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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1891)
THE AMERICAN THE AMERICAN Telephone 'J1, lnlil Hi th Oittrfb IVwIollii n M 8e uml CIam Miiil MMr, orncK tat a v htiikki ...... ' - - ' " - -S " HUIIHCUII'TION, J.IMI I'Hll YICAH AM KMC A b'Oll AMKHIVANH" Wn Hold nil Pmtrth Atftmltun Who Swar Al lnglAitnn to th" Unilwl tilslm Without Mnfill Hwwrvdlinn lit hvor ot tlm I'npo, ADVERTIBINQ RATE8. M Indie, li than 1 Mo,, I'm it mm pi 00 iji ii ii H H 1) 00 ii H H ii 'i oo i ii ii " 3 1 ii " " " M 6PLCIAL HATES ON C MONTH CONTRACTS A WF.F.KLY WHMCATION. BOLD AT ALL MWH HTAN1M JOHN O. THOMPSON, Editor OMAHA, TIIUKMIIAV, 8 KIT. 4, 18IU 'I'll K tnltakii ttiul not tin mndu Unit thl wnrfarti I Lclug tuitdii agalnt particular Catholic. Jl Ik ngulnat the tihurth tin ft tI 1 1 1 frt I nrganl,ullnn. Th Voim't tiamnu to Hn Dreaded, lit A letter to Dr. Fulton, from nil old veteran, which hu kindly forwarded u for publication, we ant tohl Unit from tint tlinu the popo bleed Jelf Duvl mmI hi coiifedet'Kles tint mm of the north wa In tint ncendiiuey, until It finally reached a (tonipln'e triumph. That would oom ml oullandUb, ulratigi) or extravagant atiitemcnt If almilar Ih'ng didn't occur when thl vltiitr of finM"(!lirlt bliipheniouly iU tempted to ble Id 4 fellow, 'J im pope' blinking Indeed I mora to bit dreaded than hi !ure, HUlory ctotillrm lid Matement, Tlmm never wit nil liiManett of pupal blelng, lint It Wit tliriMIll IlllO It CI! CUM, Wtt 1)111) prove till from event In our own day, The pupil NOlit tin golden I'iiii (it pet ful iiot'k of favor) with Id b'.emdng to King Hoiubt, of Nnplii, mid In Iiin tlmii twclvtt moulli afterward thn king limt Id crown mid lil kingdom, lie iKtit it nt Id blelng to Fraud ,lonpli, tunperor of AmUli, nnd In Ie tlmii twelvo month lut wit defeated ftt Hitdowni mid I'M lif Venetian domin ion, Hit tlitm Ollt It to Quitl'll Nil' bulla, of Hpaln, mid again, within tint Kama idiiirt Dpiiitit mini hml lnlli crown nud dominion, Kit llicn int it to Loitl Niolitou, or I'litlmr llm Minprc I',iiiiiiIii, willed I morn rimuiikMldn Htlll, n ulifl (mllitil Unit witr wild Our runny "Iwr witrj" iwul kIii n l limn twnlvfl tuontli Kruncit wn dif fitittfld liy I'rotttMtttnt (iitrmitny mid tint nmpror lutd to Hhi lo I'lolcniitnt Knr laud for ulicllur, wlii'iii linillnd In Mr, dimum! Hlirnimii ol tltii goldim ro ft npccliil murk of favor for Imr mirvldit lo tint cImii'cIi, II lid It wit too much for Iht n ln' dlitd oou ttficr. 'i lio popn durxitd llnly, in he lutd (iiirtfd Kniflitiid under Kll.tihctli, when lm tuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiloii'nd Victor Kinmiuid for whnn tint p pid dominion, nnd for funking Homn llm (mpllnl of Id kingdom, Hlmm Until Jtuly lm rUmi from lilting cipher iiiniinif mtllon t'i Inicouifl rolitu mid A powor In llm oounoili of Kurop. Ho t-iirti'd (li'i iiiitiiy Kinl Imi littcitiun llm Kttiiilrtit piiwur of t'ltiillni'iitu Mtirnpit. 'I hn pi i pit mnit Id I IctfliiK to thitl I'l'i'tich tdiowmitii, Hniilitiijfi'r, mn) In Inn Hun two wink nflur Itu Imd to tlitn for Id lllicrly mid look rcfun In ()r iiiitny, nml I now mi cxlln In tint Ulitm of (Jiii'niNiiy, 'I'lnt M'lntit of HrnJI whitit iiniir her cinillmiiiit-iil, rittiiitNtiid tint IntiirpoNl thin of tint p"pi", mnl III Mimxlnjf upon her child, Hint received It, nnd tin) tdilltl Wit lioni defei liied. Miulnililiitti wn killed n uliort tlmii iifler heliiK hlitNmid by I ho popn it Km pcror of Mexlit, mid Id wlfn limtitmu iintitnn nflcr to Huiiiu mid ic culvlug tint lm txtcl mt ton. 'Hut popn nrlootcil Homn olllelu biilnit In order to to j(lvo hi npniiln! IdcHMlng to nil KmIImIi Klttitniitr litdnn with nlntur of oliitrlty for Houth Amnr Inn In 1H70, mid It imvcr fitnolu'd It limiluitilon. Hvury noul pcrUhcd. Tim Kinpriut of Hrtt,11 wit lditcd hut once, hut that wn itnotijfh; nIiis hroko her lejf Ih run dity after. It will hit ritiiii'iiiliei'tid Unit tint flout pnlitiiH ditlnyud lu utiirlliiif form Monllvldno to Jtiieiio Ay re until It received the immirittiee of mifittv In thn pupnl hliiNMlnrf then ruined llm michoi', muled out to unit mid wt-nt down In two dity, Metilynii tell ti Unit ho ha gruwu fat mid lutppy on Uut popn'i(!urn mu tlui editor of ih! piiper hit renon to hie (lod for the day lint Ahhot Heue diet corned lilui with hell, book mu (minllft, mnl hit left (ictlnteiiMtne Mori itifery, In Kitntunky, with the murk of Uitin, it It were, upon him, HI nee I hnii lm hit grown lroi heiillhy mid hiippy, wheruii Urn old iiiiin who did tint (turning wn ntrlcken wild piiritly! mtd died reeently,--'l'hi) I'rlnntlvii CnUiollo, , ...... , Patriotic Son pi Amarien, Tint rniMomil ciinip of tin) l'ltlrlollo Hon of Anierliin fiiiiivtmed In rhlliulel- phlrt, Aug, ill, with Mr, (Joorgo J', Hnilth, ihfl iiittlonul pr(lent, In the elutlr, MsyorKiuitrt delivered mi ml- Ire of welcome. Htitta rnnddent Fmnk H. Hplemt, on belntlf of the 4X,ooo tneiuber of lint order In thl (toinmoiiwinilth, heitrllly welnomed thn vUHor to J'hiludelphlii mnl rennyl vmiln, Ir, IC, I. Murdock, of Chicago, tint lleolenn tit general eommmnllug the military branch of llm order, tiiide an entluufjuUfl addrit, The prculdent then appointed a a eoiiiuilltce on ere deuthti Mer V, V. Hart, of lliluol; I, A, Nwenr, of Ohio, and V, V. IIulli, of rennylvmila, 'J'hn meeting, wa then adjourned, Tim Hon of Amur- en order wa nrguiil,nd In thl city nick In 117, mid it I a dUtlnctlvely Amerlnan Institution, '(Jod, Our Ooiintry and Our Order," I tint motto, "To fouler forever fealty to llm Hagj to roteitt the public nohooU; to ju'otect and of America owned by natlva or adopted citizen only, and a far a lOHnlbla have Atnerleafor American, I the nchedulo of principle etiuiicUled, ruler thl alarulitrd rnnylvanlA ha (100 camp and 4,000 rimritbora. Thorn am KJ,000 member of tin order In tint Union all told. Taka thn Iturlmgton Itouto for all mint Northwent, Houth, Knt and Wtl, Flrt-clft lerv Chmni lo TtM A ilUpitleh from lloiihnm, Ten., Aug VJ, w it v m unveil tee it liitnitle of tint ('nth idle Helmut were brought Into lown In letllfy itgii'intt Kiiiher lluhiton ehnrge preferred ngulitNt It I in for Inhuman treatment of hU elmrge by idiiilnlttg lliein to tree until thn llenh on the neck wn cut In Uut bone, The boy were all nigged and dlrly, iimiiy of them almont naked, nnd not A few Imrc heatled, - The A, P, A, In Vitininipoli. A Hpeelul ilhtpiileh to the Jnnevlllit Kitdleiil, from Mlnneapoll, Minn., nay thn American Trotecllvu ANodiitlon ha Hindu wonderful progre thorn a It ha In ail other purl of the country, Tim order wn only luntlttited In Mltin eapoll n few motitli ngo and today it number It tnemberhlp away up In the hundred, It hit jut expended over $2,000 In lilting up mnl furnishing It new hall which i one of the largent In tlui city, They tiro preparing for great tiling, Vou nhoiild do all In your power to carry out the Intention of hi hollne tin pope. Where you havit the elect oral fninehUe, give your vole lo none hut IIiohii who alt you In no holy a Ntrugglii. Dniiltd O'Counell, North Hlxteenth Hlreet, HAIKJICiNT, For Hoot mid Hhoe, 1122 A WO III) TO IWSINKBB MICN. Wo have ul added a new, coinplelo Job oillee to our plant and are prepared to print o 111 co nliitloiicry, nuch a Kill Head, Iictter Head, Nolo Head, Clr euli'r, Hlitlcinetit, liiiilncK (lard, Note, l'rlcit 111 mid Order lilank, on ono day' ttollco, No lock out In thl ii lllce, Telephone 1271, IIAVi; VOU KICAIf Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, IY ?V. CHARLES CHIMQUr, mi Kx-Uoiiiiui I'l'lent. AMERICAN CIOAR FACTORY, loo-i it. io err., Black & Ncwstrom, Props, Our MMU'lalfy "Loyal American," 5 Cent CIGAR 5 Cent, HOn THABt A UPtOIALTVi ORDER YOUR JOB WORK of Thk AmkiiH'AN, Wo nro prepared to do It right, oulck, ari'l neat, Adorn THE! AMERICAN, OMAHA, NKII, It I a Hook of the Time; It Uiiiiiimk the Itomun church; Lay Hare Her Dcepont Hidieme KxpoHim Hitr ItiiNit Dehlgin A gul nut Our Free IntllulloiiK, ami Hliow How to Oheckmato and Counteract Her Nefatlou ' CotiNplritcle. Every Protestant Should Read CHINIQUY'S FIFTY YEARS IN TUB Church of Rome, I'nrtlcuiarly Tho Who Hend Tlmlr I Joy mid (Slrl to Ho man fa rochinl Hiihool, Ciiliilqny lu tlic Nemesis of Romanists. Made Much by thn Mot Outrageoii Trent ment, Tint Mot Untneriited rcriectttlon and tint Ihirkentof AlK'otiNplracle Agalnt lil Character, III Liberty and HI Life. AM MIUOANH Who are now In lloudugn lo the (,'hurch of Hume Hhould Head It, TiioMit Who Have Hhiikitu Oir the Vokn Would Find It lulcrcxiiug, It Would Do tint Hoiuiin Oood, If They Would Head It, A BOOK FOR TRUE, LOYAL AMERICANS Tim Author of Which I F,ndored Hy tint Leading Minlter of the Fat, Rome Cannot Dlsprouo It, you Order througn ihiiOllicemid Have Onij Fifth, We Ifiivn Muda the , era tzDtzr cr o