. MImh Carroll In quoted an follow: "America In tho only nation for tho hiHt throo couturloN whom popery Iiiin had an iininoloNtod rcHtlnu: place, with nouo to hlndor Un Incredible Impudence. It hn talked of Kh Ndrltuat allolanco to im, an to 11 nation of mmIm! Why, China furnlNhoN un example of lutein Ifi'iieo on Hi Im mnltor which nIiouIi! hrlntr n IiIunIi of Nhiimo on American ineii, Tho joHiiltN hullt tludr uoiivontN chundioN, monk-hoiiHoN and nuunorloMi hut ifcttliiK Into a dlNputo unions them noIvcn uliout tholr temporal rlnlit.H, up peiilod to tho popo, When thoomporor hoard of It ho iN'ifitn to mmped dooop- tlou ahout tho Mplrltual iillhuice, and ho Nummouoil liU eoiniiilMHlniier to know what It meant. The JcniiIIn failed, nfU all their Ingenuity and Hiihlloty, to Hiit lufy tho coiiiiiiUnIimh'I'h that It meant Iohn than that tho pojio clnlmod the rltfht to govern tho IdiitfilouiN of the earth, to ho rightful owner of iholamlN and dflvo and tako thorn amIiIn royal hollnoHN pleiiMeil, 'J hen tho cniienir liiNlautly lMHiied IiIh order that every 1 Ionian Cutliolhi hlNhoji, friar, Jomilt monk mid nun within li Im empire hIioiiIiI tf 11I t within Halved tlmo, on pulnif (leatli, Many (lUnlieyeil, who wore executed mid their cliurchcN hiirned to tho (round, Tho ChlnoNo worn poaooiihlo itiul (pilet., and had (to ohJectlotiN, though harharlmiN, to papUtN womhlppliiK (hid iiccordlntf to ooiincIoiioc! hut when It whn dlHoovorcd that, they owed pl ritual lillctflmmn to 11 forcl(n power, they thought It wtmi to remove them from tho country, H Ik now rcNcrvod for froo-horn AmorlcmiN, tinhhiNod hy cdu cation, mid unawod hy tyranlN, to put mi interpretation on tholr duplicity, treachery and Intrlirii", heforo tho nrmloM of JcnuIIh, frlarN and inonkN who huvo claimed tho land and tho ehurchoN- have tolHiexpollod hy hattlc, cannon and hl(Md,""-Mary (farroll In Patriotic American. Unwiirt of Them. AiixIoun Mother! You would, not" taluly, Ixi pormlltnd to place your dmiKhtnr In a convent., ir you iioNlrod, whothoryoii nro Cntholloni' Protontmit. Tho loruiN for hoard mid tuition vary accord Imr to tho nIihIIcn nIio would purNiio, An to tho dimmer of auidi a ((ourao, there would pndiahly ho no mom than If you noiii her tottl'rot oNlant iHMtrdliitf Nchonl, and In all reMjwctN alio would Im cared for it widl In audi au liiNtltullon. Tho aaNortlon that tho iflrlN aeiit, to a convent arc all "Indkeod Ui In'ooiiio CuIIioIIon," In nm trim, Kit. Tho ahov Jn thn anawer of thn editor of tho Ifouaidiold department of tlio Toledo I Undo to a ipicat lon hy an AiixIoun mother, Wo doNfro to tako Imnuo with that editor, Proteatnnt parenlN huvo nolliliitf to fain and ovcrylhliitf hi loan hy Nendintf tholr children to Itoman (Juthollc Nehook Children who Attend modi acloadN nro taught perverhid hlatiry, they havo eonatiintly flaunted laforo tludr eynN tho emhleuiN of tho church, and In a multltudo of way tho trend of tludr though t In toward popery, Hend your children to Hoinan mdiiNilN, you aiixIoiin mot herN, at your peril, Hlen h Vlney, tho harhnrN, havo dU aolved parllierahlp, Mr, Hloe upeiiN a now ahoti At HiH north 101 ti atreet, which will ho known an American JJar. lair Hhop No. 'I, whore ho will I mi plei-d to meet nil hU frlendN, AUVKHTIHI-MICNTK Ilia rted In Tub Amkhkmn nroNurn to hrlnif a prolllahlo return to tho mlvortlNer, AmerlcanN, watch tho columiiN of IIiIn iicr I South Omaha Advertisements 3. M. 2433 ft Stmt, 8uth Omaha, Nub, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunk nnd Vnllw, arid (l, iit' KiirnUliliiNN l lit.upi'Ni lire in ciiy, i u j NOTICI Of ApwMtnt nf Aihiit ti , I t .i.t l,,9 I I ; I a it... 1 . ixiii .hii et t)t,tU itOil)l ,l.,i.H ll.nll , l l Im tl, ii.Mlil el the .0 i. I1iait- h. it, it ,vnm .1 II t Inn t l.-rt In l. tilir UI f r. t, ii.Ml.f lil tt lli fill ilV itt Mh h. IH..V (t, ,1 1'M,l,lr I'lllllt l.f t'.Hl.t.lH l,'1llll. , Ln. ti.nili- H'f t.dliiallif iili t ! i ii lit N tin , t M ..pln I i,ii,i v I ' In llii" I'ixiiiH imil f flxiiiiU einmlV V'liinafcA. Mtih , liO 'ii.til, 3 IV , li 1. 1 ,imiO .lii'lmv In 1 lt iiiHiti-t et llm tmali t I lmil' i , ilii " !' ' t en ivi rtmii mi, Nlin Hi'1 h Hit. in nf N Im (, nml I !ini,tii A hi , l.illi lltal iln (III. un i ai I In- linHiila nml mil lirlm al li,f hll liaile lni', ili-ei'awd. linrHiii 11 lil iliaili ln.i.i an liiiov i' it'ivi'.i l. la Ins inn mi liv a cvttaln ltaln nf i r ail I" il I" a lliuloiKlnii A Miix'iol lOtrr tliillaav all. h I'lmliHN llml li l (i mi tn. I will ami d Imui'iit, ami llial ln n an iliiiiiNiiti 'i mnn anil h ft Itn tins ami Jii -lt. lllnl 11. ef llii' i'tiil,' nf nlil ili-. i nw il Ih niniileil In I lull lea I, IhiiiiiIi'IA ami litavliiN Hull "lull etlii't- ami (illlliil unli r ami iii'iimIIiiii ihmv Ih. liml In Hn' .itiiiIsi , an 11111V Ih' M'iii(ni I. v llio alnlulea In aiich eaai'a inaili' ami 111-111 lili il. inli ivil, Hint A111II I. A H, law, al Id 1'rlirK a. in,, Ih. alntii'il fur IhmiiIiu anlij h i II lull, Olii'll Hll leii llil, M'li'i III aiilil limller niliv iMiir ill I lie I'nunljf colli I. I" tin Iiclil III ami fur ailltl ciiiiiily, ami uliiiw '11 1I-.1' liy Hie iniiyii- nf aiilil (nl It luml limilil lin( Imi iimiiiH'iIi niiiI Hint HuIIcc nf 1 lie iH'iiili'iicy of kiiIiI m l II Imi ami Ilin Ih'iiiIiiK llli'ivef, Im Klvi'li In lint Hrnlia mImiVi iiiiiihmI nml nil ntlier iH'tmni inli'ii'Kii'il In Nitlil Innlti-r, liy MlliUlillia liellrl' nf llil itif Cl'l'lllllll III 'I lia AMI'HIi H I ! i III (M f ii Illicit III nitlil enmity, lliirn niaa auccea nlvi'ly iiti'vliiua lii Hie lliuu hiiikiIiiIi iI, .l! V, KI.I.KIt. I ic A l.l reiiniy .linliO'. Ami . Vim w ill fiullicr lilke linHi'i'. Hint mi Ii'kk y mi 11 1 1 11 1 t I' tu I'liiileal Hie nlil iH'HHiill nf N, A. Keyea nail I I1111I11I te A, Iveya ill, (lie HlllC lllllt lllll'l Illlllllll'll fur Unit IHI MI'. till' i'lllll t limy III ynllt' lllwi'tii'i' Mimliil nit li N. A, Ivi'Vi'a 11 nil I lei 1 lot li' A, Keyea, nt1 aniiin IllllKI Hll 1 1 It I lit lll'I'WIII, HllmllllMll'lltlll'N, 11ml tuny Vl'iilil letli'l'H nf liilmllilMli'iilliitl nf aiilil I'Hliiin in miiIiI N, A, Keyea ami cliittlnttii A, Kcy nf aniiili ntlter Ntilliilile pcl'miii, nml tuny UI 11 ill the fiii'Hti'r lillivi'l' nf nnlil net II Inn, Willie. my n 11 11 1 1 11 mi 1 nti' 1 m 1 win 1 11 in inn liny nf Miil'cl .1. W, I- I.I.I K. HKAI, 11-1 1 -il I '( 1 1 1 1 1 1 y .linlne. Notice of Final Sottlomont. Htatn ok Nkiiimhka, I B- I iiiiiuIiih ('nmiiy, ("" In thn I'nunty cniirl nf liniinln ciiiiiily, Ni'liriiHliu, In Hie inn Iter nf thn calnln nf John M, Kihly, tleccinii'ih 'I'hn fnllnwliin iiiiini'il iii'f'HOiiH. In-wllt The lielt'M lit 1 11 w nml I'leilltntn nf nii 111 CKtiitn, liml nil iilhi'M iieiNiniM liili'ii'Nli'il In mm lil mitlter will tn lie not li-ii lluil, mi Hie Hili ilny nf Miuvh, iNlrj, thn I 1 mi 11I y I'oiirt nf llnimliin I'oiiiily, Neln iiHliii, itimlit to fnllowliitf nnli'i'i Ntata nr NKiiiiAaaA, I B- I iniiuliiN ( 'ninny, ("" , In thn I'nuuly I'ouit nf llnuulim county. Nelil'iialiii. Miirclill. NH, I'leannl,, J, W. Kller, I'nuuly .IikIki'. In Hin iiiiiltnr nf the cxtnle nf Jnhll M, li lily. lli'i'i'MHi'il ; I Jmiii I'l'inlliiu liml lllllllJ the liellllnll nf Ailll .1. I'.ihly, hIhiwIiiu tluit. tlin pel It Inner Im the iidiiiliiUti'iili'lx or Milil I'Nlnle, nml Hml nIiii Iiiin liiihl nil Ilin cIiiIiiin w Ii It'll ween iilloweil iiuiiIiimI an hi cnliile, nml Hint mIiii Iiiin 1111I1I I he cllllinnnf the lieli'N, mill thill the iel 1 1 Inner In nil 1 1 1 It'll lo 11 1 1 11 tut nl 1 1 u 11 1 it t' the leNlilun nml I'i'liililliiler of the iriiiei ly nf mm tt I ilntn iin I he Mile reiiiiiliilnu heir of the ilecciiMi'il iimler II111 In wm of Hie mi it 1 of Neliniaka, reitulnlliin thn ileNccnl, nf the pniiieiiy, mnl iiinylnu Hint II liny I111 Net fill' hem lint nf her ielllloil mnl Hml iiiilli'e he Klven to nil iio'Him Inter I'Mleil, iin Ilin 1 11 w (III In nml In IIiIn i'lllllt ni'ciiin iiroiier, nml thill the ill ileci'i'ti iin lo Hie 1IN11111I1I011 tn he iiiikIh of Ilin iioiei ty of Mil 1 1 1 t'Nlnle, nml Hull, the pel II loner 111 11 y lie illacliai'Kcd from lief II'IInI. iin hiii'Ii iiiIiiiIiiIn li'iili'ln, 11ml ti-ii .v 1 1 u Hint, Niieli nt Iter mnl fiiillier oiiler nml iirnccctll iiiin uiiiy he hint In Hie liieniUi'N, iin limy lie I ( 11 1 1 il hy thn Kl li 1 1 I I'M III NIII'll I'llMI'N 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 liliil I Ml I V I ' 111 I . Onleieil, Hint, A (ill I ti. A, II, Wl, III, HI u'cloek a, m lie iinnIuiii'i) for lieni'lim wit III liellllnll, when nil iieiMoiiM Inlei'i'-li il In miiIiI liiiillei' limy iiiii.. ill. Ilin I oil lily eniiil, In lie Iiclil pi liml for niiIiI ciiiiiily, nml mIihw riuiNii why thn iiiiyer of niiIiI iiellllniier mIh ti lil mil lie lii'iniii'ili mnl Unit mil ice of thn liemleliey nf niiIiI liellllnll mnl Hie lienrliiu ihereof, lie trl veil to Ihu ierNniiMiihovn aaiueil liml nil ullier iei'MiiiiN lulereNleil III mi 1 lit iniiiler, hy iiuliluiihiu not lee of HiIn iroceeil till III 'I'll M AHKMICAN, II lilWMiiiier prlliled lu on ll coillily, three weeliM NllcceNnlvely ire V Ii nix lii Hin I line liililnleil, Counly ,liiiln, Ami you will further take not lee ihu), un Ii'nn ynil lipiieiir In i'ontet Hie liellllnll nf iiiliiilnUlinlilil it), the lline 11ml iliii'ii lii iioliileil for Hint iiiriONii, ilieeoinlniiy xriuil, Ilin iniyer Ihereof In your iili-enee mnl limy Kill III Hie fin I her litiiyernf niiIiI iielllloii, NVlliMMN my hnml mnl nlllrliil Men I HiIn 01 II llliy nf Miireli, lurj, ,, W, M.U.Il, Inaai.I -ll-8 J 'nuiuy ,liiili, Notice of Probata of Foreign Will, H'f ATA or NlOIIIANNA, I lioiiithiM ( niiniy I In Hie (iiiinlv I Hint nf IIoiiuIiln CoiiiiIv. NchlHMltll, In Hie inn 1 1 er iif Hie t'Mlnle of Merlon t HtutileMM, tleceiiMeili The followlnil mimed ieronM, to wll 1 (nil II, I'llirueNM, 11ml nil oilier iei'MOiiN Illleri'Mleil In nhIiI inn 1 loe will 1 11 lie nntli'ii Hml on Hie .Mil ilny of Miiich, Nij, Hin I'nuuly ( 01111 of liniitflna ( 'niiiity Nehl iinIhi, iiiiuIc Hin follow I11N unlet 1 AT AT A OC Nr.MMANKA, I . I'oiikImm l oiinly, ( In Hin 1 'mini y I'niirl. of HoiikIiin liiiiiily, Ni'IiI'IimIiII, Miiirh ft, A, l, H'i, t'reaeal, ,, W, l.ller, 1'oiuuy .Imlfti, in Hie Hinder nf Ihu cmIiiIii nf Merloni'', HI iii ki'mn, ili.i'eiiwul 1 I 1 11 in remlliiK mnl IIIIiik Hie icHllmi of I'llllll'l II, 1 1 1 II II II , MIIOWIIIK llllll, WI'MlOII r Ml urneoM, Inle nf the County of Hull 1, 11 lie, 11 111 leillloi y of I lull, lleiimleil HiIn life lu niiIi Ciiiiiily, onlhi'filli ilny nf AiikiihI, A, I'. latin, lenvliitf it hiNt, will (imi leNliimeiil, iin Hin Iiellllniier la liiformi"! nml verily lii-lleve,, lluil. miiIiI hi. I will uml leMlmiiiuir wiim Only liloH'U, 11 Ho well mill innhiileil HN I he liml will liml leNinmeiil, of anil Mi rloii y, aiioueMN, ile,'i,ii.ei, In thn l onely nf Null 1, 11 lie, teii'lliiiy of ( lull, 11 i'iiiy nf which pur porleil Iiim. will nml leNinmeiil, nml Hm iiiolnijii thereof, In Hie Mild County nf Null 1, 11 lie, In now 1111 II In In HiIn nllleei I Im pel II loner furl her how Hml ni Hie limn oMiIm lien I li aiilil ileenunell wiim iiimtiCMNCil of I I'll I I'Nliile all unit, 111 million I mini y, Ne. hiit.Un, iipnii which niiIiI will otieiiii. M, nml Hint It la iieei..niii V Hint HiKNitme he tiiiihii Itui In 11I1I lie.l iifnitiMiilij I'niinlyi Hie peHlliiiier run iter niiowniiuii. tan 11, Piurip' I iiitmeii In miiIiI lnl will Mini (i.lninenl n fei.ilor Hieii'tifl Hm (iiiiuii of Hie only heir til, lit nf aiiui iieeeiiMeii la 1x1 11, aiuriteNH, uml Hml Hm pelllloiinr In It creilllnr (if miiIiI ealnle, niel prnvliiK Hull nil peiMoiiN 1 11 Imi ,.lt i n niiIiI eMinln in 11 y hn Only ciiittj hn rt'iUlrt't hy In w, ami iia In I h Im coin I mny wem proper, lo nliow chunk, If liny Iliern Im, why niiIiI pin poi iei I111I will 11ml I"Iiiiii.ii( limy mil en prnvetl, iilloweil nml iirolinii i hn Hie IhmI will nml le. Iitlnenl of mii hi Merlon I'', NIUIKumn, ileeeiiNiul, nml in 11 vim Hml mihIi other nml furl Iter or der 11ml priM'eedlim mny tin hml In Hm preiu Imhn HNIiinv he renulreil hv (he al n 1 11 tea 1 11 aiieli eieiiM 111 u f" nml provlilN I, lOileiml, Hml, April 3. A,l. ill. ID tl'i'lot h A, M 1 lie iiMMliied fur lienrlliK anhl liellllnll, when nil in'Ohiim Inlert.Nleil III miiIiI milder mny HtiiH'iir 11 1 the ( minly Conn, In hit lieht III iiiiiI for anld Ctniiily, niel mIiow eiillnl, ttlllll I fill ItMIWllP llf Mtl ll llt.l II l,,..,.l altnilld lint lie yriiiiltdj nml lluil nollee of I he H iiileiiiy nr miiIU h.IIIoii nml Hut henrluK hereof, In, vlven In Ihu l,eroliM iiliovn liiimnil liml Hll lilher lierwiliM liitereMletl III net mitlter, hy iiiiIiIImIiIiik nollee nf thu urn- eeelllliN III 'I MM AmcIIII.AN, H, Iienlll lief lillllliil In miiIiI ( tniiilv, Ihlt'ti weeltu Miie ceMNlvnly iirevloiiM in Hm Hmn iippiillileil, aNAI,. J, W, Kl.I.I-.lf, . Ciiiiiily .Inilgit, And Von will furl hop Ittltn noll.'t. liml tin. 1,'hm vim itiiiM iir In i'iiiiU'mI, Hm nrolmitt of aiilil will Ml lint limit ami plnee Iiiinliil4.i for 111111 piiritiM, 1 nit 1 tmii, mny ki lint, iintpro hllle Iheleof In your nlieiire llliij mHyiflllllf Hie ftirlher III 11 ver nf aiilil im IIiIoii W linen mv hnml mnl nlllrliti u itl 1.1,1 Atlt nay of Mnrcli, ,1, w, n.x.m, Ciniiil V.lielin, IK II II W. H. LANYONi M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Twnlva VKMP i'ijiiHiiiihI nritellett In (IiiiiiIim. llllll HMMlal ILIlt Mill ill'OII UlNt, JlHWllh'lIWIlllltl, (llll'M A, W, for, aUO'i'lilll ami I hleimo nIm, Oltleit hniOMd.HI Oil I A. u, U ItiftninJ ' KV f, M, Ueieni'll, !fJI I hill h'N Nl reel, telephone 747 AUKNTM WAN'JhlM At Jim Amkiiican. Call ami e u or write for pHtlculitrit, HOtlCI Of t ! f Ti t fit ClNlWA, t 111 ,,y Mitk , M.nt, I., 1 .mi,! t In l I imiwI, IHiiIlt iif IV.iH'U IVlH'll, jit.. 1-11 In tin .Nint nf Km nhf i,f lUik ti,i it-, i,,l I .e t"Oelli tiNliieit , t"Mi.k In II , ('ii f III,.. A i ,l Um.i.h.. Ma,Nit all iiiin l , ,,., l,,i, it .i,, m uniii i, . .ii,, miltlflln, i,u. i ll,,l ni, (1,1 il, iin ,,) W .,, , (,' l,i I itiuill I titiH nl tKemlMM leilel) Ni .mV. Ina-H' till- f'll.'lt' null I! i I iiiil Hmn l.iiiilM nuinl Nil in-V In lie l,,Ml li t ef Hie i .lalu nt I laid Wiaa. ?nn nil a-d ; Unllil ih ilny nf Mah h, wt, ttilt tealli f raine nil t,i In ni lim tin I he ininiim nf amnli , WiHiilmaii. i i. mm mi,ii.iIi t In an af It'lell t llln f el Hi Hie (IuiiiiiIm He n fi f,ti an niilei i n i,in, Hie Hmn nl,in wliteli ereilliiiin liitnlil l Hlhiaetf t.i pi, , ni ih, n elnliii aunliio mrIiI i vlnie, ami. II aplM ailni In the t i.iiil tiniii mhIiI NAlilatll llial II wmilil li Iwnetieinl In ihet in plan! in li i li iiloii nf mini, II In lierehy eniilili n il nr ih n il ami ailtmlili'il Dial the time alihln hl, h nil in , III, n .hull . nl.,i.. .i ,m.. ai ni Hu ll etnliiiN ailHllinl -iilil t tnte he. nml lln- mini' hen. , y In i inli i In the Brl day nf .Inly, INI'') II In funlier nrderi'il. aithetueil ami itn creed thill nilil (ltl tin nf .Inly Ml (he linnr of lilm. a. in., iif Miti.l tiny In., nihI Hie Name lietehy In aiMilliletl H I lie lime for Ilin lid" neninlliili Mini nlliiwaiiee nf elnlm iiuiilnl naltl elnle, Otili, n il, ihnt linllni liewnf lie !llillnlll'd III THN AMKNII AN four Wl'l MM 111 li, In July ImI, I Mil J, 3, W, 1 1,1. Ml, I 'mint y .Indue, And you will fiirlhel Hike liollee Hint nn en , yon Hipenr and ini Ment ymir eliilm al the lime nml plnee for Hint pur pue, milil i'IiiIiiim will In- Inured fnini further ctinnhleriitlnli In tlin II li n I aelllemeiit nf anhl eat ii I e, WllneNM my linntt mill nltlclitl aenl Ihla Mil tiny nf Mnreli, I mii J, ImNAI.,1 ,t. W. m.ld'll. il-ll-4 t'nioity Jildio'. NOTICE Of Appointmont of AdmlnlitratHx. Htatn ok Nkmiiahka, HnuidilN I 'nuiily, ( In the ('niiuly court, nf llnimlna cnimly, Nchrimkit, Miuvh IHh, A, II, III Hm liililtel' nf Hill cnluUi nf llllllN A, iluhiiMiiii, iieeeiiMeii : The followlliK limned IH'Imoiim, Itl-wll : Mllell .1, .lohiiNon, A ii 1 1 In l' .hiliiiMoii nml Curl ,1, JoIiiimiiii, mnl nil oilier perNtiiiN Inleri'Mtetl In miiIU nmller will dike nollee Hmt, nu thn IM Ii tiny nf Mnreli, mic, Hm County court nf HiiiikIiin cnuiity, MfhritMkit, iiutdn Hm follow Inn orilei'l atata or Nkmiiahka, I m HoiikIiin County, (""' In the County cniirl, nf tloiiKlna counly, NehriiNkn, Mnreli Illh, A, ), iMtij, I'leaeiit,, J. W, t iler, Counly .IiiiIkii. In Hm mitt ler nf Hie cat ale of 1 1 hum A. John aim, deceiiMetl: I pun reiullnix nml IIIIiik Hie petition of Mr. Itlll JoIiiinoii nIiowIiik Hint Hm pel II loner In the widow of ileeeiiMetl, mnl tlinl. niiIiI lie ceilNinl ilepiirleil HiIn life III lliei'lly of (llnllhll, nu Hie HIn dny nf l i'hriliiry, A ll. Imii'J, leu viiitf no IiinI will nml 1 1 ' ii 1 1 ii'ii t . mnl Hml miiIiI ih ceilMi'tl ll letl poMNCNNed of rent Mini perNOIinl I'Mliile to he iiiliuliilhlereil, nnil Hint, the i'mII mnled mine of the pernoiuil property la VfKl or HiereiihoiilN, iiuillhiil Hm iiiiiiii'M, nun nml plnee nf reNhleiiee nf the helm III. lit w and lie I nl' kin lire I Klleli .1, .lohiiMon.iiKe il yen I'm, reahlliiN III Diiuthli, NehniNkiu Annie K, .It ihu Nou, MKi'd 'I yeni'N, reNhlliiK In omnhit, Neli I'llMkill Curl .1. JiiIiiihi hi, liuell a ninnllin, renhl I li if lu I'liinliii, Ni'IiiiihI, a, nml ptiiyliiK thill nil piil'NiuiN Illleri'Mleil In aiilil iniiiler uiiiy he duly cited nccnnlliitf lo In w nml iin the court lleeuiN nroper In nliow ciiiinii, If liny t here lie, why Mitltl pel II loner nIioiiIiI pot, he unpointed iiilinlliUlrnl rlx of the enliile nf nnhl ih lim'tl, mnl icu y 1 ti u lliiil Niieli oilier mid furllier oiiler mid iiltieeedliiKN mny hn hml In Hm preniUeM, iin mny hn ri iulri il hy Hm nIiiIiiIcn In niicIi ciini'n miide nml prnvhled, unlereil, lluil. April L'n, A, II. m. (if, to n'clnck n, in,, he itMMlmied for hemlim anhl petition, when nil peiHtiiiN InlereMled lu mii I I liuilter limy iippenr nl. Hin Cniinly cniirl, In he held lu mid fur mii til counly, nml mIiiiw en line why Ihu priiyer of mii Id iiellllniier mIioiiIiI not, Im uniiili'ili nml Hint, nollee of Hm liemlency of niiIiI pelllloll li ml the lienr hill Ihereof, lie Klven lu Hm perNon ithovn liltiued liml nil nlher peroiiM liileri'Mled III am lit milder, hy PuIiIInIiIiik nollee nf HiIn pru- i (lluil III Tuk Ahkmican, a neWNpiiper prlnletf III an Id county, three weel(N mui'i'I'm Mlvi'ly prevlmiM to thn Hmn iijiptiliiletl, I w. i;i,U';h, nkai,1 Counly .Indue, Ami you will furlher dike nollee, lluil iiii Icmm yuu iippenr In cnnleNl, Hm mild pelllluu of Min, Ifln JohiiNiiii nt, thn Hum mid phien iippuliiled for Hint purpiiNC, Hm coiii l, mny lu your iiIini'Iicii itppoliil, anld Idit .lohnnon nr niiiun other nulliilile pernoii iidmllilMl rut rl X, mnl mny uriiul. ledei'N of iidiiiliilNlrnllou of Nil Id I'Nlnle lo Nil Id Idu iIoIiUnoii, nr niiiiic oilier Nulliilile jierMiiti, nml mny urnnl tliu furllier pi nyer nf ti lil pelllloll, WllneMN my hnml liml oltli'hil aenl Ihla llth flay of Mnreli, hut ,, W, ,,,:U, HKAI, !l-ll-il I'nuuly .IuiIkk, NOTICE Of Appointment of Administrator, Wllh thn Will Annexed, Ntatk (ik Nkiuianha, I M lluiiulliN Cniinty, ( In lim Counly court of (liiiiuliia county, NehriiNkn, Miiirh II, A, II, law!, lu Hm milt lee nf IheeMtnln of .IiimIun Con nul Meyer, deceiiMedi 'I'hn fnlhiwInK li n until peramiN, fo-ll.l ThereNit Meyer, Alfred VV, Meyer, Henry Meyer. Ilerl hit I';, HtelTen, mid nil other per noiiN Illleri'Mleil In nuld mnder will Hikn nollee lluil tin Hie Kill dny nf Mnreli. Imih!, Ilin Ciiuiily eoiirl of IiiiiikIiin ciiiiiily, Nehriiltii, iiiiiiln Hm followlliK oiiler: Ntatn or N i iiiuhka, I u liuuiditnCnUiily, ( ' In Hm Counly' court nf llnimlna county, Nehrnnkii, Mnreli 11, A, II, IH1CJ, I'reneut, ,1, W, I', Her, ( ounly .liiihdi, I n l he nml ler of i hn fMl nln of .IiimIun Con riul Meyer, deeeiiNetl : I pon remlliiK nnd lllliiu Hm iielllloii of I'liiirit'N K, lliirinenler, nIiowIiik thai hh III .IiimIun (oiiriul Meyer depnrletl till life In (he elly of Huiiilut nu Hm Vlh tiny of April, lU, Imi vlntf n liml will mnl I.cnI.iiiiiChI, which wiin pi'iiliiiletl In Hll court,, li nppeiirM from Hut reciinlN, mi Hie I II It dny nf ,liiim, mii, nun nun n t ii i nr iitlmliilMirnllnn were limn InmuiuI In llotierT, lien I, who tiled on the ImI, uny nf .lliuu, M',i, wlilioiil IiiivIiik inii'le lliml Nfl I lenient nf nii Id eMlnle, nml lluil dm iinmeN of Hm heir nl I ii w it l. ihnt. Hmn were it fn owi Mn rln .,lfrhlit Meyer, now Miule K, llurmeMteri Teretui Meyer, Ilin inolher nf (In eeiiMftlj Alfred W, Meyer, Henry Meyer, MerHilt l' NlelTenN, mid plliylllK llllll, he Ihu pel II loner, Cluirle . lltniiienler, limy hn Iippuliiled lelinlnl-lriilnr, Willi Hm will (tn neneil, of I hu el n I e nf niiPI ileeeiiHed, Ii nil lluil nil peiMoiiN luleiKMled In nnhl nmiinr limy tin duly cllnd iin Hut litw dlrecln mid In HiIm I'oiii t Meeiii proper, nml mIiiiw ciiiinii why Hut liniyer lu Nnhl iielllliiu eonl itliu il nluitild not he tiriiiiled, iiiiiI priiyluK Hint, miii Ii other liml furllier order mid priH'eedliiw mny he hml In thn preuilM.M, n mny he i.-t 1 1 1 1 1 I hy Hm nl nl lite lu NUt'h cnneM luiele it ml ItruVhled. drdered, Hint April III. A, l, IHW, at. Hi u'cloek a, (iin Im iimmIhui i) for hemliiK anld pnllHou, When nil perNOUN lnlernNe( III Mild mnder limy iippenr ni Hm Ctninty court,, lo hn helil In iinu for miiIiI einnily, nnd nliow ciiiinii why Hm prnyer of Niihl imHIIoiicr mIioiiIiI mil. he ( 1 n n leil Mini Hint notice nf Hin pendency ufiili iielllloii mid Hie henrluK Ihereof, he Ifl ven In Hm tieraoii nhuvit iiiimeil nnd nil oilier nernnii lulereleil lii anhl iniiiler. hy IiuIiIImIiIiik nollee nf HiIm prni'eedluil In I'll Nl Amkiiii 4, a iuWHiii.r in t n l '! hi nnhl citunly, three week NiiecuMNlvcly iirevlou tu Hm Hmn iippuliiled, J, YV. (1,1,1,11,,) I'ouiiI y ,liultf(i, Ami you will furllmr liikn nollee, liml un h'MM yuu iippenr tu coiiIunI. Ihu mi 1,1 pelllloll of l.hni'li'M l;, lliirmenier nl, l.lio Hum mid plnee iippuliiled for Hull purpiine, die eon (I mny lu your nline nee itppnlut miiIiI ( luirle K, llurmeMt.', nr moiiiii oilier nultithle pernnn. inlmliilniriilor, wllh Hut will iiuiiemiil, inel may Kinnt lelleiN of A'lmlnUI i n I Inn of anld eninle In nld Chnrlea 10, lluriiieler nr annul nl her nulliilile iierniin, mul mny Ifrmil, I Im furllier nriiver of anld liellllnll. Wll nen my hit ml Mini (iltlcllil aenl Hit (Mh day of Mnreli, mt. ,1, W, 1,1,1, I'll. mkai, il-ll-a I'ounly JiulK". Lka' Notice. In tint Hlhl rlet Courl, In nnd for tioiiiflii Cnunty, Nehiiinktt, l,l.,lti Ni'Inoii, philiillll, V. ( hitlle .', Ni'lnoii, defeildmtt, To I liitrli'M If, Ni.miiii! Von lire herehy iinlllled lluil. on thn Sled dny of I'ehriiitry, A, II, tWi I,I,,Ih Ni'Inoii llh'll M pelllloll In I he HlMlrli't ( llllll of lllillK In Cniinly, NehiMMklt, niel eiiiiiineiieeil n it net Inn therein ihiiiIiihI you, Hie nlijeel liml prnyer nf I Im aitltl pefllluii heliix (oeeurnii divorce f iinu you on Hm innuml of iiliiinilun iiieiil, Mini fit! I u re (n auppurL, uml nine in neeurti tn ,tli plnlullir dm eunOiily and elim'Kn nf Hm ehlhli i'ii of nnhl iinrrliiKii, Amy l.-.n.,,, ,, ,,. iti.i ,,',m,ll, Von aril rt'inilre'l In hiinwiu nld net II Ion on (iriHTorn siomuty, tliu llllitlfiynr April, A. I), im, U-!K)-4 LJ,ZIE NKLHON, 7 fclw, I e Ixii mil r t IVll! I , i . inl I ill . ,.iu,it ll nil lee I lH l llllu,Ul I M ,.l nt Ut tvl .,l ,., t(.l t mi In II,,. I III i I U.'-tI m I eiii.i 1 Silik mil nl am li)i ei"i ny iti I IImiI m natil null f 111 Mll M full., , l,i a ii I til UUe tn l,. k i,i t.lie.tlM',1 m ien In n ,11: In On IH i.f I . ii i,. IvitrU H Nlnli of i l.iMk ltlft i,,.tt,.H e,. ,i l In. nnhi of UiHi i; ill ,,,iUi ' li I !i lielumi hi, (i mm le u I en ilnilmn ,l.' I". .',"-1. wlih li..i,1 fniMi lie ll tint if i pu-inla I, A l M"I linlll Jiaiil. I.elln r III, aei lnlni iinti aeemilltig In a linlLtm el 11 tel. IV. 1 ,1 jj, iUsid!: ! llHIll li I I, .nil In IVmnH. al II N, piemla i tenn, A 1 1 mii, In im Until n. I Ion linn nnd linn. i ad li, a hen In llniilnli Antlet" a idaliil lA, ami V I ,k i. t. e .l,el Otnalia, Ni I'la-ka. l if h IH ! itti'lo. A HI.SM.TT. aiirllff of llniifln" I lenity, .Ntlnn.lll II'. Hat luliir, al mi ley. II A Miarlft I 8l. Hy ltlne nf an eider nf a1e lnne. mil nf tlie HlMtilel I'niirl for IVniBla I'milily, Ne. Iiianka, and In inn it I reeled. I will en I lie lilh tlav nf April, A 1 1, I""?. a In i'etli A. W it anltl liny, Nl the Mar fnntl ihmr nf 1h nimily Coin t Home, In I he Illy nfOmnlia, laniiiliin ISinnly, Nehtn-kn. n.ll al liuhlle H ml ton the ernin'riy demrlla'd In ld nlder nf mile an fnlltiwn, Inwlt i Lot oltfhtei n illlih'k one hundred neven teen (llfl III lliei'lly nf I lortin-e, tNiuiilna Cnutily, Nlnle nf Nelirankn, tn adfy llniilnli Amleii'M Hie nu in of eluhieen ilnllam iH i" tmltOiietll, Hint lueiil v-nlie T.I-IHI thilllllN iMI.tli ennl, with Internal Hieri'uii (nml I In 'J I -I ilny of M.'ptemlHT. A, l. Hu. until pnhl. Inifether w ll h neernliiit eoMtn Hi'eiirilltnt lint llldllllll'llt rendered liy the IllMtrlt't ( ollli of nnhl llouulilM Cniinly. nl It Nentelnlier term. A, l, latu. In a certain neilnti then nml IheHi IM'tnlliiK, wherein I Ii il t Ii il i Auderea waa iiliilnlllt. nml , nt luin llntivmnunt ilefeiiilinil, Uuiiilut, NehtHMkn, Mnreli Id. Iwrj, (l:ul((iK A. IlKNM TT, Nlierlff of INhikIiin Cniinly, NehrnnkN I. . Iliiehelor, ittlnriiey. il-ll-fl SherifT Sale. Hy virtue nf an nnler of ante lnMiied out of Hie IMMtrlet Court, for Ihiuuliia Counly, Ne hriiMkii, nml tn me directed, I will on the I. 'til ilny of April, A. II., Nrj, nt III o'cliM'k, A, M nf Niihl (I ii v. tit Hie KiimI front, tloor nf Hm County Coiiil. HiiUMe, In the City nf (liiiiihu, HoimliiM ('ounly, NehniMkn, Nell at, puhllu imi'l Inn the pru'perly tleMcrlhed In anld order of mile ii followN, tu-wll : Lot nuinher live (ft) lu hloek niinilier Ave (ft) In l.ynuin Place, un iiililltlon to tin' City of I IiiiiiIim, iin aurveyed, plnl leti nml recorded, mnl Nltuiitn In llouulilM County. Htiile of NehniMkit, to mii I Uf y Cliiirle W. I.yiniin Ihn miiiii of t wn h ii ml i t'il iilneiy-i'lulil tm-lnn tlol I il I'm nt .'UH.tMli, Jnditiiient, wllh Inleri'Ml llieri'iiu III. elitlil (Ml per cent, per minimi from Neplein her lil, A. I), laid, nml thirty-nix IM-Iiki dnllnr ifcKl.lW) com! . with Inlerenl therenn frnm Hin UNI tiny nf Heplemlier. A. I), laid, lint II pultl. ne( her with itcerulnu ciimI iiecnrtlliitf toil , in 1 u mi' 1 1, rendered liy (he IHatrlcl, Cuiirt.of nitlil HoiikIiim Cniinly. nt Hn Hentemlier leriu, A. I). IMUI, lu n certain itellen duui nnil there peiidliivr. wherein CliiirlfM W. I.ymmi wiim plnlntllV, mid (liiMtiive A. f'Juiel, John Me A rtli ur nml l.oula W, Huuller liml ulliera (lefeiidiinlM. (minim, NeliritMkn, March 10, IMir!, UKOIOJK A. IIKNNKTT, Hherlff of lloiiulna County, N'ehritMkli. Ilreckeni'ltlue, llreckeiirhlKU iV Crofiiol,, lit lorneyN, l.yiuiin va Vullnicr. el al. ,'l-lt-ft , "sVeHrTsaliT " Hy virtue nf mi tinier of mile ImmuciI nut, of Hm I Mnl rlet Court fin' IiuiiuIiin Cuiuily, Nn hriiNkti, mul lu me illrecled, I will, on Hm l.'l li tiny of April, A. Ih, InU'J, nl Klo'cloek A. M. of Mild day, nl. Hm KANT front, door of tho County Courl Hoiim', In thn City of Ouuilui, liouulii Counly, NeluiiMliii., nell nt pulilln litiettou the liroperly ileMCiihed In Nitlil enler nf hh In ii follow, to wll l l,ol iitiinher U III) In hloi'U niinilier live (ft) lu l.yinnn Plnee, mi iitldlHuii In HinCllyof (lliillllll, IIM Hlll Veyi'd, llllll led mid rei'olilell, nml Mlluitle lii llouulilM Counly, Ht it In of NehritMliit, l.iMiilUry Cluirle W, l.ynuin thn miiiii of Hired hundred lltlrty-iilim l:Mnodol Jiiilumeiil, wllh Ililert'Nl, I hereon 111, eluht (M) per cent, Iter milium from Heplelu heral, A, ii, IniiI, mid IIiIiI.v-nIk :im-ii ilollnr iMIlai cumin, with Inleri'Ml lliereon from Ihn ilny of Heplemlier, A. H, Hd, until ptild, toKelhcr wll h necrulniit cohIn iiccurdlntf Inn Jiiilidiienl. rendered hy Hie HIhI rlet. Courl. of miiIiI lloilidiiMCoUnly, nl. It Heiileuiher term, A, H. Mil, lu a cerdiln ludlnn (lien mid Iliern pi'lidlm;, wherein iNmrte VV, l.ynmM wiim , iiliilntllf, nml yVIIIInu 1 1 in it . (IiinIiiviiA, Kiiuel, IiIiiiIn W, Nnuller, John MeAl'lhtir and oilier defeudlllllH, Omaha, ftehraakii, Mnreli III, ldr,', HI'lolKiK A, IIKNNKTT, Hherllf (if I'ouuliiN Counly, Neluimkil, llrei'keiirlilue, ilrcckeurhlKU At (,'rofool, lit- tiirney, hyuimi v lloiiu, el, nl, 2-ll-ft Sheriff'! Sale, tUider mid hy vlrluu of au exticul.lnii on triitiMerlnl, ImnuikI hy I riink K, Mnure, Clerk nf Hm ilnlrlfl Court In ami fur Hoimln County, NehriiNkn,, upon u Juiluini'iil, nf Ihn ('nuiily Courl In nnd for anhl Cnunty, nu Ihu 7lli dny uf .Iniiunry, I nii;' In fiivurof (leoiKn W, PerkliiN, nnd nuiilnni, ,1, K, Itlley, nlriin Mi'i lpl of which JiiilKiueiil. wiin on Hm I'llh dny nf ,1 ii iiiiit ry, nii;, duly Hied nml ilnckeled in Ihn lilnl rlet Court, wlllilu nml for niiIiI County, I lutvii levied upon Hie followlliK (leNcrlhed real I'Nlnle iin Hut liroperly (if the anld ,1, l' Klley, l,n-wll,l 'I'hn iiudlvhled rine-luilf f'tj) nf lid, "!"ln f f it wn I I'm itihllllou to okiiliiimn, llouiHn County, NehniNkiu nnd lo! twelve il.h In McHluiiie' muIi-iII vision uf Hm uorlheitNl, onn iiuirler (n e ii)of Hie nouHieiinl, iine-iiuirler (N it 'tt) of necllon im, towiiMhlp l(i, rniitfti 1,1, I jimI., eonlltllilllK live ifn ncreN more or I"mm, lieluK lihteknuii (l)Hhrlver I'lnre, eonlitlnliiK tweniy-nU ('ili liil. liumlicrcd frnm nne (Ii In twenty-Nln (Mi liieliiNlve, helntf nu inlillllou loilie CHyof (iiiiiilut, HuiiirliiN Counly, Ne- uriiMKit, iinu i win on nut uiiniiny ur April, A, i, iM'.rj, ni pi o'ldock a. M. of niiIiI dny, nt, the KAHT front, (lour of the Cuiuily Court, lliiliMeln lliei'lly of Mini lilt, IiiiikIii('ouiiI V, Meliriinkit, wll I he Inlerenl of ,1, l Klley lu llllll In Mil 111 rmil I'Nlnle, nl, pulille ll lie 1 1 1 ill It l Hie hlidienl, hhlder fur cimli lo Miil.lhfy niiIiI imcf hi Inn, (lie itiuouul dim Hiereiui ' lielnii all huudred llfly-lwn .Vl-pm dulliir (liimiiKt'N, Ihren tre-IUOilnllnr (if.l iriieuntn, Willi liilereMl.on lioihof nttld iiiiiiiinilN from .In n uiiry f. NH!, tiiuelher with nun mi-IKl (Inllnr (l,(Vn Incri'iiNfil comImiiuiI accriilint cunt on mii Id writ, (iiuiiliii, NehriiNkii, Mnreli lo, IW!, dWiUOK A, IIMNNKT'P. Hherlff nf IIoiikIiin County, Nelniinka, Mwlt.ler k Mi'lnliinh, al toruey, J'erkliiNVN Klley, ill I ft notTce"''"""""'"'" For Creditor to Meet Administrator, Ntatn or Nkiimamma, I M lloimlim Cniinly, lu the c.einiy Court, of OoiikIii f'ouidy, NehniMkn, I u Hie nutl ler of IheitMtnle of Nnney llouck, deeeiiMt'dl The fnljowlntf unliicd perwuiin, lo-wll: M I), lluiiek, hull) 3, K, lliiiick, CIiiin, ll, Kidney, A lllut ll, Kidney, John O, l,uuioill, nnd Cliint I ,utn,illll . tiiul nil ntlier Iiki'hiiiih llilet'entfill In ,.i,l ..,.,,,. uitt tl,.. ....ti,,,, llit.l tl., u,,l liuiiKiii county, Nitiirunwii, nuiuti tiy mfrriw. Im ofileri ("V lln In Hm ruitllerof HmenlitMiof Nnfl I'Miek, fleetinnetl NiiHen I linreliy id ven. Hml. Hit'creilllor of anld deeenneil Will meet. Hin lelmliiuiriiiur nf mild entitle, hi fote nut, ( ouiily ,lu lnn nf le, hi fote me, Ciiuiuy , nf uiiiy, Nehrnnkii, nt, tlm ('iiunty i lu anhl Counly, mi Ihn 2nd Uny li'!, on Ihn anil dny uf July. Hm 2nd dny of Heplrniher, wf llllll 1 UN Clllllll I liliil, Kooln I iif May, IniiU, lif.a. nnd on Hm 2iiddnv of Heiilntiihi Hi ll u'cloek A, M., eitch Any, foiyllm luiriinnii lit preneiillnif lludr elnlm fiir'umiiuutlluii, iitilUMl uieni. min minwitiien, n iiiiuii im n, lillowetl for the credlOir tt ni'enl, I heir cliiliuN, undone yenr fur lleeliiiliilniilor In net tin nu hi iinI nln, from Hitmldiiy of March, imi (III notice will hiyiniiinitei ''HM Amkmican, for four fMinu i.nnlvely, prior til t hit and day of Mny J, W. KI-f.Klt. , "nuiily JiiiIkii, kn iiiiHen Hu,i ,,. And yuu will fur Ikmm Vint t, unci, tin your elnlm m, nu, time nnd plnee t,' il fur dnti III, , UM '";; .". . . , m I... .,M..,i m.... t""". aiilil I'liillnn If "" " '"ii luniie till H.II nlileriulon llual anlHemniii, of nnld UHtlltll, Wldii'M mt ml and ofllelal en ihinjnrt (lay of Mnro lKl , il-l dmnuy JiiiUii, O. MAUL, Aucceaaor to Drexel k Mitul, dertaker and Embalmer 1407 rnrnam Klront. J'u - Wtt OMAHA, NEl "Jt TTnO la f 'nC . J. MM