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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1891)
THE AM E!R I C A'N . IN AnSHNCR. tit twUnUf, in fmt Mint yM cimM rviil uu Ui t Atvl now tlira but m mAf t UbrMn I mi nl ntt l thin not All U !! innta, ynt nit Ik dmol Tin rlrr flu, tun llownn bloom, Tin ntnin plotr lhili Uio Uai Ullng liloom, An.l iitui call aloud thy tmnin, Piuw utrnppT M'M look Into tlilni Ami rnnRnr Hp UiKlr wi-lenin dpmiki A tnnicnr' kin i im thy iln'ik; Hut mm cm bit to Un m mlnul Kor, north or south, or fnxt or went, I'onuj uttirm or mintilii, wnl or won, A triiflr liiwt tlmu'lt iuvr know limit Unit wlilcu Irmnlili'd In thin l.rom.t.1 Hatm-diiy Kvonlnif 1'odt. John Ui'nry Hrltfif had boon born nml timnuht iin In tho country, and thmijfh bo IihiI npnt Homo your in Hid city ho tilainmd ho una never um m v w.iituul f ioiii thn country. Thouuli b" had not doon it bill of bean planted In Tom-toon yonrn yet bo (1I1 not coiiho to toll bin frlnnd nbout bin knowledge of farm In if, mid bow, when ho wild on tho form, hid father unod lo rnldo c-rojm tbo envy of Unit country whin for mile around. Onoo In a whllrt Mr. Ib-liw would gat a notion Into 111 bend that bo wanted dome of tbo old-tlnui country fain, and thon bin llttlfl wife wan put to her wit' cud to prcpnmbiun and nti'lntf bean or btw:oi and hominy hi hucIi a mannor m to remind Mr, Urltftfd of hi lotitf priMt country boyhood. J lor effort mot with indifferent huccom, for though Mi lli'ltftfd can cook iiflcrthOHamu foi-inula that Mi'. Ib'IglfM' mother iidnd, dho can not (five him tbo iippotlto of ft hii-wl man, or conjuro up thn conditions under which Mr. Ib-lutr nl,,,l t Ndldh oouiitry fate. On a dny thin prtnif Mr. Urltr diid Auttv foirmniljorod how ho UHod to mlldli bollod unwind, and from that moment bin ono aim in llfo wad to do. vour noino onoo mom, Mr. lb-l(r-d' aunt wad dlopplnff at hid houdn for a few day wlu-n thn fovop ntpuek Mm and nIio wad coiidulfnd n to thn proper liwrrnillnnt.B Hlill kllldd of llOrbd. Mplfl. ach, pulno and curly dock with hoot top and mum am leave. Ai curly dock and rmiHtiird Joiivnd wore not to ho procured In open mar kot, a munll boy wad commlddlonod to Invndo tho country and proeuro a uf l)clnnt quantity of thonu hvi-bd, 'l'h hoy diiccccdcd in hid foreign nilwdlon, and It donirmd ad though Jlrltftfd witnirolnr to onjoy a mcnl of old-tlina bollod trrcend oncomom lie Jnvitod an old bachelor chum to tako dlunor with him, and thn wild chum roadlly accoiitod tbo invitation, not ho much on nccount of tbo dlnnnr of hnrbd, nd bariumo of a ffntla and himh ful piidlon that bo cnloHalticd for llrlgtfd' maidm mint. Tbo jmildnn limit wd nware of ilia tender wititi nmnld of her UMphow'ii frh-nd, and knowing that old miylrttfi "Ui fiadlont wiiy to reach a man'H heart Id through hlnntomftch," had noiidldorahh truth in it, Nho detrmlnod that tbo boiled gmm dhoiibt ho a duccend. Mrd, IMug imiially dupnrlntonded tbo cul inary department, but to rnako miro that'tbw cookftpy wadtfolriK on In prop Arithnpo tbo aunt invaded tbo kitchen. "Now Mr. lii'lggdalwiiyd Id dparlns? vt Malt find forcibly afrnld of poppor," rnudod tbo aunt. "I think i'll put liitio miipii of hoth In to bo miro that thoro'n cnouifh. And I'm nfrald nbo did not put In ftiiouli dock, There d nollilnjf llko phnly of dock In boiled grefliid." kn in wnt morn nalt and poppor, wild anothnr handful of dock, Tho mint had haroly retired from tho klleh on when Ibo mUtrcxd of tbo hoiido en nml lonkod Iniollio Hoothlritf not itt nioi'i. flip thn llfo of mo rmneiuber mhi,thnr f tint In mi It and nciumr or pot, John alwuyn way that J novor cnou Ult iiHVitfln m lo lo mun of it I'll pul in mono nnjttii.V, ami I it K llHlf HHiii dni h wouKi urn oo any iiit no. An iihir ihrt of null nml popper went h 'o the HIHntf ciildi'un. Miuy Aim. won wild Hie at mm ini" mi. I n!n, In of Hint klll bt'll. look 1 over thn field a Utile hilci' ami decided that ltd h-r iiiMro often fm aot to pi'tiHiii whtitfbo wild cooltliitf, tbnt It would bo n ifood tbin to put a llttlo extin M'tidolilntX Into Urn Ki-eetin. Hhrt tlbl no. And hi Mm know tlo. k wad id dbo put In nt imm bunch, Mr, and Mid. Ilrlmr. with nuiil.v find tho Invited iftm ifiithered ii round tho fcntlvo boiu-d, npni-klliitf with ghmd and K'UttoWnit ,vHb nllver. "Ah, It milked mo yoimff nituln, wild Itrlk'IfH. when tbo pottnito wild lignum In. "to Htnell llm uavory odor of bl led ifi'ei'iid unco mom I Jmpo you prepiircd ph-nty, my dear, Mi lirlj,'Kd reiilled Unit nbo Ihoujtbt nho had pi-epiu-ed a hulllcbuit ipmntlty, or, to bo inoi-e truthful, iiiinty had pro- Itlll'iul till. Ml. Ad Aunty bad prepared tin tu, the ,n,,,-i tnii,ioiii'il to iiiit'liikn of them. 'J'horo wild a Kiiilln nml iook oi iieiin,ni. .. . . . iintlt .1 pat Ion on hid rnco ad aid iijin m'MM ii, tonoi'oiid portion, but tho dinllo vauldhod liiwliuiter nnd a ImmIj of MHtmiUlilhelit not unililxed wiiii fi.i"i.iii. look lU oliico, When lio realledtho llnvor of bid inoiitliful hid II m.I IiiuhiImo WIM lo Miilt, but ho Clll'l'll mi It, and chewed manfully, with wenvliitf Jaw, llko a cow wiin a worn i,i I,,. i. oiiil. In tho inoiifillfno Mr. U-iw' aunt hud taken a mouthful of tho u-i-coiid. When Urn tiidto of tho in,, m iiiu'iiiiio iioiiamnl. kIio bariily hup prcddwl aMcreaiii, and In bur Juidto to gtt tint dnlnty out of her month, tbo jfi-coiiH bocarno laiiirled up in nor cud' 4 nil- it iiiil ii nml nil went out to itiiher, Ilrlwd wild m oiitfned with l,j ,,u.i nnllcllilllliltlN t lilt ho did not tmtico imylhliitf nmld at the other dido of tho fiililo. . (nil vou." luiromarkod, "tho ob timo country rovndor id bewt, nftop nil, Now thld and no put Homo in Mi. "Hull! oh! oh! Modedl What Id tbldP It'd poldonl" and bid nycn Blartoil and bo tff'ow red in tbo faco, ad bo Hplt mid rputtorod. "Why, wluit'd the mutter, my dearP" nuked Mi HrlKU In alarm. ..'i-witililol tciiulilo!" ho ronred, con i i rrt i Imp lo milt. "What id thld bcllldh dtiiff that you bavo madoP" Tho giWAU no longer able lo contain him- ddlf, gnggm, ami in poruon uopnneu from him, wlillo hid couniouiinoo iw Ul I tin ill . nun Ui 1 1 ko whlteneMd. "Wu'ro tioUoned, "continued Jirltrttd, "domi for a doctor, (let an omotloi quick, nomohody." ,.T A, .n't il, I, ,1 uih iiiwwl nn eh, rim tlis," diiid tho jti.i, m.i,l)n- a holt U.i lm lilnl'. I'op it, few minuted confilnlotl of tllff rankodt kind held nwny, but finding (I, ni, fliov cont niii'd o I Iv. t, ho ncaro fchntid immewhat, nml Mph. Jlrltf and tbo aunt cop feoil to tholpdoadon liitf tho pottage, n tint u liiil.'1 mild Iti'lui'ii fimkc it dO hlUerP It id more bluer than tho modi politmint (fi'lef condefirtoij, Flmilly todi'itlotho mutter, dorno of tho Ingredient Unit had not been uod worn bnoiight in. "What'd thldj did you tmo any of Unit?" nuked lirltftfd, holding tip noma leaved, "Why yod," replied Mph, UrItfH, "wo iided plonty of that, That' dock." "Ye., It'd dock," mild Ilrlwi, "but it' burdock, and not curly dock, and burdock Id tho bltlereNi weed that (trow on tho faco of tho oarth. If you two women, born and raided in tho country, luivo o fur forottoit yrmr brlniliitf up that you can't toll curly dock from burdock, it Idii't dafs to tnmt yon to cook gmn." And Mr. Urld' chum, with a Urn dor piiNMou for tho mint, thought ho, too," and tho mint will never iinin try o reach a mnri'd licnit through hlB utomm'h.-Kdwin Jlalph (-'olllnd, in TnxH KlfUnitH. now tu WAirrn. 11m h(1II Cttri InhliillM lhnh llml 1 illiiihf'. A liti.1,iniilor wild bndtv rruxlioit, ft fiiilniuhl ngo. In New York, by th foil of A ni'iitTotiHtiir WhllH lio wndni, wmU on ft 1 nil biilldlntf, wiyn tbo Ari.,uiiint. IIU followd tdckoil btiil OP nnd lioro It I in, Wood I mt ft ml Umity, to -a dhndy pot to wait fop Uto nmnuinucn. IVoplo woro tiouiM" proBirtuou oy um i, .mi i. nit nvnr Um cllv. ami tbo itiuhti Inm-iid bud boon on tloi run all dny. After about half an houp of dimpoimo, a doctor, who wad pudding, wad eiillnit over. I In kimll flown py mo iiuin, umi, hid onwhoiMn dido, ami oxamlimd III fractured dkull. Tlnm ho dbook hl iioml nml nk oil. Mofttvi "Had ho any frlondd umoiitf youP" "Nono of in knowM him, dir." mini inn loreumn, j "Well, if any of you can firnt any in formation from him about bin poopla, yuu'd butter do ho at ouco. Nothing ran niivo liim, Jt'i only a qundtlon of ft few hour." Hrnndy wiw proourod and Honmoit lo rovivo nun, ana nn. ntionoil hi nvod and looked around, but to all nuoNtloiid a to hid nitiuo, lild . . ii i j i I . ill I homo, hid parcnid, in who, iiidcono rcn otc, ho (tavo no atidwiir. "Wll, old nuiri," Hitld tho foreman at bint, tondorly, "wo can't do notbliiK at all for you, Um doctor nayd, though you know wo would ir wo coma, inn uny Id wctiPlnir on and our jon miidi on nn Tim amhulanoo will noon bo hero, do you won't tako it hrd if w Inavo you now, will youP" Tbo liod carrlcr looked up id Mm nlowly and wpokn with a (front omin: "i vo gm n .11,. ,tif" .)octor MIIVI ho," "How doonP" "Ileforo diindown, my boy." "No holp fop Itr "JNO." "vvnii, n lorni- dlih. "VOU no on with yixip work and I'll go on with my dylnV add ho turnod hli hoad-hut It Ih oyoH and waited. 'I llf llOdOIIOM of fllllll VtMU9, Tho pncondcloiid rudnnodd of Htupiil iw.i'imm In one of tho modt annoylnif of nodal voxatlorid, and yet It Id a thlntf which muwt bo ondurcd a part of tbo dlddptlno of llfo. A limy WHO nau mm nor mmno inm ovi-r In tbo modt went awblon wan iidked by ovory intlmato frloml who called to exhibit it from top to bottom, A nho wild ono of tbo pordond who havo numeroud Jntlirutto frlendd iio II I hid tho oliico of oxhlbitop pretty often, and of coin-do oach dear friend to whom dim dhowod tho hoiido wont nway and mado Intlmato friend com mentd upon il. Ono day a lady who wiiM ruif if itiM Inner clrclo of intlmato frlendd called and beforo inavinif adknd to bo taken over tho noudo, j nonod i,.hj kiitufui inir iiiout ami after all had been nemi led tho wny back to th I ilLI'Ifll. "Hut you havo not dhoweil mo all tho (jhambei-d," tho (fumit nald. "Yed, you havo deen them all," wa it,,. t..,(.i v. "No,'1 tbo caller Indldtod," "tboro Id ...H'liiinlv one which I havo not doori. "J bavo dhown you all thoobauibwrii iiini'o n I'd " the hotenn aridworod, i.U'olL" thn other dald. "I do pot uiMlerdtand it, Mph. Hmlth," naming tho hodlodd' mont Intlmato friend, "mpj rno tbnt thoro wa on cbarnbcp that hud tho mot vullfap papep on it that who ovor daw, and I wan tod Ut hoo Unit," To which tho hoted could only ro ply Unit wbatovw thuro wan Jiad bn dhown, and that tbo cal lor might do. cldo for hoi-dolf what cbambitp Mr. Kinlth had mount, Hotn ('ourloP. in 170 bK'tn tho wiip known nn "Qunen Annn' Whp." In tbl war Knifland fouifbt aplnt Spain M w"" ad Franco. Mouth Carolinawa Involvod in a war with tho Spaniard and In dian of Florida, whllo tbo northern nolonle woro Htri)0fi;llPf agalndt ('nn. ada, Tho (fovernor of Mouth (!pollna mado uccodful Inrondd upon tbo Flop. Idii Indian, but bo could not capture MU Atitfin'Uno, I'nit Hoyal, in Nov. Hcottn. wd it!lii liikeit front Uo I h itch In I lit, hut Um fttloiuptd tondo lo hike (JukIh'H hoi-i! ouco iimro a fitt! urn. Tho wiip chloiiy notnhlo fop the hon ililo i'liHlitubtd of Um ('Htliida iiulliin on mmm of Um noi-Umrn frmi flop, llcertleld. Ill wi'dtepii Miwacbil' dotl, wiih ietrojt'd In ITOl, mid moro tluiii a huiulri'd of lid pnuplo curried Into ciiptlvlty, Tho war liwlnd about nlevcit Jiuu-d, A It-only wad tmnln In 171:1, nml thorn wm a loipf poaco bit twoen Friineo nnd Kpifland. A 1 lo n Juil Tho toad llhh of America iidiially hnuntd tho creviced of pock, wliern it lay It p(rwd; lint thel-n I now on view In llio Aipiarliim of tho Uultod Minted FImIi (!ominldnl.m at WaHblnton nn oi'dlunry Jii(f, In which mm of themi curloiid fldh hrid mado ltd liomn, Tbo JiiK wad plcknd tii from tho In Mom of I J mat Harbor, Wood' l's'J, Man,, with a malo toad Huh limldo nnd a quantity of npawa adherlnj to thi wntld. Tond -flub havo aldo been found at homo in old hootd, pieced of drain- tllo and PottomloH poor noiiied. in Um Aquarium at WiwhliiKton tboro aro Htorn battlo for tbo freehold of thodo tonomcntd, but tho fldh In poNModdlon Id guunrally ablo to liohl It HIiKPiiiMii'a Mr niKtlmliln tlrnMit Wrltor win? bavo biidlod theumitlve plcklntf up amtcdoted and Incident of tho llfo of Mlmi-man appear to havo wholly ovm-lookud tho utory of bid po markablo dream, 'i bo Mt, loul Ho publican ba had tho account in a dcrap-book for upward of twenty yoam, It I a follow; Ono nl(fht tho koiioi-iiI took pefugo in an old farm imiido and had fnllnu Into ndoop Hlonp wiieu ho wad vlltol by il modt oxclllii(f droam, Jlo furiolod thai tho hoiido In which ho dlopt wa HUP roundod by a hand of gmvWm, who had dug- a bolo oonoath tho room in which bo lay, filled it with powder aril touchod It olf, Tho nxplodlofi that fol lowed wad lorplhlo, and tho (funeral thought bo Haw Mmnolf flylnif through tho alp in HoetloiiM. Tbo hoc,k of tbl torrlhlooKiierlonco cauded Mm to jump Ut tbo mlddlo of tho (loop, Hadtily drosdlng:, ho loft tho Imlldlnjf. Ho had not (form fap Into tho niifht wbon a rod Blaro dliot up from tho farm hoiido, followed by a torrlhlit ouplodlon, Tiio , bulldlmf wm wrecked, but tho dream had aved tho llfo of tho (freat (fonoral. I'd run n I f ndfOMi4ftH't Tbo fond mother will HomtimoH poup hoi'dolf out imrodopyodly upon hep child. Mho withhold riotMnjf in hop powop that will oontributo to hi gratlncatlori, No nacrlflco I too tfreatfop hop to undorgo orbl sako, '1 hi dfslf-abneiitlon l In ltoif lovely and Hdmlrablo', yet, If it and tboro, it cannot but provo an Injury to tbo vory ono for wbwo ak dho would lay down bop llfo, Witf all Imp nffortd, ono Important part of hi oduentloii bft beep mtjflootod. Ho bad pot been tralnnd in bnnovolenoo, Hi (onep. Odlty ha not boon cultivated, III power of Holf-rodlralot and Holfacri flo havs not ben dovolopcd. Hoi acciidtorned to rwioivn ovorythfnif and kIvo nothlntf to bo mlfildtimd unto and not to mlnldlop, Union ho po donned a very par and iifiiiduai (diami lop, bo will ifpow up dellldh, onaetlnif, and unjfraiful, 'J'horo ba pot been too much kindriOdd, but too llttlo Iri; UdlitfWfioo, A tiOOt Mflt HlllOW Wllllll. Ono Hootlon of tho (mat hlntorlcal oolloctlon at I''iiddon i lltorallya mu disiim of lioot and hoed, bolnjf, It I bollovod, iinoqualed In tho world ad a repository for tho foot wen P f cel brltlod. Among tbo tblntfd of Inten d! dhown aro a pnlr of dhood worn by Martin Luthr at tho Plot of Worm, and tbo lollot slipper of tho if peat Maria Thema, Jrtadcnlod cado urn liown tbo boot worn by Nnpoloon t tin baftlo Of Hrcddcn, and tho Jin-It bootj of l'tr thi (irnnU