The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 26, 1891, Image 1

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It I none too early to begin nuking
yourself "w hat laws itti wo want en
acted ij tlio next legislature V " Prob
ably the first thing thntwdl pop Into
your head will be, "a Inw tnxlng un
improved church properly, or property
hold Ity church organisations tor spco
lilnllvo purposes." Thin would bo a
good law. U Is 0110 that must Im en
tietcd sooner or later, mid the sootier
It is pi need on tho statute books, tlio
sootier will tlio power of the KoiiiIhIi
church In our nil' Urn of slate bo re
duced to tho minimum. Hut I h tiro is
ino other law which must Ijo enacted.
It In ii rigid compulsory educational
law. Ono that will make It obligatory
upon parents and guardians to Hood
their children and their wurds to pub
lic school for n certain number of
years. Tho years they should bo sent
to the public school should bo between
the ago of llvo and fourteen. After
that ago tho parent or guardian should
bo allowed to send children under their
chargo to any school thoy may prefer.
Homo any say thin would deprive
tho parent of a God-given privilege
which the Roman sheets usually assure
us parents have ft part of tholr naturii
right to do with their children as they
seem to think most lilting, juid that, for
that reason It would bo unconstitu
tional, We do not claim to bo a con
stitutional lawyer or any other kind
.Jfvr Hctt'uut4!' yet -vo twiteve thvo
who would raise that point, nro not
nny better posted on constltutionnl law
than they are on tho theology of the
Roman church.
Now, what Is law 'I Is It not an
established usage or custom f Is It
not the written will of n pouplo through
their represent! ''-"--Jljitt Is so,
and we elect ft hfr .'. tJ It passes
a law In direct coiifornilty with tlio
constitution of the United Nlates, will
It not be lawful ? Who will presume
to say the stale lias not the right to
regulate !iow, when, and where her
future citizens shall be educated. The
government has tho right to ptoloct
Itself. It can only do so by Interesting
itsidf In the formation of the diameter
of those who In tho years to come, will
be Its rulers. No child that acquires a
thorough Roman education will be a
proper person In whoso hands to trust
the Interests of this groat nation. A
Roman parochial school education
tends to juako Its recipient "better
Roman Catholics, but worse American
citizens." This Is the testimony of
their own bishops, of the editors of
their own papers, then why should we
not accept it its true, and make It
obligatory upon parents to educate
their children In tho public schools,
and give them the "polish" in whatever
school they may deem best adapted to
tho needs of tho children.
Tho ono thing to bo guarded against
Is tho Inllueiica of the priest. Take
the child out of ids hands between tho
n go of five and fourteen, and send him
to tlio public schools, mid when he
leaves he will be proud to boast of the
fact that lie is nn American citizen
first - probably a Roman Catholic after
wards. No ono knows what the result of
such a law would be, better than the
priest, for that reason they would
oppoMi bitterly nny and every, ntn u
whom tho Protestants would nominate
on such ii plat form. They would be
gin by showing, In their Jesuitical
wny, that the light was not in favor of
H public school education, but against
Roman parochial schools. They would
raise their old, threadbare cry of
"dragging religion Into politics," their
senseless charge that it was ii know
nothing movement, engaged in by
white cap, backed by such "disreputa
ble people" as ministers, doctors, law
yers, mechanics and merchants who
had "been burn to be damned" (M.
V. Gannon) long before the reigning
pontiff the prisoner In tho Vatican
became Infallible. Vet what will all
this remit In? Simply In consolidating
the Protestant vote and making it more
apparent, If possible, that the Roman
church Is the greatest enemy our form
of government has ever known, and
causing Protestants to regard with sus
picion every net of the Roman hie
rarchy. And well may they begin to regard
Its nets In that light, for have thoy not
boasted that thoy would control
America before 1W00? Do thoy not
now even today claim this us lhair
country? J)o they not claim all the
iiuttat wittfn they could c!alm all the
murderers with better grace? Do they
not regard you us a reshient and n citi
zen only through their kindness? Do
thoy not teach false history in their
schoolii lauding John Hughes find but
barely mentioning tho martyr Lincoln,
extolling the trickster Loyola and al
most Ignoring tho Illustrious Grant?
We say they do. It is easy to prove.
For that reason wo favor n strict com
pulsory educational law which will
contain tlio words: "All children resid
ing within tills Mato after tho passage
of this net shall attend the public
schools contluously between the ages
of live and fourteen years."
Tlio Working Women's union will
meet every Thursday evening at 12.'l
North Fifteenth street,, corner Capllo
avenue, Jacob's block. Tim alms mid
objects of this organization are to form
n protective union for us many of llio
thousands of working women In Omaha
its feollho need or Hon the benefit of
such nn organization, (.'lurks, factory
employes, domestic servants, and all
women who earn their dally bread are
eligible to membership mid are cor
dially Invited to attend those meetings.
Ml(M, A, F, Jlotinir, President.
Heo rotary,
Mr.IU ', Knowlton has boon doing somo
painting for us tlio luni few days, and
wo ctu heartily recommend him to all
our friends its a good workman. Ho
can paint tho Inside of your house with
out soiling your carpets, If you do not
earn Ut fake them up, h office Is
located nt in!! Hlioely block. Give Mm
it trial,
, . ,
TllK constitution of tlm United Wales
should have a place among the text
Issiksofour public schools. Ko should
tho Declaration of Independence,
M. V. Gannon (Into attorney fur
Murphy the slugger, before I,oo llols
ley, the police Judge who "made a mis
take") candidate for district pier, nt
the Grand Opera house made the abor
tion that every republic except black
Liberia had been founded and settled
Ly Catholics." This Is true in one
respect only for it was owing to
Roman Catholic Intolerance, oppres
sion and persecution that the Puritans
left ilritalu and the Huguenots left
Franco to seek religious liberty In the
new world. Rut when ho went on to
speak of Irish Catholic patriotism and
loyalty in tho lalo war tho palpable
falsehood of Ids statements becomes
rank and disgusting, in view of the
official figures as given by tlio New
York Sun and tho Intcr-Ocean of Chi
cago. The total enlistment during the
war period, 18U.Kir, was;
Native Americans.... I,5!i'l.nan or Trt.ts per rent,
Irish 144 'JIM fir 7.14 "
llrltlsh Americans.... IW.NKI or li.iw "
I Jennim.
Vii ihki or s.tii "
4ViWor 8.l "
W.seoor .'1.7(1 "
All Others,.
White troops, regulars
" " volunteers
Total , Iim.nm
Irish 73 per eoiit.(lormiiii.,..l(l per cent,
American,. 5 " A II others, 1 "
In connection with this, note tho fact
that tho pope, by open letter, Decem
ber 8, lKH.'l, recognized JelT Davis and
tho confederacy and deprecated war
and It Is safe ti conclude that , tho 72
per cent, of all tho deserleri were
Catholic. For 72 per cent, of tho total
desertions are 1 1!1,3I2, and an tho total
Irish enlistment was 111,200, wo have
but 888 good or loyal Irish In that
entire number, a proportion of ono out
of every 102. Now, reflect that the
class who furnished 72 per cent, or
nearly three-fourths of all tho deserters,
nro holding not lens than three-fourth
of all tlio ofllclal positions in tills
country, and you have tho answer to
tho oft-heard question, "What Is tho
object and tlio mission of the A. P. AP"
Think of III Ono loyal Irishman out of
every U12I All honor to that ono loyal
man; but think of 101 traitor in ofll
clal positions over each such loyal
There Is located in Omaha a new
hospital, at ill) Houth Twentieth street,
under the management of tho Metho
dist church. Provision is made for
prompt and skillful treatment of pa
tients by educated surgeons, physicians
and specialists. Trained nurses devote
their tlmo to caring for tho sick or
wounded who may seek relief In lis
wards. Applicants who ttro ablo to
pay are charged ft fee. Those who are
without money are treated and nursed
gratuitously; and no quest Ions are
Asked regarding their faith or church
Any person in health may become a
member of the Hospital association,
for n year, by tho payment of fdO Into Its
treasury; and such active member shall
bo entitled to free admission, In the
event of sickness, Including bed, board,
nursing and doctors' care.
In tho opinion of tho management
the time lias come when n well ap
pointed Protestant hospital would I hi
palrotdrcd In this city, Henceforward
every maimed or sick person, who is
without a home, may lied n place
where he will be cared for and receive
the sympathy, attention mid prsyeis of
conscientious nurses. Good beds and
palatable food are furnished, and every
want of a patient Is anticipated,
Hitherto St. Joseph's (Catholic) hos
pital hail to be depended upon In an
emergency. Since the projection of
tho new institution, patients at least
havo tho opportunity of making a
choice. And somo having already
used tho privilege of preference, now
express their gratitude without hesi
tancy that there Is an organized
Protestant hospital accessible.
Tho public has been liberal In Its
gifts to this new charity, for which the
ladies who have done a large sharo ot
tho soliciting are thankful. There is
no such Intention as to confine tho
bonovolonco of this hospital to tho city
of Omaha. Its patronizing territory
embraces the stales of Nebraska and
Iowa, and its doors are open to any
patron living insido those boundaries;
and donations, bequests, or any grade
of gratuities, will bo most acceptable
from either state.
Mr. A. II, Mortz, editor of the 1'oopln'n Union
Mission, of Davenport, town, ono of the host
American papers puhllslieil In tlm wont, has
been In Omaha for more than a week fookliiK
after tho Interests of his paper, Our people
havu been, as they usually are, milte liberal,
me) ijulto n numher of Friend Mori,' papers
will no Into Omaha homes hereafter,
Mr, Randall and several other lloatrlce
Kontlomon paid Omaha a visit Tuesday,
Mr. J. N. KIIIihi, of (Joliimhus, was In Omaha
Tuesday on his way to lllalr.
Messrs, Itohlnson, Hoys, McfauKhlln and I'-.
I', llrowstor, of Orand Island, were pleasant
(tailors at Tiim Aukiikmn olllce Tuesday.
J, H, Hatfield, of Columbus, visited I'll n
Amkiocan olllce Wwdnesday,
flayard fuller, of Columbus, was In Omaha
Tuesday accompanied by Messrs, McAllister
and flaloi,
Messrs. Ono Id, Thomas, I Hoi tor and other
Ashland citizens, worn In Omaha the first of
the week,
TliK AmkIIKJAN believes In IsiMtowltig
upon deserving mortals some llttln
token of appreciation for loyal and
patriotic services, To this end wo bavo
concluded to raise a fund to purchase mi
approprjato present for Miss Kmnift
Connor, of Crawfordsvllio, Jnd,, who
courageously placed mid kept In jsisltlon
tlio stars mid stripes at the school house
In which sbo taught, after they bad
been torn down and trampled in tlio
dust by three disloyal Indiana citizens.
In order that others may 1st lead to
emulate her example wo will give her ft
Is'iiiitlfiil gold emblem, on which will
Imj engraved ft "little rod school house,"
iiImivo which will lly a mliiaturo flag,
All tlioso whodoslro toald In purchasing
this Isiiiutlful mid appropriate gift, are
requested to send in whatever amount
they feel ablo to contribute. Iot us
honor u woman who will protect "ur
ling. How much wlllyoiiglvo? Credit
given In this column;
Tho American 1.1,00,
.,,. t
Through Pullman Palace Sleepers
between Denver and Now Orleans via
tho Union Paclflo only.