The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 26, 1891, Page 3, Image 3
T H EE AMERICAN. 3 WEST & FRITSCHER, U liuli -nU- nl li I mII I M In Fine Cigars !'. FA IN AM sT. -; OiiMmnmI nnil I'lti'in will mil )nu, -! DR. W II, LANYON, PHI'S I C I A Ar .4 Sli S V It 0 HON S. W. Cor. Huh mill Chicnpo. OFFICE HOURS, 3 to Ti 7 to 9 p, rUlMtio 747; Resilience 2711 Charles B. P. KNOWLTON, PAINTER, Paperhanging and Kalsomining. KxtlimiO'H furnl-ln-.l. (illl.'c: 4W Hhcely Hlui'k. Ki'nIiIi'ici: mr H. 4mli Hired. AMERICAN BARBERSHOP 004 NORTH 16 ST. Sice & Vincy, Proprietors, WE WANT TO SEE ALL OUR FRIENDS Wd Kmploy Only First-Class Artists 1TITW ---I- TACTY COS TL M E S MASQUERADE BALLS, All Kiiifls0iSaSIylcs RENTED AT MODERATE PRICES. 11 v LAUIIA KiVOWLTON, Ml HllKKI.V lll.dCK, ' iM'H x ri li ' r ' InvllWl, in I mIiIi! or (li'iH (iiiiiiiiil ly al l.i'iiili'il Ui, ENGAGE YOUR 8 WEST MILK, BUTTERMILK AND CREAM AMERICAN DAIRY. E. W. READ, PROPRIETOR 8101 Donutur. AMERICAN CIGAR FACTORY, lOO-l IT. IO OT., L. A, BLACK,PR0PRIET0R Box Trade a Specialty, LOYAL AMERICANS $2,00 A BOX ORDERS Uy Mail Promptly Filled. Try Thorn. STATU XKWM MnilAlK WlCUUHUl HUlltnS. PithtliiUoiilt of Ninth lU'inl have urbanised it club, I. n iiU tui ilm Moux ri!inrvitlim bus hot n opi-iii'ii (or miry. A lively soohil season I planned by tbo citizens of Juniata. Tho (K1J lellow of Doreltclor dodlenlod their new hail. Wont I'nlon people havonrgnnlzed a literary society (or tho winter. A foundry for tho manufacture of car wheels wil bo put in oporutioti in Omaha. Rov. N. R. Rrown, aged 75, was married ai Fairfield to Mrs. Rodger, aged 73. Tho wife o( Gov. Thayer la con valoselng from a protruded soigo of sickness. Codar Rupids U la a prosperous condition, with many now buildings going up, Tho llopublloan City Town Lot company has declared a dividend of $1.72 per share. G. W. Johnson, of Valontlno. has found rock upon his farm which makes the boat quality of llmo. John Smith, one of tho pioneers of Nebraska City, died last week after a lingering illness. Thomas Slloott of Omaha, plead guilty of forgory and got eighteen months in tho penitentiary. Tho rosldonco of Mrs. Rona Con rad, threo miles south of Fremont, was dostroyed by Are last wuok. Tho Odd Fellows building compa ny at liroken How has been reorgan ized and new oflloors elected. Diphtheria has about vanished from lleatrlco, where it did not pre vail to any alarming extent. Proprietors of tho licatrlco oat meal plant, recently burned, will soon rebuild and resume business. Komeo Hogan, a farmer living noarCroio, has sold 120, 000 pounds of popcorn, tho product of forty acres. Tho work of excavation for Oma ha's public building has commenced end will bo completed in thirty days. South Sionx City now has throo newspapors, the Dakota City Argus having recently removed to that place. Thomas Kgan of Ncbruska City was found dead on tho floor of his res idence, lie bad of luto been drinking heavily. Dr. Uoflleman, tho pioneor banker of Anselmo, expects to leave tboro about tho first of January for ban Di ego, Cal. J. P. Long's child was kicked just above tho right eye by u colt, crush ing the eyo bono. The accident oc curred at Arnold. -Charles Lyman, an employe of A. Rothoud & Co's. planing mill, licatrlco, had one of his hands badly mangied In a planing machine The publishers of Vanity lair, Lincoln, wero taxed (25 for mailing an issue of their paper containing un objectionable poem. Jim Talbot, while attempting to kill a hog for tho Enterprise meat market last week was bitten in tho hand by the animal. Hobert Harrott bus been hold to the district court of Lancaster county In $2,000 bull, charged with murder in tho second degree. John Kllgore of David City re ceived a sovoro wound in his thigh last week by the tlnos of a pitchfork while threshing at his farm. Owing to tho prevalence of dlpth erlain Edgar, the mayor deemed it ad risablo to prohibit all public meetings for a poriodof two woeks. The Omaha and Floronco Street Hallway company filed articles of in. corporation with tho secretary of state. Authorized capital, $200, 000. Matt Goodwin, who for a time liTe4 la Omaha, where ho was well k noun in iuuriiist eircltm suicided in Chicai I')' Untitling hlnntolf. (u. 1 I'. Nui.i, ft (miner Uviiii! lu'nr lloldri'iM. '" I'oiiml tivrr In Mm sum of $ 1,VHH tin ll,n I' I HI If 11 of aatilV pit drri'il by Mr. Ntlm ILiliimrrii. Henry Moi'll.-r. lining north t( Hooper, hitil it vr'.l put down leeouliy Unit l 3.iO fi'iH ili'i'ii mid will throw water over sixty (eel above Urn surface, -The Itnyford Irrigation I'tinnl and Water Power company llli'd plats In the secretary of stme's ollleo showing thu right n( way of their proposed wulerway. (julto a number of I'.eatrii e pini plu have become stricken with tho Volasi'O, 'lex., fever and will take tho exuurloii which Is announced for that point oarly next month, Tho Standard (.'altlo company of Amos, which lant winter fed K.ouo head, will this winter fed but 2,000 head. The locul corn market is alToeted by tho change. Arthur Moan, tho Fontanollo murderer, 1ms been captured, having been found on a farm in Itoono county, Iowa. There was a reward of $700 for tho murderer's arrest. Tho Dodge County Savings bank is tho name of ft new financial Institu tion just organized In Fremont with an authorized oaplal of $100,000 and a paid up capital of $2A,000. The coal sheds and tool house ad joining tho li. & M. at VV'ymoio wero dostroyed by tiro. Throo stock cars wero also burned, and a car of lumber and one of shingles much damaged. Over $')(), 000 have been expended by tho Canal company in Cheyenne county since the 1st of April. A largo portion of this amount has found its way into tho hands of Sidney trades men. F.lmor Williams of North Jlondhus a Newfoundland dog which ho pur chased recently. The dog is only about a year old and weighs 112 pounds. Ho will boa monster with another year's grow Hi. Frank P, Carter, held to ball on a chargo of burglary and who has boon a fugitive from the stuio for some time, was last week returned to Gandy from Wyoming on u requisition from Gov ernor Thayer. Tho grand army post at lloldrcgo surprlsi'd Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Chapln of that city by calling upon them in a body and presenting tho former with a fine silk mufHer, and tho latter with an elegant rocker. Tho refrigerator and bottling works of John (land, Lincoln, wero destroyed by fire. The loss Is $.'(.000. The conflagration caught from tho furnace, which a now man at tho busi ness had over heated. A whlto pelican flew over llutto City, lioyd county, early Wednesday morning, Several marksmen tried their skill, but J. II. Mosier was tho man who finally brought it down, When measured it was found to bo olght and a half feet from tip to tip. Patrick Dwyer, an Omaha man, died at I lead wood last week from tho effedts of injuries received by tho cav ing of a bank of dirt while he was engaged In excavating for tho now St. Ambrose Catholic church. A son of Lasn Hulmeson of Madi son county was instantly killed last week, while assisting his father to lower an iron pump Into its place. The tube fell, striking the boy on tho head, mashing his body into a pulp. Tho recent cold snap caught the Missouri river riprap brigade at Omaha in deep water. An effort was tmido to get all tho boats unloaded and safely hauled into dry dock at the govern ment boat house across the river from Kust Omaha. Pui the effort was un successful and eleven of the boats were frozen into the river. Work has now shutdown for tho winter. Never put suit on stunk until after It Is cookuit. No mini fulls into contempt but he who deiorvcs it. PAHSINU THI OUAMl). AM nt SlfS'H Ull Atl Mary A. IU. kord) ki familiarly nottn nmong Iho soldiers as "Mother lUekiTil) ki" was a ntulwart, loyal (ionium woman who did horulo service during tho war. Mm usually had her own tents and details of men to help tier kwp tho siMip.kettles going. She was ace us tinned to go where hii plowed, just wlmii sho plensed, iiud ns nearly all the soldiers knew her am! her Rood works, and tunny of them had enjoyed 11 tiu of soup from lior kettles that wero always full, no one thought of challenging her. "Who goes theroP" "Mother Hlckerdyko," was the an swer, mid that was enough. Put there came a lot of now recruits into camp at 0110 point who know nothing of Mother Hlckerdyko or her good deeds. One of thoxA was placed on duty where Mother Hlckerdyko was com pelled to pass on her rounds among tho hoHplluls. One dark night she re turned at a Into hour. A new guard was passing his beat not far from her Utile group of tents. As she ap proached ho challenged hen "Haiti Who goes thoreP" "Mother Hlckerdyko," she answer ed cheorlly. "Advance and give the counter sign." "I haven't tho countersign." You can't puss then." "Yes, I will; that tent is whore 1 .live, and I'm not going to bother my self to get tho countersign at this lato hour. Lot mo pass." "No, you can't pass." "I'm Mother Hlckordyko," "I don't euro who you are. I'll never " Tho seritonno was not finished. She was physically a very powerful woman, and quick as a flash she sprang upon him, sent his gun in one dlreotion and himself whirling in another. "I think hereafter you'll know who Mother Hlckerdyko lsl" was her com ment as she passed on and otstered her tent. Tho poor follow had boon taken en tirely by surprise, and spent the rost of his time till relieved from duty In onrching for his gun, but was unable to find it till daylight next morning. Ho had heard of army nurses being angels of mercy; ho now knew they wore angels of strength, liut after that ho knew who Mother Hickerdyke was. Homo and Country. irii-nsurlittf l.ove. Science has done a groat deal of late years in onubllng us to measure things which at ono time would have beeo lm possible to gunge In any way. Hut with all its ingenuity, science hat nevor yet devised a perfectly reliable means of measuring a young tnan'a love for tho lady to whom he is pay ing attention. Madame do Stool telle us, in her Memoirs, how tho once managed to do this with geometrical accuracy. "I often went to visit, " she says, "the Demoiselles d'F-plnay, with whom he spent most of his time. I generally returned on foot and he never failed to escort toe homo. There was a large square to cross, and at tho beginning of our ao qualntunco ho took his way along the ides of this square. I now poroelved that be wont across tho middle, whenoe I concluded that his lovo had dlmin lshod by tho difference hotweon the diagonal and tho sides of tho square." Saturday livening Post. Wan In lirlln. The fair wages for skilled foroaU tailors in Horlin are $1.42 a w0f))b though they run down to $1.10, anfli the working season is a short one. Good oloukmakors get $1.60 a woQjft Young girl workers got from 00 to Q a week. Tho price paid for makUlf dozen buttonholes by hand is 2i oouLaV