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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1891)
THE AMERICAN. CZJ HKY 0, M. MIOWN. Hameum I'urk M. I'.. church wa 'titled in It iilintml capacity 1't'l Hiiii day night when It.'V, (I. M, Mrowii begltll III Icl'tlll'll. liven till! lllltl tllll lel'lUM MlMII-WlH tilled Hllll !' el, thinking tiii'ii Mini women, who ant Ihrougl owl llm r-nl irn evening tunic pletely wraped 4i lit thii tniitJtM'1 under illmttlltltl HcV, Ht'oWII Continued lh subject which In; had under eon. dderulhiii mm week before, "Tfm Noelety .if Jcmm iiihI It Hehillou to lVpiUiilUni,H Tim aubjnet wa Imtidlml with lint Kiiiiiii honest and klic (cere regitrd fur truth which hat ttvnr whuraclcrl.nd hit utterance upon the Human ipieM.loii. DiminghU I'mhiii ikw lm dinted that tlm Influence of Urn wi dely wn felt In till walk (f life, Kvi'ii tlm pie wa wibrvlctit to their wluhe, l,et it man tnlxii hi voice flgnliut tlm Ititiiiui (iatliolln church Intel furring with tlm aiftlr of Mate, ninl tlm dally pre would Ignore him, "Why," tlm Hfiverniid gentlcm ui de. clured, Ht ha reached wicli ft pat that I cannot gut it church tiutlne in I 'm pre," I In thought It wa tlnm that lroleliiit were waking tip, "We believe llirit wo could drive any fm ihit might Ififitl upon our territory from our hore, We fear io open advemary, Ibit tlm tm nber of thl society ooiim here, Inking advantage of our liberal law, ninl Immediately Not aioiit In ccrel frying in overthrow Olir pliblbt Innllfilflofi, It f in "I' it dutigerou than any foe thit may eonm to eowpior our btnd with munition of war, They own allegiance el. where, but they eonm hoping to ho able ome thy to hring that being to whom they ow thl allegiance which I, dim tlm minify in which they live, to thl country, and (dotlm him with tlm power of which Jim witt uU'irn in ftfily, (i ui forMi!!' Ut lUn rmii tlm fnilt' tiftth whloh jiiiiiri wkly In IhU mot I'H'I " mu toht thU I tlm jilmlgfl or ontli tJml tivury wiii hur of tlmt H'mmty lnk iiou tmtunih lug n iiminlmr. It hn nlooij turnout r tllotml for wnt'k, whluh.fti Itudf, U uf flolnt rwt'iti fur li('lovfiig It I iUtt fiomt fldii ohllgitioii tif tlm on!r, llenr in fiiltnf llmt with, Tnk It honm with you, I witfit you to ruml ml fhtok nhout, thU mihji-tit, f wiiot you to go nwy it'iM ht-rti tonight, iltrmin'J to tnlk with your friprnU nl MumUiU hum niwut thU noifii'ty ttud thu onth l! mi'itiUr tk," In noio'lu'liiig hln Miimrk tm umil; Jo you rKnl 'Iuk Smiw.hHl ft U IfMln inirf hut It linn lot of Iru'hi In It whhdi will Mrt you to thinking lo you r'l tlm I', trlotf It U not mry lurgn ig,lm hut It U Ulmil with good thlngn," Tlm mihjwt uiclur iIihiikIoii tmut Numlity fivufilng will tm lh "Koni'tii Hlnwidiy finil llm I'uhHn mthooln," Tlm frlfirnl of tlm filimtitloiml nVjmrtomiit (it tlm goirnumiit nhouhl hmr llrown. You mn nmvi it trt, (Ihuri'li U nftUi tin vmU Mrwt ninl Woolworlh nvmiimoim Monk it of fn(!oni Turk, fttttOM M4H'I Clothing. Ifi iJfitUh'AiiiKflnftil (!ltll fft'Mi.U )f uihlllm't h following I-iiiiii One of tlm grNf.t humhug (it tlm fittfitury I "tlm holy ot ot t fuvK, tlm frmid wfihdt lot kpn ioi IIiiiiihiihI lhit, AihI yi't tlm ilUpnti'li Im low, fioiH lli'tlln, in thU wiMk' hc f M', dll'IWi It I Willi OIIIHllotflll's, Wltll ruiimiilntm A grunt religion fiiuHluii will oiin Ht Trnvii on August wIh-ii tlm nun. ly ni'ini "holy tuml" will lm imlillillcil In ll f'nllmilrnl of hi, iVtr mid Hi, lli'li'ti for mIk wmk. Thu holy (tout U ii ruHii wlili'h lm Inmii pritNitrviiil willi tlm gri'iilioit ritviiri'iiiiii In tlm Tivvi'n Ciiilimlnil, ninl I imliuiiimil ii lit gnmt i'l iri'HKiii'ii It t nlliigml to bn tlm umiiiiiIum ('out worn liy our Nuvlnur. It I uhl to lm vo hi'nii ilUeoveri'il hy tlm I'lniprun llnluiiit during Imr nmnc or lln vUlt In I'nliutliii! In tlm fourth H'titury, Afiur tiunmrou vlnlltudn thu wont w di'oltml In tlm Oullmdritl of HI, I'tititr mid Ht, llnlun, find liiullm ymir I im him ut (ixitiuidingly long fiitcrviil, liiiui thlhlti'd to tlm full Ii fill, Mlnio uloii (lunttlvi' iron)riln tir fttmr.'hod to Urn rdi, Tlm enhlhltlon of tlm holy (tout In HH I timiuorithlii for tlm ri!ii!.loii whlnli I tiroduitiid, Iniidlug to tlm iii!iinloii of tlm Hoiign mid Our iiimii (!ittholfi! from tlm (iliurcli of Mourn, Tlm iixhlliitfon Intvu nlwuy hiimi iitlmiili'il hy itluiol tiouiillim throng, ft ml mi niioriiiou Influx of jillgi'lni I iKm(!tii. In AugUNt, Tlm llliiim rullwiy itni iri'iirlng for the ivl(!. Tlmy jm(!t to oitrry forty tliiiiuuiid iitNi4iigir dully. Afiur riiitdlng tlm hIiova, riul,thn following liulluiony of n Krenidi (Jute mllitn, (lorrohoriitiiil hy otlnm orndlhlii wit.imiif mid iuhlflmd In tlm Mote frtnil WJtfm In WFt Tlmrti w it timiilliig of jirlU In otm of tlm ell In of tlm I'rovliKin of QiicIiui, Tfm rui'titlng wit hold In mi Iniinr room which oprmd Into it mt ngii or oorridor. In tlm Iittlur tiW w(r mnny door, Wlmn itll tho door wir lodkml, no wm could noum ncr tlm door ojmnlng Into tlm Inimr room wlnri tlm rli!t nmt, A Vrmw.h (inmidlmi (!onniii'tnd with tint (diunih, not it frlit, uwft thitt nil imn oulir door (t'fftl on hi'(!ldimliilly ovurlookiid) wnr (iiirtffulfy lockud hy it orlnnt hffr tlm nmiftlng wn lodd, tlm Intention vldntly ludng Ui kim; iiwity nil intrudur or lUffotcr, Tlm young nimi' curloilty w (ixcllml; itjijinrnnU ly up till tin' u lm wit it ditvout Uoiumi t'lholl(i III hidmf wit, thut tlmrw wn Houmthfog of mu ttiulimntly dou mid lntruifilv filur uiidur (foiMldiir ittlon, mid tlntt lm would lm gnn!hly itd mid grtoitly dlflnd by lnnrnlng tlm truth, Ho wlmn nil tlm jirlU hud ?ongr((giitd In tlm fiumr room, lm ijulntly oitmd tlm outer door, infoldnnt ly ovKtiookud, mid lUfunml nt tlm Inrmrdoor, ll wtinKo thf kcyhol devout UoniHfi (JHlholh!, hut lm Ifl In it dltt'i-runt frmnt- of fnlnd, Aflr it I'ttlo t'ootlim hufni!t hml Ufn diiom of, it irf(il got up mid ulU't unking ttsw rcumrk, oher''nd thut lm wn grin vml to an (lint tlmrw wh A diminution in tlmrnlfglou fVrvor of tlm f tithfiil mid oiiiifthlng wn r (ulrtl t; tliult Hi thut It wa of lilllii inm (o hring Additional ridfc of douhtful mitlmritlidi from Jtorim onmtlilng diffrffiit wit ro,ulril hml nny on riit anything to ug gt ujoii the iuoJwtP Tlm itffitlr Imd nvldmitly wn rritngfd huforohmul, Thfti) another jrlet tUto uj, Ha ntnlnd lm wh of lh piitnn oiIiiIimi M tlm jirevliiii nrikir, nml titiliivid ihnl min.i'lhlng ulniiild In" d'llin to liiit'titm tlm ll'llgloll NIMlllllM'lll. t'llllt Itll l'- tuit rtt'lt Mwni'ti I hul oiiii of llm it'ii'iM. lug Artdihltthnp of (JhiImi! hml lnin grimily Vi'iiirnlri hy tlm llmiiiii I'lilli ollim, nnd Unit wlntt lm hud to Ritggi'Mt Wii thlx, thut hi m mi t u mi nhniild lm hrotiuht Ihth mid I'xhllilli'il n llm holy cunt of our I,ord, ninl lm lielli'Vi'i! thU would Imvii tlm wlnlmd-fiir cll'i'i't, ThU iroiimliloii ini't with gi'imrul itiiroviil, Tlm moid oui'lou nirt of tlm iill'itlr wiu !hl, It wn Nlml-tulrii('uliititliiit tlm irhMl Ioo'ih nt HiKih oilier without limghliig, In dim llum tlm ftrchhlilioi'ii noutmm iirrlvud. It hud to lm cut Into jilnoc mid for thl imrjiotn it pair of mlvur miNitor or holdur wnro umid, tlm ndlo htilng too holy to lm touchml hy htiinitn limid. Vol doiihllim llm good nritlc hUlm(i' liouM)knii(ir hml oflun put n lucky nlli oil In It, fur nlthougli the church I liifullllilii ninl tmver chitngn, It I olhcrwimi with tlm giirumnt 'if It prlimt. Tlm lUlcncr had to uUl, In tlm cutting up, mid lm knowing tlm trim liiwardim of tlm rnllc, had tlm imi vii In ohcrviitollm altiuiilinitprlimt, "J toe not thl greatly riiiiiihlii llm outmm of tlm fornmr ArchhUhop of tuhifP" Tlm worthy prlmt, grually !aiidiili,iid at nuoli Irriivcrcticd, r huked lilin for hi profnufly, Tlm hogu rnlh) wn puhllcly cxhlhllod to IhouMiiinl of pnopht mid wa aut!cc, . ... . The Ctholie Chureh nri th Jew, Uiidur thl heading Dotiahon' Mugu 9,m forHeptcinhi r ha a rciimrkahlti articln In which tlm wrltiir attntiipt to liow tliaUfm eiitlumnl (mpiCMMed hy Ordinal Manning mid (llhhon nguliint ltiilii' pi'iKi'i'iilioii of llm Jiiw hut IHuMtrald tlm "iilil-tliini ftiuillumnt of frlettdliiicN eiilcrtftlned hy (iathollc towiird llm Jew," fJl-f ! neiill meiit of frleiidllim!" Thl I cool, No let cool I thl Mlulciuntit; "Ciilli olio govi'tfinmnl fiever piirccufi'd llm JewUh race," If ever therw w a government whlidi might ha termed (Jalholle, urely It wa tlm government of Ferdinand V, mid fahellit of Hpalu, Jtoinan (!iilho (In hlnlorli! mid Uoiimu ('alholio edl (or cliilui tot tlm church reat credit for llm dUcivery of America, hiicnu! ('oluiiihu' expedition wa filled out under tlm dlreclloti mid with tlm aid of "Itoiinwi ('alhullo govern, muni," that of Ferdlnmid and Jahe, Well, what f tlm friendllnM of that governuient to tlm Jew? In Mareh, Hl, luahellit inied decree galfit the Jew, that limy hould all leave tlm klngdo'ii In four month, Tlm were not allowed to takn with them even gold or ullver, The decree wa of ueh a nature a virtually to rob them of all they poMeMed, It wa, In fact, oim of tfm lirewdet and mont uceeful cheitie of robbery ever practiced by Any human being, mid one of tlm niont cruel and tiihumau, Them Vould not have bceti any rcaoriablu excu f.r ueh liihumanlf. Tlm Jew were n peaceable, In w-a biding people, but man of them were very wealth, an I Imtbclht could liopfi to a eij ul re mi iuc fimnra booty by thu robbing them mid lm did, Varlou entlmale aia rmtdn by yarloii hl.lorlnu of ii mi ruber of Jew tint elpellett, mnim ptncliig It tit high n n tnlllloii, Hut ll will lm unld, becnium Nitliella wait n Kuiiinii CitlholU llm cliuieli khiitilit hot he held lipinillilii lor her ileetU, Very well, let u t what llm (ditirclni'ii neeteilllt'd epreeiilnllve did In llm tiuilter, Tnt'ipieiiiailn, Die Inliilcaii frlur, who had lulig bceli roic fi'HNur (iitjiieeh Imiliellu, wilt appointed by I'opn HUtii IV, liiiiliillorgeueral of (Jiitllln anil I,eon, A oon n llm lew knew that their ckpiithni wa under iIIkimihhIoii by Nubella and her councillor, they endeavored to avert tlm blow I hut threatened thetu, and Kent h deputation of their lending men to Kei'illniinil and )uhellit with a pro pltlatory olVerlng of IIO.IHiO iliieul, flUM,Hi() of our day, lo nlt in de fraying llm expene of tlm lain war, The brlhi) wa n templing one, and when tlm doverelgu were lienitittlng whether It would he heller to accept thl large nun) and defer tlm final blow until another opportunity, Torijuemadu abruptly entered llm chamber where the negotiation between llm xoverelgn and tlm JewUh dcpullc wa carried on, drew from hi Iionoiii a ciuclllx, aylngi "Juda lucarlot mild llm Hav lour for thirl piece of silver) your lilghitcMc are now mdling him for thirty thoumiiiil. Ileli dd him' here lake him and barter him a you will;" and with Indignation llm lumine fatialh tiirew llm holy atubol on the table and withdrew, Thl decided the mailer, and tlm million of llm Jew wa re jected, Nor did Itotim' reprcmuilullvo atop with tlm (jiieen' order for llm Jew' xpullon, Hhorlly after Tor'jta tnadu homed an edict uppleiiieutiug the fjUceuV, the tenor of which wa that at llm expiration of the four month all Intercotirmi with the Jew wit Inter dicted lo the Ohrlnllatii, who were for bidden, under pain of Incurring certain ever pennltle, to tillord Ihem coun- leunnce, nhclter, or arnilntaiice of mi deiicripilon, Tlm miene that followed wie har rowing In tlm extreme, The weak, tlm nick, helplcN Infancy and tollei lug old age wera alike driven forth, and many who hud been ctit'lled in llm In p. of luxury and totally uiililled lo endure tlm hiirtUhfp of exll'i, Muuk down and died hy the waynhle, while the haiid of Human Culholic chiiiily wan retrained from carrying the enp of cold water lo the parched lip of llm dying, Tho -whole bind wa filled wltli weeping, wailing and laiiienlatloii, Thoumnut pcrlhcd by the way, and thoumind more died of (Ibeimcn colli racled by hardnhlp and en put. urn while leaving llm home of their childhood to eek I In foreign land refuge from tlm cruel edict, it heat tie Koiiian (!at hollo iiueen, and more ImartleM Human (,'athollii liupilnllorj yetthera are per Hon In thl bind untiled h tliun who fled from perNeentlon who propomt erecting it monument In thl Hourly loving country to thl hcurtlnn woman and there are Human (Jut hollo writer with mich page of hlxtory mill extant who boldly anert that H'muii (iulholio goveriiinent never pereeuted the Jew, and alllrm tlm Hoiniin church to be the friend of tint opprcMed, Hoton Traveler, ! AMCIK.VI' AN If MOFJt,V : Furniture Repairing and Upfwiatcring, E. CIIO CXI LET, 1119 North 24th Stmt.