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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1891)
THE AMERICAN B ark run .v mm, Wo hv heard a grout many pt?i1n Inquire whelhei Father I h I n l.j t ly could bo Induced In I'liinc to Omaha mill de liver ii enuro of lecture. Wn hollovo lio would C(iini', ImiI It will take money tn hlro it hull mill pay miiwi, no 11 you wnnl lit hear Cliluhuy llll out I Im blank printed blow, mnil it ton mid w Imn wo have oeurcd it mu (11 f lent iiniiiiint to pay nil xpont wo hhall try iiihI arrange a ditto fur thn llrl lecture. Let Hit oo how many mtui mid women mo Inlortmlo I In thl work, How much will ,ynii glvo toward Bounr I ii jjC a eouro of lecture by Rev. CharleChlnhpiyP VVIn will bo the fll'Nl ftllbNCI'lllltl P fj u 'if a 1 c. I J 1H 5 4i 1 to r o - . 0 i . i If J j " i3 5 5 5 i 5 4 ! u , P. a si - - ' ! 7! W r-l Rev. Charlo (!lilnliuy I known throughout tlio omiilry a it lecturer of much ability, Hi; I Hid author of "Fifty Year In tint Church of Rome," ono of tint iol valuablo finll'K'Hiiitn work extant, A coiiro of louturo by Mm at thl tlinii would roull m awak unlng much Inlci'UHt nml probably bit tho moan of winning new convert from tlio church of Romo I'cron lgnlng tliii above (!oiiom or namnmM will bo (uiilllnd Id tlckut In iiropoition to Him iiiiioiiiit Kiilncrllmd upon my rixint of tlio kihiiii If you iiro Inlnr (mlitd In Hinting tlio Itornmi (dmridi nhorfi of bur poiitJottl (lownr llll out tlm nbovn (fiiifuMi mid mull It to our ftddri! I2l!l H nitli Twortty-nliitli Hi. Tim Iturlliiton Jlitwknyn publuluul, AnUNt If, tlm following (inbliriun from Iondon: ' "It I xtHlwl on lilffli ri(!ol4initl(!iil niitliorlty In (Jurnirtriy Hint tlmro I no obllullofi on Koiiihii ('iitholif! lo bri Jlovo tlmt tlio holy (ioiit of Truyn I n jiimiinit Unit wn worn by tlio Hnvior, nvorybody hidnjf trm to form lil own ojlnloti on tlio tmtlmofiy. Tlio lnt fitw diiy tin i!on n (tormblnritbli) In croioMt In tlm iiumlicr of pilgrim, nloo nnxlounly rtwllln(( tlio publlo fixblbf thn of tlio holy oout, A n jmbor of xlck pnopli) luiv itlo iirrlvml, wfio ftro Kxfon to toiirth tlio ndl In tlx liopn of lining liftiilnil, Tliy nnutt ro jii-tltlon of tlio mirbdii wlilcli ftro ull to Intvo iMpIinnod on rvIon ocoiulom of tli kind." MAIWIKNT. ArrKit you Imvo mu till pajior give ( ty ft frivnd, Let tbo Intercut nrcud. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS Munh'i Anvii,f Kim V South Onu'n Toti Tht'iii Umi mnurliUl n r prluti'i 'iiii'wlii'io In Oiiuilin tlmt null unit tint niiino of Amkhh'an, but It I a dU Urncii to tlilt f ilr ooiinlry tn cull nutdi n rottmi nin of lli hk wrckly It ciiiIIk Aiiii'ilcuilxini It (iilllor U nun of tlm hIiIiiIii liglit of tlmt Im istly iihhiukIii mini) Mixdi'ty I'ulli'd tlm A. I', A., mil1 ho I ttboiit lit well lilted to iubllali jut per iin hull I fur ii ii)wdir hoiiou, TIhto I not n (lulli'dli! In tlio bind hu hud not directly liiNiilteil by Id iiiimt nblu rot, mid not one word of ui iiuient or ooiiitnoii ceiiHii ha Im pr)ducti to buck hi low-down lylu Hliileini'iitu When it eoiiimimlly get no low tbwn it to tolerutu Hindi beiiNlly eui'it it tlm editor of tlio nilitnnuiod Amkiik an, It I tl iitD for tlm eodo to tiiko k Iniiid am Hliow to tho world tint', dtitdi buniiiier iiro not tlio loyal (dtl.ou of America. Ho uiiiko it peroual iittnck on Hon John Hindi, oily treimurer of Oniitlni, in n rociint Inmiio of hi iinnrchlMt ulinnt, beeiuiK) Mr, HiimIi wrote tho editor of tlm Ti'lbiiim it letter Indui-Hlng tho Hi mid It tnke ii(j;iiliit thl ganjj of mid night prowler, but ucli h ho can do un harm to n man llko John Kind), who I honored mid ronpoctcd by all loyal pooplo of Oniiihit,lrrt'Hpcctlvo of creed or politic barring tho A. V, A. gnnpf, of ootirio, who huvo no roHjiecl for tt decent Amitrleati cltl.en. Tlio Hoiith Oinahit Tribuno, an lnor ant, obiciiro mid dirty llttlo xhoet, edit ed by it man In Oraml Idund, call all member of tho A. I. A., murderer, midnight iinhiimhIih, cut throat, p nip itnd ninny oilier efjually dlMgraceful ii kiii dm and then add that tho Farmer all! ii net I oil' of tho mun piece itnd woi king for tho niiiiio end, (Should ho bo rkht about tlm matter, hiicIi fellow a ho might Jimt a well hunt theli hobt4. -Oiniilm Itepubllcan, Tiik Amkicican I tho namo of a new weekly paper publlxtu'tl at Omaha with "America for American'' for it watch word. Wo aro heartily In cynipnlhy with tho aim of thl publication and would like to bring it to tho notice of Uiono of our ubcribt!r who havo not een It, Hend for a amplo copy, rent (Jitzetlo, " 'J'HK Amkiiican, publlhei at Oniahii, I throwing ft hombKhcIl in tho right direction and it will no doubt bombard tlio Mfrong hold of Iniquity, It hould bo read by cvety lover of liberty. TIioiihiuiiU of coplo hould bo ttent out all over tho Unlled Htate, Ioutuvlllo t'oiirler-Journal, Tiik Amkiiicak, publUhcd In Omaha, I certainly ono of tho mot forcible papain In argument that come lo our I it bio. With plenty of material to uo and M'? to makv t toll, Tins Ankiii ..;"'. Mvmr, llm Monroo Looking (ila r. --- K ,. Traon, Mr, Olbbona, tho principal agent of tho Roman corporation whoo nmlii oflleo I in (ho Vatican in Home, Italy, l reported to bo an educated, Intelli gent man, and ho profeto to bo ft ciu l,on of tho United htatc, It can bo th'tt ho tm ccn thg coiistl- lullnti wldtdi giivi'in lid nation mid ptmplo. If thl bo o, w hat kind of n flllon who r tolly hmi'Hk Hint llm llm I ruining, when, "Im btdlevu tho uiiiit mdiiMiU will iittliiln Id Approval, mid tlm Hoinbih parochial tuditml be ri'cngiili'd n part til tho puhllo nehool xyiti'iu, nml lellglon btilnught In theni, xiicll Nclioot rt'i'i'lvlng their kIihih of tho chool fund pro rata." Aro wo lo Infer that thl (Jlbboim hope for political power mid Inlliiciico that will eii'ibln him o defy the fioiMl tutloiiP Or doc ho expect by Immi gration anil careful breeding to lnt"o vote enough to nniend thn tiotiNtltutlon by expunging tho Flrt and Foorleetilh ameniltiietit that protect ndlgloim lib erty In thl republlcP Wo can Inform ltd man nml hi NiibordlnatcR that when they iittempt to "corner" liberty In t.'ibt land by miicIi work, blood will How In torrent, nml the dark ago yttiin ho repreHiuitN, will receive tho doom itNulgnetl to It In Rev elation xvll, 1(1 mid xvlll, ,'24,- Ltiyal Amoi loan. do to North 8lxteonth Htroel, U'1'2 SAROICNT, 'A'l'i For Fitio Root mid Hhoo. ---.- Cool RetrttntD, Thero I Denver, cool, clear, Inviting; Colorado Hprltig, tho home like; Maul- toll, tho abode of tho god; Idaho Spring and the fimoii bath, and Moulder, a lovely rotlng place at (bo foot of llm mountain. Oarflohl Reach on tho (Jieitt Halt Lake, a it bathing retort I not equalled In thl or any other country; nature' champagne (low tho year round at Hodit Hprlng, Idaho; tho Columbia River, broa:! mid grand, I without n peer for a uinmer tour, while I ho beaut le of Comr d'Aleno lako and the pli'inlid new re gion of tho l'liddo North wet open up a lino of tourlt Iriivel iiuiirpaneii in America. Yon can have your choice climate, any kind of port, and every condition tit uperb eenery on the manifold line of tho Union I'licillo Hytem. Il.i In hnigeiity 2'i Nortli NUIci'Dlli ticcl, for llm bcl lino of fonlwrar, S, M, MACl.llOh, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, I Clil South '.Mh M. juniiiNU iMti).miY atti;ndi;i) td, AMEHICAN HAHHEIt SHOP f004 NORTH fO OT, Slcu & Vinoy, Proprietors. WE WANT TO til t M L OUU f Hll N0!1. Wo F.niploy Only Flrl (!la Artll DR. J. W. SEARCH t 02 N. Nix toon Hi HI. OMAHA, NL IJ TKLKPI ION K 4KI. OFF KM OfA.S-Kl lo 12, II lo fi, 7 toM EL LETT HOUSE, (Kh'lj N. Willi Hlreet, (IKOHUK KLLHTT, I'ltorHIKTOIt. Ritto, fl per Hay, $4, fill per Week Sjuwlnl Attimllnn Pnlii tn Tiunnlunt Tnuln, TlUf'HQNE (J, H..L. BURKET, N. H. ( or. 2 III) I ml (!iiuilng, Funeral Director and Embalmcr. Ilott D'ir N, Cltierm Hunk JAMES COSQRO HKn.cit im -o Claars,Tobaccn & Stntioncru 3 1 N. 10 STREET, American mid Their Friend Hulled, DH, W II, LANYON, I'll YH KUAN AND H VII 0 Ii 0 N h, W, Cor. I Olh ami Chicago, OFFICE HOURS, 3 to 5 ann to 9pj. Telephon.i747( Rnideiico 271 1 Clnirln O. R. WHITE, 2924 Leavenworth Street, TELEPHONES, 1517 AND tm2.jr I now ready to receive order for Ice, which ho will furnUh regular eindomur In any quantify. None nl.ier or clearer than WEEPING WATER ICE. A ft afilo-llno, In summer, I carry a full Duo of tho bet Soft Coal, Hay, Feed, &e Which I will deliver to any part of Iho city. J. M. WINSHIP, Painter, Paperhanger AND DECORATOR, 400 north tn mrf'tz nrn ar reet,