The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, November 05, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Ilurgla have U-n operating with
Mit tuece m intrife.
liamiiging pism.i Are tune re
cunlly iil)U U.aiiio t'uunty.
Tlia iinif hinery it Wint; placed in
position In Uirt luUinnolaiiitini factory.
Tho churches of Nobfik City
will hold Union 1 liun u v iny sorv
lcui, A. N. Pat more, of Webiter county
rained thirty tons of bed to feed bit
If Us for erection of the govern,
ment postofllee ut Fremont will toon
bo invltod.
Ittirlurfl made a raid ut Syracuse
the other nigh I entering several placet
of business.
The lirst car of small grain e vet
lent out of Thomas county wat
thippeu hint week.
Miss Ida Keller, a young' girl liv
ing Suwnru, was badly burned by
a lamp failing on her.
Tulmuge is doing a great deal of
building and there it a scarcity of car-
' ponter for tho work.
Very little threshing has yet been
done in Hod Willow county owing to
tho scarcity of machines.
Three hundred and seventy-five
oarloads of grain have been shipped
from Lyon the last year.
The gunsmith establishment of T.
P. Waiters. Ucutrice. is out $100 worth
of goods ut the hanus of burglars.
The postollice at Darnull, Keya
Paha county, has been discontinued.
Mail will bo sent to spring View.
James It. Smith, a clerk in a Lin
! coin clothing houso, has mysteriously
. disappeared. No cause is known.
t Jn a railroad accident near Mil
lard John Heed, uu old engineer of the
Union Faellle, wus Instantly kilied.
' ' Tho only howl in Concord is bo
' Ing moved to Dixon, the tow town two
, miles north of the Short Lino raliroad.
, T-Llpl'tlioria continues to spread in
t Nebrusmt CiLy, and it it possible tome
of the schools may bo ordered closed.
A Kearney man complaint because
' ' the eont dealer of that alty mix soft
eoul with hard coal and sell it for hard.
Henry Mueller of Columbu died
, last week from lock jaw. Jlo was an
Odd Fellow and also a member of the
' fire department.
Charles F. Hammond, of Lincoln,
( , wat convicted of outraging his twelve
, , year-old daughter and tent to tho pen
. ilentlary for life,
A chemical laboratory it being
fitted up in tho hijh school building
' for the use of the pupils in tho high
- tchool at Syracuse.
Tho big elevator at Talmage it
Hearing completion. Jr. is one of the
best Ojiilppid clovatort on tho lino of
the Missouri I'acllic.
--Charlo Jiaxter, a ten-year-old
Omiiha boy, while trying to catch a
ride on a motor car foil under tho
, wheels and wus killed.
'J hero ha been shipped from,
Lozau up to Oetooer T.i, 22 car load
' and by ino mid of tho month will ng
jrregnlo ainiost 200 cars,
The elevators at Wallace uro tulc
ing in ;i lw nushel of wneat daily,
" and yet tlio farmers sny that throttling
i it only fairly commenced.
Lev. and Mr. John Hewitt of
Lincoln coiooruicd their silver wed
ding iat ween. Somo very elegunt
presents were received.
Hov. W. II. huss. pastor of the
Congreglulonui church ut Fremont, hat
. received a cull in an Omaha church ut
a taiary of (U.OoO per year.
, Work ut tho Lyons bnclc yard it
nearly cloned for this season. Over
1,00(). COO orbit iiave been manufac
tured and shipped from tho yards.
Jiiim Cornelius and HMIarn lieu
tchnteu were tirrestau at Kearney for
tboottng leculessly while out hunting
Miid wounding a fsrmwrt boy and girl.
lit NVbratsa Manufaelurintf com
puny report ordrt for b pipe u
k tttirad. although they r to
turning out H ( t tne frtia of tl, OiK!
Kev, Siiiiiuel Alexander, late pat
tor of the Trinity MethouUt church of
Omah.'i, hut severed hit connection
with that ueuoitiioation and Joiinil the
Pretbj tenant.
liog cholera it prevalent In Lan
caster county, Mr. Alfred Peterson
Hat lost over fifty head of line ihuuts.
Tho disease will proouby exterminate
hit entire hog crop.
A contractor who it building the
new school houses in Itcutrice has
drawn $2..'00 mid left for punt un
it now n. His bondsmen are in triou
lutions over tho mailer.
--Tne tchool board of Fremont has
decided to make some arrangement for
the surplus of scholar. Two or three
Viildlngs will be leased until tho city
rovides its own structures.
Itlood poisoning caused by a wound
u the hand from apiece of galvanized
ire, resulted in the death of lizru
White, a well known business man of
Crete. He was 7J years of age.
The approach to tho wagon bridge
across the heaver, west of Loretto, fell
in last Sunday while u herd of cattle
were crossing. Some of them fell into
the water, but no serious damage re
sulted. Mrt. Catherine Harper, of Cus
ter county, has commenced suit in a
St. Louis court to get possession of an
estate in that city valued ut f.00,000,
left by a man named Polls, recently
Charles Golloy, a saloonkeeper of
Hartwell, has llnishod eleven months
imprisonment for selling liquor with
out a license. When tho town went
iry" he refused to discontinue the
Willi? Frank Morse, a IJoyd coun
ty commissioner, Wus absent from his
ration. M. Sohukz, ltlddlebergerfifM
two sons, tore down and were remov
ing lilt stablet when discovered. They
were arrested.
A tlnglo packing firm In South
Omahu kilied and packed over (J, 000
head of cattlo lust weeit, breaking all
previous records. In addition to the
cattlo killed they also slaughtered
I 000 thoep.
Tho graded school directory itttied
by State Superintendent Ooudy thowt
the number of tenchert employed in
Nubrusku't third eiuss cities as follows:
Jicatrlro -10. (irnnd Island .'37, Nobrusitu
City 1);J, Hastings iJO, Fremont 110,
Kearney '2'J, l'lattsmouth 'Jo, South
Omahu 25.
-At tho meeting of the Nebraska
Congregational!!,, held In Fremont,
President Perry reported on the condi
tion of Donne college, His report
showed tho rummer of students In tho
preparatory department to bo fifty-one
against sixty int .tear, total attend
ance in nil departments, 18,'.
Mi s, D. A. JJooth of Fremont died
suddenly at her homo the other day
during the absenco of her family, She
was found lying deud on the floor.
A pott mortem and Inquest wat held
nnd a verdict rendered that death re
sulted from heart failure.
A strnngerdrlvlng a U,m of black
horse nnd ion buggy stopped at Mil
lard Thomas' hou-o. four miies south
of Vor. one night lust weeit, and
asked to stay till morning. The re
quest was granted nnd after putting the
horses In the stable ho went bacK to
tho house. A nclgheor who hud come
over to Thomas for a calf, ciunu In tho
House and asited for a rope, when the
stranger grabbed his overcoat and hut
and ran from the house and tiUup
pen red. leaving the outfit with Mr,
Thome. 'J'no team was undoubtedly
stolen nnd Is now in the bunds of the
theriiT In Vork.
PUTileric Is, crimp', quite often the
chlld of vtnlty st of tell iJejacciitloii,
A fcw ri Mmarfs ata ( lii
A patty of old tlmtom wcr yi.r.
day KMtmblc4 in the cleik't urtlcn it
the t ivll llistrld court, dUcttsslog the
halcjon happenings of unto Mluni
day a snyt tho Now Orleans Time.
DenitHi'itt. lit toplo of dUeiis-lon
fruoi a con I rust of tho gallantries nnd
suavillctof Utrtw days iw conlratod
with the present gradually drifted Into
the toplo of dueling. Many good
stories were told, when Jnd;:o II put
a climax to tho reminiscent mood of
tlio parly by telling a story which
turned tho subject into u channel in
which ha stood pre-eminently alone.
Have you ever heard of a duel be
tween men in which a woman acted as
ono of tho seconds!'" queried Iho judge
1 hoi o was u common slinking of
hoiuls and tho judgo continued:
"WolL I have, I know all tho par
ties intimately. It was this way.
You boc, Jacques Do ltosaoitt had a
boto nolr in the shape of old Jules
Maurln's sou Analplo. Anatolo was
jealous of Jacques In more ways than
ono, nnd ho took evory opportunity of
angering him. Never sulllclently to
give Jacques a casus belli, but junl
enough to bo very disagreoablo. Jac
ques bore it as well lis ho could until
finally ono day. when Anatolo had
made himself more than usually dis
agreeable Jacques saw sulllclent chuho
lo fight nnd forthwith challenged
Anatolo. Now tho latter was a friend
of tho Do HoHsuet family and refused
to fight on tho pi on that ho had tho
grcitlost rospoct and nd miration for
Juequos' aged mother, and that if il
fight camo oil' H would kill that
lady. Jacques hearing of this
wont to his old mother with tear
In his eyes and Bald to her: "Mother,
you have been the cause of great
sorrow to mo. You nro ho unwilling
object that stand between mo nnd tho
Bntlsfiiction of my honor.' 'My gra
cious, my dear son, how can Dint beP'
answered his mother. ! would do
anything for you,' Jacques explained.
Do you want lo fight this man!'' said
Mrs. DoHoHHiiet I do,' said JaequoH.
It Is tho tleslro of my life.' 'I will
Inko tho challenge myself,' nnswored
tho brave old lady slarllng tip; 'wrllo
your challengo.'
"And oho did. Khotook It with her
own hands. She hanile l it to Anatolo,
Ho proto4od; she Insisted. She taunt
ed him with en ward Ice. Ho blanched.
Ho saw that she was desperately In
earnest, and ho left the room with pato
cheeks. That night helled tho city
and never returned. J aequo wit for
ever rid of hi cowardly oriomy. That
Is the only Instance I ha ve ever hoard
of In this city w hero a gentlewoman
brought a challengo with her own
bands. "
Growing I'rom tin I yi.ln-o t of it I'lou
IT lien id Imllit,
According to a Jap arioso legend,
tho origin of ton is tlnn traced: An
Indian princo iiained Darma. of a holy
arid religious cluiraelor, visited Chlnti
In tho year A 10 A. D , for tlio purpose
of Instructing tho colesl.l'ils In the
duties of rcFglon. He led ii tnoit ab
stemious life and denied himself all
rest or relaxation of bod y and mind.
At last tired nature rohcllol against
such treatment, and thoroughly ex.
huustod, tho pillion foil asleep.
When he uwoko ho was so mortlllod
at hi weakness that In order to purge
himself of what ho considered an al
most unpardonable sin, ho cut olT hi
eyebrows, considering them the
ment of hi crime. They foil upon
tho ground and each Individual hair
became transformed Into ushrub. which
eventually camo to bo known by tho J
Duma of leu.
rtl.r to Itmi limtt it t.nd tw-en on.
known, lut Ibirm ptt My itl-nii-14
Uta Risrwatdrt pniily uf Its lento,
which rndowotl bts toiiel with fiwth.
jHtacm t ttiitwtor ltni.rt itdlgtottl
Jrluclpls and pimento I sliHp from
closing bis J. at lmoi tnee nto
meets. He t-eeonitiM.n, I. -, its virtool
to hi disci.!e who In luiii sang It
praise to all whom Utcy met, In a
very short tiitui its ttte bocumo general
throughout tlio felellal klugdottl,
front which it gradually enteiulod a
all parts of tho earth.
Darma' memory I perpetuated la
Chinese nml JapuuiHedruwIng by the
represent al Ion of a rudo llguin of no
old man standing tit tho water, with a
reed under I I feet and one of hi cyo
brows sprouting out Into a tea leaf.
In connection with tlio Introduction
of tea Into I'ngland it very umuslnf
story is told of a certain titled woman
who hud been presented with a pound
of tho if lest green lea. She had no
Idea of It proper preparation and con
sequently boiled tho entire quantity
and served It up with melted butter at
an accompaniment to a roast of boot.
She wns not pleimed with its appear
ance and gravely informed her guest
that although it had been cooked hov
oral hours it was simply Impossible
to make those foreign green ton
dor!" Detroit Free Press.
Mlixrfl tint II:iiiiiiiu (.rows.
In South America the banana !
not thought of n a luxury.' In fact,
it takes tho place of bread and moat
and vegetable among a largo part ol
the people, livery garden ha ltf
banana patch, just as wo havo our ln
dlspenslblo rows of potatoes. On 1 lie
Isthmus of Panama tho cars spin past
hill covered from bnso to summit
with tho beautiful broad leaved plant,
their groat clusters of fruit hanging
from the stems Just under tin
leaves. The banana plant look)
something like nn Immense calla lily.
It stems uro made up from the leaves,
so tdicathod or folded around each
oilier and hardened as to sustain the
weight, of tho mas of follugo above. '
It will In somo localities attain
height of twenty feet, When two
year old it bear fruit and then dies,
but a number of young shoot spring
up from tho base of tlio old stem, so
it continually renews itself, and Hit
farmer, who I usually an Indian oi
negro, has no trouble, incept to keep
tho weeds and tho old withered trunk
cleared away from the growing plant
liven tho trunk is of u o, for It con
tain a fibre almost as soft a silk,
which can bo woven Into tho rnosl
exquisite rritisllns. Indeed somo oi
tho dainty ndia inuslliis uro made ol
this very fibre. Harper's Young Puo
llllllllMll I'M I 111.
An example of childish faith, of a
kind dull ago wears away, win seen
lust summer. A little boy wa sitting
in tho yard of nn old country home
stead; on cither side of film sat a
hugo dog. patient and loving. 'The
sun shown down seorehlngly on the
Ir'o, and It ray were uncomfortable.
Shading his eye with hi curved
hand the child looked skyward and
said, ' Put in that sun, please." The
sun shown brightly and tho little fol
low repeated softly, 'Please put la
that sun, man up in tho sky, It hurti
my head." Just then over tlio faeo of
tho blazing orb Ibero sailed a white
summer cloud, then another, and tho
yellow blao turned suddenly to tt
ha'y restful gray. Turning to the
dogs, tho Ilitlo ooy, putting tin arm
nround the neck of each, said, "Did
you see tho tun pulled in, Komoo and
Chieftain? When you wants anything,
if you I good, and you usk Cod for
it, ho gives It to you. Tho sun hurt
my head and I nuked him to put It In,
and don't you see how ho did reach
out nnd put It In for meP" The dogt
looked wlso, leaned their head lov
ingly toward the diminutive little the
ologian, and. whatever might hove
been tholr belief, kepi an Inscrutable
Hence. Providence Journal.