e THE AMERICAN I I'liiT; l'H"V HASH iS. Tim Ami m ; I not leu ly the Ninth Aiwrlfiui llMle I n NutrnilH-t', m piildMied Ihrmili tint Ut, tlnl illYftnlir M. t'rlpl, of IImiih', liuty, In 1111 nrlii'lit iiil i) t- Jiitly tun! 1 In' .iM, t tlml "It'inin under tin1 IV p WM II grlllgH'1'll spot, H'llll'll llltl't Iiiivii poivitii'd I In' Hindu luidy uf the inill 111. Tlmt from I oiMViinl It li i'l Wecunie nn nylutii fur nil f illi'ii ily- MllltUl," Ac, M. Itelllg Kit ItllplCMwl Hllll Willi till' I'n'iiiliT milil wn winl 11 him Mini gave, n Hi'nr ni I11 our power, tlm condition of thing here, ninl what it gungteeu spot ltd continent win on rapidly ln''oiii!fi . That 11I1110M nil cilie of nn v ImoorttiiM'i! wcie In tlm irrlii of ' IdtniH, and I lint our uuliotiul capital mit right In tlm lap of It'iiini- nil tlm direi result of nnlM. Aiit. wn av. lie cause (lm dlll'i-renco between nil npk Hllll II Mpit In 111 lll'llTI! II tllll Hpcll lug of tlm roiin. Tlm Kuilli "lllur ocrocy" (a government ly riHlH) him , gained Much 11 foothold Hint Ihn gnu gieeli spot Iih lieconiii nn iliingcrnii to tlm liody politic nt it U to Homo nt thU Hum. And why? On account of tlm cowardice of llm pulpit, pre business iiml profeionul ni'in, 11 ml especially tlm unprincipled political shyster" demagogue who, it would seem, would sell lilt body to tlm pope of Homo and hi soul to satun. That tlm fiict wae, flplsl, In order to puh trade arid augment votes, contribute! fund to build up "monkeries," con vents 11ml nunneries nil over tlm land These Institutions 1110 11 shsnie, 11 dis grace ami nn lnult to tlm good iiiium of free America, They ought to ho suppressed by legal cnaet;nerit, nnd will bn In tlm m; 11 r future. Moreover, II property should hit tnxed alike, or confiscation will ho tlm rcMilt, for tlm taxpayers will not tolerate tlm iicpilm tlon by the ilon.lsii "llieroeracy, or politluat corporation, such vast value of real and other propertied, I hereby Increisiiiif tlm enicnt 011 those that bear tlm burden of running the govern merit. People 11 re not nil npUt lit (hi country, by miv menu. ThU wilt be proven when enough of them wake on, .Jut think of thin: A writ of, habeas corpus would liberate nil those poor, weak-tiiiiidod women from their fliri cll such it monasteries, convents nod other Institutions run In the Interest of those liouiUh priest, m nn nuxillifiry ti lli'',flfero!rmfy" or limehinc, ll;i church." Why don't thoim spoken of in llm 83d eb'ipter of Keklel wnkn up, Wmchnmn, or prencher of tlm (Joupcl (pro(!taul),!XpOM the Intent of Home . 1. ... nn 10 capture our ireeuom. iifii a nnui who loot iiidivlduulily nufllcient (0 minouiicw course of lecture expoxig jt)uirt do not refu hitu tlm u of your pulpit. Kucli 1111 net miyor mro'igl of nplcy. To tlm 1'rolentniit jircbr4 w miy "Um H'tiiti JUmilnh lrlU r dUeounting you rnpldly,' i'ii Ntlck n pin there. hit, T. V. Lyon, of tlm J nmvillc, Wiiiuln. Hdic:il, llm mm that w mobbed by 00 Honinn (' jtliollci in Hi. ,oeph, Mo., it I mid, on tlm Hib in deilvercl oiir of thren lec uri hr f tlmtJrand Army Andito rliiui Jiwt wwk. Tlm ceriid lecture w m mi 1 he nttitiidti uf liim ion mdi mir fire m limd el t ni " Hiid Un l i t li'I'tllll' t'SiHlU!t t!l ,11111(11111 totifeioii n i p'lliliiMl ti Will 11 ili'Miiii iliiii; 1 1 hi'iiu", !! illni'iili liuiv nu n In o nmm tn :iin ln i f 1 ii'l nei k i tin' piipe' Ulc;. I trie f fivoM. Mr, l.yotn mi I'liHjiii'iit piniker nnd M'i iih to 'mi lii iti'r of hi Miliji't'l. I lo wn 11 K'lin in (' it Indie I'ljihlei'ii )ihi uf hi life, nnd liluitt w 'hereof lm nOii'in. V did Hot imUr" n pre'iehei pii'ieiit nt nny of hi I ture. Au Mm a. Voti! for Kller, Votn for Hi'iiiii it. Vote for (leo. I. llcinK Vo',11 for nny oilier rrotit:uil, but pick out, the lichl men. U, (i. Airr.lroii will fMiririn the niilivii when the vote nre coiinted lie I mukliijr 11 thorough etiuvii for city clerk, Sol. I'l incc would mtikn ;i good conn ciltniiii. We hoiii every one of our friend will put it vote in fur him. lie will not, be 11 lioo'!li:r. It would be )i 11 nl t Iiml better men for tlm council limn P. M. I5;iek, A. (i Kilwnrdn, Kdwfird H, Howell, llitlfdiiu ,lncobon, Clin. Lnron, W. II. I In, y,:ird, Hieo. V, Munroe, Krnnk (J, Put rick, Kol. Prince, Prlco Huunder, John Kteel, (ieo. H. Stryker, .lohn ThomtiH, John Mel.enrli) nnd W. I'', lleclicl. Vote tor nny 01m nnd electnn hoimit, ctipfiblo niitn, If you full to duel H, W. (ilbon 11 11 meiubei of tlm neliool botird you will lone 11 good limn. U, Vodickn I a proiiilncnt cnmliilalo for tlm bonrd of education. - Public nchool open to nil children for tlm education of tlm young nhould bii under the control of the UomUh church nnd should not bo mihjcct to tlm civil power nor miule to conform lo llm opinion of the tige, Pope Piu IX, Knc, 41. The Union I'acilic 1 tlm only rond riuiiiing Ihrough Urn ftrnon Alpine Tnnuell, 1 1,-VJ'l feet nbove mm level. Mil. lUnroi K, nuperliitendeiit of tlm I'nlon Htock Vnrd, Koulli Oniiihn, U to be eongi ululated. The .Sonlli Onnliii Tribune doe not like him, WANTED, Vouug mini wihe poitiou n nle uiiiii, collector or nny other kind of work, flood reference. Addre ",'l B," Tic Aimtc:As, JOB WORK of TliK Amckk-an. W nre iiretmred to do it rlht, o,ulck, uii't nenl. Addre THE AMERICAN OMAHA, NUM. 5- ANMKNf AN J) SUHtEUX Furniture Repairing and Upholstering, JT. JZ. CIIOCIILET, HJO Nmlh 24th 8trmt, TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF JESUITS OR AMERICANS. Tiio OracJ Island Inacpcnflciit says U Oftalloii Printed Alongside Oil Ja Bin Oatt Below, is Used by the A, P, A. It is Hot-Ion Can Decide Wliat Class Ton Wonld Rattier Ha?e Goiem Tills Conntry. JESUIT'S OATH, A. P, A, OBLIGATION. I, , now lit the preonoe of Al Grand Inland Indopendtnti Thi mlgbty God, tha bloiod virgin Mnry, following U tb obligation Ukn bj tho blond Mlohnnl the urohangel, the pomoni Joining th A. P. A. M ibowi blnRml St, John the LMptUt, th holy by the working book m eiplaloed bi poitlui St. rotor and St. Paul and the olnhor MnUnatl.m of blank immi itlnU and inorod hot of heaven, and found In said book! to you my ghostly father, I do declare womnNainn niriantntt from my heart, without mental renor- 00 obliomio. ration tlmt the popo is Chrlat'i Tloar- tUU7urttu,p, . ' general and U the truo and only bead tba 'ulIo,f obUgatlon, glflng youi of the universal church tbrouchout the na.m9 '.B f"u: . . (Pr"" fflrmlng wlU earth, and by virtue of the keyi of bind. rT lM 'laana-) ...... ng ana loosing given to bit hollnest n '7 unny tiv.fnmir!hri7i.i,nfK a J Gd. nd tbetie witneasea, do lolemnlv poe horetioal kings, prinooi, states, Prom,BO d'ar.e 'wettr tbat I will commonwealths, governments, all bJpp.?r' ldfifend k conaUtoUon ol Ing illegal without his sacred conurma- unneu eta es, ana ue state when tlon, and they may safely be dentroyed. 1 r?lde.' J, wl11 keep Invlolat the se- Therefore, to the utmost of my power, c,ret, 0,tth, orgtnlMUoni I will obey I will defend this doctrine and bis bol- !U ontltut,(n I will use my Ino' rights and cuntoms against all fi0Bt 'ors to promote civil and re- UHurpers of tbe heretical or ITotoHtant "sTJOM liberty! I will not knowingly authority, eHpooially against the now vote 'or. woommwd for, nor appoint, protended authority and church in r,or M,,"t ! etleotlnr. or appolnUng 1 Knglnnd and nil adherents, in regard Cathollo nor any person sym. that they bo usurped and horetioal, op- pBl0,',"K,w,1in "?mftn V,llnoIlc,,n, . , . ! r I unv nnllllnnl nnalllnn Iaha. .J la ioing tno sacrea mother church of ' "'"- " uu . orao H my publio and politloal action will 1 do renounce and disown any alleir- be OTe.rno.d. the Pno'p'ei of tbu limce as due to any heretical king, f raeri wm oppose all attempts to us prince or state, named Protestant, or the Pub" 'and" "7 eotnrIn pu obedlance to any of their Inferior mag. P08e whater nd will ever maintain iHtrates or offlcori. tbe great prlnolple of one general un. I do further declare the dootrlne of M1?,tarlan ool organleatlont 1 Mm Ahnpfth f, Rn,rinn,t ,st k. ri.. win never reveal any of tbe sliros. fsls, Huguenots and other Protestants, w.ordsf P"words or other mys. tf) be damnable, and those to be ,or,e' ?' th, order, or the names 0 dauinod who will not forsake tbe same, OI,r.n,rumD0T .?. ,",72 I do further declare that I will help, ftrengtb. to the uninitiated j I will hold assist and advise all or any of his boll' bo8 Pfr,IU? Ple' ftbove ? party aflllla. ncss' agents, In any place wherever I ' wUl flwy Rv brother 0 shnll be and to do my utmost to extir- oruer PI , . In " Tlrr', 01 I Km til n s A rt I aIua In m r JaHus puto the horetlcftl Protestant doctrine, and to destroy all tbelr pretended irM thlngi being equal. I power, regal or otherwise. I do fur- w111 Dlake Vrom?t reporU 10 th .b' thor promise and dcclaro, that notwlth- "ora'" leoreiary 01 every iniuauoo standing I am dispensed with to as- "'e by me. I will advocate the prln; sume any religion heretical for the pro- Wet ot th' ?r?T: 1 11 UM "J b,,J pugntlon of tho mother churoh'i Inter- endeavors to Initiate all true men, and est to keep secret and private all bcr ww help preadlhtord all agents counsels as they entrust me, tbls I voluntarily promise, declare and and not to divulge, directly or Indirect- affirm) without hesitation 01 ly. by word, writing or circumstance mental reservation, or any lelf evasion whiiM)ifr. hut tn ...omii. .11 ,i,inh nima In me, whatever, so help ma ahull bo proposed, given In charge or "od''! (fentIJ Incorporated as the dlrcoverod unto me, by you my ghostly AmBoftn League.) father. How many of yon who have taken All which t do swear by tbe the A, P. A, obligation would reoognlae blcsned trinity, and blessed sacrament tha above as that nsed by the orderf whlonlam about to receive, to tier- ... ., . form, on my part to keep Invloablyi ww waning meies and do call on all the heavenly and oath ,n the preceding oolumn, be- , glorious host of beaven to witness my lieves even that obligation wrong Is real Intentions to keep my oath. In it not the height of Impudence for rai. testimony whereof, I take this most L.i. for traitors to trv to nail a hall fw.lv ami Unuuaii .n.P.mn it. - M58'1' Ior iraiiors, to try 10 nana nan etiehnrlKt, and witness the same further ,n th Amerlca tnovementf Thai with my hand and seal, In tbe face of oal how what the Jesuits are here this holy convent. for. It shows they wear tbe llverr of Now, what do you think of that Is heaven to serve the devil In. While that not a nice thing for an Amorlcan(P) they fawn upon short-sighted Frotea oitizou to wear around in this country? tants they have their minions working Swears to support the holy church (tho to destroy tbe government wbloh furn pope) without a mental reservation, no (shod them a haven when driven from difference In what country lie may be, nearly every nation upon the earth. Bwoars to help destroy all horetio (ProU For our part we would not hesitate to CNtant) governments. Swears that he choose between tbe two oaths. We will not obey Protestant officers or are porely and simply an Amerloan, maglNtrates. Swears that all govern- who believes It the duty of every man merit are Illegal unions cofirrned by who oomos to live In this ooontry and the church. Swears to aid In breaking swears allegiance to tbe United States, down Protestantism. Swears to be to so swear allegiance as not to have solely and wholly a Roman the obod- a mental reservation in favor of the lent servant, to willing tool of tbe man pope. We believe In the above oblige In Borne, Ua, a4 ease lattlsj wa Umlt