THE AMERICAN. wt j. .. 11 wrr. II m ) hiaid Mm? lie U h Mm. I In talk! lo ItiHiiiiiMtl )oiiomM hut Mlre ytM li it til thu lis! I Imlf Ihal Uittt. Il rliitll,tig t ! nrcMiMiop, I lin lUhop tr lit pi lest n gti wit I ho stand mid iltctii I li theol ogy i'f Iho HnniAit I'hiiri h Ho ranle wllli htm llir rimrt n'nt if the Council of Trent, In Theology, a ihiIht f I'nteelilsim nhil ratelogue In show llml hi liiHiku Hi'u genuine, nml thnl ho. does not mNrepreseiit I ho fuel. I In loeltif oil .it Tmi'hIav night In moil only, Tim Miilioiien selected a roiiitullten w ho esanilned tho paragraph ho quoted, liulh In l.atiu and English, and lift tr Iho ledum wni finished decided Unit ho had made perfect translations, nn j thut F.ngllsh extract corresponded with llm I.atln. Thu committee consisted of lawyers, doctors nml ministers of tho gospel. Thu report wni unanimous; not a dissenting voice; and tho general opinion was 1 la nt tho Roman theology wax tho most v i I o nml obscene pulillea tlon now extant. Kveiy Intelligent Roman 4'alliolii; owes It to himself to hear tlmso lecture. If what Hi-v. .1. (i. Whit i) say s In not tho truth ho should ho mini to tho penitentiary for lifo. Tho honor of your wives imhI daughters demand that you Irani tho truth. Yon should Insist upon your priest and your bishop proving that Rov. Whlto slates fulMcly, ami If thoy (111111101 lo ho thon you will know what your duty In, Tho charge inado hy Rov. .1. (J. While i) gain Ml tho Roman priests, against tholr theology, huvo novor boon ixpial (d since Oampboir dohato with I'ur ti)tt What will yon do' Will you al ow yourselves to bo burlod beneath an avalnnchd of lilth, or will you moot Rov. Whlto and provo that what ho say I not tho truth P If Rov. Whlto tell you what tho truo thoology Is, what virtuous and honor ablo fornalim must answer to whon In tho confessional, you will bo in honor bound to protect those who uro dour to you. Ho moii am Insist upon a vindi cation; bo American and oppose all attempt to enthral your mind and damn your souls, Rov. Whlto will ledum Haturday evening, to moii only, at Omaha duards' Armory, F.lghteonth and Capitol nvo- II mi, Horn! your priest and go your self. J -lit UN Nlltl III tlllN lUUMtloil now nml forever. Do not wait until Rov. Whlto U gono nml thon nay ho did not toll tho truth. THIS VOLIHIl VIIUItVIL I. ant evening, Oot. !.', IHl,Tlio. Capek wont to tho Polish church, In tho south part of tho Hevenlli Ward, and held a mooting In tho secret hall of that church, whero ho slated that ho wan not a member of tho whlto cups, wan not an A. I'. A., out that ho wan a (!athollowas born a Catholic, Thin proves boyoml all possibility of doubt that tho Romami mix tholr religion with polities. What Protestant denom ination would allow a political meeting to bo hold in tholr church. Awake! awakol yo sleeping heretic! Hattkhav In tho last day of regis tration, Tho poll close at li o'clock I. M. I f a v k you registered'!1 'I lie tisoit why Hi itl) tMholl should iiul lo ilnli'd mainr i'f (tiiitlift U, thut li will ln routrolloil l) thu H luiinrnthidiot nml llio IwttuMei. Iln Ulholr rri'iitni'i mid will bo run by them, for I hey un him, body nml noiil, mnl rverv nppuliilmout Hindo by I1I111. pIiiiiiIiI Iio Im I'leoted, will bo Itoinnii t'Htliolio. Hugh Murphy wiH.ln rer. thing but lianio, bo mnjor. It w ho Hint brought lil.n out ami neeured lu iioiiiliifitloii, O.tliol) U nn lllltormo, igiionuit and low-bred limn, who run not xpoak tho DnglUh liuiginigo with mitlleloiit lliiouoy In curry on an ordi nary convernutloii. Ho ha no biml non or oxecutlvo ability and In In every way Incompetent to III! tho poiltloii, And, lining llliteratn and Ignorant ho will, of oourno, bo entUely under tho Inlluenco of Ihosu whomado htm. Ho han hhowti hit lll-leeling for tho A. 1. A.'n on several occanlomi, and no A. V. A., or any lover of good and lionont government can or Mhould vote for him, for everything under hln control will bo in tho hnniU of tho Roman Catholio boodlern. It will bo a repetition of tho humid thing that wo have to-day; every appolntivo ollico under tho may or'n control It tilled with a Roman Catholic; tho very thing tho A. I'. A.'n aro trying to do away with. lh into any ollico, cither city or county, except 0110, and it In filled with tho O'Malloy'n, tho O'llrlen'n, tho Donovan', th Moro artyV, tho Mahoney'n tho O'Toof , tho OTIahcrly'n, tho O'Connor', tho (rKoell'u'n ami tho O'Rourk'n. h it not enough to dingunt any 1'rotontatit or truo American to noo our ad'ulrn in tho liandn of nuch minerable, lucompo tout or dlnhonont official. Who ever naw an Irlnli Roman Catholic who wan not either a beggar or a boodler' Cm. wo any longer permit the affairn of thin city and county to bo run by that clann of people? Mont decidedly no! It then bocomon tho duty of every A. I'. A. to voto agalnnt Henry Onthoff and evory Roman Catholic or man who In controlled by tho Roman Catholic. Hugh Murphy, Con. V. (Jalllghor and Tom Lowry will bo hi oplrltual advlner and tho city will have to sub mit to another two your of inlnnrulo and robbery. Tho all'alr of no city in tho United Ktaten Imvo been no minora My mlnmanagod an han that of Omaha, nor ha any other city been no boldly robbed and doodled and wis can never expect anything better o long nn the Roman Catholic have control. The Roman Catholic nro natural Anemia of our Institution and will do every thing thoy can to destroy thorn. They consider that they aro doing tho church and tho pop'i a groat service by steal ing from I'rotestant and Protectant Institutions, and tho priest givo all who do steal from I'rotestant absolu tion, Tho priests encourage such work, in every respectable I'rotestant voto against Henry OdthoiT and Irish Roman Cuthollc misrule, and Omaha will again como Into rospectablo hands, and her good rimiio will bo redeemed. No Institution In safe In tho hand of tho enemy and thin city must bo controlled by those who havo her Interest at heart, and nro not in ollico for boodle and tho Interest of tho Roman ('Muj lie church, I'llOTKIT ANT. 1 111 1 'l nf Ottinli mnl Dii tglM imiiity stfi tlird nf Mug itil'lu'd, roit si'.pirnllv Ihn i!( nf llm Itoinsit I'Mli olio booillt'is ate tttimhvtoit, Wll I. sumo prloM ptplaln why It U Ihsl every pi lel linden communll) or roit el 1 y is poor, inUiTii'ilo and Oml fursnki'ii? i.i.i North Nlmeeiilll Mlroet, SAlUiKN I', For Hoots nml Shoon, iVll Ou In North MlxUionlh Street, 1122 HAIKJKN 1", For Fine Root ami Shoes, Subscribe tor 'J iik Am chic an Take tho Union Pacific and its Ore gon Short Iino In Portland. . . . Rear in mind, that tho Union I'nellio take second-class passengers through on Kant Express Trains. THK fl4lh Ht. ami Ame Ave., O 2 XT J-, IT 32 33 . Board and Nursing $5 Week TRKATMKNT VM.K. ENGAGE YOUR HWKKT MILK, HUTTKtlMtLK AND (UlKAM AMERICAN DAIRY. E. W. READ, PROPRIETOR 8401 Decatur. AMERICAN CIQAR FACTORY, ICO IT, lO CT., L A, BLACK.PROPRIETOR Boi Tradi a Specialty, LOYAL AMKMOANH 2M A HOX. ORDERS Hy Mail Promptly Filled, Try Thern, MOVING EXPRESS, When you desire to changM your place ol mllc nml want your ornif ur rnorod without lidng hrokflri or scratched, look lur my wagon NUMBERS 77, 207 AND 320. miJ you won't think two move humI to fir, I. QARD, 1-4 Sc DOUGLA8. liii lo Nstdi'iil's, it.'.' Soilh hltlernlli fdofl, for Hii tM'il liitn fiolrr. j s. m. MAt'i.r.on, i CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, I II til Hon! It i!M It SI, ! I jonnmi i'Koitni,Y Armi'bt) to. i AM CHIP AM II A 11 in: I) curiD (liuuiuunn iininiuii diiui 004 NORTH tO 6T, iSlce k Vincy, Proprietors. Wl WANT TO ti t ALIO'JN lit IINU9 Wo Kmploy Only First-Clan Artist DR. J. W. SEARCH 402 N, HixUienlh Ht. OMAHA, Ntli TKI,F,l'H0NK4ld. OWWJC IIOUIlli-U to 12, 'A to A, 7 1H ELLETT HOUSE, tm N. Dllli Street. (IKOHOK KUKI'T, I'tOl'IilKTOt. Raton, f I per Day, 4;0 por Week 8fwelul Atliifitlon Paid to ffiinnlmit 7 rait 11. TILtPHOME til H. L. BURKET N, K. Cor, 'IHh nd Cuming, Mm Director M Embalmer. finiOhm H CitirnHnfk JAMES CpSQRO ClaarsJobacco.iStatloneru 511 N. IQJtJREET. American find Their Friend DivJtwl, Dfl W IL LAN YON, VUYBIfJIAN AND ft II II (IKOH , W. Cor, Ditli iri'1 Chicago, OFFICE HOURS, 3 to 5 EnijM, Tolcphori0 747( Residence 27 1 1 Clrli METHODIST EPISCOPAL HOSPITAL DEACONESS HOME 4 HI Mouth mU fiifat, ( haulm, Sut. Any in U'xxl hktli muy tmm nn Artt'f IhU'iiiIk'I fur tuif fur iuhhi IUk p yiimu TEN DOLLARS. In I'ltmi ill stefc iew mrU ni'4v ini'Hilr rl l inl', Ui tn (t'OnlfOvM Ui llm ,i,ii l. Oicl'i'lKiS Im'). Inmnl. iintiiu, (ni'lI mid t)MAHA EXPRESS AlfD DELIVERY CO, MOVING AND LIGHT fXPHC63 WOWK Tf'ieks (ltt vi'ft'd Ui hII tinri of lli ellf. Oaii',i, 4 XitHIl Oil, ft,, tH.I'imUm'n I'hfffi,- s'-, n, w, cor, imn u , ( kit m dssMifo,. 4, u tvhsn,