The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, February 04, 1892, Image 1

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Ni miu u A
MOCHA 8 TlttA TlO!f.
f wi week ago we published aii open
IMIItti.11 Mil. I
1 . . . - I I
v llio tmnkncM ruaniiirer send a copy
of Tub Ambhican containing same to
f that gentleman by registered letter.
Tho following lny tin) card which
always accompanies a registered letter,
was returned to this office, hearing tho
signature 'lllehard Hcannoll," which
wo hold as evidence that tho hiHhop re
ceived a marked copy of TlIB Am Bid
CAN containing tho alxivo mentioned
"ojsm letter."
Up to thin tlmo Hishop Hcannoll has
studiously uvoldod and continually ig
nored tho question therein propounded.
IJy IiIh action ho has certainly given
Protestant ample cause for concern! lug
that tho Iloman Catholic church low
and does an wo havo and aro charging
It with doing. IJy his silence ho low
certainly 'awakened .now thoughts in
many conservative Iloman Catholic
minds, and will, no doubt, drlvft many
from a church which places a premium
ujMin licentiousness and crime. His
conduct will, wo believe, cause many to
do a a lady of our acquaintance has
already done cause them to Hover tholr
connection with tho "church and cause
thorn to declare assho does, "It In all
plain to trio now; I can see where tho
priests would lead us, I havo been a
Iloman Catholic all my life, arid have
four boy whom I Intended to bring up
in that faith, but since I havo been
reading your paper, listening to tho
questions propounded to mo by my
father confessor, and noticing that bo
often apiicarod to bounder tho Influence
of liquor, I stopped going to mass, and
shall never allow a priest inside of my
bous) again, You aro doing a good
work. A great many women whom I
bavo known as devout attendant have
said they intended to corny out of tho
church, I tiollevo what appears in
TllK AMKUCAN is true, arid this belief
is shared by a good many people in
Omaha, I know the church controls
tho political actions of her members,
At the last election every I toman
Catholic in Omaha was supposed to
have received written instructions as to
bow bo should vote, I know some
did, Isicauso they made the statement
that if tho I toman Catholics failed to
carry tho last election their churches
would 1st closed, and they would not Is
allowed to bold services or go to con
fession," That Is bow one lady who was raised
altornan Catholic fools, and we ven
ture the assertion that nearly all of you
bavo a friend who Is wavering, who Is
almost ready to step outside of tho
church; yet bow many more would
shako tho shackles off If they could 1st
shown tho true Inwardness of tho Jes
uitical scheme that Is being worked
not only here, but throughgut the coun
try' A Jaw more refusals to answer
civil questions or discuss the theologies
and dogmasof the church will suffice to
drive intelligent jstoplo out of the
As to tho assertion that Jtomuri
Catholics were instructed bow to vote,
we havo also the word of a christian
lady whoso hired girl Is a I toman Cath
olic. A few diiys Istforo election this
young woman apjrearod Is-foro tho lady
for whom she was work itig and Informed
her that her father bod received a letter
telling him how to vote, and which said
if tho Iloman Catholics failed to carry
tho election their churches would 1st
closed. The lady told her It was not so,
that they were mistaken; and, slow
that time, has called her attention to
the fact that the churches kin still
open. What, mere evidence do yew
want that Home attends to tmith the
jmi it It'iU and spiritual affairs of her
Tho supremo court of the United
States has decided that James H. Hoyd
Is a citizen and that ho Ineligible to
any olllce within the gift of tie; coplo
of Nebraska.
As wo did not vote for James E. Hoyd
and as we never considered that Mr.
Thayer had any right to hold beyond
tho day set by law for tho expiration of
his term of ollleo, wo shall not shout
ourselves hoarse over tho victory of the
Omaha man, neither would wo havo
died of grief had tho supremo court
taken a different view of tho case.
This decision makes James E. Hoyd
tho unchallenged standard liearor of
tho democratic party in the state of
Nebraska at the next election. It
makes it absolutely necessary that tho
republican nominee bo chosen from
somo point outside of Omaha; and yet
if that Is done you will find certain re
publican loaders, who carry (?) tho
voters of Douglas county in their
pockets, lighting from the day tho nom
ination is made until tho evening of tho
eighth day of Novomlstr for tho demo
cratic leader.
J jut there Is a new element In Doug
las county politics which cannot Isj de
livered this year to either a Iloman or
a J Ionian sympathizer. It holds tho
key to tho situation, and whoever gets
its support is almost certain to carry
this county, Without its support no
man can Is) elected, and for that reason
tho republican leaders (?) should -lie ex
ceedingly careful In their selection of a
candidate for governor, and for mom
Istrs of the electoral college.
The salvation of the republican party
depends largely upon democratic blun
dersIt dojierids equally upon tho nom
ination of clean, staunch Protestants.
I'oIItics will not cut half so much of
a figure hereafter, as honesty of pur-
jkiso and integrity of principle. Ho-
eauso a man has always been a repub
lican will bo no endorsement If ho Is
unsound ujsm tho vital questions the
Americans hope to solve; If ho Is luke
warm in support of the public schools;
or If ho recognizes as citizens those who
boast of being Iloman Catholics first
and citizens afterward.
A demiwirat who toadies to tho Jesuits
will 1st slaughtered In this county, with
as little compunction as Is usually dis
played In hurrying a republican ticket.
The state should liear this fact In
mind. No enemy of our public Institu
tions should lie nominated. No man
with such a reputation can bo elected,
Loyal Americans want none but Ameri
can citizens on gtiard-1, e,, 1'rotestants,
Will give another brill next Thursday
evening In Washington hall. Those
who attended the other hop will bo
glad to know they aro so soon to enjoy
another rare treat. Taking tho other
us a criterion tbo danoo tho 11 th Intft,,
will bo a c Juto success, because
you canapf k4)n any person who at
tended th$7rmir one away, and they
aro sure to bring tholr friends.
Having ospospd the blasphemous as
sumptions, and the libidinous com
munication of Al?ltUVt.AH( VtNKKMMtOM
as now AirrnoHizF.n Ast Hi:qniir.i,
by the church of Uome In the United
States, ami on lsith continents. And
having made these disclosures Inmost
of tho largo cities on this continent,
and recently in Omaha, a Lincoln and
Nebraska City, Nebraska, and at
Council Muffs, Iowa, and having been
denounced, and cursed by the priests
of Home, for so doing, wo hereby ntt
ITIANTLY challenge any accredited
Homaii priest, bishop or cardinal on
tho continent of America to dlsprovo
tho books and facts disclosed In our
private lectures to men. Now let this
Issuo )m accepted, or for guilt and
shame, let tho Iloman clergy cease
their slanderous communications, and
let penal enactments suppress the
Ilomlsh confessional as a prolific source
of crime and debauchery.
J, O. WllITB.
Council HlulTs, Iowa, Nov. 2(1, 181)1.
I'll kick should be a licence Inspector
appointed, People aro robbed un
mercifully by hucksters, and wo ven
ture that not one-half of tho "short
measure" crowd pay a cent into tho
city treasury. An ordinance should
os passed raising tho licence feo to ten
dollars per month. This would pro
tect legitimate business men, and rid
tho city of a lot of disreputable Indi
viduals who imposo upon defenceless
women in the suburbs.
TllK city attorney has sulllelont help.
What do tho people pay a city attorney,
an assistant and a prosecutor for If it
Is not to collect evidence and look
after tho legal affairs of tho city?
While tho city council Is lopping off
understrappers in other departments,
why not apply tho pruning knife to tho
city attorney! office? There Is plenty
of room there for reform and retrench
TllK city council claims It will, by
consolidating offices and cutting off un
necessary superriumnrarios, save tho
tax payers tho snug sum of nine thou
sand dollars, Wo hope tills will lie so;
yet It may riot 1st so. Incase It does
not It may prove an expensive experi
ment, However Wo shall wait and see,
arid If things turn outasthoooiiriollmori
hojH) they will, we shall 1st tho llrst to
cacord them full credit.
Tiik board of education had boiler
examine the Kcllom school. We
understand tho specification culled for
paper under tho floor, and that It wa
not put there, aV 4 simply becauso the
superintendent ol building neglected
his duties, by being a Incut several
days, attending to private business.
Thin should bo looked Into,
WHAT do you Protestants mean?
There was a deficiency in tho Presby
terian hospital fund last year, There
was an overlap of several thousand dol
lars in tho fund of St. Joseph's hospital,
tho Helmut Catholic institution, We
noticed ninny Protestant names nmong
the donor lo I tie bitter, How utAtiy of
them gavrt to the Presbyterian, the
McthmlUt or Immnniiel hospitals?
Homo no lunger rub", gentlemen, so
oenm' your truckling, ami stand by your
A Heavy Lots.
Few men will ever sustain n greater
loss than 0. Jl. Devrles wns called upon
to bear lust week when an All Wise
(led released the soul of his wife from
Its mortal prison and phmcd It nmong
tho chosen and elect who will reign
with Him until the end of time. A
purer woman, a more devoted wife
and a more devout christian could not
havo been found In Omaha. She was
lnnocenco, truth and charity not Its
essence, but its very life, and, living
nolghhor to tho famfly, and knowing
her disposition and daily life, tho loss
ot Mr. Devrles conies homo to us with
unparalleled forco. Ho and her parents,
Mr.' and Mr. Samuel Cottier, will have
tho sympathy of a largo circle of
friends in this tho most unhappy week
of their lives.
Iliu'lii'lei' k Kulcy. imil New Vo U Ufc,
Jlicrki'tpfldKc lnclicni'll(i At Cl'iifiiol,, 4lfl
New Vers l.lfe.
Can', J. W 20:1 Hoard of Trade,
Mler, .1. W.. l!oinily ,lii(lf?it.
Jcllrcy & Klcli. Z (I. M. Niillonnl hunk,
Hi Wis J, W H.lficolw block. ,
Heel l Col. (J, It. JIlHlrleUuilKC,
KcoM, 10, II., 4 IS New Vers 1,1 fn.
Wolrol !, K. 1 m darker block,
When you need an attorney (tall on
one of tho above, and to!' tbtm you saw
their name In this paper,
TlIB Sheriff of Douglas county says
he would place notices of saloinTliB
Amkkkjan If tho attorney did not, ob
ject. Our friends who need the services
of an attorney are requested to look In
another column and see who send their
sheriff sale to this paper. If Prot
estant attorneys have placed a boycott
on Tub Amkuioan wo hope our friends
will see to It, that tho same Is removed.
N or wrriisTANiMNO tho fact that there
are several republican applicant for
the position, wo feel, and wo know a
great many member! of the American
Protective association feel as we do,
that the appointment of any man a
street commissioner other than ,1.11.
Wlnspear will show that party leader
do not real le tho magnitude of tho
American movement.
TilB Lincoln Call Is red hot, for Tom
Majors for governor, Ifliolng llrst In
the Held Is any ail vantage the, lieuten
ant governor has the Held at a disad
vantage. Hols an avowed candidate,
while our own Dr. Mercer and the other
statesmen in tbo state aro waiting on
their friends.
I, C, HAaiBMrK and J. U. Kaley have
concluded they could attend to tholr
legal business to bettor advantage by
having an office together, and to that
end they have established headquarter
tttlOO.'! and JOOl New York Life build
ing, Home people think John Hush did
not, try to make Pat Mullen street com
missioner, but you did, didn't you