THE AMERICAN STATU NEWS, MIMIM MllCtlUieOUt MA!TEHt. Adams county's small gealn crop U about three-fourth ihie.liod. A new Lutheran church to ot t,4S0 will be built al Kinron. --Tho well fur Urn .Schuyler water work It ninety-seven tout deep. IWmastcr Neison, of Nonpareil lov thirty torn of hay lut week by (Ire. J. 1(. HroHiiy, demoorallo nominee for the supremo court, ha declined to be a candidate. The coi ner stone of West Point's Cathollo church. wa laid Sunday wilb fitting coremonie. McCook people are discussing tho firojectof constructing ao artificial ake went of town. Patsy Ryan of Fremont, paid a fina of $-'o and cots for keeping bit aloon open after hours. -.Colonel Cody, buffalo mil, ha made f:50. uOO worth of improvements on his ranch near North 1'latte this year. It. 0. MuVlcker has contracted for 200,000 bunhels of wheat among the different alllauees in tho vicinity of Coad. A Are at St. Paul destroyed the livery barn of Mr. Knavalduen. and seventeen horse and one cow perished In the flames. The (iermun Lutheran organiza tion at Kaulo have purchased lots on which they expect to erect a bouse of worship this fall. Methodist of Uartleld township, Cuming county, are circulating a sub scrlptlon paper for the purpose of building a church, A prairie fire, started by sparks from a Union I'm I lie onglue, destroyed 120 tons of hay for Charles Miner, south of Haven nu. Omaha park commissioners have tisked tho city council to submit a proposition to tho voters for $100,000 for publlciarks. The Republican Valley district (air association will hold it fall meet ing at Superior Tuesday and Wednes. day, October 13 and 14. A special election will be held In Valley county October 16, for the pur pose of voting $0,000 bonds for the Pueblo and Duluih ralirond. --The Methodist of l'leusant 11111, Hamilton county, are contemplating building a church. The Presbyter Ian of lii'omlleld will build one. --The Niobrara canning factory has been pressed to its utmost capacity during the last two weeks, but has soropieted the 100,000 cans it set out to pack. J. K. Miller, a prominent farmer living near Majors, bad tb misior tune to get kicked by a horso a few days ago. breaking the humorous bone of bis arm. "-John McShea, of Lincoln, by bard work bad saved up :'00. He had no faith In banKS, and bis roommate dls sovered the biding place of thi money and stole It, Howard county boasts of raising the biggest watermelon In the statu, and say it tips the beam at sixty-five pound. Greeley says it oan beat that ten pounds. Ilev, Mr. JJray, pastor of the Aurora I'resbyterian euurch, fell Into a deep cellar at Hampton and sus tained a fractured leg and several severe bruises. Mr. Hendricks a farmer living near Sargent, Custer county, raUod threo stalks of corn on which grew eight ears whose combined length was seven ieot and half an inch, The postortlce at Arapahoe was broken into lint week. The safe was blown and about $tf0 abstracted there from. Tbe skill displayed denotes tbt bandiwor of exports. Large amounts of apples are being thinpvd out of the state front ehra a City, and the stale i being auvt-r Used by each banc) hating the word "Nebia-ke 1 mil stenciled on It. Several te of diphthtM la have ntsde their appearance tit Nebrasaa City and lh board of health ha or dered the hoiiM quarantined. The sanitary condition of the city 1 bad. --Thieve are titling in their work 10 great shape In Nebraska City. The latest victim is I.. V. Kaeel, wlw re port to the police that a bolt of silk valued at f 1 00 wa stolen front his, store. 1 Mis Laura Record, formerly wrlu- cipat of the Wallace schools, bus re ceived tho nomination on tho republi can ticket for the ollloo of county superintendent of schools in Kleth . county. ' Several tons of bay in the stack was destroyed by tire oue tulle west of Columbus on the lino of the Union 1 Pacific railway. Tho lire is supposed to have caught from sparks from a ( locomotive. --Thirty-three German families, some of them from Hamilton county, Illinois, and the remainder from the old country, will settle in a colony a few miles soulhoast of Heaver City, in the Beaver valley. I A man living its Central City, who is in the habit of whipping his wife, bat been notified that he cannot per sist in the habit und remain In good 1 health. The warning came from a large number of his neighbors. The bonds asked by the Yankton & Norfolk mil road to build a lino from Norfolk to Yankton, to be com pleted by next fall, the road to estab lish a depot, etc., at Wausit, provid ing bond were voted, woro carried. The Nebraska advertising train to consist of tlve cars of exhibits and two coaches, will start on its trip to tho east about October 16. Advance agents have been sent ahead to bill the cities where the train will stop to make ex hibits. Sullivan Hutching a farmer who came to iiox Untie county last spring, rented a quarter section of land east of Alliance for :)0, and raised enough grain this season to pay $1,000 for a farm, and bit grain enough left to last next year. Patrick Flynn'of York oounty bought a lot of groceries of a peddler for which he paid $12, Ho afterwards found that he could duplicate bis pur chase for $J7 by buying of his local dealer, lie wilt hereafter give trav eling agents tho go by. Fire broke out in the livery barn of James K. liokhnl, in North Anburn, and burned up tlx entire structure, together with twelve head of horses, bay, grain, oto. Three horses wero rescued, but wero so badly burned that they hud to be killed. The fire also caught and consumed the park theatre, which wns owned by Cooper Sc f'rerlchs. Jiotli losses are par tially covered by Insurance. The trotting association is mak ing elaborate preparations for their inaugural races October 19, 14 and 16. The truon wlil be the best In the state. The track is kite shaped and one mile in circumference. The association ha spent :J, 000 in grad ing. A fatal accident ofwhlch Vaclav Somard was the victim, occurred at Nchuyler. Bernard started for bis home with a load of lumber on a bay rack. As be wa leaving town, it being dark, he run into a ditch which wa being opened by the city and broke tbe reach of his wagon. While under the load trying to fix it, his team started up. letting tho whole load down on him, crushing him against the bank of the ditch. Hi breast whs crushed in ami one leg broken at tbe ankle. Death wa Instantaneous. roll Mlvstlon ls7iot a ssivstlon that is full of self. THE CANON LAW. I. Tat toNstUatloM ot prince art lol superior, hot subord'naUto Kcolet Ustleal constitutions, t. The laws of the emperor aannnt Jtssolve the ecclesiastical or canon law. I. It Is not lawful for an emperor to exact anything opposed to the apoe tollo rules. 4. It Is not lawful for kings to aurp tht thing that belong to priests. I. No custom of any one oan thwart tht statutes of tht popes. I. Let no resistance be offered to the apostollo (canon) precepts, but lot them be salutlferously fulfilled. 7. Tht yoke Imposed by tht ho) Me is to be borne, though It appear In tolerable and Insupportable. 8. Tht rontil oan neither be loosed tor bound by tht secular power. I. That the Pontiff was called God by tht pious Prinoe Constantino, and that M god he cannot bt Judged by nan. 10. That as god he It far above tht reaoh of nil human law and Judgement 11, That all laws contrary to the canons and decrees of tbe Roman pre lates art of no force. IS. That all of tht ordinances of tht DODt art unhesitatingly to be e obeyed. 19. Wt ought not tvtn to speak to tne whom tht popt hat exoommunl eated. 14. Priests art fathers and masters, even of princes. lft. Tht olril law is derived from man, but tht tooleslastloal, or canon law It derived directly from lol, by whloh tht pontiff oan, In connection with his prelates, make constitutions for tht whole christian world, In mat ten spiritual, concerning the salvation f souls, and tht right government of tht church; and If necessary Judge and dlspost of all tht tomporal goods of al christians. II. A heretic, holding or teaching false dootrlnt concerning tht sacra ments, Is txoomtnunioated and de ' graded, and handed over to tht secular court. 17. Seoular prlnoes unwilling to iwear to defend tht church against heretics art excommunicated, and thev art lain under an Interdlot, 18. The good! of heretics art to bt tonflsoated, and applied to tht church 19. Advocates or notaries, favor log heretlos, or their defenders, or pleading for them In law suits, or writ ing dootiments for them, art Infamous and suspended from ofnot. SO. Tht secular powers, whether permanent or temporary, art bound to wear that they will exterminate, ao eordlns? to their power, all heretics eomdtmned by tht obnrchj and a tern poral lord not purging his land of here tlos, Is txeommunlcated. SI. Tbost signed with tht cross for tht extermination of heretlos, rejoice In tht privilege granted to tht orusa- de-s for tht help of tht Holy land. SS. They art absolved from all obll gatlona who art In anywlst bound to heretics. S8. Whoever dies In battle against the unbelieving, merits tht kingdom of heaven. 14. Wt do not esteem those homl Mat, It wbesa It wsy bev happened In tketr seal for their Mother (hreh against the excommunicated, to kill tome of them. SI. That Catholic rtlnce art bona, both by civil and canon law, not to re ceive or tolerate heretic, and snack more art not to penult their rlton, or other tierclsa ot their religion, or rather, their false sect, but art most solemnly bound tverywbtrt, to rtpel and tipml them. S6. Tht following temporal punish menu art to bt tnforced on kerttloai st Infamy, and tht consequent dis qualifications for all civil act. Sd. ntrstnblllty, as well actlvt and passive (that Is, they can neither makt will, nor Inherit what It left to them by others). 8d. Loss of paternal power over children. 4th Loss of dowry, and other privileges granted to women. 6th. Confiscation of all goods, 6th. That vassals and slaves and others art set free from all, even aworn obliga tions due to their lord or another. 7th Capital oorporal punishment!, aspeolal-' ly death, and perpetual Imprisonment. 27. Tht canon law forbids all toler ation. 88. That Metropolitans and Bishops art to exoommunlcate him who grantt liberty of conscience. 89. No oath is to bt kept towards heretlo princes, lords or others. 80. Heretics art to bt deprived of all otvll and paternal rights. 81. Tht Popt oan abnolva from all oaths, 83. Every bishop is ordinary Judge In a cause of heresy. Tht reason Is because tht bishops oan ex-offlolo, and ought to exUrpfta heretics, and Infltot upon them tht dut punishment, and to tbl art bound on pain of deposi tion. Besides, are tht inquisitor es pecially deputed by tht Apoitolio Bee. Every bishop In hi dlooest is thought to bt, and in reality is, a natural In quisitor, (literally born Inquisitor), a to hava tht ssmt power with thost already mentioned In a causa of heresy. 88. In every promissory oath al though absolutely taken, thert art oertaln condition taoltly understood, amongst whloh arei First, If I ,can Second, To save the right and authority of a superior) Third, Whan tht oath supposes tht honor of tht Apostollo Bet to be Illicit." 84. That the Counoil of Trent, (th Inst and great authority of Rome), dt- orees and oornmand that tbt saored canon and all general oouoolla, also tbt other Apos'ollo enaotmentt Issued In favor of ecclesiastical person of ecclesiastical liberty, and against Its violators, all of whloh by this present decree it renews, and must bt txaolly observed by all. Loyal Men and all AMERICAN' SOCIETIES Can Out All Kinds of JOB WORK At THE AMERICAN Office