The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 24, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE AM
Vim lrKti'Miil!pl Congress
ni t 1 iii Otimhu October I'.Hh,
A Mtonio loilc wa organised at
Ai-riiiiia with lity-llve-members.
- I hiMrt was k largo attendance at
thai J. A. 11 reunion in Valparaiso,
I'ht! stars and stripes have been
r.v mmv Un high school building
in I'lattMiioiitli.
1 ho young ton of Wm. Schultx of
Norfolk was drowned In the Klkhorn
river last week.
-Over 5,000 people woro In attend
ance on tho soeond day of tho reunion
ut !SU Edwards,
Three large tents, worth 125 each,
were stolen from tlio (. A. It. grounds
lit Orand Island,
-Hon. C. II. Van Wyck addressed
a crowd of 2.000 people at the fair
grounds In Columbus.
Fifty ftii loads of cattle wore ship
ped from llnneroft to Peoria, 111.,
whore they will be fed.
lliiattnys citizens have sot their
stakes for having twenty tulles of paved
streets witli in live years.
The Modern Woodmen of York
find adjoining counties hold a picnic on
tho hnnlts of the Little Hlue.
White caps at Nebraska City have
warned Thomas J). Tolle to leave town
by September iMil), but he is not going
to do so.
Uartondor Fred Smith was stab
bud at Omaha the othor night by an
unknown party, Ills wounds are prob
ably fatal.
Some Nebraska farmers are this
your soiling their crops for more
money than they asked for their farms
curly in tho spring.
An analysis of a couple of sugar
boot made the othor day at Norfolk
showed 36 per cent saccharine in one
and 16 in tho other.
-Government has commenced In
spection of pork at Mouth Omaha, It
in a work that the last congress appro
priated 200,000 for.
II. C. Dawson, u prominent stock
man of F.ndlcoit, has boon turned over
to the district court in the sum of f00,
charged with perjury,
-A little daughter of Harvey Uran
hard, of Furnas county, got a beaa In
one of her cars and a surgical opera
otln was necessary to remove it.
Nebraska City voted on a proposi
tion to issue bonds to tho amount of
f 30, 000 for paving improvements, but
it was defeated by a small majority.
It is estimated that from the 3,000
bushels of seed wheat sent into liox
Uutte by the relief commission 00,000
bushels will be threshed as a return.
Tho exhibit of fruit at the Jeffor
son county fair was fully up to former
years, while the grain and other agri
cultural products made a grand show
lug. Safe blowers tackled the safe of
tho Schllti! Hrewing company at Omaha
last week. They got but little cash,
but carried away about f 0,000 worth
of notes.
Tho republican Judicial central
commute of the Third Judicial district
has called a convention to be held In
Omaha. Monday, October 6, at 2
o'clock p. rn.
Fireman Wilson of tho Fremont;
Flkhorn Hi Missouri Vulley road, was
killed last week at liawhlde switch,
Wilson lived nt Lincoln, where ha
leaves a wife.
For passing counterfeit money one
Clark was arrested ut Lincoln, and
after a preliminary examination was
turned over to tho federal authorities
for prosecution.
Lewis and Klley, two young men
of Omaha, who have heretofore borne
good reputations, have been placed
under bonus to answer to the yharge
Of house breaking.
lv to answer in the fdeal court
for having sent a Idler lo the bunk at
Ooiol(v wiitt'h oinialnfd words mors
forcible than eh-ganu
Th child of Mrs, William Vernon
of Oum upset h lamp and was fatally
burned therohy. The mother, in U
tempting to protect ttio child, hol'tmlf
wns seriously burned.
tin Sunday, jept. .T, the coiner
stone of the fit. t00 Cutholle church
is to bo laid In West Point, DigniU
ries of both church ond stale will be
present and make addrosos.
Tin' iilllanee picnic at Hlue Springs
was attended by N00 people. It was
the Wrst of n series of four such gath
erings to bo hold In Gaga county be
tweon now and the election.
"-The Nebraska City distillery
caught fire the other day, but the llama
was quenched before much damage
was done. The tlremon wore all at
Hod Oak attending a tournament
In JolTorson county tho other day
a dog wont mad, and before boing des
patched bit two children, thirty head
of hogs and a number of dogs. The
children were taken to Fremont for
apllcatlon of tho mad stone.
James Wllkins, John Kyan, John
Morris and Will Lane were each bound
over to tho district court of Lancaster
county, before Judge Houston, for run
ning a shell game during the fair.
Their bail was llxod at $.100.
-The sheriir of Thayer county has
captured L. J. Shaddock, who so
brutally assaulted a 1 ."-year-old daugh
ter of John Waiters, near Nelson,
more than a year ago. Ho was work
ing for a farmer in southern Texas.
The Adams County Fair Associa
tion will set aside a day for each of the
political parties on which their ora
tors may sot forth their views. Mo
Kelghan, Itryan and Kdgorton are ex
pected to take the independent side.
A man calling himself "Hov. O. H.
Scott" went from Friend to Palmyra
as a candidate for tho pastorate of the
Haptist church. He preached soveral
sermons and borrowed $Ho" worth of
magic lantern slides and left the coun
try. Kverott Thomas, tho 14-year-old
son of Joseph Thomas, living six miles
south west of Ohlowa, met with a severe
accident, being violently thrown from
a horse. 'The boy fell ugalnit a tree
and sustained a fracture of tho right
thigh bono.
Isaac L. McCoy, 70 years old, died
In Omaha from Injuries received in a
runaway accident caused by dog catch
ers who wore trying to catch a dog,
frightening McCoy's horse. The dog
catchers, Fred and Ernest linker, are
under arrest.
The secretary of tho state board
of transportation presented a very
voluminous report on tho question of
the change in freight rates in Ne
braska, and every member of the
board has Indorsed the report. The
board recommends no change be made
in freight rates.
A shelf In a Harrison drug store
foil and tho bottles containing muriatic
and sulphuric ncld broke. Their con
tents coming In contact caused an tx
plosion which broke the windows and
scattered the contents of tho store
about promiscuously,
Ed Jensen, who was captured in
Fremont a few days ago and lodged in
Jail on the charge of stealing ;!H from
II. W. llrown at Hooper, while assist
ing at threshing, In court plead guilty
to grand larceny and was sentenced to
two years in the penitentiary,
At Dunbar Mike Hchlesler shot
his wife through the right side of the
neck with intent to kill, caused by
jealousy. The woman may die. Sohos
or threatened to shoot himself, but
his gun was taken by Dr. I'arkhurst
und Weiler. The prisoner was taken
to Nebraska City, He has borne
good reputation heretofore.
""Mom tlisn ouo half of the pouplfTdltT before
tho go of 10,
SssSsi iriiiiinwMsssmtsMwsi m W
I, The constitutions of princes are
lot superior, but subordinate to EeclM
Usllcal constitutions.
1. The laws of tht mpirori cannot
Itssnlvt the ecclesiastical or ennon lsw,
I. It Is not lawful fur an emperor
to itot anything opposed to the apot
olio rules,
4. tt U not lawful for tings to
liurp the things that belong to priests.
6. Mo custom of any ont can
Id wart the statutes of the popes.
0. Lot no resistance be offered to
the apostollo (oanon) precepts, but let
Ibem be salutifnrously fulfilled.
7. The yoke Imposed by the holy
ttt is to be borne, though It appear In
tolerable and Insupportable
8. The Pontl T can neither be loosed
tor bound by the secular power.
1. That the Pontiff was called God
by the pious Prince Constantino, and
that as god be cannot be judged by
10. That ai god he Is fur abort the
reaoh of all human law and judgement.
11. That all laws contrary to the
canons and decrees of the Iloman pre
lates are of no force.
IS. That ail of the ordinance! of
the pop are unhesitatingly to be
IS. We ought not oven to speak to
one whom tho pops has exoommunl
oated. 14. Frlests art fathers and maston,
Ten of princes.
15. The civil law is derived from
nan, but tho eooleslaslloal, or oanon
law Is derlred directly from God, by
whloh the pontiff oao, In connection
with his prelates, make constitutions
for tho whole christian world, in mat
ters spiritual, concerning the saltation
of souls, and tbo right gorernrnent of
the ehurobj and If necessary Judge and
dispose of all tbo temporal goods of all
If. A beretlo, holding or teaohlng
falsi dootrlnt concerning tho sacra
nents, Is excommunicated and de
graded, and handed over to tho secular
17, Sooular princes unwilling to
swear to defend tho church against
heretics are excommunicated, and tbcf
art lain cinder tn intordlot
18, The goods of heretics or to be
confiscated, and applied to tho ohnroh,
19, Advocates or notaries, favor
Ing heretics, or their defenders, or
pleading for them In law suits, or writ
ing documents for them, ars Infamous,
ind suspended from offloe.
SO. Tht secular powers, whether
permanent or temporary, art bound to
swear that they will extermlnsle, ac
cording to their power, all heretics
tomdemned by the ohoroh and a tem
poral lord not purging bis land of Here
tics, Is excommunicato d.
II. Those signed with tht oross for
the extermination of heretics, rejolct
In tbt privilege granted to tht erusa.
dart for tbt help of tht Holy land.
tl. They art absolved from all obli
gations who art In anywise bound to
IS, Whoever dies in battle against
tht anbelltvlng, merits tht kingdom of
14. Wt do not esteem thost Komi
list, la vbtn 11 may kavt happened
In their tal fov thslr Mother Charck
gslnst the eieommnnleattd, U kill
some of them.
8d. That Cnthotlo princes art bound, .
both by civil and canon Uw, not to re
ceive or tolerate heretics, and muok
more art not to permit their rites, or
other exercise of their religion, or
rather, their false sect, bill art ttiftst
solemnly bound tverjwbsrt, it repel
and expel them,
86. The following temporal punish
ments are to be enforced oa beretlesi
Int. Infamy, and tht oonseqnent dis
qualifications for all civil acts. IJ.
Intestability, as well active and passive
(that Is, they can neither make will,
nor Inherit what Is left to them by
others), 8d. Loss of paternal power
over children. 4th Loss of dowry,
and other privileges granted to women,
filli. Confiscation of all goods. Ith.
That vassals and slaves and others art
set free from all, even sworn obliga
tions dut to their lord or another. 7th.
Capital oorporal punishments, especial
ly death, and perpetual Imprisonment
27. Tht canon law forbids all tutor
S8. That Metropolitans snd Bishops
art to excommunicate hlrn who grants
liberty of conscience.
29. No oath Is to be kept towards
heretic princes, lords or others.
80. Heretics art to bt deprived of
all civil and paternal rights.
81. Tht Popt oao absolvt from all
82. Every bishop Is ordinary Judgt
In a cause of heresy. Tbt reason Is
because tht bishops can ax-off! olo, and
ought to extirpate heretics, and Inflict
upon them tht dut punishments, and
to this art boand on pain of depost
tlon. Besides, art tht Inquisitors es
pecially deputed by tht Apostollo Set.
Kvery bishop In his dlocest Is thought
to be, and In reality Is, a natural In
quisitor, (literally born Inquisitor), so
as to have the samt power with tbost
already mentioned la a canst of heresy,
88. In tvsry promissory oath al
though absolutely taken, thert art
certain conditions tacitly onderstood,
amongst which arti First, If I ctn
Second, To save tht right and authority
of a superior Third, When tbt oath
supposes tht honor of tbt Apostollo Set
to bt Illicit"
84. That the Council of Trent, (thi
Isst and great authority of Rome), da
orees and commands that tht taorsd
canons and all general ooanolls, also
tht other Apos'ollo tnaotmanU Issued
In favor of ecclesiastical persons of
ecclesiastical liberty, and against Its
violators, all of which by this prssent
decree it renews, and most bt tiactly
observed by all.
Loyal Men
and all
Can Get All Kinds of