The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 26, 1891, Page 5, Image 5
THE AMERICAN l'fcT. Mn soft ami In tonliliily orswU up Whiml lit-r victim, walclir lu-r opportunity, and Unn viuiiim' un to it. 1( by a vigorous itiovt-iiimi we give ft blow and Mun her, it only lt for a tlmo. She qultcly submits for r tinio, nil the whilu watching her opportunity to 111:1k i) another plnngo nt our heart. Look out for her. A IIkkktic. ABOUT THEENEMY. TI10 (irent-Cntliollo Synod of Lem berg, (ialicia has refused to listen to tho motion of its metropolitan bishop to adopt celibacy n order to conform more with tho Koman standard. It al so refused to rocogniio Ignatius Loyo la as a saint, l'opo ,Vo XIII has Issued 11 circu lar letter on tho merits of tho rosary prayers, wli is specially effective in tho month of October! In it ho says, "none can como unto Christ save by tho mediation of Mary.1' It is report-id that tho Tope, in view of tho recent troublo in China, by which disaster has como to so muny Catholic mission stations, is negotiat ing directly with tho Chinoso Govern ment for tho establishment of ft hierar chy In tho Empire, in tho hope that sueli a step would do much to strength en tho Roman Catholic church In China. A Protestant merchant in llum clieid, not far from Aix-la Chapcllo, tho Stato Counselor Oscor Erkeds, Is tho solo manufacturer of tho regulation robo for tho Human Catholic cardinals. Tor ono hundred and lifty years tho lirm, of which ho is now tho head, and which ho Inherited from his father and grandfather, has boon in possession of tho secret of dyeing thoso garments their characteristic red colors, as also ef tho manufacture of the cloths. In this way a Protestant lirm has had tho monopoly of making these robes for a century and a half and is undoubtedly tho oldest lirm patronized by the Vatican. Exchange. - Odious Comparisons. During a mass meeting at Cork, Ireland, a boy was cheering a Purnoll candidato with nil tho power of his lungs. A priest who heard this was so incensed at it that ho lifted his heavy cane and struck tho boy, destroying ono, of his eyes. When people who aro supposed to bo tho most prom- inent exponents of Irish civilization I and aro also peaceful ministers of the gospel, can permit themselves to com mit such dastardly and unnatural deeds of violence, tho outlook is rather gloomy, and wo can hardly refrain from concluding that tho Irish aro not yet quite ripo for self-government They must at least bo educated until they become soiuewh it civilized, and wo are afraid that will take a long timo. In tho first place tho wild beast In tho Irishman must bo bound mid butchered, which, as wo have said, will tako some time. In America there Is Justus much liberty for the Irish as for others maybe a liltlo more. Still wo liud that It has been necessary to de prive tho Irish of their liberty to a greater extent than other nationalities, in other words, It has been found necessary to put so many of them In J jails and prisons. Statistics show that In America un IrMunan commits een crimes for r try one committed lV Norwegian or ft Swede, An Irishman U seven times morn Inclined to crime thftit Scandinavian. Wo csn sjmpntlro with tho Irish tit their struggle for self government; but wo do maintain that they nuislta educated up to It. Hml River Pulen, Norw., (Yookstoii, Minn. Kikk Iti.vrK, Nkb., Nov. 9, iw. Mu. John 0. Thompson, Editor of Thk Amkkioan, loar Sir. Enclosed find ono dollar to pay for Thk Amkkioan for six months. Ploaso send to my nddress and oblige me, Yours Respectfully, S. L. 1-Yki.onu. 1. S. -Although I nm taking four teen different papers, when ft friend handed in a copy of Thk Amkkioan, I felt as though, for once In my life, I had found a paper that lilled a "long felt want," and 1 hope you will con tinue to show up tho hypocrisy and deviltry of tho Catholic church tho greatest enemy of our form of govern ment, and especially of our common schools, that exist any wherein this wide world. I will see that every copy of The Amkkioan that 1 get, goes into tho hands of somo othor person. S. L. FUKI.ONd. It is said that an effort is being made to organize In this city a branch of the A. l A. (American Protective Associa tion). This society Is avowedly fttiti Catholic, not only In a political wny, but in a business and social way as well. There Is not the roniotost excuso for suoh a movement lu Cheyenne, abovo all other places in this broad domain, and it is to bo hoped, for tho In telligence, liberality and patriotism of this community, that tho project will bo nipped In tho bud. Cheyenne Lender. It will bo news to tho Leader when wo stato it has been organized In that city for several months, - THE WAY TO GO To Chicago, I'ooi-la, St. Louis, Hurling ton, Lincoln, Kansas City, Atchison, St. Joseph, Qtilncy, Dead wood, Don vol' and Chcyonno, and all points east, nouth uud west, is by tho liurllngton J ton to. Its trains are composed of inugnlllcotit, Pullman sleepers, elegant reclining chair eai'M (seats free) comfortable day coaches, and famous llurllngton ltoute dining cars, and present unsurpassed facilities for reaching any or all of tho alsivo mentioned cities. Three trains dally for Chicago, two for St. Joseph, Kansas City and St. Louis; two for Denver; one for Chey enne; one for Dead wood, leave tho Union Depot. Tho 'Vestibule Flyer," which leaves Omaha at 4 :.'() V. M., dally, for Chicago, Is tho favorite train for tho "Windy City." Its convenient hours of depart ure and arrival, superb equipment and close connections with all express trains for eastern cities, make it by far the most desirable means of travel Imtwoen Omaha and the east, City Ticket Ollleo, 122.'! Kunuim st. W. F. VaiUm Agent. S. it. Patten, dentist, room 318 Ileo building, telephone fid. .r)0,000 (0 loan on Omaha Koal Es tate. Dimk Savinwb Hank, lfiOl Parnani st. For line watch repairing don't fall to go to John lludd, 305 N. mil st. If.ymt want to tirnw too en, applv l, Mut ml InvrMimmt tVi,, l.Mt Kr- nam Mi cel. UtQAL NOTICE. To lm. V.. llietttoii-r"llcil itt-Mntitnt : 1 ml n if lii'lvlv li.illll-tl Unit .11, Oil- IMh tin nf NovtMiilH't-. Ii. SM-nlt Is. lit J if Blttl ft iH'tltlKti niinlnol )ntilitHn PMrlfMUMin or ItotiitUo 'mini v. Nelm-lit. Ilt" olilii't mtil iM)iTf tttfti' wrc olitHln it illvoion front Vmi tin llii' vrolHMI nun 'u tout' iunnj nlmniloiu-il Hie iilitlttUfl lllioiit BihhI i-hiiim- f.,r ..,,-., t linn I Mil VtM limt llltf!. Ittlltllinl iliirlii nil if kmiI Iltnt' vmi Imvtt fitilril to ir- lil for l 11 lull IT una InT i-lillil. (III UN- ritlUlrt'll (O HIIIT Kltlll IM-lllllltlOII or Iw foii- Mommy. IheL-Mh tiny tit lhrvmlirr, IWI. . . SAUAII I.. Ullll h, riitiiiiiir. y 3. W. Koiti-nt, lier itllorni-y, Kouni ft, tivcr ISI N, l.'illi Mn-i'l. 11-.11-4 UNION' CASH GROCERY, JEPSEN A LUND, Croecrios, Fruit, Vegetables. Choice Mutter and Kggs a SM-eiaIty. leaders in low prices. Call and see us. 2520 Cuming Street. M. A. MATHEWS, C, 0. D. Grocer, -:- 2T2 CUMING STUEKT. -: I'pIi-i'h iiwav down. KvitvImkIv Invited to COllltl IIIKI H'lmi 11 1 run uriini. i'i,7nu iiumah, .1 I..... ...I.. I l. .1. II..4...H KKKh ami Mils Dully. BARKALOW & ROOT. 614 North 16th Street, Hetween California and Webster. FINE GROCERIES, Cur of Fine Michigan Apples JUST RECEIVED. Can Heat any house In tho city on prlco T 11 TT IT 13100., GATE CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, TELKI'IIONH IKIl. 207 North 17th St., - OMAHA, NEB. Work i-ulMI fiii- anil li-llvinl. OMAHA MIL.L.ING CO.. , , Only Flour Manufacturers in Omaha , . Our Leading Brand RELIANCE PATENT, Is Unexcelled, OTHER BRANDS : : A. HALD All ciml well si-rei-ni-d mid ii'iiniiliy ih-llvi-ri-ils wi-IkIiIiik OfClCKi Vahii: DICALKIt on rn y wiiii-n, 11 mnn'niM',1. HOI.K AlJKNT roll IJTTI.K'J'OM (1 K AlJKNT roll IjITTI.KToM CO A I, ii RocK Springs, Ohio, Walnut Block, I Hell the llent Vnrletli'ii of MOVINC EXPRESS, When you doslre to clmngo your plaoo of residence and want your furnituro moved without boing brokon or scratched, look for my wagons NUMBERS 77, 207 AND 320, find you won't think two moves equal to a lire. L QARD, Fourteenth and Douglas Street. CHRIST. HAMAN. Watctmalcr and Jeweler, KINKWaIVH lit I'AIHINti A SH1 U.TV .M'J South HI Street. HUGH CHAPMAN 818 N. 10th Slreot, MERCHANT TAILOR, CLEAN I NO AND UF.I'AIKINO. S. M. AIACLKOD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, 14.111 South UHth St. JOBBINQ PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. DR. J. W. SEARCH 402 N. Sixteenth St. OMAHA, NbB TELEPIIONK 416. OFFICE 1I0URS-H) to 1 2, 3 to 5, 7 to 8 TELEPHONE 677 H. L. BURKET N. E. Cor. 24th nd Cuming, Funeral Dircclor and Emiialiiicr, First Door N Citizens Bank OMAHA EXPRESS AND DELIVERY U Telephone. 747. MOVING AND LIGHT EXPRCSS WOK Trunks di-Ilvereil to all parts of ilm elty, Oflli-ii, ItM Norl-li lllth St., at Cooku'M I'harin-lu-y, H. W. i-nr. lllth and Chli-no. I'KICKS HKAHONAJILK. J. L. JUltNEV, Maniuter. Eat Your DINNER at the W.C. T. U. Coffee Rooms, 121 No. 15th Street. MRS. J. C. PUNISH, - J'ltKKIKKNT. 1313 NORTH I6TH STREET, INVINCIBLE PATENT, LONE STAR SUPELATIVE, SNOW FLAKE, FANCY FAMILY. - H, W. (!or. lllth anil Howard Htri-etH. Tel. UMil With street unit roiilelon svi-iiini. Tel. Vti IN COAL, mm tmmmmm Hard Coal, Wood Kindling and Cole, Hoft Coal for Cooklim riuiiowm. C. R. HEFLIN. Gun & Locksmith MODEL MAKING, FINE REPAIRING. Umbrellas Repaire and Ro-Coyercfl. 1618 Capital Aycnue