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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1891)
AMERICAN VOLUME I OMAHA, Mil., TMUHSOAV, NOVtMltIK 3, I mi. NUMMlrt M THE BEMIS IS Henru Ostlioff Is Uurrled Beneath an Avalanche of Votes Perhaps or A. P. A.'s. Indications Point to tlw Election of Every Man Endorse by the A. P. A. BENNETT FOR SHERIFF. Eller for Countu Judae, Olseri for Comptroller, Berka for Police Judoe, While Messrs. Bach, Steel, Edwards, Jacobson, M dearie, Prince, Munroe and Jacobson Are Elected. HENRY BOLLN, TREASURER. While Balwin, Wilcox, Long, Gibson, Morrison, and Brad Icy will Serve as Justices of tho Peace. 1 he Board of Education will mi i k- '. ...... by Jaynes, Oibson, Babcoch, Elyutter and Powell. POST CARRIED THE STATE, And it Looks as If Daris, Doanc, Ferpson, Hopewell, Irvine, Keysor, and Scott Were Elected District Judges. Frank K. Moon i KUrU'd Clerk of tint Dwtriftt Court, Sock olt County CJcrk, mid livy I'rofmMy County TniHur!r, MAUL WILL SIT ON THE ROMAN CORPSE. it Is TliooEtit that Geo, V, Hill Is Elected County SiiDcrintcndciit, and Doc, Ceo, Sinitfi will Ijc Surveyor. Stwibortf in Klcclcil County CoinrinnHioni;r y mi Ovcrwlitl initi Mtjority, OUTRAGED JUSTICE HAS AT LAST BEEN VINDICATED. Tho battle tnix been foiilif ; victory Im perched upon our biumer, and law njid order will prevail In the cliy of Omaha for two jew to oomo. , UoodlcrlMii Inn been Milmtrgid luiieiiih vnve of public dim, provnl. i JIoneMy of purpose rind of principle hiivn won b but lift tenfold more dear to l'rotestant hcnit today thrui any that fin been fought for truth, iistlco od right In hi my years. An ijntriimmidlnd ballot, it necessarily honest count and it (letcinili'Hiiun on lU prt of tlin Protestant tiupnyer of thU city, united In rescuing thl great olty from t ho bane of Unman Intrigue, MAYOR. Have New Lije Infused Into It . . : ' . 'V.-. 2 -.... ... n , dUhoncsly and corruption, and placing her la-fore tho world its n city proud tf lnr freedom, jet prouder, by far, of Iht fulr fame ninl honorable name, which lino, lit tin pari, been -.mlrthed by rll kinds of disgraceful, unlawful nml iIIhIojhI proceeding on the part of iiiimi win htivti tn't'n hi rlmrgfl of her Inter mil ftlViilrn. ' The protestations ot I'iik AMritn'AN were not heeded, it ft advice wu scorned nnd Its itlui nml object made thn target for vile itud vllliftnou attack. Those men who were courageous enough to covertly sympathize nml tho' who were brnve enough to openly iivow their allegiance to the principle it mlvoimlcd were inullnged, llbled mid HMHiiulied by the iliiHtunlly oowiinbi who hitvn ever found nrjfument un fruitful, nml bruin force, burg'nry nnd the torch thn nnrnt puleiit fitctorci In turning piibllo opinion in their favor, Iti upeelnblo clllium wore hhniiuIIikI, their home hnvo been milled, their hinilnoHM jioHccU dittuiiged by the Koiiinn (,'uthollo boyitotl, All thU wim known. And w lint, wit the renolt Y i'ublio Hetitluient took it rcliiiHu, 'J'hn truth wn looked i'UH.rely fn the JumP, bfil tlui.Jj'HMfi Uiy jbiid forced Uion dm whh met, and today , TIIK KNKMlf m OtJIW. (Jen. 1', Hernln, ono of thn fiiOMt fiter irUlng of OirMlut'ft clllzeim, linn been d'eoteil nniyor by tin overwliehtilng nnijorlty. . 'I hi i nicmii iimicIi, It nieiiriit thitl. thn Nuloori'i undir our new election luw cimnot control the vote they did under the old uleni. It men tm t (ml J'rot iHii( iiro nwnke, 'I hut they nre weting on the defensive, ind Unit when they detertninM n thing nhonld be tojijied, Unit it wrong ejilut whh h ought to be righted, they do not riive nbout whntthey will do, but go ijiilelly to work end rnnedy the evil, ii nd then jmrMie the even tenor (f their wny, tm though nothing out of the umnil run hfid lniiieiied. f!y their notion jemerdny, they pinned their wtnmp of (llmupproviil upon nil thoe who were even In the uiot reinote wny, Implicit led In the mnny iiitenipl to Injure, not only the InlereKlKof our cllleni, but ofmir city it well. They mild to the oiiImIiIo world, we urn convinced the time Jinn arrived when the nir.iirx of Ktltie should be i rented from the Itotii iu power, They ere now itrrognrit nml (llcliilorliil almost beyond endurnnce lin y hnvii c overed our dty with Infamy and theniHclves with llsgracef therefore we kIimII enierel the power vested In im by the eoriNtif.ulloii of the (Jnlted Hlalen, and relegate ell KmiunlttN to the otdivlou of the past, Jfow well did they sucneed t None iver nccinnplUhed ntk iuor easily, Tlo re wan not n Uomnulst elected. The American's for AmerlenV were In It, and their friends rejoice with them, at their well-deserved vie lory. The election of Mr. Hemls, in itself, would amount to cty little were he alone at this time; but, turroumlcd ns he will be by true and loyal American, he can do much to advance the Inter ests of this great metropolis of Ne braska; lie can do mill h to rid tier of he Uoniiin (lathollii crliiiliinls who come here to "turn it trick" each mho (ceding winter, In ordi r lo gel winter lodgings nnd n boarding house where they do not have to pay for Jielr tiieaU. These criminals have cost this county IhousamU of dollars annually, and It Im lime they were driven out. Oneo the city Is rid of that IiiwIcm element, It will II ml It it (liflicult matter lo get a foothold Item again. Ami this will be one of the roulls of t he election of Woo. P. Iti'inU, Another thing that will naturally follow will licit (Increase In the titx levy which has hern'.ofoio been it bug-bear to nil properly owners; and when it levy N made It will ix.t go for the payment of meals for criminals, but for public Improvements, winch are badly need In immy seclioiiN of the city, and more particularly on liiutven worth west of SIteontli, nnd I'ark av nm fl of Jenvno worth, wher thn rotten block used by Roman cunt mot or bnve worn out and madu those street itlmost lifipassnble, Following (dosely b(dilnd (Jeo, I'. HcmU comes Henry llollu, Then. Ole sori nnd Louis llerkn. Their election Is also conceded, and thn only place where the ticket endorsed by the A, V. A, and backed by the Protestant xhow the Int't sign of being knocked out, I on the oflbw of city cl i k, It. (I, Arm strong Is cl iliiii d to be elected by some member of the central committee of the A, P, A., and this cbilm I conceded by mnny lending republican. The count I very Incomplete, yet what pre cinct hive been heard from IndleaUi that tf.e context I mo close that TlIK Am Mica N feel like ridmlltlug one ItitilHU (Iilliollo ha been elected to olllce In Omtiliit, At this lime, H n, in Thursday, In dication point to the election of JSnek, Md word, ,1 icobson, Howell, Ht I, Mo Iearle, Prince, llcehel and Monro n councilmen. Thn county ticket seem (o Im safe, llennett Im a majority In twenty-! dltrlcts. Ho bus Kller, Moorcs, Hack' ell nnd Maul, It I barely poslble that Adnm Huyder Is reelected, although Irey' friend claim be ba a lifilillug (liunee. TDK tOtrNI'V TI'.'KCT. Thn biiet return on tho eoutity ticket give the following ft the vote received by the vnrlou (undldntn) (.'lerk of dUtrlet court -Moore, H,.'II7 (Jmiiioii, il.dIO, For sheriff Itciiuctt, 7,472, Itoyd, 6,212. For coi.nly treasurerIrey, 5,72ft; Hnyder, 5,fl42,