The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 26, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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Purity In flat of In.tthiomenMt, A
Clear tye, Sternly tlrsln And Iron
Nerve, letter! of Creeping,
Crawling Hotten
Editorial Correspondence,
lit two respects, nt least, the TkAUK
UkV1K.1V Occupies ft position Unique In
Jnurnntiriiit, l'lrsl In regard to our
manner of tiifKlng Investigations, and
tho dlffltiiorimtutl character of report
based upon such Investigation. Our
examination Into matter of current
Importation dro conducted without bias,
and all editorial opinions based upon
such data ore without prejudice, no
charge In any manner, shape or form
being mado when a favorable opinion
I given, and no motive of prudence
deterring when the circumstances of
tho case demand an adverse criticism.
Neither hopo of reward nor fear of
consequence are factor In shaping the
editorial utterance of tlii Journal.
Whllt tho Independence manifested
has frequently antagonized Uioho ac
customed to seeing tho powerful Influ
ence! tho almighty dollar exert In the
business ofllco, It ha also served to
place us prominently In tho confidence
of twenty-six thousand readers every
week of tho year. Tho fact that ex
pressions of opinion are not based on
financial consideration, that wo have
neither friend to reward tiT enemies
to punish, no flxe to grind, and that no
payment, of money figure directly or
Indirectly In tho transaction, and that
no gifts are accepted, give such edi
torials weight which never attaches to
paid write-ups or tho expression of
Journal which seek to concillato largo
advertisers at tho expense of frankness
and truth, and thus deceive tho reader
who seek untarnished truth alono. In
another respect tho Timdk Rkvibw is
entitled to more than mere mention, as
never ha It, or any of tho other old
established Journal with which !t 1
now Incorporated, editorially endorsed
any proprietary medicines, find with
butasinglo exception where duty led
to tho endorsement of ft prominent or
thopedic lntituto have wo ever men
tioned physician, Infirmary or sanita
rium In term of endorsement.
It will bo noticed that tho glaring
and speciously worded advertisement
of Warner, Pierce, Jfood, Ayer and
other aro never found even In our dis
play columns. During a scoro of year
of high grndo Journalism and catering
to tho best commercial Interests, we
have ever excluded from our publica
tion all which could not fully demon
strate It eflicloncy, reliability and
honest worth.
Tod iv wo now depart from such In
variable, Inflexible and Iron-clad cus
tom, and In so doing wo havo no apol
ogies to offer, for tho same adherence
to principle which caused tho exclu
sion of other medical advertisement
from our page now compel us to
throw open our editorial column to
bestow unqualified approval and un
stinted commendation on a secret rem
edy to endorse a medical intitutlon
fully and freely and to recommend both
in tho most emphatic and unmistaka
ble way possible. Wo refer to tho
Cook Hkmkuv iUmvAHi
of Omaha, Nebraska, an establish men t
.... - - - ......
Un h for settle dajs pt ha I teen the
subject nl rigid eimiutiitt by a
trained and trusted rrrrmndent upon
the grnund representative! et thl
paper despatched to Omahil for the
ol purpose uf acquainting himself
with the truth, tho whole truth and
nothing but the truth concerning thl
much talked of, much advertised and
much vaunted treatment ami It result.
Like the Kccloy Cure, (look Remedy Is
now occupying a prominent place In
tho discussions of the daji and each In
It lino Is a specific, a blessing to those
who sutler worse than death. Tho two
will revolutionize the selenco of medi
cine and almost regenerate tho world.
Tlmo and again has tho writer been
called upon to investigate a sweeping
claim a those! made by tho Cook Rem
edy Co., and made, too, as boldly as
this company now make It claim In
tho public press.
A in all previous investigations the
rosult was tho same an unfavorable
report tho only honest course after all
tho fact wore made known-rtho In
vestigation in thl case was Inaugu
rated with preconceived opinions that
In, tho end the Cook Remedy Com
pany would take It place upon the
roll f tho "weighed and found want
ing." There was no reason to believe
that thl would prove an exception to
all other case. Closest Inquiry among
competent financial authorities served
to Interest the investigator for tho Irre
sponsibility of the claimant had always
before been tho first unfavorable fea
ture to present Itself. A call was next
made at the olliecs of tho company at
Thirteenth and Fitrnam streets, where
more of the unfavorable conclusion
which has been hastily and, wo will
add, unjustly formed, were quickly dis
sipated. Here was found a regular,
competent medical practitioner whoso
entire time I occupied with tho
case placed fn tho hand of
the Cook Remedy Company. Here,
too, was found an anomaly, a
business manager who did not hern
and haw, who Instead of Interposing
obstacles to tho correspondent' search,
seemed to court Investigation. No
hesitation, no hailing and stammering
when leading question were bluntly
and unremittingly put to him for
answer, no attempt at bluster or bluff
a experienced In the past, and none
of thft. craven manner which charac
terise the Imposter when a newspaper
exposure stare him In the face, This
gentlemen, on the other hand, faced
tho music calmly, with a composure
bom of honest purpose, and which
honorable dealing alone can give,
which those engaged In dishonorable
transactions seek, but eek In vain to
assume. Instead of attempting to
cover up ft desire to open up fully and
freely was manifested. Investigation
was courted, not shunned. Actual
photograph of poor victim of syph
ilis, with all It ghastly, grisly horror,
were produced, flanked by picture of
the same flfter thorough cure, backed
by testimony which would bo good and
sufficient evidence In any court In tho
land. Personal letter from every
section of the country wero cheerfully
exhibited, and tho keenest Investiga
tion wa met In such a way so o to at
once Inspire confidence.
Following ueh examination, a call
wa made upon tho proprietor of this
wonderful remedy at hi place of busi
ness, for at present, this gentleman
doe not devote hi entire personal
attention to the Institution under In
vestigation. Tho only reason that tho
t'tnili Ri'uied) t ,U Waled In Omaha,
ami not tn ' id the largest cities tl
the country, Is the hot that It proprie
tor U the eontiolllng sphll of this
oilier establishment, which I reeog
tucd ns the lender 111 its line through
out tSn gresl West, tleiewii found
the. mill who 1 to the phili enred
what Keeley I to tint whisky cursed,
a benefactor In all that the name Im
plies, Tho personal reputation of thl
gentleman Is untarnished, hi social
standing the highest. Ill financial
standing was given a "probably half a
million," at one financial establishment
where Inquiry was made, find "tin
limited almost," at another bank where
the correspondent sought Information
of thl nature.
Conservatively, and In a conservative
manner must this report be made;
three hundred thousand dollars Is a
reasonable figure at which to rate the
business and financial backing of the
Cook Remedy Co. Such high financial
standing, confirmed by Dun and llrad
street, give weight to the uncon
ditional guaranty of refunding money
where a enrols not made, whilst the
fact that during the past five years
but one request for return of money
wa made I Indicative of tho eflecl
Ivenes and thoroughness of tho cure
effected. Letter after letter was rend
by tho correspondent confirming tho
claim of this company that the cure I
entire and permanent, many testifying
to such permanency years after the
disease had been eliminated. The pen
of tlioso wero cursed but aro now
cured, seemed as if dipped In fire, so
eloquent and pathetic were tho heart
felt expressions of gratitude arid thank
fulness for deliverance from the bond
of degrading disease, Joyously relating
how they had been elevated from
loathsome filthifies to purity, man
hood, health, cleanliness and happi
ness. No claim mado by thl company
are one half so strongly put, o em
phatic, so broad and sweeping regard
ing the wonderful cm-es, a are the
expression contained In fho mas of
correspondence tho grateful have
spontaneously showered down upon
thl oflkM, Would that every victim of
Indiscretion who read theso line
could have sat side by side with the
correspondent a the personal testi
monial were read; to have do no so
would have been to feel that utter
feeling of despair, of awful gloom and
dread, which tho unfortunate victim of
syphilis ever experiences, give way to
hopo, ft hope that once again manhood
might reassert itself, and the blessed
boon of ft sane mind In a sound body,
health, good cheer and happiness take
the place of that ever-pervading sense
of woe unutterable, whlct' now make
life ft hell,
The Cook Remedy Co., doe all It
promise, It claim no more than It
accomplishes, Wo know whereof wo
speak when we boldly assert that a
specific, an Infallible never-failing
cure for syphilis In all ft varied and
horrid form, ha been found, and i
now In tho hand of thi company,
exerting ft power none but tho syphlils
tainted can ever fully appreciate.
Without sentiment the crucial test ha
been made, and tho efficacy of tho sys
tem of tho Cook Itcmody Co., a fully
demonstrated a a problem in mathem
atics. Never since Harvey discovered
the circulation of the blood has there
been evolved ft principle of greater
Interest, of more absorbing Importance,
or one more fraught with beneficent
result. It 1 the duty of every honest
conscientious newspaper to boldly
proclaim to the world and to the In
habitant thereof, tho wonderful, nay,
the miraculous cure daily effected by
thl Institution, However, Instead nt
doing so, a ridiculou and wicked
prudery, excusable In a maiden
lady of uncertain ago, but If unpardon
able In nineteenth century Journalism,
serves to exclude all mention of till
worthy Institution. Just why the
namo or mention of a disease Is worse
than to penult sui t di'ensn t f list,
than trt point mi a remedy when a
eute U nt hand' U a subject fur thn
iiiitrtlUt and metaphysician, Much
linely spuit philosophy snd queer login
have no place lu the iiuiliigeuient of
this Journal.
We know, the reader know, tho
wotld knows, Hint this cursed disease
syphilis Is widespread, thill It exists In
every workshop, in every mart of trade
and In evcy studio. It di ngs H slimy
and venomous length In our court,
our camps, our school. The ermlneil
Judge, the eminent Jurist, tho dis
tinguished physician awake In tho
stilly watches of tho night to curse tho
tormentor, Tho Innocent and tho
beautiful are not exempt from it
poisonous breath. Tho padded wall
tA the Insane ward restrain Its victims,
and every almshouse has within It
confines those who have met tho dread
enemy, and have been mortally
wounded In tho batl'o of life, scarred,
twisted, deformed sufferers, who pray
for death to end their woe. Then why
not cry aloud from the housetops?
Why not the press and the pulpit take
up the cry. French a new gospel,
purity in plaeo of loathsomeness, clear
eye, steady brain and Iron nerve, In
stead of creeping crawling, rotting
Around about u aro tho nerveless,
cringing, horrible travesties upon
humanity, the crippled, tho maimed,
tho loathsome, who, acquainted with
the truth, might go down Into tho pool
and come up cleansed.
Are wo not, then, derelict in our
duty when prudery and foolish squeain
Ishnes iiiako u silent? No wonder
Charles Lamb asked delivereneo from
a "cursed, sickening, canting, unmas
culmo age."
In the name of humanity, of love, of
fellow feeling, In tho name of ail wo
hald pure and right, let u tell of these
thing. To u tho dutv I manifest.
Tho Cook Remedy Co. offers the only
release from the galling shackle of
syphilis. There I no question regard
Ing the efficiency of tho treatment or
tho permanency of the euro. Upon
theso statement we rest the reputation
of thl Journal, which we have taken
twenty year to build up, upon theso
assertion wo aro willing to risk tho
confidence of every leader and sub
scriber. Wo cordially and heartily endorse
tho Cook Remedy Co.. and unreserv
edly recommend It fo every sufferer.
Every transaction with It will thor
oughly Justify such endorsement, and
make good tho strongest recommenda
tion. There I but one specific, one
effectual cure for syphilis, that alono
used by tho Cook Remedy Co. Other
no-called cures, whatever preten
sions, are "as moonlight unto sunlight,
or A water unto wine."
Tako tho Rurllngton route for all
point Northwest, Month, East and
West. First-class service.
84th Bt, and Ames Ave,,
O Xfi. JL XX .A. , IT U 13 .
Board and Nursing $5 Week
4I Mouth 20th Mlrcef, Omaha, Neb.
Any pni'son In nod liemh mny necomA an
Ai;tlv MeinUtr for one year upon Hie piiyrrwiit
In ease of sickness eiidi iM'f lvi! inerulie hIiiiI!
im (oil Hied U) 1 r"( H'IiiiImOom lit Hie lumiillul.
)fi.'ii'llri lied, louril, fjunilfijj, mitUlciM sua