THE AMERICAN. RULES FOR rtURUAnV TERM. IVI NTV iWiiT. rHHi tKr Skit, 13, Tlir rnll nlll ! made eoinmrtif In al 9 a. in. harp. 11. AH caaea not aiuwered In by attorney or pari lea al the r ail, will al ami continued by aunt'iimnl of pntllen. 3ml. In nil rnwn which hi act for trial, II In denlrahlo li have the allortieyntlvcahorl alatcmciit In order In Inform tho court an In fclsiut Mm It'hillh of limn ll will take to try llu rann. !lrl. Cii mm In whlfli Inntioa aro liof JoIihmI will nol (hi not for Irliil, itnlewi for npeclul reunotut It, In ordered oihcrwltto. 4th, All ranea will Imnotforhearltutwllhln Mm term, unliM fornpoelul rounonnll la oilier Wlw ordered. Mil. All rnnoa will tat not for trial In tho order In wlili'li they appciiron tlii'dill iliM'ki't, iiii)nm tlm purtlen uuree to puna tho cm on tin llrnt mil, or for special minima tlm court nhall order othorwluo, Default caaoa will Ih nol for tho morning, hour, Dili. Immediately tlio Nfi'ond cull of thn docket will liu nindn, which will consist of all canon not not in the flrHt call. ?th. Oiinoeond call, If parties can Huron, the ciiNu Will lie Not accordion" toiiKrermontof parties, Mid tlm court having regard for canon Hlrcady wet for I hut day. Hth. The business each day will commence (it. 0:1)0 a. in. lu ll. Tlm nioriiliiK hour will bo from 9:00 a. in. 1o 10:00 a. in. Tho mornlnu hour will lie devoted to (Int.) motions, demurrer, and default canon net for thatdny, (2nd.) To motions, demurrerfi.atid default canon which have previously punned on ltd routilur day and tranitferred on thocal ander to thin day. 10th. After a cami, a motion or n demurrer him piowed the time for which It In net, It can not bo culled up until a motion In filed and docketed by leave of tho court, and unco no llcotolhu opposite party u tho court may order at the time leave In ulvoti to file tho motion, Iltli, business set for a certain time, can not bo tranitferred to another day or hour, iiiiIcnm the tratiMfcr order In made at tho hour ho mut ter U net for hnurlnu, except under Hule 10, 121 h. I'licli day utfl:00n, iii.,thobuMlnenn(if thn hour will be called; all biinlucna of the morning hour not disposed of. will bo trans ferred to another morning hour, or continued over the term, tilt h. The inattora will ho heard In tho or der In which they are entered on thucnlander unions all purlieu prenent and Interested con mi nt to a different urrutiuomt'iit, or In cano of urgent necessity, TIUAI or CAHK TO-DAY, lllh, Tho trial of canon will commence at 10:00 o'clock, a. in., and contlnuo until 11:00 o'cliK'k, p, in,, with a rcei'Md from 12:00 a. m. until 1;!HI p. in,' Each ciino U entitled to bo railed at tho time net or within ten minute thereafter! either to lie. proceeded with, or a further order to lie made. For 1 1 1 1 m purpose no party will hit required to wait louucr limn tell inlliulen for the opposite parly) or other business except for iirucnt reasons. The trial of aeuso will lie suspended at any time for thin purpose, In cane I lie court Huils that any rule herein will work an iinforeNccri hurlNhli, tlm court reserves the right to suspend the rule for the Npeclal case. Special Matter Committloner't Sale. II v virtue of an order of mile IhmikkI out of the District Court for Don u I us County, Ne braska, mid lo me directed, J will on the Kith day of Mitrcli, A. I) Ni2, lit III o'clock, a, in., of mild day, at the Funl front door of the County Court limine, in the ( II y of. Omuhu, Doiiulun County, Nebraska, Nell nt pulillc ani'tlon the properly dencrlln'd In sulci order of mile an follows, to-wll : The Mouth one-half of lot numbered Four (tile lll'H'k numbered One Hundred uud Flfly thrce (j;n, Omnhii, Douulus County, Slum of Nebraska, to nutlnfy I', i, Connor and ChurleN )', (Joodmun, I he mini of One Thousand, nov-(nly-lhrtMt 20-100 liollitrN l.07;t.2O Judgment, with Inlerent from Hcplninla-r 2lnt. Nils .lohn F. I'll put rick the hihii of One Hundred, Ninety ,WKI llolliint i:io.;iii Judgment with lutorcnt lliereoll from September Mint, NHj Hunt A McCulie, the niiiii of One Hundred, Flfly-oluhtlH-inO Dollurn Ifl.V.lUIJ Judgment, With Inlerent thereon from Hcplemher 2IhI , lutil. Tnnullsfy .lone ih IIoiihUii the niiiii of Two ThoiiHitiid. Hi-ven Hundred. Heventy elifht KH-UI Hollar l:i,77MN Judir ment, wli li 'liferent thereon at I he rule of Fllubt M) per I 'lit. per Hiinum, from heptemln-rainl, IHll. Tt millnfy Chrlnllun Hpechl, the niiiii of Ohm Mildred, Thlrly-one lo-loo Dollurn l.ll.lo J'eHuieiit.. wit h futerent thireon nt the rate of "vli 17) P"r cent, per uniium from Heplem Hr 3l, IMHI, To millNfy l-'ruiik J. Mm key, the mi.,, ,,f .'vii Tlioiimind, Heven lliiiulreil, Hlxty-Nr,. ftti-pio Iliillal'N 1M.WI..VII Judnmeiit. with liiv.-,.,a. i hereon at the rule of ten lo Iter ceni, ,,r miiMiiii from Hepteiulier i!lHt,Hi, To natlnfycmiird OIiihn A I'uint Compiiny, the niiiii of Vjin lliiedreil, Heventy-liliie IlVlliO liollurn ll7i.', liidiiment, with Inlerent thereon id tlit,ntMif Heveu (7) per cent, per annum from Ho.teiiilH'r 2InI, h!i. Ami One Hundred, Thlrl eliMit ,'n-il Dollurn iI.'IH.;in com in, with lnlere ilu-reou from Ihelntdiiy of Heptemtn-r, A. I i, until paid, toilet her with Hccruliii cH .ccnrdliiu in ii Judtfiiient renden'd hy the HlMirt Court of mild lhiu Iun County, at Itn HepUiulHr teriu, A. !.. IkoI, in a cert uln action theu und there pendlnK. wlicn ln I inn, l IV tWln-r hihI t limten I' liiDHlitOili i'M- I'lnlnllrtn, mill N, O. Ilittwil nihI other In fi-nilniti tiiili. SelirnxkH, I t lminry H. 11 lill'Ui.K A. UkNNKTT. ftlirrllT nt I hum I it f ntml v. Nt lirnok n llvlnl Mntler t timiiilw.liiiitr laitnc A it it in. Mlloiney. t'iM r vn lmti. ll-H SherifT Sal. Ily virtue ofanortter of nnle liied out of tlie' liMrl.'t Court for iNnuUa Ctitiitl y, Nt- brnnkH, Mini to me illn-cied, I will on llie l llt iliiv t.f Mitn h. A. H IW'!, lit KmVlock A. M. of nit I day, wt I lie KA!T front dimr of I he Ctitotly Court limine. In the City of Omnha, Ihiimlim Coiinly. ,cliritkn. nil I hi pulille nuct Ion the iiinierty dewrllieil In mi Id order or mile an follown, io-wii ! I .ni. nuinlier one ill and lot tuimln-r two (21 In IIuiiiImiII I'liiee. nn ndtlll loll to the til v of Oniiihii, an ntirveyed, pint ted unit ret'ometl In lloiiKlnnCounly. Htlltt'of Neliriinkii, toNitllify Otto Wittflier itlitl Henry V. Krueirer the niitn of neveu hundred forty-live (V4.i.i liollurn JiKlumeiil, Willi Interest, I hereon in. lenten iMTcent. per annum from September 21. A. 1 1, Intu, until piiltl.Hiid twenty-lhree iH-lmi i2:l.:tt) liollurn ctwtn. with Inlerent thereon from tin 2lMiduyof September. A. I. (Mil, until paid, toireiher with uccriiliiK conts ui'cordlnit to a ,)iiiliinclit rendered by the I Hut rift. Court, of mild IioukIiin County, at lln heiilemln'r term, A. II. IHHI, In iicerliilii action then Hint there iienilliiK, therein oito V iinner anil Henry r, KrueKer were plulnt UK and Hetlef Htenen and Catherlnu Hletlen iltfeiiditnln. Omaha, NebraHka. February II. inti'I. (i ICO III J K A. HKN N ITT, HherllTof I HuikIiin County, Nebraska. Orenory, liny A Day, attorneyn. Windier vn, HtelTen. 2-11-5 Sheriffs Sale. Ily vlrtuo of un order of mile Innued out of the niHlrlct Court for Dotmbin Coiinly, Ne branku, and to me directed. I will on the trith (In V of Miiri'h, A. D. IH02. lit. 10 o'clock A. M, of nahl day, at the FAST front door of the County Court Hoiihh, liithoClly ofOmiihii, Douulan County, N'ebriiHka, nell til. ) 1 1 1 11 aiifllon the properly dencrlbed In mild order of mi lt, u h follown. to-wlt: l.oln two (2) and thrte(il)of Wlllliiinn' nub dlvlnlon of lot nix HI In (ilne'n addition to the City ofOiiuiha, In floiiKlan ( ounty, hlatoof Neliranka, to nutlnfy Warren . I.awton from the pruceednof the mile of lot three ubovtt iiiimed, the mini of eltflit. hundred forty three IlO-lOO fHI.I.:m dollnr Judumeiil, wit h Interenl I hen'ion at eli?ht in) tier cent, per annum from September 21. A. I, Nil, until paid; lonatlnfy Warren (', l.nwton the further niiiii of Neveu hundred twenty-live 70-HKi r,7li dolliirN Jililwinenl, with Interenl thereon utclulit (n percent, per annum from Hepteiulier 21, A, H. IHHI, until paid; and forty-four fin-ion fii,n:i dollurn conm, -"lili Interenl thereon from t he 2lnt day of Septem ber, A. I, Nil. until iiuld. loircihcr with uc- cruliiK contn iiccordluK to a Jitdifinent ren dered by the IHHtrlcl, Court of mild lioimlan County, ut lln Sepletnber term. A, l, IWil. In a ceriatti ueiiou men una mere pcwiitiK, wherein Warren C. I.uwt.on wan iilalnt In", and .limn F, lleckelt, .lumen Iteckett ami ol hern defemlantn, Omaha, Neliranka, February II, N2, (J ICO HO F A. IIFNNFTT. Hherllfof I IoiikIim County. Nebranka, MontKomery, Charlton c lliill.uttorneyH. I,n w ton vn, lleckelt, a-i i -ft SherifT's Sale. Ily virtue of an order of nale Innued out of the Ulntrlct Court for l)oiii:lnn County, Ne branka, and to me directed, I will, on (lie nt h liny of March. A. H,. iwci, at lOo'clock A. M. of mild day, at the FAST front door of the County Court limine, In the City of Omaha, liouulun County, NebriiHku, nell at public unci Ion the property dencrlhcd In mild order of Main tin follown, to-wlt : l,ot number t welve i:2i in Miller a nub-ill-vImIoii unnurveyed, pint ted and recorded, be IiiK a mib-dlvlnliiu of Wiinhlnulon Hill In Hoiiulan County. Stale of Nebranka. to nutlnfy Jennie II, Crummelt, Admliilnlrutrlx of the enlute of .lonluh II. Crummelt, (In. ceaned,! he nu m of three xU -ell 00-lot) dollurn it:ilil.iHl)JiidKmeiit, with Inlerent there on, from t'ciirimry imii, a, ii,, intu, until puld; and twenty-nlx lH-no dollurn (to.lN) contn, with liileret, thereon from the 1Mb day of February, A, I)., Nil, until paid, toireiher with iic.crulriK contn IiccordluK to a Jiiilument rendered hy the I ilnl rlct Court of mild Hon Klun County, at tin Februury term, A. I Nil, In a certain action then nnd t here pcmllntf, wherein Jennie It, Crummel t, Adinlulntralrlx, wun plaint Iff and O..I, Albrechl, ilefeudiiiit, Omuhii, Neliriinkii, February nth, Mi'!. OKoKtiF A, IIFNNFTT, HherllTof louliin County, Nebranka, Hcoll, Hcott, liUorncvn, C'rumiiiett vn Albrecht, S-4-5 ShcrifTi Sale. Ily virtue of an order of mile Innuerl out of the IHnlrlft Court (if IIoiikIiin County. No branku, mid to me directed, I will, on tlie fiu day of March, A. I Hr, at lOo'clm'k A, M. of mild day, at tlm FAST front door of the County Court lloiine, In the City of Omiilui, lloiiKlnn County, Nohrimkii, ne'll at imlillc auction the properly dencrlbed In mild order of mile an follown, to-wll : l.ot, nuinlier Ihliteeii (III) In Allirlilit ft Aylenworth'n tidilll.lou to the City of Omuhu, unnurveyed, platted mid recorded In I lunulas County, Stale of Nebrtinka! the mild addition hi'lnu a nub-dlvlnlou of lot elulit (ni, In block oneil), Wiinhlnulon Hill, In mild County und HI Bin I mild property to be sold (ji satisfy Jen nie II. Crummelt, aoinlulstralrlxof the enliite of Jonliih Crummelt, ileceuned, the sum of one hundred, elihly-two ami An-loo dollurn Jiidtxmeiit, with Inlerent thereon from February 1Mb, A, l.. IMi), until paid: und twenty-four and sn-ino dollurn uKI.hmi contn, with Inltirest thereon, from the nth day of February, A, i) IHHI, until paid, Lone! her with iiHTiilntf contn accordlnu to a JmlKiiient rendered by the IHnlrlft Court of mild Hoii- f bin County, at lln February term, A. H., Is'.ll, ii a ccrl iiln lie I Ion then Hint I here pemlltuf, wherein Jennie II, Crummelt, Administratrix, wan plaintiff and William O, Campbell and others, defendants, Omuhu, Nebraska. February ftlh.Nr!, OFOKOF A. IIFNNFTT, Sheriff of IIoiikIiin County, Nebranka. Hcott Sen! I, III lonicyn, Cruuuiiett vn Camplndl, 8-4-5 Notice. Slnle of Nebrla, ISiuttln Ctumt y, . Al n timely Cot lultl nl llie County Ctttilt Ibntttt In nittl fur nnld Ctinttly, .Innnniy In. A. I. Wl. I'r'eiil. J. W. I lli r. Ctmeiy Jtebte In the nuttier of (he elnle of Atlolph lintnw, u it nwil : On IfHdlutf Hlel flllllit the iM'tlllon of W, A I'Hite, pinyiiitf I lot I ndmlnlni rnllon of mthl entitle n.nv ln einntetl In him: OMleivtl. Hint I t briiary R A, l. HtJ. at lt of link A, K.. In nHNlittiml for lieniliitt nnbl IH'litlmt, when all iwrnonn lnleitnletl In nnbl mailer limy Hciir III n County l out I In ln hebl In ami for nnld I 'mini v, mid show e itune why the lunver of nnld wt ll loner should not ln (ii allied j null Hint lioilee of the eiitleiii'y or mini IM'tlllon n ml the lieurltut llieitor. in ulvenloiill iii rwum Inleresled In nnld iiiatu r by piilillsbltitf a copy of thin order In Tiik Amkuu'an, a iiewsiiitiier nrlnted In mild County, once each week for three nueeennlve wcckh prior io mini uny or hearing. I A Irueeopy.J J.W.FI.I.KU. l-ix-'l Coiinty .Indue. Notice. Stnte of Nebraska, Dmiulan County, nn. At a county Court held at the County Court Room In and for an Id County.-Jiiiiuary. 20. A. 1. iHirj. 1'iesenl. J, W. Flier, County ,ludfi' In the matter of tho estate of John A, Wlrlh. deeeuncil: On rendlnu and flllnu the petition of W. n. Hhrlver, liruvliiil for tlie probalt of the will of said (I aned, and t hat Miiitdulena Fred- erlcke Wlrth, limy lie appointed executrix under the will of Said deceased: Ordered, that February III. A. I), H02. at 2 o'clock r. M. be assigned for heurliiK mild petition, When all pernonn Interested In said mailer mny appear at a county court io no held In una for nnld County, und nhow cause why the prayer of mild pet It loner should not be urutitcd : nnd that not lee of the nendene y of mild petition mid the hearing thereof, be r;lven to nil pernonn liiterenli-d In said matter, i.y puIiIInIiIiik a copy of thin order In TltK Amkiiican. ii newniititier nrlnted In mild County, once each week for three nuccennlvo weenn iirior io nam nay or nearinir. i true cojiy.j ), v, I-2H-;i jl'oiinty .Indue, Sheriffi Sale. Ily vlrtuo of an order of mile Innued out of the Ulntrlct Court of liouulun County. Ne branka. and to me (lit fed. I will, on the 1st day of Mure h, A. I), NI2. at lOo'clock A. M. of mild day at t he FAST front door of the County Court House, In the City of Omaha, liouulun County, Nebranka, nell at public auction the nroiierty described In mild order of nale an follown, to wit : l.ot. l h ree en In block one (II. sub-dl vision of John 1. Itedlck'N addition to the City of Omaha, liouulun County. Stale of Nebranka, subject, to u certain morluiiuo mudo In favor of The Klmhiill-Chuinp Investment. Com- uny, sum property io lie nom to watinry iraliam I'urk I he sum of four hundred seven teen W-HHl nMI7.ri2) dollarni tonntlsfy Kunnidl, I'm I t, ,t Coinnn ny the sum of two hundred forty e u it nr.- txi mm.m i o arm to miitHfv Wejsliiiun und Ollisou t he sum of one hundred eluht lo-loo oMoh.IID dollurn, with Interenl. on euch of mild iimounlnat rale of ten (HO per cent, tier annum from September 2lnt, Ihii lonatlnfy Urnhiim I'urk Hut sum of seventy three N7-I00 (7it.H7) dollumj to mtllnfy W.J, Few In. lisslunee of Morehouse llrothern the sum of live hundred llfly-neven M-100 (.Vi7.W) dothirns to nutlnfy F, ll, Nemliih the mini of three hundred llfly-tliron ii;i-ikii,(.-,;i,ii;) (0. 1 it IH ; to nutlnfy (leorue A. Ilouuland t he mini of twelve hundred eluhty-eluhl 0,'H(KmI2hh,o;i) dollarni to nutlnfy Abraham Konenberry the sum of one hundred twelve 10-lno 0fll2.IO) dollurn: to nutlnfy Jumen Morton A Son the mini of two hundred twoiity-nno7a-ii0 (221.7(11 dollurn, with Inlerent on each of mild amouiiln at rate of seven (7) per cent, per mi lium from September 2lnt, Nil; to nutlnfy (ieorue A, Ilouuland the mini of seventeen hundred forty-l woW-looilll7l2,Haltlollarn, with Interent I hereon at rale of elulit(H) percent, per annum from September 21st, IsUI: mid the sum of eluhty-three 7.'l-in0 (tn!,7;n dollurn cosls, with lult-rent thereon from Ibe2lntduy of September, A, I). Nil, until puld; touclhcr with iiccrulnu costs, iiccorillnu to a Judiiineiil, rendered by the IMstrlct Court of mild lloutr Ins County, lit lis Heplember term, A. I), Nil, In a I'erJalu aft Ion then and there iiemlluu wherein IJrahum I'urk wun plaintiff ami (leorue M. Cooper, Jacob W, llouder ami ol hern defemlantn. Omaha, Nebraska, January 2n, Nr.. IIFOUOF A, IIFNNFTT, HherllTof J lunulas County, Nebranka, Jumen W, Carr, at torney, I'urk vn Cooper et ul. 1-2H-S Probate Notice. In the matter of tho entateof Andrew. I, Harmon, deceaned: Nol lee In hereby tflvcn that the credltom of mild deceased will meet IlieadmlnlslialrU of mild enlute, before me, County .Indue of liouulun County, Nebranka, ut the County Court boom In nald County, on lhc!!,Mh day of March, Ni2, on the Sfilh day of May, Ni:J, und on the 201 Ii day of July, Ni2, ul V o'clock A. M, eiif h tiny for the purpose of present Inu t heir claims for cxumlnal Ion, ltd lust ment ami allowance, six inoiiihs are allowed for the c redllorn to prenent Ibelrcbilmn and one year for the administratrix to Nettle said estate, from the 2,'ith day of Junuury, N2. this nol lee will be published In Tim Amkiiioaw for four weekn nuffennlvi'ly, prior to tlm Kit h day of March, mi J, W, FM.KU, 1-2H-4 j tounty .IiiiIk". Probate Notice. In the matter of the entato of J, I), Thorium, deceaned ; Notice In hereby ulven that the credltom of mild deceaned will meet the ad in In 1st rat rlx of mild estate, before me, County .Indue of liouulun foiinly, Nebraska, at lint Coiinly court, room In wild count; y, on the 21th day of Murch. iHte, on theiMth day of May. NI2, and on the 2Alh day of July, In(l2, ut 0 o'clock A.M., each day, for the pur nose of prenent InU their claims for exainlnailoii, adjust ment, ami ul lowunce. Hlx monlhn urn allowed for the crodllom to prenent thtdre bilinn and one year for the uilmliilnlratrlx to settle mild chlnle, from the 12th day of Juiiuiiry, NI2, Hi In not lee will he published In Tiik A'MKK.CAit for four weekn nuceennlvcly, prior to Hut 2llh day of March, IWCJ, J. W, F.M.FIt, 1-21-4 County Judue, Notice of Incorporation. Mow An t at Tr I'mkm: Ihnl we. J. A. ItnttK I W 1 ltoitie' and H, a It. I, Iter, nil of Ottialta. HotmlasCotiniy. NeblHl. wlu nntttfn are milwl 0n-tl l lliimi Ailli lfN of lititttniilloii, ami 'n h older tei-titi a Innjr Inttine nsmn'tnletl Wtlh tin, Itn hereby anws litli' otllwl'en loirt-l Iter for the pniM of forming ami Invotnlttir a fin iwirnl ton timlrr the lawn of Hit Mnletif Nebiaskn. nml In rel.y a.lopl the Mlowlnn Alllflenof Infotlioralbiii: AHTICIK!, The iintiieof nnbl Cot iHtinlloli "hull If TIIK CiiMMI Ut'lAI, I.OVN A IN VlJ"TMFNT COMI'ANV. . , ,, AliTICl.KII Said Coiinirallon In formed for the pnrtntne of iiffiimiibittiiu and hmnlnu money ttnni Flint licnl Fntate Moll uouen, liiiylntf and nell Inu Ileal Fntale, Hlm'kn. Iloniln. Coliilnerf bll I'll tier, and inuklnu short lime loans. AIMH I.F III. The print inul Olllce nnd domicile of nnbl Corporation ahull In' the City of Omaha, State of Nebraska. AHTK'I.KIV Sold CortMii iitlon shall exist for the term of fifty trim yearn from the dale of the llllnuof thin Charter In the olllce of the Secretary of State of mild State of Nebrimkn. AKTICI.K V. The bbrhenl nmoinil of Indebtedness of I bin Company nhall nt no lime exceed two-thirds of Its capital stock Issued mid fully paid up. A II I It ,', VI. The hnnlncss of mild Cornorallon nhall be conducted by a Hoard of iHreetomeomponed of three CI) HtiM'kholders, to be elected by tho stockholders, almich time ami In such man lier an may be prencrlbed by the lly-Lawn of the Commmv. and for the llrnt year nnd un til their successors shall be elected and iiiinl- llled. the HI rectors nhall be J, A. Harris. I W. Thompson and It. S. Itelcher, all of the ,'oiintyof JHiuulan, Htateof Nebranka. AKTICI.K VII. Tho authorized ('unit it I Si k of mild Com pany nhall be Fifty Thousand Dollurn (Wumii) to be divided Into live thousand nluiren (ft.oooi of Ten Dollurn (IO.Otl each. Io be disponed of at such time and In such manlier un the Com pany may direct. a n i n i.r, viii. The (tollman v may beulu to transact busi ness on the llficcnili day of January, A, l., IWI2., in wltneaa whereof, we hereunto net our hands thin, tlie 22nd day of December, IHHI. I ICIKIKNK W. I IIOMI'HON, Hluned, 4.1. A. Haiiiiih, him unit, Static or Nkiiiiahka, I CotJNTV UK DolMlbAN. f an. He It remembered. That on thin Willi (lav of December, A, D IHHI, personally appeared before me, a Notary 1'ublli! In und for wild County, the folltiwlnu tunned persona, curb of whom In personally known to me to be the persons named In the foreuolnu Articles of Incorporation, uud who nlunedmtld Arllclen of Incorporation before me und In my pres ence, ami who severally duly uckiinwleilued the name to be their volunt ary act ami deed for the purpose therein expressed, to-wltl J, A. HiirrlN. I. W. Thorn pnou ami It, H Hole her, n II of the City of Omuhu, County of Douuian, and Hi ii te of Nebranka. Witness my hand and Notarial seal the day and year bint above writ ten, F, K. Daiii.inii. Notary Public, Within and for Douuian County, Nebraska, Ihkai U-4-4 Sheriff Sale, Ily virtue of unorder of mile Innued out of the District Court for Douuian County, Nn. briinku, und In mc dlrcc led, I will on the Nth day of March, A. D IWi:', ul lOo'clock A, M, of mild day, at the FAST front door of tint County Court House, In the City of Omaha, Douuian (tounty, Neliriinkii, nell nt public auction the tiroperly dencrlbed In nald order of mile an follown, to-wll : The mirth twenty-four (21) feet of (he went sixty ((ill) feet of lot nix 01), block three till, First addition to South Omuhii, und nlliiutit In Doiiulnn County, Slate of Nebraska, to nutlnfy J, A, llynlium, Hie sum of one hun dred, sixteen 71' 100 ilollnrn 1110,71) Judument, and thirty and 4:t-loo dollurn tiMMOi costs, with Inlerent thereon from the 2lnt day of September, A, D Inlll, until puld, toifelher with ace riilnu co is accordlnu lo a Judument rendered by Hut District 'our!, of nald Dou uian County, at lln September term, A, D NU, In a cerluln net Ion then and there iieml luu, wherein J, A, llynlium wun plaintiff, and Frank J. Kupsen ami Nancy J, Kupnen, lie femlatilN, Omaha, Nebraska, February nth, OFOKHF, A, IIFNNFTT, Sheriff of Douulim County, Nebraska, K, CI, Wolcol.t. attorney, llynlium vn Kupnen. 2-4-1 Sheriff' Snlo. Ily virtue of un order of nulit Innued out of the Dint rlct Court for Douuian Coiinly, Ne branka, nml lo me directed. I will, on I lie HI b tiny of March, A, D, N.ri, u t Id o'clock a, m, of nald day, ut the FAST front door of thn County Court House, In the City of Omuha, Douulim County, Nebiaskn, nell lit public auction the tiroperly described In mild order of mile as follows, lo wit: l,ot, number fourteen (II) In Albrluht At Aylenworl h'n addit ion to Omuhu, In Douuian County. Slate of Nebraska, wild nddlt Ion be luu a sub-dl vision of Hlock eluht ihi of Wunh Inulon Hill unnurveyed, plnl led ami record ed In nnbl County and Stale, Hit til properly to lit1 nold to satisfy Jennie II, Criliiilnel I, ad mliilntrulrlx of the est ale of Josluh II, Crum melt, deceased, the mini of four hundred, tdeven 2.1-100 dollurn (tlll.2:i) jiidumeut, with Inlerent, I hereon, from February Inh, A. D., I sin, until puld: uml twenty-six Is. nm (ft!ll,H) contn, with Inlerent thereon from the (Hhdayof February, A, D (hi, until paid, touelher with iifcruliiK contn iiccorillnu to a Judument rendered by'lnt District .Court, of nald Douulim County, ul Itn February term, A, D., Nil, lu ueerlalii act Ion then mid I hern pemllnu. wherein Jessie II, Crtiiunielt, Ad mliilnlralrlx, wun plaliillll' uml J, M, Mitchell, defendanl, Omuhu, Nebraska, February nth, Hi, OFOKliK A. IIFNNFTT, Sheriff of Douuian County, Nebranka, Hcott A, Scol t, iil lorneyn, Orummett vn MlUdudl, 8-4-flj ( ll, s.