The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, October 29, 1891, Image 1

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omaha niw, Thursday, octoiuw hoi.
WflMwi ff Tim AttMttvkm
Wlisl r tit llist frvwItMn ) l hm(
WhMt iMhPttnl tier chlMrt'ii Mill hot! my,
Whst t Uif mnwtm itn lisve to iar,
Where In the cml, ht name I lie tlsjrt
What Briefs vet to Iism In r liniiiKK In
k Whnt crime to le ciiiluivd from ihihI
Where Is the wsy to leml her fhtm hclrsysO
Wlml In tint theme, where Hit' tin' huml!'
Swttnt.m, Nilt.( tti-tolHT. IMtl.
This it an Important campaign. It
I one In which every good citizen Is
deeply Interested. One that ha re
solved Itself Into a contest, not of men
and manure, but of the citizen
Against the contractors; of law and
order against lawlessness and disorder;
of oompetency against Incompetency.
It is a context In which politics have
been entirely obliterated; In which
' every man planed In charge of city,
county and state affair must be not
only thoroughly competent, not only
boneit beyond question, but he must
also owe first allegiance to the govern
ment of the United States; ho must, be
a citizen without a mental reservation;
he must bo a citizen who loves our
publlo aohool, who reveres tho memory
of our dead heroes, and rejoices In the
perpetuation of our republican form
of government and Its free Institutions;
one who Is proud to be known as ao
American citizen before ho Is known as
a Kotnan Irishman before ho Is
known as a subject of the Pope. He
must be a man who looks with suspi
cion upon the efforts of the Komiin
hierarchy to tear down the very foun
dation of our liberal form of govern
ment -the ;nb!io schools. He mils',
be a uis ii who will not allow the
Roman contractors to dictate) w'm iball
I hit appointees. He must x a Iiish
who recognise tho f set that this Is a
Protestant government, and that
Protestant ate entitled to protection
from the assaults of drunken, disor
derly and disloyal Uomnnlsts. He
mint tm a man who ! no American In
all that the wold Implies, He mul lie
a man whom you would trust with
your own business, one who has not
set the law at dcltnncc, who is an
American, a gentleman and a scholar.
When you have found such a man, be
he Democrat, Independent or Republi
can, give him your vote, give htm your
Inlhicnco and your moral support, and
uso all honorable, means to secure his
, Heretofore party lines have been too
tightly drawn. (ood, competent nnd
honest men, who have been nominated
by the two old parties lmvo been
defentod by boodlors, who have owed
MIUTON--"Aiiyou In favor of giving Ireland Homo Rule';'"
NHW YOHKKH-"Vcm, If Ireland will give Ann-Hen Homo Hole
their elovatlon to positions of honor
nnd trust to Ignorunt voters who have
been controlled by contractors and
certain franohlsod corporations. These
same contractors, with that lama tin
Amerlcnn vote, are straining every
nerve nt this time to foist upon this
great city as couiicllmmi nlno of the
most Incompetent men ever placed In
nomination by either of - the great
parties nov battling for supremacy In
this state. They nro endeavoring to
saddle upon this grout city this city
of conventions--!! mayor n man so
far below the average In Intelligence,
so much under tho Influence of these
contractors and f ranch Ised corpora
tions, that it would bo a dire calamity
and an Insult to tho best class of tax
paying citizen of Omaha, should their
effort bo successful. It Is lime that
Protestant citizens were awake. They
should examine well the diameter,
ability and Integrity of the men S
whom they ca their vote, They hue
It It their power to reform this city
government. Will they do It? It I
possible for them to elect competeiil,
honest, ellicient and reliable men at the
rleition next Tuesday. Will they do
It y Or will they allow men whom they
know are Incompetent, dishonest, nine
liable and law-defying to control the
municipal nlVairs. He Americans, be
men and redeem this city from the
disgraceful ring that has so long con
trolled city n (lairs. This Is an appeal
to your reason, not to your passion.
How will you answer It y
Why Is it that the Roman Catholic
hierarchy are locating all over this
northwestern country colonies of Poles,
of French, of Irish, of Italians nnd
Bohemians, surro Hiding them with the
customs of their fatherland, using
their mother tongue nnd teaching them
to look upon tho pope as greater than
the president, and upon all Protestant
0 being almost beneath contempt.
Is It that they mny become American
Ixod, that they may loaru our ways,
our customs, that they may honor our
flag nnd lovo our Institutions, or Is it
to keep them In ignorance of nil that
goes to make a true, loyal saerlllclng
American citizen?
You know why It In being done,
We know, It Is to make them Koniun
Catholics first ami citizens afterward.
I It right, Is It Just that such things
should bo permitted. If our ways, our
Institution or our laws do not suit
thrin, tho sooner they go back lo where
they came from tho sooner will this
oountry be the Ideal one which Amer
icans have hoped to see.
Let us have fewer colonics, belter
natiiializttioii bws mid mote sltict
,. naulwenti (dating to iiuulgraliuu
and this w III soon be rvatlml. Mske
it a iUsblleallon that an elector nttiM
le able to read his ballot before joh
give him the elective franchise.
The following dispatch appeared In
the World-Herald Sunday morning,
Oct. 1M, I Mil I i
MiNNKAi', Minn., Oct. '.M.Uev.
(i. I.. Morrill has relumed from a trip
to Stillwater and Faribault, where he
went for the purpose of Investigating
the combination ot parochial and pub
lic schools. He expresses the greatest
indignation, and says: "I lint went
to Faribault. The schools have Cath
olic teachers. The teachers are dressed
as nuns, with their beads and rosaries,
and their main object Is the conversion
of the pupils to the Catholic religion.
The walls were decorated with Catholic
emblems, nnd over the teacher's desk
hung tho picture of the Holy Father.
And this one from the same paper of
Oct. 12H, 18(11 i V
Huston, Mass,, Oct. !i7. Marfan
Kullburg, a storekeeper of KastHoston,
has sued Father Hugh O'Donnell, a
Catholic priest, for r,000 for ruining
his business. She allege that because
she refused lo send her children to a
parochial school tho priest publicly
boycotted her from tho altar.
Wk nro reliably Informed that James
Donnelly, Sr,, ha furnished the regis
(ration board In the Second ward with
cards bearing his name, and wWn A
man goes lo reglsler he Is given one of
those cards with Donnelly'! name
printed thereon, with tho number of
his name on the registration list. Tbl
savors very much of a scheme Ui tui u
tlm re:itr.iiloii polling p'acet Into
electioneering div9.