E AMERI VOtUMt 1 ?"V NtU, THUrtSOAV, OCT (HUM H, IBM, NUMilt U Ji y "j i - 7! ,. U.,U , M A in A TT V I -A , TOLERATION, As Understood and Prac ticed bu Roman Catho lic Laumen, Their Uca or it is so Different to What Protestants Belicyc It To Be That We Cite the Case of MR. J. T. LYONS, , An Anti-Roman Catholic Lecturer Whom Ro mans Mobbed in St, Joe, Mo,, Because He Un dertook to Expose the man Machine Upon P THE PUfiLIC STREET, BUT SOME Of tho Faithful Dwiplo of the Old Man on the Tiber Storm Him, The Bloodthirsty Mob Chiwei Him Through ih SlrtHii Shouting "Hang Him,' But H Mintgui to Ecpe. ROME'S MODE OF ARGUMENT. .Some American In Omaha have had it nllghc tanto of Human Catholic lolnr ut ii , but what they have experienced hit boon like loving mother' caronn when compared with what J, T, Lyon, of Jauenvlllo, Winoounln, w com polled to undergo In HI. Joe, Mil., Iunt Motuluy evening, It noom Unit J.yoiw had been delivering noine lecture agalnnt tho Human rhurclr or wanted to deliver nomebut wa unable to HOUUI'U II llllll tllf NIIIIMI ri'llHOII Of OlIllT, Tim report telegraphed over the conn try doe not ntate why ho we refund nceon to nil tlm hall, but It I pre mimed that It wa but a repetition of tho unlawful deal given Itiiv, Charlo Chlnlquy nt Knoanabu, Mich., n nhnrt llmo ngn, Onu thing in certain, when Mr, Lyon could not get it hull, tin bit Ilovod ho lud it right, nml dlil have tlmt right unlit nuoh tltius ai a minim of the law emrolned hU authority and orderud him to move on, to uddren tho crowd which had congregated upon the nldewalk. Ho wm ceiellng that right of free npeeeh, when unm Uoitntn threw it rwk which nlrtick him end knocked him down. Ai tin ncramhlcd to hi feet ho drew it revolver, threat nlng to nhoottho next limit who throw A Htono. IiiKinutty there wm it perfect nhowcr of rock. Mlnnouruut alway lke k dure, which Mr. I.yon, proba bly, wa not aware of when he gave It, or he would hove kept hi head nhnt on tho nhootlng question, and allowed action to apeak plainer thitn word, Hul Ik got fluntntted, mid forgot what to do, no I unload of doing tho right thing, ho did tho very wornt, which ho realized nlmont n noon a Iho mlntnke wa made, and whim ho rcully.ed It, ho endeavored to tmcaqo tho conequonccn by running, ami probably a fleet pair of leg prevented him from utretohlng hemp. There I nothing In thin further than thl one Idea. What I'rotoatant would throw a it on n and atiike a upeaker, were lie heaping all the Maine known to tho mohI debaned mind, up- on all rrotimtanti. I'rotcntanta praotlee tolenitlon. Hoinari CitthollcM praotlee Intoleranun. rim vounoAi asvjsct. During tho hint few week quite a largo number of ollleo aeeker have turned themelven Iooho upon thin eom muiilty. Many of tbenu'men have re oolvod, on fiifjit.f oonawloni, the up port of their party and their friend for the portion they nought. Homo of thniu wero mi(Kienful at the polln, white othera were not ao fortunale Thone who went down In defeat aeem even more teniioloun even more mm loim to reelevo a nomination than Uiomo who fed a term at the public crib, and are button-holing all men with whom they are acquainted, and linking their mipport In tho coming oentoNi In one way of looking at It thU U all right, In another, It l all wrong, No man tdiould wUh y twlee jeopnrdl,e the luecetiM of hU party for the name poNlilon. He ihould aeo the iieeeNlty of retiring from tho raee, leaving the Held dear for new men, who will prob ably not have the name obniiiolo to piui'mount, Itealile thexn la another clinn of ofllee neekern who ahould get in out of the wet, We refer to tlione gentlemen who are up for something every election. You know who they are. 'J bey are the fellow who manage to get their nit me connected with everv elective and appointive ollleo In which a vacancy ooourat who would accept n portion a Janitor In a public building or a nomination fur tho olllce of governor with equal Inward exalta tlon, and outward aangfrold. They are the pent of every convention, the nightmare of, every delegate. They are the men whom the public ahould nave from themaelvea, To elevate one of them to a poidtlonof tru4 and honor would lie doing him an InJiiMtice, for there are certain temptation whleh a nail public official that every man U not Htrong eniugh to remt, and thene men would luolt tho trength. Then there I another cla of men out for office to whom a word may not bo nld ami, They are the gentlemen who have allowed their friend to mention thi'lr name to other friend In Imlgfl room and council halt. ThU I alright If not carried loo tar, but no man ahoul t eipeet to pti'l the Vole of any or ler to hlnmelf, if thereby he work an Injury to the aou!atloit. A aoolatloii, generally, are nut for tho building up of any one man or any not of men; neither can they be lined for an opponlto purport. Wo II ml, not nil frequently, good men who nland out nlde the pate of every church,, and what la true of tho churche I equally true of all necret aocletlen. Therefore, It behoove tin to look with jualoii eye upon all attempt to folnt canldate unon any tlekct, and upon all attempt to hnvo them folnted upon particular ticket. No good citizen will allow hi candidacy for a contain ponltlon to become no exciting a to forget that the people are tho "lat, nupremo and Una! Judge a to" who ahull hold the reign of government, lie will llnteu to the voice of hi friend, lie will not Jeopardl,o the Interent of the city for hi own aggrandizement. The pre. cut condition of affair In thin city and county I duo to the fact that the men Nought thooillcoH IfiMlead of the olllce necking the men, Let un bear that In mind, Let un be American, linn In the belief that a "public oftloe I a public trut,' not forgetting tho nov crelgnty of tlm people. And when thin I remembered, many men who are ohanlng the dolinlye ahadow of a public office, under the mlntaken belief that a public office I a private nap, will give up the ohane and thereby make room for a more available man, No true American will atand In the way of the nuccen of hi partv, No American will contribute to the nuccenn of the enemy, Were American tike Homanlnl there would not be a half d wen of them pulling for aomo amall olllce, You will notice the Roman never have more than one candidate for each olllce, They nee that each name they present get (di tho ticket, Of coume they are naudwlched In on neveral ticket, but when the vole are counted they have all been elected, rogardlen of the mind' wllchlng, 1 It not a fact that when ever two Human come up for office the JoHult look the field over and de cide who nhall make the racoF That hint been done In theprenent campalgnl One month ago there were two Human candidate for count y clerk, today there I but one, WhyP We leave you to annwer the quentlon, and after decid ing that Junt think If no mo American had the power to nay who nhould bo a (m ml id ii l e for a certain olllce, what a roar thone free H innn would emit, Hut you nhould remember, the only fremlom known In the llitnan Catholic church, I the freedom to OHKY, To do different to , 'he priont nay would get them ; f' ''W vote an one man, While we are on thi nubjeot of can didate we denlre to reprint an editor ial from Tuenduy evening' Hue, which meet our approval and read a f!- loWNI The tatpaylug l!leu of Omaha ami I hMlgtrt county IllUit gel together ro gardlen of party for muiu il protection tit the Impending cnnipnlgn to oii4 the boodler and tuvciti'i from power. They canuol atlord liny longer to re main ludliferenl to the fuel that till city and county Ihvii been In the ctutch- of fraiichlnnd corporation and con tractor on public work, It may be dlltlcult to track and convict dMiommt Cotincllmen and corrupt olllebiln, but every Intelligent eillieen known hatour local government I rollcii to the core( It I an open necret that men have gone Into the council without a dollar lni"e managed to accumulate haudnome for tune In a few year on I'MHI a year. It I a mailer of common notoriety that almont every proportion that goe be fore the council i met with the que, tlon, "How much 1 their In It for uPH .Street are graded and Improvement are made not where the work J moM needed but where It will improve Urn property of apeculdlor who ar willing to dlvy. Knormoii mini have J'ceu filched from the pocket of tupuyer and voted nw-iy Into the coU'er of the varlou corporation, Olflce have been created for barnacle and political Milk er and nalarlc hare been raiNie) mil. of all priportioii to the nervieo ren dered, We are now running a city government wl',h comfy machinery fitted for a eity of urn, una population, Taxation ha become Jmoat iinbeMriible and Inventor have beni kept away, The nupreniM duty of tho hour I to renciie Omaha from the hand of the ring-tor and boodler. Thl can only be done by a Concerted effort on the part of taxpaylng eltl,efi and work Ingmem who denlre fo restore confi dence and have public Improvement fund expended for honent labor Hon oty I not confined to party or creed, We munt root out l'ic boodler, In compete'it and birmmle and elect from among (he candidate of all purlin the men whone record and reputation are the bent guaranty of good govern ment, No man mti honent ly nerve two water, No man can be nafely (runted with the management and control of cltf or count tiffidr who ha a cor poration fttrlfig tied to him, In the local ciimpiilgti The Mee will Niipport no candidate whone nklrt are not clean, and no man who- I known to be a tool of corporation or eulnpaw of contractor, To gut the bent reiiltnnd renciie our city from the elutohe of boodler and Incompetent the bent citizen of nil parile mint come to the front and accept riomiriMtloii for ponitiou that require bimlne capacity tied fidelity, We cannot hope to have good govern ment union our mont prominent IhM worthy cltl,en are willing ti nacriflne their private Interent to the public good, We want men of flrt clan ability In the council, In the Hoard of Oouniy Oommlnnloner and In every municipal and county oftlee If the Heal Klnle Owner' aHcfnlion will take the Initiative toward making the taxpaylng voier upon carididatnn that enj y public confidence they will do more toward reviving the demand for reel emte and fhe lovatmerit of oat noltiil lii Omaha enterpil than any titer project that ha yet received otf their nupport.