MERICAN, 4 WHtir HtWHWtH, JfMM fOf AMtRWAHII,"- W kill tfrnt ntWM ' 4mwiMM M'Jmi uwf'f4rrt ftt tA CtT fffm tifffAtiHt n mmhtl wiwim In w ri met nvi aurs. OMAHA. NKHUAHKA.'pinAY, IT.MHUUY 20, lhtt'2, Nt'MltKH 8 THE t - , nm a, t, a, N W H'llIlM ill mium P ' "' """ v. ley an effect to pelimlate or riwtiiinli lim old KiMir"ii!eiit parly, MHO, t In kllOWII N IlKI A. I , A., whtnb w iiil'i4 to toeait tint Arlll J'tH'fllVtt MINllllti, Will Iin for iu obH't tlm building tip rf MlHi'tiy Ainui li'ttif P"rty In i;HUlim tn nit iff ttfti Inn ft ')(. H I found iwi upon ilM 'imr nir t Mtgliei tonal lHm, r.lH,".1,ly. ','!" vmm to Um Calli'ille iImm'i. I' w.fiif Ui "No Cuthntt" Need Apply." Tim g wlvnM'W'1 In "Jium and IHralurM to tolerate tlm pronerlp Hon n any elan or naUmi "U '"'"l"' th i'ulliWi tlmy jirnfen, Inn old JOiiiwiiofliliig pmdy had llnday, and for M Hum) kim powerful, tint It coe lMrt himI H i'Wtrt ww wlnru(1 'if iMimi'm I uriy mf thlnif (ili'ttrly mil t,i III tll Alll'U'll!!'! ml'i'l - w, V,tt.1 "' fitf((rti fwiulmn, 1" "'I jnrviii'y itiitii liiwn H(lit wit;lili ivi U4vu,iUiit t,Ahn MmU'H ftf I, In own fii!l4'r"'i i4 n'HM i'lwt ' IIMIMM llllll Mfttlll. W HI "' wiiMiniwn' vlw(m riilllm, wt w '( (lot Dim kni'lit'C ( ruc lrl.ltnri '' W!,ii(Mt, nml-li who wmiliJ t"(iy U lMf tlin fllit f fullul'm friH'iloiii, U not wuf'tliy mi"l fllit fur' liliicMilf- tio ollUi!l'fMi?li'i 1"''' "vw iiniNt w lw muwtu In thU w'unti'yj llui'rtnll ficii ma fi'.i4- liiJi'rt llui lwlliit Id muniru Ui vi'y iltlim, imtlvu or imtiimlW, unit no (tlii'liliimimnt of tli mwliUti on wviuni of twin, ttolor op rlli7lnHFMiV"i,lwniHli 4 ' Wliy wloiil'l notuf 'ftilioll'i lnMtl1 to .ll tl)M iillil'iil flnrli4 of othor )' 'fiottifrmtloiiity VVIn'ii one noun try w ' In lf''--"Whn Mm duck I'louil of witc lnoilf iVrtvy on oiic nouUinrii IxirilHi', wl'.n wuc III ftll IU liorroM rmiiw ftii'l wi' fiivIM I'ttlly iirt ' flio, Willi mow I'MDly to iv tlmlp nr4 In ilijfmiKti of tliw union ttml tin' oimtl tulfoii tlmii tlm li'lwli ml tin (Jdi'imifi !iliolln' Old not tli jmiiil"; if tin. !Htlnllo oliui'ifli ooup out tliolr lil'i lib wat"? on nv'Py lttlillnlii In foe f.mxtiof tlm Ui'cy m Ilium of mil' ruttlon wlltyy Ji'i'wii th llt to Ui Kiilf ffinn tint AllitiiU'i to J'liollk on inoiinlttln itiiil In vitllywliHi'y..i' ii-o Iiii'ikI or Imnop wtw vi tin won, tlioro :i,liolli Mood mlnld wltli l'rotiiil 1looiUnd iJ'tfHllior mitdu vloliry mmmu umi tii union of Kt4i it llvlnu fwit, nd now wlin vlj'tory lnonin, itnd llto union WlHVH, who n III ll'lt W) In A,mUm to lml ii,i iolf,lil'l'i.l ifloim jiwty to d"iiy to oiw rilmw mi worn) lint'l lifMdirllko Mi nil. To tint diiiiiH'i'wy fvnrywlinrn w la ..... I . . A it A 'u buij.Nii V filoiin, Join no miiTiit onl-li l"d jiolltl fittl i-ii'yi lint kiinji tlm old diiionit.lo lnoninr flyluK In tliimlltlitof Intuvnii, tint loulili'iii of iiml ii'l tw JiidtliMi f mil with iM!lil irlvili'i(i to wim. Vruu mm!, Urn n and truu wilt- iilll, tOld IO MltHIIKlJlIK lllllttlllM wltli miy n'iy who ninkn Idi tli ' r ''tl Jm" 'I'l'ltU fid ii'lAtton in'ny fllll iVO l44i III tlm wient, HVOII 111 Mix koiii'I Vulliy, Imt If no, w hoi no lionoi'f'iit will m found In tlm rnk of a iirn.n fwnlimt Hiiy ri'll(loim liody or .(luof iili,(,'iim, hmm',m',y numb no (lurk idowft, no mmrut wnioUvw, no Ixfiind old liitlon, no Htflit fmnUil our r lull Ciillnill'w on WMioniit of tlnor rn ilKlou fitltli, no Oioti.oii to fomltffi min nMmm, Imt u fr Imllot, fnlr ,.i..,H.iii mi1 mi liiriiMt (ill 1 1; I,, wltli H mirriidrof oKlon wli!ii difiiH.ld.-'.MIi'. i ii o l Vill"y 1 1""1- Wdonot know wlmtlior thidltir of tlm Tlnnm wroUi tlm uliovii m tlnlo or not, It I Umly ,'ow.lMy tlnttltflld nt MnmM from hU hmn, It umy li Futlnif Mnll'T uwM It If li dl'J fiot wi'lto It, for It lionlitln uliont tint muiu'i ft"fi n ttur nnuku iw tlm urtlnlofl tlm idUiim of Omulnt nd Houlli OnmliH. wim rmU4 to liwt full, (ii tUu flrit imwdi tlm writer miyn Jni fiot)i!iK mi nfforl to r'tttMJh tint old Kiiownotliliitf iwty of yititrx ntfoj tlittt tlm fiiovoiimnt of todtty Ik known rut tlm A, l' A,i tlnit It In a utrlntly A mfoU mn wly In iojioltlon Ut nil fondun hum i'lt.l.oii mid tliut t Kornur ton U "ndloim fimittlidifin," ,lfow iintruu ill, fjwufrlloim m' tlm idtl,'!im of liulottlm wti'onfniit AnmrlnHri idty Jn tlm I?nlM HUiUsu, A city wlildi oon f.HliiK rnoi'M A. I'. A.V iut!ordilii to Um ' ;iiiliton, limn miy otlmr In tint ouii try wull know, iVImt, tlm A, I', A, I tuA fitylvMl of tint old Knowiiotlilritf jmrty, Tlmt (im-ty luliiilttod U mmn U'l'Ulp OHhY AUKHK'.AH UDHH VA'Vl-,r;M-fm Aiimrl'fun IVotwdlve n0' oUtlori mlmltfi AhhYwrrrMrAHm who iO Wire VdMHIM TO JlOMAW IWIVMI' hvm, wlmtl,nr tlmy r nmv or for tsfn mrn idtlnnn, r'ul'liif only tlmt tlny own fVHKT AU.yUANCK TO TIIK lv;T!ff HTATKK! nd tlntt tlmy utmll n;t In I Uitunn l'ihnU'M VWH'f mid eltj '.mm nlUtrwHrti, In thin idly ihumttrt fnoi'K for'iltfi fiorn ltlnn wlm it of )lr(( iiiisiiilior of tlm ordnr'-thro to oitiv- lhttrt tlium r fitlv liorn, wlildi will Mmvinm Any nmri tlntt tint author tit tlm hIaovh urtldii In wmrfully liiortnt tlm wim fonltfofi if tlm rMwudfttlon or tfntt n wilfully flrijritft It, fn t)ntr i!i M would dfniliiy nundi morn "(food fiorwi mfiiwi" fy k!(dii(f tlll,tliitn lti don In rn(fllii(f il r'fiflnrn wltli autumn urlU'-Ui upon iUimtlon wlif'di It U idiiollitllii fVi fifKniiiuo ln I tlior ouuhly Itftitiinitt, ''hm In no im tlou ti (mi')Kti mrn iMmm, To flltm f iM'! Tlii i'i wwt un nUuiUon Indd In hwkliH turf ItiniuUmi'iiiinij lt Nnviu r, Tlm fimw Kiidoiwd liy tlm Am' i'U fun l'fitlMi(4vn tuDvminUoii rvr ll l"t HI'im uhi:U4, mid tlm tl'kit innWn ii)i Dm A, A, lumvuiitiim ihuMSiM Ilia tmiiin of Dlxli t-'t tlli'ik l''iuk K. MtMtr, A mrlmnl Klii'HiT Utt. A. Hutmutt, C'iuduni Ttimitiirer II. II, Iffy, Alnnrli'mij Coiinty CoinitiUnMiiiMi' K, M, tiilir, Mw1 County Jtiilii i, W, Kllur, Ainitrlnmu Mayor (Jim, l ltntM, Anmi'limni t'lork H, 0, Arm tniMir, AinHiint Th'tumror Henry Itolln. flnrnmni CottinllHr Thnodora Olmrn, iWBdMl OmiMllninii! ', M. Jim1!), Hwodtti ttol, J'ldiion, llutirttwi Omit V, MuijroK, Amiirlimni V, i. I'lttrluk, AntflHumil John Mnlmrin, Snotidii K, M, lliiwtill, Ainariimn; Jolin Httml, Mwuiliit II, Jitnolttttm, l)itnii KdwanlN, A nini'liiitn, Of tliKwi Mitvunfonn nliw wtiru fumltfii iKirn, whlln thu r iimlulng uftflit wnm nut I ' Ainnrli'mm, If miidi itiitlon tut tlntt U "butldlnir up it utrlntly Auim'lmm party In iijiiniltioii to nil fiH'itliffl fKirn,i!," w tifiiiritm wfldonot iindorRtBiid pulHli!; wo will mliult wit do not fully ifrtwp tlm ttlum Itnd oliJiiit of th A. V, A but, until mini! tliiin M ft Jto'iutn CiiUiollo or ft Ilonmn fJitthiillii ftyniMtil,p oitn, liy fimij mid flitii'Mtt, MifiitotluntbuvHiititbt uioiit nutiln by un rotiti'dlnir tlm novitn toon num nndoriiI liy tlm iwrfonlittlon of wlilnh ww Iihvu tint (ilmwurH of lining it iiutiiilHir, W" mliiill luilil to tlm httllnf tlntt tint (funtliunitn who wilt tlui MIn- Nourl Vitllny TIiiiun known not wlmrnof M l!l. Tlm uliwliitf NitiiUtiiiw of thu flrNt pur Nirritph of tlm m'tlnln uliovtt ijnold miym "ItNUiottu In; 'No (Iittlinllii N'ma Ap ply,'" Till ftMtmiiuftti ItktithttiiUinrN, In unfriiii, Itn niotto In, mul will b, until JtoniHti (!itthlilliij rs'tiwn looklnu' in tint irlNtN fur liiNtrutitliiim an to how tlmy Nlntll vult; until tlmy hold tint IttWN of pi lniKiN urn Niijiitrlor to tint imii iiiin of tlm Ituiiutft ishuHili) until tlmy mikiiowitidirn tlmlr "lluij-litiiitit to tlm iiriiNldimt of tlm Unltud HIiiIn In pttrit inouiit to tlmlr nlln(fliimw to thu jnijhi until thy nmtNtt tlmlr wur upon thu publlti N'dmol myNUiuii until tlmy honor our (litif, tlm motto of tlm Amitrlmin I'rotitutlvn tWNoislutloii will Ihi, "No ftoiuitu ('itthullo N'M'd Apply," Now, wluttNitmi uutn will ohjuntto tlntt pro ioHti.lon, Tint NKitond iHrit((ritph ImldN nolhIii(( of ffitorNt, whllu tlm third uontitlnN Him of tlm wtrdliiitl prlmdiluN of tlm Aumi'l'iiin l'i'oUii)tviiNNoiiltliin. Kvury until who 1 a ummlim' of thtttorilnr will ttlwityN mitlntitln Mint dimtrlim-wvory nrluNt, hwliiip, m'lth tilNhoiimidfisrillniil untkiiN imth, whnn h titkif ordrN In il liotrutii okwth, thut W will do, t!l 111 hlN pownr IO KK'l'KKMIPf ATB hopotlitN, itnd hwkui tlmt tlm duiiti'lnu of thu ii(funolN-H!i,iiiuioiily nulliid VvhUmU itiiU In diiuinhl, (if tlm two, whlnli In tint worNty Jn It miy iiioro wruotr to htdonif to mi oitth hound iwNodiillim fioiii pound nntlrnly oH J'rnlflNljtiitu tlntn mi oitth huund iwHoiiliitlon koiiimihiw1 mitlndy Itoiiutn CVthnlluit' Tlm wrltur nriifnNNUN Niudi it grmit d"Hln for fitlr iinHN fttid for wlutt In Juwt mid rltfht, tlmt ho unrtttliily will not mfuwt to mi nord to I'ruliiNtitntN tint right to organ lit it 1'rotnNtmit niNilnty houiion!i1 wi tlruly of JVotiNtinitN, whnn 1m mlniltN tlm right of tint I toman Cltthulli! to Iihvu thidr Itountn Cttthollu Noiih'tldN Kiimjiiwiid (iritiruly of Itouuin t-'utholhiN, Tlmy don't Intvo any miolt Nouloth'N? Oh, yuN, thny do, Tlm JtoimuiN hitvu mo('e than it noow of nunntt NmdotlnN Into whlidi no 1'rotnNtmit U itvur wlinlfc tud til ummlii'rNhlji! Wo ditn't nuiim it lnglii Niiidtity rulnd by tlmuhurDh? Ob, yiw, wo (inn! An ft NlJtrtnr wn way tint AniilniH Orditr of flJImrnlitiiN a tfl:t y Itouiini C'lttholln Ii-IhIi tuNduty, ruli'd by tint jipIhnU, IiiIi which no onu hut mi frlNbiiutu, or n man wluwit mothoror futlior wiin Ji'InIi vho hail hiin to uon foNNlon (rmiii'inln'r that riulrmimnt) during th ymtr jirtKiudfng tlm hji1Ii!h for iiiitmbm-Nhlii-wiin ollglblo. Tlmnt In itnothnr rnijulnuw'int In thu A, O. If. by-lawN whlidi It tnnyjm wnll to roiii'iun bnri that In only ablu Imdlnd num ciipa bln of uurryUiu mtoin, aio anoofiUid on inwnborN, Why thl lt roinilroiiuuit, If tlm I mm n ohtireh In a rdfgioiiN organ WMUmY TH un of it I 'rotoNtwit church that hitN Nnornt noiiloty fop Ik nutfiiburN with thu Nanm rnqulrntnuntN, Vou ftitnnot iiamo oim, Tlmn why (Uhm th church of Jtornn hav lt rrtlllUry organ IzatloiiN '( Why low nIhi mons than an hiindrnd .thounand drllhl NoIdltiiN ready fi taku tint fl'dd, whnn our nation In at jHsaoo, with no thought of war? Why ft on Nhn kpt MiiinltlonN of war nIph4 in I ir isonvontN and rMwi:hi'i Why r$ hr rloN4 allownd tVi Inmilt tlm Uir and Ntrlo? When yon pratu about toluratlon lot nut ak, "who prao- tlitoN tolnratltn ' " Wlmn you jda4 for ItiNtlM wbitnt can you get it nxcofit from ft 1'rotoNtitnt, Thu caium law id tlm I Ummn rhurcb miprcNitly alafN that hurittli' Nball not hn Mur,UA. That law In fn ormi titdny, fn tint fifth (,ariigraih tlm wrltur uitrinu iliat ulitl't old I'lcxtimt alout I Ummn -af hollo loyal iy, W havn ru (vHlMly Nbown up that claim, hut on lhnw tuny )m mum who havo fmvr otMftf thu (t(iio'"N, w reprint thuin wdow, TlntKt figui''N lovai'lally laku tlm wind nut of thfi lioiwl of ItoirtWl Ciitl"i)' loyalty, Tlmy oho to gmn im1 VMti i'ji Uoimtit (Ii'Uli) illrtloyHtty, ftlUl lh Tlnms niiiii may find tn thtttti sotii fotitl for (hii'h.uN rPllfiHloni fittlv AtMrli'tittN,M.l.W,""iir W lincrt JUIiInIi AihmHi'iiih,,,, M.ftnittr ifl 11,'t, unit. , ,,,,,, jrr.imi,f fit I'.imlMi t.i nniiif i All DlllIMH Jt.WHIOf ?l It ,' Toi ul , . . . , iMm littfttn'rittMN. Wjillw t',Mitit, PfiKiiltti. , Wlili Ifiniiw, vultiiuwi'hi,,,, lluliit'url ,,, ,,, . 't. Toi nl lrlli rJ pvrmnt Aiiiurtiian,, t " itta.itrt llertilllll , It) t"f ''"lit AH minim T Tlm itbovii figiiroN wuro litkuii fi'tti thu New York Hun itnd thu Chlimgu Iiilii''t)iMittn, In Otmnrittlnn with thotti, nodi tin llOIII, liottj l,tn l(n Inltj-V, )v ni'A StcIT Di-jJii ilttprtMsalwl do that tli' i,! fiuif, thut thu popo, by upon dnttmJ pumiHti; it, ni).'l, rutioyirl'd ' and Un- uoitfitiluritiiy and t1 itml it In Nttftt to tionuludu pttp (iniit, n( all Mia dnNurtop wot olfiiN. Vot Vi pur mmt, of thu total dw NttitloiiN nru llfllS, and un tlm told IrMi onllNtnieiit wiw 144,21X1, vo lntvii but HHH good orjoynl IpInIi In thnttmllfo riniiilmr, tt proportion of onu out f uvury Ml , Now, rulluot that thu oIium who furnlNhml Vi pv fimit,, or imaily tbriHi-fmirthii of all thu diiNnrtoi-N, am Imltltiig not limn tint r tlii'MM.finirtliN )tf all thu ollloliil prmitloiiN In IIiIn utiuiitry, umi you Imvo tint hiinwhp to thu urt lium'd tut!Ntlun, "Wlutt la tint objwit and iiiIiihIoii of tlm A, 1'. A, ? " - Tblftjt of It! Onu loyal Irlnliiiuiii out of yvti'V llll All hotioi' to tlntt i mo loyul lutilil but think of 1)I trultom In olthslal iu,I Ilium ovur niuili mn'li loyal IrUbmim, . In tlm Nituui pariigraph lut unit "wlto no iirnvnn In uplrlt un to dtmlru til build up it polltliiiil'fttllgliitiN pitrty to ilmiy f iiuttobtHN an uijiuil hnrltitgu dniir itllku to all." llo, hum I That' a poNttr- iluii'fc It? Lut un look at thlN thln(f, What did tlm ItoniitiiN do to Nhow tliolr loyalty Ar itnd linuindliiUdy follow lug tint war yf tint rubitlJIoti? flra! Thny (hiNiirtnd tlm union army llkn u ninny ruU would abandon ttNlnkliigNhi wlmn, tlm piijin bluNNiid thoooiiMity'iiuyj Hiiuond, Tlmy iniiturnd a plan and ivt It I ii li opitrittlon whluh tlmy hopnd woiu Involvn tlm Unltttil HtittoN in war with Kngland through tint itffortij of lin (J'Nnlll of N.w York, Third, 'flu ittod tbtt dniitriiiitliiit of all tlm altli In tlm Noi'th, by ilpply tlm torch, ji'l aging audlnibbliig tlm aMmnn; an l'ourtb, TllVy pltingud thla nation Imi iiiiuntliig i)'ltif AVnVm LliKioln, JiouN that wit for of loyalty? IluiiN that uvltmii ft jirlilu In thn uoiii" mon herltiign? In tint next paragraph, lie iwIvImi'N tint dunuicrutN to lut the A, I', A 'n wivitrnly ahum. Of all tint pur tbiN In ii'titd of tlm Inlluuimu of tint Amiii'luiiu aNNOitlatioiiN It In tint ilmun- cmtlii iiitrty, Tor yitra tin IlomauN havo die t,ii led Um pollity, nitmoil IU Ntitiiditrd bimritpN, and Nubjiietnd tlm ProtuNtiuit inninfmrN tluintof praethially todlNfranchlNiimiuit, allien, through tint manipulation of tint Itoinan cdiuirli, they wurn allowod U yoto, but Ntdduin If itvur pnnnlttnd to hold ofllni), Tint 1'rotnNtanU In deuionratli) party haviibnitii Iml blindly to tlm daughter at uvury oleiitlon, and whnn onu of tbein dared to oppoHu tint jietN or tlm nelienutN of Itoum, hit linuuiillitUily lout ciwt, Mill WttN reduced to tlm raiikN, Wit kiiu.v that In donit In thlN city we know It In doitit In other cltluN tlutreforo wit may unfitly foiMuuio that It In uImo dorm In a I Ittlu town llkn MlHNourl Valley, An A, I', A. council In that hamlet would provo to lat to tint 1 Voted an tdemotTiitN what tint prohibition movement proved U, bu to tlm democrat!" party In low a bleNNlng In ilfitgiilN't, Tlm lout paragraph nnedN nothing In refutation or explanation of what It cnritaifiN. Tint editor of tint MlNNourl Valley TlmiiN cannot prove that the ruvernit of what wn charge to thu lloman church In true, We con prove that what wtt Ntiy In trim, Flt'Nt, Wo charge that the Komium place the church above the atato, To prpve thlN fiHMitf'tfon wo refer you to their canon law adopted at the great council of Trent In lfrl.1, wherein the claim In made that the law of prince are not xupcrlor hut NulNirdlnitdt to the canoiiN ' and decrittiN of the Jtomati church; in further proof of thla wn oltn you to ft Xieoch delivered In thlN city on thu 27th of June, lW,hy the Hon, John HuhIi. ex-clty treiiNtirer, In whleli he claimed fur Itomim OathollcN that "WHi AM. VATHOt.U H ftim'V, AHU CITI .mn ArrKitwAi," Hecond, We charge that thu Unman hlenudiy if the United HtadN lit it dlNtlnct plan mapped out for tin. uin tructlon of the puWIe mdiool ytem In Nubfttantiation of thla charge we re fer you to the Ntnuh of Father Walker In which he claim, "Tlm public mdiool are the nurn rle itf vine, tlmy am goil Ionn NcboolN, and tluy who would xend their (ihlldren f tluuii naiuiot'i xpect the itntrcy of Ood,"aiul that "f would on Noon tvlfnlnlNter the Nocrameot to dgN on to cbrlNtfaiiN who Nuid tlmlr t'liildiiui In publlit 'mduNitN," and til Nwhlt'ti be amttrtN that tiuluM wt "NtippreM the pnltllu MdnHtl nynloui a ot ir'"ht I'llhillll'li'll It Will U'IIVll thu daiiiiiatltiiHif IIiIn i'tinnt'y,M II U ptwd' llnil eimforiiiN to tlm vUs tpii'Md by I'ltpn I'ltiN IX, Kim,, 47, i wblnli lie alllrniN that "pulillti ndIiuuIn open to all eblldrt'ii fur the edutmtliui of t!ie ynung xlmuld l under tlm emttrol of tlm rtoinan idiurtdi, and ultuulil nut 1w Niib Ject 1o tlmolvll power, nor iintdii to mm furm to thu upltiluiiN of thn age," Add to Hi lot tnNttimmy that of the Frutunaii'N ihiurmtl (Human t'nlliulle), fnund in the following paragraph! "1't the publle mdiool ftyaUtm go to where It name from -tlm devil. Wo wantehrlNtlan ni'IioiiIn (iniiaiilng pHi'oelilul nhIiooIh), and the date cattnot tH wltt'' chrUtlanlty In," And to thlN add the fact that pried throughout tin) land refuNe bIino- IuMoii to ItoiiiiinUU who Neiul their fdilldrentu tlm publle wImmiIn after lie lug requenteil to xetid tlmm to th ftr' oohlitl ncIiooIn, which are preddud ever by the ttlatein and a meinlmr of the aoul tity of Junun, and you 1iav aufllelent evldenue, We dniMtrnly luipe PpnttiNtanU every' where bu they demoeratN, pepuhlluaiiN, firohibltlmilNtN, liidepmidentN or mug wumpN-wlll awake and fully i'eall,e tlm real attitude of thu Human eorporit tlnii toward thu government and Un lii - Ml,uiinnN, oerore it in toe law rltiAT ANNUAL OKLHUHAp 'li "AiimrleaiiN lutd their InnlngN Tuewday night at tlm Orand opera tlllllNlt, There they had ftunblud nearly two tluiuNttud Ntroiig, And that viiNt num uourNU of people paNwed the inoat agree ablu evening, and the moat prolltulilu one It had Npeiit for nuiiiii ymtrN If ever before, . From the opening number on thu pro gram (AineHnit) whleli wiin rendered by the ttudleiieu and tlm Heveiitli Ward band, until thu program waN eonipleUt, liitni'HNt did not lag foraduglo inumuiit. It wiin the IIi'Nt time Ame'litaiiN were ever milJleluiitly wakened tip to hire it hall, gut A hand, Neouru NpoitkurN and tmbottlo thidr patrlotlNin In iioiiinioiuo atton of the two pittrlutN, to whleh thlN luiiintry owiiN no much, nIihio we have tieiin n reddens of Omitha-Nity In the IttHt twelve yearnbut It dwwud to bet. Uir advantagu by reiwon of thU very tftl'dlllllNN, J , fkr Mayer Hernia h4 called the ttudloniifl 'Mi 'i 'Mer "alilJ AiW' ip MiM the object of thn meeting, he Mtatud that he hod eNlitbllitbuil the flrttt AMKJtlCAN neWNpaperever publldmd In Mtirupu, AppJiiuNi'l In the ulty of Iindon In J Mill. He believed In America, In her liiNtltutloiw, In her publle NtduiolN, Applaime and In luo1 Hag, He luul Imeii burn In the United HIiiImh, reared beneath tint nIhi'n and NtrlpeN, and the beating of IiIn heart! wiin itlwayN itmmlitriitud by the inure mention of the iiiiinea of Amerlua' greiitNt heroeM-WiiHblngin and lAn coin, lApphiuim, He favored a covin. Ion of thn natural littlun Ihwn be had to live here twenty-one yimrN before be could vote, and yet It wiin jionnIIiIo for any foreigner --no matter what bin character-to ctwl a ballot lit any elec tion In the ntato of Nehrankit, afUtr re dding here nix mmithn, and after he itnd declared hilt Intention of becoming a dtlKun, Hv, W, J. IIitrHba, the popular pan- tor in' the Flrnt I'runbyturliin church, then diillvered an ttlinpient prayer, unk ing O'dV hhtNnlng net alone upon the liltlenn thtre iinniunbled, but upon thn entire country, and upon thu whole world. He wan follovttd by Illnhop Newman, who delivered oi, of bin charauterlNlhj addrenncn. From the very hegliiiilng of bin oddrenn until It cloned, the multl. tude wan wrapped In admiration of the hcriNiN to whom ho no eloipiently paid trllitito. fJne burnt of applaune followed another In nuch ipilck nueitennloii that It nemed but ft minute from tlm time he won Intriduited to Itln frhmdn, until he cloned and rcnumwi bin neat, Jt would Ite lmponnlble for U to even attempt to glvo a nyimpnln of what 1m miiil, we were an uompletoly carried away an any other permm In the audience, and while we know he eulogized Wanhliiglon, ex toled the ioodimnn of Lincoln and pict ured the vlctorlen of tlm Indomitable (Jrant, yet were we to attempt toolotlm bin thiNigte In the name nlmpllelty of exprennlon, with the nanm prlntlne ifiirlty, It would eompare almut an favor ably onto place a moid ntone henlileft diamond, He gloried In lining mi American, Them nhoiild be norlnb Anmrleinin, no (lermaii-AmerlcaiiN Mmy alumni 1e nlmply Auierh'aiiN, No mail nhould lie clothed wltli tim rig nw. benefit and privilege guaranteed to cltltniN of tbl country unlenN lut nan reddeil here n long on the umyuriif the city of Ouittba hml to tnfurn he won allowed to cant hlN flrt vote, im ap- llfeantforeltleiidilp nhould be man of fdiaroeter, It nhould be known that Ihert un nuitte luuttir Itt ldug A CltUeii of Ihi I 'lilted Minted thttl It ta, Itet til Im,i, cur, li'ly upon nny nmt every man, rt'if rtrlt" of hlnt'lutroeier, and that no limn nhould m rclmt h I llit of nulCi nge wlttt wan uiiitlile to rend the Imllothe wan almut to vule, When the llldiop rnNuiued bin nnt he wan lendeititl a Veritable nvatleti, llftiiilkerehhifn were waived, liandn tdnppttd and feet ntitnied, fur nevernl inliiiiU'n -imlll the liitinl ntruek Up the noul-ntlrrlug ntralnn of the "Hlar Mpiingleil Huniiev," Follnwlng that wan an add rum by Judge Mtjott, upeii "Our Flag." He npeke for an vocal tulniiten to the numt iini'entimdve aidlenett any man ever adilfenned, hut by adroitly panning from onu plane up to another, he finally ntriick that upiui which the audience wan at rent. From that moment for ward enMiunlanm wan at fever Imat. He Dould hardly round out a meitenen without reoolvlng a burnt of applitUHu, llu mtld, tn eenitludlng hln npeeoh, that any pnrnon who did not ruvoru the American flag wan a traitor and luul no hunlnenn In the country, Hu underntitod that a few day ago a certain man brdored the Q, A. J I. to atrip the darn and ntrlpenolTthrt colli n uoiititliiliig thu renutlnn of a oomradu ft loyal nuldler- before the oanket would bu permlttiul LfJ enutr tlm uihuruhi hut, all honor to the buy win) wore the blue, they Wild, All right, nlc, If that flag cannot enter there, WM nlntll not go In," and limy turned away from tliatohundi, ).f there In a church in thin litnd lit whleli out1 flag cannot float, It In limit tudrlvo that (tliuceli out, much a unurcn wouiu hreuil trultom, I nay If there in nueh a church In thu United Htaten, lh tlmu In not dlntaiit when w will have but iiiin (ihiiruh and that an American church, That Hug Nhould be permitted to wave wherever iiiik-Ion may tread. and he who would deny that right to ll In not a gouil oHIun of thin aeuntry, I liiinnr those num mid ntrlpen. I love that llagtho emblem of Hut brave, the nyiuol of thu free, and when I dlu and go to heaven, 8t, I'eter will, I Imaglno, onk iuel "Were you loyal to your country' Dug?" and I nlntll iinnwei', "Yun, nlr," and bu admitted! but when that nrinnt(over In Council HlulTn) dlen, and knuekn at tbo heavenly gutu, Ui. I'eter will hmIc him a he did me, and ho will ftimwor, "I ordered It ntrlppod from tliHCnllln of dead nuldleri" and Mt. 1,'uUtt Ml wty yvui VH"!B H llowBi there, Again i will ay ft 'ohunflf tiiat will prohibit tlmntar and ntrlpim float lmr within Itn witlln nhouhl not he tol erated In thin country, 'it nhould bo driven out! Of oourwi, you have no nuuli church hero, hut tlmy havo onu over In Council JllutTn," I Lung and loud ajiplitune, The, tlernian tiernlon of Harhara FrltchleVwaN runderud by Mr, 0, 15, Win tier, and wun no well done received an ovation, Mr, Winter in the champion uullugu orator In thu ntato of NebniHKU no decided by the content of lant year, Hu certainly tin- nerven all tlm miccim he In meeting with, and may be again ohonen an ho wan hint year, to do battle with the champion of Iowa, Hon. 11. I). King, of Council HlulTn, deli vered ft rmtntorly addrun upon Lincoln. Hln eulogy of Lincoln elicited frequent and prolonged burntn of applaune, Lincoln wan the embodiment of love and geednoMn; bin wan a charitable and forgiving nature; hu wan the Ideal of true American bun; and In him wu huvo been taught to be lieve all the grace of a loyul and chrlntlun nation were to bu found. During the dark bourn of thin nutlon'i exlntonuo, who wan more tried than he? Who com plained hnf He believed (iod luul mode him the Inntrutneiit fur the fulfillment of a ifreat work, He performed whatever work he found to do, and when hi inlnnlon In life wan completed, ho wu nuorifleud made a martyr by an annannin, Hln numo would int emblazoned on the pig" of hlntorio yet unwritten, Children yet unborn would linn tint numu of Lincoln with reverence, and In Inter year dng the prulne of the mortyred hero prod dent, Jn him they would nee all the ennobling quail tie of loyalty and de votton to our flag and our country. Tlm effort of Mr, King wu roundly applauded,' He won followed by two nelectlon by tlm bund, "Dixie," and "Marching through Georgia, " ICev, T, McD, Btuart delivered an addren upon "Our Constitution." Wa heard it great many peuplo com paring hi effort with that of Hldum Newman, and when a man can talk on ft given Dllbject Nlllllefelltly Well tli r'tColvO NUch an eiidornemefit at the' hand of an Omaha audience, Im nhould feel flat. ired beyond all ineaniire, Tbl won one of tlm add reneN we did not bear, but tlm dally paper unite In prulne of the itffitrt, It wan ft nubjei that none but a nebular could bundle In aiiutiuier to pleunn o uittriy people, and un be wo heartily applauibnJ, Im mud, have touehetl the keyiieUt, mid well thu tu'Bl tn of bin heareM, All Aildiim 'iy Mr. W. F, Hurley w the im i nuniln'r on the programme III I'tTurU arnunnd eoiinliterahle on lliunhwni, Among uther thing he wtld: "I lntlevt 111 the i'ltlelldllp of Allieriett, I ttellcvu that above the din of pttrlUnu nlrlfe and fitcllonal eentuUloti then) falln upon the ear of every patriot tint tweet ntralnn of that iiiudu which In the munld uf the union. 1 believe that tliroiitfli the nulphuruun mtnepy whleh ovurnhudown thin fair land during great political campaign, the eye of every patriot eitn ntlll uiileh agltmpne uf thu old flag with It ferty-fiiurntarn, rmllnnt and linpertdtithlii new, and every ntar a nepitrakt glory, I believe that there i Junt an munh patrlntlnm in the hind to day an thero ever wan. I believe that thu capacity to nulTor and to die for tho prenervatton of thu republic and the glory of the flag In In a million loyal heart today. I hullevo that mime. where on the mountain nldo, or In tho v ivl ley n, lit nome hamlet, or In thu throbbing center of nemo great citadel of oommereo nomewhero In A morion' toduy, are men ntrlvlng and tolling, calm, omiragootm, loyal, tcuoj men of the hour; and that when the black chimin gather again above the national horizon and the ntorm burntn, the re public! will yet bo nafo, for they will bo at t)i helm." Henry 1), Kntiibrook npnko next on "Tho American Hchool," Ho mtld, among other thlngn! - "The public) nohool In an Amerlean Invention, It 1 our giivurnment In miniature thti Ainerlcun nileroeonm. ,Wo owe to It much that wu nru, unit within It are thu potential tie of all that wu are to bo, i'Ynu hhIiooIh mean free men, and tho poet ban truly mild: 'For Junt experletico tell In every mill, That thonti who think nnrnt govern tlioHit who toll.1 Hut ho who thtnkn and toll will at leant, govern himnelf, and therein I tlm dgnlllciinon, thu fureeuud value of nolf- government, It In thu wholo meaning of deinneriuiy, lleeebuc onoti culled it thu public! ntoiiiueh, and no It In; for there thu children of all mitlomtlltie are dlgentud and annlmlluted and bo uumi) part of the bono and marrow of our body politic, It 1 tho budno of one public mthool to munufuotura Amerlcuun, for tho true American i ft com pod to olutciviter; ho 1 made, not bum, Jiad . X V'Wer, , cd ticatlon nliould bii bit'dit , Jpulnory throughout, tho union; ami tho ability to road ami write, ft condition precedent to tho right to vote. I venture to iwnort that tho very roiwonn given by (Juvernor ' Hill for vetoing tho Auntrallan ballot bill, are tho very reanonn Governor Hoyd would lutvo given for itn approval. It wun urged thut by thin ByHtein of voting, tbo totally ignorant would bo practically dlnfranehlneil. In tho numo of God and good government, they ought to be. In it country where edu cation mean no much and cunt no little, a man who doe not hold hi iiuinbood high enough,, hln budgo of oltlzcndilp valuable enough to learn to read the ballot ho Intend to cant ought never to cant it. Ho in a dlngrueo to bin maker, a wart on tho fiteoof nature, anil nhould bo relegated to tho dough and mliiMUui tlntt engendered htm." America niunt depend upon tho edu cation of hur citizen for hor very oxln tenco, und even more no for tho fulfill men t of her noblent dentlny. Only an educated people know and appreciate their right, and when a people realize their right they are never backward In owHortliig them, And no our educft- , tlon touohe u to bu very tolerant of the opinion of other, and very nlow to adopt them. A YOUM VRJEHT, l.iwl. WHi'W eur lliiiiiitn contiuiitnirary re- fiTii'il In I'nilii'r (1'lloiirUn, lint Oitiuiitll flliilft prltwt wiin (IlKlieiiiiri'il tlutAiimrlitan naif, "uyonoK prluMf.." Till In pretty rich. Puttier O'lliiitkinyouiix jirlimtl Hltitflimof llurdal tVliiift In tlmy et eldliilfia Ituniiiiiitluimlif In a iiutn cnmited ymui when h" li" pnw'd lint furllntli mtlit pent tit life? If nit, father O'lluiiikI In a yoiuill prlimt, If not, tlmn lilt tn olil Mriouich UtVtmw rlifltt from wrimif, anrt Un kmiw let ll 'I wriliK Wlili li limillled the Anierli'Kti Itu, fly the way Utln fill lmr until It wan a rule of (IiubIiiiwIi, new, whew rati wit null tlntt rule)1 Them come to our table tho AMKlt ViAH publlnbed at Omaha, Neb, Every word I "true blue," Tint l'ojw I' not "In It" by a long way, and tbl land will 'not txt turned over tol'rlentor rildeip If tlm Amkhusai "nayn mt." It would be well if tbl number, Jan, 2th could Iw carefully read by every mlult In the broa4 land, Wilton .function Farmer, mail order for the work of Father Chlnlqiiy niunt )m Nooompitnloil by the cadi. D'Hgla W.d dim t Whitney', iD't Houlli Fifteenth Mt.