AMEBIC AN IJtlHi Vlil.l'MK I, OMAHA, NKIl, TIUHtsHAY, lMS I MHKU U, lu. TIIK HOMAS 8CIIKMR. A linn Krn tMit from HI, I'titilwhtrh contain much Wtnlnrm, If ll itd nothing inure, lho I'rotcM mil who niv now fully nwnko In I ho thtp laid phtti of Homo loi'iiluii ftiiil Imlil (hi ghtrlotm country, Thai d In patch I'l H'U it follow: fT. I'Alt, M Inn., I iii1, II.- Information received In HI. I'iiiiI todnv Hull n condition of I'uh l.iii In itniwItiK dully more crlotiN mill Unit lu citniiol lMieeted tollve lnyinl a few day. Tln in' Ni'ittiiii direct and from a Koiitt'n not In Ih qiicuHoticd. Only thoe hlciitlllcd with the lnldc ii Hairs of Ihe church lire awn re of tin' fullNltfiiltlciince In America, anil particularly In Hut lioithwcM, uf Him cIiiiiikcn Hint will follow Hiii death of I lie IOM, Tim United I're repreNonlntlvti ha been NllirCNNflll llHllllllllllllK fmiii a IiIrIi authority In the church ill HI,. I'iiiiI Nome limbic furl ri'KiirriliiK Hiii fiitiirn li It will lie In rime Hiii tclctrrnphlc prediction from Home In fiilllllcd, 'I'd In authority itlve It a alumni cert ain Hint Cardinal UlhholiN will lie I In' next hihi, TIiii rcamum given are manys 't I plainly mvok- ntcd Hint tliu wlci'lloii for the papal rluilr to follow l'olll ll'O lllllNt llll for Hit! Illll'l-l'HllI of Hiii church, it inaii not III liny wny rnnnertcil Willi Hid factional dlNliKreement dltlirhlllK Kurnpe. Ho iniiHt not bo a Herman beraiiNU niii'Ii a Hi'lirl Ion would ant iitfonlo Hii t'rench faction, nor a Frenchman foranlmllar rcaott, There are really only three available men foi'Tlui exalted poNltlon, They urn Cardinal liifiiiltiK of KiikIiiimI, Cardinal Honm-ii of IIi'IkIuiii mill Cardinal Olbhotmnf llaltlmore, Cardinal 1aniiliiK ha the ability to (111 Ilia poNltlon, lint In Iimi old, Cardinal Uoeti Iiiin Hiii youth, but lack tlm alilllly, Cardi nal (JHiIioiin lia liolli llin youth mill alilllly, llti leiitlrely out of tlm factional dltitrh iiiicon, and Ht I conceded Hint Im I I human who will be elected, Im Iiik In every way (he (I I lent, If Cardinal (Jlhhon (toe become Hut pope Hie policy of I he Cat hollo church for tlm entire world will be largely shaped from MlmicHola, A, a matter of fact It will bea nwtil Coin fillilwiM and, t'li(,ef Advlwil'rtj- lmul, ' '' "" ArrhbUhop Ireland fthclo friend mid r,oiill(leiitlaltidvler of Cardinal Ulbbon, Tlm latter I not an ai(relv man nor a politician, Tlm former I both, and ft I A rrh blNliop Ireland who hatood bei ,d Cardinal Olhhon In nvery tip he Im, , .tdertaken, Cardinal Olhhon lia profound mfldenen In Ireland, 'and (hero I held Uf lid lu ddibfof the notion he will take If he become thft head of tlf-chiuvli, Archhlnhop Ireland would at once itHKume Cardinal Hlmnon' place, and the power behind tlm throne would be eMail llMhed, Hut (he (tolled I're Informant wa certain that A rchhlMhop Ireland would never become aCardlual while l,eo live, bocaiiNC of hi poNltlonon the temperance iiuNtlon, and IbeCalieiiMly movement, III radical iillef. mice on (bene mal,l,er had procured him tee enmity of the Herman and AuMrlau ele ment, and they would defeat hi election, Thl enmity wa llbml rated by the way Ireland wn NtudloiiHly Ixnored durlnif the recent ArchhlNhop Knnrlck Jubilee In Ht, I,ouIn, llelde, If a cardinal were cIiomui In the north went, It would he from the ChlcaKu nch. If Ireland had a chance to uceeed Km bun In Chlcaxu Im mlttht K t a red hat, hut It would meet with HIT uppimltlon In the (juartor Indicated, Thl Informant further Niild that Ireland wa worklmf ton hard, and Ifl health I beluK Impaired, From ii I Ionian Hlmiilpolnt Unit would boil if mitt irjiln. Vvom n J'r'oUi,urit HliifiilMilnt It would ciictalnly )m thn ruiiht (llMiiwIrou tiling ttidt oould io wllily li(iiion to thl country, Of (unii'Hii tin; weulitr ju'cm will iiltound In iiliitltinloM, hIiowIiii; hi iiMllty, fil worth iind tho Kdlfi thin country would "tiHluIn woro Ijo crownod with tho tliirl, yot (it tho Mitmo tlmii thoy would know that from tho tlmo ho boitumo tho nuo (tcMMor of fioo XIII, it would moan con tlmiod Htt'lfo hotwoon our ollldul itnd tho hoiid of that jMilItloul corior(itlori known (M thn Jlomnn CuUiollo church, Tluiro 1 no dlMiiUlnif llil fiutt, fn Italy, hImoo Iminanuol in I70do jirlvod tho jiojmi of all hi tomjioral jiowcr, Uiito Iiiin iH'cn (sontlriiial Htrlfn, Iloiid what Mr, b'Hryan, tho jiojioV (!otnianlori recently wild; ''Tli ni''hi'IHi U efjr gmMl. Unble lolli liul, but (he lint lH4 llil linl ullutt Id in ImIii nfllhey nr itflnlil hendidil m.r U lilniM-lf. Il I often i'rrlril When he ihllthl h I h , Them I iiuHiliiii Hie timtler lllihlm, hul you kntiw when mini neUtn Ih over!) yniK old lie mux! tnke KimhI cure of hlin-i'lf. He will neter leiivi' Home, He never Iind miy liiti ntbui of doing mi. hen lie pro !( mtithiNt two Mivereltfli llvlim ihere, Hie Hiiile Jiliiip to the eoiicliixliiil that the mih In vnliia to leave, The Nipe Iiiin never enler tallied the Idea for nil IiikIhiiI. KIiiii HiiiiiImtI I the linn Who iiiiinI to. When IIiiiiiIh'I I in'n Ihelithi'Nt rained retiiHoli Which ha veeKtcil helween Hie v ill lean nml Hie idivernmeiit. fur twenty year rail readily Im nrntuitcd hy illplomacy, lliilllcaii never be until limn Ih'H iriH'. I ilu not know who will I mi nominated for cardinal tit lliecomlnu t'oliNlNtury. I do not think another American will lie raled tolbal honor Jiixt now," That hIiown how IthiwlH'cn thoro iind what you may fixjaict horn, Tlun tho Mipo Iiiim literally locked hlnmolf In tho Vatican tinil clalitu'd, to tho world, that ho wan a irlMonor, when, In reality, tho Iiiwh of Italy allowed him tho hiikio freedom that It lx 'Mowed 1 1 j m ti other HiihjectM, Itutthe ifuiinuiktoH did not milt tho Jiopo, Ho claimed to Im TIIK, rtllortolx) 1CVKN UUKATKHTHAN TIIK KINO, and heciuiMo tho rightful ruler oonraifoouhly told him that under cerlitn condltloim liic, could remain, and that ONLY under thot4e ootid Itlomt could ho continue hi domicile within tho bordot'Mof Italy, ho and hi "lluiikle" Net up tho cry that ho wn n jirUoner, oxjMictlritf THAT to jircjudloo inttdlfifotit people (iitlriHt tho lawful ruler. After moro than twenty year of vol untary confinement, tho Hpeody (IUhoIu tlon of tho "prlMonor" in oxiieotod-In fiMttln ftmioiijood and huforo hlnl)orieM hare bMr'ifMM?WtdMliTt "father" thn KilHlcltt(ti tho JmiitM-wit alHiut try iii to elect a jxifMi who Im al ready dom iciled In tho United Htal-en, Jxiltovinif, and no doubt rightfully, that a foreign cardinal would find Itoxtremoly dlltloult to gain ftormuriont roHldeuco In thlw oountry am iiojto iw tho trlplo-orowned klti( of J tonan 11, They iiro nharp onouh to hoo that by makbiNf n pope out of a man who Im already upon thl will, and who claim to 1)0 an American (dtl-on, they would cHcajio a world of trouble, They bold that (llhlxin holri" jiohhomh od of t ho noeoNHiiry fiialiflcatlonN which makoltjiolhlo for a man to participate In tho fovernm?nt of thin country, would im lea objectlonablo to ourcltl ,oum than any Jhto JohuH they could elect Ui tho jxwltlon of jwipo, Now thlx claim I citoiiooum, Tho cltlen' tho UNITW MTATICH would object Jimt a muitb to fJIbhon wittllnjf down hero an tho "hwt, mij)remo jndj mm to what Im right and what Im wronif," a they would U) any foreign potentate who could arid would control one-ninth of our population -making them abject MlaveM, with no right U think, act or voto different to what bo would dictate; making hi will their will, thereby de priving them of their coimtltutlonal rlgbtMftnd jeopardizing ovory onoof our free JrixtitutlonM; while they would rear tiion tho rulfiM of our public mcIiooIm, conventMand ritinnerloM wherein chil dren would Iki taught-Ignorance and MIIM!rMtItIon, Am broad hm thl land Im, It Im yet far Un narrow for any man to Mettle in with the Idea that bo can fx) jiopo, while wo have a prcldcrit, There Im nothing xynonlmow in tho tw'oterniM, JlomanlHiriHtid ArnerlcaniNm, The former MtandM for all I hat Im Ignoble, while the latter Im & ready Hpomtor for pmijrvK, tiwfulnen nnd lin1innl,it. With mieh widely dilTi'iviil pnrM(', wlilt ttwd m widely diverging, how could I hey live long In hniiuony, II wax Iho Koinnn cliuit li thai biirtieil Jul i ll 1 1 ii nt the Mlako Inh'hiimo lie dlltered w ith the lynmiileiil lieihl of the llilli llllie tiNill the illtei pi etnlloll of I lie llilile; hIik murdered Abritlinm IJnetiln becilUMO lieciuimi her Meliemo Ui w reck IniDi the union ami the eiiiifehriicy fulled of mnterhill,at Inn. Auierlcatilm iiuide HIM a glorloim martyr, HomiitiiHiii iIih' nut chiinge lmt I her IhiiimI,, Amerleiinlmii elitlnm Ut Ihi In tho vim-guiiril of all the progrofdvo nut Ion of tho ittirth, then how would it Im jiommIIiIo for thi'Mo two thltigM, which are mo diametrically opHmod to each other, to keep "iituno" nml In harmony one with thoolhety KltherHonuinlHiii would have to change and keep ahroiiHt tho car of progivNH, or Americanlnm would have U relliiijulHh her proud poNltlon among the tuitlotiH of the earth and fall hiu-k In lino with a relic of tho Sixteenth century, Yot neither tho one nor tho otborlMfetiHiblo. And why'. llocauho if yotidivcHttho Homan church of her tttitlijulty hho would Hpeedlly iIIk- a)ipear, Mako 1 1 r a thing of today, allow her comuiuuicautH, her prloHtH and her blMhop to think, und.mtt for theuiHelveH and they would himiii deHert the relic of paganlHin, It iMMiiporHtltlon thathohlM tho toman church together at preMent II; Im tho confoMMlonnl that glveM the prleHtM power to whip their tltho-payom Into lino In nupport of any man or moomiro, whenever and u often bm the blnbop may order, Through it 4'h'jy, Jk,iw. ovcry iiiatiV wottk ttf through It iMleiirnod ovory ludiMcretion of tho female penitent, and through it tho orderM for tho Itoman army whether It lie an order to boycott or voto are promulgated. With AmerleiirilMin It Im different. In it you find loyalty to tho country and to tho flag adlMpoHltlon to think, act and reiiMon e(uallty, Independence, - i i i . .1 n . i uiiiuuoou nun jiimuco. nu i no oilier nir tribiiloM iieeoMMary to make a gixMl cit i zen, butabMoluldy iitinccoMMury to make a good (toman. For thoMo reiwoim l'robfMtantM will view all attempt t-o Uh'uUi tho homo of tho next pope, in thlx country, with mingled dlMtriiMtand Ill-favor, JUBTUKIS IIOMS. Word hit '.mm brought to thl ofllco that tho prlcHt who Miiccmided Fathdr 6'hokt, and who htm boon In (urn re placed by I ho father he had wieeeeded, dill itrml from mot prloul. It Im Raid lio rufuHod to oxnctito tho order of hi bfxhop compelling all hi mii!o com munlcnnt to voto tho Homan ticket at tho hint election, it Im alo xtiifnd that ho ha been ent out In Hut country to Mount Minnll place bccaiixo of hi neglect and refined to nlmpo both tho polillcal and rellglob opinion of (ho laity. We do not know how much truth there. I In (ho report, but ft U jitt ltko Home, When mIio cannot rule mIio tried to cruh and ruin. Thl prloMt Mhoiild havo known ho had no right to an opinion. lh ulionld have known tin had no authority to do right if tho bfnliop Maid "do wron," At uli'iuld havo known tho will of tho popo, voiced by tho blhop, Im law; that no Htattite can tiqunl It In luportauco, or binding force; that tho contllutfotiM Nt'MMI H .Vi nmt a olVntate nml prlnclpnlltle end lo ittinulled by him, Uml tmllt of nllegliiiictt tin hut bind, and I lint ho U the "hint, mipt'enm Judgo n In H hnl U right nud wliul I wrong;" Im xlioiild have known Unit llto who titity, In llielr Kent for tho holy (1) mother (r) church (?) , kill a few heretic tiro not g.till)' of murder; ho ohoiihl have re liieniliered that IIiiinii who tin not ob nerve, the ilocliliie of thn Roman tiiiiclilim hIiiiII be twice nked to recant and ltd urn lo the fold of vice, Ignor ance and mipnrutilloii, and If they full or rcfiiMii to do mo, mIihII be exlcrtiiliintcil, Thee aru the doctrine of Hume; tlicNii are her law. Im It any wonder then, that John the Huvelalor dubbed her tho "mother of harlot y " Is It any wonder thai Uiomo grand martyr, u, ifyclifle, Litllier, and (liordan.) llruno who dulled tlio church lelt tlm weight of her In bptiloiiM and murderotiN ectdealaHllcH t Yet what a farce I tlilH that prohibit mail from exercllng the factillie (led Iiiim given him I What a uliitiu I H'liat Nuherh cgotlHin that permit a human being to nay: "I alone am Infallible, and through mo tilono can thoMtt Mlecped In (tin ever hopo lo be ttavod. My will I tho will of Hod, for 1 am (lod !" Mr Tlmiiie offered a reoluHoti li allow the I'okrok -a pad ii Wm.U for pohlhdiliiK thn ilellniiietit lax 111, of IMtto, The reNoluHoii wa laid over onu week,- from report of county comtiilMNloner' proceeiJIriK, Halur day, Hcc, I!!, Nil. t 'J'h m bill in idontltmlly lko tbatyiyn (lorod by the (Jermati 'iVI burnt. Tlio Marno object Ioiim which apply Ui lis juty ment can lie urged agalnat the payment of tho bill proMotitod by the I'okrok Zapadu, While tho law provldox that thollMtmay )m publlMbed in jmperM printed In HwodlMh, (Jerman or Ilehem lart, when muih paierM have a circula tion of bVH), wo do not believe il Judge of ordinary Intelligence would hold that either of tbomt paperM (lomplled with that law when they printed the IImI, Iii KugllHh, Wo tjuot-ed tho law, In a former Imiiic, which covered thene t!ai!M, and if the county commlMMlonerM feel like (lying in the face of public opinion, wo iter-, talnly mIuiII Iomo no Mleep over tho pre dicament they have placed thomMolvoM In, They know tbtmo IiIIIm are Illegal,' Tiik IJucon Club litened to a very liiNtructivo talk on tho llver (picMllon by Mr. A I'. opkln, iat Haturday evening. A thl will bo one of (ho loading oitmtlori In tho next prclden lial campaign, the Lincoln Club ha Mlarted In the -right direction, and could not havo xeourcd a man tmtlor qualiliod to Mpertk upon (ho Miibject (han Mr. opkin. I remark went plain and coiicImo and tliomt In atbui dance went away with a moro clear Idea a to tho poitlon of gold and (di ver In tho money market of tho United Htate. 7i remark woro Miipplo merited by nhort and lnlcreting talk on tho Mtibject by Mr. Kdward Hone wiUor, Ji'iok out for Htockham' great daughter Kale of boot and hoe, Hoo hi (idverllement on Alb page. 'I'll I I a bona lido Male,