The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 12, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Itew tijM lb ead folr
Wt mmy wi. Uvtt
VlirtVt tlkM gMf Hof rara,
t if e'e sweeten hews grow,
And ell Hi kl era Wi
Anil ell the rtvrt pteassnt flow
AW I he road tJ Ini.
II y feaart la gay kiwi gla.1.
My feat bow swiftly light
There arc no fountain sad
To murmur through the night
(to nightingale to nlgb,
Mo avenue of run,
fie grewsome Unit to wandei
Along the road to lru.
Ixive rules the beart alone,
Nor M it swayed lit vain,
A hop that soul doth own
That cannot think of pain.
And joy and peace and mirth
Are dreams outhlosnomod lrnf
Tls all of heaven and naught of rth
Along the road to 1'rue,
And when the journey's o'er
I tea her Ilka the light
That glowi at evening! door
To beautify the night.
And In bar presonce I
My golden dream renew,
And bleu the hour that bad ma fly
Along the road to 1'rue.
A stone's throw out of Paradise grew
the only tree In Devil's Basin. As
Devil's Basin comprised a stretch of
country some twenty miles broad by a
hundred long, the reader will readily
understand what an object of pride and
veneration this tree must have been to
the rugged hearts of Paradise.
It was bo horribly yoarning, so
grimly menacingthat noose that I
have shivered many a time as I passed
it and looked around fearfully over
my shoulder like Tarn O'Shantor chased
by the Kirk Alloway crow. i
A thing that heightonod my wondor
was this i Whenever I asked an In
habitant of Paradise why that noose
was there, his mouth would shut up
like a stool trap and a peppory look
would settlo over his faoe but never a
word would he utter.
One day I bogged Jim Littel to go
riding with me and Jim, who was al
ways ready for anything not too sug
gestive of manual labor, immediately
plaoed himsolf at my command.
When we had driven a short dlstanco
from town, I produced a bottle of
brown fluid much used in casos of
snake-bite (as well as other cases)
and invited my friend to take a lift at
the National Debt which he did, not
only once but many times. Whon I
considered him sufficiently voluble I
halted dlroctly beside the old cotton
wood so that the black noose hung
above us.
Jim," said I interrupting a flow
of war remlnlsoonces which were start
ling, to say the least; "Jim, I want you
to tell me about thut noose. Como,
now. What is it there forP"
He lookod up at the rope very earn
estly for a moment) then deliberately
mounted the carriage-seat and kissed
it Getting down again, he murmured,
"It's the honor of Paradise, 1 bog
yer pardon, " and he lifted tho bottle
to his lips.
"Hut I want to know all about it,"
I persisted.
"It's gnllln', very gallln' fur to say
anythln' 'bout It- It's waltln1 for the
doakin, y' know, which sarno doakln
ef.I had Mm hero I'd hang him up
hlgher'n a kite, you oan bet on that!"
Who was the deacon P What did
he doP"
Jim Llttol took the bottle from his
Hps, drew a deep sigh, wiped away
the moisture with his coat-sloove and
looked at mo ponHively.
JllmP DoP I'll toll ye. He was
a long, slim, parson kind of a chap
an' he lookod so holy when ho first
came to Paradise that lull Waller
him as runs the Cowboy's Host so,
that hain't no common tenderfoot,
Jim Llttol, that hain't soz ho an'
that same BUI was as clever a reader
of human natur' at any on I ever
an I've eeen a gl many of Vm.
l or Inntsnc old Zona III Indian
Well, Waller,' ho a.'. That
hain't no common tenderfimt Jim
Utlel He's gd, ho don't lie or
stoat r drink, ef play card a rr en.
joy himsolf in any way howwuniever
mark thorn word !' call Mm the
doakln,' which we did an' 1 must my
he proved to bo a modot chap, timid,
niwerful koM. Infernal gool, alto
pother to dorn good. I bog your par
don." Well, what did this abnormally
excellent person dnP "
"That's it," said Jim Llttol bring,
ing tho bottlo down on his knoo with a
thump, what did he doP What did
ho do! I'll loll you what he done. Ho
moved around In 1'aradlso so soft an'
did so many nice things with thoin lit
tle white hands of his'n that he pot
our confidence, which is tc say, tho
confldnnco of 1'aradlso, singularly nnd
colleetionably, i-hich is to say of
every one from Hon'able Jozobol Jlm
?q d'you know MmP NoP lister bo
in congress, Jinuo did; powerful
bright, . pow-er-ful! You've iiCri
how Wash'n'ton was tho father of our
country P Well, Jlmson he's the father
of 1'aradlso, he Is, made it, sir."
"You wore speaking of tho dea
con," I ventured, in the endeavor to
draw my voluble friend buck into the
rut; "what did ho say P"
"I beg yer pardon. Well, this hore
nooHe is waltln' for that good man an'
he'll fill it some day, see if he don't.
It's been hangtn' there waltln' fur him
fur those five years an' the honor of
Paradise, which is to say of mo an'
Jimson, an' all the rest is wrapped up
in that piece o' rope doln' it's duty."
As he hesitated here and soomod to
bo fixing himself to auk my pardon
again, I laid a restraining hand, on his
arm and commanded him to tell mo
faithfully, what the deacon had done.
To be sure. x'seo we was holdm'
high at the Cow Boys Kent one night,
playiu' cards, an drlnkln' an whoopln'
'or up generally when, all to once, tho
door opened an' In come the deakln-
S'prlsedP Well, I should say wo
was. Wallers j'mt was a place tno
deakln fought mighty shy of an' we
couldn't say a word for a mlnuto or
two. Then I soz, como up an' have
one with me, doklnP' an' Buster Blue
noNO tarnation good feller. Know
ImP NoP Well Buster made room
for Mm at the poker table an' invited
Mm to take a hand, but the doakln no,
no. He soz 1 didn't come hero to
night fur to drink an' to gamblo, hea
ven knows. I come hore to-night,'
soz lie tne ticaKin on a orrana or
morcy to my follor-men' an' them was
his very words, a errand of morcy to
my foller-mon. Tho stage was hold
up this sldo of Commonwealth,' sea
he, , nn' thoy was a feller as got
shot an' dragged Mmsolf to my
shack over thore on tho Black foot
trail, Jest rlddlod with bullets, an' ho's
dead now peace to his ashes soz
ho, tho doakln, mind ye, which tho
same doakln soz further, 'an' that
ain't tho worst of It. Thoy's a little
gal with Mm a little chick of it thing
with yollor hair an' big blue eyes
she's near got a fit' them's the
doakln's own words nho'i near got a
fit. Oh. boys,' soz ho, 'd'you know
how that little iral with yellow hair
reminds me of of one Host a long
time ergo.' Sh reminds me of Hoa-
slomy own little daughter as weald
climb up onto my knee an' Jest
then the deakln caught hold of tho
bar an' saved Mmsolf a fall. He took
a drink to brace Mm. 'That's tho
first in years.' sez he. -but it's done
mo good.' We was all affeoted an'
blowln' our noses, an' coughln' an
lookln' at somothln' else pertondln'
not ter be. Then tho doakln breaks
out air'ia chlnnor like. 'Now, boys, I
come down hore to see it we could n'
among us chip in a sight fur that lit
tie yellor haired galr' He pawned
eround Ms hat an' we filled 'or up. He
thanked us with big tears in his eyes
for our Uberoolallty an' lit out Then
we-er-ua I beg jar yardon." .
S hat twain of the tittle gtrirl
II kl tho riililHmnl savagely.
Wan't tiotuv Want tm robliery,
tut hoot'ut', tin man dyln up Ut his
hack, m not h In. Jt wm K
ovor s' tliat's what ho done n' we're
jot waltin' to wuno it over hlnw that's
what wo 10 dour an you oan not, Air.
What's yor nnin that weMl play
square with that on.-ry llmh If it takes
a humlrod yoara. All Paradise Is in
teri'sloiL I hog yor pardon."
Aftor thk as tho Honor was out and
he had no mora pardons to bog, I
could got no more out of him so we
drove slowly nnd pensively buck U
Paradise. Detroit l roo Proiis.
Thus It Now Itesito do to Ilia Htugianl
Thou Ant,
Thoro was a certain woman that wn
a sluggard. !Sho )erformed not the
duties of hor household as a vlrtuout
hoiiHOwife should; she rose not with
the lark, neither with tho hen, nor
with tho early bird that catchoth the
And she toiled not day by day, but
worked whon it ploastod her; and when
it plcnso'l hor not, she loufod.
And mio laid up no treasure of corn,
wlno and oil, nor of scarlot and fine
linon; she neither span nor wove,
bakod nor brewed.
But she sat still a-dreamlng and set
traps for sunbeams and lay in wait for
bilght-wlngod thoughts and spent her
brouth in words, mere words, albeit
some wore written down.
Then came the ant and built her
house near by, that tho sluggard might
come to her as was commanded, and
consider her ways and be wise.
Now, tho ant was vory numerous.
She built hor house and stored it
with food and laid myriad eggs and
tondod thoin, and hor eyes stood out
with virtue.
Also, she knew it and marveled that
the sluggard came not to consider her
ways and be wise.
Hut the sluggard stayed at home
and minded hor own business.
Then arose the ant, armed with a
strong sonso of duty for sho could
wait no longer, knowing the exceed
ing sluggishness of the sluggard.
And, truly, the ant was fur more
numerous than tho sluggard, but not
ho big.
And the ant wont into the houso of
the sluggard and exhibited hor ways
that the sluggard might consider them
perforce and bo wiso.
And, vorlly, tho sluggard did con
sldor tho ways of tho ant how she
ran up and down, continually dolnjf
the same thing; how sho took a hun
dred to consult over ono crumb; how
sho had no soul above her victuals
and hor indistinguishable eggs, which
wore no improvement on their indis
tinguishable mothers, and how she
abounded in tho meal and the flour
and tho sugar and tho molasses.
And tho sluggard arose and gave
thanks for tho wisdom that had como
of considering the ways of tho ant
And she took of insect powder one
talent and laid it broadcast in the ways
of the ant as sho considered thorn, and
the ant went from tho house of the
sluggard in a dust-pan. Wasp.
(.Ire the Hoys m Miow.
It is noticeable on visiting St Lout
aftor an interval of a few years how
vory much more the young men of the
city are occupying important posi
tions. If tho change continues at the
present rain 8t. Louis will soon begin
to compete with Denver for tho honor
of bolng called the young men's town.
Denver has that position now and
boasts of probably the youngest na
tional bank cashier in tho country.
Thin Is the cashier of the (iorman
National, who graduated from the
Donvor high school not more than
! four years ago. His promotion has
boon vory rapid, but not sunlclently
so ns to exclto any comment espe
cially as tho cashiers at all the other
bank, with tniv tma or twootcrptlona,
am vory young im-n, It U a eharao
torUtlo of the Wl to have young
loon at lha holm hut In no rlty has
the proverb " YnU rsn't put old honds
on young shmildors" loen so tunolus
Ivoly disapproved as In lhnver, and, as
I said Is'foro, M Louis Is making a
rtocldod move In precisely tho same
direction. Ccr. louls Ulobe-Dein-ocrat
A tltrUllan and tctl Meeting.
The struggles of chltdh'iod with
words aro often as pnthclle as they
are droll but it Is the funny tide
which Is apt to Impress their elders.
A lady wont not long since to call
upon a neighbor In the country and
found the 6-yoar-old son of the house
playing upon the lawn.
"How do you do, HeorgteP" she
said. "Is your mamma at homeP"
"No, Mrs. (Jray," heanswered, with
tho most approved politeness.
lam sorry for that" tho caller
said. "Will she be gone longP"
"I don't know," tho little fellow
answorod doubtfully. "She's gone to
a Christian and devil meeting."
"Cone to what!"' the lady exclaimed
in ttstonishmont
"To a Christian and devil mooting
in the vestry," was the reply.
And it suddenly flashed across the
caller's remcmbranco that for that
afternoon bod boon appointed at the
vestry of the church a mooting of tho
Society of Christian Kndeavor. Bap
tist llocordor.
Southern I'aclfla locomotive will soon
use for fuol bricks turidn of coal dust and
There are 4,fiM papor mills in tho world,
of which Ueriimiiy, tho greatest paper
tnnker, lots 1.44'l,
An KtifclNh woman bn patented a de
vice by which a klrt may M elevated
neatly and evenly all around by a, simple
tug at a nana. jSw'rA-,
Eskimo women art Wi iid sh-m ' '
urn m well m tullors and 'ototaaniLiw.
Hoots are made of snulskln throughout, or
else tho log of sealskin and the solos of
walrus skin,
The first largo ijiuuitlty of American
sponge ever sent to Kiiropean markets
was recently shipped from Philadelphia,'
The lot comprised 0,000 pounds each ot
two kinds of sponges from the Florida
A weighing machine has been Invented
which weigh cars at the rntn of six per
minute, the car belli- moved along the
track, A device automatically records
weights on a piece of tnpo similar to that
used on a ticker machine.
There I something about the cedar logs
that are now being exhumed in Cape May
county, New Jersey, and that are snld to
have been buried for more than 2,000
year, that Impart a soft and melodious
tone to a violin, and the logs aro being
rut up for the making of such Instruments.
(Iiitta porcha i the gum of the percha
tree, which grows In the Malayan islands
and that locality, The price of this arti
cle ha more than doubled within two
years, chiefly because of the wastefulness
of the natives In collecting the gum by
felling the tree and the increased demand
for It in Insulating electrlo wire.
The statistics of the average sle of fain
illcs In the various countries of Kurope are
a follows! France, 8.0H member; Den
mark, 8.01 1 Hungary, 8.70; Switzerland,
8.04; Austria and Jlulglum, 4,09; Kngland,
4.08; (iermany, 4,10; Sweden, 4,12; Hoi.
land, 4.23; Hootlnnd, 4,40; Italy, 4,Mj
Spain, 4.09; llussla, 4,88; Ireland, 0.20.
Telegraph operator anri electrician are
greatly Interested In the experiment of
two enterprising New Kngtanders, who are
said to have Invented a new system of tel
egraphy, Vibration of the air are to lie
used Instead of electricity, If the new
system be successful, the expensive
method of Insulation now used by the tel
egraph companies will no longer be neces
sary. Until recently the royal palace at IW
lln ha been lighted only by candles, Jtotb
the father and the grandfather of the pres
ent kaiser wore opposed to gas, and would
not allow it to be Introduced Into the pal
ace. Kmperor William ha bad gai put
In and Is now arranging for electric lights,
The palace lack all the modern improve,
merit In the plumber's art and Is devoid
of bath-rooms, bot and cold water and
steam er foraaos heat