The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 26, 1891, Page 6, Image 6
e THE AMERICAN. Wi CONFIDENCE. Itesrd i aht 1 1 !tr 1 l'hrtW.l mith i llitir swrl tnnr, Put t't ni murmuring rumor IW Hy wtiul or tiinl ! cut' or shor. tr saw i lut in) I rfinlilluf ilftf Of all th wldo lIM.i-ing Iralu 11m tw whUpored (mm iifnr 11i story uf ibU lioilr ln. It) ut(ht knew; luit ilia temkir night t'uvoili no tout', lu'lrnyi no libt; Phe wrst away from sound nnl light Inputting bnnrt and watrliing eye. Whnt It tlio nhOit unit ttnra and so MioiiUI but; for oner tln'lr plixlgo forgot, And Kofily brontlio aloue to tbo, "'Mio loved tlico then, ill Iovm tboo ytl" Harper's Weekly. THE MHO IVAN. Should you look over the files of tho World for the lust quarter of tho year lobb you would find somo reference, telegraphed from London, of tho mu tiny of tho Russian brig-of-war Ivan nt logo Inland. Thero may not bo over twenty lines about It, for all news was suppressed an fur as postslbla Should there even bo a quarter of a column you will not got tho details as I can glvo thorn, for I happonod to bo In at both tho beginning and tho end of it Fogo Is tho southernmost Island in tho Capo do Verdo group, situated in tho North Atlantic I was there on a bark which had brought lumber, hard ware, agricultural implements und other stuff, and on our arrival wo found the Ivan already at anchor. Sho was thero, if I romombor right, to seo about a Kunslun craft which hud boon wrecked In that vlolnlty. It may not be news to tho avorago roador to be told that tho discipline in tho Russian army is tho strictest in tho world. If any thing can bo tnoro strict it Is Husslan naval discipline. The commander of a Husslan man-of-war ou a cru se has more power than tho czar at homo. Tho 1 at tor must at least huvo somo oxeuso for sending a citizen to ills death. Tho former has ouly to report him dead, and the de tails are never asked for. Mon were Hogged boouuso they xnovod too fast or too slow bocuuso they hud a certain look or didn't have it bocauso tho captain thought that they thought so aud so. There woro several among thorn who could speak English, and when wo lournod just how thoy were being used wo expressed our indignation and encouraged thorn to resist It wasn't the right thing to do, as I admit but wo woro in tho merchant service and felt that wo had Certain rights which no commander dared trample on. One dark and rainy night, while 1 was standing anchor-watch on our craft, one of tho Russian sailors swam of! to us. lie was about !!f) years of ngo. Ho hud been degraded from tho potty office ho hold and given twenty ono lashes to boot because ho acci dentally upset a lamp. Ho had corne for a talk. Ho know nothing what ever of geography, and could not toll in which direction any coast lay. . Ho asked particularly about tho coast of Krar.ll, tho distance, tho pcoplo, tho rivers, &o. Ho finally told mo that tho crow of tho brig to n man had do cided to mutiny, kill tho officers and run tor the coast of Jiruzll. There thoy would run tho craft ashoro and each man would shift for himself until tho excitement had blown over. 1 told him nil ho wanted to know so far as I was ablo, and ho returned as ho had coma Ho told mo when the uprising would tako pU'oa There was an English man-of-war in tho harbor then.and of courso no movement could bo made. Tho days .wont by. There was the usual routlno of Hogging aboard the Ivan, and a sailor who sprang over board, rather than bo lashed, was coolly shot down alongside tho brig vUbout having m bw wAtrtito i return. At noon of the soeond day the l.nguhmnti lefv and ntaoelovk In tun afternoon tliti mutiny suddenly hnrit forth. Tlmro wi-ro six mer chantmen in tho harbor, but hnd tho Run-Ian commander railed for asl.t unco it would not, have leon afforded. At leant fifty of us ouw the Russian captain shot and flung overminrd, am after him went his first lieutenant Then followed tho paymaster and two ot hers, and tho crew had tho brig to themselves. Kcforo going out of tho harbor mon wero sent to every ves sol to show tholr raw backs and tell bow they had been wronged, and ns tho brig turned her head to sea she Was cheorod. It was a week later whon we got ready for sea, bound for ltlo Janeiro. Wo had no idea of over hoarlng from tho Russians again, but whon four days out wo ran across a New ilodford whaler named Scott wh'eh guvo us soma exciting nows. Two days beforo eho had been brought to by tho Ivan in mld-ocoun. An armed boat's crow had como aboard and robbed tho whal er of whatever they funoiod. Tho captain had 700, which ho was oblig ed to deliver up, and thoy took a share of his water and provisions and all his spare sails. Tho Russians wero not ugly, but determined, and it was plain that all had beon drinking and that great confusion existed aboard tho brig, from what tho crow of tho whaler overheard thoy woro lod to bo- llovo that the men hud abandoned tho idea of making tho coast of IJrazil and had decided to turn pirate. Tho noxt news came to us two days later. A galo sprang up from tho southwest and beforo it was four hours old wo woro compelled to lay to. It struck us about 4 o'clock in tho after noon and did not roach its holght un til 7 tho next morning. Every thing was boiling and howling, when wo caught sight of the Russian down in the southwest Sho must huvo run beforo the gale much longor than wo did, for sho was not in sight whon it broke upon us. Kolng hlghor out of water and moro heavily sparrod, sho was also drifting faster. About l o'clock sho drove slowly past us at not more than a cable's length away und wo saw many evi dences that things woro notshlp-shupa aboard of hor. Hlnco tho crow had decided on a roving llfo they would naturally shako oil all discipline. Wo could seo plainly enough that thoy had done so, although the brig was lying to on tho sumo tack as ourselves and making equally good weuther of it Ky !1 o'clock in the afternoon sho Wiu out of sight and about that tlmo tho galo settled down into a fair sail- lug breeze. We got ol! on our course again, but au hour beforo sundown we saw tho Ivan coming down upon us from the north. Our captain had no Idea of btlnir plundered by tho fellows, and we cracked on sail until It seemed that a yard moro would tako the musts over. board. Had tho Russian beon astern of us wo should certainly have hold our own, if not walked away from her. but she was coming down at right anglos, and every body real food that sho was certain to cut us off. I had not told any ot the officers or men of tho talk I had had with tho Russian sailor that night during tho anchor watch. I knew he would bo elected to somo ofllco by the mutineers, and I believed he would Intercede to save our bark from being despoiled. Thero foro, whllo all others woro much ex cited I was so cool about it as to at tract attention. Just at sunset the brljr fired a trun for us to heave to. There was an ugly oross-sea running now and we doubted If thoy would lower a boat We obeyed tho command to luff up. Tho sjovonly way tho brig was han dled as sho made reply to take a pos itlon on our starboard quarter proved that everything aboard was at sixes and sovens. Thore was a fight on her decks before the boat was lowered, ft&A fcftf r puljinf hftlj wftj to Uf the yawl, which bad ulcht men to fl re turned, It was lying alongside the brig when n solid shot, was tired at us. Owing to the heavy ma tho aim wai bad and It How above tho top inants. The action startled us all, and the captain had determined te put the l ark on tier courso and try to run away, when there eumo an awful ex plosion. For a moment I thought tho clear hnavens bad been rent In twain, and every man of us was knocked about over tho docks. Wo soon realized what hud oocurrod. Tho Ivan had blown up. Sho was to tho windward of us, and about half u mtlo away. Thero was a dark cloud, an awful shock, and sho seemed to be lifted bodily up t a holght of 100 feet and then to dissolve. Some of the fragments fell upon our docks, and the sou was Uttered for a mile around. One man escaped Just ono solitary man. Ho was ono of tho eight men In tho bout Perhaps the othor seven had loft tho boat when the explosion came. The boat was not injured, and it camo floating down upon us with the man sitting bolt upright on a thwart Ho wasn't cut or bruised, but the shock had acted altogether on his montal faculties. He had become an idiot und was deaf and dumb on top of that Ills face took on a childish grin, which never left It and he conducted hlmaolf just as Idiots do. Although a man of 4li, and an old sullor, ho uetod as if ho had novor soon a ship of any sort beforo. We couldn't got any nows from the man, nor did wo pick up any of the wreckage oxcopt tho boat Man and boat woro turned over to a Russian man-of-war at RIo, and it may bo that tho poor fellow suffered death for his share in tho mutiny. Every pains was taken to hush tho mutter up, but the nows got abroad and was touched upon by various correspondents. I have seen threo or four accounts of It but none wero half-way correct being colorod in tho interests of tho officers of the brig. I have since then mot plenty of Russian potty officers und sailors who have novor ovon hoard of tho disaster, all nows of it bolug sup pressed in Russia. It was doubtless doomed unwise to lot the Russian sailor know that a Russian could bo driven to a point whoro ho would mutiny. M. Quad in tho N. Y. World. An IntrroatliiK lllneovery. Ernst Curtlus, tho renowned Greek scholar und archaeologist of tho Uni- verslty of Uorlln, has made an Inter esting discovery regarding tho knowl odgo of tho (Irook sculptors, During tho examination of a number of heads found In Greece, Curtlus devoted much tlmo to the study of the eye. On ex tending his observations to tho eyes of perfect figures from tho classical period ho learned that tho sculptors made considerable" difference in the forms of tho malo and fornalo eyes. Whllo tho eyes of tho malo were rounder and moro arched, thoso of tho females were longer and flutter. Theso observations agree with the measurements of anatomists to-day. The discovery that tho Greek wero aware of this difference also will bo valuable in determining tho identity of many heads In tho museums of the world. In numerous cases It has boon impossible to say whether tho heads huvo belonged to statues of mon or statues of women. Professor Curtlus will soon publish an accurate account of his observations. No Unfiling, Homo Tooke ridiculed the nraetlnt. of sea bathing and said if any ono of tho soul species woro sick, it would b Justus wlso for a fish physician to oraor worn to go on shore. Porsoa declared sea bathing was only rock oned healthy because manv Persons have boon known to survive it; but Sheridan's objection to salt water was the most quaint "Ficklos," said ho, "uon t agreo with ma" To T'lty dUtrcss Is but human: to relieve It ll Uodllko. ECONOMY AND HOARDING, T lHftrnt Thing, but Oft ral4 roil tht Mm. Economy nnd hoarding are two widely different things, nit hough one is too often mistaken for tho othor. The truo law of life is to receive, to use. to pas on." Thus says a helpful ttrtlcla It is whdom to make pro vision for the future. For tho im provident and shiftless I have small ronpect It is not of this I speak, but of what is useless to its possessor that might do another good service, says a writer in Good Housekeeping. Ho not fill garret and closets with eatit-olT clothing, broken furnlturo, old books, eta This is waste, and adds the burden of curing for worthless things. Give your poor neighbor your gowns and wraps that aro out of style in fabric and fashiou. When tho day for making over comes, if it ever ar rives, 10 to 1 the now material and cost of work will loud you to docido upon now, and the old, growing older, is still on hand. Pass on your old garments; there Is a world of good for somo ono in them. Tho home mis sionary barrel would rejoice should you docido to swell its contents. Do not hoard ovon old trumpery. If you allow yourhouso to be cumbered, moth und rust will corrupt It is a law of nature that nothing be lost. Everything gravitates to pur pose and uso. Follow this law and send old books, magazines and papers to thoso who have no tnonoy to buy them. Thoy will bo a godsend to many hungering and thirsting for this very sort of mind food, and you will bo enshrined in tholr memory, espec iully if the packages you send are la belled "pass on." You will undor stund tho compound intorost that Kccruos. If thero is positively no other uso for old broken-down furniture let it bo split up for kindling. It is bettor so than to fill up and guthor dust and bo consigned to tho wood-pilo at lat How can a family live without n storeroom for usofuC neodod articles? What folly to fill it with usolos trumpery! Lot everything that can servo for convonlonce to others bo passed on; otherwise clour out and clour off. If truo that tho maximum of good housekeeping is tho mlnimure of old trumpery, our housokoepers will rouso to tho subject Remember Ihoro is that that icuttoroth, yet in erensoih. Tlireo (ionoratloiu, Thoro is a little lad of ten yean llv ing in Now York City whose father has long passed tho throo-scoro-and-ten mllostono in his life, and whoso grandfather was present at liruddock's defeat whoro George Washington first distinguished himself. Tho grand father was a moro boy of some four teen years, though hardy and woll grown, when he received the king's commission and donnod tho red coat of a soldier. Afterward he hold high rank in tho army of the revolution, and died in this city at the ripe age of nlnety-threo. In his old ago ho mar rled a second wife, and left a son who had not yet reached his majority, and who in turn married vory late in llfo. If tho liltlo lad of ten live to his father's ngo tho three generations of this family will have spanned 200 yours in this country'! history, and he will bo ablo to suy at soventy-twoi "My grandfather fought with Krad. dock and at tho side of Washington V!00 years ngo to-day. A ttmnger Present, Struggling Minister There was stranger in church to-day, Wife-What did he look llkoP "I did not see him." "Then how do you know thore wa a stranger among the congregation?' 'I found a good quarter in the con tribution box." New York Weekly. Tlu.rji la nn frrnntitr tut nn fi'lt.mlHtif n Hum to usk a friend to Ustuu to your troubles,