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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1891)
THE AMERICAN 8CIKSCI5 AMI I'KOHItKSS, (40 MR NPW tHNnnVPHtP 1MIH t'HOt.MKttdVIv AUK. A BiMmitr for l!ivt Hy' Trene- tlnnllo t'eti-l 0 CJmo rnen lal Valtm Of tha In VallM1'ir A Nw Mftli uii of Kstmotln Al umlnum A Btaamar for Five Pay, Trana- tUntlo PitAHM, There linn lim n placed on view In tlm Uoynl Naval Kx nihil Ion a btmilU flllly lllillld model of It VIWM)dl'Higlied by Miwr, Jit mcs rind tleortto Thorn won Limited, t'lydelmnk, (Humijow, guaranteed toslentu at tlm rale of 'i'A knot m an hour, which will enable the vessel to crose tlm Atlautio within five day, In view of tint divergence of opinion an to Urn detail of wueli a fast vonnoI, Miwmi'm, Thomson art) nufc lirly unwilling to give everyone, the benefit, of their ureal, and micceMMful experience In tlm dcMlgniug and con elmctlng of modern Atlantlit l cantor, no that tho ilii ihIoiin, Am,, are not indicated. We uihWnI and, however, tlitt the vchnuI In about tl.'iyft,, loon by 70ft,, beam, Tin? Ilium are very line forward, ami I hunt Ih a "hwhHih'hh" aft which even exceed tlm beauty of tlm City of J 'ark Tim lloor kliat, with a Keiirely percept 1 1 do root from keel to hllgo, l!uliko tint (Jlly of J'arl tint now vi'NHcl will nave a straight hi cm, hut mIih will have tin Mil in large area balanced rudder ami twin screws, Tlic are UWi,, or iJJIfl.,, In dhiiimier, and they re well Mipported, Thorn ant four funnel, iiimI about -MIO ft, of tlm length of tlm shin In It'ft for tho boilerM ami hunkers, 'I hit englnm are triple compound with four cylinder worl lugfotir crmk, Thoy will prolmbly Indicate !i;M'f)f Indicated liorso liower, Accommodation lit provided for 70' lirMt mid lion second ahm prisNonger and ahout lito emigrants, ami all the arrangement worked out In tlm plan am far abend, a far regard luxury and comfort, of any' thing yet produced, Tlm plating of thn ship I carried up to the tiroineie jtde dock which run from mid to mid, and a width of ahout tfOft, on each lde I loft for walking. In tlm City of Pari tlm plating only come to the Upper deck, tlm promenade being mi jpirf o on MaiiffiioiiM, Tlm prom enade dock In Him imw vessel I shelter. I'd by a thick above, whero tlm life boat ro carried, while tlm roof of tlm deck structure jro vidua jironicii ad ircHiimhjy lor wcond -clann IaMcnt'n, In addition to t h bridna forwanl, flmr In oimaft, bolhbcina (toumthinu lik 4ftft, from water level, Tlmra aro two Ntlck mniaptli, but they eem only for finn and to jirovlih a crow (lent for tlm "look out," (hi tlm jiromcnade deck are I'-' machlm yum, and In other respect l vcuhcI In iiiadii Multablu for an Armed crulwer, Knglnttering. Th Commroll Vltt of th In vaatlyalor, Tlm Herman manufael urp doe not employ a ImniUl, who hnn only lurii ml by rotn tlm window g'llued by oth em; h doc not auk to lm told (hat which lm already known; ha Keek flhtr to pimh forward Intoimw field i. to eieel hi compel I torn mora by hit HieiicH than by bruta forie; and to gain a growing mujiremacv hi prefer rnca to a nmru victory for tlm mo ment, Thin prnel leal policy, thn out growth of Intellectual culture, haw inadw (lermany a ibtu'rou rival to all other count rle In thont depart ment of Indimtiy which rent upon Mclentiuc foundation, Applied cl puce can tiol, ovlMt until llieu I tlm Kcenc to ajiplyi and, whera thn latter I most favored, tlm ludimtrial devel oimmnt In ure to h mot perfect. it 901 fttlU) Uil UUlt4 Opmelll I M '.ill Im'ja Hute immt lemii itioi thonttieh ly than liwrt ofur, U it hope itt ittthi u own in Uit ittint fwiik of tnnitiifaclttritiK iintltmn In a few of our iiiilvirw!liithttru!h I leaUed, but In too many Anmriean nt honl 1 ttocnlli'd "inat tieal1 vmw pli'Vnil, I'ndertht latter, ttaehlh heeonie roniine; niul tlm Ullidelit, whllo learning elaborately tht which I known, i not taught how to ill cover, lie ha littlnor no training In (lm art of ohln inmolved problem; ittidthat art i tlm niniiidpi'iun of Modern liiduMtrlal growth, A tfat'ier t clt ir-n ouuht nlo to lm an Invent" iialor,wer It only for the Inwplratlon thai hi cxfiiiiple inlulit, give to the iiupll in hi t'hurKe, ?J'o Impart kiioledKi! I a good thin, but to rn veal t ho ourco of ktiowhtego I bet ter; and In that revrlatlon In found tlm educational valutjof reearch regarded a a part of tlm teacher' cKNtintlal duty,-Popular Hcletico Monthly, A Nw Method of KKiraotlng Alum inum, Mr, 11, (Iroenway, an American, I credited with having discovered u now mut hod of extracting ftlumlmim, which relic for ft Niicce on t lm fact that alumina a It exUt nat urally In clay I found in a hlh itat of milill matlon, Tlm now prooa I carried out by contact with tlm air In two furnace Kcparattdy heatud, one of which contain a rotort In which tlm clay I illtilled, ami tint other a jm cullarly conlriieted and flrrangml ro (lucllon chambar compotid of rfrao tory flm-clay lined with inagimNla, The hell or chamlmr 1 a lon rtct an nular piim In whapa, tlmractHiiuular plane which approach very nearly to each other, thereby permitting the eharp conit ln of carbon, to ba (jiiickly heated to a lilgli toinmratiiro. Tlm dll -lllliitf retort 1 charued wit li a lulxturt) ol bit umlnou coaland ordI nary clay mixed, and tlm furnace I heated to a (lere milllclenfc to Keimr aid p without fimlntf thflclny, Th I'uduelnu chamber I charged with a xiiltable torm of carbon, ami thmt by mein of a blat on a cok furnwoH tlm beat i ruined to a temjiaturo of over 2()(Hl9 Kalmrnlmlt, Aflr tha watery vnor ha pawned away, tlm alumina vnmor, togftlmr with tha coal ga, I ijitcompoed, and in pa lux throuuh tho lmatd chamlmr i to ducctl to tlm metalllo Mtatt, Why Lv Change Color Tho mot tinobwervant hav been truck with tlm remarkabltf chaise which take placa In tlmcolorof Im v In autumn, Tlm alteration I no ot" vlou a to liavf created a general be lief that It I due to tlm frofc or cold, Whlla thl I Indlrflctly true, It in not trlctly correct, Imcanwa the chfliigf would occur, and a a matter of fact freipmiitly doe occur, quiet Indepen dently of front, Tlm green mat ter In thn thmm of a loaf I composed Of two color red and bhm, When tha ap ceae to flow In th autumn, and Ilia rial oral growth of tlm tree I impended, oxidation of tlm tiue take placa, Under certain condition tlm green, of tlm leaf will turn fed, and tinderother It aume a brown or yellow tint, tlm dlflVreneii In color being dim to varia- I Ion In tho composit ion of tlm ordinal coiiNtlMmnt of tlm green t!im, am well a to Ihci varying condition of ellmata, xpour and oll, I'VHaiml alway more brilllaitt with a cold cil mate than with a damp warm orm, Tree of tlm anm age, and of tlm ama kind, having tlm aum e poNiirn, may Mometlme lm een growing id by Nld, of distinctly different color, tlm eave'of ona being a brilliant rud aral t hoa of tlm otlmr a dull tawny oryeb low, For thlM phenomenon no expla nation ha been ulveu bevond tlm Niitf gestlon that tlm ilitftirpitc In dim to tlm root finding their way luto differ at loili. f TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF JESUITS OR AMERICANS, Tic Grand Island Independent says llio Oltolion Printed Alonisldo tlie Jes uit's Oatti Below, Is Used If tie 1 P, A, It Is Hot Toa Can Decide Wliat Class Ton Would Rattier Hare Oo?crn lis Conntry, JBQUIT'a OATH. I, ., now In tb jirasenos of Al mighty Ood, the blen-md virgin Mary tlm blmiNntt Mlohuel tho Rrolmnol, the blnttntid Be, John tlie Unptlnt, tha holy ftpotI) Ht, Peter nnd tit. Paul and I ho lalnU And mtcrod litml of Imuviin, noil to you my ghmttly futlmr, I do duolur from my hmirt, without tnunui rnor V itt Ion that tho pojm U ClirlMl'i vlonr Keiiernl mi d I tlm trim and only Jmac of tlm urilvumnl oliuroli throughout tlm eitrtli, mitl by vlrtua of the keyt of bltiu Ing nnd loolii) given to hla bollnoitN by JnHii CliriNt lm lint!) power to d potto heretlfiid kingn, prinon, italnii, commonwealth, govurnmunt, nil bo Ing Illegal without liU mtorod oonllrnm tlon, and they nmy mfely bo dontroycul Tlmreforfl. to tha ulmoit of mv nower. I will defend thU doctrine and hi hot Inen' right and cimtoin nealniit al UNiirper of tha herellcul or 1'rotoHtant autimrity, emainiiy ngmiiat tlm now prBtandotl authority and ouuroli In kngland and all aiUmront, In regard that tlmy ho unrpud and hurotloal, op poHlng tlm niored motlior church of Konm, 1 do riinutintt and dUown any alhig- latiflO ai duo to any heretical king, prlnoa or atata, nanmd ProtoHiant, or ohedlanoo to any of tlmlr Inferior mag ltral eroflloori, I do (hi tlmr doolaio th dootrlna ot tlm oli u roll of Kiiglitml, of the Calviin lta, llugiumot and other 1'rotontfltit, to ha darnnabla, and thono to bo damned who will not forsake the mnm, i do further declare that I will boln, assist and advise all or any of hi ho) ns' agant, In any plaoe wherevorl shall lm arid to do my utmost to xtir pat the Imrntlmil ProtoHtant doctrlnn, and to destroy all tlmlr pretendod power, regal or otlmrwlsti, I do fur ther promise and declare, that notwlth- tanning I am dispensed with to a- aurna any religion imrtioai for the pro pNgatlon of tlm mother churob'i Inter est to kaep anitrut and private all bur agent oounsni a they entrust mo, and not to divulge, directly or Indirect ly, by word, writing or olrouimtanoe whatsoever, but to execute all which Rhall be proposed, given In charge or dlenovereu unto nm, oyyou my ghotly lather, All which I, , do awear by the blessatl trinity, and blmsed aacrament which I am about to receive, to per form, on my part to keep Invloahlyi and do call on all the imaverily and ghirlnua host of heaven to wlinesa my raal Intention to keep my oath, In testimony whereof, I take this most holy and blessed aacraumnt of the euahnrUt, and witness tlm same further with my hand and seal, In the face of this holy eonvent, - Now, what do you think of thatf Is that not a nice thing for an American (P) citizen to wear around in thl eountryf Sweari to lupport the holy church (tlm pope) without a mental reservntfon, no dlfftirenea In what country he may be. Swear to help destroy all heretlo (I'roU stant) government, Swear that he will not obey Protestant officer or magistrate. Hwear that all govern mentl are Illegal unlex ootlrnmd by the olmroh, Swear to aid In breaking down rrotestantlsm. Swear to be lolely and wludly a Itornan the obed ient servant, to willing tool of thn man la Burnt A. P. A. OBLIGATION. (Irand Island Independent! Thl following la the obligation taken by person Joining the A. P. A. aa ibowo by the working book a explained by cipher explanation of blank tpaoot found In suld booki WOIIKINO BOOK OBUOAIIOM. Deputy You will repeat after tn the following obligation, giving you! name In full. (Persona affirming will raise the right band,) I, , m the presence of Almlgbtj God, and those witnesses, do solemnly promise, declare and awear, that I will support and defend the constitution ol the United Slate, and the state when I resldei I will keep Inviolate the se crets of this organization) I will obey ita constitution and lawi I will use my best endeavori to promote olvil and re ligion llburtyj I will not knowingly vote for, recommend for, nor appoint, nor assist in electing, or appointing l Roman Cu'thollo nor any person sym pathising with Uoinan Catholicism, to any political position whatever, and Id all my public and political action will be governed by the principle of tbil order I wilt oppose all attempt to usl the public fund for any sectarian pur pose whatever and will ever maintain tho great principle of one general urn sectarian free school organization) J will never reveal any of the glen. grip, words, password ir other my t cries ox tin order, or the names 01 any of Ita member, or it numerical strength, to the unlnltluted I will hold these principle above my party aflllla tlon I will alway give a brother of thl order preference In all matter of businoN and also in my act ol eleotlvi franchise, all thing being equal. J will make prompt report to the chief recording aeoretnry of every initiation made by me, I will advocate the prln doles of thl order. I will use my best endeavori to Initiate all true men, and in this way help spread the orderi all thl I voluntarily promise, declare and swear (or affirm) without hesitation oi mental reservation, or any self evasion of mind in me, whatever, ao help mi Ood." (Recently incorporated ai thl American League.)" How many of you who have taken the A. F. A. obligation would reoognlsi the above a that used by the orderf What outsider, after reading the Jesu It'i oath In the preceding column, be lieve even that obligation wrong? Ii t not the height of Impudence for ran oal, for traitor, to try to nail hall n the American movement' Thai oath ihowi what tho Jesuit are ben for. It ahowi they wear the llverr of heaven to aerve tho devil In. While they fwo opon ahort-slgbied f rotes taut they have their mlnlom working to destroy tho government which furn shed thorn a haven when driven from nearly every nation upon tho earth. For our part wo would not hesitate to choose between the two oaths, Wo are purely and simply an American, who believe it tho duty of every man who oome to live In thl oounfry and wear alloglanoo to the United States. to o awear allegiance a not to bate a mintal reservation in favor of the pope. We believe In the above obliga tion, tad owe Utile who ko4 it,