The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 12, 1891, Image 1

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1 RtlMtUR S3
Th inenibeii of Council No. 8 will
please accept .our'nearl-felt t It n n k n for
the ovation tendered Tiik Amkkh an
Inst Thursday night. , Wo have jet to
learn of another paper whore a body
of Severn 1 hundred men so thoroughly
approved of it course as to leave their
hall and march to the. oflleo In a body
and give threo cheers for tho editor and
the paper. No word of ours can con
vcy to them tho deep gratitude wo feel
for that murk of friendship and Con
done May (Jod Almighty ho direct
our ellbrU as to merit a continuance, of
your approval, and tho approval of
our tnf.i other friends. . Let us re
member that we have only done our
duty, and that we shall repeat this act
as often as it Is necessary.
Strange filings happen. Last. Tues
day morning Mr. Alfred, Jordan was
in the employ of Mr. John Thomas,
a brick manufacture, on south Twenty
fourth street. Mr? "Jordan-oeemed to
satisfy Mr. Thomas and the latter
scorned to Jill the bill us far as the
former was concerned, and all was
smooth as oil. yet a change took place.
Mr. Jordan went to vote. When ho
returned ho found his team In the barn
and Irate Mr. Thomas told him If ho
could make more working, for tho
"White Caps" ttijsii jcpuld JiftuUnjE,
brick he could go back and work for
them. This Mr, Jordan proceeded to
do and now he sighs for a situation.
If Mr. Thomas U not a Homan ho cer
tainly ought to bo.
Now and then you run across a
policeman who knows a scheme
when ho sees It, There was one of
that description on a beat on Sixteenth
street week before lest. lie discovered
the city bill poster, lute one evening,
going from point to point, pasting up
some little yellow bills stating "Keep
It Dark Untill Oct i!8. Not being
a member of that despised order known
as" White caps," ullas A. 1'. A- ho
concluded the bills were being posted
for the sole benefit of tho members of
that order, and proceeded to tear them
down, After ho had got well along
weth his work, the bill poster noticed
what he was doing, and, boiling over
with t'nge, he approached the minion
of tho law ,,to Icar what lift meant
by tearing down bills as fast as he
posted them, and tho policeman, noth
daunted said, "yez don't suppose I'd
allow yez to paste up white cap notices
on my beat, do yes??"
If any of our subscribers in the city
of Omaha do not receive their papers
hereafter by Friday evening they will
confer a favor on us by reporting tho
matter to us at onco. Wo are revising
our lists and will ondavor to see that
Tub Amkkican Is delivered promptly
and on time,
Tub Catholic priests are endeavoring
to defend tho exhibition of tho bogus
coat at Treves but their defense will
hardly satisfy an intelligent people.
On tho Secret Acknowledgments Between
Priests and Pope A Prayer,
Oil, ruler of the night!
TJinu art likened unto a busy gopher.
That worketh his way In the dark V
A Hit lli.uiil.utf li t.lin ulirit.rtf tiiittl. A - 4V
...... 1 ' ..?' ........ frt
'YCa, riM 11 great inula thou art. v :- -- .
Tlmt fllloth his belly from
The (lurk places of eurth, ,
And gathcrcth together hi dlrt i
To heap It In a goodly temple,
For tho show arid ga.e of won.
Kut beneath It, lies tho tyrant.
For this, Oh, Irtflnlto man!
Wo worship time, We adore thoe.
Thy constitutions aro strong:
The lawsof thy church are mighty; '
Hut cursed be Unit new-born church,
Arid curse thou thu laws of state:
For cursed are tho tongues that tell thorn
Oh, human god!
Answer thou our prayer,
Then this peevish lilt of horesy,
HI111II be much undone: and here,
fuller thu shadow of thy holy church,
We'll pluck t he richer pearls of state;
And hy Inductions dangerous,
And vllo Indirections
Het them In Komftii rings
And let their gllstciilugs our holy colters All,
Hut yet, Oh Infallible!
There are swift Injunctions
Deep Innovations alloat;
Form'd t'wlxt rich and poor,
'CJalnst the sacred rights of thy fathers.
Yea, 'gainst thy Infinite fathers,
These Infallible gods Istfore thee.
Ay, 'gainst
That which was most gisid unto them,
for every temporal whit, well elutrg'd they
To endure forever
Hut these modern axes, have play'd
The nrcliieologlst with thee,
Dug thee up, and set thee
In thy place with the muses;
And laugh at tho fitful pipings
Of an ancient god,
In these llt-up times of Utterly
We lament with thee, wo confess.
Oh, Infallible mini I
Tor we feel thee fast passing away
Arid thy fathers! Those men I
Yea, those human gods
Had they bill, have seen; have dreum'd;
Haw thought Had they but have known,
Tho constitution of a modern republic
Aye; had these gods but have conceived It;
Theo and wo ml(ht have owned
All human breath, 'twlxt heaven and hell;
And kept theo well set upon It,
An holy monster Ay, e'en a god,
To the children of men) yet,
Man-begot and born of woman, thou art.
Hut lo,
Wn bio beHime a minted race.
Crown'd of devils and hated of men
And thou!
Thou art fallen from god to man.
Wo confess this unto theo, and theo alone.
Yet we praise thy Infallible being,
Oh, omnipotent man!
And wo remember It not, Oh Infallible! ,
That In time past, thou and thy fathers
Did much err In thine Infallibility.
But wo know that within thy law,
1 a nou i a sur una was --7t
from under tho weight of thy mistakes.
For this we laud and magnify thee,
Oh wondorous man, for thluo omnipotence,
And we would that all this world,
Quite upon theo as we thus hold thee up
lint, Oh, most Infallible!
They say thou art as ouo born In great luck
Rut not In so much great luck,
As thy fathers before theo.
For lo, thy great luck
Hath elutrg'd upon thee, to turn thee back,
It was not so with thy fathers;
For their luck was greater than kings
Hut now has liberty, set up her crown,
High above tho crown of kings!
And thy eeptro hath lost Its charm.
Again we grieve, Oh Inllulte man!
That thy part hath fared so well.
And wo are wont, again to set thee up
Arid for thee, we'll challenge, A
We'll light! we'll burn; we'll kill; "",
And for thy sake alone,
We'll blacken this liberty, with Ignorance;
Dispell this blissful peace
With tho travail of war;
borilamlnute our flHhv lives,
With the souls of devils;
Incur dangerous Insurrections
)n the rule of slate;
And spill, nicely, heretic dog's blood,
For thy charity's sake,
Oh, most Infallible man!
And we who know thy dreadful couimuiuls,
Hhall serve them well
Arid standing within the pale
Of thy holy church,
We'll 00.U out the life of liberty;
Make Ignorance, yea, blacker yet;
And tweedle men's mails with holy words,
To live In thy name, or by
fetniiigo Inveul'oiil, 11a, 1 1 a die.
Then we'll lock out ,U famous history,
Froii the souls of 4. 'tig generations;
And situs down in k rfortablo places;
Teach thoiu oril j ). ledgoyif thoe,
A rid rear tboiiiJtvveitTo our desire.
Oh. omnipotent man!
How rich and K.. Is thine Inheritance!
Hut hold! Oi. oontlir great
For stern rimn there are, ,
Who deny thoe; who curse time; .
Who hate tliee all time
Hloodixl cut ' 'Itn'.Utr', Despot
And spurn tin ' lilisll. .. -4
And while we try,
Hy our black. d direful deeds.
To chock this lted freedom's tide;
They cry,
"Lay on," pontiff!
And drop tl y keys,
When you t enough.
Curse thou their nation, "
Oh, thou father of us devils,
Is our everlasting prayer.
A Poesl i Oubtpokoa Wonts.
The committee in charge of the pro
posed celebration of Archbishop Ken
rick's Jubilee at St. Iiouls, on lec. J,
has stirred up n lively light by Its dis
crimination against Catholic children
who nttend tho public schools. One
of the great features of tho jubilee was
to be a children's chorus, and the
trouble is all over an order issued by
Vicar (ieneral Urady that "all Cath
olio children who attend Utjr public
schools will be excluded from this
churns uiid from otherwise participating
in the celebration."
Father Towers, of the church of tho
Immaculate Conception, has taken up
cudgels on behalf of the public school
children, and has declared in the most
unhesitating way that tho action of
tho committee Is" it direct and pub'io
blow from a lot of zealots against tho
public school system," and proclaims
that their assumption of power should
be troi'deu under fool. There aro, ho
asserts," a number of men on tho ex
ecutive comtnititeo who aro without
reason on this point, and aro In such a
frantic slate of mind that they believe
anything outside of tho Catholic church
shoulrbo exterminated. " Continuing
In this vigorous train Father Power
gives tho church dignitaries tho follow
ing homo-trust.
" If tho head man of our church
ation to the subject they would llnd
that the parochial school system of
this country Is without morlt and there
fore should bo abolished. In no way
does It corn pure with tho public school
system. We have no governing board
and therefore tho results aro inslg
nilicant. "When the Catholics attack tho
established educational system of this
country they aro fooling with a boom
erang that will rebound on them and
(bjal a crushing blow lo their own
No member of the most advancod
American society could have spoken
more vigorous patriotic on tho public
school question. Father Mc Glynn,
who was excommunicated for his
utterances, never went any farther than
this. Tho St. Louis priest Is away
ahead of this church on this question,
and will prbtibly feel tho bishop's lash
ere long. He has spoken tho plain,
unvarnished truth about tho general
worthlessuess of the parochial schools
and the bishops of the Romish church
will eventually lind out that they have
been fooling "with a boomerang"
when awakened Americans arise in
their might and bid them keep thoir
Impious intermeddling hands off tho
Nation's schoolhouse. Tho Kt. Louis
Incident will open tho eyes of sensible
Unman Catholic parents to the church's
malign intcrferonc with parental con-
trol,and so an important lesson will hnr
been taught. Western Uritlsh Ann;,,
can.- . 1" '
THE American people have pre '
themselves capable of "home ro5
and the pope's subjects cannot att
lo enforce Irish Uulc without recc"
a merited rebuke. ,.
;a i