THE AMERICAN TIUS5 TAKt A HAND A despatch from Ssn Antonio, Te., dated Sept., 2., ayt At a meeting held till evening, In Odd Fellow Imll, composed n( American cliUeiii, with out respect to nativity, creed or rellg. loin opinion, the mtntitoa of h previous meeting wont mlopit'il, nailing for (ho organisation of a society to do known nil the Washington league, with olijecls nr follow; "Tho preservation of Amer loan civil and religious liberty, and (tin prevention of hII foreign entangling alliances." This movement lin grown out of tho Introduction Into tho public schools of West Texas of Sisters of Charity as teachers. Mr. liny, leal estate ngent, wan elected temporary president. All shades of religion and froo tlunkorit partial paten, rormnnont organization watt deferred until Friday October 2. All person regardless of sex or religious belief, mid over Irt yonrs of ago, aro eligible. A committee of seven, to whom the matter wan referred, nub mi Hod tho fol lowing proposition, which was ralllied by this meeting: I. It Is the policy of tho church of Home to combine church ami Htalo wherever practicable. 2. It Is the purpose of tho church of Homo to join rollghin am! secular education In the i public schools of tho United Slates, and to divert public money to Its use and control for sec tarian cuds, II, If tho Bister of Charity, a veil known religious order of tho Uouiiiu Catholic church, wear their religious dress, rosaries and crucifixes while act Ing as toanhor In the public schoolf, they are then teaching religion by ob Ject loson, and are thero for that pur poso; and If they divest themselves of their religious dross and symbols, they aro by their vows still compelled to assist In tho propagation of the doc trines and dogmas of their church, and aro therefore Ineligible as teachers In tho public schools, 4. It Is tho intention of the statu f Texas, In Its system of public school instruction, to supply secular educa tion only, fl. Organized opposition Is necessary to remove the question of ieclnrlan religion from American politics, and to combat iwocossfully tho encroach ment of tho church of Homo upon tho civil and political Institution of the United Hlatos, (I, It being American, ooiislsent with civil liberty and conducive to good government, religious and all other Institutions of tho United Hiatus, of right should bo open at any time to the Inspection and supervision of tho officers of tho government appointed for that purpose, 7. That as tho United State guaran tee toleration In matters of conscience, one denomination or sect equally with another Is entitled to tho full protec tion of the law 'u following their relig ious belief. . . . "We cannot assimilate with Amer icans." This Is the plain and truthful avowal made, It Is said, In a French Catholic newspaper, published In Hoi yoko, Mass. Homan Cathollt French Canadians aro ghd to leavo Koino-i ridden fannd and vm tt I'rutesUMl New F.nglsnd lo get business and money front uur people, but they Insist poit thrusting upon us tlmir ntttl Ametlesn Ideas, nod to force upon us race and rel'glous conflict. This peril, hnweter, Is brought Upon us by theru pldily of American, Hilllsh American Citlxen. Spokane Is reached by the Union I'sclHo direct. It Is the renter of tho htlouxo country, one of tho richest sec lions of Washington. Talk about tho eccentric Irreverence of the Salvation Army! It Is nothing to the ribald performances of the priests. Dr. M'Allster has turned all his priests, It would appear, Into touts for tho now journal, which the popo has blessed for tho consolation of the shareholders.' Mass Is made tho tout ing lime, and just remember what mass means to the Itomaulst. "At the last gospel" the priest varies tho service by opening out the Irish News, putting it like any Cheap Jack, giving tho name of the agent for tho neighbor hood, ami urging the people to sub' scribe to she orthodox rag. This Is what tho correspondent or a I'arnelllte journal heard and saw, In all Christ endom you could not match such course and cynical Irreverence. 'J lie Vatican church, Instead of it "spiritual agency, has become ft political machine. Ilelfast News-Loltor. Co to Denver on the Fast Vestlbuled Kxpres of tho Union Piiolflo and pur take of tho elegant meals served In tho Pullman Pining Car running on this train. - - Tho Inquisition of tho present day differ from that of old only In I'.n meth ods of work, It Is still as devilish, as farreachlng, A gentleman who was In Lowell last week asserts that while looking Info tho window of a largo book-storo in that city, two nun entered, and beginning at one end of tho store they examined systematically every book within reach - spending three hours In ti n place, Now as nuns aro not allowed lo do such thing! for pleasure, their pleasure being limited to tho wishes of tho priests, their motive can bo easly understood, Had one book been found which wn displeasing fo their church, tho result would have been made known to tho priests; and from the priest to tho peoplo, and tho store keeper would have felt the weight of tho priestly boycott. Still, this I a free country for Homanlsts, llrltlsh-Amerlcan Citizen, .. .:..., ... Proteslanfls- ' us no principle or consistency. It was tho creation of a drunken, thieving and lustful mob, and consequently must always act an tho mob dictates. Omaha Homan Catholic Organ, TI1K IM MANUEL HQ&EJIAL, 84lhHt, and Ames Ave., O ? JL II JL , IT E 13 . Board and Nursing $5 Week TICK ATM KNT FHKK. iU to x:i North Shteenth Street, ii'i SAlUSF.Sr, For Fine Hoots and Shoes, Subscribe for I n k Am run' an la $ P 3 p3 & 9 I J 2 9: & a (0 g M illl H ft H a AMERICAN CIGAR FACTORY, 100-1 it. io or. Black & Ncwstrom, Props. Our HM!lly Loyal American,1 5 Cent CIGAR 5 Cent. ORDER YOUR JOB WORK of Thk Ammcwan, Wo are prepared to do It right, quick, and neat, Addros THE AMERICAN, OMAHA, NKH. 0t loSsrent's, Wl'l North Sttleenth Street, for tltn lMt lino of footwear, S. M. MACI.Koli, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, I :bl South 'JHth St. jonniNu 1'RonrTi.t atti:ndi;i) to. AMERICAN BAHBER SHOP f004 NORTH 10 BT, Slco & Vinoy, Proprietors. Wt WANT TO Sit AIL OUK FRItNDS. Wo Kmploy Only Flrt-Cbis Artists DR. J. W. SEARCH HVl N, Nlxteeiilh St. OMAHA, Nil) TKMU'HONK. 4Ht. OFFICE I0UN8-1 to 12, II to A, 7 to H ELLETT HOUSE, ItlKIJ N. lOlh Street. (IKOliaii KLLKTTf VUOI'RIKTOU. Kates, f I per Day, ft. AO per Week Snwial Atlnnllim Paid io Trttnthmt Trailu. TtUPHONE U1. H. L. BURKET, N. K. Cor. iilth mid Cuming, Funeral Director and Ernbalmar f imt Door N, Cififwis Hsnk JAMES COSQRO O JJKAf.KK tH 0 CloorSfTobacco ft Stalloneru 311 N. 10 STREET. Americans and Their Friend Invited. DR, W II. LANYON, VllYBIUlAti A,NI HUlltlKOH S. W. Cor, lth and Chicago. OFFICE HOURplo 5 ani 1 to 9 jj. Telephone 747 j Hesldenco 271 1 Charles METHODIST EPISCOPAL HOSPITAL and - -- DEACONESS HOME 410 South i.'01-h Street, Omaha, Neb, Any M'hm In Koo'l liealli imy tioiint sn Art I v McfiilM'i' fur one yi'Uf mum 1 he my merit TEN DOLLARS. In eiMt of nl'hrieiiM eiich (icllve iiii'iiil inlinll lie enttl led Ui tr inliiillii Ui Km ImmiIUI, Inehelliitf lie'l, iHiiinl, inrolnif, rneillciil riri'l OMAHA EXPRESS AND DELIVERY CO, Telephone, T4T, MOVING AND LIGHT tXPRCSS WORK, Trunks delivered in sll psn of the city onieH. K'i Nortli dtlli S( Ml. i 'ool' I'lninic r y, H. W, vnr, lot li and lili'iro. f'KK 'M HUmuMthK. J, U, IIJHNKV, Mihihkit, MOVING EXPRESS, When you derdre to change your place of residence and want your furniture moved without tielnjr broken or scratched, look for my wagon NUMBERS 77, 207 AND 320, and you won't think two moves equal to a lire, I. QARD 1-4 3c DOUQLA9,